Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste

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Squeezable Homemade Remineralizing Toothpate
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste

I’ve posted my recipe for remineralizing homemade toothpaste before, and a reader recently shared her adaption that allows it to be squeezable (many thanks to Melina!) It also combines the bentonite clay of the toothpowder recipe with the remineralizing recipe for a double dose of minerals.

The addition of water to this recipe makes it squeezable, but also shortens the shelf life. I haven’t been able to test it past a few weeks because we use it so quickly, but it has lasted at least that long at our house. A reader suggested adding vodka in place of the water.

The squeezable tube also offers the advantage of making a toothpaste that is easier to share without having to dip multiple toothbrushes into the same container.

If you’d rather use a water-free homemade toothpaste recipe with an indefinite shelf life or a toothpowder recipe, my entire list of oral health recipes is on my Oral Health Resource Page.

Squeezable Homemade Remineralizing Toothpate
4.50 from 36 votes

Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

Make homemade toothpaste that can be put in a tube and squeezed out for easier sharing and traveling.
Prep Time15 minutes
Author: Katie Wells



  • Mix all the ingredients except clay in a mini-food processor and mix well to incorporate.
  • Once smooth, slowly add in the bentonite clay and mix by hand with a plastic utensil (bentonite clay should not come in contact with metal). If you don’t have a food processor, you can use an immersion blender or even a whisk/fork in a bowl. Do not use an air-tight blender like a magic bullet as this create too much pressure
  • Store in a small jar or a squeezable tube like this BPA free GoTube.
  • Use as you would regular toothpaste.


  • Due to the nature of the coconut oil, this homemade toothpaste will be thicker when cooler and thinner when heated, but should be a squeezable consistency at normal room temp (70-75 degrees). If it is too runny or too thick, try adding more water or calcium to get desired thickness.
  • Adjust essential oils to taste.

Homemade Toothpaste FAQs

Q. What is the best type of calcium/calcium magnesium to use?

After trying a lot of different types of calcium and calcium magnesium powders and getting reader feedback from dozens of readers… the consensus is that Calcium Carbonate is the best option and that certain types of calcium magnesium can cause reactions. (I use this brand)

Q. I had an explosive reaction while making this… what happened?

Likely, you used calcium magnesium in a closed container, which apparently can cause a pressure reaction in certain situations. I recommend mixing by hand or in a container that is not airtight. Magic bullets seem to be the culprit in most cases.

Q. Is this okay for sensitive teeth/fillings/veneers/children/etc?

Always check with a dentist before changing a dental routine especially if you have any dental conditions. I personally use this on my kids and on my own teeth with a couple of non-amalgam fillings (before I knew about remineralization). Again, check with a dentist, but since all ingredients are generally considered safe for consumption, I feel comfortable using it.

Q. What are some common reactions in the first few weeks (heightened sensitivity for some)?

I personally didn’t have any reactions, but it seems that some people do experience sensitivity for the first couple of weeks of using homemade toothpaste, especially if they’ve been using commercial products for a long time or have had recent fluoride treatments as the clay can bind and pull out toxins. This seems to be less of an issue with calcium powder and seems to resolve itself within a few weeks, but again check with a dentist.

Q. Xylitol vs. stevia, which is better?

This is largely a matter of opinion. Some studies show that xylitol is good for the teeth, while others show it can be dangerous. It is dangerous to animals, so be very careful to keep it out of the reach of any pets! We use this brand which is not derived from corn and which is not GMO.

Q. Vodka vs. Water?

This recipe works just fine with water, but many people have successfully used vodka in its place to extend the shelf life (it lasts pretty long either way.)

Q. Why NO Glycerin?

There is some evidence that glycerin can coat teeth and prevent them from absorbing minerals. The research definitely seems mixed on this one, but there is no evidence that glycerin is needed or beneficial to the teeth, so it is best avoided. On a personal level, I’ve seen relatives’ teeth turn brown after using glycerin-based toothpaste and return to normal once switching to different brands.

Q. Other than yourself and your family, has anyone else used this for a while?

I have received dozens of emails from people who have used this toothpaste or my regular remineralizing toothpaste and had good results. One reader, Jennifer, backed the idea of using calcium and not calcium magnesium:

I’ve always made it with calcium powder and love it. We bought the calcium magnesium powder this time and it tastes and feels like tingly, bitter metal – and not tingly in a good way. We will stick with the regular calcium carbonate powder.

Tina offered these changes:

I started adding a bit of hydrogen peroxide to mine. That made it squeezable. I do not use the bentonite clay. Instead I use baking soda. I also add a few drops of grapefruit seed extract to mine. There is still the fact that coconut oil is more firm in cooler temps. Thanks for sharing the container information! I have tried using pastry tips with disposable plastic bags.

Melinda adds:

I love this toothpaste recipe and have been using the original but my paste always dries up. I’ll have to play with it more. This recipe really does make my teeth look and feel fantastic. I love it! May have to get a squeezable tube and see how that goes.

Q. I had bleeding gums the first few times I used this, is this normal?

I didn’t experience this personally, but have heard from many readers that they had this for the first few days and up to two weeks but from their experience, it seemed to resolve itself. If in doubt, ask a dentist!

