How to Detox Your Armpits

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to detox your armpits, and why you should
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » How to Detox Your Armpits

So, in case the title didn’t give it away, today’s post is on an interesting topic, but hear me out before judging!

I get a lot of questions from people who try my homemade deodorant and have issues with rashes or odor or excessive sweat. I’ve found that magnesium spray deodorant can be a good alternative, but wanted to find a way to help those who were still having trouble.

After much experimentation, research, and help from a few brave friends, I found an unusual solution that works really well!

Detoxifying Armpits: Yes, It’s a Thing

It occurred to me as I sat researching the sebaceous glands one night with a bentonite clay face mask on that perhaps my face mask was the answer to the armpit question as well.

After all, I’d used bentonite clay to detox my hair before (and use it in my shampoo now) and in natural detox baths and it worked incredibly well… perhaps it would speed up the adjustment period to natural deodorant as well.

Why detox your armpits at all? Why not just keep using regular deodorant and avoid the whole problem? Glad you asked…

Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain a variety of chemicals and additives. It takes something unnatural to block the body’s natural ability to sweat, and the chemical list in some deodorants is impressive:

  • Aluminum– Some evidence links aluminum to cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Phthalates– Endocrine disruptors often also found in plastic that can cause hormone imbalance and even infertility (especially in men)
  • Propylene glycol– Common name: antifreeze. It is a hotly debated additive in personal care products but the Environmental Working Group reports that it carries a moderate risk of immunotoxicity and allergies
  • Formaldehyde-  A known carcinogen… guess it kills the germs though
  • Parabens- Another hormone disruptor and parabens have been found in biopsied tissue with breast cancer
  • Antibacterial Substances- I talked about these before but they are endocrine disruptors and can negatively affect the immune system

Why is this a big deal? Ever gotten sick and had a lump in your neck or armpit? That is a lymph node and they are a major part of your immune system. Putting endocrine disruption chemicals directly on top of them is a great way to screw up your hormones and suppress immune function.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and what touches our skin can easily enter our bloodstream. With skyrocketing rates of breast cancer, it would seem prudent to avoid these chemicals until further research is done.

A great advantage to doing an armpit detox, besides that it helps speed up the natural deodorant adjustment period, is that it might help pull some of these chemicals out of the skin and tissue of the armpits. This can be especially helpful after years of conventional deodorant use.How to detox your armpits- and why you should

Does Armpit Detoxification Work?

I tried it personally and had several friends who hadn’t yet made the switch to natural deodorant try it as well and then switch. Here are the results:

  • We all noticed less odor, even without wearing any deodorant afterward
  • Nobody who tried the detox noticed a rash when using the natural deodorant
  • All but one person said they noticed less sweat
  • Everyone said they would recommend it to a friend

Completely un-scientific trial but practically applicable and the results seem promising!

How to Detox Your Arm Pits

Don’t you love when something is so easy that it almost doesn’t need instructions?

You might already have the ingredients on hand. You’ll just need bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and water.

How to detox your armpits, and why you should

Detoxifying Armpit Clay Mask Recipe

Reset your armpits to their natural working order with this simple clay mask.
Author Katie Wells






  • Mix all of the ingredients in a glass bowl (do not use metal!) with a wooden or non-metal spoon until about the consistency of sour cream.
  • Spread in an even layer over the armpits and allow to sit for 5-20 minutes. I suggest starting slowly and working up to a longer period of time once you see how your body adjust. If it hurts at all, remove immediately.
  • This may cause some redness as it will increase blood flow to the area, but it will go away quickly.
  • Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth.
  • Repeat daily or as needed until underarm odor goes away and natural deodorant is non-irritating.


I’ve found that I don’t even need the baking soda in my natural deodorant after doing this.

Additional Armpit Tricks to Try

If you are still struggling with odor or have itching or lumps in your armpits, consider dry brushing, which is said to help improve lymph circulation.

Also, make sure to drink a lot of water any time you stimulate lymph flow (dry brushing, massage, detox, etc) to help flush the body and avoid getting dehydrated.

Transitioning to Natural Deodorant

After detoxifying, keep armpits functioning properly by letting them sweat! I know this isn’t the most socially acceptable (or the most pleasant at times), but I find that I experience less sweat the longer I use a natural approach.

DIY Armpit Care

If you have some coconut oil, shea butter, and a few essential oils on hand, you can probably make your own natural deodorant! It costs a lot less than natural deodorant in the store and works just as well. I’ve been experimenting with recipes for years and perfected a few different kinds:

I make up several jars (or bars) at a time since they keep for up to a year or more. That way I always have some on hand. These are great too for teens who are just starting out on the journey!

Where to Buy Deodorant

I’ve also found my favorite brands to buy over the years (because life gets busy!). Here are our favorites:

  • Wellnesse Mineral Deodorant – Part of my personal care line, we created our natural deodorant off of my tried and true DIY recipe. We formulated it with those in mind who are sensitive to baking soda and it has rave reviews from both men and women.
  • Crunchy Betty’s Kokomo Cream – This deodorant has been a great standby for years. It smells lightly tropical and reminds me of vacation and the beach!
  • Schmidt’s (any scent, but this one is great) – goes on smooth, and slightly more affordable than other natural options

That’s it! Enjoy your new stink-free armpits!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ann Shippy, who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a certified Functional Medicine physician with a thriving practice in Austin, Texas. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Your turn. Ready to try an armpit detox? Think it’s too weird? Share below!

Find out how to detox your armpits and why you'd want to. Deodorant often contains chemicals like parabens, propylene glycol and other harmful chemicals.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


691 responses to “How to Detox Your Armpits”

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d check with a doctor, but I would think it would be good to detox the armpit tissue (which connects to breast tissue) while nursing so baby doesn’t get those toxins.

  1. Simone Avatar

    Not weird at all! I do this now about once a week until I don’t need it anymore (started about 2 months ago). Only tried it with clay and water, so thanks for the tip on vinegar!
    By the way, I do this in the mornings and apply magnesium oil to my armpits in the evening on the same day. I find that the lymphs absorb magnesium oil better than the tough skin of my feet, especially after detox. Only downside is that it tingles the first few times because of the magnesium.
    Thanks Katie!

    1. Rita Avatar

      speaking of feet, I wonder how to make a foot deoderant… the regular deoderants are kind of gloppy for my feet and I find I need super moisture on my feet- but not dry oily… if you know what I mean. (sorry I’m tired) I’ve tried just some carrier oil and lavender or tea tree EO but that doesn’t feel right it’s annoying!

  2. Rosa Avatar

    Thank you for this tip. I tried natural deodorant several times (used your 2 recipes with and without baking soda) and always end up with red, itchy lumps. After your article about the magnesium spray, I even tried that, but again the lumps returned. I tried adding aloe Vera and witch hazel to the spray, but again lumps. (The spray works awesome for my daughter though!)

    I reluctantly returned to commercial deodorant, will definitely try detoxing. Fingers crossed!

