Katie and Heather Dessinger discuss all the unusual things they’ve tried in the name of health! But there are two things they aren’t admitting to … care to guess? Leave your guess on the two things they won’t admit to in the comments!
In the Name of Health…
When a person is a health blogger, she tries some unusual things in the name of health (or because a blog commenter asked about it. Between the two of them, they’ve tried A LOT of unusual (and somewhat crazy) things in the name of health. In this episode, they fess up to all most of the strange things they’ve tried.
Weird Health Things They Have Tried:
- Spraying bacteria on their skin (on purpose) – here’s why
- Standing in a Cryotherapy tank at -280 degrees
- Floating in a thousand pounds of dissolved epsom salts
- Sitting in a chamber that gets up to 170 degrees to get heat shock proteins
- Methods to increase their amount of brown fat
- Mud baths (the photos have not surfaced … yet)
- Brushing teeth with charcoal
- Wearing orange sunglasses at night … even in public
- The benefits of Sauna Therapy- See Heather’s post and Katie’s post on this
Resources Mentioned:
- Mother Dirt Bacteria Spray for Skin
- Book: What Doesn’t Kill Us
- Book: The Body Keeps the Score
- Wim Hof Method
- WM Article: All About Floating
- WM Article: Benefits of Cryotherapy
- Healthmate Saunas (find out how to get up to 40% off here)
- WM Article: Brushing Teeth with Charcoal
- Mommypotamus Article: Brushing Teeth With Turmeric
- Uvex Orange Glasses to block blue light
- Prettier looking orange glasses to block blue light
- Why I Wear Orange Glasses at Night
- Reasons to Get Blue Light in the Morning
- Study: How camping resets circadian rhythm
- 10,000 Lux Light box
- Article: Retimer Glasses for Light Therapy
- Podcast: Chronobiology with Sleep Researcher Dr. Michael Breus
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Child: Welcome to my mommy’s podcast.
Katie: If you’re like me and you live in area where it’s sometimes hard to find any kind of specialty ingredients especially if we’re talking about organic ingredients, gluten free foods or allergy friendly foods, I highly recommend that you check out Thrive Market. So, Thrive is like a combination of Costco, Amazon and Whole Foods. And here’s why I say that. So, like Costco they have a yearly membership fee and this lets you access all of their special pricing and deals. Like Amazon they’re online and they also have very fast shipping and it’s usually free with most orders. And then like Whole Food they carry high quality foods and specialty ingredients and especially focus on GMO free and organic foods. So, it’s really been helpful to me and I know that you’re going to love it too. You can also get a free jar of coconut oil with your first order. So, check them out. Go to thrivemarket.com/wellnessmama.
The other sponsor for this episode is The Wellness Mama Cookbook and yes, that is my cookbook, but I wanted to specifically talk about it for a second because I spent a lot of time compiling this cookbook as a resource for busy moms. As a mom myself I know that you just don’t have extra time to spend hours and hours each day in the kitchen. And this is why the cookbook contains all of our family favorite recipes. Many of them you can make in under half an hour using only one pan. So, you can save on the dishes as well and they have sneaky veggies, which use veggies in place of a lot of the refined ingredients in many foods. I know that you’re feeling love the recipes as much as ours does so grab it at any major bookstore on Amazon or check it out on wellnessmama.com.
Welcome to the Healthy Moms Podcast. I’m Katie from wellnessmama.com and I’m here with Heather from mommypotamus.com and while we normally have a saunacast, today we are having a winecast because it just feel like a wine kind of day. And the irony is we’re actually in a pod. So, this is very technically a podcast as well.
Heather: It’s a podcast, wine cast, everything cast.
Katie: Yes. And it’s going be super fun. And I think it’ll be even more fun since we’ve had one, if we start with the some confessions of health bloggers/people who will try anything once. So, Heather jokes that I have talked her into doing a lot of things and that would be…
Heather: This is totally true.
Heather: Yeah. I already said I’m going start a secret blog, “Things Katie Made Me Do.” But I mean like now I think I’m gonna be spraying bacteria on myself and my kids and I’m gonna have to explain that to my husband somehow. So, you hear my patsy.
Katie: Perfect. I used to tell any like hospital administration that if you ever have to get stitches, but…
Heather: Yeah. Probably not. So, let’s talk about some of the things you’ve talked me into. There are two things I’m never gonna admit to.
Katie: Me neither.
