How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to make and use castor oil packs
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs

I was first introduced to castor oil as my due date approached with my first child. Like any mom, I was eager to meet my little one so I turned to the expansive wisdom that is Google to find ways to speed up my body’s natural process of going into labor.

I found many folk remedies for inducing labor that I tried (walking, spicy food, bouncing on a medicine ball, pineapple, dancing, raspberry leaf tea, and others). I also found a few I didn’t work up the courage to try… especially castor oil! (And I’m glad I didn’t… I’ll tell you why.)

What Is Castor Oil?

Castor oil (Ricinus communis) comes from the castor seed, native to India. It is extremely high in ricinoleic acid, which is thought to be responsible for its health-promoting abilities. In fact, it was once called Palma christe because its leaves resembled the hands of Christ. It is important to note that while castor oil is said to have health benefits, the castor seed itself can be deadly. Internal use of castor oil can be safe, but warrants caution.

Used in ancient Japanese healing arts and other ancient cultures, castor oil enjoys a long and distinguished history. One of the oldest medical textbooks in existence, the Ebers Papyrus, mentions that the early Egyptians applied castor oil topically as early as 1550 B.C.

While it is considered “Generally Regarded As Safe” by the FDA and up to a tablespoon per day is considered approved for internal use, it can cause extreme digestive upset in some people. I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet, so talk to yours before using castor oil or anything else internally.

Does Castor Oil Really Start Labor?

Castor oil is sometimes used internally for inducing labor, but the available research doubts its helpfulness. In fact taken internally it can cause raging diarrhea (the idea is this will also stimulate uterine contractions).

I chose not to try this and wouldn’t suggest it since there is some evidence that it can increase the chance of baby passing meconium before birth. It is also sometimes used to reduce constipation (again with the raging diarrhea).

I much prefer it for external use and would not personally use it internally. It is one of the two oils I use in my daily oil cleansing routine, which has greatly improved my skin.

Castor Oil Packs (& Why to Do One)

To support my body when I discovered my MTHFR mutation, I decided to try another way to use castor oil — castor oil packs!

What It Is

The idea is to keep castor oil on a piece of cloth on the skin for at least an hour with a heat source to stimulate lymph and liver function. Unlike some “detox” methods, this is not said to have any negative side effects and there are many accounts of people who noticed immediate better sleep, more energy, and clearing of skin symptoms.

NOTE: Even for external use, I’d consult with a doctor or naturopath to make sure that this natural remedy is OK for you. It should not be used if pregnant or struggling with a medical condition. I also test any new oil (or any substance) on a small part of my arm before using it on a larger area of the body.

The beauty of a castor oil pack is you can place it where benefits are needed: 

  • Using on the right side of the abdomen or the whole abdomen is thought to help support the liver and digestive system. Some gallbladder specialists recommend castor oil packs as part of a holistic regimen.
  • Place directly on strained joints or muscles to reduce inflammation. (Note: This is not as a substitute for medical care but to speed healing of minor injuries that don’t need medical attention)
  • Or try on the lower abdomen to help with menstrual pain and difficulties.

What It Does

Castor oil packs harness the anti-inflammatory and lymph stimulating benefits of castor oil but allow safer external use. From a 1999 study:

With a minimal 2-hour therapy period, this study found that castor oil packs produced a “significant” temporary increase in the number of T-11 cells that increased over a 7 hour period following treatment and then returned to normal levels within 24 hours later.

The T-11 cell increase represents a general boost in the body’s specific defense status. Lymphocytes actively defend the health of the body by forming antibodies against pathogens and their toxins. T-cell lymphocytes originate from bone marrow and the thymus gland as small lymphocytes that identify and kill viruses, fungi, bacteria, and cancer cells. T-11 cell lymphocytes supply a fundamental antibody capability to keep the specific defense system strong.

In short, castor oil packs have been said to help detoxify the liver naturally, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation, and reduce inflammation.

There aren’t any conclusive studies on the use of castor oil packs externally (though there are some preliminary ones), but a long history of traditional use in many cultures. There is some evidence that it can have a suppressive effect on tumors and a positive effect on arthritis when used externally.

Castor oil packs also provide a time of quiet relaxation, which comes with its own set of health benefits!

How to Do a Castor Oil Pack

Castor oil packs are simple to do at home. I like them because they require me to be still and relax for at least an hour. That’s not always easy to accomplish! They can be messy, but with proper preparation are not.

You can also buy a complete castor oil kit rather than assemble all of the items below. See the end of this post for ones I’ve tried and like.

You’ll Need

  • high-quality castor oil (hexane free)
  • unbleached and dye-free wool or cotton flannel (like this) – can be reused up to 30 times
  • a wrap-around pack (or large piece of cotton flannel) or plastic wrap (not optimal)
  • hot water bottle or heating pad
  • glass container with lid – I use a quart-size mason jar for storing the oil-soaked flannel between uses
  • old clothes, towels, and sheets – castor oil does stain!
  • patience (most difficult to find!)

