The New Wellness Mama Cookbook Is HERE…

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Reviews » The New Wellness Mama Cookbook Is HERE…

Guess what? My brand-new updated Wellness Mama cookbook with over 100 new recipes is now available everywhere books are sold today! Despite all of the literary comparisons of writing a book to birthing a baby, it turns out that the books do in fact take longer!

The NEW Wellness Mama Cookbook…

If you’ve been a reader for a few years (many thanks to you!), you may remember my original Wellness Mama Cookbook that I self-published a couple of years ago. What you may not have known about that cookbook is that I saved up for months so I could afford to print copies in large enough quantities to make them a reasonable price to sell.

I love Amazon for all things shopping, but almost had a nervous breakdown trying to put it all together, so I decided not to reprint additional copies when the original print run sold out.

Old Wellness Mama Cookbook – Just $248?!

I was happy with my decision to never print more cookbooks until I got a few angry emails from wonderful readers who found my original cookbook on Amazon and wanted to buy it. Except it cost over $200!

Since I hadn’t printed more copies, Amazon only had used copies left and they were expensive! I also got a lot of emails asking for me to re-release the cookbook.

A Win:Win:Win

I’m so excited to announce that I’m finally re-releasing the cookbook and this time I have the help of an incredible editor and publisher!

I’ve added over 100 new recipes that aren’t on the blog or in the original cookbook and they’ve helped make the design and photos beautiful.

The Best Part?

The cookbook is SOOOO much better and it’s so much cheaper too! You can order right now at a heavily discounted price (as low as 30% off!)

(Also- The publishing team has people who specialize in dealing with the retailers to make everything happen… I’ll be sending them a gift basket and perhaps a hand-painted mural showing my gratitude!)

A Peek Inside…

The majority of the recipes in the new and improved cookbook are fast, easy and made with all-natural ingredients. Many are slow-cooker, Instant Pot or one-pot meals that come together quickly. From the more eloquent words in the official description:

With six kids, a popular blog, and no free time, Katie, creator of the incredibly popular Wellness Mama website, knows firsthand how difficult it is to cook a healthy, homemade dinner every night. Faced with her own health challenges, and also concerned about the frightening statistics on the future health of her children’s generation, Katie began to evaluate the foods she was eating and feeding to her family.

She became determined to find a way to create and serve meals that were wholesome, easy to prepare, budget-friendly, and family approved. The Wellness Mama Cookbook is a compilation of all that she has learned, with 200 simple, delicious recipes using all-natural ingredients; meal plans; time-saving tips; and advice that will take the guesswork out of dinner.

The recipes and practical advice Katie offers will help you eliminate processed foods and move toward more healthy, home-cooked meals that are easily prepared—most in thirty minutes or less. The recipes focus on whole foods that are free of grains and refined sugars and without harmful fats, but are still delicious and full of flavor. With a variety of slow-cooker and one-pot meals, light lunches, dinners, and desserts, you’ll be eating better in every way in no time at all.

Recipes include Sesame Chicken with Sugar Snap Peas, Sweet Potato Crusted Quiche Lorraine, Beef and Zucchini Stir Fry, and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies, as well as recipes for bone broths, fermented foods, and super food drinks and smoothies. Katie also shares pantry-stocking advice, two weeks of meal plans for at home and on-the-go, shopping lists, and more. This is the ultimate cookbook that readers need to incorporate healthy eating knowledge into their daily practices.

Here’s a sneak peek into the cookbook to give you an idea of what kind of recipes you can expect to find…

Tons of great kid-tested and approved breakfasts and smoothies including my kids’ favorite Apple Cinnamon Muffins and Gorilla Green Smoothie:

135_WM_Gorilla Green Smoothie_1

Tons of awesome one-pan meals (because who likes doing dishes?), including many slow-cooker meals which save me all kinds of time in the kitchen.

Moroccan Stir Fry

All-time favorites like stuffed sweet potatoes, the easiest and best Slow-Cooker Fajita Chicken ever and so much more:

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes_1tif

There are over 200 recipes total and in all seriousness, my family could eat just these recipes for the rest of our lives and be completely happy. Some of my personal favorites from the new book (and not featured on the blog):

  • Wedge Salad with Avocado Green Dressing
  • Bacon Guacamole Bites on Sweet Potato Chips
  • Swedish Meatballs
  • No-Bake Meyer Lemon Bars
  • Gorilla Green Smoothie

This new cookbook is even better than the original and I think you’re going to love all the new recipes.

Have you ordered your copy yet? What is your favorite recipe from my new cookbook?


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    77 responses to “The New Wellness Mama Cookbook Is HERE…”

    1. Joy Avatar

      I am so excited to get your cookbook! I’ve been looking for a healthy cookbook that is also fast/easy and those are few and far between. Can’t wait to use it!

    2. Lisa Avatar

      I just made the Energy Gel. Is there a misprint in the liquid quantities because it never gelled.

      Thanks for your help!

    3. Erika Avatar

      This the best cookbook I have ever owned and I have so many cookbooks!! The recipes are delicious and we have already put many of them on our monthly meal rotation! Thank you so much!

    4. Barb Avatar

      Just picked up your book from target, I’m so excited!!! One of the things I was excited about was the tortilla shown on the front. Since I’m gluten free, it’s hard to find a suitable tortilla that stills taste good. The recipe doesn’t seem to be anywhere in the book….am I missing it?!
      Thanks Katie for all you do!!!

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        Funny story. That was a recipe that didn’t make it in the cookbook (I was still perfecting it at the time) but the publisher decided to use the picture anyway. Don’t worry, I’ll be posting the recipe on the blog very soon 🙂

    5. Katie Waller Avatar
      Katie Waller

      Hi Katie,
      I recently ordered your cookbook and I am enjoying it! I keep looking at the “tortilla looking things” 🙂 on the front cover and wondered if you have a recipe for those somewhere. Did I miss it in the cookbook?

