The Real Problem with Grains

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The real problem with grains
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » The Real Problem with Grains

Grains are a controversial food in modern society, but the real problem with grains may not be what you think! On the one hand, you have experts who claim that we aren’t meant to eat them based on the stance that grains are a modern addition to the food supply and people have consumed them for only the last 10,000 years or so. Others claim that grains are the foundation of our food supply and have been for thousands of years.

So, Who Is Right?

Turns out that both sides might be, but with some important caveats. This means it isn’t a simple answer, mostly because we may not actually be talking about the same food!

What’s In a Grain?

Grains are simply the hard, edible seeds of grass-like plants. There are many varieties and the most common are wheat, corn, oats, and rice. They are one of the most-consumed foods worldwide and the primary source of nutrition and energy for many populations around the world.

Grains are made up of three main parts:

  1. Bran – the hard outer layer or shell
  2. Germ –  the core of the seed that provides nutrients when it sprouts and grows
  3. Endosperm – the starchy food source for the growth of the seed

Anatomy of a cereal grain

By definition, a “whole grain” contains all parts of the seed, while refined grains often have the bran or germ removed, leaving just the highly starchy endosperm. Whole grains can be a source of nutrients like B-vitamins, magnesium, and others, but in refined grains most of these beneficial parts are removed.

Many manufacturers enrich processed grains with synthetic forms of nutrients like folic acid (instead of the natural form of folate), iron, and B-vitamins to try to make up for the nutrients removed during processing.

Why Avoid Grains? (Answer: They Aren’t What They Used to Be)

It’s a fact: modern grains aren’t the same as they used to be a few hundred years ago, or even a few decades ago! And the grains we consume in the U.S. aren’t the same as the grains eaten in other countries … especially when it comes to wheat.

A few major developments started the problem with grains:

1. New ways of processing led to wider availability (and decreased nutrients).

With the dawn of the modern mill in the mid 19th century, grain evolved. Before this time, grains and wheat were ground in whole form, often with stones, and the flour still contained all the components of the whole grain. It was now possible to separate the parts of the whole grain and use just the starchy endosperm to create an inexpensive and very finely ground white flour (similar to most flour used today).

Without the bran and germ, these new refined flours lasted longer on the shelf but contained much lower levels of nutrients. So much lower, in fact, that in the 1940s manufacturers started to “enrich” wheat and other flours with synthetic nutrients.

Along with the reduced cost of flour from the newer and more efficient method of refining, availability of flour soared and almost everyone could now afford it as a regular staple. This, of course, led to more people consuming flour.

This wouldn’t have been as big of a problem on its own, until …

2. Agronomists developed new types of wheat to increase yield.

In the 1960s agronomists developed new cultivars of wheat in order to increase the amount of wheat possible to grow per acre. This modern wheat is a type of dwarf wheat that, unfortunately, is much less nutritious and comes with a list of potential problems.

A centuries-long study has tracked the results of this change. Since 1843, researchers in England have been conducting research called the “Broadbalk Winter Wheat Experiment.” They tracked many variables related to wheat cultivation, including fertilizer use, crop rotation, and nutrient content.

Unfortunately, nutrient content took a dive. Mark Sisson explains in his fascinating article “The Problem with Modern Wheat“:

Between 1843 and the mid 1960s, the mineral content, including zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper, of harvested wheat grain in the experiment stayed constant. But after that point, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper concentrations began to decrease – a shift that “coincided with the introduction of semi-dwarf, high-yielding cultivars” into the Broadbalk experiment. Another study found that the “ancient” wheats – emmer, spelt, and einkorn – had higher concentrations of selenium, an extremely important mineral, than modern wheats. Further compounding the mineral issue is the fact that phytic acid content remains unaffected in dwarf wheat. Thus, the phytate:mineral ratio is higher, which will make the already reduced levels of minerals in dwarf wheat even more unavailable to its consumers.

In other words, while these modern varieties are easier and faster to grow, they don’t contain the same levels of nutrients but have the same levels of phytic acid, creating an imbalance that can lead to nutrient deficiencies.

3. Grains are hard to digest without soaking, sprouting, and other traditional preparations.

Aside from the fact that the grains and flours we consume are fundamentally different from the ones our grandparents and great-grandparents consumed, we also prepare them much differently and this may also help explain the increasing rates of allergies and intolerance problems with grains.

I explain in depth in this article how in almost all cultures people traditionally prepared grains by different methods like soaking, sprouting and fermenting (think sourdough bread). These methods make the nutrients in grains more available to the human body and reduce the phytates that can bind to minerals in the body. Many studies support the nutritional benefits of this traditional preparation.

In the name of convenience, we’ve largely stopped using these traditional preparation methods, further reducing the amount of nutrients we can obtain from grains and flours and potentially increasing the amount of mineral-binding phytic acid we consume.

But Why So Many Allergies to Grains and Wheat Especially?

If we just look at the changes in grains from the invention of the modern steel mill and the high-yield dwarf varieties cultivated in the 1960s, it still doesn’t completely match up with or explain the drastic rise of grain-related allergies and intolerances in the last two decades … but there is a missing link that might!

Are Grains and Wheat Toxic?

Other countries don’t seem to have the same problem with grains. Many people report that they are able to eat wheat and other grains without a problem when travelling abroad, even if they react to it in the U.S. In fact, I know several families who while traveling out of the country who consumed more processed grains than they would at home and noticed that certain digestive and skin issues actually improved.

I have family members who can consume certain varieties of grains (like imported organic Einkorn wheat or the ancient grain spelt) without a problem but react horribly to regular wheat or grain products. Why is this? Both contain gluten, so perhaps gluten intolerance isn’t the problem we think it is!

In fact, the answer may be something much simpler and more obvious that isn’t being widely talked about: the cultivation and spraying methods that have changed in the last few decades.

The Real Problem with Wheat

So what’s a mom to do? So many experts in the health world today (many that I’ve interviewed myself on the Wellness Mama podcast) say a resounding “no” to grains and especially gluten-containing grains. JJ Virgin recommends against giving wheat or gluten to kids and Dr. David Perlmutter blames grain in large part of the rising epidemic of MS and other brain conditions.

I agree with the Healthy Home Economist that new pesticides (Roundup or glyphosate, specifically) are largely to blame. The timeline matches up much more closely with the rise in wheat and gluten intolerance in the U.S.

From her article “The Real Reason Wheat Is Toxic Is Not Gluten“:

Pre-harvest application of the herbicide Roundup or other herbicides containing the deadly active ingredient glyphosate to wheat and barley as a desiccant was suggested as early as 1980. It has since become routine over the past 15 years and is used as a drying agent 7-10 days before harvest within the conventional farming community. According to Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT who has studied the issue in depth and who I recently saw present on the subject at a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis, desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990’s with the result that most of the non-organic wheat in the United States is now contaminated with it.

The fact that glyphosate is banned in many parts of the world may explain why other countries fare better.

In fact, this article and chart explain how increased glyphosate use on wheat crops may be partially to blame for the rising rates of celiac disease, comparing the increased incidence of celiac with increased glyphosate use:


Of course, I’m hesitant to assume that any of these factors alone is directly responsible for the rising problems we are seeing related to grain consumption in the last few decades, but when you consider that glyphosate may impact gut bacteria in a negative way, it makes sense that this could be contributing to the problem.

Other Reasons for the Problem with Grains and Wheat

Aside from the above problems with modern grains themselves and the way they are cultivated and processed, I believe there are several other (possibly inadvertent) effects of our grain consumption.

