Pack the chamomile flowers into a clean quart-size glass jar. If preferred, you can run the entire mixture (alcohol and chamomile) through the blender first. This increases the surface area of the herb for better extraction.
Fill the rest of the jar with vodka or rum (do not use rubbing alcohol or non-consumable alcohol!) and tightly cover with an airtight lid. If using fresh chamomile instead of dried, then use 190 proof alcohol.
Store in a cool, dark place and shake daily for 2-4 weeks. This will make a strong tincture! Add more alcohol if necessary to make sure the chamomile stays covered during this process.
After 2-4 weeks, remove from the cabinet, and pour through a cheesecloth or strainer. Store in a jar or in dropper bottles for easy use.
Storage: Store your chamomile tincture in a cool, dry place away from direct light and heat.