How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay

If you’re like me, you grew up thinking that improper brushing, sugar consumption, and genetics were the only causes of bad teeth. Cavities and tooth decay meant a person needed to brush better and eat less sugar. And it certainly wasn’t possible to heal or remineralize teeth. Instead, dental fillings or fluoride treatments were the only answer.

I believed all that stuff, too. But, despite all the oral care options we have access to, tooth demineralization is still shockingly high. Nearly 90% of adults and 23% of children have dental caries (or tooth decay) in the US, according to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research.

After experiencing decay myself, I thought the only way to reverse it was through dental interventions. However, after research and trial and error, I discovered the opposite is true. Diet plays a major role in the health of our mouth, and it’s possible to heal your teeth.

What Is Tooth Remineralization?

When a tooth is demineralized, the minerals have been stripped from it, causing dental caries or decay. Tooth remineralization is essentially its healing process. The body restores minerals in the tooth to help it heal. Calcium and phosphate are redeposited into the decayed tooth. This results in new hydroxyapatite crystals, which strengthen and heal teeth.

Although remineralization can occur, we need the right oral environment. This involves diet and good oral hygiene.

What Really Causes Tooth Decay?

Our bodies are made to heal (that’s their ultimate goal!). Broken bones and damaged tissues can regenerate when properly cared for. It makes sense that our teeth could also regenerate.

weston a price

Dr. Weston A. Price (a dentist) studied the diet and dental health of cultures with similar genetic backgrounds throughout the world. Some lived in primitive-type societies and ate primitive-type diets. Others ate a more modernized diet. 

The image on the left shows a stark example of this: the woman in the top right ate a primitive, whole-food, high-fat diet while the other women ate a more modernized diet.

In his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, he shared his findings that many societies have perfect tooth spacing and no evidence of cavities. This is despite having no access to dentists or modern toothpaste. He also found that others with different (more modern) diets had lots of decay.

Sir (Dr.) Edward Mellanby (who discovered vitamin D) and his wife, Dr. May Mellanby, were also influential in discovering the roles of nutrients in oral health. These two contributed much research in the areas of bone and tooth health and mineral absorption. They discovered that tooth structure is determined during a child’s growth and poorly formed teeth are more likely to decay (pretty logical).

Phytic Acid’s Effect on Bone and Tooth Health

Phytic acid is a phosphorous molecule tightly bound with other molecules to form a type of phosphorus. This molecule isn’t easily absorbed by humans. More simply, it’s a compound present in grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes.

The body naturally converts it into phytates, which, according to some research, remove calcium from the body.

People who consume large amounts have higher rates of tooth decay, mineral deficiencies, and osteoporosis. Sadly, most American diets are high in grains, sugars, and vegetable oils and low in animal fats and fat-soluble vitamins. This is the exact opposite of what Drs. Mellanby found to be helpful for optimal tooth health.

Vitamin D and Phytic Acid

Removing phytic acid from the diet and adding minerals and fat-soluble vitamins allows bones to remineralize. Drs. Mellanby wanted to study if this would also occur in decaying teeth. 

They studied children with cavities and put them into three groups:

  • Group 1 – Regular diet plus oatmeal (high in phytic acid)
  • Group 2 – Regular diet plus vitamin D
  • Group 3 – Diet low in phytic acid plus vitamin D

They found that the first group continued to get cavities with little to no healing. The second group who received supplemented vitamin D showed some healing, but also got some new cavities. The third group showed very few new cavities and even had many existing cavities heal!

The Doctors’ Conclusion: Diet Affects Oral Health

These doctors all reached the same conclusion after years of research. They found that tooth structure and decay are largely determined by diet, especially three main factors:

  1. The presence of enough minerals in the diet.
  2. The presence of enough fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) in the diet.
  3. The bioavailability of these nutrients and how well the body absorbs them. This is largely related to the presence of phytic acid and sugar in the diet.