More Grains = Less of Other Foods

We know that statistically we are consuming more grain products in general (both whole grain and refined grains) and that corn and wheat are two of the top 5 most consumed foods in the United States. We also know that we are statistically consuming less fat that we have in previous decades, and fewer vegetables.

Since refined grains can spike insulin levels and are a highly processed carbohydrate, our increased consumption may be partially to blame for the rising rates of diabetes and obesity (though of course other factors come into play here as well).

Grains like wheat are found in the vast majority of all processed foods, which makes sense because they are inexpensive, shelf stable, and easy to manufacture. Unfortunately, we are consuming these foods in higher amounts at the expense of foods like vegetables, healthy proteins, and beneficial fats.

Fewer Nutrients

More grains and less of other foods means that we are also statistically consuming fewer of the nutrients found in foods like fresh produce, ethically sourced proteins and healthy fats. As we already know that modern grains have a diminished nutrient content, it is no wonder that it is becoming so difficult to consume enough nutrients from food alone.

Many experts suggest that micronutrient deficiency may be a large contributor to many types of modern disease as we simple aren’t able to obtain enough micronutrients from our food supply. As grains are a large part of the modern food supply but a low source of nutrients, they are contributing to this problem.

So Should We Consume Modern Grains?: The Bottom Line

The problem with grains isn’t as clear-cut as it sometimes seems. It isn’t just about the gluten, or the processing, or the modern cultivation, but a complex combination of many factors. There isn’t a clear-cut answer to that question and it truly does vary on an individual level based on gut health, the type of grain, and how it was prepared.

My Take on Grains

For years, I was completely anti-grain and didn’t eat them at all, especially while healing a thyroid issue. After many years of consuming processed grains when I was younger, I felt great avoiding grains entirely and saw no reason to eat them as I was consuming more nutrients and more vegetables without grains in my diet. This was a guiding principle of my cookbook as well, which I kept entirely grain free and dairy optional.

These days, I do eat white rice on occasion (here’s why) and serve it and other organic and properly prepared grains to my family at times.

What I Do:

  • I still avoid most grains, especially those that contain gluten, the majority of the time.
  • If I do consume grains, I opt for white rice or properly prepared whole grains such as organic Einkorn (soaked, fermented, sprouted, etc.).
  • I don’t make grains a staple of my diet. I do occasionally consume them but make sure that the core of our family’s diet is a wide variety of vegetables and fruits, healthy proteins, and beneficial fats.
  • Whenever possible, I use vegetables in place of grains. Love grains or hate them, vegetables typically contain many more nutrients. I make simple substitutes like using cabbage for noodles in spaghetti or sweet potatoes instead of noodles in lasagna. Not only are these substitutes more nutritious, but they also taste better (in my opinion).
  • I often bake with grain-free flours like coconut flour or almond flour, which are higher in protein and fiber and experiment with cassava flour and plantain flour (sources of resistant starch).
  • When I travel internationally, I try grains in other countries out of curiosity to see how I react. So far, so good … the research continues!

I realize that for many people completely avoiding grains is neither desirable or practical, and it certainly may not be necessary for everyone. At the same time, I continue to feel strongly about avoiding processed modern grains that have been refined, modified, and highly sprayed as they offer no nutritional value and may have a severe health impact over time.

What do you think? Do you consume modern grains? Why or why not?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


976 responses to “The Real Problem with Grains”

  1. Somni Avatar

    I am by no means an expert on this difficult and comprehensive topic, but somehow I don’t really think we can blame everything from obesity to autism on general food recommendations being bad – simply because a large portion of the population in the western world aren’t following these recommendations in the first place! Because if people did, and ate proper grains (ie not just loads of highly refined white wheat) lots of fruit and vegetables and so on (AND exercised more) – we probably wouldn’t see the obesity “epidemic” we have right now.

  2. Dan Avatar

    WOW! I really like your site. Glad I found it.
    I have lost 139 pounds in the last 18 months. It took the sudden death of my dear wife to wake me up.
    Thanks to your site and others like it I have turned my life around. I feel great and am sharing my story with others.

    Thanks for your service.

    D Moffett

  3. Kelly Parish Avatar
    Kelly Parish

    Hello – I’m a new reader to your site but have already forwarded the link to several friends. It’s great to read that there are so many people on board the ‘no grain train’! I have crohns disease (an auto immune disease) that I’ve put up with for 13 years and have recieved virtually no helpful answers from doctors. It’s taken my own searching to find this information and whilst I’m relatively new to this lifestyle change, I can already report that I feel so much better. My skin has cleared up (I’ve had adult acne for years) and the all over bloat seems to be improving. I’ve never been an unhealthy eater by consuming a lot of junk food, however, I have been unhealthy by (formerly) eating bread, rice, pasta etc. It was always so frustrating that I found it so difficult to lose weight but I put it all down to my metabolic system in turmoil from the 32 years of mainstream eating habits.
    You say try it for 90 days. It took me around 3 days to feel noticeably better, however for the first 3 days I was in a fog. I suppose that was the process of my body adjusting.
    Thank you for the information! I’ll be sure to spread the word.

  4. Maryalice Avatar

    Love this site!!!  I know you want us to toss all the bad stuff right away but just can’t do it as I can’t go food shopping til next month.  But I am beginning to cut down on my oatmeal and sugar … going to try that stevia they sell.  Just bought coconut milk today to try and while I don’t really drink alot of milk to begin with, it’s really good. 

  5. Maryalice Avatar

    Love this site!!!  I know you want us to toss all the bad stuff right away but just can’t do it as I can’t go food shopping til next month.  But I am beginning to cut down on my oatmeal and sugar … going to try that stevia they sell.  Just bought coconut milk today to try and while I don’t really drink alot of milk to begin with, it’s really good. 

  6. Manny Avatar

    I don’t think that cutting out Dairy is right.  The problem is that if it is not consumed raw that’s when the issues begin.  Just Google Raw Milk and see all of the benefits form it.

    1. Nic Avatar

      Just Google “raw milk” now and find all the diseases you can get from it!  With scientific studies to back the info to boot!  Raw milk can cause significant problems, and those trying to decide if they want to consume it need to know about the consequences that can result before committing to the switch.  While some processing that has been developed in the past several decades can decrease the nutritional value of a food item, there are some processes that make food much safer (such as pasteurization).  Definately something to weigh the pros & cons about.  In my opinion, the cons are just way too risky.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Google is not an entirely reliable source of information, as information is ranked by search engines based on keywords and popularity, not necessarily accuracy. Hypothetically, someone could get a lot of information ranked in Google about how healthy vegetable oils are… oh, wait, they already did that. While hypothetically there are diseases that can be passed through milk, the CDC has yet to record one death from drinking raw milk. My personal choice is to eat very little dairy and drink no milk anyway, but the majority of the info out there about raw milk is just scare tactics.

        1. Yuliya Scott Avatar
          Yuliya Scott

          Very true. Pasteurizing and homogenizing milk may improve some of its more obvious qualities and may reduce the more obvious issues, but for centuries people drank – and still drink – raw milk, and remained perfectly healthy. The dangers from whatever scary bacteria may sometimes lurk in raw milk are quite possibly far outweighed by the less conspicuous damage that is being done by pasteurized/homogenized milk on a regular basis, sight unseen.

      2. Jena Avatar

        sorry but that is just bogus.. I grew up on a farm (1960’s) and the now Oh SO scary “raw’ milk was on our table Morning, noon & Night !
        There have NEVER been any documented cases of “raw” milk causing ANY problems.. Perhaps how the indivdual handled it ,, but NOT the milk itself.. !!
        just another Gov scare tatic if you ask me !

