
Homemade Fruit Snacks (aka Gummy Bears)

Katie Wells Avatar

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how to make real food gummies
Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Snack Recipes » Homemade Fruit Snacks (aka Gummy Bears)

We are big fans of gelatin at our house and we use it in a lot of different ways. These homemade fruit snacks and homemade marshmallows are the kid-favorites in our house, and I can feel good about giving it to them since it is a source of protein and vitamins.

Erase the idea of gummy bears as a junky treat from your mind… these homemade fruit snacks look just like them (although their texture is a little softer, like jello) but they’re actually health food!

Healthy Gummy Bears? Yes!

Why make homemade fruit snacks? I can think of three good reasons:

  • It’s a really quick and easy recipe (even the kids can do this one themselves)
  • They are SO much healthier than store-bought
  • They’re really fun to make!

Not only do these fruit snacks have no artificial colors or flavors, they have the gut-soothing benefits and protein of gelatin. The kombucha adds nutrients as well, making these fruit snacks even healthier.

Tip: Add additional nutrition by make these chewable vitamins instead or make them flu-busting gummy bears with a few simple substitutions.

How to Make Homemade Fruit Snacks

Again, this recipe is super simple. All you need is kombucha or fruit juice (100% juice or freshly squeezed), a candy mold, and powdered unflavored gelatin from a good (grass-fed) source.

Heat the juice or kombucha, whisk in the gelatin, pour into molds, and let it set! You’ll have fruit snacks for a crowd in no time.

If you don’t have a mold, an oiled container works in a pinch. Cut gummies into small cubes once set.

Go with the classic bear shaped molds or try fun assorted geometric shapes, dinosaur molds, bugs and flowers, and even this unlikely combo Lego/hearts set so you have something to please everyone!

The recipe fills about 4-5 of these molds, or a medium baking dish (oiled). If you use a baking dish, just cut the fruit snacks once they gel. If you use the molds, stick them in the refrigerator to firm up. Tip: After they are set, put them in the freezer for 5 minutes to make them come out easier.

There really are endless ways this recipe could be adapted, and I’ve included our favorite below. If you experiment with different flavors or combinations, please share them below!

how to make real food gummies

Homemade Fruit Snacks Recipe

Healthy homemade fruit snacks packed with nutrients from gelatin, fruit, kombucha (optional), and juice.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Calories 84kcal
Author Katie Wells




  • 2 cups fruit juice (or kombucha or other liquid of choice)
  • ¼ cup honey (or maple syrup, optional)
  • 1 cup berries (pureed, optional)
  • 8 TBSP  gelatin powder


  • Combine fruit juice or kombucha and honey/maple syrup if using in a small saucepan.
  • Heat over low heat until warm and starting to simmer, but not hot or boiling.
  • Add pureed fruit, if using.
  • Sprinkle the gelatin over the juice mixture while whisking or using an immersion blender. Continue doing this until all gelatin is incorporated and the mixture is smooth. Adding the gelatin too quickly will make it more difficult to get the mixture to incorporate. An immersion blender is not necessary but greatly speeds up the process.
  • As soon as the gelatin is mixed in and the mixture is smooth, pour into molds or a lined/greased baking dish and place in the refrigerator or freezer until hardened.
  • Pop the gummies out of the molds and store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.


Nutrition Facts
Homemade Fruit Snacks Recipe
Amount Per Serving (6 gummies)
Calories 84 Calories from Fat 2
% Daily Value*
Fat 0.2g0%
Sodium 13mg1%
Carbohydrates 16.1g5%
Fiber 1.1g5%
Sugar 14.3g16%
Protein 5.1g10%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


  • It is important to have all ingredients ready before beginning as you’ll need to work quickly once you start.
  • Make sure you are using gelatin, not collagen hydrolysate or peptides as they will not gel. I’ve also had some feedback that the Great Lakes brand of gelatin doesn’t work well in this recipe.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

What is your favorite healthy homemade snack? Ever made any like these? Share below!

These healthy fruit snacks made from gelatin, fruit and kombucha are a simple homemade alternative to unhealthy store-bought fruit snacks.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    394 responses to “Homemade Fruit Snacks (aka Gummy Bears)”

    1. Ande Glass Avatar
      Ande Glass

      I’ve been trying to play around with this recipe to create coffee chews (trying to get my fiance to kick his soda habit). Any suggestions? The first time I tried it I whisked the gelatin into 1 cup cold coffee then added a cup of boiling coffee plus roughly 3 tbsp maple syrup. They came out a little tough and flavorless. Would adding a creamer (raw milk or coconut milk) mess up the recipe at all?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        It wouldn’t hurt the recipe… maybe add some stevia too? Let me know how it turns out!

    2. Nicole Balano Avatar
      Nicole Balano

      I’m so happy I found your blog! I am someone who eats healthy, but believes that includes animal products and its very hard to find recipes not using “healthy” vegetarian alternatives. I’ve made your marshmallow recipe and they were amazing so I can’t wait to try these fruit snacks!!

    3. Sonia Avatar

      Hello. I made these and mine turned out like rubber. They still tasted really good! Does anyone have suggestions on what I did wrong? Thanks!

    4. Jan Avatar

      Hi! This is great. The recipe calls for a 1/2 cup of gelatin powder. Just wondering how many cups in the 16oz. container. No, I am not math challenged :-). I know that would be 2 liquid cups, but not sure of the gelatin powder. And are these super sticky to the teeth? I bought an organic brand once, and they were horribly sticky, which is a cavity waiting to happen. Thanks!

    5. Sunny Avatar

      Made these with my children last night and 12hrs later, they are still liquid? We followed the recipe except we used fruit juice instead of kombucha (waiting on a SCOBY to start my first batch). What went wrong?
      Is it possible to melt everything back down and start new? I hate to throw it all in the trash!

        1. Sunny Avatar

          Great Lakes Beef Gelatin…ordered from Amazon. I whisked it very quickly in the cool water and then added the hot water. No bloom time…not sure if that was the issue? My fruit wasn’t fully defrosted…we whipped it in the blender…maybe that made it too liquidy? The mixture never did set, just stayed a bubbly thick liquid. I ended up adding some to smoothies and then pitched a little.

          1. Lizzy Avatar

            That’s how mine are too. It initially became gel like before I could get it in the molds, so I heated it again. I have been spooning them out into yogurt and using it like jelly, but where did I go wrong? Is the fruit supposed to not be frozen?

    6. Janelle Avatar

      Curious – I’ve heard that the living cultures within kombucha are rather fragile, due to their tiny size, and that brisk shaking or stirring (or whisking) damages and/or kills them – thus diluting the health properties meant to be found within kombucha. What are your thoughts on that in general, and within the context of this recipe?

      I’ve just finished my second round of these gummies. My first turn at it wasn’t quite the flavor I was hoping for, but I’m very excited to pull this next batch out of the fridge!