NOTE: I highly recommend carefully prepping the area where you’ll be doing the castor oil pack to prevent mess. Try using an old shower curtain, covered with a sheet under you to make sure nothing stains. I don’t often have to wash the sheet, and I just fold and store it in the bathroom cabinet for the next use.

How to Use a Castor Oil Pack

  1. Cut a large piece of cotton flannel and fold into thirds to make three layers. My original piece was 20 inches by 10 inches and when folded it was roughly 7 inches by 10 inches. Yours could be larger or smaller, depending on where you are planning to place it.
  2. Thoroughly soak (but not completely saturate) the flannel in castor oil. The easiest way I found to do this was to carefully fold the flannel and place in a quart-size mason jar. I then added castor oil about a tablespoon at a time (every 20 minutes or so) to give it time to saturate. I also gently shook the jar between adding more oil so that the oil could reach all parts of the cloth. Ideally, this should be done the day before to give it time to evenly soak. I save the jar since this is where I keep the flannel between uses (it can be used about 30 times).
  3. Carefully remove and unfold the castor oil-soaked cloth.
  4. While lying on an old towel or sheet, place the cloth on the desired body part.
  5. Cover with the wrap-around pack or cotton flannel, and place the heating pack on top of this. You could also use a plastic grocery bag to prevent oil from getting on the heating pad. A hot water bottle, electric heating pad, or rice heating pad can be used, but hot water bottles and rice packs may need to be reheated several times.
  6. Lie on back with feet elevated (I typically lie on the floor and rest my feet on the couch) and relax for 30-60 minutes.
  7. Use this time to practice deep breathing, read a book, meditate, or pray (or whatever you find relaxing).
  8. After the desired time, remove the pack and return the flannel to the glass container. Store in the fridge.
  9. Use a natural soap or a mix of baking soda and water to remove any castor oil left on the skin.
  10. Relax and rest. Make sure to drink enough water and stay hydrated after doing this to support detox.

Where to Buy a Castor Oil Kit

You can buy castor oil kits complete with cotton flannel, and a non-messy wrap-around pack that removes the need for plastic wrap.

Other Ways to Use Castor Oil

Castor oil is handy to have around the house for other uses as well. It is rich in fatty acids and it contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit the body in many ways. Use castor oil externally to:

  • Apply to acne, dry skin, rashes, boils, age spots, and warts to improve complexion and boost moisture
  • Treat toenail fungus
  • Soothe a sprain, injury, or sore joints
  • Apply to areas of back pain
  • To cleanse and soothe abdomen when having digestive or reproductive trouble

For best results, apply castor oil packs for 60-90 minutes as soon as trouble starts. Do this about 3 times a week for a 3 week period. Consult with a doctor to rule out more serious causes.

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you ever used castor oil? I’ll be sharing some of my other favorite uses soon, but please share yours below!

Castor oil packs for skin and health
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


223 responses to “How to Make & Use Castor Oil Packs”

    1. prea Avatar

      I dont know if you are referring to a specific post but, castor oil is supposed to help grow your eyelashes.

  1. Bree Avatar

    Going to try this on my husband’s arthritis. I’ll let you know the results. Quick question, since I am pregnant should I use gloves when preparing and applying this to him?
    Thank you so much for your website and work. I’ve learned so much regarding our health, both family and as a female!

  2. Mary Avatar

    Hi Katie This time I want to try coloring thelotion bars . What would you suggest? Adding the color to the liquid coconut oil ? Or do you think it’ll be more blended if I put it in the mason jar with everything else ? Also do you recommend beetroot powder ?

  3. Prea Avatar

    I have used them a lot and recommended them to a lot of people. They are great for constipation on kids! My BIL has used them for his swollen knees and he said they helped a lot.

  4. Alison Avatar

    I have been doing the castor oil packs for a couple of months now. How do I clean it? Surely you should wash it every now and then.

  5. Marie Avatar

    Yes! in bed right now actually! I used it yesterday not realizing I was about to ovulate.. my ovulation is always painful but last evening it was far worse than normal and today I’ve felt pain in my stomach and my whole midsection really. Kinda woosy and just over all yuck feeling! I used a long pack stretched all the way across my abdomen for 60 mins I think I over did it and definitely on the wrong day 🙁 I have found a few other people online who say they get sore from them too when using for Endo or cysts. So I guess that’s pretty normal ? :/

    1. Lynn Avatar

      Have you ever tested your progesterone levels (should be tested on Day 21 of your cycle, when your levels are at their highest)? I had ovarian cysts my entire life, had surgeries, had monthly pain (some months to the point of going to the ER, throwing up, etc. – NOT FUN). Only when I entered peri-menopause did I find out that my levels were low, causing all that pain and monthly agony. If you do get your blood levels tested, your doctor can determine your levels and can prescribe a cream for you if you are low, you can even have a cream compounded these days. I went to so many different doctors throughout the years and NONE tested my levels. I try to share this bit of information whenever I can because I don’t want others to suffer monthly like I did. I love castor oil packs too, but if they aren’t helping you in this area I suggest talking to your doctor about getting your levels tested (on day 21).