        1. Frankie Avatar

          My daughter and I were very close to being hospitalized from drinking campylobacter-contaminated raw milk in 2010…I won’t drink it again, though I think as long as it’s non-contaminated it’s great for you!

      3. Sara Avatar

        The issues that can arise from raw milk consumption have a lot more to do with what milk is being used for the testing. Grass-fed, minimal antibiotic (only when sick rather than just for kicks and giggles) cows milked manually, rather than by machine are going to produce a very different product than cows that are force-fed corn as the basis of their diet, pulled into stalls in herds (if not just fed and locked in them permanently) and pumped with machines that are only required to be cleaned once a month. Now, of course you need to kill off bacteria through pasteurisation with the second method, especially considering how often cows can develop sores from commercial milking machine pumps, but if you are keeping all the trash out of the production line, the end product doesn’t need to be sterilized.

        1. Monte Avatar

          It sounds like you have been scouring through propaganda from some anti-dairy blog because you make a lot of misguided statements, or you had a dairy and maintained extremely poor practices.

          First, no farmer gives antibiotics for kicks and giggles. Many farmers just break even or only have small profits so wasting antibiotics is not on the list. Not all dairies use BST shots and before the milk is put on the truck, it’s tested (and tested again before processing) for antibiotics and meds, which means, any “hot” tanks are dumped and the farmer is fined.

          Dairy cows are not locked in stalls permanently. I think you maybe thinking of other animals but dairy cows roam around in very, very large barns, or on pasture, where they have free range.

          They are milked with clean machines because farmers/milkers are indeed required to clean the machines after each milking and subject to inspections. Cows are more likely to step on a teat or have it injured in some other way than develop sores from machines.

          Ask to visit your local dairy sometime. You may learn a lot.

  7. Alicia Vanderspiegel Avatar
    Alicia Vanderspiegel

    It appears to me that your statistics are all based on the overconsumption of grains, mainly processed refined grains.  Though I don’t feel that we need 6-10 servings of grains a day (your pyramid is out of date, even though the new one isn’t much better), I do feel like grains in their whole form are a great healthy choice.  Not all grains are tough to digest.  Not all grains contain gluten.  Phytic acid preserves the grain while growing and is easily removed by soaking the grain overnight.  I eat about 2-4 servings of whole grains a day and it works for me.  Biologically speaking, I realize that everyone is different and my grain consumption would not work for everybody.  On the other hand, I also think that not consuming any grains at all would not work for everybody.  I have a hard time buying into an “all or nothing” mentality when it comes to cutting out whole natural foods of one’s diet.  I do agree that refined processed grains add to a slew of health issues, but not all grains are created equal and should be addressed accordingly. 

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Glad you don’t seem to have any bad effects from eating grains, and
      it is certainly better to prepare them properly as you said. My question for you would be: why do you think it is somehow unhealthy not to consume grains? There are no nutrients (or fiber) that are not available in higher quantities from meat or vegetables. Also, by definition, all grains have to be “processed” somehow to be edible. Eating “whole” grains right off the plant would be unhealthy also, as all the harmful components would remain intact. Thing like meat, vegetables and healthy fats, on the other hand, can be consumed raw
      or with just basic cooking.
      Grains also are high in carbohydrates, and with the epidemics of diabetes and obesity in our world today, hardly seem like a logical choice.

      1. Alicia Vanderspiegel Avatar
        Alicia Vanderspiegel

        I never stated that I believe cutting grains out was 100% unhealthy.  That’s part of that “all or nothing” attitude pertaining to food that I have my issues with.  What you call “processing,” I call basic preparation.  Soaking a grain does not take any crazy machines or complicated directions and doesn’t remove anything but a naturally occuring chemical off of the grain.  Is removing the fur, skin, and bones from meat not the same thing?  Do you eat the face off of a cow?  Or the feathers of a chicken?  Do you peel a carrot?  Do you wash a sweet potato?  All whole foods have a “process” to go through to make them edibile.  Grains are a slow burning carb and can hardly be compared to it’s refined counterparts.  Again, we are all different.  I eat grains in their whole form and have no issues.  I also have optimal health.  But I understand this is not for everyone and everybody needs to find out what works best for them when it comes to the consumption of whole grains.  Because what works for you or I, doesn’t make it the gospel truth of eating.

        1. DJ Avatar

          There’s a rather significant difference between the “processing” techniques used for thousands of years or more, and those developed within the last couple of hundred.

        2. Jane Bob Avatar

          I find it extremly interesting that you make critical coments here … can’t figure out why someone with optimal health is reading a “wellness” website?? I think those who dont have optimal health should have the right to try grain free for themselves without negative opinions.

      2. Beshany Avatar

        You prove your ignorance with statements like this. Fruits are often exceedingly high in carbohydrates. Carbs aren’t the issue. That’s Dr. Atkins talking, not logic. Of course you wouldn’t walk through a field and find a loaf of bread, but you may find wheat and grind it up to consume in a number of ways. Quit acting like our ability to prepare foods is some sort of detriment. It’s baseless and dumb. Figuring out how to prepare foods led to civilization (please don’t make me walk you through the steps, the information is out there). Additionally, I never stated that cutting out grains was unhealthy. I simply objected to your promoting of baseless and sensationalistic diets. If you want to lose weight, eat healthy foods, of which whole grains are a part, and Twinkies are not and EAT LESS! Articles and ideas like this give people a scapegoat for their own lack of self control.

      3. Michelle Avatar

        This is a false statement because again, the epidemic of diabetes isn’t linked to people eating proper servings of whole grain, the epidemic is caused by people eating highly processed sugar like donuts or twinkies.People are also more sedentary than their ancestor counterparts and less exercise is at play as well. People get diabetes because they are over-consuming. You can say that eating too much meat is bad for you to as it can lead to gout because of the lactic acid in the meat, this also leads to kidney stones as well as possible problems. In reality, too much of anything is bad for you and that is what this discussion is failing to miss.

        1. nokomi Avatar

          Sorry but if you know anyone with diabetes you would know that you can get diabetes from eating grains. More and more doctors are saying to eat as few grains as possible because of the insulin spike that results. I have diabetes and did not eat twinkies and little processed sugar.

          1. Dawn Avatar

            but I bet you had a lot from either of the following or a combination of some or all: baked goods, meat, dairy, fried foods, alcohol(beer liquor or wine). I hardly consider bread or some form of dough bought at the supermarket or bakery a grain just cause the government food pyramid said it was. It was made from grains is all you can say.

        2. Ben Avatar

          You need to do your research to find out that grain might very well be a MAJOR and SIGNIFICANT catalyst for type 2 diabetes as well as obesity. Carbohydrates in high dosages also drive the same problem. The problem is high blood sugars. Repeated and endless high blood sugars have the pancreas wearing out trying to constantly moderate what our obscene diets are doing. It is said that 2 slices of whole wheat bread raise blood sugar levels higher than 6 teaspoons of sugar from the bowl into your mouth. Or that a Snickers bar raises your blood sugar less than those 2 slice of whole wheat bread. Then add that to our eating truckloads of carbs/grains (same difference) all day long and that is what is making Americans to be fat and sick in epidemic proportions. The body is one machine perfectly made to be perfectly fueled. Apparently we are doing something wrong for all major diseases to be virtually out of control. We all personally know scores with heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, Alzheimer, diabetes, auto immune diseases, etc. Very few are just peacefully dying of old age…

        3. Peggy Avatar

          Trouble is grains turn into sugar in your system. At least it spikes your blood sugar I believe.