    7. Kimberly Avatar

      Hi, I made my first attempt at these this morning. It didn’t turn out quite as pictured. It looks like whipped jello and tastes like fairly tasteless extra firm jello. I know these aren’t meant to taste like store bought gummy candy but I thought it would be closer to that than jello. I’m not a natural cook or baker so I’m sure it’ll take me a few tries. Any suggestions on what I did wrong? What I used are:

      raw tupelo honey
      cranberry raspberry juice (organic)(there are probably better options but this is what I had, plus I don’t consume kombucha because of the trace amount of alcohol)
      strawberries (organic)
      Great Lakes unflavored gelatin

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I’m guessing it is the juice… a sweeter juice will add more flavor, and texture. you could also try adding some applesauce…

    8. Kristin Lynn Spivack Avatar
      Kristin Lynn Spivack

      i tried this, minus the honey and kombucha. i used blueberries and pomegranate juice, and mine turned out SOOOO bland! omg, they arent good at all 🙁 suggestions? im gonna try to salvage them, since this recipe makes a lot, but i cant figure out what i did wrong!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        The honey and kombucha add a lot of flavor… If you aren’t using those, you could try lemon juice or vitamin c powder for a sour flavor…

    9. Leslie Pritchard Avatar
      Leslie Pritchard

      I thought I was heeding your “quickly” warning… I guess not quickly enough!! My fruit snacks resemble more of a really stretchy rubbery jelly. Oh well, at least it will taste delicious!! Any tips on making sure it is super smooth and getting rid of the gelatin chunks? Hoping to make these again! My boyfriend and I are trying to ditch our yucky eating habits. Tough for 2 extremely picky eaters… But stuff like this makes it a little easier 😉

        1. Monica Avatar

          The chunks happened to me too. Lol excited to see how they taste tomorrow morning. I will try adding more hot water next time too.

    10. Cricket Avatar

      Can this be made with water kefir instead of kombucha? If no one has tried it yet, I accept the challenge. Thanks for posting this. It looks neat!

        1. Jessica Jacobson Avatar
          Jessica Jacobson

          Hi Katie! Big fan here, I bought your cook book and love your blog. I’d like to make a request. I’ve made these several times and I struggle and make a mess and they do not look this pretty! Could you make a you tube video of you making them? I’d really appreciate it ?? Thank you for your time and service.

        2. Meagan Avatar

          Hi there, I was wondering if you could add powdered collagen in this recipe. If so, how would you add it in there, would you add more liquid? Thanks! Looking forward to trying the recipe out!

          1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

            It might work, but you wouldn’t really need to since gelatin and collagen have the same health benefits. Gelatin is just the cooked version of collagen powder and has thickening properties.

            1. Meagan Avatar

              Thanks Jamie, I have strawberry lemonade collagen and I was thinking that would taste great in it. Do you think just doing an equal substitute of collagen for gelatin would work?

    11. Virginia Miner Avatar
      Virginia Miner

      I made these with blueberries for my son and he loves them! I think I might try to use ginger beer as my base next time to add some zing 😉

    12. Anni Avatar

      I find it incredible that this recipe considered ‘healthy’ by anyone. There is little or no nutritional value in these Sci-Fi food cubes. I have been raising children for 27 years. You do not teach them good habits my creating mock commercial junk foods. Make life an adventure & they will embrace the excitement. Bake them a beautiful homemade cake…feed them bananas. The kids will be happier for it all. Do you want family photos full of bowls of gelatin crap or smiling faces around a table as they dig into a strawberry shortcake or a big fruit salad. Have their friends over on a sunny summer day & set up a table with popsicle sticks, bananas …peanut butter, shredded coconut & dried fruit… they can all freeze their snack for later in the afternoon when they are hot and tired. Go to a lovely asian grocery store & try new fruits and vegetables just because they have a pretty color or shape. If you mirror good behavior..they eat. Period. No guilt or B.S. necessary. These are by no means a ‘snack’. Get Real.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I agree with you that all the foods you mentioned are a great choice too (along with things like homemade jerky, fish, etc), but from my research, i absolutely consider gelatin a healthy protein source, not to mention that it is helpful for my son who struggles with allergies and gut issues. As plain gelatin is rather dull and he occasionally gets tired of bone broth, these are another great way to get his gelatin in.

        1. Ann Avatar

          Wellness Mama, how can you think that gelatin is healthy? It’s made from all the parts of an animal that don’t go into mainstream meat products boiled up together – hoof,

          1. Wellness Mama Avatar
            Wellness Mama

            Actually, the specific proteins in these parts of the animal are beneficial for gut health and many other things in the body. I absolutely agree that we need vast improvement in most livestock raising these days but I also think that consumption of animal products is important for health…

            1. Ann Avatar

              I have been a vegan for 22 years and am healthy – and, at 65, I do regular weight training. My doctor tells me that my protein and vitamin levels are fine (and I don’t take supplements). I’m glad that you agree that animal farming conditions need to be improved, but as long as there are so many people who insist on eating animals there will never be enough space to greatly improve their living conditions. Rain forests are being destroyed in order to use the land for farming animals, yet much greater quantities of plant food could be grown on land that is now used for raising animals. If we gave up the farming of animals we could abolish world hunger, as well as vastly reducing pollution. And, of course, there is tremendous cruelty in the meat, dairy and egg industries.

            2. Tolu Avatar

              Oh my!

              The animal police finally found you, Wellness Mama!
              Why, Ann, congratulations on being healthy. That is a very good thing. But can the rest of us, flesh-loving, flesh-eating mortals enjoy our meat in peace? The world will be a much better place when folks learn to live and let live.

            3. Ann Avatar

              The world will be a much better place when folks learn that cruelty to animals, damaging the environment and contributing to human hunger by feeding crops to animals are unacceptable.

            4. Tolu Avatar

              Oh well, I won’t be drawn into back and forth with thee, Miss Ann. Wishing you happy days ahead while I enjoy my homemade fruit snacks. Peace to you and yours.

            5. Marquia Avatar

              Then go find a vegan blog. Gelatin is a good protein, improves collagen, and helps eliminate stretch marks. Just because you don’t eat meat doesn’t mean you can go bashing people that do.

            6. Ann Avatar

              I bashed nobody – but while you’re at it, maybe you should consider the cruelty, environmental damage and human hunger involved in raising animals for ‘food’.

            7. Justin Hayes Yates Avatar
              Justin Hayes Yates

              Wow, lady, get over yourself, do you wear makeup? that involves animals byproducts and animal testing. Do you own any leather, thats an animal, do you use anything plastic? that contains animal byproducts in some cases to. The wood used to build your house came from a forest that was home to many animals, the fossil fuels you use hurt the environment and poison wildlife, roads interrupt biomes, do you generate trash? which then goes to landfills or it burned hurting the ozone. Unless your living in the forest wearing nothing but a leaf and eating berries directly off a plant and sleeping in the dirt don’t preach about hurting the environment. I won’t even go into your internet use and the affects that has. Regardless of all those things, both plants and animals are living things, ever been to a poorly cared for green house, all the plants lined up unable to get enough light, some dean plants scattered about, being sprayed with chemicals, then one day in their prime they are cut and chopped and stuffed in packages. Whats the difference? Because animals have faces? Only 100% devoted people are allowed to preach, so get off your high horse.

            8. Ann Avatar

              You’re talking about a lot of irrelevancies, Justin. But if you’re really interested, I don’t wear make-up tested on animals or containing animal ingredients. Nor do I use leather. You mention these things as if you think they’ve never crossed my mind. However, I do not claim to be perfect. But I don’t partake in the killing of animals as it’s bad for the animals, bad for humanity, and bad for the planet. But if you’re saying that there is no difference between plants and animals I won’t waste any more energy on you.