    1. Mary Avatar

      When I first switched from commercial deodorant (Secret) to a natural deodorant (Crystal – the rock you just wet and apply), I started getting horribly itchy underarms (no problem with odor though). I tried every natural deodorant I could buy, and couldn’t find a product that both kept me from stinking and wasn’t itchy until I ordered one from the same company where I get my essential oils, Young Living. I have tried both of the deodorants they produce, and they both work really well. After a couple of weeks, no more itching.

  3. Andrea T Avatar

    I ran out of regular deodorant about a month ago and decided to make your recipe. I used the cornstarch, coconut oil and baking soda recipe. I didn’t use essential oils because I don’t have any. I must say it really works for me. The first few days I felt really sweaty. After that I feel normal. I keep asking my husband if I am smelly. Lol! He says I’m not and promises to tell me if he notices any odor. Would you think I would be “detoxed” since I’ve been off of the commercial deodorant for a while? I am not sure. Thanks!

  4. Miriam Avatar

    5 stars
    Awesome article as always 🙂
    I’ve tries many natural deos and the one that works best for me has bentonite instead of baking soda and arrowroot. Alzó, when madre with rose water it smells amazing 🙂
    Thanks for this great Blog!
    Al the best from Spain

    1. Jo Avatar

      Hi Miriam, could you please tell me how much of each ingredient you use? I’d love to make this ????

  5. Wendy Avatar

    THANK YOU!!!!! I recently switched from conventional deodorant to Crystal roll-on and was wondering why I now had acne looking bumps. Guess it’s a good thing I decided to make the switch in sweater weather than tank top weather, lol! Will start my pit-tox tonight!!

  6. Janelle Avatar

    5 stars
    Awesome topic Katie! You are so innovative and that keeps me always coming back to read your blog.
    I was thinking about using the Benny Clay face mask on my armpits, but was too scared about the possible mess. I am still new to the whole natural beauty idea and have been experimenting with some bad results. Do you have to keep your arms up to let it dry? That was another thing that was keeping me from trying it, but now I am going to!

    1. cheryl Avatar

      I just did the Armpit Detox and kept my arms up for a few minutes then just put them down. I didn’t get any reactions and left on for 15 minutes. I have been using Katie’s deodorant for about 8 months.

  7. Renee Avatar

    This post interested me. I have an armpit problem that I’d love to see resolved. I don’t believe it is from antiperspirant, but it could be? When I shave my arm pits, 12 hours later they itch like crazy! And for the next 2 days. It will even wake me up at night. I have tried using a natural deodorant but that made no difference. What could this be? What I do now is shave very infrequently. Anyone else have this issue? I will try the detox and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the post. Love the blog!

    1. Leslie Avatar

      The only time I had a problem with sever itching was when I had a fungal infection in my armpits. I think it was from some sort of contamination on a store-bought stick of conventional deodorant. Have you tried any lavender oil after shaving?

      1. Renee Avatar

        I will try the lavender oil. A fungal infection in my arm pits? Hmmmm, but why would it only itch right after shaving? Thanks for your info!

        1. Stephanie Moore Avatar
          Stephanie Moore

          You may actually be allergic to the nickel in the razors. I have the same issue, and you cannot find nickel-free razors, unfortunately. However, I have switched to the dollar shave club razors (the middle one at $6/ month), and I have noticed a huge difference in the way my armpits feel after shaving.

        2. Jenna Avatar

          It could definitely be a fungal infection. Google Candida symptoms and see if any of those apply to you? But it could also be just a fungal infection, I have it so I have to use natural deodorant. If I were you I’d switch to a natural deodorant, with antifungal oil in it. I am currently using Royal and Rogue from primalpitpaste and it is amazing. I tried other scents like Lavender and cinnamon and a few others and it didn’t work for me. The smell and itch only stops when I use a deo with antifungal oils… like lemongrass and thyme, the one im using now (Royal and Rogue from PPP) has a bunch of different oils and it works so well. You should fully detox if your still using regular deo’s.. might take a month or so and do this detox use the bentonite clay.

          After we shave we are cutting our selves essentially and allowing whatever deo we are using to travel into our blood more and it causes a bunch of problems…

      2. Vanessa Avatar

        Why don’t you wax instead of shaving? Hurts like hell the first time then after if you do it every 3 weeks you’ll be just fine and have thinner underarm hair. I find i have less odor when armpits hair is removed.

    2. Betty Avatar

      Yes I used to have the same problem! It got so bad I itched them until they even bled a little and then I went to a health food store and asked the lady in there if she knew what it was from and she said most likely just deodorant so I started using just a salt stick that she recommended and it’s completely gone now! It took about a month for it to go completely away once I switched deodorants but it worked.

    3. Robin Avatar

      I use an Remington electric razor. Works better than a blade razor, can’t cut you, also gets a cleaner shave believe it or not! With no skin reactions, ingrown hairs, or anything.

    4. Jessica Avatar

      I have a similar issue, only it’s not my armpits that will itch like crazy, it’s my legs! About 12 hours after shaving, like you mentioned, and then for the next 2-3 days. It’s always worse at night. It’s SO hard not to dig them, the itch is very intense! It couldn’t be the deodorant issue for me, because I don’t put deodorant on my legs. 😉 I have tried all of the razors I can think of, on the market, tried all of the creams, lotions, etc… nothing seems to bring relief! Did you ever figure out a cause and cure for your intense itching? I’d love to know! 🙂

      1. Patra Avatar

        Hi Jessica, I recall having the same issue many years ago. I attributed to allergies. My legs could not handle detergents with scent that was one. Then I would take an antihistamine to see if that would calm the itch which it did. Like you I would bleed from scratching because the itch was bad. I also switched to waxing rather than shaving, thinking that I was maybe allergic to the razors, and that also seemed to help get rid of the itch but not until I found that my sheets needed to be scent free. I hope this helps you a little. You need to find the culprit so you can find relief.

        1. Jessica Avatar

          Thanks so much for your response, Patra!! 🙂 I will definitely try to work on figuring out what it is that’s plaguing my skin! Thanks so very much for your suggestions and kind help!! <3

  8. Iris Avatar

    I made a batch of your natural deodorant recipe and it works better than any natural store bought brand I have tried. I have had a terrible armpit oder for about 2 years and I refused to use antiperspirant. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing your recipe and your wisdom. I can’t wait to do the armpit detox.

  9. Kieu Avatar

    I squeeze lime or lemon under my arms everyday for years it works really well . Does Anybody have any idea If it’s ok to do it everyday?
    I am sure I will try to detox my armpit any day. Thank you wellness mama

  10. Katie Avatar

    So, here’s something weird (sorry if it’s TMI!): When I switched to natural deodorants 15 months ago (I used Primal Pit Paste, then Schmidts), my body adjusted really well. After a year, I suddenly got rashes under both arms. They wouldn’t go away! I made my own deodorant with arrowroot, a little baking soda, coconut oil, and lavender EO, and it still gave me a rash. I would stop using my concoction and the brands I bought for a few days, try my natural deodorant once, and immediately break out. The rash only went away when I stopped using deodorant completely for about a month. Now I’m back to using a gentle commercial brand because I’m afraid to have that rash again. Do you have any idea what might cause the rash even in my natural deodorants? I can’t for the life of me figure out why I was fine for a year, and then suddenly got that rash.

