Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits

Did you know you’ve probably pulled, stomped or sprayed a natural superfood that grows in your backyard? Dandelion is mostly known as a backyard weed, but it has amazing nutrient qualities and health promoting properties.

All the parts of the plant can be used in various ways though the roots and leaves are the most commonly used as herbs. Who knew that this plant with puffy flowers that grant childhood wishes could offer so much benefit?

Dandelion Root and Leaves

Dandelion is a source of a variety of nutrients and the leaves and root contain Vitamins (like A,C, K and B-vitamins) as well as minerals (including magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and choline). The various parts of the plant have a long history of use as an herbal remedy, and every documented population in areas where it grows naturally has used it medicinally.

It also serves as an abundant natural food source, as all parts of the plant can be eaten. The root is often roasted and used in teas or consumed whole. The leaves make a great addition to salads or other dishes requiring greens and the flowers (while still yellow), can be eaten raw, cooked or even made into wine!

Traditional cultures have used dandelion to support digestive and hormone health and it was often consumed to support lactation or to help remedy issues like urinary tract infections.

Benefits of Dandelion

According to the How To Herb Book, this backyard superfood is beneficial in many ways, including:

Liver Support and Detoxification

Dandelion has been used for years by various cultures to support healthy liver function and natural detoxification in the body. Though it hasn’t been well studied, many people with hepatitis turn to it to help support the liver. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that:

In the past, roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe, dandelion was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea.

Female Health and Hormone Balance

Due to its high levels of various nutrients and potential ability to help support the body’s natural detoxification systems, dandelion is often used by those with hormone imbalance, urinary infection and recurrent mastitis. Though not well studied, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence from women who have used it to help remedy recurring UTIs or other infections.

Clearer Skin

Due to its natural magnesium and zinc content and its potential ability to support detoxification, dandelion is also know as being good for the skin. It can be used topically in applications like tinctures and poultices and many people also take it in capsule or tea form to help support healthy skin.

Good Source of Nutrients

Dandelion is a great source of many important vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and nutritive salts, which may help support blood health and increase iron absorption. I personally often add dried leaves to teas for a nutrient boost or use dandelion root in place of coffee.

Blood Sugar Balance

The University of Maryland Medical Center also reports that:

Preliminary animal studies suggest that dandelion may help normalize blood sugar levels and lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol in diabetic mice. Researchers need to see if dandelion will work in people. A few animal studies also suggest that dandelion might help fight inflammation.

Uses of Dandelion Root and Leaves

Perhaps we wouldn’t be so quick to remove this “backyard weed” if we were more familiar with the myriad of uses it has. The entire dandelion plant can be used and if you have a safe (non-sprayed) source in your yard or community, you can consider harvesting it yourself.

Here are some of the ways to use dandelion:

Coffee Substitute

Dandelion root is tougher and more hardy than the leaf and is often used in decoctions and tinctures for this reason. The powder is often added in coffee substitutes (my favorite is Dandy Blend). The root is considered a natural diuretic and is sometimes used for this purpose.


Dandelion root and leaf are often listed as the ingredients of  teas and poultices for abscesses and sores, especially on the breast and in female health remedies as they can help support lactation and remedy urinary issues.

According to Mountain Rose Herbs:

Chopped dandelion root can be combined with myrrh to make a poultice for boils and abscesses, with honeysuckle flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat boils and abscesses, with skullcap and/or chrysanthemum flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat sore eyes, or with heal-all to treat hard phlegm in bronchitis. Can also be administered in capsule or extract form for convenience.

Dandelion Tea

The flower can be used to make tea and even to make some types of wine. The leaves and root can also be used in teas, though they have a stronger taste and are often combined with other synergistic herbs for flavor and increased nutrient absorption.

Salads and Greens

The leaves can be consumed fresh on a salad or in recipes as well as substituted for greens like kale and collards in recipes or cooking. The antioxidant rich leaves are the most diuretic part of the plant so while they can be consumed regularly, it is important to maintain hydration too.

