Homemade Gummy Vitamins That Kids Love

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Homemade Gummy Vitamins That Kids Love

I get a lot of questions about how I get my kids to take vitamins. While mine will just take their fish oil, probiotics, and magnesium without a problem … it got me thinking.

I combined one of their favorite natural snacks (homemade gummy bears) with vitamins. The result are these healthy, gut-boosting, and kid-friendly multivitamin gummies.

Why We Need Vitamins

Decades ago we only had to eat a well-rounded diet low in processed foods and added sugar to get the nutrients we needed. Now, things are a little more complicated. Unless you’re growing everything you eat in really nutrient-dense soil (or buying from someone who does), food just doesn’t have the essential nutrients it used to.

In fact, fruits and veggies have less than 50% of the essential vitamins and minerals they used to. And even then there are certain nutrients no longer in the American food supply. We need these nutrients to help our immune system, to protect against heart disease, and for overall wellness.

As a mom, I’m more targeted in my approach to nutrition with my kids. We get vitamin D from the sun and vitamin A from fish oil. My kids also like taking healthy, non-GMO, and gluten-free vitamin supplements (without added sugar!) like this one. Adding an extra nutrient boost from homemade gummy vitamins is a fun way to pack more nutrition into their day!

Gut Soothing Gelatin

These rely on gelatin for their texture. Not only is it a good source of collagen, but it helps with healthier hair, skin, and nails. Gelatin is also a big plus when it comes to our gut health. As Hippocrates reportedly claimed many years ago “All disease begins in the gut.” Science is continuing to confirm how important our gut health is for overall health!

A healthy gut has health benefits that include immune support and better mental health.

One caution: If your kids aren’t regularly drinking bone broth (they should be!) then start slow and only give them a few of these at a time. Their guts may need time to adjust or they could have a little loose stool. Gelatin has a soothing effect on the digestive system.

Customize Your Gummy Vitamins

You can add different vitamins and nutrients here depending on your preference. Keep in mind that these won’t have a full spectrum of nutrients like premade dietary supplements or prenatal vitamins though. Certain oil-based vitamins, like vitamin E and fish oil also won’t mix in very well.

Making your own chewable vitamins means you can skip the sugar alcohols, additives, and corn syrup sweeteners found in many gummy supplements.

I can think of endless uses for these, but these are the ones I’ve tried so far. You can make different fruit flavors by changing out the juice.

  • Adding vitamin C Powder and using lemon juice to make sour vitamin C gummies for immune health.
  • Adding probiotics with a fresh juice base to make GAPS friendly gummy vitamins
  • Using homemade elderberry syrup as a base to make flu-busting chewable vitamins
  • Adding Natural Calm for chewable magnesium vitamins
  • Just making regular flavors and putting them in cute molds to make gummy snacks. They’re nut-free and sometimes approved for school activities.

You can also try adding some calcium powder (along with magnesium and vitamin D). A B complex vitamin with vitamin B6, vitamin B12, biotin, and folate (not folic acid), is also a good option.

I use probiotics from Just Thrive because they’re proven to make it to the gut (unlike many others). In general, if your probiotics need refrigerated and can’t stand any heat, they won’t make it past your stomach acid. They even have a kid’s probiotic gummy that my kids love!

Choosing Your Juice

Most store-bought juices have a shocking amount of added grams of sugar. They’re often flavored sugar water concoctions. Fresh pressed is the best option, but if you need a store-bought option look for something that’s just organic juice. No added sugars, flavors, or dyes.

Pineapple juice doesn’t work in these because it has bromelain, a digestive enzyme that breaks down protein. Great for digestion, but not so great when you’re trying to make gelatin gel. I’ve found it gives them a weird slimy texture and doesn’t work. Papaya has the same problem here.

Our favorite fresh juice combinations are mango/orange, lemon/lime (sour), or elderberry syrup as the base. They’re full of antioxidants and vitamin C, and taste delicious!

If you’re short on time or can’t make chewable vitamins, Hiya would be my next choice. They have clean ingredients and a wide variety of what kids need.

gummy vitamins

How to Make Gummy Vitamins

Homemade chewable gummy vitamins are a great way to give kids some extra protein and make their vitamins delicious and easy to take!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cooling Time 2 hours
Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes
Calories 19kcal
Author Katie Wells


16 servings



  • 8 tsp gelatin
  • 1 cup juice
  • 2 TBSP  honey (optional)
  • 2 tsp vitamins of choice (vitamin C, probiotics, magnesium, etc.)