            9. Mapel Avatar

              My gosh Ann …. Look, I am all for eating the most healthy, animal-safe meats and cosmetics and everything else, but no one, ESPECIALLY Wellness Mama, needs your overly hippy lecturing on what people should eat and not eat. Gelatin is in fact very healthy, if you get good, grass fed hormone free gelatin. Please, pipe down and let us eat freely without your attacks.

            10. Ann Avatar

              Well, yourmom, if you want to eat the the jelly that results from boiled-up hooves, ligaments, bones, etc. that is your choice. Unfortunately the animals don’t have a choice.

            11. Ana Avatar

              Please get your facts straight before you bring the vegan dogma. Hooves are comprised of keratin, which is not gelatin. Gelatin cannot be recovered from eyeballs, hair, horn, or any other non-collagen part of vertebrates. Gelatin comes from the connective tissue in animals.

              I was a vegetarian and vegan for 13 years, became very ill, and eventually got tired of hearing all the hypocrisy from my vegan friends were fundamentalist, dogma-spouting hate-fulled rage-addicts who were no different from other fundamentalists. And so this is your life, you come on a blog and hate-shame some mommy blogger for sharing her kids’ favorite recipe? Wow. Namaste.

            12. fred flanders Avatar
              fred flanders

              I agree with you, but you’re coming across as negative and nasty. I’m sure that’s not what you mean, is it? How ’bout trying that again?

            13. Stella Avatar

              Ann, I understand and agree with the arguments of the vegan community. I, too, HATE animal cruelty and what these companies are doing to animals just to make a buck. I grew up visiting my grandfather’s dairy, hog, chicken, etc., farm AND fields of crops. It makes me sick to see the beef and dairy “farms” nowadays.

              But, you need to do a little more homework and understand how our world works and that we cannot simply just grow plant food on land that is now used for raising animals. We need animals for the manure they create and the “turning of the earth”, or nourishing of the soils. Unless we can deal with being overrun with earthworms, we need this to be able to grow these plants that you think are going to sustain every person on the earth. Also, have you ever thought about HOW MUCH of the earth would have to be CONSTANTLY planted, tilled, and depleted of minerals to sustain the population? Have you thought about the pollution from the farm tools/vehicles used to keep up with that much production? To produce enough, just doing everything without use of tractors, etc would take way too long.

              I am sure you use all organic produce, but in order to produce enough for everyone, the use of pesticides, germicides, and other horrible chemicals will most likely be used to help production.

              Another HUGE issue you need to do some research on is the fact that the plants being grown today are not as nutritious as 100 years ago, because of things like mineral depletion from OVERPRODUCTION, pesticides, pollution, and engineering. Half of our population (or more) has some sort of gluten intolerance or gene that they pass on that will cause the next generation to be gluten intolerant. This is due to all of the engineering that has been done to the grains to increase the gluten content and our bodies are NOT made to tolerate it.

              Lastly, and I hate to bring religion into this, but we were created to eat meat AND plants/grains. In Biblical times they did not consume very much meat, but it was eaten as an addition to, or supplement to, the plants. They worshipped their animals and used them as sacrifices to God. God gave them the animals to use as food, and to be able to use for clothing, etc.

              I really believe that we are meant to be able to use animals for food and other things, and not to waste any part of them. I also believe that humans have lost their reverence and respect for animals and in the rush to make more money, have been using cruel and unhealthy practices.

              The same thing has happened in the race for more money to be made on plants. Our earth has been stripped, our food, dirt, rivers, and air have been polluted. Are you going to boycott plants to, or because they are not “living animals” is this ok?

              Before going out and judging others and throwing your insults and beliefs around, you really need to research, and know what you are talking about. We all try to do the best we can with the way our world is today, but to completely stop everything that is harmful to something, would be impossible. We may as well just commit suicide and what good is that to helping our world to become better? Educate yourself and EDUCATE others, not insult others.

            14. Dallas Gombash Avatar
              Dallas Gombash

              That’s why hydroponics was invented, yes for plants i’m not talking about for animals lol,…

            15. Anne Marie Avatar
              Anne Marie

              Ann, I was vegan for 10 years and nearly died from poor health. Choosing to eat animal protein again (12 years ago), was one of the most difficult choices for me. It took my body a while to get used to and if I think too much about it, I still gag a little. However, I am now in the better health of my life.

              Like you, I DESPISE cruelty to animals. I LOVE animals so much. However, like the readers of Wellness Mama, I too believe that if you choose to consume animal protein, you should find a source where animals were well treated and allowed to roam freely and be fed naturally.

              You do not have to agree. I felt exactly the way you do, and on some points, I still do. You are free to express your difference of opinion. But if you want to be well received by others, I would recommend that make an effort to share as you would like to be taught, without criticism and bite.

              Blessings to you on your journey, Ann.

            16. Ann Avatar

              Anne Marie, I’m always surprised when I hear of someone who attributes ill-health to a vegan, or even vegetarian, diet. I’ve been vegan for 22 years, as I said above, and am healthy at 65. I would be very interested to hear what you used to eat (I’m not being facetious here – I’m genuinely interested). My foods consist mostly of fresh fruit and vegetables with some nuts and grains thrown in, with some processed foods such as bread, oatmeal, etc., but not much. Is this much the same as you used to eat, or is it different?

            17. Jessica Avatar

              I’m sorry. I’ve always been taught to keep my mouth shut if it doesn’t concern me, however; did you not learn in school that plants, in fact, ARE alive? Did you know, then, that they also have FEELINGS? Yes, that’s right. Plants have feelings. Plants are therefore, Living, breathing and feeling! Trying to survive just like you and I, Ann. Don’t believe me? Look it up and tell me what you come up with. Why does the soap nut tree produce Saponin? For the same reasons that some plants are too hot or too bitter. It’s self defense! Some plant studies are showing an increase in the substances some plants produce, meaning plants are getting…yep, you guessed it…SMARTER! Ever witnessed a Venus fly trap in action or any carnivorous plant for that matter? These plants have survival mechanisms. Why do you think that is, Ann? They don’t want to die, that’s why! Now, how could a plant possibly know it doesn’t want to die, if it has set up this extraordinary survival mechanism?? 🙂 They want to thrive and reproduce, just like all those animals. I’m sorry you don’t feel this topic is worthy of real debate, but, I respectfully disagree with your reasoning and humbly urge you to educate yourself on the truth. So, yes it’s true (as per another user’s response to this topic) that every being of this earth eat’s as the result of the death of another being of this earth. Like it or not.

            18. Jessica Avatar

              I forgot to mention something I personally find fascinating…a plant will respond to your voice. Yep, I talk to my plants. Hell, my plants have names!. Scientific studies will back up my claims, by the way. Two plants…one plant resides in the home of a sweet talking, girl next door. She talks to this plant every time she waters it. The plant eats it up. The other plant resides in the house of a mentally unstable psychopath who screams obscenities randomly and whom does not talk to the plant when it is watered. In a month’s time, set those plants side by side and tell me which one is healthier and more vibrant, radiating with life. C’mon, humor me and take a quick shot in the dark 😉 I know this site isn’t about whether or not plants are living things with feelings. It is only my humble opinion that you should open your mind a bit and let others walk their own path, eating whatever they choose along the way. I personally eat meat and enjoy it. I LOVE animals. I am the keeper of a few and as previously stated, I am also the keeper of a few plants. I love and revere all life, I also don’t take my dinner for granted. Thanks is given to the creature that supplied it. Plant or animal.