  8. Maryalice Avatar

    While I eat hardly any bread at all and can’t afford to keep cereal in my house any longer, I do like my oatmeal and will also have grits (with sugar and milk like my oatmeal) occasionally.  Guess this means I can’t have it anymore?  Grits also?  I do try to limit my pastries, etc. to just a little as that’s what puts on my weight … wait … so don’t donuts, cakes, and all that other good stuff.  LOL


  9. Aly Avatar

    I just recently came across your blog and LOVE it! I am about to make some changes in this house =) I have a daughter with ADHD and I have some weight to loose and my son is delayed in speech and my other daughter has digestive issues,so I’m way excited to start eliminating grains. I have a question,my oldest daughter who is 8 and son who is 2 1/2 struggle to gain weight,they have always been below the charts  and was wondering if eliminating grains will make them loose weight? What are tips to help them gain?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Hi Aly,

      getting rid of the grains should not make them lose weight, you will just have to be careful to make sure they get enough overall food, especially fats and proteins. If you have a child with digestive issues, there is a chance that an intolerance could be keeping them from gaining weight, so they might see a difference pretty quickly. Also, for kids, it is great to include foods like sweet potatoes, squash, etc with lots of butter to give them some healthy carbs. If they don’t have any dairy allergies, you can make high fat/protein smoothies with coconut milk, almond butter, chia seeds, vanilla and banana, and that will give them a lot of nutrition and help them gain weight.

      especially for the daughter with digestive issues, you might consider adding water kefir or kombucha or fermented foods to her diet. Depending on what is causing the issues, this might really help. Feel free to email or post on the forum if there is anything more specific I can do to help!

  10. Jan P. Avatar

    Was just introduced to your blog today, and have found it very interesting.  What you have posted concerning grains, sums up my experience over the last year or so.  My husband went gluten free two years ago, and after reading an article about the effects of gluten intolerance on nerves and the brain (i.e. link to depression), I joined him about a year ago.  In general this cut our consumption of grains considerably, although my husbands “go-to” carb was tortilla chips.  We would have brown rice occasionally with dinner, or have gluten free breads when I had time to fix them.  Over time, the commercial gluten free bread options have grown and improved, so we have been buying and consuming more of these products.  It’s in comparing the in-between times, with the times we have gluten free bread on hand, or make or go out and pick up a gluten free pizza, that I’ve observed a difference.  The gluten free breads don’t make me sick or anything (in a traditional sense of the word), but definitely slow me down, in energy level and cognitively.  Still, I kept telling myself, “but they’re gluten free, therefore they should be okay (never mind that most of the flours that go into them are highly refined starches)”.  Reading your article has given me the information I needed to get out of this stuck place, and to move on to healthier choices.  Thanks.

  11. Kristin Feldmann Hoenicke Avatar
    Kristin Feldmann Hoenicke

    I was just referred to your website and I’ve been enjoying perusing around. I originally came to get a recipe, but as I’m learning, we have some similarities in what we believe about health and nutrition. I tend to go against the grain, too. 🙂

    This is the article that has commanded my attention at the moment because I’m 4 days away from completing 21 days on the Green Faces Diet. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it, but basically it’s just about eating green vegetables, lean meats and healthy fats (only in the form of oil at this point.) During Phase 2, beginning on day 22, you add in 2 servings a day of either Ezekiel Bread, Greek yogurt, berries, or any other healthful carbohydrates. The reason I’m doing this (and blogging about the process: is because I 1) wondered if it would help me lose weight, 2) would help me understand if dairy or some other food was to blame for my after-birth acne, 3) wanted to get control of my sugar addiction.

    So as I said before, I’m 4 days away from adding oatmeal back into my diet, and now you’ve got me curious as to whether or not I want to! Ha ha! I do miss my Ezekiel Bread and oatmeal terribly. I thought I would miss Greek yogurt, but I’m pretty sure it’s to blame for my acne, which has now cleared up. After 17 days so far, my energy levels and mood have been a roller coaster! At first, I was SO lethargic. After a week, I started getting energy again and I thought I was getting over my “addictions”, but then this week, I’m back on the energy/moodiness roller coaster! My mood is so unpredictable and it’s not good for me or my kids.

    I hope I haven’t bored you with my story, but I’m hoping that maybe you have an ounce of advice as to where to go from here. My gut is saying that adding carbs in again will help balance my energy and mood. And as far as dairy, I think our relationship is over because of my skin, but unsweetened almond milk was going to be my go-to.

    Thanks for listening! Keep up the good work! I’m going to bookmark your page now. 🙂

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The emotional roller coaster is definitely normal the first few weeks
      of making a dietary change, esecially when reducing carbs. Basically,
      your body is just conditioning to use other sources of fuel besides
      quick acting glucose and it can be an uncomfortable process. There is
      a chance that consuming grains contributed to the acne also, though
      dairy alone could certainly be the culprit also. If weight loss is
      still a goal, I’d suggest keeping the carbs out, at least for a while
      longer, but greatly upping the fats. Fats will give you a sustained
      source of energy and make the mood swings during transition less.
      Also, since you typically lose some water weight making a change like
      this, make sure you are getting enough sodium and minerals. Salt food
      with high quality sea salt… it will actually help with weight loss
      and alleviate headaches if you are getting any at this point.
      If you want to introduce more carbs to gauge your reaction, go for
      it, but if it were me, I’d up the fats in your diet and keep the
      carbs low, at least for a few more weeks to see how you feel. You may
      find that you don’t even need the carbs at all!
      Best of luck with it all!
      p.s. coconut milk is another great alternative, and you can make it
      at home, and even turn it into yogurt!

  12. Chandler Avatar

    Thank God I found you!  I stopped eating all grains (as well as starchy vegetables and starchy fruits) 28 days ago and never felt better in my life.  No more cravings – what a wonderful relief – and a 12lb weight loss without a moment’s hunger.  I never want to eat starches again, but assumed that must surely be detrimental to my health since we are constantly told how good for us whole grains are.  Then I came upon your website and discovered for the first time that it is possible to NOT eat grains and still be healthy.  Phew!  Looking forward now to a craving-free and healthy life.  Thank you for your website. 

    1. Adam Avatar

      I eat tons of grains (barley, rice) and lots of potatoes…now..
      i am thin , super fit…
      My change was not eating anything processed…i suspect that is the main idea.
      I was trapped in a research facility for 4 months and ate what they gave me,
      my cravings for hamburgers and fries finally left. THAT made me healthy
      and to become super healthy later – no meat, olive oil, and lots of grains, starches (just recently i saw Mcdougall talk about this….he had nothing to do with me – just i agree)
      (i can eat a ton and stay thin unlike before).
      Too many associates have developed heart disease eating lots of milk and meat
      (yet they said they felt great when they went Atkins )

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I’m curious what kind of meat/milk your associates eat. There is a tremendous difference between traditional grain fed feedlot meat and dairy, which I don’t ever suggest consuming, and high nutrient grassfed beef/dairy from healthy cows that are raised in their natural environment. I’m glad that you’ve found something that is working for you, and purely anecdotal (as your story), my dad saw improvements in his blood pressure, cholesterol ratios, homocystine, c-reactive protein and all other blood markers after completely removing grains and eating more meat, butter, coconut oil, animal fat etc.