      1. Candace Avatar

        Baking soda also caused my underarms to be red and sore, which is sad since when I first started using it (mixed with arrowroot and dusted on with a big puff) it worked much better than regular natural or otherwise deodorants. I am also one like in one of the posts up above that has one armpit (left but I am right-handed) much smellier than the other and I used to use Tom’s of Maine. I could go for days with nothing on my right armpit and it would be fine.

        1. Danielle ardolino Avatar
          Danielle ardolino

          I was wondering if there is a different bentonite clay to use. The one that is linked is not available at the moment.


        2. Jasmine Avatar

          I found the clay on amazon. But how many days do I need to use it before trying my natural deodorant? I’ve purchased Lume.

      2. Holly Schimpf Avatar
        Holly Schimpf

        I have used milk of magnesia for years now, also my husband. Works great, no odor, rash. I don’t think we sweat as much as use to.

        1. Jessica-lee Leilani Pokorney Avatar
          Jessica-lee Leilani Pokorney

          Do you mean to say that you wipe milk of magnesia on your armpits to stop yourself from sweating or it’s part of the recipe?

      3. Alicia Cotilla Avatar
        Alicia Cotilla

        I love the stones. I still sweat but have no odor.
        On that note, diet is EVERYTHING. The cleaner I eat the less I smell. Stress and fear also affect my body odor.
        On a side note. Too bad the picture is of a hairless armpit. Why do we not see this as an issue. I stopped shaving in 1985 and never looked back. I love the hair that symbolisese the first sign of womanhood. It bloomed from me as menses came yet I was encouraged to shave it off, almost as if they wanted me to remain a child. We rob woman of the beauty of embracing all aspects of ourselves. How very interesting.

        1. Desiree Avatar

          Correct me if I’m wrong but, I’m pretty sure deodorant stones are aluminum. When I first started looking into natural DO options that was one of the first I looked into. Check the ingredients, the one’s I looked at said Alum (aluminum). Just a heads-up. I could be wrong but you might check it out!

          1. Jess Good Avatar
            Jess Good

            My 7 year old daughter has begun having armpit odor. She’s a hotbox and a sweater and she gets it from me and my dad. I’m wondering if this detox would be safe to use on her? Trying to look at something to help without starting her out on deodorant already. Thanks

        2. Jen Avatar

          Great you like hair, but if I am trying to cut down on bacteria that can cause smell, no hair is a win!! I don’t need more places bacteria can attach!

    1. Nicole Avatar

      This is a pretty common problem, from what I’ve heard. Using baking soda creates an alkaline environment in your armpits, which is what prevents the bacteria that cause body odor from growing. Very alkaline environments aren’t familiar to the body, and keeping an alkaline environment for such a long period of time is what causes the rashes that many people experience. I’ve never experienced this myself, but I’ve heard that using an ACV toner on your armpits before applying the baking soda deodorant can fix that problem.

    2. Sonal Avatar

      Was the rash worse (or happened during) the summer months? One of the most overlooked reasons for rash is plain old friction that comes from sweat. Maybe the T-shirt seam is aggravating the sweaty pits.. who knows. What helps, is dusting powder, a natural one is perfect.

      What helped me was the following:
      Apply Deo. Apply Dusting powder to pits. Go about your day. Reapply dusting powder later in the day or post gym. No rash.

      Do this when you have NO rash. If rash, just let it calm down – Usually no deo and just dusting powder for me. It absorbs the sweat and reduces the friction. Also drink lots of water. Helps heal.

    3. Angela Avatar

      I just tried this detox for my armpits and excited to see if it works. I actually felt refreshed after and i know that may sound weird. I am on week 2 of ditching antiperspirants and deodorants and switched to a natural deodorant! It is weird, my right armpit never smells but in a few hours my left one does! I really hope doing the detox and trying another natural deodorant, trying Schmidt’s this time, works!

    4. Amanda Avatar

      I have a friend who uses lime as deodorant. She says that after the detox stage it works very well! And she uses arrowroot if it’s hot and she will be sweating. Have you ever heard of this or tried it?

    5. Misti Avatar

      Would anyone have a solution to yellow stains on their shirt from sweating? I live in Florida where our pits sweat 85% of the year due to heat and stress! I would love to go natural, but I need an antiperspirant that does not stain my clothes. Any solutions?

      1. Jay Avatar

        In my experience, the yellow stains were from the antiperspirant. When I went natural, it eliminated sweat stains. I hear you! I live in hot humidity and used to use clinical strength antiperspirant, but I had a family member with breast cancer and her doctor told her no more antiperspirant and it felt like a good idea for me. I would NEVER go back to antiperspirant, I sweat less and I feel better sweating, I have an autoimmune I’m healing and I know sweating is helping me get toxins out! Even if I have to bring an extra shirt to change into in the summer heat, it’s worth it for me! Just wanted to share my experience!

    6. Laurie Avatar

      This is crazy!! This is exactly what happened to me! I know this is an old feed but I had to respond. Using Primal Pit paste for like 6 months with no problem then “bam” both armpits freak out with red lumps and pain. I’ve not been using anything for a few days except tea tree on the lumps to try and sort it out. What did you end up doing and what was the outcome?

  11. Julie Rowe Avatar
    Julie Rowe

    Is it safe to do this arm pit detox while nursing? I am still nursing my 17.5 month old.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d check with a doctor, but I would think it would be good to detox the armpit tissue (which connects to breast tissue) while nursing so baby doesn’t get those toxins.

  12. Kimberly Avatar

    Is this safe for kids? My 8 year old daughter has struggled with cronic constipation her whole life and nobody seems to care. With that seems to come awful body odor (she’s been wearing deodorant since she was 6) and I tried natural but it didn’t work and I had to start using conventional. I hate putting all those chemicals in her as I’m sure the odor is due to toxin build up from the constipation as well as subluxations, but I also don’t want her to be made fun of for smelling. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!

      1. Amy Avatar

        I’ve used natural deodorant for the better part of 30years (I teach yoga, when I began I switched back to hard core deo bc natural was frowned upon by the natl recognized school and teacher I “first” learned under.
        Using natural often breaks me out if I’m not drybidy brushing and eating SUPER CLEAN. I now know better than to try quick fixes and use a doctor(DO)to guide me in all of my health issues (numerous and complicated).
        I find if I can get things moving slowly out of all of my body’s (as informed by my personalized Yoga Therapy practice, “bodies”) systems efficiently; I am setting my path on the right road as needed for personal growth.

