How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly

Katie Wells Avatar

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There is a better way to brush your teeth- see how
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I’m guessing (or at least hoping) that you learned to brush your teeth at a really young age and you’ve probably been brushing them pretty much that same way since then. You may have gotten a more grown up toothpaste that doesn’t taste like bubblegum and your toothbrush may not have a picture of Elmo on it anymore, but you likely still use the same method to brush.

A Better Way to Brush?

Just like we eventually grow out of bubblegum flavored blue toothpaste (Tip: use a natural toothpaste with your kids too!), there is a science-backed and more effective way to brush your teeth as well. Statistically, all of us could use an upgrade to our oral hygiene habits anyway, as over 90% of adults have some form of gum disease!

The early symptoms of gum disease are often ignored, and what starts as just bleeding gums or bad breath can eventually cause severe oral health problems and even tooth loss. Research is finding that not only is gum disease a leading cause of tooth loss in adults, but those bacteria living in the mouth and under the gums can cause systemic problems in the body as well! (That is why those with heart trouble and certain other medical conditions are told to take an antibiotic whenever getting their teeth cleaned at the dentist.)

While brushing alone won’t necessarily stop gum disease, there is a particular method of brushing that was discovered years ago that more effectively fights these harmful strains of bacteria in the mouth.

It’s All About That Bass…

Brushing Blend 275 206

Ok, ok… not the song, but an old school doctor named Dr. Charles Bass who discovered this method of brushing (now called the Bass Brushing method). At the time, Dr. Bass was the youngest person to become Dean of a medical school and was a pioneer in his field, carrying the first microscope west of the Mississippi River. (source)

Although he was academically gifted, his teeth weren’t as genetically fortunate, and at a young age, he was diagnosed with advanced gum disease and his dentist recommended complete removal of all of his teeth. He didn’t find this option particularly appealing (who would!) and instead decided to use his medical knowledge to try to address the disease scientifically.

Using his microscope, Dr. Bass identified the strains of bacteria in his mouth and used the microscope to gauge if different methods he tried were working to fight his gum disease, eventually identifying a method of brushing and a special toothbrush that helped reverse his gum disease. He was said to have died with all of his teeth in his mouth.

Why You Should Brush Your Gums

The method that Dr. Bass discovered for brushing, the “Bass Brushing” technique, is effective because it addresses bacterial colonization in the gums and doesn’t just focus on “scrubbing” the surface of the teeth. Dr. Bass found that many toothbrushes are too abrasive with bristles too close together to effectively address bacteria in the gums, so he created a brush called the Bass Brush that has bristles farther apart to be able to effectively reach the gums as well.

These specialized brushes also have rounded tips instead of the sharp/straight tips of most bristles, making them gentler on the gums. I have several family members who were told they were brushing too hard and had receding gums as a result. This brushing method and these more gentle toothbrushes help address this problem as well. Here’s a visual of the difference:

toothbrush bristle comparision

While the Bass Brushes are recommended for this method (these are the brushes we use), some people have noticed some of the benefits from using the Bass method with their regular toothbrushes.

How to Brush Your Teeth With the Bass Brushing Method

First, hold the toothbrush gently! You’re not cleaning a grout line, so rather than holding the toothbrush like a scrub brush, hold it gently so your arm can relax and apply the small movements required for the Bass brushing technique:

  • Hold the brush at the commonly recognized 45 degree angle to the tooth and gum line.
  • The main difference in the Bass technique is how small the movements are. The Bass brushing technique uses very small lateral strokes along the gum line.
  • It’s almost like you aren’t “brushing” your teeth. Rather, you place the toothbrush at a spot along the gum line and gently wiggle using very small, fine back-and-forth motions to get the bristles down between the teeth and under the gum line.
  • Count to 5, then move to the next place with your brush and repeat.
  • The small motion takes practice, but in time, you will be amazed at how much healthier your gums will feel!

