Homemade Chamomile Tincture

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how to make chamomile tincture for kids
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Homemade Chamomile Tincture

Chamomile is one of my favorite herbs because of its delicate scent and great taste in teas. It is my absolute favorite herb for kids and I keep a tincture of chamomile on hand for any childhood aches and ailments.

Switching to a real food diet has eliminated our bouts with ear infections and stuffy noses (though chamomile helps with those too!) but some things, like teething pain, can’t be fixed with healthy food!

Chamomile Tincture

The type of chamomile I use in herbal tinctures is German chamomile, also known as Matricaria chamomilla, chamomilla recutita, or Matricaria recutita. Roman chamomile is also available, but it’s not used as often and has a different taste. The different chamomiles also have slightly different properties so I’m just going to focus on German chamomile here.

How to Use Chamomile

Chamomile is a naturally calming herbal remedy that relaxes nerves and reduces pain. Its been known to settle the stomach and reduce gas and colic in infants. I use it to soothe fussy babies, calm down upset toddlers, and on bruises.

Adults can use chamomile as a sleep aid, to ease menstrual cramps, relieve headaches, for digestive health and soothe frayed nerves. It’s also great for the skin, especially eczema, and can even naturally lighten hair. Chamomile helps support the nervous system and may boost the immune system.

A small trial found that chamomile can help soothe the pain and stiffness from osteoarthritis. Much like turmeric, chamomile can help with inflammation. The liquid extract contains antioxidant flavanoids, like apigenin that help fight inflammation and improve sleep.

Chamomile tea is one of the most popular herbal teas, but sometimes it’s just faster to grab a tincture. A homemade chamomile tincture is incredibly easy to make and is my favorite baby gift for new parents. I take it to the hospital when I have a baby (mainly for me during labor!).

how to make chamomile tincture for kids
4.34 from 12 votes

Homemade Chamomile Tincture

This quick and easy chamomile tincture is perfect to have on hand for both little ones and adults.
Prep Time5 minutes
Maceration time14 days
Total Time14 days 5 minutes
Yield: ounces (approx)
Author: Katie Wells



  • Pack the chamomile flowers into a clean quart-size glass jar. If preferred, you can run the entire mixture (alcohol and chamomile) through the blender first. This increases the surface area of the herb for better extraction.
  • Fill the rest of the jar with vodka or rum (do not use rubbing alcohol or non-consumable alcohol!) and tightly cover with an airtight lid. If using fresh chamomile instead of dried, then use 190 proof alcohol.
  • Store in a cool, dark place and shake daily for 2-4 weeks. This will make a strong tincture! Add more alcohol if necessary to make sure the chamomile stays covered during this process.
  • After 2-4 weeks, remove from the cabinet, and pour through a cheesecloth or strainer. Store in a jar or in dropper bottles for easy use.


Storage: Store your chamomile tincture in a cool, dry place away from direct light and heat.

Alcohol-free Chamomile Extract

Not everyone wants a chamomile herbal extract made with alcohol. Herbal glycerites use vegetable glycerin instead and are another option. While I feel safe giving chamomile tinctures even to my babies and little ones, here’s how to make a glycerite if you want that option.

Chamomile Tincture Dosing

  • Infants: only a few drops are needed. Often it can be rubbed on the gums or stomach for teething or colic pain.
  • Toddlers and older children: 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon can be taken 1-3 times a day while needed. It’s especially useful for babies and young children who are having difficulty sleeping. A dose right before bedtime can help relax and soothe them for a more peaceful sleep.
  • Adults: up to 1 teaspoon, 1-3 times a day as needed.

Any herb can be preserved with this method, and often this is the most cost-effective way to use herbs. I grow a lot of my own herbs, but I’ll get organic chamomile or other herbs from here if it’s not in my garden.