These doctors showed in their research that teeth can heal themselves through remineralization.

What Helps Remineralize Teeth?

We know teeth can remineralize, but what can you do to correct tooth demineralization? There are several easy steps to take if you want to improve your tooth enamel. Things like eating a balanced diet rich in good fats, vitamins, and minerals. It’s also important to pay special attention to oral hygiene, help heal the tooth surface, and avoid dental interventions.

5 Ways to Remineralize Your Teeth

Improving the health of your teeth is possible if you follow a few simple guidelines for diet and oral hygiene. Not only will these tips help strengthen your teeth but they’ll lead to better overall health in your mouth and body.

1. Foods to Avoid for Healthy Teeth

It’s not possible to fully eliminate phytic acid from the diet. But you can minimize the foods that contain the highest amounts. This includes things like nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes.

Some preparations of foods can reduce it. Soaking and fermenting is one method. For instance, nuts have a high phytic acid content, but soaking them overnight in salt or lemon water and then rinsing and dehydrating them in the oven can greatly reduce it. In addition, cooking legumes in a pressure cooker like an Instant Pot can also reduce it.

Another food to avoid is sugary foods. This includes even natural sugars and starches. Limiting fruit and starchy foods (carbohydrates) like sweet potatoes will help with remineralization. Studies show that the more sugar we eat, the higher the risk of cavities. But it’s not just the amount but also the frequency. So, avoid eating snacks and focus on meals. And stay clear of sugary drinks and fruit juices.

Dentists commonly teach that sugar sitting on the teeth causes cavities, but it’s not so simple. Even if you brush after every meal, you can still get cavities from a high sugar or starch diet. This is because sugar depletes the nutrients we need for healthy teeth, weakening enamel. 

2. Foods That Remineralize Teeth

To rebuild tooth enamel, focus on mineral-rich vegetables for their micronutrients. Vegetables with calcium and vitamin D will help the enamel surface.

Homemade bone broths and pasture-raised proteins provide added minerals and vitamins. If you’re short on time, I recommend buying your broth online.

Another excellent food to help with tooth decay is healthy fats. Seafood (including sardines), olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and other healthy fats support your teeth. In addition, pasture-raised, cultured butter helps increase the presence of fat-soluble vitamins.

3. Supplements to Help Heal Cavities

Sometimes we need to boost our mineral levels with supplements. Unfortunately, many foods are nutrient deficient because the soils are stripped in our modern world. Supplements help fill in the gaps.

I recommend these supplements for dental healing:

  • Vitamin D – In the study by Drs. Mellanby, when vitamin D was optimized cavities healed even without diet changes.  
  • Vitamin K27 – This vitamin helps the body send calcium where it needs to go. It strengthens teeth and bones. I like this one from Just Thrive.
  • Probiotics – Our oral microbiome is more important for our oral health than we realize. Having a healthy microbiome promotes healing.
  • Collagen – This is the main protein in our bodies and is what our bones, joints, teeth, and skin are made of.

4. Best Toothpaste and Oral Care Products to Remineralize Teeth

Practicing good oral hygiene habits are important in healing your teeth. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily is key to good oral hygiene!

Hydroxyapatite – A hydroxyapatite toothpaste is also vital to the remineralization process. Hydroxyapatite is a mineral that helps strengthen teeth. It’s a key ingredient in my Wellnesse toothpaste. Want to make your own? This homemade remineralizing toothpaste is a great option.

Charcoal Toothpaste – A few times a week, use an activated charcoal toothpaste to pull toxins from the mouth. My Wellnesse Charcoal Toothpaste makes it easy to do! It also has xylitol in it, an alternative to sugar as a sweetener. There’s evidence xylitol helps fight cavities. Avoiding sugar is important in the remineralization process.

Flossing – Another important step to a clean mouth. It helps remove plaque and food particles to promote a clean mouth. Wellnesse’s silk floss also has peppermint oil for its antimicrobial properties.