            19. Betsy Carraway Avatar
              Betsy Carraway

              With respect, please check out The Geno Type Diet. We are scripted by our blood type, secretor status, and genetic makeup: these determine what is a healthy diet for us. it is interesting that happy, healthy vegans are usually type A or AB; they should be 🙂 Type O and B folks just do need meat.

            20. Nicole Avatar

              False. So false.There’s no abolishing world hunger at this point. There are nearly 7 billion people on this planet and there will be 9 billion within 50 years.

            21. Tamara Avatar

              5 stars
              First I would like to say awesome recipe! My child loves Welch’s fruit snacks, and this is a great alternative. Second, why do you think it’s fair Ann to make someone feel bad for eating meat? No one is trying to make you change your beliefs so please don’t ridicule others or try to make them feel bad for not having the same eating habits as you do. Why even be here if you are against the ingredients being used?

            22. Julia Avatar

              I completely agree, gelatin bought from a healthy source such as Azure is very beneficial, however Ann is right that while they do have some value many fruit juices and purchased kombucha contain sugar,
              @ Ann but let’s get real, if you want to debate someone go do it somewhere else, wellness mama is trying to help give the internet good recipes and run a household as well as raise a family, be kind and less sure of your “correctness”

          2. rachel Avatar

            Wow. Let’s just all take a step back and let Wellness Mama make and eat the snacks she wants to. Why do you people feel the need to attack her?

            1. Goldi Avatar

              Ann you are worried about world hunger because of meat eaters? You are half right. These people that suffer from hunger? Talk to their government and leaders. The food production we have now is sufficient, it is PEOPLE that keep these people hungry. Look this up if you do not believe me.

              Furthermore YOU would not exist if people aka your ancestors, did not eat meat. I hope you never end up in an extended survival situation, you may find that, like your ancestors, you will have to rely on many food sources to survive as they become available. You would also see that you would not waste any part of the animal, your survival would depend on it.

              FACT, it is the way humans survived since the beginning.

            2. Des Avatar

              5 stars
              Thank you. I’ve been so amused, and a little bewildered at how FRUIT SNACKS got turned into EATING ANIMALS IS BAD, and all the arguments that go along with that. People seem to forget the comment threads for things like this should be about questions on the recipes, clarification or thoughts on what works better for a preference, etc.
              To Wellness Mama: I appreciate your recipes. I’ve found a lot of good ones on here. I don’t have my own little ones (yet, due in December!), but am stockpiling good recipes. Not to mention that I LOVE fruit snacks simply for the gelatin content and the texture. THANK you Wellness Mama, for sharing the recipe. Peace be with you all.

          3. Chandra Lee Avatar
            Chandra Lee

            Corporate livestock production is undoubtedly a sickening subject. Quality sustainable, free-range local producers are truly breathing life and integrity back into an incredibly corrupt and brutal industry .
            And aside from the plethora of health benefits in ingesting grass-fed gelatine, there’s also an homage to the animal itself in utilizing the whole of it’s parts; a life not lost purely for the enjoyment of a juicy steak.

            1. Ann Avatar

              Gelatine actually has very little food value.
              I’m afraid I think that there is no such thing as integrity when it comes to killing. And as for paying homage to animals by eating them – isn’t that what Jeffrey Dahmer said about the men he killed and ate parts of?

            2. Chandra Lee Avatar
              Chandra Lee

              If you really want to explore ethics in killing something, then how do you feel about taking the lives of plants? It is your judgement that they are unfeeling life-forms? True reverence for all life on this planet would imply you would forage for all of your food, eating that which has already found it’s natural demise, ensuring there is no harm done as a result of your finding sustenance. Predators, omnivores and herbivores all kill that of which they eat.
              Gelatin is not beneficial for it’s nutrient content (it does not contain vitamins and minerals), however, it is very therapeutic when concerning joints, skin, hair and nail growth as well as aiding in digestion as it binds to water enabling easier passage of food through the digestive track.

            3. Ann Avatar

              I wish I had a penny for every time someone has come up with that ridiculous comparison. Surely you cannot think that this makes any sense? This is what people say when they run out of sensible ideas to defend their appalling practice of killing animals for food. It is necessary for humans to eat plants; it is not necessary for humans to eat animals.

            4. Chandra Lee Avatar
              Chandra Lee

              I guess the Inuit and Indigenous people of this people of this planet, in all of their ignorance, should live off vegetation……

            5. Dallas Gombash Avatar
              Dallas Gombash

              the also ate animal organs, are you saying that most of the population would volunteer for this, vegetarians won’t even do that…

            6. Jessica Avatar

              I’m sorry. I’ve always been taught to keep my mouth shut if it doesn’t concern me, however; did you not learn in school that plants, in fact, ARE alive? Did you know, then, that they also have FEELINGS? Yes, that’s right. Plants have feelings. Plants are therefore, Living, breathing and feeling! Trying to survive just like you and I, Ann. Don’t believe me? Look it up and tell me what you come up with. Why does the soap nut tree produce Saponin? For the same reasons that some plants are too hot or too bitter. It’s self defense! Some plant studies are showing an increase in the substances some plants produce, meaning plants are getting…yep, you guessed it…SMARTER! Ever witnessed a Venus fly trap in action or any carnivorous plant for that matter? These plants have survival mechanisms. Why do you think that is, Ann? They don’t want to die, that’s why! Now, how could a plant possibly know it doesn’t want to die, if it has set up this extraordinary survival mechanism?? 🙂 They want to thrive and reproduce, just like all those animals. I’m sorry you don’t feel this topic is worthy of real debate, but, I respectfully disagree with your reasoning and humbly urge you to educate yourself on the truth. So, yes it’s true (as per another user’s response to this topic) that every being of this earth eat’s as the result of the death of another being of this earth. Like it or not.

            7. Dallas Gombash Avatar
              Dallas Gombash

              humans are omnivorous you know? Humans do need to eat meat, or at least substitutes that are normally only found in animals (yes there are some rare plants that have them or you can genetically engineer them to have them, but GM-foods are already hated by many people, ofc a huge % of them don’t even know what they are, they just follow the crowd)

            8. Dallas Gombash Avatar
              Dallas Gombash

              Gelatin is protein (almost 100%) so how is it little food value (though as far as essential amino acids it may be low on, but i wouldnt recommend it as a complete protein substitute, even though you will have to eat a TON of gelatin to attempt so…)? As far as % of the animal it is made from: skin, bones, hides make up close to 99% of the total mass of gelatin

            9. Emily Avatar

              I’m about to crack up here. Do lady’s always talk like this? How did you get on this subject anyway?

          4. ellenty Avatar

            Just because something is made from a non-mainstream part of an animal doesn’t necessarily make it unhealthy.
            Also, from an animal-rights perspective, would it not make more sense to use as many parts of the animal as possible? If life is already being taken, it seems more humane to at least make the very most of it.

            1. Ann Avatar

              Ellenty, from an animal rights perspective the animal should not have been killed in the first place! Which parts of the animal are used is irrelevant to animal rights – using any parts at all still perpetuates a cruel industry!

            2. Dallas Gombash Avatar
              Dallas Gombash

              usually when referred as animal cruelty it is based on the living conditions and “how” they are killed, not necessarily that they “are” killed, but umm?

              Animals have to die eventually don’t they? Then again can’t really argue having them as pets because nobody wants to cook their pet..