Heather: But you guys can guess in the comments if you wanna know and if you don’t get it right, chances are you’ll probably give us some idea of something to try.
Katie: Exactly.
Heather: But you have talked me into standing in a tank that was negative 210 degrees or something…Was it 210?
Katie: Yeah. Let’s talk about this. So, this is cryotherapy and I actually will say like my husband is the craziest with this because he went down to like negative 280 one time just to see if he could do it and I’m like, “You have fun with that,” because I would die.
Heather: Yes, no kidding.
Katie: So, talk about why you love cryotherapy because you’re actually better about it than I am now.
Heather: So, I really, really, really hate the cold, but I do…I mean, the research all suggests like one of the very, very best things that we can do for ourselves is to train our bodies to adapt to both hot/heat and cold. So, like when I’m in my sauna and like my body is producing heat shock proteins which protects DNA and they do all kinds of things, they are amazing. Like we already talked about those crazy worms that like live 30% longer if you give them exposure to heat because they produce those little magical heat shock proteins. But in terms of like bio hacks there is nothing that beats cold. And that kind of stinks because I hate the cold, but I can stand it for two minutes. And so, you talked me into going to this cryotherapy place with you. And so, I hopped in there and oh my gosh, like it wasn’t as bad like I remember saying to the guy who obviously has no frame of reference. I was like, “Well, it’s not as bad as child birth.” Which is totally like the right thing to say to a random person you met five minutes before.
But it was amazing how I felt afterwards. Like I felt just unbelievable and I know it’s the endorphins, but it was more than that. It really reset my stress response. Like, we all experienced…almost everyone has an exposure to chronic stress and it can be through anything just like light that’s coming at us at the wrong time of day that’s like stressing our bodies and messing up our circadian rhythm or you know, just like a stressful experience and oh my gosh, if you go online you’re probably experiencing something stressful.
Katie: I want this book.
Heather: But yeah, I mean like it really reset my strength to response and now like…you know, my husband and I it’s like one of our favorite dates to do like we just…this is like the thing we do. Go to cryotherapy and get a sandwich afterwards. That’s our favorite shot. So cool.
Katie: Yeah. I love that and I will say I still absolutely just spice it. In fact, like the poor guy at the cryo place has to hear me for three…because it’s only three minutes, that’s the thing. It’s not like an hour. Like something just that you’re supposed to do in for like an hour. So, this is very fast and like you could do anything for three minutes even super-super cold, but I’m such a baby about it. And the whole time like, “I can’t do this. It hurts.” And like this guy now knows and he’s like, “It’s okay, you’re fine.” He won’t turn it off when they tell him to. He’s just like, “You’re okay.” But it…
Heather: If he turns it off do you say, “Why did you turn it off?”
Katie: Exactly. So, he like won’t let me out now. And I joke my husband because he can stay so much longer and way colder than me which his genes… that it also makes sense. But I’m also like, “But you have fur. Guys have fur. Like you have hair all over your body, I don’t. I’m freezing.”
Heather: Yeah.
Heather: And you know what’s really cool and I’m…this is like super nerdy part of me, but I’ve been reading this book called “What Doesn’t Kill Us” and it’s about Wim Hof, this guy I don’t know where…he lives somewhere in Scandinavia and he like climbs very, very cold mountains. We’re talking like negative something, something degrees in his shorts and a pair of boots. And the reason he can do that is that he has a ton of brown fat which I didn’t even know this is a thing until a few years ago. But most of us have white fat. We’re born with brown fat though because like little babies they don’t have the metabolic ability to generate heat using…I don’t know, like their metabolism or whatever it is. It doesn’t generate heat the same way. So, they have this brown fat that generates about like what? Thirty percent more heat.
Katie: Yeah, that’s crazy.
Heather: And it literally just…it’s like an internal heater and so the more you expose yourself to cold the more your body adapts. And the cool thing about the brown fat is that it revs up your metabolism.
Katie: Yeah. Like it doesn’t make you fat. You are never gonna be fat for having brown fat.
Heather: Yeah. It’s like the opposite. It’s like the anti-fat fat.
Katie: Yeah, exactly. So, that’s so interesting that you say that because I’ve always joked that like…because our babies at different times have been on our bed and I always joke it’s like sleeping with a space heater, but it literally actually is because they’re generating all this extra heat. And I’ve read a little bit about Wim Hof too. I know people who have gone through his training which is like, from what I can tell from Instagram, you sit in a lot of ice water for a long time. I’m like “I’ll stick to cryotherapy, thanks very much.”