Here’s a video that shows the method and explains why it works:

My Personal Tooth Brushing Story

When I was younger, I had swollen gums that started when I had braces (the latex in the rubber bands irritated my gums). Even years after the braces came off, my dentist always commented that my gums were swollen, especially on my bottom front teeth. A few years ago, he was worried that I had the beginning of gingivitis in my gums and that due to the swelling, it was hard to effectively clean under the gums.

It wasn’t until years later when I started using natural toothpaste options and Bass Toothbrushes that the swelling in my gums finally went away completely. Since switching, my gums are not swollen and my teeth are no longer sensitive to cold.

For years I used OraWellness Heal Thy Mouth Blend as toothpaste or in homemade toothpaste recipes since it contains oils that help battle the bacteria in the mouth. Now, I use my Wellnesse Whitening & Remineralizing Toothpaste since I know exactly what’s in it and I obviously created it to meet all of my healthy mouth specifications!

I also use a copper tongue scraper to help get rid of residual bacteria hanging out in my mouth.

If you want try to make your toothpaste instead (as I did for years), I recommend these homemade recipes:

Even if you decide to stick with the cartoon character toothbrush, try brushing your teeth with the Bass Brushing Method instead. Your teeth and gums will thank you!

Ever used a Bass toothbrush or any other natural toothpaste? Share your experience below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


90 responses to “How to Brush Your Teeth Correctly”

  1. Salma Avatar

    One question. How often should a bass toothbrush be replaced? Every 3-4 months like a regular toothbrush?

    Thank you.

  2. Becca Avatar

    What doe everyone use for small children? I have a 4 year old & I don'[t see that they make a children sized Bass brush? I feel like an adult size one would gag her

  3. Jennifer Avatar

    I was wondering where I could get Charcoal for the pulling. How does it work? Is it kid friendly and does it have a horrible taste? Thanks in advance ~Jen

    1. Rachael Avatar

      I found activated charcoal on
      The charcoal is used in brushing and oil is used in pulling. Just dip a wet tooth brush in the powder.
      The charcoal feels a bit gritty but does not taste bad. We started using it a couple weeks ago and my husbands teeth are already whiter (mine were pretty white to begin with)
      I’m looking forward to using it with my kids. Just be sure not to spill or you will have a huge mess.

  4. Hana Avatar

    Katie thank you so much for all this oral info!

    I bought the bass toothbrush and HealThy Mouth blend and started using them morning and night. But in the morning after brushing and going throughout my day my teeth just didn’t feel very clean. I went on the Oralwellnesses website under FAQ and was surprised to see under the question:
    What type of toothbrush should I use?
    We recommend using a Bass toothbrush with the Bass brushing technique in the morning and a quality electric toothbrush in the evening.

    I was very pleased to see this and with making this change my teeth feel much cleaner!

  5. Lynn Avatar

    I find this topic very interesting as I’d like to get away from conventional toothpastes. However, it appears to me that Bass toothbrushes are made from plastic and I’m trying to eliminate plastic as much as possible! Some 47 million plastic toothbrushes go into landfills every year! And that’s just toothbrushes!! Imagine all the other plastic products tossed every day. It’s astounding. Bamboo is the best way to go for your next new toothbrush. We need to consider the health of our planet as well.

    1. Stephanie Avatar

      You might be interested in the Source toothbrush, which is made out of recycled materials and is 100% recyclable.

      While it has its own unique design and touts its own benefits, I cannot attest how it compares to the Bass toothbrush.

    2. Renee Avatar

      Absolutely Lynn! That’s a concern of mine too. Depending on where you live, check to see if there’s any place with a TerraCycle recycling dropoff. I shop at local co-ops and found one that has this. You can recycle toothbrushes, empty deodorant containers and caps, floss containers, soap packaging, etc, and in another bin things like packaged food bags (like potato chip bags) are recyclable. I took a photo but can’t upload. I don’t eat potato chips, and I make my toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, etc thanks to Wellness Mama 🙂 but I wanted to pass that along.

      Thanks for thinking of the environment!!

  6. Elizzabeth D Avatar
    Elizzabeth D

    I recently read your article on using food grade charcoal for brushing teeth and healing gums. As well a couple other sites. I have been using this for several weeks now & I am amazed at the difference of my gums. No more soreness, no bleeding and teeth seem to be getting whiter.