Oral Rinses – When I was healing my teeth, I made a mouthwash with calcium and magnesium powders (75% calcium, 25% magnesium) dissolved in water daily to help provide minerals. Oil pulling is another great way to support tooth and gum health. I recommend doing it for 5 to 10 minutes a day.

5. Stay Hydrated

It’s important to stay hydrated including when it comes to saliva production. Saliva is important for neutralizing mouth pH levels. Having a neutral to slightly alkaline mouth pH in the mouth leads to stronger enamel and less bacteria, two important pieces in tooth remineralization. In addition, drinking water prevents dry mouth, which also impacts the pH level.

Aim to drink at least half your weight in water each day to help your mouth’s pH level. I add minerals to my water (and salt) to make sure I’m staying hydrated. 

How Long Does It Take to Remineralize Teeth?

The remineralization process isn’t something that happens overnight. It can take several months or longer to strengthen your teeth. Following a plan to reduce phytic acid, eat a nutrient dense diet with minerals, and brush with remineralizing toothpaste with hydroxyapatite can help the process work faster.

My Experience With Remineralizing Teeth: Before and After

In early 2010, my regular dental check-up revealed I had some soft spots on my teeth. I also had one “official” cavity. The cavity wasn’t bad, and while they suggested getting it filled soon, it wasn’t a huge rush. They took X-rays, so I have picture evidence of my teeth at this time.

I had every intention of getting it filled quickly, but then life happened and I didn’t get back to the dentist for months. When I was finally ready, I’d read some interesting information about the ability of teeth to heal, so I decided to wait.

I did more research and read Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition by Rami Nagel. I also read accounts of people reversing dental damage, so I decided to give it a try. From the research, I created a diet and supplement regimen to try to heal my teeth.

After a couple of months, my teeth were whiter and my tooth sensitivity to cold was much better. This was big news to me as I used to have such sensitive teeth that drinking too cold of a drink could literally almost bring me to tears.

My Results

In the fall of 2011, I finally got around to going back to the dentist (I know, I know… every six months…). I didn’t mention the cavity and soft spots that needed to be fixed… and neither did the dentist!

The hygienist told me that my teeth and gums looked great and asked if I’d started using fluoride or fluoride toothpaste (my chart made it very clear I was anti-fluoride). I told her no but that I had been taking better care of my teeth lately (very true!). When the dentist checked my teeth, he didn’t mention any problem areas either. My teeth had remineralized, and the cavity was no longer there!

Tooth Remineralization Summary

While we’ve been made to think the only way to avoid cavities is to reduce sugar and brush our teeth, the research points to many more dietary causes. And dental interventions aren’t the only answer when it comes to trying to heal decay. Some time and patience, along with great oral hygiene habits and a specific diet, will help heal teeth without the need for fillings!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, board certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. Listen to my podcast or read the transcript of my interview with him here.

As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

Have you tried to remineralize your teeth? Would you try it with your teeth? If you did, what did you do and how did it go?

Did you know it's possible to remineralize teeth naturally? Teeth must be taken care of from the inside as well as the outside. This is how you do it.
  1. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. ( 2022, November). Dental Caries (Tooth Decay).
  2. Price, Weston. A.  (2009). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Ed.). Price Pottenger. 
  3. Guyenet, S. (2009, March 28). Preventing Tooth Decay. Whole Health Source: Nutrition and Health Science.
  4. Nagel, R. (2010, March 26). Living With Phytic Acid. Weston A. Price.
  5. Moynihan P. (2016). Sugars and Dental Caries: Evidence for Setting a Recommended Threshold for Intake. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 7(1), 149–156. 
  6. Alosaimi, N., & Bernabé, E. (2022). Amount and Frequency of Added Sugars Intake and Their Associations with Dental Caries in United States Adults. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(8), 4511.
  7. Nagel, R. (2009, January 1). Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities With Nutrition. Golden Child Publishing.