  • Combine the juice, vitamins or probiotics, and honey in a small saucepan.
  • Sprinkle the gelatin over the top and allow it to bloom for about 1 minute.
  • Heat slightly over low heat until gelatin is completely dissolved, about 2 minutes. It will be thick and somewhat syrup-like.
  • Quickly pour the mixture into molds or a small glass dish lightly oiled with coconut oil.
  • Place the molds in the fridge for several hours or until firm. The exact time depends on the size of your molds.
  • Remove and pop out of molds. Cut into squares if needed.


Nutrition Facts
How to Make Gummy Vitamins
Amount Per Serving (1 gummy)
Calories 19
% Daily Value*
Fat 0.02g0%
Saturated Fat 0.004g0%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.01g
Monounsaturated Fat 0.002g
Sodium 5mg0%
Potassium 17mg0%
Carbohydrates 3g1%
Fiber 0.04g0%
Sugar 3g3%
Protein 2g4%
Vitamin A 0.2IU0%
Vitamin C 0.1mg0%
Calcium 2mg0%
Iron 0.05mg0%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


If your gummies aren’t coming out of the molds easily, pop them in the freezer for a few minutes first. Don’t leave them in for too long though or it will ruin the texture.
Nutrition data doesn’t include added supplements.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Figuring Out Dose

Since these are more like food, I’m not too concerned with the exact dosage. If you want to know how much your kids are getting, here’s an easy way to figure it out. Take the mg or mcg of the vitamin you used and divide by the number of servings.

For example, say you added 400% DV vitamin C. If you used fun gummy molds and ended up with 20 vitamin gummies, divide 400 by 20. This ends up being 20% DV vitamin C per gummy. An even easier way is to make these in a square glass dish and cut the gummies into squares. You can do this calculation for each vitamin added.

Ever made your own vitamins or supplements? What combinations would you add? Let me know below!

DIY chewable vitamins are a wonderful natural alternative to store bough versions. Easy to make and you can customize to your child's needs.

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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


303 responses to “Homemade Gummy Vitamins That Kids Love”

  1. Emily Waters Avatar
    Emily Waters

    Hi Katie,

    I don’t normally post links on public thread/walls, but I just found “Gummi Bear silicone ice cube trays” online! The first thing I thought of was your gummi vitamins, and I thought I would share. I bet kids would love having gummi bears. Or I would love to have a gummi bear again, not sure which 🙂

  2. jess Avatar

    HI – just wondering about using Natural Calm magnesium without first dissolving it in water. Do you think this makes a difference in absorbability? (the directions say to dissolve it in warm water to make it “ionic”) Thoughts?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The juice provides enough of a liquid to help it dissolve from what I can tell…

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’ve actually just fresh juiced most of the time, but there are a couple of brands in glass jars in the organic section of our store that don’t have sugar…

    2. Linda Baker Avatar
      Linda Baker

      lots of sugar free juices in health food stores and on aisles in many grocery stores. Even Welch’s 100% grapejuice is free of it. 🙂

    3. Abbie Heller Avatar
      Abbie Heller

      All juice is going to have grams of sugar listed on the nutrition info as fruit has naturally occurring sugars; just check to make sure sugar isn’t being added in the ingredient list.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I think the brand is R.W. Knudsen or you can juice fresh…

    4. Jenny Avatar

      There are still quite a few people around that make apple cider. After some research, I was able to find a local source with unpasteurized cider, and it is so much more delicious! Store bought juices have been pasteurized….which basically turns them into sugar water. For those unable to find an unpasteurized source, I highly recommend doing your own juicing. I don’t have a fancy juicer, but a little elbow grease and an old school juicer from the thrift store make the recipes so much more healthy (and delicious) since the food is actually alive!

  3. Rachel Stanton Jimenez Avatar
    Rachel Stanton Jimenez

    I’ve been thinking about this idea over the past few weeks and here you’ve already done most of the work for me! So glad I found this and can’t wait to try it out out. I’ve been contemplating an herbal vitamin tincture for my boys since, even at 6 and 8, they don’t seem to be able to take the food-based vitamins I have for them. I just need to do some research and decide exactly what I’d like in their herbal multi tincture and then get moving on it.