  13. Robert Avatar

    So I’ll ask the same question I always ask in anti-grain threads like this; If grains are so bad why do Asians who follow their traditional diets, which include white rice with every meal, remain healthy and slim?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Post on this coming soon, but there are several reasons. First, they
      eat fewer carbohydrates, on average. They also historically consume a
      lot of fermented foods and sea foods, both which help neutralize the
      harmful components of grains. Comparatively, white rice is also one
      of the least offensive grains, as it has less phytic acid and lectin
      and has no gluten. There is also evidence that many people in asian
      countries have a body type that makes it more difficult to gain
      weight easily, though it certainly happens, especially when they
      adopt a wester diet.

      1. Robert Avatar

        Thanks for responding. I like your web site. There is one topic that is of interest to me dealing with elevated uric acid levels. The standard approach to lowering serum uric acid has been to follow a low-purine diet. Unfortunately it is a bland, boring low-protein diet with many healthy foods taken out. There was this chap on You Tube that spoke briefly about a Paleo style diet having beneficial affects for people with elevated serum uric acid.  Unfortunately this person didn’t go into much detail. Have you heard anything about this?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          I have (actually another post on the docket eventually). Great
          question though…. I’ve worked with several people on this, and it
          seems like a condition that is becoming less understood by many in
          the medical community lately. There are many factors that are
          involved, but the biggest one by far, is the fructose/uric acid
          connection, and monitoring of insulin levels. In my opinion from
          working with clients with high uric acid, removal of fructose is one
          of the most important steps, and has a much bigger effect than a low-
          purine diet. also, for men especially, healthy fats and adequate
          protein are so important for other actions in the body, that removing
          or lowering them too much can have a negative effect on the health in
          other ways. So, since a paleo diet largely eliminates fructose and
          keeps insulin in check, many do have a positive reaction to it. For
          someone trying to lower uric acid, I’d focus on a diet that includes
          adequate proteins/fats but also has enough veggies (especially green
          and leafy) to keep the body from going into ketosis too often, which
          can be hard on the kidneys, especially during the early stages of
          lowering uric acid levels. The good news is that for the most part,
          elevated uric acid levels are not that difficult to correct and the
          body is certainly capable of normalizing them if given the right
          foundation. here are a couple other articles:

          Hope that helps some! Thanks for reading!

      2. Peggy Avatar

        What about the recent news that brown rice has arsenic in it? What about the other types of rice?

        1. Ben Avatar

          The only American grown rice’s that have arsenic came from the Mississippi River basin. Buy California Brown rice and eliminate the worry over the arsenic

          1. Peggy Avatar

            I read that the California rice was one that had high levels of arsenic in it?

    2. daisy Avatar

      Robert, who said they are????

      My girlfriend ,Korean and all her family( brother, sister ,mother ,father) is more dead than alive. her main food is bread and refined rice.

    3. Patricia Lavata'i Avatar
      Patricia Lavata’i

      Asians have pancrea’s that are much larger than Europeans. They have actually evolved to eat rice.

  14. Dotty Avatar

    I’m learning a lot on your website.  I have a couple of questions for you about eliminating grains.
    First, are the quasi grains like quinoa, buckwheat, and perhaps amaranth okay to use in moderation if they’re rinsed and soaked with whey or vinegar, etc.?  Second, is it possible to gain weight eating this way if that’s needed?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The quasi grains are a better option, especially if they are prepared
      well…. and if you don’t have any actual intolerance, you may be
      able to eat them just fine in moderation. That being said, they still
      aren’t the most dense sources of nutrition, and there are almost
      always better options. It is certainly possible to gain weight eating
      this way if needed, though for some this requires eating more starchy
      veggies (sweet potatoes, winter squash, etc), dairy, fruit and lots
      of good fats. If there is an underlying intolerance to grains, it can
      actually suppress weight gain, so for someone trying to gain weight,
      removing the grains will sometimes make a much bigger difference than
      they expect.

      1. Dotty Avatar

        Thanks…I’m glad about that as I find it hard going completely grain free and we have some of these alternative grains already and would like to use them.  I guess millet isn’t as good because of the high phytic acid content and because it’s more starchy.  Is wild rice also sort of a quasi grain?   Sweet potatos are enjoyed here and especially with coconut oil or homemade butter.  Sounds good about the weight gain and it’s nice that it can help those who need to lose as well.  Also, coconut flour isn’t technically a flour, so do you think it would be okay to use it sparingly? We used to eat whole grain breads several times a week if not every day, so it helps to have something to eat that’s a little like bread.

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          We use coconut flour around here, though certainly not every day. It
          does have some phytic acid, but in general is higher in protein and
          fiber than regular flour without the glutens/lectins, so I personally
          think it is fine occasionally.

          1. Dotty Avatar

            That’s good; I’m trying to keep the coconut flour to about once a week and trying muffins and substituting almond flour, too.  I’ve been off grains for over a month and it’s going fairly well.  I just made regular zucchini bread for the rest of the family today(sifted bran out and soaked) and was struggling with not eating it, but made some almond flour zucchini muffins for myself and that gave me an alternative.  I’m looking forward to trying several of your grain-free recipes when I can get the ingredients.  I’m enjoying your website!

    1. Mary Avatar

      exactly…absolutely NO SCIENTIST, PERSON, RESEARCHER, ANYONE knows what causes autism

      1. Vivian Avatar

        Maybe no one “knows” what causes autism, but it is a fact that many, many parents have witnessed their formerly healthy child regress into autism after a vaccination or vaccinations. Before vaccines, autism was unheard of; and as the number of vaccines given to babies has increased, the rate of autism has increased tremendously.
        I believe that there is a hereditary factor, because my older brother, born in 1942, had the symptoms of high-functioning autism. My mother’s brother had some symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome (a form of autism), and my granddaughter has Asperger’s Syndrome. She had often been given antibiotics as a baby and child, and I suspect there could possibly be some connection with antibiotics as well as vaccines. I have read also that giving Tylenol after a vaccination can increase the risk of a child developing autism.

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          And check out the book “Gut and Psychology Syndrome”… her research on this is the best I’ve seen and the most plausible theory, and I personally know several people who have reversed autism in their children with her methods.

          1. Hanna Freedlund Avatar
            Hanna Freedlund

            This is SO WRONG. As someone who works in autism therapy, I can say for sure that vaccines and grains do not cause anyone to regress into autism. Autism often appears later in childhood, between 2 and 5, partially because many symptoms aren’t a part of infant behaviors (speech problems, emotional understanding, etc). Gluten free diets CAN manage behaviors in autism, if the child has a gluten sensitivity, eliminating grains makes them feel better and exhibit fewer outbursts or other behavioral issuesthat often stem from irritation. But gluten has nothing to do with the presence of the disorder itself, just the presentation.

        2. Penny Avatar

          Actually, Wakefield et al. (1998), which supposedly found a link between vaccinations and autism, was retracted from The Lancet. Why? Falsified data and highly unethical methodology. And the only reason this was thought of to begin with is that the symptoms of ASD are noticed around the same time that vaccines are given. Taylor et al. (2002) also found no difference in developmental regression between two groups of children with autism (the total sample size was 473 children): vaccinated and unvaccinated. There was also no difference in the prevalence of gastrointestinal issues between the two groups. In other words, vaccines don’t cause autism.

          Edit: There is much more evidence than this one study, but I’m too busy to sift through the hundreds of articles in PsycINFO on the matter.

          1. Winston Avatar

            Of course the medical establishment, which profits from vaccines, is going to try to suppress and debunk the evidence that vaccines is linked to autism. What do you expect them to do?