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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    913 responses to “How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally & Reverse Tooth Decay”

    1. Ava Avatar

      This is such an informative and practical guide on remineralizing teeth—thank you for sharing! I love how you’ve highlighted natural methods and lifestyle changes that can genuinely support dental health. The tips on incorporating mineral-rich foods and reducing processed sugars are especially useful and actionable. It’s amazing how our diet and habits can play a huge role in maintaining strong teeth. I’m excited to start applying these strategies and see the positive impact on my dental health. Keep up the great work!

    2. Brenda Avatar

      Does anyone know how to prevent root calcification? From what I have read online, it can happen as you age. Calcium deposits fill in the root area, blocking nerve signaling and blood supply. Typically root canal or extraction is what is recommended. Is there a way to get rid of the calcium deposits naturally and prevent root calcification?

    3. Radhika Avatar

      I have a proximal cavity that starts between premolar and molar and ends on the bottom surface of premolar (holes at both ends), going through dentin. If I insert a toothpick from surface hole, I feel it touches my gums between two teeth. Is it possible to heal such a cavity? I consulted 3 dentists till now and they said, tooth will not regrew inside the hole. Root canal should be done. Anyone has experience healing cavity with holes?

    4. Arsala Avatar

      Hello there,

      Awesome article!

      I cracked a tooth 7 weeks ago on a small piece of olive pit that was in my food. I went to an emergency dentist and a more naturopathic dentist a week after it happened and they both said it needs to be pulled. I am adamant that I don’t want to pull it and have been researching ever since.

      I starting coconut oil pulling 3 to 4 times per week and after the first time I was able to brush the tooth nearly pain free! I also gargle with warm salt water and am going to start swishing baking soda water too. The pain is 95% gone now.

      I had a white bump form on the inside gum below this tooth but with the added oral care I have been doing it comes and goes. It is not painful and broke this morning after I brushed it. I gargled with warm water afterwards and plan to build back that section of gums.

      I have been on and off vegan for just over 4 years and wonder if this has contributed to weaker teeth. I keep feeling like I should follow a more Mediterranean ketosis diet as it heals the gut too.

      Do you feel like I may be able to organically heal my cracked tooth with the addition of your plan?

      Any advice is much appreciated.

      Thank you 🙂

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        How much healing can happen really depends on the person, but eating a nutrient dense diet is always a helpful thing! Many people find that using grass-fed and pasture raised animal products help their teeth become stronger.

    5. Lisa Avatar

      Where did you buy the hydroxyapatite from?
      What do you look for such as nano hydroxyapatite?

    6. Lisa Avatar

      I want to believe the author’s happy outcome with her teeth but honestly feel skeptical. Proof is necessary to me and there is a lack of it here. I have personally never met anyone who has been able to achieve a reversal of tooth decay.

    7. Natalie Avatar

      My sweet as pie 8 year old daughter has fluorosis staining on her adult teeth and they not the opaque or white kind but a noticeable line that is light brown and yellow underneath.

      She has been to the dentist every 6 months since she was 3, only now that her adult teeth are erupting and grown does the line seem to have gotten more noticeable. It breaks my heart when she asks me to get the stain off or when someone points out the staining that she can not help. I know that we accepted topical fluoride when offered at the dentist and the thought that caring for her teeth too much could have done this and it’s not reversable.

      I am going to switch to fluoride free toothpaste for a while and I am going to try a calcium, K2 and D3 vitamin. I believe the damage is done but you get little to no guidance on how to help them from anyone. Anyone with suggestions?

        1. Marina Giokas Avatar
          Marina Giokas

          Which version of the toothpaste is best for re-mineralization, treating sensitive teeth / cavities / loose tooth?

    8. Nicole Avatar

      Katie, I’m looking into your toothpaste but saw that it contains silica. I thought that if you are trying to remineralize teeth that silica should be avoided? Thank you for your help!