    6. Chantal M Gauthier Avatar
      Chantal M Gauthier

      Hello Katie,
      Thank you so much for this resource, I am very interested in getting your cookbook as we have often used your recipes in the past and enjoyed them. However, on amazon I am unable to see sample recipes and this makes me uncertain to buy as our family of 6 is preparing to move as missionaries in Honduras. Do most of the recipes require special items ie) gluten free flour, etc?

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        Some of the recipes (but definitely not the majority of them) require nut flours or more uncommon ingredients, but the majority focus on whole real food ingredients like meats and vegetables and should be easy to make in most places.

    7. Doris Avatar

      Is the bonus still available with current book
      orders and with the Kindle version?

    8. Moushka Avatar

      Hi Wellness Mama,

      Your cookbook looks awesome and I’m in need of a healthy, easy cookbook.
      How adaptable is your cookbook for a kosher diet?
      I saw on amazon the image of one recipe-seafood bisque – and thought id better find out if most recipes combine dairy and meat or include seafood other than fish with fins and scales, because then it wouldnt be practical for me.

      Many thanks!

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        Great question… I don’t have a lot of experience cooking for a kosher diet, but will answer as well as I can… There are probably 10-15 recipes that contain seafood from sources other than with fins/scales, but the majority do not. Many recipes contain meat but in almost all of them, the dairy is optional or on the side and can be omitted.

    9. Tiffany Wakkinen Avatar
      Tiffany Wakkinen

      I just got your cook book a couple weeks ago (a gift from my mom) and I’ve made about a dozen of them so far. My family is really enjoying them! But I do have a question on one of your recipes, Cottage Pie-Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. In the ingredients it has 1/2c beef bone broth listed, but no where in the instructions does it tell you when to use it. Also, the pictures with the recipes looks like you added spinach to the meat mixture and I would love to try it with it. Do you just add the spinach when you add the seasonings? Thank you so much!

    10. Carmalene Avatar


      Love your blog and purchased five cookbooks to which I gave as Christmas gifts! The information you provide in the begin is excellent and very helpful. It contains information I’ve known and try to adhere to with my family of six. It was so easy to just give my friends and family the cookbook than trying to collect all the information it contained, it’s all in one place!

      My children have nut and seed (one child -no sesame or sunflower but can have nuts) allergies. Which flour would you suggest using as an alternative to almond flour?

    11. Rosann Avatar

      I can’t figure out where to submit proof of purchase to receive the bonus. I purchased in September. Can you post a link, please? Thank you!

    12. Vanessa M. Manriquez Avatar
      Vanessa M. Manriquez

      I just recieved my copy of your new book. It’s great and my 3 kids are just as excited as I am. I preordered on July 21, it has been a very exciting wait. Well worth it!

    13. Teresa Gearing Avatar
      Teresa Gearing

      Just ordered! Can’t wait to get it! Bless you and your family in 2017 and beyond!

    14. Erica Avatar

      Just picked up your second book at Target. I squealed when I saw it! I’ve been a fan for years and I’m so happy of all the progress your business has made. Much love!

    15. Stephanie Avatar

      Just wanted to say that I picked up your cookbook yesterday at Barnes and Noble and I am excited to get off work today so I can go read it! I just recently got into your blog and have already made drastic changes to my families diet. I have two boys. One of my own and one I inherited from my husband lol
      They’re both awesome and unique in their own way. My older son loves vegetables and my younger son would rather starve than to eat anything besides mac and cheese. SO hopefully your recipes will add some spark back into our cooking routine. Especially, because the younger boy has such awful ear infections. (bought garlic oil yesterday)
      I’m Active Duty USN and so is my husband. I can’t say we don’t get good medical care, but we don’t get a lot of choices. I’m pregnant again, with a girl and due in April, and your blog has helped me make more informed decisions on how i WANT my body to be treated during labor. The birth of my son was almost a traumatic experience and I don’t want that for either of us this time. I don’t really have access to a midwife. They have very few in the Navy and unfortunately I wasn’t given that option and I wasn’t allowed to pick my OB. That’s just how it goes here.
      Anyway… I wanted you to know that you ARE inspiring people. That’s really awesome and sometimes nice to hear positives instead of all negatives. Good luck to you and your family! Keep up the great work!

    16. Alison Avatar

      Hi Katie,
      I just received your cookbook today & I am so excited to start trying the recipes out. I have been reading your blog for some time and I have wanted to return back to “real food”. As a working mom, sometimes your goals can need some serious consideration. Beautiful book with thoughtful commentary. It is great inspiration. I just wanted you to know I appreciated it.

    17. Melissa Dinkel Avatar
      Melissa Dinkel

      Hi! I just ordered your book from Amazon, but when I go to the bonuses page, there is nothing there for me to submit my information to. I went to the link you post above. Just trying to figure out what I’m doing wrong.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        We made a few site updates today so you might need to refresh your browser a couple of times and/or delete the cache so it will load correctly…

    18. Jessica Avatar

      I try to feed my family healthy foods, but so often we just go for what’s quick and easy, so we end up eating way too many grains. I just read your posts about remineralizing teeth, and if that’s not a motivation for changing my diet, I don’t know what is! So I’m wondering–how WAPF/remineralizing friendly is your cookbook? Thanks!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Very 🙂 It is grain free and has minimal almond flour or coconut flour even. It focuses a lot of foods like broth, healthy fats and vegetables.

    19. Katie Avatar

      So excited about this! Can’t wait to buy my copy! It’s already in my Amazon cart! Yay!

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