  4. Jeff Wilson Avatar
    Jeff Wilson

    Great post…We were wondering how long they keep, do they need to be refrigerated or do you have to eat them right away

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      They don’t have to be, but we keep them for a week or more in the fridge

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I haven’t tried it, but it probably would… Great Lakes does make a kosher beef gelatin though…

  5. Jeneal Southern Avatar
    Jeneal Southern

    Nice! Thank you (times a million!) for adding the awesome little printable recipe! So much easier than copying and pasting (something I’ve been working on with a lot of your recipes). ;0)

  6. Cassandra Avatar

    Do you know if this will work for an oil base like FCLO? I’ve got a variety of things I’d love to be able to give my daughter to heal her health (from my bad health) but thought I’d have to wait until she was old enough to take a pill.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      That is on my list to try. It will work, though it might need to be emulsified, I’m just not sure on the taste… have you tried the kids licorice flavored gel? My kids actually really like that one

      1. Cassandra Avatar

        We’re drowning in student loans and I only have 1.5 bottles of cinnamon from a bulk buy so I don’t know and I’ll never know. Just trying to make the best of what I’ve got so I can’t exactly go experimenting if it won’t work. The other question is how well do they store? Have you made a huge batch yet?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          I’ve been making small batches since they are so fast to make, but they should store weeks in the fridge. Maybe try a chai tea/coconut milk base with the cinnamon to hide the taste! Let me know how it goes..

          1. Rachel Avatar

            So can I make enough for 2 weeks or 4? I plan on using fresh pressed concord grape juice. Can they be frozen?

  7. Kathy Avatar

    I forgot to ask, if you are using the elderberry does that replace the 1/2 cup juice? When cutting them or putting them in molds how much would you say a serving would be? How much of the vitamin C and Magnesium and probiotics do you use or do you base those amounts on servings? Thanks!!

    1. Anna Avatar

      Hi Katie!!! My question is how long do you put it on the heat for? How can you tell if the gelatin is dissolved? Mine did not get thick and syrupy… thanks!!

  8. Kathy Avatar

    This is an answer to prayer!!! I have been trying to find vitamins that all three of my kids would take. I love that I can add whatever I feel they need. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

  9. Anna L Torner-Boron Avatar
    Anna L Torner-Boron

    I have a silly question… how much of each vitamin/probiotic/maagnesium do you add per batch? I’m very new to making this kind of stuff at home… LOVE you site, by the way!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      That would have been helpful info… I’ll add it! 🙂 I added 2 teaspoons per batch if using single vitamins (vitamin C) and 1 teaspoon each if using multiple ones…

      1. LAUREN Avatar

        Are you using 2 teaspoons of liquid or powder vitamins? Also I am not sure how to properly assess how much of each vitamin is in each gummy. Any suggestions?

          1. Fi Avatar

            You need to work out the total amount of vitamin you use. Then work out the number of gummies you have made. Divide the amount by the number. A simple example: 1000mg of vitamin c used and 20 gummies made… 1000/20=50 (1000 divided by 20 is 50). So 50mg of vitamin C in each gummy.

          1. Leanne Robinson Avatar
            Leanne Robinson

            I tried it with unflavored cod liver oil and they are TERRIBLE. Even I don’t want to eat them. We added a few other vitamins and 1/4 cup of unflavored oil which is a child’s serving between 16 servings of gummies. I’m now trying to sneak the gummies into smoothies. They do not taste like grape juice at all. We’re going to try using the fish oil topically. My kids do like the strawberry flavored kind mixed in with their strawberry nice cream.

            I didn’t realize until after making these that her gummy molds must be much bigger than the little gummy bear ones I’ve seen. I poured it onto a cookie sheet with parchment and sliced into 1/4” thick squares and they came out to be about 1”x1” or so. I think the gummy bears are 1/2” or less so the serving size would be more than 2 with those.

  10. Elizabeth Resnick Avatar
    Elizabeth Resnick

    One more question….just tried making a batch with Natural Calm. I added a tablespoon of Natural calm to one cup juice and 16 teaspoons gelatin. The Natural Calm really fizzed up. Will it jell OK?