    9. Rob Avatar

      I purchased some calcium and magnesium powders to swish, but realized I don’t know the actual amounts to put in. How much water, calcium, and magnesium do you put in?

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        Katie uses 3 parts calcium to 1 part magnesium. You would just put a little (no exact amount) in enough water to swish it around.

        1. Jenn Avatar

          Can you be more specific on what types of calcium and magnesium are used? I know there are many different types of both (for example, calcium gluconate, calcium ascorbate, etc.).

          1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

            Calcium carbonate is what Katie uses for oral health. For magnesium most types would work, except for magnesium citrate which might be too harsh on enamel.

    10. Julie Avatar

      I am 28 and was recently “diagnosed” with 21 cavities that I’m needing to get filled. I hardly eat any sugar or grains (this has been mostly the case for about 7 years now, but especially strict the past year and a half.) I also don’t eat legumes and eat limited fruit. I also take Cod Liver Oil daily, drink bone broth daily, consumer clarified pastured butter and pastured eggs, and eat liver on and off as well. Weston Price has been my point person! I also brush and floss every single day (not with fluoride.) Any advice for temineralization? Any hope? Thank you!!!

    11. Gabrielle Avatar

      Hi! I recently came across your page and started using a homemade toothpaste/powder. I have some pretty bad cavities and I’m hoping that this will help with that. Unfortunately, as I’ve just started, I don’t think there’s any progress yet. Tonight I was getting ready for bed and one of my cavity molars started bleeding. Not the gum but the tooth itself, blood started seeping up from the middle. I used a mixture of coconut oil and yarrow to stop the bleeding and noticed the top the looks like it has a crack. It doesn’t hurt tho. Do you think it’s too late to remedy the issue using this method? Or do you think I can avoid going to the dentist and use this method to heal the issue? Thank you!!

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        If there’s a more severe issue with the tooth it would be a good idea to go to the dentist and see what the options are. Especially if you can find a holistic or functional dentist near you.

      2. Cameron bedford Avatar
        Cameron bedford

        I’m 29 and just saw I have a craze line on my front tooth can that be healed naturally? I have a two year old and think I def need more calcium back in me so hoping that will help too.

    12. Grace Avatar

      How do you get tested so frequently? Is it pricey? Are you going through a functional medicine doctor? This has always been so perplexing to me. Thanks!

    13. Theresa R Avatar
      Theresa R

      So what do you do when you are allergic to fish and seafood, as in lips swelling, etc.? Got any suggestions for other sources of the fat soluble vitamins you mention?

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        Pastured, cultured butter, grass-fed dairy (if tolerated), olive oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed meat are also good sources of healthy fats.

    14. Holly Avatar

      Hi Katie,
      Love your article! What are your thoughts on decay that is forming under an existing composite resin filling that may be a little worn? Do you believe that the decay can go away on its own with proper diet and tooth care products? Or does it need to be physically removed and new filling be put on?


    15. Abri Avatar

      Thanks for all the research!! One question. How do you replace the fiber in a diet free of grains?

    16. Nana Avatar

      Has anyone successfully reverse dentin cavity with the supplements & diet? I was told i have dentin cavity 2 weeks ago. Been taking calcium, d3, k2, magnesium, iron, oral probiotics and changing my diet to remove sugar and include more healthy oils, greens, zinc etc. I think I will give myself another week to see if there is any reduction in the cavity before deciding if i should have these teeth drilled and filled (really dreading this as these are my front teeth unfortunately but the dentists have been telling me at this point the cavities will only spread more). But anyone who has any success story please do tell. I know reversing cavity is possible if it is still at the enamel layer but not sure if anyone has done it with dentin. Thanks