Q. What type of container is best for this?

I personally use goToobs which are medical grade silicon and great for re-using, traveling and squeezing without worry of plastic leaching in to the toothpaste or metal deactivating the bentonite clay. I’ve had one of these and it has lasted a year and is still going strong. I also use them for my oil cleansing blend when traveling since they don’t leak.

Ever made your own toothpaste or oral health products? How did it go? Share below!

This squeezable homemade toothpaste contains coconut oil, xylitol, calcium carbonate, trace minerals and essential oils for oral health and remineralization.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


530 responses to “Squeezable Homemade Toothpaste”

  1. Debbie Cable-Brown Avatar
    Debbie Cable-Brown

    I just want to say how much I love your website. I am not a mommy, but none-the-less. Love, love your stuff. You had me at “homemade marshmellows”. ( Which I haven’t tried yet but will)
    Thanks for doing what you do. I will be making this toothpaste too!

  2. Shasta Avatar

    I had bookmarked this a while back and thought I’d try it when our current toothpaste ran out. Two days ago I went to the dentist and he told me I had a mouth full of cavities! He found tiny cavities in between almost all me teeth. Needless to say, I was very upset! I went straight to my favorite health food store and got everything I needed to make this. Mixed it all up and couldn’t wait to try it. With everything all over my counter, off I went to brush. O-M-G!!! My teeth feel better than when they were cleaned professionally two days ago! I love the “mouth feel” and the fact that it doesn’t foam up making me look like a rabid dog! It’s wonderful and the whole recipe fit perfectly into my three Go-Toobs. I cannot see myself buying commercial paste again-thank you so very much!!

      1. Laura Pelt Avatar
        Laura Pelt

        When I got up for work last night, my tubes had bloated up and one had exploded all over! What a mess that was. I emptied them into a glass jar and topped it with a plastic lid (regular mount mason jars will take a peanut butter jar lid), not screwed on, just laid on top. This morning when I got home from work, it looked like a minty fresh volcano, lol. I read about the “explosiveness” when mixing, but was not expecting it afterward. Any suggestions as to how the keep it in a tube so it’s squeezable? I put a little in one tube and didn’t snap the lid down, so far it’s fine but it must stay open. I really like this recipe if I can get it to stay in the tubes!

        1. Shasta Avatar

          Just a quick follow up note-I left the top off the jar I put the paste in and covered it with a piece of cheesecloth to keep dust, etc. out of it. Left it alone overnight then stirred well. The fizziness went down, so I replaced the plastic lid loosely. Then I put some in a tube. It’s fine now, great texture and squeezes well. (I only filled the tube halfway to allow room in case it fizzes again.) LOVE it!

  3. Cheryl Johnson Avatar
    Cheryl Johnson

    Can I use Calcium Citrate Powder instead of Calcium Carbonate?

  4. Katie Gray Avatar
    Katie Gray

    Hi Katie, it’s one of your readers also named Katie. Just want to say I love your website and I just made the toothpaste after buying all the suggested ingredients (and the tube) on Amazon and will be trying the magnesium body butter next. I have really sensitive teeth because of enamel erosion from both acid reflux and dry mouth from medication, so I added the only clove oil I had on hand, which was doTerra’s On Guard blend which also has cinnamon, wild orange, eucalyptus and rosemary, because I’ve heard some people use it to make mouthwash. I also added a tiny bit of himalayan sea salt to inhibit bacterial growth.

    I did have a question as to why there’s no phosphorus in this recipe because my research on remineralization says the calcium and phosphorus in saliva work together. I found a product called Freeda Kosher Calcium Phosphate Powder 16 OZ on Amazon, and wondered if that wouldn’t be more effective instead of the calcium carbonate. What do you think?

  5. Rachel Avatar

    I’ve been making this toothpaste recipe for my dad for the past six months. He has severe gum problems including perpetual swelling, receding, periodontal disease, and dental abscesses. He’s been to the dentist 2-3 times since starting to use the toothpaste, and has been through at least three batches of paste. Each time the dentist has been floored at how much his gums have improved. On his latest visit (this morning), his hygienist actually asked for the recipe! I just wanted to share how much it’s helped him, and to thank you for posting the recipe 🙂

  6. Erik Avatar

    Is there a reason you couldn’t use extracts in this as a combination replacement of the oils, alcohol, and water?

  7. Heather Avatar

    Hi there, I have a toddler that still swallows toothpaste. We have been using the lemon Earthpaste, but I just read somewhere that someone said it has xylitol so to not ingest. I thought xylitol was just a sweetener, so I’m confused and kind of freaking out. So it’s not ok for him to swallow the Earthpaste? Should I make my own, without xylitol? Please help. 🙂

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Studies seem to be a bit up in the air about xylitol, so use with caution. If you are worried about it, you could make your own with no sweetener, or you could use stevia to sweeten instead of xylitol.

    2. Nancy in Alberta Avatar
      Nancy in Alberta

      Hi, Heather,
      Earth paste has an unsweetened paste. It’s the spearmint flavour, in case you want to avoid xylitol.