              Humans do usually have to eat meat in order to remain healthy (yes there are weird vegetarian substitutes, or take supplements that are secretly taken from animals, but what they don’t know doesn’t seam to bother them…)

              Then again we don’t know 100% of everthing, there are probably certain things in both specific plants in animals that are needed and others that are bad-for-you…

            3. Chelsea Carbary Avatar
              Chelsea Carbary

              I’m with Ann — I wish the viewpoints she was expressing weren’t considered so radical. Plant-based diets offer more than enough nutrition for any normal human being. “Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” ? Albert Schweitzer

            4. Ann Avatar

              Thank you, Chelsea Carbary. We seem to be in the minority here. It’s nice to know that someone else agrees that humans need to show more compassion to

            5. Ann Avatar

              Dallas Gombash, of course animals have to die eventually. So do we all – though I’m sure you’re not suggesting we kill and cook each other. We do not have to eat meat in order to be healthy, and many long-term vegans can attest to the fact that they are perfectly healthy (without taking supplements or ‘weird substitutes’). By the way, if you think that nobody eats their pets you are very sadly mistaken, as there are parts of the world where this does happen – and check out the situation regarding dog and cat consumption in South Korea. (Having said that, I don’t think it’s any worse – or better – to eat a dog or cat than it is to eat any other animal.)

          5. Jane Avatar

            I was a vegetarian for 23 years–and it made me one sick woman. Unrelenting IBS, Fibromyalgia, and daily fatigue. I felt 80 when I was 40.

            Some of us just can’t tolerate grains or legumes, and though I ate a perfectly healthy “vegetarian” diet during those years, I am still recovering after 4 years of eliminating those food groups. The good news is I AM recovering, my pain, fatigue, and a gut distress is about 1/4 what it was when I started eating meat. I am glad you are healthy–but realize not all bodies are the same.

            I have to say reading your posts that I am really grateful I never talked down to people like this when I was a vegetarian. I always tried to be a polite, respectful, vegetarian and to give the term “vegetarian” a better reputation than it has. I would be so embarrassed now if I had treated people poorly during my journey.

            You really should consider how you talk to others about food. Everyone who is avoiding processed food and making intentional choices is as sincere-hearted as you are, and as well researched.

            Be gentle to people as well as animals. If a person can tolerate a vegetarian diet, you will be more likely to attract them to your point of view with loving kindness than by smacking them on the head with your views. And if they can’t tolerate that diet, well, then you’re just being mean.

          6. Jenny Avatar

            Ann and Guest-
            You do understand that there is not one, all-inclusive, end-all theory on what is best for every single person, right? It’s really not a difficult concept, and most people are able to accept that. So why on earth do you feel the need to visit other people’s sites and complain about what works for them? Have you heard of live and let live? Why not start your own site that extols the virtues you live by, rather than attack others? You’re not going to agree with everyone in life; the sooner you make peace with that the better. Seems a person who tries to live their life consciously would be a little kinder, a little more compassionate, and a lot less narrow-minded.

            Thank you Wellness Mama for the resources, and good luck to you and your readers in your quest for health in 2014.

            1. Ann Avatar

              Live and let live? Unfortunately the animals don’t live. It’s time humans realised that we are not the only species on this earth, and we are not the only important ones. I am concerned not only with what is best for humans, but what is also best for the animals we exploit. The compassion you mention needs to be extended to other species.

            2. Jenny Avatar

              I don’t need a lecture. You don’t know anything about my beliefs or eating habits- I could be a vegan too. Compassion toward humans AND animals are not mutually exclusive. You should come down off that high horse once in awhile; it must be lonely up there. A little understanding would go a heck of a lot farther in bringing people around to your way of thinking than bullying ever will.

            3. Ann Avatar

              If you had read my post properly you would notice that I did mention compassion towards humans. And from what you’ve said I very much doubt that you’re a vegan; if you were you would not be attacking and bullying me to this extent (exactly what you’re accusing me of doing)! Please read the post below by Chelsea Carbary.

            4. Jenny Avatar

              Very well Ann. Just thought you might be a tiny bit more open/tolerant of another way of thinking, but I see that you are not. Best of luck to you.

              “It does take great maturity to understand that the opinion we are arguing for is merely the hypothesis we favor, necessarily imperfect, probably transitory, which only very limited minds can declare to be a certainty or a truth.”

              – Milan Kundera

            5. Ann Avatar

              My ‘hypothesis’ is that animals should be allowed to live in peace without exploitation by humans. Not so difficult to understand, is it?

            6. Meliann Avatar

              I’m always amused and a little saddened when I find posts like this. Fanaticism in any arena is a huge turnoff. Ann, I am sorry to say it but your attitude inhibits people’s ability to listen to you. You have some fair points and your passion is enviable. Unfortunately, your complete lack of compassion turns people off. Saying you have compassion for other humans while resolutely showing contempt for those people you profess to have compassion for makes it nearly impossible for people to believe in that compassion. And when your message is compassion yet you yourself are completely unable to demonstrate any, how do you expect anyone to listen? You’ve heard of the saying “You’ll catch more flies with honey than vinegar”? The same is true here. Everyone on this blog is trying to move towards improving their lives otherwise they would not be here. Other people may not share your journey but that doesn’t mean you can’t compassionately educate them, without judgement. Love and compassion and harmony will save this planet. Rabid anger and scolding leading further down a dark path. How can we expect people to be compassionate towards animals, to respect them if we do not respect each other and are unable to feel compassion for one another? And as an aside…plants are living things and all living things deserve our equal respect. The cruel reality is that things die in order to continue the cycle of life, whether it is an animal, a plant or a human. There are many, many things wrong with the food system in general in the world at large, from factory farms, to GMOs, to food being replaced with chemically laden “food stuff.” There is a tidal wave of change needed to fix all of it, let’s work together for change. I do not know you, I do not know your path or your journey, but I respect your commitment to make this world a better place even if I feel you are going about it in a way that is damaging both to your message and your sense of peace. And I apologize the post is so long, I am a bit of a motor mouth. 🙂

            7. Ann Avatar

              I don’t know if you are referring specifically to the last posts I made in reply to Jenny. I actually consider Jenny’s posts to be begging for an acerbic reply, don’t you? I think her posts were far more offensive than mine were….?

            8. Bel Avatar

              I really shouldn’t jump into the fray… but Ann – we were vegetarians who ate a healthy, all organic, soy free diet before eating this way. That diet ruined my son’s teeth, caused me to have fibromyalgia, caused my husband’s eczema to become a severe form of weeping eczema, and started a myriad of other health conditions for our family.

              Our body types require that we eat animal products. I continue to do my part by purchasing humanely and sustainably raised products. I also intend to eventually have my own farm so I know how my animals will be treated from cradle to grave.

              I get that I won’t change your mind or anyone else’s for that matter. But I hope that I can at least educate you that the lifestyle you are touting will not work for everyone.

              I’m now going down the long path of healing our family. Gelatin, believe it or not, is an integral part of that healing. I may not make this dish — it has a lot of “sugar” in it with the fruit products and the honey and those sugars are bad for my son’s teeth. But gelatin itself is exceptionally healing for those people who need it. I currently buy grass fed beef gelatin from animals that are humanely raised and slaughtered. I realize that may be an oxymoron for you, but if I have to choose between eating animal products and watching my son’s health deteriorate, I will choose eating the animal products.

              Just because a vegan diet works for you does not mean it will work for everyone.