Important Notes:

It is important to check with a doctor before taking this or any herb, especially in large amounts or if taking any other medicine or supplement or if pregnant or nursing. Though it is generally considered safe, those allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, or iodine may not be able to consume it.

Anyone who gathers dandelion from wild sources (like the backyard) should make sure that the area has not been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and that it does not come from an area where pets may have eliminated.

Dandelion - a backyard herb with many benefits

Ever used dandelion? How did you use it? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


110 responses to “Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits”

  1. Megan Avatar

    How often (if at all) can you take/ingest dandelion while pregnant or nursing?

  2. Jordan Avatar

    I have terrible, recurrent urinary tract infections, which is what turned me on to Dandelion Root tea. Nine times out of ten that my boyfriend and I are intimate, I get a urinary tract infection which (terribly enough) basically made me dread sex. My doctor prescribed an antibiotic (half of the normal dose of a sulfa antibiotic that is usually prescribed to treat UTIs) which I was supposed to take after sex as a way to prevent the UTI. However, taking an antibiotic so frequently just seems like it wouldn’t be that healthy, especially since I’m already allergic to Penicillin/Amoxicillin, so making ANOTHER antibiotic ineffective doesn’t make sense. So that’s when I started drinking Dandelion Root tea — I’ve definitely noticed a difference, as it makes me go to the bathroom more and makes sure I’m frequently flushing out my urinary tract. To anyone else having this same issue, I suggest you start drinking it!!

    Also, Wellness Mama – any tips on treating recurrent UTIs/even an article would be so greatly appreciated!!!

    1. Lindsay H Avatar
      Lindsay H

      Hi Jordan, I have this same problem! Apparently my husband’s germs and mine just don’t like each other. I started taking cranberry extract capsules (I use Gaia brand) and I haven’t had a UTI since. I wasn’t sure if it was a coincidence but I ran out of the cranberry supplements and immediately got a UTI so it must be working.

      1. Joyce zaaraoui Avatar
        Joyce zaaraoui

        Try d mannose. My bladder lining has been destroyed by taken to many antibiotics and I haven’t had a problem with my bladder since. It coats the bladder wall. Hope it helps you as so many woman suffer from this problem.

    2. Sammi Wright Avatar
      Sammi Wright

      Try Colloidal Silver as a natural antibiotic. Just taking it for one day after a night of….should cure the problem

    3. Chrissy Avatar

      Same Problem. I use D-mannose powder and 1 tsp Braggs ACV for a week. Works every time.

    4. Lisa Avatar

      I had the exact same problem years ago. The solution… wash with soap before and after you’re intimate. Darn you bacteria.

    5. karen Avatar

      make sure you urinate before and after sex also. as soon as possible. it seems to help.

    6. Pamela Avatar

      I don’t get UTI very often at all, however, when I do, I have found that an uncrushed clove of does the trick! Peal, cut off rough end, then insert into vagina. I generally insert before bed. In a day, two at the most…it’s gone!

    7. Dave Avatar

      Corn silk tea is very beneficial for UTI. You would need to get the corn silk off organic corn though. 🙂

    8. Jen Avatar

      If you are having reoccurring UTI’s try D-Mannose powder, it works great! Also, please research “IC, bladder inflammation”. It coukd be that you have this chronic condition instead of UTI’s. Avoid sugar and acidic foods for both issues. Best wishes to you!

      1. Jen Avatar

        Also, pain after sex can be caused by pelvic floor disorder (muscle issues). A trained Physical Therapist can help you with this, one who is knowledgeable in women’s health issues. But IC causes pain after sex as well.

    9. Aimee Avatar

      Making sure you have good gut health is crucial to clearing up recurring UTI’s! I was in your situation, and found a great probiotic that has helped me immensely!