            You forget that corruption exists in the establishment and you falsely assume that everyone in it is honest and objective. Authority is not truth, as you’ve been programmed to believe. Truth isn’t something handed to you on a silver platter, it’s something you have to dig for.

            Listen to what Dr. Wakefield said about this. He was never debunked and has been subjected to a smear campaign. He has nothing to gain from his study, but the medical establishment does. Remember the rule to find the truth is to “Follow the money”. The money trail leads to the establishment’s interests in suppressing the truth.

            Study the evidence that Dr. Wakefield presented. Don’t just rely on the Lancet. Authority is not truth. Truth is the authority.

            Finally, just to let you know, everyone I know who didn’t vaccinate their kids say their kids are far HEALTHIER than other kids who did get vaccinated. That should tell you something.

        3. Dan Avatar

          I believe autism/ASD is merely a ‘gifted’ child/ person who’s brain power is heavily advanced on the creative / intuitive side and they need an excellent diet and lifestyle to compensate for the lacking areas of the brain. More severe in some than others, hence ‘spectrum’.

          1. Sinéad Nugent Avatar
            Sinéad Nugent

            You clearly have no experience of children/adults with severe ASD if that’s your deluded point of view.

        4. Deb Avatar

          I have an autistic child who has 3 autistic cousins. All from his fathers side. It’s genetic.

      2. Betty Avatar

        Ugh…I agree completely. The connection/causation thing has been so abused when it comes to autism. If there were a definitive causal relationship with ‘tylenol or vaccines’ it would’ve been revealed. No point in risking re-establishing major, vaccine-prevented sickness by creating an unsubstantiated paranoia about vaccines.

        1. Roy Marshall Avatar
          Roy Marshall

          I think the link between autism and vaccination has pretty well been substantiated. is but one study showing that AmeriKans having the highest rate of vaccinations have the highest rate of autism. That vaccine manufacturers have used their influence with the US government to allow themselves to be EXEMPT from any liability by anyone for any harm done by vaccines is further proof that they know, but make so much money driving fear based need for vaccines that they don’t care. Oh, yes, the government did take a couple billion dollars from drug companies and set up the vaccine fund to help pay for damages from vaccine use. The problem there is that autism is not in itself recognized as a disease.

      3. jake Avatar

        If you want information about autism go to Natural News and type in autism. There are plenty of articles explaining some of the causes. Example:

        When you go to this site, try reading about Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) first so that you understand his background and his expertise, he’s NOT some internet idiot publishing garbage!

    2. Beverly Avatar

      I don’t think anyone has stated that eliminating wheat/grains will cure autism, but I have read many accounts of greatly reduced anger outbursts and better control of emotions and even elimination of some of the “odd” behaviors in autistic children with the elimination of wheat, specifically. When you learn about the effect that wheat has on the brain, it makes a lot of sense. 

  15. Tim Avatar

    I find it interesting how things work. I have been trying to loose weight for a while and was put onto a website ( to read some information on Primal Eating. I decided to try it and have been steadily loosing weight, with a few falters here and there. Now, when trying to find information on the “healthy food pyramid”

    What do I find, justification for the way I have been feeling and yet another reason to give the grains away.

    Thank you Wellness Mama

  16. Heather Oakes Avatar
    Heather Oakes

    Girlie, I would love to meet you some day! I LOVE your website. Been doing most of what you say for a few months and the benefits are worth it! You rock!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Thanks! So glad you enjoy it and thanks for the kind comments!

  17. Maureen Avatar

    Ditto, to what Jenny said above. I can completely relate! But what about sprouting grains or soaking grains/flours as recommended by Sally Fallon in her cookbook Nourishing Traditions? Doesn’t this make them easier to digest? Your thoughts?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      The best of my understanding is that sprouting and soaking grains does minimize their harmful properties, but some people still can’t handle them. For instance, it reduces the phytic acid content and some of the nutrients, but gluten particles can exist, so anyone with an intolerance or allergy still wouldn’t handle them well. Also, even sprouted grains or soaked grains can create a pretty big insulin response, which can be a big problem for people with certain underlying healthy conditions, and can make weight loss difficult. In the end, we don’t eat grains in any form, and I certainly feel better for it, but for those who still like to consume grains, I suggest only these forms and only after eating enough quality proteins, fats and vegetables. I do like much of what Sally Fallon says though, and I think that fermented foods can be a very healthy part of a real food diet. I’m experimenting with kombucha and water kefir now… if anyone has any experience, I would love any tips!

      1. Ian Avatar

        I think elimination of fermented food was one of the big mistakes of my body reconstruction plan. All of the longest lived people on earth eat some kind of fermented food. I have very serious Celiac and Diabetes and Tibicos (water kefir) is wonderful. Do enough to be able to eat some of the grains once a week and you will see amazing results. Natto from our japan friends will also boost your K2 level. I believe K2 is what used to be what W.A.Price called Activator X.

        You can also make your Tibicos with coconut water – and that makes a wonderful drink.

        Grain is a plant Embryo. We do not need plant Embryos. That is a radical approach but if you consider that most of the things people are allergic to are plant embryos, you will see that the plants are trying to protect themselves from being extinct. And protect us too from eating things like grain that will damage our bodies.

        Coconut milk from one coconut has about 3-4 table spoons of coconut oil. If you mix in an extra tablespoon of oil it makes a wonderful base for a salad dressing. Likewise the “meat” of the young coconut with a spoon full of virgin coconut oil.

        As to oil, I avoid the plant embryo oils, those made from seeds. Coconut, Olive and avocado oils are made from the fruit. (The embryo / seed part of the coconut is inside the part used for milk or oil. It is pithy and cannot be missed in a mature coconut.)

        Hopes this helps,


        1. mema Avatar

          Wow, I had never thought of it that way “embryo”! This makes so much more sense this way! I am copying this for future reference. Thanks LAN!

        2. Patricia Lavata'i Avatar
          Patricia Lavata’i

          Please do not ferment coconut water. In Polynesia it is never fermented because there is a particular bacteria that can overgrow and cause illness. Coconut water is so healthy as is that fermenting it is not necessary.

      2. Patricia Lavata'i Avatar
        Patricia Lavata’i

        Fermented foods are very important. I use yogurt fermented for 24 hours, which reduces the lactose to almost nil. Kim Chi is also great. Kombucha is easily infected with bad bacteria, you must be very careful with it.Sauerkraut is also good, and very easy to make

      3. Ken Avatar

        Gluten. The presence of gluten in the digestive tract stimulates satiety hormones, which is one reason why whole grains are recommended for weight management. Moreover, gluten is only problematic if one has a sensitivity to it, similar to those with an intolerance to lactose.

        As for phytates, they are considered to be anti-nutrients because they tend to bind with minerals, which can prevent their absorption. For the same reason, the binding property of phytates can also keep toxins and
        cancerous substances from being absorbed. Since the lack of absorption of valuable minerals is our primary concern with phytates, consuming food sources high in vitamin C with foods containing phytates will increase the absorption of iron and other minerals. Foods that contain phytates other than grains are: beans, seeds, nuts, soy, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, coffee, and chocolate. Phytates exist in all plant foods providing the plant with a natural chemical protection against insects, mold and fungus, and is principal storage form of phosphorus in plants. Throughout history, in order for humans to consume plant based foods, which have varying levels of
        phytates, we cook (heat), soak, ferment, and process them. Example, soaking, then cooking beans, fermenting bread yeast, cooking rice, potatoes, and corn, etc. The biggest problem we face with consuming phytate rich foods is that while we as humans have the enzyme phytase needed to break down phytic acid, some of us
        don’t make enough of the enzyme, or we eat too much of high phytate containing foods. Typically too much even of a good thing is not good. Taking a probiotic like lactobacilli helps the body produce the phytase enzyme. Additionally, sprouted grains activates the phytase enzyme in the plant, thus reducing phytic acid. For all of these reasons, most people don’t experience problems with a high-phytate diet. Most importantly, phytic acid is an antioxidant, a phytonutrient, has anti-inflammatory effects, helps normalize cell growth and stops the proliferation of cancer cells, and lowers a food’s glycemic load.