  6. Eduardo Prieto Avatar
    Eduardo Prieto

    As I am writing this comment my spouse is on her second Castrol oil procedure and it has worked wonders. She was admitted into the hospital for a bowel obstruction. She was suppose to have surgery today because her blockage was not subsiding. Last night after reading this article I applied the Castrol oil packet to her abdominal area followed by a colonic message. As a result she started passing gas immediately after the procedure. This morning she had a stool and no longer is a candidate for surgery. For those of you sceptical as I was I can personally attest to the wonders of using a Castrol oil packet!

  7. Geri M Nehls Avatar
    Geri M Nehls

    Love castor oil packs for intestinal problems. My uncle introduced me to it you many years ago.

  8. Laurie Avatar

    I had done castor oils packs in the last week, I didn’t realize you needed to use unbleached white cloths. I used an old white flannel sheet that has colored flowers all over, now I am nervous that I put in some dangerous toxins in my system. Is this a big deal?

  9. Rita Avatar

    Wow! I’ve only done my castor oil pack twice and already I’m feeling improved! I have had nagging upper right quadrant pain for about three years, no diagnosis, all tests negative except for detecting a hyperkinetic gallbladder. I will continue daily treatments this week then weekly after that.

  10. Bethany Avatar

    Thanks for the detailed post on how to do castor oil packs. My question is – did it worth? Did you find you felt better afterwards? Symptoms reduced? etc? Just trying to gauge if it will be worth the $ and the mess!

  11. Clare Avatar

    Hi Catherine

    I suspect that you used too much and for too long. It is best to start slowly, maybe for just 20 mins and do it as a wrap, not rubbing directly into the skin. It does sound like you have ‘overdosed’ on it and it was too strong for you. Gentleness and patience is a good way forward, rather than the more is better approach. People tend to think because something is ‘good for us’ or will ‘rid us of toxins’, that ‘going for it’ will achieve good results. We need to learn to treat the body with more gentleness and take our time with these things. It was too much for your body to cope with all at once.

    1. Prea Avatar

      I don’t believe you can overdose on castor oil. People take it internally all the time. I think the vomiting was coincidental.

  12. Clare Avatar

    Thank you for the links regarding plastic – I wasn’t suggesting that you endorsed the use of plastic though. I was enquiring if you had any alternative suggestions for wrapping when doing castor oil packs please? It seems ironic that they are for removing toxins but in order to do that you have to use cling film. I suspect you would agree and that is why I have asked if you had any alternative solutions or if any of your readers did?
    Thank you

    1. Prea Avatar

      The plastic doesn’t have to come int contact with your skin. Just keep it as a layer on top of the castor oil pack.

  13. Roxy Avatar

    HI I have been using castor oil packs to increase my uterine lining. when you say 90 mins a day do you mean 90 straight or 45 x2? also any other tips for this problem? TTC over 2 years.

  14. Clare Avatar

    It makes no sense to me why sites are suggesting to use plastic or clingfilm as a wrap for castor oil packs to help remove toxins. Plastic is one of the biggest contributors to cancer and is highly toxic, yet all the ingredients needed for doing these packs, mainly are packaged too, in plastic! Have you any suggestions for alternatives please? Etsy sell wraps but they are shipped from America and that adds nearly £20 on to the bill for UK customers. Most of the research I have done shows castor oil in plastic containers, oil refills in plastic containers, flannels and starter packs, mainly in packaged in plastic! I am not suggesting this is the case for all suppliers but it is the majority. I am surprised that you advocate the use of plastic considering the wonderful content of your site.

  15. Nikki Avatar

    I used castle oil internally with both of my children , 21 & 22. as mentioned in Susan Wise’s book, Wise Women’s Guide to Pregnancy. It worked beautifully both times. I used half of the recepe.

  16. Shannon Avatar

    can you get the same benefits of castor oil in a hot bath? Or is that not recommended?

  17. Suzie Young Avatar
    Suzie Young

    I just stumbled upon hour blog and so grateful I did. I have been diagnosed with fatty liver and starting to have pain. Has anyone had success with using the castor oil packs? How often do you recommend? I also have hyperthyroidism with benign nodules and considered using the packs on my thyroid. Any thoughts, comments, recommendations will be greatly appreciated.

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