Heather: Yes. I know. I’m a big baby.
Katie: But he is incredible and he holds all these world records for like amount of time staying in an ice chamber and like he did I think a marathon in Antarctica like with just shoes and shorts or something.
Heather: With shorts, exactly. Right.
Katie: Yeah. So obviously like he’s a mutant, which mutants is gonna be another podcast one day because we are both mutants. It’s kind of fun but not as cool mutants as him.
Heather: Yeah. Well, maybe we’ll get there someday. We don’t have to extend the things Katie talked me into repertoire. Did I say that right?
Katie: You did.
Heather: But you know, actually when you think about this too it makes sense that our children…I don’t know about yours, but my kids will run outside without pants on in December. And I’ll be like, “You have to wear pants because you’re making me look like a bad parent.” But it’s not actually bothering them at all. Like they adapt to cold so much better until that brown fat starts to fade away. And the only reason it fades away is because the body decides you don’t need it anymore if you’re in a temperature controlled environment. But like that’s one of the weird things about the way that we live now. We live in an environment that doesn’t fluctuate like it normally did like hot and cold through spring, summer and you know, like different seasons. And then also even like real basic things like day and night.
Katie: Yeah. Well, okay. And you said like environments that don’t fluctuate. And so, like another confession we can make is float tanks.
Heather: That’s true, yeah.
Katie: Because that environment does not fluctuate at all. I know like these aren’t as good for you because of mutations I think and stuff as me, but basically you haven’t heard of it. The idea is you’re floating in sensory deprivation. So, you’re in about 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt dissolved in water that’s exactly at body temperature and you’re also deprived of light and sound. So, it’s a little bit crazy the first time.
Heather: Yeah. I mean, actually I really, really loved it. Like they said that it can scare you a little bit, but I think if you’re like a mom of well, okay mom of one, mom of anyone then like sensory deprivation is like not the scariest thing you’d face that day. And I really loved it and I kind of think maybe what Katie is talking about is I felt a little nauseous after it because the magnesium sulfate has like a sulfur component that I didn’t process really well. But my body actually does process sulfur better now so we should make a date.
Katie: We should. And maybe if we could ever find like a magnesium chloride version of a float tank, it would be better.
Heather: That would be even awesome.
Katie: But it is, it’s true. It’s like most people, like my husband didn’t like it because it was like you have to go in this kind of pod and close the door and it’s dark and quiet and a little bit odd. But as a mom who fantasizes about quiet and my biggest dream is to go sleep in a basement that has no light or sound, it was pretty awesome.
Heather: It was really cool.
Heather: What else have we done that we can admit to?
Katie: So, we did the mud bath.
Heather: That’s true, yeah.
Katie: That was one of our first like meet-ups.
Heather: Yeah. Do we have photos of that you never…? We have some photos somewhere.
Katie: I did. Maybe if we didn’t enough wine, we’ll put a picture on the show notes or not.
Heather: Oh gosh, I’ve never seen those photos. I’d love to. We do need a photo together.
Katie: We do. Actually, we do random things like brushing our teeth with charcoal but we’ve both talked about these kinds of things. I don’t think that’s odd anymore. We like made it kind of mainstream to brush our teeth with weird things. Like you brush with turmeric and I brush with charcoal and yeah, we both get lots of hate mail for the pictures of us doing that. Apparently it offends a lot of people really seriously that we would have black or yellow teeth but…
Heather: Yeah. I think it’s kind of funny because I think people have said before like how do you have a husband that likes you because it looks like from your blog posts that all you do is brush your teeth or look like you ate cheetos and then wear funny glasses. But, I mean my percentage of wearing funny glasses time is pretty low except for the evening, which doesn’t count because my husband is also wearing funny glasses.
Katie: Funny. It’s like a bonding experience.
Heather: It is, yeah.
Katie: Yeah. Actually, someone said that exact thing on my post about the orange sunglasses because my original ones were these like six dollar Uvex sunglasses that are actually shooting glasses that you wear when you shoot which I also love doing that. It’s one of our favorite date nights. It’s going shooting but…
Heather: Those are not one of the things Katie has made me do yet.
Heather: It should be next.
Katie: So, we’re gonna go shoot next. But they’re not attractive and I posted a picture with them and it was hilarious. All these people were like, “I can’t believe your husband is still married to you after you wearing that.” And I’m like, “Dude, my husband has seen me give birth.” Like that is not the worst thing you see.