    1. brenda Avatar

      Wellness Mama, Thank you so much for posting this recipe and opening a thought provoking discussion!

      Kimberley, my 10 y/o daughter also suffers from chronic constipation, and started wearing natural deodorant at 8. She has mild autism too so sweating/body odor just makes her world worse, but want to avoid antiperspirant on her. I can’t believe the link between constipation/body odor hadn’t occurred to me! Will be trying this armpit detox on her (and myself!) as I have always found clays to be very beneficial and gentle.

      For constipation we just started using an oxygenated magnesium that gently liquifies the impacted stool and also helps rebuild good flora (called Mag07). We struggle with her food preferences, but she has voluntarily gone gluten free this last month and we are working on removing grains from our diet as a family. She also now tolerates more fruit and veg than she did when she was younger, and we have seen a difference in her bloated belly. Gut healing protocols are also beneficial (glutamine, fermented foods ) and can be more effective over time as the intestines are cleared of old matter. She also smells more after eating onions & garlic, so we minimize those foods in the heat of summer!

      I will try applying the clay on her once a week and will post our results 😉

      1. ruby Avatar

        hi brenda,
        thank you for your thoughtful post. when i read things were worse for your daughter when she ate onions and garlic and immediately thought of SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) and sensitivity to FODMAPS. onions and garlic are high in FODMAPS (you can google what they are, its a bit of an explanation) and often need to be removed while treating SIBO which can cause constipation. i highly recommend a bit of research in that area if you haven’t already. it could be very helpful for your daughter and doing some healing around the possible SIBO could really improve her life. good luck!

        1. BRENDA Avatar

          Hi Ruby

          Funny you should mention FODMAPS, as it is a common word in our house now! I have discovered I am Fructose intolerant. I do suspect the same thing for my daughter. She cannot tolerate beans or wheat anymore, and gets horrible cramping and bloating from both . We have tested negative for coeliac. We are able to tell much easier now which foods are causing the bloating since she has been clearing out her impacted intestinal tract. We are taking it one step at a time, but making progress.

          There are so many ‘layers’ to healing, and our body’s signals (like body odour, constipation, moods) are powerful indicators for balance/imbalance, even in kids!

          1. Heather Avatar

            My daughter ate nonstop, was always hungry, and SO gassy. We went to an allergist who did muscle testing and found that she was fructose intolerant. She did allergy treatments through acupressure while holding the allergen then avoiding it completely for 25 hours. Within 2 days I heard the words, “I’m full.” Which I had only heard 2x before in her life-both of which were when she was sick. Now she isn’t eatting nonstop and isn’t gassy. Best of all no more belly aches. It’s been a huge blessing in her life!

          2. Ana Rose Avatar
            Ana Rose

            As soon as you’re able, re-introduce the garlic and onions. I avoided these like the plague when I had SIBO but now believe that was a mistake. This is a powerful detox food. It is not only nutrient-rich, but contains high amounts of naturally occurring sulphur, which is a precursor to glutathione, the ultimate detoxing antioxidant that most of us with chronic digestive and detoxing struggles don’t produce well.

            When I first added garlic into my diet (raw) my stools were pretty nasty for several days. I kept with it though, and shortly after began to see huge improvements. I now eat at least 4 raw cloves a day on salads (note–if you add apple cider vinegar and fermented foods to salad as well, no garlic breath! And honey makes it all taste better!). I am now able to eat fruit of any kind with a totally calm belly 🙂

          3. Amy Avatar

            Reading the comments to your post I see “try to add back in”, May I suggest perhaps garlic oil drops(maybe w willow bark if there is pain) in the ears.
            That alone can change my digestive patterns and may relieve constipation along w other parts of gut healing protocol it sounds as if you’re well versed in. I’d like to add kudos to you! If more of us paid the attention to our health and well-being you do four yourself and your family, we’d create a shift in America of what is offered to help us toward that goal.

          4. Tanya Avatar

            5 stars
            I tried the armpit detox and I think it works great! I also tried it on our 11 year old son he is quite stinky. I didn’t think about this until now but is it safe to so the detox while you are nursing or pregnant? Thanks!!

        2. Dana Avatar

          I had a similar situation except I don’t think it’s the natural underarm product for me but rather some immune destroying habits I needed to break. Anyways I had to stop using my natural pit stuff because of this strange rash. I got very bad but has calmed down a lot over the last couple months. So how can I heal deal with the irritating sweat, to keep the underarm area clean, without irritating this rash? I don’t know if its fungal like ringworm or if its autoimmune like psoriasis. I’ve been apying tea tree oil diluted some and it seems to help the flaring up but sometimes, in some spots like the back of the pit area, this rash spot is persistent! I know baking soda is often irritating but I keep thinking it could help dry my pits a bit and help draw out some moisture in this rash too. Katie help!!!!

    2. Jenna Avatar

      5 stars
      Oh no 🙁 Poor baby. Please don’t use convential deoderant. What your daughter needs is a gut cleanse, try to incorporate probiotic rich foods, and change her diet. Look up the symptoms and apply it I am sure a diet change will help tremendously I am just not sure what diet. Google it. Since switching to natural deoderant my skin has cleared up tremendously so it clogs you up and the toxins really does affect you. It was imperative to my health that I switch I have severe immune issues and a few other health issues. Parabens mimic estrogen and the aluminum and all that has been linked to cancer. At such a young age it would be bad.

      1. Mary Avatar

        You might try having her take a bath at night, rather than a shower. Put a cup of magnesium flakes and a 1/4 cup of bentonite clay in the bath. Have her soak in the tub for 1/2 an hour. With a couple of weeks of use, this might naturally assist with both problems. Also – have you tried taking her off gluten and dairy? Many people with constipation are gluten and/or dairy intolerant and eliminating these two triggers can eliminate the constipation. You might also try having her take a tablespoon of coconut oil when she is constipated.

    3. Gail Gardner Avatar
      Gail Gardner

      She is most likely mineral deficient, especially magnesium. Almost everyone is – just not as bad as her. I use Max-Well Ionic Sea Minerals and it says “gut constipation remedy” on the bottle. The directions say not to take more than directed or they can cause diarrhea.

    4. Jenny Avatar

      This may be an old post, but thought I would add some input here. As a child I had chronic constipation and it continued as an adult. I was nearly 50 before that changed. Taking magnesium both in the morning and at night was the first truly lasting help. I use earths bounty oxy-cleanse. I take high quality probiotics. I used a priobiotic supplement for three months, called mega sporebiotic, I can skip magnesium for a few days, now with no noticeable issues. I do believe diet is a huge factor. I was always a big veggie eater, some fruit. I found few foods that helped my constipation. Now that I am gluten, dairy, egg, soy, corn free, I have never been more regular. I do not take my probiotics daily, and magnesium intake has reduced. I do eat mostly fruit and veggies now, as I am following the medical medium protocol.