Chamomile Tincture Variations

Sometimes I’ll tincture a single herb, but having some blends on hand is also nice. Chamomile also blends well with catnip, lemon balm, peppermint, or fennel. Catnip and lemon balm are both calming nervines. Peppermint and fennel help soothe digestive upsets.

Another tincture I keep on hand is my homemade Herbal Digestive Remedy Tincture. This one uses both peppermint and fennel, but you could add some chamomile too. The nice thing about homemade herbal supplements is I can customize them to my exact needs!

This article was medically reviewed by Jessica Meyers, MPAP, PA-C, RH(AHG), who specializes in herbal protocols and functional medicine. You can also find Jessica on Instagram. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

What homemade tinctures do you make? Share below!

  • Srivastava, J. K., Shankar, E., & Gupta, S. (2010). Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. Molecular medicine reports, 3(6), 895–901.
  • Shoara, r., et al. (2015). Efficacy and safety of topical Matricaria chamomilla L. (chamomile) oil for knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled clinical trial, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 21(3), 181-187.

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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    179 responses to “Homemade Chamomile Tincture”

    1. Fiona Avatar

      How do you dilute or let the alcohol evaporate when giving this to babies?

    2. cheri Avatar

      Just wanted to say that I tried this recipe, and it has worked wonders! I took a small bottle of it to work with me. Just as things were about to get stressful(as they always do) I used some with a small cup of water. It helped me from feeling overwhelmed. I just wish it didn’t take so long to make (steeping time)!

    3. Shirley Avatar

      Do you know if this might help a baby with an acid reflux problem? My 18 month old is on a prescription for her reflux but her Dr. is always open to trying herbal remedies. Do you think I should ask the pediatrician about this? I know I will be using it to help my 7 year old sleep at night and stop giving her the melatonin. Thanks so much for posting this.

      1. Layla Avatar

        I know I am a little late.:-) I was seeing a neurologists for insomnia and migraines. He said that melatonin only helps if there is a deficiency of melatonin. Otherwise, the body gets rid of it as waste. Just a heads up 😉

    4. maeghan myers Avatar
      maeghan myers

      I am exclusively breastfeeding, how would I give my 2 month old some internally? Just a few drops straight in his mouth, or do I take it? Also I have heard of people who are allergic to ragweed should not take chamomile..?

    5. Charlotte Avatar

      I think I messed up this tincture! I’ve made it once before (and it worked wonders on my baby’s colic and teething!), but didn’t pay attention when making the second one. I strained out the chamomile leaves after they sat in the water for a couple hours. I was waiting for it to get cool so I could add the vodka. So basically, what I’ve had in the cupboard for a week is TEA with vodka. Should I dump it? I’m guessing it’s not a real tincture without the flowers in there, but wanted to check before I toss it.

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        It will still have some benefit, and you can actually just add some more flowers and leave for another week or so. The heat has already extracted the good parts of some of the chamomile and the alcohol can do the rest over time

        1. Charlotte Avatar

          Thank you! I’m glad it’s not a waste. This stuff is so helpful, I’ll keep making it as long as I have kids in the house. My sister is 20 and getting her wisdom teeth, so she tried some tincture for the pain. Advil wasn’t helping her, but this did! She had immediate relief. Now I know it really does help my baby with his teeth.

    6. Laura Avatar

      Hi there,

      I love your site! I made this, let it site 8 weeks and now bottled. I notice today there stuff in the bottle. Sort of like ferment strands. I’m assuming this is probably normal. Should I have strained this finer? Think it’s okay to use? I’ve been using it just fine for a month, I’m not too worried. Do you experience this? Thanks!

    7. shay Avatar

      I am going to be growing fresh chamomile this year…is fresh better than dry? I have insomnia and mood swings, I know this will help but I need a non alcoholic alternative…. Any suggestions? Or is the best way always with alcohol? I live with a recovering alcoholic but he would benefit from this also, he has sleep trouble as well….