Heather: Fortunately, actually the new ones that are out are so nice that I wore them on an actual date with my husband. Like we have date nights every once in a while and we went out, grabbed oysters and I wore them because I was like, “They make me feel good. They help me sleep good.” And so yeah, I wore them to the date. And they’re not ugly.
Katie: So, this is awesome.
Katie: So yeah, I have also worn them out actually for a mom’s night. And I put them on because it like got dark while we were sitting there and like they’re orange glasses. They’re attractive but they’re still orange. And this waiter walks up to us and he’s like this super muscular like body-builder type who’s probably like just out of college or something. And he goes, “Dude, are those BluBlockers?” And I’m like, “You know what BluBlockers are? That’s awesome wearing the mainstream.”
Heather: It’s true.
Katie: But if you’re listening and you don’t we should probably actually explain what BluBlockers are and why we wear them.
Heather: Right. So first of all, yeah, we’re gonna run out of things to talk about because we’re totally like becoming mainstream now.
Katie: No, what? We’re supposed to be weird.
Heather: Like remember…I mean, like now there are like main…like huge magazines, like scientific magazines are talking about the gut brain connection and like the only people that were talking about this a few years ago were like moms who were…
Katie: I know that’s crazy.
Heather: Yeah. Who were solving just trying to help their families and so now it’s kind of amazing like these days when I wanna know like what cutting edge research is I like go ask the moms who are like out on the frontline solving these issues. Okay, so going back to the glasses. Our circadian rhythm which apparently has…it’s like one master clock that has all these other made clocks. It tells us like what time of day it is and not only that, but it aligns every aspect of biological functioning to day and night. How about you take over.
Katie: If you’re like me and you live in an area where it’s sometimes hard to find any kind of specialty ingredients especially if you’re talking about organic ingredients, gluten free foods or allergy friendly foods, I highly recommend that you check out Thrive Market. So, Thrive is like a combination of Costco, Amazon and Whole Foods. And here’s why I say that. So, like Costco they have a yearly membership fee and this lets you access all of their special pricing and deals. Like Amazon they’re online and they also have very fast shipping and it’s usually free with most orders. And then like Whole Foods they carry high quality foods and specialty ingredients and especially focus on GMO free and organic foods. So, it’s really been helpful to me and I know that you’re gonna love it too. You can also get a free jar of coconut oil with your first order. So, check them out. Go to thrivemarket.com/wellnessmama.
This episode is also sponsored by The Wellness Mama Cookbook. And as I mentioned before this is a resource that I worked for hundreds and hundreds of hours on to create a guide that would actually be useful, practical and really easy to use for moms who are busy and who don’t have hours and hours each day to spend in the kitchen but who also prioritize cooking real food. And my kids helped me test these recipes so they’re definitely family approved. They’re also mom approved and here is why. Like I said, I am an incredibly busy mom and I don’t have a lot of extra time. So, the majority of recipes can be made in under 30 minutes and a lot of them can be made in only one pan because I’m personally not a big fan of dishes and would rather not do anymore than I have to. So, you can check out the cookbook at any major bookstore on Amazon or on wellnessmama.com. It contains over 200 family-friendly recipes as well as some meal plans, some guidance on planning and some how-to for getting your family on board with eating healthy.
I also like to tell people that it’s a completely grain-free cookbook. But if you don’t do well with grains, you can easily add in things like rice and pasta to dishes for most meals. What I did though is I replaced a lot of the refined ingredients in the recipes with vegetables. Our family does not eat any refined flour or refined sugar, so I’ve replaced those in recipes with vegetables that kids love like zucchini and cabbage and sweet potatoes. And there’s everything from lasagna to chicken fingers to Shepherd’s pie and all of our family favorites. You can check them out like I said any major bookstore or at wellnessmama.com. Now back to the episode.
Katie: Okay. So basically, the theory that I operate on and the reason I wear orange sunglasses is if you think about it just biologically like common sense. We don’t even have to get into the science. Once upon a time, until about 50, 60 years ago, it got dark and you turned on like incandescent light bulbs only or candles or a fire place or you did something crazy and went to bed. But now we have these computers called phones that we walk around with attached to our face at all times and we’re staring at them at 11:00 at night and they have blue light. And from a biological perspective, the only time we’re seeing that in nature is when during the brightest part of the day when the sky and the clouds are reflecting blue light down. And so, you’re getting that and it’s super important to get it at the right time. Blue light is actually really-really good. Like I don’t want to get the impression blue light is bad because it’s awesome but we’re getting it at the wrong time of day.