      Interestingly, I am on this page for the detox. For several years I have had swollen sweat glands. I tried natural deodorant, no deodorant, and I stunk! And they did not prevent the swollen glands from reappearing. Not even one day did the natural deodorants work. Tea tree oil is the only solution I have found. And my swollen glands are normal again. I started this detox just to help clear the years of deodorant use. I never thought about a link between my underarm issues and chronic constipation.

    5. Heidi Avatar

      We adopted a child who had “global delays” when he was 2. Without going into WHY he has all the delays, he, too, has chronic constipation. He started puberty at 6, and I have pit detoxed him. He is now 10, and mostly potty-trained except when the constipation is at a height. And yes–not getting a lot of help from doctors–unless they want to push the toxic powder that we didn’t know had a lawsuit going! I sympathize! I am curious if your daughter was diagnosed with premature puberty?

    6. Heather Avatar

      My daughter has had this same issue since 3 years old …. have you found anything to help?

    7. Alicia Avatar

      Has anyone evaluated your daughter for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome? Between the chronic constipation and the subluxations, it sounds like she might have the hypermobility type. SO many docs miss this or don’t even know about it.

  13. Michele Zagorski Avatar
    Michele Zagorski

    I have been making a detox deodorant for a while now. It’s made with detoxing and anti-cancer ingredients, including kaolin clay, as well as sea kelp, coriander, chlorophyl, and a detoxing blend of essential oils. I have heard amazing stories from people I’ve given it to, including one man who has had swollen lymph nodes in his armpits for years, and the swelling is now decreasing since he’s been using the deodorant. People are amazed at the odor control as well, even those who do long, hard workouts. I created it because I felt like I’d tried every natural deodorant on the market and none of them worked very well. I also make a detoxing hair mask with Dead Sea Mud, a Detox Charcoal Soap, and a Magnesium Mineral Lotion made with not only magnesium oil, but Himalayan salt.

    1. Kim Avatar

      I am so glad you mentioned coconut oil making you itchy. I had the same problem. I’m searching for answers but every homemade deodorant recipe I’ve come across uses coconut oil. I love coconut oil and use it everywhere on my body, never had a problem. I started out loving it on my armpits but after a week the itchiness got too bad. I’m so sad and have been researching because I’m trying to decide if it’s an allergy or a detox reaction. Also I’m pregnant and wondered if this detox method is safe… Any ideas or input from anyone is welcomed!! ?

      1. SMITTY Avatar

        Rub lemon under your arm for 3-7 days in the shower change your natural deodorant every 6 mo.

    2. Danielle Avatar

      I’d love the recipe for this!! Thank you so very much!

  14. Robin Avatar

    I use white vinegar in a spray bottle with 1/2 filtered water…..even after shaving…….it does not sting. In fact I spray my whole body with it after a shower, rub it in and then use apricot oil. The PH thing….it helps with itching since I have Rocacea. I use white vinegar on a cotton pad and clean my face. I had such blotchy awful looking skin since Rosacea but now with vinegar and coconut oil to my face…….what a difference. I drink raw apple cider vinegar daily now too to clean my body inside. I clean my carpets with white vinegar, it whitens my sinks & tubs, next gonna try washing clothes in it. Btw….I LOVE this site….I am so into wholesome cleaning without toxic stuff now.

    1. Jeni Avatar

      I also have Rosacia, and none of the Drs prescriptions helped. Have been trying more natural cleansers and foods lately and my nose & cheeks seem a tiny bit better, but will have to try the vinegar & apricot oil… have been using honey.

      On an armpit topic, my dad is 78, and has never used deodorant. He worked out doors all of his life, and wasn’t/isn’t really a heavy sweating kind of person, and he’s never smelled bad. I never noticed as a kid, but my mom told me he has never used deodorant a few years ago. Since she told me, I always wondered if commercial deodorants kill off any healthy microbe balance we are supposed to have.

      1. Kelly Avatar

        That’s a interesting thought about your dad. I was just wondering something similar. I am 30, I went tree planting 7 years ago (I pretty much spent 3 months in a rocky swamp), anyways I didn’t even bother taking deodorant (why smell good for bugs?!). I guess that time out there must have detoxed me, y the time I came home I was sweating less and it wasn’t stinky. I don’t need anything most days, I do have a natural bar for when I need one though.

        1. Christy Avatar

          It depends a lot on what you eat as well, lamb can make your sweat have a very strong smell, most meat influences your sweat.
          Go to any country where lamb or mutton is consumed regularly, you will understand!
          I smell…when I get anxious or angry, otherwise I rarely have a sweat problem and although I keep a deodorant around rarely use it, I am going to shop around for a natural one or start using tea tree oil more, which I use for so many things.

          1. Tracey Avatar

            Oh, this makes sense! We have a son who grew up in Saudi Arabia, and he loves lamb. We all do now. I always wondered about his strong body odor–not foul, but definitely strong, and he goes through good cologne quickly and showers frequently–scents are important culturally there, so he’s always burning candles and is a neat freak, too. But there’s always this strong, slightly spicy odor with his stuff. I’ve noticed it with his friends, too. And with us, once we started eating more lamb! I had no idea that’s what it was!

            Not stopping eating the yummy pastured lamb, though. Nope. Will do this detox.

        2. Tracey Avatar

          This is interesting. My husband has never had armpit odor or really any body odor. He has to be working outside on a very hot day and get upset before he has any at all. He wears deodorant, but I’m not sure why! My teenaged daughter also has no armpit odor, even when she works out (and she’s a football cheerleader, so she’s been outside on some really hot days cheering).

          On the other hand, my dad has always had a lot of body odor. Mine is normal, I think–no one has ever said it’s either strong or non-existent, including my husband. My son gets normal body odor after working out (plays football and soccer), but it’s not knock-you-down bad. And my youngest, who is a young teen, has a normal amount. When she was starting to develop, she went through a period where her armpit odor could knock back a charging bull. But it settled down (and she started showering daily), and it’s just normal now.

          I really think it’s genetic. And I’m happy my dad didn’t pass along his gene for strong odors!

      2. Jen Avatar

        My father too… Never used deodorant and I’ve never noticed him smelling. Alzheimer’s runs on my fathers side the family and lucky, he’s now 70 with no signs of it. I believe not wearing aluminum deodorant has kept him from getting or at least delaying this horrible disease.

  15. Lisa Avatar

    Wow! That is interesting! Thanks for the tip!

    Lymphatic Massage is a great way to detox your body but this cost less!

  16. Beth Avatar

    So crazy that you just posted this. (As a matter of fact, your last couple posts are like you’re reading my mind! I was wondering about conventional pads & tampons just the day before you posted that.)
    I have been working so hard on getting our food & home clean for my family. We’ve swapped out cleaning supplies & candles. We’ve changed up most of our personal hygiene products, but deodorant is where I have been drawing the line. It seems like no matter what I try, I’m always sweating. I don’t like feeling damp (ok, WET) all day. And while my kids aren’t sweaters, they are stinkers! Part of that could be the beginnings of puberty, but I don’t know.
    I am ready to try anything to kick my aluminum deodorant habit, so I’m going to give it a go.
    One question: would you also recommend this armpit detox for children? Sadly, mine are already using conventional deodorant.