    8. Jenny D. Avatar
      Jenny D.

      Ha, ha!!! Never mind, I was reading the measurements as 11/2 instead of 1 and a 1/2. Oh boy, I’m completely blaming that on my “baby brain.”

    9. Jenny D. Avatar
      Jenny D.

      I seem to be the only one, but I don’t understand the measurements of the water & vodka. Help!?

    10. Janice Dre Avatar
      Janice Dre

      Why do you add boiling water your your herb tinctures before the alcohol? I’ve never heard of this before.

    11. Jackie Avatar

      Is there any alternative to chamomile? I was drinking chamomile tea at night before the last nursing to help baby sleep and it worked great until she became intolerant to it. I tried to wait a month and it still seems to bother her, she seems to scream a few hours after consuming it. I really want to find a natural teething remedy. Since this takes 4-6 weeks it may have to go for the next round though… any suggestions…

    12. Sarah Avatar

      Hello! Where do you buy your amber glass jars? I’m soooooo excited to make a batch of these for baby Christmas gifts!

    13. Elysia Avatar

      Wow how the time has flown by! My tinctures are just about ready. I made 3: chamomile, calendula & lavender. I’d love to use them to make gifts for my family – all of my cousins have babies, ages 0-4! A question for Wellness Mama & readers… 🙂 If you could pick anything, internal or external, made with one or more of these tinctures, what would they be? For you or for baby. Looking for ideas…

    14. schram Avatar

      Can you use chamomile from tea bags, if you don’t want to buy online and pay for shipping?

    15. bert Avatar

      When we try to go to the link you provide for “other herbs” that you don”t grow yourself, we get a security warning. Is the site safe to go to?

    16. Madeline Avatar

      I have a question for you. While I wait the 4-6 for my herbal tincture to be finished I bought one from the health store. Is the potency different with theirs because I have all 11 month old who is 17.5 lbs and if I give her 15-25 drops diluted in .5 oz of juice it does nothing for her. I don’t want to give her too much because of the alcohol but I feel like I have to give her 3 times what you recommend for it to kind of work. My thoughts are either my child needs a horse tranquilizer to get anything to work or the stores tincture is much less potent and I should expect your recipe to be stronger. Any thoughts or advice? I love your page by the way!! Thank you!

    17. TABITHA Avatar

      I have a question about the type of alcohol you use. I am wondering if you use Organic alcohol or if it matters. wouldn’t a cheap grain alcohol most likely
      have GMO’s in it?

    18. Deanna Avatar

      I know you’ve answered a million questions about the alcohol content, though my 5 month old son isn’t drinking water yet, so how would you evaporate the alcohol? I’ve used 1 drop on his poor teething gums, but he was still upset so I wondered if I should use more. But then I’m hesitant bc of the alcohol content that hasn’t been evaporated yet…

        1. Deanna Avatar

          Oh ok! So do the 15 drops in a tiny bit of breast milk for 15 min then? And just rub a small amount on his gums throughout the day until I need to throw out the breast milk?

        2. Deanna Avatar

          Ok. So for a baby under 1, you would recommend just a few drops right? And is there a certain amount of time I should wait before giving him more?

        3. elda Avatar

          hi, so inwas just wondering. if you can evaporate it in breastmilk.. does this mean you need to boli it like you would have the water? is it safe to boil breastmilk?

      1. Deanna Avatar

        For a baby under 1 year you would recommend just a few drops right? Is there a certain amount of time I should wait before giving my son more?

    19. Jill Prayner Avatar
      Jill Prayner

      Hi Katie,

      I love your blog! Thanks so much for all the fabulous tips!! I was curious is this would work for dogs. I have a huge dog who absolutely flips out in the car when bikers pass. We live in the city, so this is a lot and very annoying. Do you think this would help calm him? And if so, would he have to ingest it?

      Thanks for your help!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I would think it could help… I’d actually try rubbing on his ears or just a drop or two under the tongue to see if it helps..

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