            9. Ann Avatar

              Bel, you might be interested to check out the Vegetarian Health Institute.

            10. kelly Avatar

              Jenny… to suggest this is merely an opinion is contributing to the disconnect. Apply Milan Kundera’s quote against spanking children, or domestic animal abuse, spousal abuse, ethnic cleansing and on and on. An act that harms others still harms others whether you call it an opinion or not.

            11. kelly Avatar

              I do agree with Ann. Unfortunately, this isn’t a choice that solely impacts an individual, It is the same reason we don’t condone dog fighting and cruelty to domestic animals. For some reason we turn a blind eye to animals we have been trained to eat. When the penny drops, you can’t help but wonder how you ever condoned it yourself.. and how some amazingly wonderful people are condoning and defending it. We don’t just eat animals. We breed them by forcibly impregnating them, remove their young, use the milk meant for the young, keep them in factory conditions which are often horrible.. and on and on. Yet we dress our dogs in sweaters and mourn when they die. I did it too, but not anymore.

          7. Carol Avatar

            Ann, Some people have a different metabolism that requires a lot of protein and some people have a metabolism that requires mostly vegetables. You could do a little research on that. People are not cattle and they are not all the same. Everyone has different needs. You could search and find info on metabolic typing. It is very enlightening.

          8. Danielle Avatar

            I like how all you do is preach your life style and how you are a healthy 65 years old but then how you have been vegan for 22 years. so you have only been vegan a third of your life? maybe the first 43 year made a difference in your currant status. if you were vegan your entire life maybe I could take you more serious, but you weren’t. get off your high horse and come up with ways so save all that you speak of instead of forcing your opinions on others. Beside eating differently and critiquing peoples lives what have you done to make a difference? how have you as a person changed the world? Only success you’ve made so far, that I can tell, is becoming the most disliked person on this blog. therefore no one wants to listen to your diarrhea of the mouth. congratulations on getting your point across people can no stereotype all vegans just like you and not give two cent on what you have to say. Epic Fail.

        2. cakyrias Avatar

          Fruit Pectin (like that used for making jelly) can be a good substitute for gelatin. It’s healthy, though it doesn’t provide protein, it’s good for the gut and provides fiber. Here’s some info from Wikipedia:
          Pectin is used in confectionery jellies to give a good gel structure, a clean bite and it confers a good flavor release. Pectin can also be used to stabilize acidic protein drinks, such as drinking yogurt, to improve the mouth-feel and the pulp stability in juice based drinks and as a fat substitute in baked goods.[11] Typical levels of pectin used as a food additive are between 0.5 and 1.0% – this is about the same amount of pectin as in fresh fruit.[12]

        3. Juandee Avatar

          Wellness Mama, you are a better person than I am. I could not possibly have responded so calmly and kindly. (And I largely agree that our overuse of animals is a real travesty!)

          1. Barb Avatar

            I totally agree with you Juandee and with Katie too. But I am amused by the comments flinging back and forth. Heck, can’t we all just get together for some Fair Trade coffee (or tea) and celebrate our differences? BTW, I take cream in mine…I hope everybody is ok with that 😉

        4. Erin Avatar

          That was a nice response to such a negative post. Sheesh. I need tips to keep my cool when people are rude to me. #props

      2. Rebecca Avatar

        Help me here Please……fruit, honey, gelatin, water. OK what is wrong with gelatin I am assuming that you have no objections to the other ingredients as you suggested fruit as an alternative and you also suggested cake which is not really healthy when you consider the sugar needed for a cake or the white flour needed for a shortcake. Perhaps you are objecting to the honey? I just don’t see what your problem with the above recipe is? Is it that it is a fun way for kids to eat these ingredients? Perhaps you object to the time involved or the trouble to make something fun for the kids. Nah couldn’t be because you are supposing that we make a special trip to the Asian market and that is a lot more trouble and ecologically damaging than picking up these staples when we go to the market.
        Sometimes the old adage that our moms told us about not having something nice to say and not saying anything at all, might be better dusted off and practiced.

      3. Jacky Zoida Avatar
        Jacky Zoida

        You are right that you should lead by example, but by how wellness mama leads, but going old school and creating a loving snack from her heart for her children. I agree with the below comment and you should keep your comments to yourself. Start questioning commercialized poison before you go criticizing someone trying to make a difference in the world in a positive way.

      4. Erin Avatar

        I hope you were just having a really bad day when you decided to write this nasty comment.

      5. Carson Collins Avatar
        Carson Collins

        You know, if you disagree with someone there are polite ways of saying it. This is not one of them.

      6. Marquia Avatar

        So popsicles and strawberry shortcake aren’t commercialized junk food?

        1. Susan Patrie Avatar
          Susan Patrie

          Did you even read the post? She said to put out popsicle sticks and bananas to dip into peanut butter, coconut and other healthy things and freeze them to make your own frozen snacks. READ before you post your B.S. And no, strawberry shortcake isn’t junk food when you make it yourself like some of us do.

          1. Marquia Avatar

            Of course I read the post. Let me break it down for you since you don’t understand. The original post was showing a way to make fruit snacks healthier instead of buying ones filled with sugar. The guest made a comment that she shouldn’t be making “mock commercialized junk food,” yet her comment involved making other mock commercialized junk food. I’m sure Wellness Mama makes all types of different snacks for her kids, but this is just another one. I personally used to buy fruit snacks all the time, but have stopped since trying to eat healthier. Finding a way to make my own is exciting. I hate when people visit blogs and feel the need to bash someone’s opinion or idea. If you don’t like gelatin, or don’t eat meat, there are many alternatives and people have mentioned them here without bashing the blog. The guest and you are completely rude. If you disagree, you can be respectful, but you just showed me how little class you have by referring to my comment as BS.

      7. Tara Avatar

        Wow! Your comment is bitter and scathing. Why are you even on this web-site if it’s so loathsome to you? Certainly there are blogs that meet your preferences better. I eat humanely and locally raised grass fed beef all the time and I love it! The cycle of life is a beautiful thing and I appreciate every animal that provides nutrition and healing for my body. Each and every part of the animal can provide something valuable in the form of meat, bone broth, or even gelatin. I had tendon and nerve damage from an adverse reaction to Cipro last year and I swear that eating all of these animal based foods is what finally healed my body! Your posts are trying to achieve a personal agenda and this really isn’t the best place for doing so. Lighten up, have some fun, and find a new web-site.

        Thank you Wellness Mama for your wonderful recipes!

      8. Kaity Avatar

        Well, this might be beating a dead horse (hope the idiom isn’t too offensive to you), but I wonder now, Ann. The whole world goes vegan tomorrow. The cows, the chickens, the fish in their fish farms, the pigs, the sheep, the turkeys….their day of freedom has come. So now what? Do we turn them loose, onto the streets, these creatures who have never survived without being fed in a trowel or what have you? Do we care for them until they die naturally? Surely you can’t suggest that, as such an environmentally conscious woman, knowing that we would not only have to generate far more food, we would have to find places to bury these creatures (uh, where?) or burn them (uh, no). We cannot cull the things- too inhumane- so we allow our insane surplus of meat to become an infestation like rats? And you think their quality of life will improve? And that the ecosystems that would now be burdened with supporting the livestock would just bounce back? Everything would just be fine?

        Okay. Yeah. You work on making that a feasible plan while the rest of us provide our children with healthy food and snacks.