    1. Sierra Avatar

      I used to have terrible armpit smell, and I actually stopped it by changing up my diet ( sugar and processed foods out!) and drinking LOTS of water! Candida is the usual culprit as well as being dehydrated. Most people don’t even know they are dehydrated! I now use the baking soda deodorant and work outside all day in Florida in the summer and no smell! It is very possible to do this for yourself! I had the baking soda rash, but found a few days of using tea tree oil first works very well! Now I am going to do the detox, I have swollen glands and itchiness – good luck!!

      1. Tim Avatar

        I use baking soda too as a deodorant but I got lazy with making it. I modified it now by making a baking soda paste while in the shower and applying it to my under arms as if I’m doing a facial. When I first started I had to apply it at least twice for best results. No matter how many times you do it I’ve found that it works best if I rinse it in the shower water while gently rubbing my under arms.

        (This also works while doing facials and ensures you rinse every bit off to reduce any irritation after a facial…I rarely need moisturizer when rinsing this way).

        When using as a deodorant though, the last time I don’t rub and just let the water rinse it. This will leaves a very thin residue to handle deodorizing throughout the day. When I was making the deodorant I occasionally had irritation after a few days of daily use, but this method hasn’t given me any problems.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d check with a doctor, but I would think it would be good to detox the armpit tissue (which connects to breast tissue) while nursing so baby doesn’t get those toxins.

      1. Inas Avatar

        It would be great if someone could confirm that they checked with a doctor and it’s okay to use while breastfeeding.

    2. enjoli Avatar

      magnesium realy dehydrates me. i cannot use it as i am nursing and my daughter complains that my milk is dry.

  17. rita Avatar

    For deodorant, I use:

    Found it at the UT Farmer’s Market while in grad school and I was wicked skeptical about it and hesitant to pay the $9 for a bar… so I asked to smell the salesman/owner’s armpits. and they DIDN’T STINK! and it was a horribly hot day in TN in August. Yes, I’m THAT kind of shopper…;)

    I have been aluminum antiperspirant/deodorant free for the past year and a half and I itch less, have less ingrown hairs after waxing, and don’t smell unless I work out unusually hard or skip a day (and then it sometimes works too!) I used to itch so much with antiperspirants, but now it’s rare. Tried an antiperspirant one day and it felt like I had cellophane stuck to my pits. GROSS. I sweat, but it doesn’t stink;) and I also sweated a lot more when I was switching over.

    1. greg Avatar

      Rita, thanks for sharing this link. I’ve been wanting a truly natural deodorant without the hassle of making it myself. I love the “thorough research” you did on this product. 🙂

    2. Andrea Avatar

      Thanks for this link! Baking soda deoderant was completely inneffective for me, and the magnesium spray I tried for a month was not much better, and left bad red bumps. I am ordering some of this today!

      1. Rita Avatar

        I hope it helps! The arrowroot powder is supposedly good for deoderant-y things (sorry i’m tired) LOL

        My favorites are the Wild and Fresh and Coconut Lime (especially the coconut lime- smells SO GOOD!)

        1. Marilu Ickes Avatar
          Marilu Ickes

          You will be surprised but I use just organic coconut oil as deodorant and work perfectly well for me.

          1. Mary Avatar

            I also use coconut oil (but also add lavender essential oil. Works great!

          2. Donna Avatar

            Hi. This sounds like a wonderful deodorant. Do you have a recipe using the lavender oil ?

          3. Paddy Avatar

            I used Organic, Cold Pressed Coconut Oil as well. Works like a charm. Sweat way less, No Odor.

          4. Carolina Villalobos Avatar
            Carolina Villalobos

            I think that’s cuz your body might not have that much toxic load,, I’ve noticed how my body is getting less-odorish lol month after month (going to many procedures to clean my body, including surgeries :((,, have metallic implants in fallopian tubes, silicon in my breast, I cleaned my toxic mouth already over the past year,, and + a life of 30 years using toxic beauty products)

    3. Misty Avatar

      I tried the clay + vinegar + water armpit detox…. got diarrhea. Very strange, since I hardly ever get diarrhea. I used rice vinegar instead of cider vinegar (it’s what I had in the pantry). Wondering if could that be what gave me diarrhea. Speaking of, does anyone have any advice on treating diarrhea with an organic, non-toxic home remedy?

        1. Nasi Avatar

          Hahahahahahahaaaa!! This is my second time reading this comment in about three months!! It STILL cracks me up!! DEFINITELY NOT laughing at Misty’s misfortune because that’s a horrible situation to be in. Just you’re reaction to it!! LOL

      1. Linda Avatar

        Misty, oh so sorry! Diarrhea is so troubling. There are several essential oils ( & blends) that help. DigestZen is my personal favorite! Whether one has any extreme or just needing to calm their upset stomach, DigestZen is our go-to! It’s safe for babies (diluted with a carrier oil) and pregnant mommas, too & is even available in convenient softgels!

        1. Misty Avatar


          Thanks so much for the reply. I purchased the softgels, but it didn’t get rid of the diarrhea. They never dissolved! : ( I inserted them in and tried to keep them in there, but since I still had diarrhea, they came right back out in the diarrhea, still whole. Maybe my gluten sensitivity kept them from dissolving, I don’t know? I never have trouble with suppositories when I’m constipated, but the ones I normally use for constipation aren’t organic, so maybe I need a non-organic/non-gluten diarrhea suppository?

          1. corinn Avatar

            Blackberry root tincture is one of the best remedies for diarrhea. Works in both adults and children and is very safe.

          2. Keri Avatar

            I know you posted this awhile ago, but just in case you didn’t find out, DigestZen softgels are NOT suppositories. They are to be taken orally. You can also you the oil version, like Linda said, and rub it on your stomach topically.
            Hope you’ve figured out something that works for you! 🙂

          3. Sara Avatar

            Try grapefruit seed extract. Every time I get an upset stomach and diarrhea I take 10 drops of it with a small amount of water and it goes away almost immediately. I’m talking major diarrhea, like food poisoning type which I’m certain will only get worse (sorry tmi) but it goes away! Make sure to swish your water around as you drink as it settles at the bottom.

          4. Laura S Avatar

            Okay wait, I’m confused. You ate the armpit mask and used the oral pill as a suppository? If so, this is probably your problem… Try taking the pill orally and then use the armpit mask topically on your armpit.