  8. Selena Hutchins Avatar
    Selena Hutchins

    I have been using the original toothpaste recipe for several months and decided to try the squeezable one, so I ordered 100% organic bentonite-montmorillonite clay. When i got ready to make the toothpaste, I remembered that the recipe said not to put the clay in the food processor, so I didnt. I even switched my container since I had the other paste in a ball jar (that has a metal lid). I mixed all the other ingredients in the processor then poured into a plastic mixing bowl to add the clay. Without thinking, I reached for my only measuring spoon… stainless….. and added the clay. I thought about it after the fact, so I stirred with a plastic spoon. When I went to brush my teeth before bed, i had to quickly spit it out. In less than 5 seconds, the toothpaste burned my gums! It felt like my gums and cheeks were literally being burned by acid. I swished with some milk, then coconut oil which helped alot. By morning, my mouth was much better, but still sore. Needless to say, I’m not using it again. Is this a common reaction to clay touching metal? And if so, have I ruined the whole bag by putting my spoon in it? Please help!

  9. Kim Avatar

    I started using the non-squeezable form of this 1 1/2 year ago when I was pregnant and everything made me nauseous. I have had 2 teeth cleanings since I started using this toothpaste and both times my hygienist and dentist have said my teeth look great! Actually the most recent time the hygienist said my teeth were boring to clean because they were so happy and healthy! I told her the ingredients and she agreed that they were all good for different reasons. She even wrote the recipe down for herself!
    I’ve never added Bentonite Clay because I couldn’t find it locally and I haven’t had to buy more ingredients yet. Also, now I add more E.O.’s to make it more flavorful! I am so have to have found this recipe! Thank you Wellness Mama!

  10. Carissa Avatar

    Could you add activated charcoal to help whiten or would it interact/cancel out the benefits of the other ingredients?

  11. Christopher Avatar

    Perhaps a silly question, but what do you use to squeeze the toothpaste into the gotoob? I was thinking pastry-style frosting squeezer? Thanks!

  12. Shelby Avatar

    I use Bentonite Clay in toothpaste recipe and love it. Similar to the recipe given above, i use Bentonite, coconut oil, bicarb,salt, clove, peppermint and thyme oil and stevia and process until thick and creamy with distilled water. Great forum and great to see so many people dedicated to simplifying life and eliminating pollutants from their bodies. Thanks Wellness Mama

  13. Kaitlyn Avatar

    This clogs drains because of the coconut oil. We just replaced part of our sink drain because of this toothpaste.

  14. Sarah Avatar

    What is the danger of mixing the bentonite clay with a metal? I made this recipe and was really excited to try it but then remembered–I have a METAL permanent retainer on my lower teeth. Think I can still use this paste?


    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      You can still use it… you just don’t want to mix with a metal spoon prior to using it since the metal activates the clay. It is fine for it to activate in your mouth but it won’t be as effective if you do this while making it

  15. Christine Avatar

    This might seem weird, but I wonder why do you need the toothpaste? I only brush my son’s teeth with water and the brush because I was worried about the toothpastes. He has never had any dental problems. I also use a very limited amount of paste for myself(I like the mint), because I read that the toothpaste can actually cause you to not brush as effectively. I also have good dental health. So does anyone know, do we really need the toothpaste?

    1. cour Avatar

      i bet you are right! if our diets are healthy and contain lots of mineral rich foods like all fruits (which are highest in minerals) and veggies, then why need toothpaste?
      we wouldn’t!

  16. Penny Yen Avatar
    Penny Yen

    I’ve been making my own toothpastes and powder for a while now and looking to tweak my recipe a bit. I’ve been studying up on the uses of neem oil. And I am curious to know if you have used neem oil in your toothpaste products?

  17. Clarissa Avatar

    Everyone who is having trouble with the toothpaste hardening, read this!! My toothpaste also hardened up by the second day but I just dunk the tube in a glass of warm water for 30 seconds or so and then it squeezes out no problem. Try it!! 🙂

  18. Sterling Avatar

    Is it just me or has anyone else noticed much much whiter teeth using this toothpaste? I started using this about 2 months ago and my teeth look a lot whiter!

  19. Kayla Avatar

    I used the Calcium Citrate and had the explosive reaction … I looked at the squeezable tube the next morning and was wondering why the bottom was rounded. So, blonde me decided to open it .. pointed directly at myself … Toothpaste shot all over me, the wall, the floor, the counter …. yea ..

  20. Janet Small Avatar
    Janet Small

    I just made this a second time and this time it was much better after the tweaks. I made my own calcium powder (finely ground Organic Egg shells). If you do this, make sure it is VERY well grounded. I opted to not add the water as it made it clump. Before the water, the coconut oil created a really lovely paste. If anything I might add another oil rather than water. I also added another 10 drops of peppermint oil as I really like the minty clean mouth feeling afterwards. I did the brushing blend, trace minerals, benzonite clay, and additional peppermint oil. Just brushed my teeth to try out the mixture and it was lovely. Thanks Katie!

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