      9. mary Avatar

        No need to get entangled in the discussion, for future readers.

        From Romans 14
        1Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. 2One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only. 3The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him.…

      10. robin Avatar

        Actually gelatin has bioavailable collagen in it as well as magnesium and calcium if it is high quality grass fed gelatin. It is one of the things that really eases ankylosing spondylitis or rheumatoid arthritis pain. Bananas are bad for people who have issues with starch.

      11. laura Avatar

        5 stars
        For kids that are fussy eaters this is a great option i use elderberry syrup and all organic fruit options. a good idea to get a dose of antioxidants and nutrients

      12. Catherine Avatar

        Countrary to what you think, a traditional cake is far from healthy and those bananas you speak so highly of are loaded with sugar. And natural does not equal healthy. And incase you hadn’t noticed this is a HOMEMADE treat using WHOLE foods. How on earth is it SciFi?

        My son is epileptic. Medication does not help. HOWEVER, a ketogenic diet does. So you may tote the veggie lifestyle as the only way to health simply does not apply to everyone.

        Before you blast off on another of your little tirades do a tad more research. Just because you think it’s the only way to go doesn’t mean it’s true for countless others.

      13. Renee Avatar

        5 stars
        I have studied nutrition since I was 15, having that interest more than my other school work. I was a full time mother of 5 kids plus extras now and then over the years. This has been more than 40 years for me raising children.
        Unless you are buying organic or raising your own foods, all those perfect fruits and veggies you go on about is no doubt loaded with pesticide and herbicides. There is 90 percent more now in our produce than there was 30 years ago. There is more horrible additives in all processed foods now. That’s a lot. Some of us is trying to avoid this, especially for children.

        This treat is not about a nutritional meal. Its about a SNACK! One with no toxic additives. A bit of some actual proteins. A Home made sweet fruity treat that is not full of toxins! This is a plus and yes, healthier than sugary treats with artificial color that our FDA allows and most European country’s have already banned. Furthermore, Kombucha is so gut healthy and if you do not know the importance of probiotics, maybe you should do your research before being such a critic. It is ingenuous to made a treat out of this!

        A mama to go that extra mile to make “extras” will always be valued. This does not mean the kids never get a birthday cake or ice cream. But I bet they get a healthier ones than the boxed ones at the store. It does not mean they are not having nutritious salads and fresh foods for meals. But I bet they are Home grown or organic and not full of toxins. The whole point is to get the toxins out of the body.
        I just cannot believe anyone could possibly miss this point.

      14. April Avatar

        Gelatin is healthy. Cake is not. Regardless of it appearing to look like commercialized food is irrelevant. Every mom/ parent is different as with each child and needs. I dehydrate snacks for mine, I give jello. I do make homemade cookies, cakes, cupcakes for occasions. For you to downright belittle another person for trying to help in a good direction of eating healthier is disgusting. You are totally rude. I think making a healthier version of a ‘junk’ food is a great compromise if child has earned a reward or having a birthday party. I think this is a fun idea for adults and kids. May it be for children’s parties, wedding ideas, baby showers, etc. even toppers for mini cakes , have on hand for children helping decorate desserts. You Anni need to get over yourself

    13. Laura Fuentes Schneller Avatar
      Laura Fuentes Schneller

      how did you make those cute shapes? what kind of molds did u use?

        1. Melissa Craig Avatar
          Melissa Craig

          You should be able to google and find one. Or there is a recipe on this site, I think.

      1. Holli Avatar

        5 stars
        We made these and they are definitely yummy and satisfying my toddler’s “potty treat” sweet tooth! How do you store these and for how long?

    14. Paula Avatar

      Since the fruit snacks are stored in the refrigerator, are they stable enough to be used as an away from home snack, say in a lunch?

    15. lyss Avatar

      I’m confused…is the texture actually like gummy bears, or just more like jello?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        More like gummy bears… it uses more gelatin than is used in typical jello so it is thicker.

      2. Kat Avatar

        I actually disagree with the author. The texture is much more similar to Jello than a gummy bear, no matter how much gelatin you use. When you bite into one of these, it “cleaves” much more like Jello, and does not “chew” like a gummy. It ends up a very firm, almost rubbery product. Yes it’s more firm than regular Jello, but it’s essentially the same texture. That’s fine if that’s what you want but it’s really not like a gummy bear, and while the flavor is good I’ve been very disappointed in the texture. I think this is because there isn’t any added sugar syrup to give the candy a “chew” as opposed to a firm springiness. SurfSweets, Yummy Earth and even Haribo use some kind of sugar syrup not only for sweetness but to give the candy a chewy, gummy texture. I’m going to try to reduce some fruit juice by at least half and then make these to see if I can get a better texture.

        1. Angie Dostal Avatar
          Angie Dostal

          Did you ever experiment with the fruit juice, Kat? I cannot stand the consistency of jello and also couldn’t do the more firm, rubbery consistency that these yielded. I would love to find a healthy way to make things that are more like the consistency of gummy candies/vitamins.

        2. Sarah Lynne Avatar
          Sarah Lynne

          3 stars
          I agree. I made mine with a xylitol/monkfruit sweetener and fruit juice and it was very rubbery. I might try it again with sugar just to experiment with the difference. I also wonder if they would be better with the optional puréed fruit. Also they weren’t sweet enough for me, even when I doubled the sweetener amount.

    16. Martha Latta Avatar
      Martha Latta

      Just curious what you used to grease your pan… I was thinking a cooking spray might impart a flavor to the treats. Also, did they stick together at all?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I used coconut oil and they did great. They don’t stick together once fully gelled…

    17. Tina Leighton Avatar
      Tina Leighton

      A non gelatin option would be to soak and use chia seeds!

      1. jessie holder Avatar
        jessie holder

        I’m curious if this would stay gelled when taken out of the fridge?

    18. Ember Avatar

      I am dating a vegetarian with kids- by any chance have you ever worked with any of the non-animal options instead of the gelatin? These would work great for my niece, but not his kids and look like fun…

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I haven’t tried any non-gelatin options but let me know if you try them!

        1. Terry George Avatar
          Terry George

          Hi Wellness Mama!

          I love your blog! I purchased the Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate (Cold Water Soluble Green Container) specifically to try all your amazing recipes you have using gelatin. Unfortunately this one did not work. I noticed in step 6-8 it never became thick or created a paste hence it never solidified and stayed in a liquid form after being in refrigerator. I am wondering if I did something wrong or if its the type of Gelatin that won’t work in the recipe? Thank you in advance for your blog and advice!

          1. Crystal P Avatar
            Crystal P

            The gelatin in the green container does not gel. You would need the one in the red container for this recipe.

            1. Debbie Avatar

              What is the name of the product “in the red container?” Thanks.

            2. Barb Avatar

              No, no, no, no, Cheryl, it IS the green lid container. I buy the same brand and use it for my marshmallows, it definitely gels! The “red container” is a different brand than this stuff. I recommend using the gelatin that Katie recommends. IMO, it is a better product and the price is about the same. If you ladies will read Katie’s recipe you will notice she says “green” and she even put a link to make it easy for you to find. It will take you to the Vital Proteins site where you need to look for collagen products (gelatin is collagen). You will find all the info you need there for choosing and ordering.