        Similarly, lectin, which is found in dairy, nuts,
        soy, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and eggs, not just whole grains, is a
        protein that one can have an intolerance to similar to those with gluten
        intolerance. People that have a lectin sensitivity or intolerance would
        experience an immune or autoimmune response in which a doctor or registered
        dietitian could diagnose. As with all food allergies, intolerances, and
        conditions affecting the digestive system, certain foods can then be avoided.

        Everyone reacts to and tolerates grains differently, unless
        you have physical problems with them, it is not a good idea to avoid these
        nutritionally dense foods. I personally have a seafood allergy, but I NEVER
        tell people not to eat seafood because of my reaction to them. The American
        Dietetic Association does not advise against grains, unless there is an
        allergy, sensitivity, or condition that warrants the elimination of a
        particular food from the diet.

        Note: I am in my 4th year of my dietetic education at San Francisco State University with a 3.9 GPA. All of the information above is taken from a research paper I wrote based on scientific studies published in peer reviewed journals.

        1. Patti Avatar

          Thank you Ken, I think your comment helps put perspective on a lot of dietary issues out in the media currently. I tend to follow Sally Fallon most, since she is based off Weston A. Price, who studied numerous indigenous cultures, finding a whole host of healthy diets. We need to keep all our food sources pure, and, in the case of wheat, maybe some of us (except for celiacs) need to go back to eating ancient varieties of wheat. This is where I’m at, I seem to be gluten intolerant, though my blood work does not show celiac. After being off wheat for some time, with occasional slip up, I’m ready to try einkorn and emmer. I’m tired of finding not enough in my cupboard, I like to cook, and at least I could fix my own with the flour from these grains. I generally do not care for gluten free foods, besides their general lack of healthy ingredients. And I do eat coconut oil and plenty of animal fat. So, wish me luck, should you happen to read this, and my best to all who strive for good health. And thank you wellnessmamma for your blog and kind acceptance of those who may disagree..

      4. Claudia Avatar

        Can’t figure where to post…just want to suggest it would be wonderful if you included links or cited your research findings on all the claims you make on this article. Which by the way is very interesting but would be very helpful if you included references. Thank you.

        1. Anna Avatar

          Completely agree. I find your website really interesting, but some references would be very helpful

  18. Jenny Avatar

    Hi there, just wondering your opinion…..we went gluten/dairy free about 2 months ago…..but have substituted rice and a few other alternatives in place of the old gluten. Also, drinking rice milk, almond milk, etc.

    From what I am understanding, you are advocating a diet of meats, veggies, fruits maybe, and seems like some diary.

    Since I can’t do the dairy, when I try this diet (on days when we have run out of bread made from rice or what have you) my kids (5 of them) are starving. And actually, they are starving even on days when we have gluten free bread around.

    I know I am on a healthy road, but am struggling with the constant cry of “I’m hungry! I’m starving!!!”


    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Congrats on going gluten free and dairy free! We had those same struggles when we made the switch, and these are my recommendations:
      – Drink coconut milk (you can make your own) instead of rice milk or almond milk, both which actually contain a lot of simple carbs (aka sugar) and will only make the kids feel more hungry.
      -Emphasize the healthy fats more. We were not doing this at first, and you do feel like you are starving, and likely are just not getting enough fats. We order coconut oil, olive oil, and tallow to make sure we have enough on hand. Incorporate a lot of meats, avocados, olives, oils (olive, macadamia, etc) and put it on everything. Add coconut oil or tallow when cooking veggies, make salad dressings and dips with oils and let the kids snack on guacamole or olives if they will eat them
      -With kids especially the fat is vital, as is protein. fill in the extra space with things like sweet potatoes, squash, etc that are starchy but won’t cause a huge insulin spike, which makes them hungry.
      -For kids, you can make smoothies with coconut milk, cocoa powder, almond butter, coconut oil, chia seeds etc (and raw egg yolk if you get brave). this helps fill them up and makes sure they are getting enough fats. they will also probably be able to concentrate better and sleep better once they get enough fats since their hormones will be in balance.
      Hang in there, I remember being there, and it does get easier. Congrats on being grain/dairy free… that is a huge step. hope this helps some!

      1. Robert Avatar

        Almond Breeze unsweetened almond milk contains only 2g of carbohydrate and 0g of sugars per cup. It does provide 30% of the RDA for calcium, which is why I drink it.

      2. Ashley Avatar

        Hi, I have enjoyed looking through much of your information and plan to get through all of it as I get the time.  We are a week and a half into going grain free and dairy free and learning as much as we can.  We have done fairly well but live in a small town and I am having trouble finding a few items I need.  I have ordered coconut flour and almond meal from amazon and will try to make my own in the future.  Since I’ve read some of your recipes I would like to try making my own coconut milk since what I can find here seems pricey for as much as we have been going through.  So my questions are :where is a good place to find unsweetened coconut flakes?  I can only find sweetened where I’ve looked in my town.  Also, I checked out the soaperchoice website:what exact kind of coconut oil do you order?  The food grade?  Certified Organic? 

      3. Dawn Avatar

        Do not advocate oils, oils should be ingested in its natural state, like actually eating a raw olive, avocado or coconut. You see, when you extract oils you are also leaving behind nutrients in the fibers that help the oils as whole. The synergy in all the nutrients combined is what makes that fat healthy, not just one part of it.

      4. Hunt Avatar

        do you have an opinion on consuming human breast milk? Surely human beings are capable of digesting their own mother’s milk?

        1. Peggy Avatar

          My first undiagnosed problem was cured by Eat Right For Your Blood Type. I’m O positive and it said not to eat wheat. When I stopped it at that time it stopped all the symptoms I had. I still follow it to a degree.
          My husband thought I was crazy, but within 3 mths. he was asking me about the diet. I said, Let’s try it together strictly for one month and see if it helps you. He was having bad pain in his arms and thought he’d have to quit working. He went on the plan with me and we were very strict about the rules. At the end of 3 weeks he told me that all the pain in his arms was gone! We were amazed. But as time passed we gradually went back on wheat. Now after seeing Dr. William Davis on Wheat Belly and Dr. David Perlmutter on Grain Brain, I have gone off wheat totally and am thrilled with the results. My husband joined me in this too. I still read all the things I can about health and hope to improve my health even more than I have. If I hadn’t been trying all these things over the last few years I know I would have been in a wheel chair and have a lot of pain. So I’m more than happy to make what some people think of as sacrifices (not eating donuts, bread etc.) in order to keep that from happening.
          I try to tell people how much this could help them, but they don’t want to listen. I say things like “just try it for one month and see how you feel” but no dice. Why are people so unwilling to listen?
          I’m glad there are so many people on this blog that understand how food can effect your health. I’ve always been of the opinion that if it doesn’t hurt and isn’t against the law why not try it and see if it helps you.
          Thanks for everyone’s input on this blog. I read it almost every day.