    10. Tanya Avatar

      D-mannose. Total miracle. I’ve struggled with UTIs all my life. Frequent. Especially after sex. This is derived from cranberries, but for me, it works much better than the juice or pills. It’s more concentrated, I believe. You can order it in powder form on Amazon. Take 1tsp after sex, and then maybe 1tsp at bedtime. I think you can take 3x day if you have an infection. But seriously, this was life changing for me. I took the lose dose abx for many, many years. I hate to think of the damage it probably did to my gut.

    11. Valerie Luevano Avatar
      Valerie Luevano

      To the numerous women who get UT I’s after intercourse, I’m wondering if your male partner should investigate what bacteria he is passing on to you. It always seems the case that the woman carries all the responsibility for the outcome of sexual relationships, but it takes two to tango! This is purely a personal point of view.

      Ecoli (Escherichia coli) seem to be the most common offenders but are part of a diverse group, some of which are harmless and necessary.

      I’m not an expert, but the commonsense thing for me would be to make sure my partner did not spread bacteria from the rectal area, and I would personally ensure that the area was clean (i.e., no rectal residue).
      Ditto for your partner.

      We have to have frank conversations, free from embarrassment, and that should include talking to one’s GP or, if that is not comfortable, seeking an infectious disease specialist.

      Broad spectrum antibiotics kill off good as well as bad bacteria, and the bad bacteria become resistant, so defeat the object of the exercise. Better to try cranberries first – not cranberry juice with added sugar, but an extract in pill form so you get the full effect in concentrated form. Apparently the chemicals in the cranberry prevent the bacteria from adhering to the cells in the wall of the bladder..

    12. Michelle Avatar

      I had the same problem. I stopped using lubricated condoms and just used the unlubricated ones. It’s been over a year now and haven’t had a UTI since.

  3. Angie Avatar

    Since it helps in releasing bile, will it be harmful in patients having a bout of cholecystits (inflammed gallbladder) and in patients with gallstones? Will this also contract the gall bladder or help in releasing CCK which helps in contracting the gall bladder? Will it stimulate the release of gallstone into the ducts which can cause cholangitis (inflammation in duct) and stasis of bile and forming sludge/pus..which can then cause infection and lead to infection in blood stream(sepsis)? Is this also safe in fatty liver and acute pancreatitis on chronic pancreatitis? If you can, can you please share the mechanism of action and the source where you got this from? I want to be very careful in giving this to someone that has cholecystits or choledocholithiasis(gallstones) along with chronic pancreatitis and fatty liver. Thanks again!

  4. Fiona Avatar

    I make a dandelion salve by infusing dandelion flowers (about 50) in warm olive oil for 2 days and then straining and adding bees wax. Melt together and pour into containers. Extraordinary for chapped hands and the brilliant yellow colour makes me smile.

  5. Carol Macdonald Avatar
    Carol Macdonald

    I learned this receipe in the Middle East where dandelion leaves and stems are part of the normal diet greens. Soak the dandelion leaves and roots for about 5 mins in water that has boiled. Drain the dandelions and repeat this twice more (dandelion is extremely bitter and this removes the bitter taste). Chop the leaves as you would with spinach. Add a little olive oil to a frying pan and saute onions and garlic until golden. Add the chopped dandelion, salt and pepper, and other seasoning you may want to try. Serve on a pita as a vegetarian sandwich.

    1. Naomi Avatar

      This sounds delicious! I’m going to make it for dinner, see if my kids like it. Thanks for the tip about removing the bitterness.

  6. Marlene Avatar

    I love dandy blend tea but I get such a weird brain fog after drinking it that I had to give it up! Do you think that means I have a sensitivity to an ingredient in it? Or is there a known sedative effect from one of the ingredients?

    1. Ashley Avatar

      I get brain fog after drinking itx too. I’m pretty sure it’s just a detox effect called the herxheimer reaction.

  7. kathy Avatar

    Do you have a recipe for dandelion tea? How much dandelion root, how much water, any other herbs to add for a liver cleanse? Thank you so very much.

  8. Deliza Avatar

    I recently had some medical issues that stressed the need for a healthier lifestyle . I love all the helpful info found here.