  11. Elizabeth Resnick Avatar
    Elizabeth Resnick

    Thanks for the great ideas! I just discovered your website and love it! The chia energy bars and sports drink have been hits with my picky family. I’d love to try these gummy treats, even just to get the gelatin into my kids. Could an herbal supplement (one of the ones from Gaia) be mixed into this also?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Yep… I”ve been working on an herbal vitamin tincture for little ones and something like that could be added also…

  12. Debra D. Avatar

    Just to clarify before I make them- do you mix the different vitamins listed above into the same batch or do they need to be in seperate ones? And does the elderberry syrup replace the fruit juice when using? Thanks!!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Should have clarified that- elderberry replaces the juice and you can mix any except magnesium and Vitamin C (they won’t be absorbed well)

      1. Chris Avatar

        Question about mixing magnesium and Vit C. I can not find information that agrees with you that they should not be mixed together. Can you tell me your source? I have found many place that say it’s ok the take Vit C and magnesium together. Thanks!

        1. Shannon Avatar

          Buffered Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) includes magnesium and I thought that was for the purpose of it being absorbed better. However it does have to be “buffered.”

  13. Beaut Avatar

    I was looking all over pinterest and random blogs for a good gummy vitamin recipe this week. Of course you’d provide right away! Thanks so much for this recipe! I’m going to make it (for myself) right away!

  14. Michelle Avatar

    What are your thoughts on using agar agar to get the ‘jello’-like texture?

    1. SophieE_sophie Avatar

      agar agar doesn’t have a good mouth feel. I’ve tried to make jelly cubes with it in the passed and wasn’t impressed.

  15. Sarena Kopciel Avatar
    Sarena Kopciel

    Cool. I so wish I could find reliably kosher gelatin (the GL brand isnt truly kosher for me). I have seen a fish gelatin but its from farm raised tilapia which I am leary of.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Hmmm. I’d be leary of the tilapia one too. What is it about the GL brand that isn’t Kosher enough. I’ll see if I can find another source that would fit your needs…

      1. Elisabeth Avatar

        I believe GL is porcine based. Bernard Jensen has a brand that is kosher, maybe that would work,

          1. Sarena Kopciel Avatar
            Sarena Kopciel

            Thanks all. I know the GL has a kosher one but it isnt truly kosher enough for my standards. And I am wondering about using agar agar.thoughts?

          2. Wellness Mama Avatar
            Wellness Mama

            I understand. I haven’t tried agar agar, but it seems like it should work. Please let us know if you try it!

          3. Claudia Avatar

            Hi dear, i found the gelatin that you recommended (Kosher) but mine one is Porcine Gelatin and not BEEF. Can i use that?

    2. Molly Malone Avatar
      Molly Malone

      5 stars
      Hello, about 2 years later!

      I’ve used agar-agar, it doesn’t melt at room temperature like gelatin does, and sets up firmer so you use less. Depending upon the form, it comes in flakes, sheets, and powder, you’ll just have to search for how to use the form you have, likely it will be on the package. Agar-agar is also vegan and therefore vegetarian for anyone who needs that.

      Agar is used in Asian countries for ‘jello’ maybe because it’s easier to get (it’s from seaweed) and maybe because it melts at a higher temperature making it better for hotter climates.

      Anyway, it would work great. If you don’t like the mouth feel, you may have used too much. I’ve overdone it with gelatin and it sets up very stiff, too, so that could be it.

      This is such a great idea, I love it! Make your own vitamin gels! Why couldn’t we just open up a couple of capsules of choice and mix them in? It might be gritty, but still, it isn’t a capsule to swallow.

    3. Maria Avatar

      This is late in the thread, but Great Lakes makes a kosher variety now. You can find it in amazon. It’s in a green container:)

    4. fray Avatar

      Serena I’m also searching for Kosher Gelatin but only the tilapia seems the option. If u found any better sources plz leme knw TY!

    5. Ivana Avatar

      Hi there! How long can they last? Or must they be consumed same day? Do they stay in the fridge?

      1. Tina Avatar

        I’d like to know too!! how long do these last and how do we store them?