So essentially at a very basic level, you’re signaling your body at 11:00 at night that it’s 12:00 in the afternoon and that it’s time to be alert and awake and to go hunt and fish and do all the things you’re supposed to do, but you’re trying to sleep right after that. So, if anybody has looked at the research like sleep disturbances are huge and they’re rising. Hormone problems are huge and they’re rising. Like kids are having these issues and we are all still staring at blue light screens at all times in the night. So, I think I wrote that post like five years ago, but my thought was by wearing glasses that blocked those spectrums of blue light, you can at least mitigate some of the damage of technology because neither one of us is ready to like leave the internet behind and like have no technology.
Heather: Yeah, not so much.
Katie: Yeah. It’s kind of important to our daily life and I feel like a lot of people would feel the same way, but you don’t have to get the negative effects of it. So, my thought was wearing orange sunglasses with certain filters on them help block the blue light so that at night you’re not telling your body it’s the middle of the afternoon and it improves your sleep. And I know you wear them too. We are all weird together but like what’s been your experience with them?
Heather: I have tried after my second child. I started to hit like major adrenal issues. Like I was just…I wanted to be super mom. I wanted to do it all but that’s not really possible for anyone. And I wasn’t really honoring what my body was telling me. I was trying really hard to fit into what I thought I should do. And I got myself in trouble and so healing from that really required that I start listening to my body again. But the problem was that my body wasn’t even getting the right signals. Everything was confused and so one of the first things I had to do was realign my body clock with nature without moving into a yard. And so, I started using the blue glasses at night and I started feeling the sleep that I was getting at night was so much more restorative and like deeper. And then I was you know, but the thing was for me at least when I started waking up in the day, it took actually two pieces. Like it was two parts of the same hole and I ended up exposing myself to bright light early in the morning too in order to get the full effect. Because you’re right, blue light is really good. In the morning, it can stimulate the production of serotonin. It helps you feel more alert and it does all kinds of good things. So, setting my body clock by just day and night has done everything for me. I mean, it’s like it helps me focus better. It improves my mood and definitely it helps me sleep better.
Katie: Yeah, for sure. I would definitely say that. And I know we both use some kind of like a light therapy like box type thing. You even have glasses that do…like there’s so many different ways you can actually use technology for the better to improve it even if you don’t like you said when I live in a yard. Because there was a cool study that came out recently that if you want Avixious circadian biology in one week, so if you wanna bio-hack it, go live in a tent with no artificial light for seven days and you’ll be good. But for those of us who have like a family who would not love it if we lived in a tent for seven days, there are ways you can build that into your everyday life even if you’re not spending time outside. So, from the bright light and the morning side it’s…I found it fascinating to realize that even the cloudiest of days are still so much brighter to our circadian biology in the morning than being inside in artificial light because there’s all these spectrums of light that we’re just not getting. But there are ways to like supplement that and to get the bright light. So like how do you get the bright light?
Heather: So, for my kids I actually have like a lamp that we have on the kitchen table. So, they have breakfast under the lamp which is really good. But for myself I found that like I just couldn’t…I would sit at the kitchen table and try to sit there for 30 minutes and plan my day but I couldn’t think because there was like laundry staring at me or like 10,000 things or like…it’s just like I was always feeling anxious because my first…I like to move first thing in the morning. So, I use Re-Timer glasses which are kind of interesting because they use blue-green light instead of just blue light. And they work really, really well. I remember I texted my husband like when I started using them. I was like, “My brain is alive.” I wasn’t really prepared for like what a profound impact it would have on me but it has. They aren’t for kids though like up until I think like 11 or 12-years-old. Kids have a different, like the way their eye is formed like the lens isn’t crystallized. So, the Re-Timers are like they were developed by a university and they’re amazing. They’re even featured by like CNN, Forbes, everybody. But they’re for adults. The lux lights though, the ones that put table are often used for kids and like are considered totally fine because the spectrum is slightly different. So, kind of like there’s a lot of different approaches that work just based on whether you’re like the kind of person that likes to wake up slowly and would be fine with sitting in the kitchen table or if you’re…what are we? We’re the warrior gene people who can’t sit still in the morning…
Katie: ….MAOA for the win. We have to wake up and greet the day by attacking it.