  9. Lara Avatar

    Dandelions promote “clear painful urinary dysfunction”??? Is it safe to eat then, or was this a typo?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’d do your own research to make sure you are comfortable eating it, but they are considered safe to eat…

  10. Ros Avatar

    I use dandelion leaves in my green smoothies along with kale, parsley and beet tops, rainbow chard or whatever happens to be in season from the garden. Another wonderful post Katie. Thank you!

  11. Halley Avatar

    I have recently found that dandelion root is contraindicated for use by someone who has an intestinal blockage/bowel obstruction. This is true also for those with gallstones and ulcers. Important info, as we try to balance our health issues naturally without making ignorant decisions that may impact health negatively.

    1. Ann-marie Gayle Avatar
      Ann-marie Gayle

      Can you explain is it that you should not use it if you have those issues?

    2. LeeAnne Avatar

      That’s true. While dandelion is hugely beneficial (I love it) there are contraindications. Diabetics also need to use caution with dandelion root and should only use while monitored closely by a health professional. Always do your own research people! Stay safe while keeping healthy!

  12. Claire Avatar

    When I was little I would get warts all the time on my knees, so I’d use the milky juice in the stems on them. After about three days of applying the sap the warts would be gone. Bonus was the flowers are tasty. 🙂 Just had to be careful not to do that when Dad had gone nuts with the fertilizer/herbicides.

      1. Lindalee Avatar

        Liz, jewel weed is the best thing for poison ivy and is almost as easy to find as a dandelion!!!

        1. Kelly Avatar

          Wow! I did not know this- my boyfriend is soooo allergic to poison ivy! Much better than gasoline (which he claims is the only thing that works well) I will have to try this next time we go to our farm! Thanks!!

      2. lelu Avatar

        It does help with poision Ivy and oak. I used to get it so bad when I lived in Ohio. It would help dry it out. I would split the stems and rub the juice all over the infected skin.

    1. James Avatar

      Claire – I’ve never heard that Dandelion juice would help for warts. Thanks for bringing this up. I’ll have to check it out myself. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Irene Tiger Avatar
    Irene Tiger

    I LOVE dandelion greens! I gather them in by backyard and use them in salads.

  14. Suzanne Avatar

    I’ve been wanting to try dandelion, specifically The Dandy Blend that Hannah mentioned but have hesitated. On one of my last check ups I had an ultra sound for my liver (I had cancer in my liver in my 20s) and they noticed that my gallbladder has “sludge” in it. This sounds like an easy way to help move that sludge along! Thanks Wellness Mama!

  15. abbylou Avatar

    I make dandelion root tea in the mornings and put it over ice with fresh lemon juice. During the work day or long drives for work, this is much more thirst-quenching and refreshing than just plain water.

  16. Helen Mary Avatar
    Helen Mary

    Wonderful information, however, from a Mom’s point of view ….the MOST important use of a dandelion:  IT IS THE FIRST FLOWER CHILDREN GIVE THEIR MOM!   A most cherished memory!   Thanks for so much great info.
    Helen Mary

    1. Natasha Hunter Avatar
      Natasha Hunter

      Absolutely! My son LOVES to pick them in the backyard and say, ” Put them in your hair, Mama!”

    2. Leslie Avatar

      Yes! I used to pick until my bouquet looked like a ball above my hand! My mom got lots of them with 8 kids! And I got them from my children! What a precious memory!

  17. Lisa Avatar

    My Dad would make a dandelion salad and juice (the leaves and root) it too, when I was a teenager.  The leaves only taste good in the early spring, after that, the leaves are bitter.

  18. hannah Avatar

    My favorite way to eat dandelion is is Dandy Blend beverage.  It’s a nice alternative to coffee and I like it with cream.  I knew that it had some diuretic properties, but a lot of the information in your article is new to me.  Thanks for sharing!

  19. Erica Lrk Avatar
    Erica Lrk


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