    I also purchased the bass toothbrush & some oil that I will be adding to my daily use.

    My question is: how often do I use the charcoal? And my dentist still wants to do a deep cleaning because she says I have plaque buildup. Will the charocal help in getting rid of the buildup or do I need to get this procedure done?

    Elizzabeth D

  7. Suzie Avatar

    Receding and sensitive gums are often caused by brushing too rigorously. Easiest solution is to gently brush using your non-dominant hand or oil-pull for a while to take a break.

  8. Blair Tarlton Avatar
    Blair Tarlton

    What would you recommend for receding gumlines? I’ve been searching for a while and can’t really find any good info. Thanks!

  9. Natalia Avatar

    Our family is using Miswak (or Sewak), it is a little branch of a tooth tree, which grows in Arabic countries. You soak it’s end and then chew it a bit, so like this it becomes a toothbrush. But it gives me the most amazing feeling of cleaned teeth, even if I don’t have the toothpaste with me at the moment.

  10. Lisa G Avatar

    Thanks for reminding me I need to order some of these toothbrushes. I wanted to mention that I’ve suffered from tonsil stones (tonsilliths) for years. They were responsible for some embarrassingly bad breath, but almost 2 years ago I started using the remineralizing tooth powder and I have NOT had tonsil stones since then. The tooth powder has been life-changing and that is no exaggeration.

    1. Amber Avatar

      Hey I suffer from really bad tonsil stone. My whole tonsil are filled with them and I mean filled I usually get three out of the same spot at once. I was told a few years ago I needed to have my tonsils removed but I never did it. Can you tell me more about your toothpaste?
      Thank you

  11. anna Avatar

    We rinse with diluted 35% food grade peroxide. Its great for gingivitis, bad breath etc etc!

    1. Ana Avatar

      Have rinsed with peroxide too. I just make sure not to do it too often, as I read it can cause problems (separation of gum & teeth, etc.) if used too frequently.

  12. Crystal Tijerina Avatar
    Crystal Tijerina

    Thank you for sharing! I ordered toothbrushes for my whole family and picked up some of the floss they offer. I am ECSTATIC that the toothbrushes are made in the USA!

      1. marta Avatar

        I have never heard of these brushes…….but I wonder if you have heard about a German dentist Dr Philips……he invented blotting brushes and said that flossing and brushing makes things worse pushing the plaque further into the gums…………..
        Blotting brushes cured my gum disease in 3 weeks……..the dentist, who I call the queen of extractions, wanted to pull them all out!
        Unfortunately the blotting brushes are not available now………..I still have a couple so now I will look at the other method you mentioned.


  13. Ashlee Avatar

    Oral care is on my to-learn list! I took down your toothpaste recipe so I need to buy the ingredients and get to making it! I’ve always had gum issues. Mine are so sensitive and get swollen and bleed easily. I’ve been doing what I can to try and rebuild and make better.

  14. Sara Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I have receding gums (I’m only 25! Years of poor diet + aggressive brushing) and I’m concerned about making them worse.
    Wouldn’t brushing at the gum line exacerbate the problem?
    Is there any way to REVERSE the damage I’ve done to my gums, i.e., can I regrow them?
    Thank you!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Email the people at OraWellness. They are really helpful and have dealt first hand with that and reversed it. Long story short though- it is possible to reverse it and brushing this way should not make it worse

    2. Mog Avatar

      Hi Sara,

      Like you, I was an aggressive brusher from childhood, believing it made my cleaner teeth. By my earlier twenties I had receding gums, particularly severe on one side of my mouth. The dentist told me to brush gently and use a soft toothbrush. Thanks to that advice, I immediately started paying attention the fact that toothbrushes came in soft, medium and hard varieties. I started buying soft toothbrushes and brushing gently; that is, learning to hold the toothbrush very loosely in my hand and not gripping it hard as I used to. Now in my fifties, I can tell you that while my receding gums never regrew, they have never worsened in all that time. My gums are healthy and pink due to diligent flossing since my teen years and keeping good mouth hygiene practices, and I have not had any teeth issues where I have the receding gums.