Heather: That’s right.
Katie But yeah, I love that. Like we have a wakeup light too that…like just a 10,000 lux light that goes in our kitchen for the kids. And I get to try the Re-Timers with you today which was super fun. Like they’re obviously super attractive and when with your husband…
Heather: Yeah. They’re a fashion statement.
Katie: I would not wear them on a date. They’re…
Heather: No.
Katie: They’re endearing in their own way though…
Heather: Oh, my gosh.
Katie: They’re pretty interesting. They look like you’re about to time travel. Like my daughter actually believed me when I said that I think but they’re awesome. I can totally see how they would have that effect and I think the point to all this too is that we really are just starting to understand kind of like how circadian biology affects literally every aspect of your life from your blood sugar to your hormones, to your gene expression. Like this is something that we didn’t have to work at 100 years ago, but now we do. And so, since we do like you can find easy ways to integrate it with your family that aren’t gonna stress you out, but that also help you keep your mental edge and your sanity because that’s the question I get a lot. It’s like, “What do you do as a mom?” Because you can’t sleep eight hours every night. If you have a baby, you can’t.
Heather: No.
Katie: And people ask that…and you probably get those questions too. And that’s like those are the things you can do. You can wear orange glasses after dark. You can try these Re-Timer glasses in the morning. Like there’s a lot of stuff you can do even if you’re not able to sleep because of the family or because of a job or because of whatever reason.
Heather: Yeah, and I mean if budget is an issue you can also just go outside and take a 30-minute walk unless it’s like…Well, actually if it’s really, really cold you can do it in your shorts and do the Wim Hof method and be really cold and it’s like cryotherapy. The other thing I was gonna say is I think you…Actually I know you have interviewed the author of “The Power of When” and he wrote a book that’s all about circadian rhythms. He’s a sleep researcher. What’s his name? Dr. Michael?
Katie: Michael Breus.
Heather: Michael Breus. And you know, he has…I don’t know if agree with absolutely everything that he recommends, but I thought he made some really amazing observations that basically like we all have something called bio time. And we often beat ourselves up because we can’t fit with what we think is the right thing to do at the right time of day. But biologically there are parts of the day where we’re more capable of doing analytical type things and then there’s other parts of the day where biologically like the hormonal flow, like the ebb and flow throughout the day in the production of our neuro- transmitters will make us like more…make us better at doing like creative or analytical things. And it’s not the same. So, I actually used his book as like a loose guideline for structuring my day. And I found that when I stopped fighting with my biology, I started enjoying my days like a whole lot more. And that was a breakthrough for me. I didn’t even realize that I was fighting my biology until I read that. So, it was kind of a cool and interesting book.
Katie: Yeah, I agree. I liked his book a lot and I agree that I didn’t agree with everything he said, but I think he made some great points. And I feel like that’s also…because my doctor, Dr. Christiansen would agree. Like, you can do so much for your bio time and your chronobiology by just like going outside in the morning and going for a walk. But even if that’s not possible like all these things we’ve talked about you can do inside even if you’re stuck inside all day or you’re…you can work this into your daily life and that can help really make a difference in your biology over time and just help you to find more balance that way.
Heather: Yeah. Speaking of bio time, I think it’s almost time for our kids to eat dinner.
Katie: Yup. I think you’re right. So, we should…we’re gonna head that way and give them dinner. But like everything we’ve linked to, we’ll make sure is in the show notes. And there’s so many actually more weird things that we tried that we haven’t even linked to like cryotherapy sleeping, like chilly pads and like all kinds of things you’re doing. So, I’ll include links for some of those in the show notes if anybody is interested and they can like get some advanced notice of these. And also, if anybody wants to guess the two things we’re never gonna admit to in audio you’re welcome to guess in the comments and we might tell you if you’re right or not. But until next time, thanks so much for listening and I’ll see you next time on the Healthy Moms Podcast.
Katie: Thank you so much for listening to this episode of The Healthy Moms Podcast. Did you know that you can become a Wellness Mama VIP member for free? Just go to wellnessmama.com/podcast to subscribe to the podcast and then click free membership to gain access to a membership library of health and wellness resources. You’ll get the latest from Wellness Mama each week as well as special discounts and offers. Also, find Wellness Mama on social media to stay updated with the latest podcast episodes, blog posts and more. Thanks again for listening. I’ll see you next week.
So … weigh in, what are the two things you don’t think they will admit to?
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