        2. Lyn Avatar

          I have used digest zen and similar blends for various tummy troubles. I like them and agree they can be very effective when properly used but good heavens, DZ is NOT safe for infants nor pregnant mamas!! It has several oils that are contraindicated in infants and pregnancy -by the actual experts who’ve searched the volatile components. Before I get pounced on with a hundred anecdotes from people who used it regularly when pregnant or on their baby and had no adverse reaction, I will point out that not every young child who rides without a proper car seat, or plays with a plastic bag, or eats whole grapes and such under the age of 3 dies from accidents or suffocation, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to tell other parents it is safe to do. It also has nothing to do with “pure therapeutic grade oils” either. Look at the latest statistics for the Atlantic Institute EO adverse reaction database. A good portion of the adverse events reported were caused by those “pure therapeutic grade” branded oils. Oils are amazing and powerful but the are potent and should be respected. Please be safe and do your own research from independent sources before giving an oil to a child.

          1. Sara Avatar

            LOL.. I’m still laughing at the person who put them in her —..
            Really?? hahahaha

          2. Molly Avatar

            THANK YOU FOR THIS COMMENT! I cannot handle the overuse/misuse of EOs… I mean you wouldn’t run poison ivy on yourself or your kiddos just because it’s found in nature, right? I want to share this on my Insta haha

      2. Kris Avatar

        Hi, A natural way to stop diarrhea that works incredibly is Hylands Diarrex- it is Homeopathic. All the years I have kept this on hand and used it for our family -after you take it once you don’t have to go again! The other common single homeopathic remedies are podophyllum and arsenicum album a 12c or 30c. The BRAT diet is good to use, banana, rice, applesauce and toast and it is always good to keep coconut water on hand and add some salt to it to prevent dehydration. 🙂

        1. Virginia Avatar

          I was going to say some of this! I decided to read further to see if anyone mentioned the BRAT foods

      3. Jenna Avatar

        5 stars
        It’s called “die off reaction”. It is the candida in your body dying off. No worries its a good thing! Just look up candida die off reaction on Google.

        1. Val Avatar

          Exactly. Diarrhea can occur with candida die off. Your body needs to release the waste products.

      4. Marilu Ickes Avatar
        Marilu Ickes

        When my father, who was sick, had diarrhea I use to cook green plantain soup for him and he was good pretty quickly. Recipe:

        peel a green plantain (very green, not turning yellow at all)
        slice it in pieces of 1 inch
        boil it in water
        add salt as you wish
        add white onion as you desire
        after the plantain is tender, blend it and serve it

        No fat, no bacon, no cheese, nothing else.

        1. Ida Wayman Avatar
          Ida Wayman

          I know this post is late but some thing that always works for my family for diarrhea is oatmeal water. Boil about a cup of water add 2-4 tablespoons of oats. Let steep for a few minutes, strain and then drink the warm water. It sounds a bit gross but its really soothing and I am always amazed at how well it works. Good luck!

      5. Candace Avatar

        Why is this post even still here? It really has nothing to do with the topic – the diarrhea was probably from something else – unless she DID drink the armpit detox formula.

      6. Paige Avatar

        I think you can use the clay internally to help your tummy. You’ll have to google for the dose though. I just know you should drink plenty of water with it.

      7. Pat Avatar

        My physical therapist has been doing lymphatic drain to detox me. She said that the following are symptoms of your system detoxing and to drink plenty of water:

        Acne breakouts, diarrhea, gas, itching, rashes

        Don’t write the diarrhea off as something else. Just keep up underarm detox and dry brushing and things should soon be back to normal. It took 2 weeks for the itching to stop and about a month for the acne breakout to stop. I had gas and some intestinal things going on between sessions of detox.

      8. LeAnn Avatar

        Sounds like you need probiotocs..I have gluten and dairy sensitivities too. I make homemade coconut milk kefir..start slow, build up.

      9. Kelli Avatar

        I know this is late, but if you aren’t a diabetic, take one tablespoon of raw, unfiltered honey .
        This is what I do. I’ve read in many books and articles to take up to three tablespoons. However, I find this way too sweet. One is very sweet. It has helped me. Take one with each bowel movement and it usually clears it up between one and four times.

      10. Marianne Fischer Avatar
        Marianne Fischer

        Blueberries work every time. The artic type is best, but a few spoons jam will do the trick. This is also a good way to not being in need of the loo, like when a long riding trip….Prunes works the opposite way…

      11. Eve Avatar

        Turmeric is the best remedy for diarrhea.
        Mix a spoonful in half a glass of warm water, down it. Not too tasty but it stops diarrhea in its tracks.

      12. Janet Avatar

        Remember that diarrhea is usually the body getting rid of something hurting it. If you got diarrhea after applying the armpit detox, it may be that you had a lot of toxins that needed to be flushed out.

      13. AnnMarie Avatar

        Grate an apple on a plate. When it turns brown eat it. It will taste sweet. Don’t remember where I learned this but it works.

      14. linda Avatar

        according to wikipedia bentonite clay has been medically prescribed as a bulk laxative so i would guess that caused the diarrhea. if you take 1 to 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar, diluted in water so it won’t burn your throat, it should stop your diarrhea. i have found this works really well…sometimes too well so maybe start with 1 T ACV unless it’s quite bad.

    4. Jen Avatar

      5 stars
      I’m going to try this deodorant. I’ve been looking for a natural one for awhile that actually works. I’ve been using Tom’s of Maine and it’s weird but I get BO from my right armpit only. I can’t believe you smelled the owner’s armpits!! Crazy.

      1. Rita Avatar

        Well, I needed to know the product had a high likelihood of working before I plopped down $9 for a stick of deoderant;)

        And i haven’t noticed any stains from it, but I’m still hesitant to try it around my velvet dance costumes… those days I use straight up tea tree oil. or lavender.

        Hope it works as well for you as it did for me!

        1. Sherry Fortner Avatar
          Sherry Fortner

          I use straight tea tree oil and it works great. Yes, I still sweat sometimes but no odor at all. The tea tree scent only lasts a few minutes.

          1. Ruby Avatar

            this made my odor worse I seen your post about tea tree oil do you mix with a carrier oil??

      2. Stella Avatar

        I have also been using Tom’s ofMaine,and have had the same right armpit experience.How mystifying!I would like to know the cause of this.

        1. Cecilia Avatar

          My daughter suffers from anxiety and started to sweat from 7 years old. Anxious sweat is a different, more pungent smell compared to regular sport / hot weather sweat (I put my teen boys in another category altogether!). I’ve trued various natural & home-made remedies but they don’t help. So occasionally I get her to roll a bit of Dove on after a quick pit wash. It’s not ideal I know, but kids can be cruel & I don’t want her to add body odour to her anxious load.
          I’m a health coach. My kids eat a pretty good veggie-laden diet. I’m confident it’s not diet-related. And yes we have a whole raft of anxiety-reducing tools. It’s just the B.O. issue. Does anyone have a similar issue or tips for “anxiety sweat control”? Thanks so much ?

      3. Linda Avatar

        I was amazed to read your comment about BO being only in your right arm…mine is only in my left. I don’t sweat hardly at all, and for awhile the smell went away, and now it is back. My dermatologist was mystified. Looking forward to trying something new…

        1. rita Avatar

          I used to stink more under my right arm- and i’m right handed… figured it was because I used it more?