      Like you, I worried and panicked when I was so young and realised the damage I’d done to my gums, and enamel too, by brushing so hard for years, but changing my brushing habits back then made all the difference in the world to losing my teeth!

      I hope this helps with the worry.

    3. Bill Avatar

      I recently bought a Water Pik and am amazed, even after brushing and flossing, how many small food particles still remain that are removed via irrigation. These particles could contribute to bacterial growth, causing gum disease and cavities. Seeing is believing — I now regard irrigating before bed (and after meals) an indispensable part of good oral hygiene.

    4. Gabriela Avatar

      I used to have that problem too, and the technique my dentist taught me at the time that made it reverse it was to brush in a rotating movement always from the gum to the tooth, as the back and forth movement was causing the gum to get “loose” from the tooth and recede. I had not heard of the Bass technique until now so I may try it too. But haven’t had receded gum since doing it that way!

  15. Sara Avatar

    I have receding gums (I’m only 25 — TERRIBLE diet + aggressive brushing did this to me) and I’m concerned about aggravating the problem. Wouldn’t brushing directly on the gum line make it worse?
    Thank you. 🙂

    1. Mog Avatar

      Hi Sara,
      Like you, I was an aggressive brusher from childhood, believing it made my cleaner teeth. By my earlier twenties I had receding gums, particularly severe on one side of my mouth. The dentist told me to brush gently and use a soft toothbrush. Thanks to that advice, I immediately started paying attention the fact that toothbrushes came in soft, medium and hard varieties. I started buying soft toothbrushes and brushing gently; that is, learning to hold the toothbrush very loosely in my hand and not gripping it hard as I used to. Now in my fifties, I can tell you that while my receding gums never regrew, they have never worsened in all that time. My gums are healthy and pink due to diligent flossing since my teen years and keeping good mouth hygiene practices, and I have not had any teeth issues where I have the receding gums.

      Like you, I worried and panicked when I was so young and realised the damage I’d done to my gums, and enamel too, by brushing so hard for years, but changing my brushing habits back then made all the difference in the world to losing my teeth!

      I hope this helps with the worry.

    2. Libby Avatar

      As a experience user of bass brushes I say it’s very gentle and doesn’t damage or harm the gums at all 😉

    3. Michelle Goldsmith Avatar
      Michelle Goldsmith

      Hiya, The idea of brushing below the gum line seems “wrong” but what actually causes problems is the plaque build-up under the gums. Brushing as Wellness Mama describes helps to deter plaque build-up and so is healthier for your teeth and gums than just brushing over the surface. Another item I have been looking into lately is Xylitol. I have very bad dry mouth at night due to a medication I must take at the moment. I tried all different types of tablets, solutions, mints, but they all left me with “sugar mouth” and horrible morning breath, plus I didn’t like the idea of any sugar left in my mouth all night and hate artificial sweeteners. After doing some research, I discovered that not only will Xylitol not cause that issue, it actually interfers with plaque formation — bonus! So now when I awake in the night with dry mouth, I pop a Xylitol mint (being sure to finish it so no choking!) and drift off back to sleep. And in the morning, my mouth still feels relatively clean and no morning breath! I use Sprys lemon mints, they are small and once my mouth is moistened, I just crush the remaining mint and go back to sleep — sorted!!

      1. Laurie Avatar

        My sister in law had issue with xylitol. Made bathroom stops frequent til she figured it out. She had xylitol gum however.

  16. Elizabeth Avatar

    I have been using many of your suggestions, including oil pulling and brushing with activated charcoal. I used to use white strips from time to time, but they made my teeth very sensitive. I have not used of them since December 2012…. The charcoal and coconut oil are keeping my teeth nice and white!

    I am very intrigued by the toothbrush. I definitely have a tendency to brush too hard. Do your teeth feel clean, even with the soft rounded bristles?

  17. Jennifer edelstein Avatar
    Jennifer edelstein

    biggest oral health challenge is bleeding gums and keeping my teeth white 

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