      1. sue Avatar

        dr ellie phillips complete program…look on she also has 2 books on amazon

    17. Rose Avatar

      A contradiction here. We need magnesium. The foods that contain magnesium (beans, grains, nuts, seeds…) must be avoided, because they have also phytic acid. What a dilemma!
      Well… considering that the soil is depleted of magnesium and other minerals, I can see a reason to take good supplements; but in that case I don’t see the reason to remove the foods that contain phytic acid (simply because we need them, too! They have many other good nutrients that are important for our well-being).
      Taking supplements would be like replacing the magnesium that should be in those foods, maybe with a little more, so it will counterbalance the phytic acid. Why worry then? (Of course, I am talking of eating a balanced diet, not large amounts of anything).
      The food was created right by the Universe. Before being manipulated by men, it was right. Now, is it missing magnesium? Let’s supplement it with magnesium, then. So, why avoid them now?
      Isn’t it another obsession like all form of diets, which preach that we should eat this and not that? Is there, really, one single answer and solution that works for everybody equally? I don’t think so. I don’t even believe entirely in what science and doctors and nutritionists say, because they all fail, too. We have had tons of proofs of it, over the many years or human existence.
      My point is: in a diet already deficient of real nutrition, if we cut off nuts, for example, with their rich content of healthy oils, Omega-3, fiber, etc; and we cut off legumes, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins; and we reduce fruits with all their vitamins, what is left to eat? Supplements, basically.
      For vegans, the source of protein and fibers would be extremely reduced. They’d better be a breatharian, then!
      The key, I believe, is balance. That’s what is missing not only in most people’s diet, but in the world in general. People tend to go to one extreme, or another. And neither is healthy.

      Much of what you said, Mama, makes sense and I appreciate you sharing your personal experience. My message here is not only for you but for all readers: it’s not healthy to be an extremist. Everything must be taken with a grain of salt. Preferably sea salt, because it contains magnesium! 😉

      1. Marina Doerksen Avatar
        Marina Doerksen

        I agree wholeheartedly! Everybody tells you not to eat this, not to eat that! There’s nothing left except lettuce… and even THAT is toxic in high amounts! It’s just healthier to starve ourselves to death and take thousands of dollars worth of suppliments!

      2. Ruby Avatar

        Hey Rose, I appreciate your two cents on the matter but this life hack is all about manipulating science to work in your favor. So if those foods have something you need in it but also something that causes more tooth rot, then dont take the item the causes more tooth rot. This is for people who have the specific problem. This diet isn’t for everyone. it is all math. Its very simple when you look at it in there terms: If cant have (B) because it causes tooth rot(the problem at hand), but you still need (X)(Y)(G) for a healthy diet
        then eating the food has(X)(Y)(G)(B) will not work. The food which has (B) in it cannot be separated. Period. So your going to have to get the (X)(Y)(G) from somewhere else. Even if its source is from a supplement. No one said anything about not having a balanced diet.

    18. Ruth Avatar

      I am so buying your toothpaste when I have some extra cash. For now I am getting some duck fat, supplementing with vitamin D and eating liver. My Nurse, put my husband and I on a Whole30 diet for a month so I can’t have any grains or dairy. Seeing as she also found my thyroid levels are still high a year after having a baby it may be for the best that I am of dairy and grains for quite awhile. Anyway hope something will help. My teeth are looking quite translucent. I still breastfeed 3 times a day. Should I consume even more vitamins and minerals because of this? If so how much?

      1. Ray Avatar

        Could I naturally heal a cavity having holes at two ends, one between teeth and another on bottom surface, if I insert tooth pick through one end, it touches my gum at another end between teeth?

      2. Adaline Hartmann Avatar
        Adaline Hartmann

        Although cavities aren’t my current worry, yellow teeth are. I have bad enamel due to my genetics, which is currently bad enough that if I were to use teeth whitening strips it would further damage my enamel and make it a deeper yellow, and possible more cavity prone. Because of this, I’m going to do my best to remineralize my teeth in hopes that they fix their colonization issues and fill in the holes in them. (There are small pits on my teeth due to damage from my braces.) I will try to remember to reply to this in about 3 months. 1/4/2034

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