          Also, has anybody tried the Be Free yet?

          1. Maggie Ciocco Avatar
            Maggie Ciocco

            I’ve noticed the very same phenomenon with only the right armpit & I’m right handed…wonder if the left side stink as Linda says, are you left handed?
            From a physiological stand point, it would make sense because more muscles & soft tissue are effected by the increased movement in your dominant side.

      1. Aimee DaBell Johnson Avatar
        Aimee DaBell Johnson

        I would also like to know if this is safe while breastfeeding. I’ll do some searching and post if I find anything out.

      2. Livi N Avatar
        Livi N

        I also am wondering if the armpit detox is safe for breastfeeding mamas?
        Mind you, I started the detox two days ago, and am breastfeeding my LO…
        This morning I woke up and felt soreness in my right breast. Wondering if this could have anything to do with the armpit detox, or perhaps it could have caused a plugged duct?!
        Anyone have any ideas or info?
        Thanks in advance!

      1. Kirsten Avatar

        I did this armpit detox for three days straight, 10-15 minutes each time. I had a red, itchy raised bumpy rash on both of my armpits. I had already been trying to calm it down with Bragg’s AVC. This armpit detox with the clay worked like a charm… only three applications and the bumps are completely gone!!! I made my deodorant from arrowroot powder and virgin coconut oil with a couple drops of tea tree essential oil. Hope this reply helps you! In short, this detox method WORKS!

    5. lisa Avatar

      Another great natural deodorant is Original Himalayan Chrystal Salts Deo bar from Natural Health International. Salt is a natural antibacterial, microbial, etc. and it works great to guard against the bacteria that causes odor. Completely natural and easy to use. Just wet the bar and rub against your skin. Voila!!! Much better than the risk of toxins on the skin!

      Thanks for all the great advice you post here! Love your site and bogs.

      1. Patra Avatar

        Lisa, sorry to burst your bubble, but Original Himalayan Crystal Salts are not naturally found in nature. Many articles have been written about the Ammonium Alum salts and potassium alum salts used in deodorants, they are anything but natural, and they are actually made in a lab. Ammonium anything is created in a lab setting and is combined with Aluminum same as Alum. From Goggle: Alum (Ammonium Aluminum Sulfate) is a crystalline powder. It is a general purpose food additive that functions as a firming agent. Meaning it’s made in a lab.

        1. Kristi Avatar


          Please take the time to look up Himalayan crystal salt. This salt comes from the Himalayan Mountains and has been used for thousands of years by the people of that region and beyond. I have been using this unrefined himalayan salt internally for about a month and have had great improvement with my health. Your claim of Himalayan Crystal Salts being not found in nature is baseless and unfounded. Please stop spreading false information.

          1. Chris Avatar

            Himalayan salt comes from Pakastan no such salt in the Himalayas.(not sure why they call it that maybe because its close) But i use/eat a little daily on foods and it is natural. It is not the same as crystal rock deodorants. As a deordorant it didnt last long for me so im doing the detox first then gonna try the coconut oil and lavendar.

      2. Jo Avatar

        Ive tried a salt soap bar and am put off getting a deodrant bar as its soooo scratchy. Is the deodant bar smooth?

    6. C Jones Avatar
      C Jones

      My husband and I detoxed our armpits about a year ago now, using this bentonite clay recipe on this site and we are so thankful we did. Natural deodorants don’t work unless you detox first! I have quite a few details to include here for people who may try this, just based on our experience:
      1. This process doesn’t happen overnight
      2. It took me about a month to complete the detox because I had used antiperspirant for 20 some years, but only took my husband about a week since he only used deodorant without antiperspirant
      3. The sweat during detox smells horrific
      4. I got deodorant pimples when detoxing; when squeezing them, white nasty, chalky doeodorant came out
      5. The bentonite clay detox worked quicker, but I had to use wash cloths dipped in Epsom salt water under my pits, also, along with magnesium spray that burned like crazy, but that went away after a couple of weeks
      6. My pits looked like raw meat for a month
      7. GOOD NEWS: once done with detox, my sweat barely ever smells and I hardly ever sweat from my pits like I did with the bad antiperspirant. The natural deodorants are all I need, and maybe once a month or so I will need to spray magnesium spray on my pits due to a bit of extra odor (indicating low magnesium level in my body) but it goes away in a few days. I just spray my pits at night before bed for a couple of nights in a row.
      8. IT IS SO WORTH IT TO DO THIS. DO IT. We are trying to convince our entire family to do this.

      1. Erika P Avatar

        Thank you so so much for posting this comment!! I started trying natural deodorant about two weeks ago and about a week ago I had all these crazy symptoms you’re talking about! I didn’t know what was wrong!! I’m litterally trying this right now! Hopefully it works for me like it did you!

    7. SandraDee Avatar

      I’m so glad you found something that works. I have never been so fortunate and was using the “clinical strength” deodorant until I was 56. Yikes. Then I read a thing on Facebook that said a lime cut in half works wonderfully, tried it, and found that it did work! Sometimes it stung, so I switched to lemons and THEY work well too!!
      I am def. going to do the detox, I think it’ll help with stinging and itching. Thank you so much for that idea. 🙂

    8. Junie Avatar

      I cant get to the link for the natural deodorant you recommend. I had recently made the switch to Piperwei but I hadn’t detoxed first. I wore it for a month. The first week, i sweated like crazy. Then it balanced out. I was loving the natural, non filmy feeling in my underarms. Then one day I woke up with a horrible rash. It lasted at least 2 months. At first I refused to stop wearing my natural deo because I didnt’ want to go back to conventional deo. But after having pits that were raw, I had no choice. I tried TOMs, but it just made me smell. I started this detox this week, after not wearing deo for a few days (I was just wiping my pits down with ACV and that seemed to work for a few hours). Now Im experiencing the itching again. Any suggestions?

      1. Mary Avatar


        I have 2 suggestions after a very similar experience. I have tried LOTS of natural deodorant products, some to work temporarily, others not at all, only to end up with itchy rashes. My first suggestion is diet change: I had to go through 18 months of healing my gut with no gluten products, alcohol, sugar, cow dairy, or night shades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, egg plant, and tobacco). I still can’t do cow dairy or gluten, but I have successfully re-introduced potatoes, tomatoes and peppers and very occasional alcohol. The dietary changes are not immediate or automatic, but they have made a huge difference.
        Second, for deodorant, I have been using a natural deodorant called “Only Goodness Inside.” I don’t know whether my body had finally healed enough that other products would have worked by the time I found this, but it has worked great for me. I have been using it for over a year now with excellent odor control and no rashes. The deodorant is a lotion, rather than a bar or stick. You put a little on your fingertips and rub it in. They have several strengths and offer a free sample pack so you can try to pick what is right for you (you just pay shipping). I ended up with the regular strength for most of the time and the soothing deodorant for the day I shave or the day after I have eaten something I shouldn’t. Hope this helps.

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