          2. Hina Avatar

            Hi there Wellness Mama!
            I’m a huge fan!! I love your blog and have had such success with all my recipes I’ve tried from here except for the fruit snacks. I’m pretty determined to work at it until it does work, as the kids are determined to taste every batch until it’s perfected…:). The same thing happened to my batch of yummies. I used knox unflavored gelatine and followed the steps exactly. My gummies did not solidify they are quite watery. But my homemade hair gel did solidify with this same gelatine. Do you have any recommendations on what I could do to make this work. I used a mixer to continuously stir as I added each ingredient. Maybe more than a half cup gelatin?? Maybe no mixer? Any help appreciated! 🙂

            1. Hina Avatar

              Thank you so much Wellness Mama!!! I used pineapple, mango, peaches and strawberries. I mixed them all as my kids like the mix for popsicles and smoothies. I will omit the pineapple and give it another go… or two 😉 Thank you again!!

          3. Raine Avatar

            5 stars
            Collagen Hydysate does not gel, no matter what brand it is. It’s specifically designed to dissolve in liquids. You will need unflavored gelatin for any gummies.
            Any high acid fruits will not let the gelatin set. Also, since it’s water soluble, only small amounts of oils will hold in the gelled state (I sometimes add a touch of coconut oil to mine).

            Texture: gummy bears we are used to are STALE. If you would like a texture more like what you buy from the store, let them sit uncovered in the frig for a few days to let them harden more.

          4. Eden Avatar

            Terry, it’s true what people are saying about the green container not gelling (Great Lakes gelatin brand). I buy that regularly as a supplement, and add it to my drinks. I specifically use it because it will not gel. I just bought the Great Lakes gelatin red container though, for making this recipe.

        2. Shoshana Avatar

          I can’t help but comment on the fact that our children are bombarded with sugar how is gelatin in the category of “Wellness?”Jello is packed with high sugar no wonder your kids love it.

          1. Wellness Mama Avatar

            Gelatin is not “jello”. Jello is a commercial brand of gelatin-based snack that is packed with sugar, as you rightly point out. Gelatin, on the other hand, is a natural dietary source of the protein collagen and is very good for you read more here: https://wellnessmama.com/60867/collagen-benefits/! This recipe is added sweetener-optional, and relies mostly on the sweetness of the fruit to taste.

          2. Erin Avatar

            This made me laugh! 🙂 Gelatin is VERY much a healthy food…and with the addition of natural sugars, like fruit, it is tasty and kid-friendly! Of course, they like it. It’s like a fruit snack. Jell-O branded items are NOT included in this recipe. :::shaking my head::::

          3. Crystal Avatar

            5 stars
            Plain jellatin doesn’t come with flavors or sugars. You are thinking of Jello. This recipe only has the sugar from the 100% juice and honey (should you decide to add in honey). This recipe is actually very healthy as it only calls for two cups of juice to make many treats for your children.

      2. Janette Razo Avatar
        Janette Razo

        agar agar is the vegan/vegetarian substitute for gelatin and easy to use (I’ve purchased it at Whole Foods) – it needs to be softened in warm liquid before adding the additional cool liquid, just like regular gelatin powder.

        1. Ember Avatar

          I’ll have to look into it. Thanks! I admit my eyes start to glaze over in doing my own research on this. Every article on anything regarding vegetarian options seems to turn into a feeding frenzy of what is vegetarian enough, and finding out what really works (and isn’t a matter of sort of similar or requires a masters degree in chemistry or advanced training in the culinary arts) is a bit difficult. I do appreciate it when people can direct me a bit while I am just starting to figure these things out.

        2. Anna Breon Avatar
          Anna Breon

          Agar (or kanten) does not melt at body temperature like gelatin does and can block airways, so exercise caution if giving it to young children who may not chew completely before swallowing.

          1. BERTHA Avatar

            5 stars
            Thanks for that valuable information; I will be passing it on.

        3. Donna Avatar

          They use fruit pectin in organic ones. You can buy this powder in health food stores if you’re making jam, and I bet it would work here too. Just have to add enough.

        4. Pam Avatar

          Hi! I have never made gummy bears or homemade gelatin. Would you use the same amount of agar agar as you would the gelatin that wellness mama is using? I really want to make something like gummy bears but sweetened with stevia but not sure what to flavor them with? Have you ever made gummy bears?

            1. Lisa Avatar

              Just made these and they are a HUGE hit with the kids!! Do these need to be refidgerated, or can they be kept at room temp? Thanks!

            2. Anastasia Avatar

              I have the same question as below, do these need to be kept refrigerated or will they be okay at room temp?

          1. Lexie Avatar

            5 stars
            Hello… I am not replying to the “Agar Agar” as I am not familiar with it. However I wanted to warn you about the many Stevia options you find at a regular super market are not 100% Stevia but are blends of sugar and stevia of stevia and maltodexterin (very bad). And also the price of regular Stevia is more expensive actually almost double. Well know brands like Truvia are also Stevia blends.

            1. jake Avatar

              Stevita supreme is a blend of stevia and xylitol, which disrupts the formation of biofilms that lead to plaque and heart disease. If you buy it in bulk, it’s cost effective.

      3. SaneDonna Avatar

        Fruit pectin may work too. I find it at health food stores, and I have made a jello with it. It’s better in my opinion, smoother. You set jam with it, and they use it for thickening organic yogurts, and organic fruit gels like these above.

      4. max Avatar

        Agar agar is the option for vegetarians! it has the same set and consistency as gelatin.. it is maed from sea weed and is used extensively in S.E Asia

        1. Suzi Avatar

          Thank you for this as I was looking for a way to use vegetarian or vegan gelatine!

      5. Kristen Kelly Avatar
        Kristen Kelly

        I too was wondering about vegan versions of this recipe, you can use fruit pectin instead of gelatin. Have you tried this? If so, let me know how it went and how much you used.

      6. Kellie Avatar

        I haven’t tried this yet but plan to, for vegetarian gummies try replacing gelatin with Psyllium Husks powder. You can look for specific recipes for gummies using the psyllium. Hope that helps!

      7. Barb Avatar

        Ember, I am not a big fan of “gummies” but my kids are. I much prefer the texture of fruit “jellies” that are made with pectin instead of gelatin. They are like those fruit jellies you can buy fancy-packed, like chocolates, in boxes. I like them better because although they are still chewy, they are not “rubbery” like the gelatin ones, and my kids enjoy them too. However, I doubt that you can substitute it in Katie’s recipe. You would have to look around for a fruit jelly candy recipe that gives you the correct ratios of pectin, sugar and liquid for making them. Also the fruit jellies aren’t usually molded, just poured in a pan and cut out. They take a few days to “cure” as well.
        Pectin comes in liquid and powder form and is a thickener used for making jams and jellies. It is very easy to find in the store, usually in the baking aisle with the sugars. Fruit pectin, I understand is derived purely from fruit, primarily under-ripe apples. However, I can’t tell you at this point what other ingredients commercial pectin contains. I have made my own pectin in the past, since I like to avoid commercially processed foods. If you are adventurous and experimental, (and you are lucky enough to find some fresh, under-ripe organic apples), you could make your own, but for starters, I would try the packaged pectin. Hope that helps!

      8. Dora Avatar

        5 stars
        I think agar is the vegetarian versin of gelatin. At least yhats what all the vegans use on youtube.

      9. Lara Avatar

        I hear you can replace the gelatin with agar powder, but haven’t tried it.

      10. Sarah Avatar

        Agar works really well, just be careful not to add too much or the texture gets weird.

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