  16. Kristy Kelley Avatar
    Kristy Kelley

    Thanks for this vitamin recipe. I am trying to find a good way for my children to take their vitamins. I have a question for you. I’ve been reading into the GAPS diet for my children and I. I have a gluten sensitivity which has spilled over into basically all grains and lactose intolerance as well. Both my children have exzema, one has asthma and both have severe egg and nut allergy. My son who is one yr old, experienced anaphylaxis last week to eggs. You mentioned (and I’ve read about this other places) that the mother’s gut bacteria can be passed on to the baby. I guess my question is…could my poor gut bacteria lead my children to have severe/true food allergies to egg and nut? And my other question is…would the GAPS diet help with true food allergies? Or is it just for food sensitives? I’m sure the book will explain this as well so I will probably buy it. My last question (so so many)..how hard is it to keep your kids on this diet? Does your whole family do the diet?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      As sad as it is, mom’s gut bacteria can cause these issues in children. I wish so much that I had known this before I agreed to antibiotics during one labor. Especially for our son who was born via emergency c-section, the GAPS diet has been hugely helpful. He had several true allergies as well and I have no doubt that this was due to the steroids and antibiotics he got and the fact that he never benefitted from any of my gut bacteria. The GAPS diet can definitely help with this though. It is a long process and a hard one, but I can say that it has absolutely been worth it for us after seeing how much better our son feels and how much calmer our other children were (they weren’t bad before, but they just seem to have more self control and don’t have tantrums as much). It isn’t really that hard to stick to it once you get in the routine. I do have to bring food when we go places and we don’t eat out really at all, but I just remind myself that it isn’t forever and this will be so beneficial for them in the future that it is worth it now. Good luck if you decide to go forward and feel free to comment with any questions as you make the switch!

      1. Kristy Kelley Avatar
        Kristy Kelley

        Oh my gosh, thank you so much for replying so quickly! I too wish I would have know all of this before having my two children. They are a complete mess with allergies, asthma and exzema. I am definitely going to get the GAPS diet. How long have you been on the diet? How long to you plan to be on the diet? I understand that everyone one is different, just trying to get some sort of idea. Is your husband on board with this? I’m not sure I could ever get him to agree to put the kids on this diet let alone try to get him to do it!

          1. Dayna Avatar

            Why do you say no pineapple juice? Just wondering as this is my juice of choice when making smoothies. Is
            there something inherently bad about it or is it just not good for the gummies?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          We’ve been on it for several months and will continue until at least a year, or when symptoms don’t come back when we stop. He is on board with the kids, but doesn’t always stick to it 100% himself when he is at business dinners, etc.

      2. Bridgett Avatar

        So I’m getting ready to make these vitamins for myself and my kids but I’m wondering…..can u use the vitamin C, magnesium and probiotics all in one batch/mixture?

        1. Heather Carlson Avatar
          Heather Carlson

          This is my question also….did it get answered? Does it work to make a “multi-purpose” vitamin? Thanks!

          1. Shereece Avatar

            Umm..did your question get answered bc I’m trying to figure out the same thing:)

      3. Liz Avatar

        How would you keep them stored? Do they need to be refrigerated?

    1. Val Avatar

      5 stars
      This is a fabulous way to supplement my 5, plus hubby and I, for less! Can your liquid multivitamin recipe be converted into gummy form? Thanks 🙂

    2. Anna Avatar

      Heating probiotics and many vitamins is NOT a good idea – they will loose their potency and have zero effect. Also, please do not give fermented CLO to children without first obtaining documentation on oxidation and purity form the vendor.

      1. Chandra-Lee Avatar

        If you look into the data you will find each vitamin is unique in how it holds up to heat. A study done testing vitamin C in vegetables concluded 5 minutes of cooking reduced the content from 9-16 percent, where as 30 minutes of cooking reduced the vitamin C by almost 65 percent. How long the vitamins are exposed to heat is a critical factor. In making these gummies there is minimal exposure, and based on the data there will be a significant vitamin content in the finished product. Probiotics? Questionable. Definitely a green light for minerals as they hold up to heat very well.

      2. Tracy Avatar

        4 stars
        She also mentions adding vitamins and probiotics after heating. So the gelatin is already cooling off as you put them in. You could probably do them up in a similar way to Jello, by keeping some of the juice out mix the vitamins, etc into the cold juice and add that mixture to the warm and put them in the molds or pan for the freezer. The vitamins, etc would them be added into a cooler liquid and would not be in much heat for long.

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