    2. Peggy Avatar

      I make coconut flour bread and I love it. I can make it sweet or not sweet. They both work great!
      I also make coconut flour lemon poppy seed muffins. I find all of this very filling.

  19. Armin Avatar

    “If you need help making the switch, check out some sample meal plans and recipes.”

    sorry, i might be just missing it somehow but i cant find any sample meal plans for this diet.
    if you can post a link or something that would be amazing.

    Thank you.

      1. Silvia Avatar

        Hi, this is all very interesting, but I LOVE carbs. Why do I get so hungry if I skimp on carbs? Could this diet be ok as pescatarian or is meat a really important part of it?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          I’d say protein is a very important part of it, and healthy fats,
          even more so. I used to love carbs too and be famished without them.
          That lasts for a while as your body gets used to being able to burn
          fat instead of having glucose all the time, but after that, you don’t
          get nearly as hungry. I used to be one who would get lightheaded if I
          didn’t eat every few hours, now I can go all day without eating if I
          need to!

          1. Gabriella Avatar

            Hello there,

            I’ve been doing a grain-free lifestyle for a couple months now and loving it! Your website helped tremendously, thank you so much!!
            I was wondering if you have any citations for your research about ” studies show that human brain function and physical ability peaked just prior to the agricultural revolution as well. Since the dawn of agricultural practices, archeological evidence shows a gradual but steady decline in human strength.” I am trying to convince my husband about the benefits of grain-free living, but him being a lawyer, would like to see evidence, science behind the claims. I would appreciate any help as to where I can direct him.

            Also, my hair has started to fall out a few months ago (I lost about 12 lbs. when I introduced low-grain then no-grain eating in February) Could the hair loss be a result of the sudden (over 2 months spam) wight loss, or what other reason can you suspect? I’ve been taking “Hair skin and nail” vitamin with Biotin in it , hoping it might help… I definetaly don’t want to go back to eating grains. 

          2. Holm Avatar

            Wow, what a bizzare comment.  Why would you ever need to go all day without eating.  Really a bad suggestion.  Your  body needs to be fueled throughout the day.

          3. Cathie McGinnis Avatar
            Cathie McGinnis

            Actually, there is not a thing wrong with occassional fasting.

          4. Chassi Avatar

            Complete fuel is in fruits and vegetables….just because we have a “Food Pyramid” made up by the FDA in the US, does not in any way mean that it is healthy. Have you looked around lately? Have you done any research? Do you realize people are being healed of MANY issues, including cancer by simply eating in a way that is not following the “Food Pyramid” that is pushed on us by who? Those that are benefiting from the drug companies. Interesting! You would be amazed at the connections you will find. 

            Eating organic, fresh, fruits and vegetables when you are hungry will give you what you need. Supplementing with vegetable juices will give you even more nutrition. If you truly dig into this subject you will realize that less is more in all ways.

          5. Betty Avatar

            Don’t make a claim such as ‘cancer is being healed by diet’, because it’s reckless and unproven. For those of us who’ve lost people to cancer….people who’ve subsisted on wonderful nutrition…it’s insulting.

          6. Sierra Kablam Avatar
            Sierra Kablam

            fasting is incredibly better for your digestive system. if you ate more nutrient dense foods, you wouldn’t have to eat as much. and that does absolutely NOT mean low calorie. nom nom!

          7. suzette Avatar

            I really like your blog. I have been trying many things from it.
            You make it very interesting.

            I raise our own field free range chickens which promotes
            wonderful eggs that provides protein when not eating
            other protein such as fish, chicken, turkey ,beef and beans.

            I have three organic gardens that provide vegetables almost
            year a round. I can my veggies and make just about everything
            from scratch. If we have a dessert or candy it is considered
            special. We eat protein in some form everyday, just a little.
            We concentrate on veggies , dried organic oats for grain,
            and fruit.

            I also make sure they have lots of playing time in different
            structures. They use their minds not the computers at home and
            no cell phones. This saves a lot of headache. They have very
            limited time on their Nintendo throughout the week.

            All of my kids are honor roll students, slim and physically fit,
            and none have cavities. I have two teenagers, an 11 year old
            and an eight year old. All boys. I stay at home and concentrate
            on them a lot. They are extremely happy boys and our doctor
            says he wished all kids were like them. Church is a positive
            point in our lives too.

            I am not bragging . We live simply and smart. I think
            often about what might have been in the garden of
            eden for adam and eve to eat? was their grain? what
            about food for the animals -did they eat?

          8. cour Avatar

            It is the fat (even the “good kinds” that cause all issues…
            Fat in the blood makes it so that insulin cannot function properly.
            this causes imbalances on every level.
            The books “The starch solution” and “80/10/10 diet” go into this topic deeply. since i have been following a low fat vegan diet; lots of potatoes, fruits, lentils, and yes, even grains, I have been feeling amazing. full of energy, skin clear, mind clear, stronger, fat melting away, and somehow no more intense food cravings..
            i highly suggest looking into this to anyone who reads this.

          9. Lora Cooper Avatar
            Lora Cooper

            I just want to say that I’ve been a vegetarian for MANY years and I eat pretty healthy….I don’t eat a grain heavy diet although, I’m a VERY picky eater. I simply don’t like a lot of foods and without grains, I think I’d starve. I couldn’t eat meat to save my soul….as I hate it. I used to be forced to eat it as a child and as soon as I was old enough to make my own decisions, I quit eating it. This article is interesting, but rather extreme. I do try to limit my carbs….but grain free is probably not possible for someone as picky as me. Also would like to see studies done on this and a medical report to back this.

          10. Noircy Avatar

            Hi! Thats a really interesting article but i have a few questions, i heard that the phytic acids are in the outer bran of the grains, which come off easily with soft milling or even hand milling. So if grains are consumed with the germ (which still contains nutrients) intact, doesn’t that solve the problem? Not that i advise a high carb diet, but the occasional grain in the diet is what i intend.
            Also doesn’t soaking grains (brown rice, rolled oats/oats, rye/rye flakes, millet, quinoa, etc. remove/decrease phytic acid content?

          11. Tatia Avatar

            I have a friend who would love to see some citations too. Do you have papers I could point her to?

        2. Kiersten Avatar

          I have been grain free for a few years now and what I have found is that when you temporarily cut out grains or just begin to cut them out, it is not always hunger you are feeling….Sometimes it is the lack of bloating that you are missing that can trick you into thinking you are full. You also may be cravng grains and feeling unsatiated until you detox them from your system. I usually think of that feeling as the drug that keeps wanting more!

          1. Steve Avatar

            Great point! Your comment is the only one that made me realize that my head and system is confusing the need to feel bloated with being adequately satisfied. Though I’m athletic and in shape, i over eat and especially on grain products. I think it is an addiction to get over.

        3. Chassi Avatar

          If you are receiving more nutrients from fresh fruits and vegetables that are no longer being blocked from absorption, this will also fulfill your body’s needs and there won’t be as much hunger. It’s amazing how the body is satisfied when we give it what it needs. 🙂

        4. Nogiera Avatar

           dont forget nuts and seeds ur healthy fats will help you get that full feeling!

          1. Kim Williams Avatar
            Kim Williams

            Don’t nuts and seeds also contain phytic acid? Pumpkin seeds have alot of it.

        5. Amanda J Avatar
          Amanda J

          Animal protein is the worst protein for humans and the fact is our bodies are not designed to eat meat. All the proteins that a person needs you can get from plant foods. So yes, if you want to be pescatarian – and so long as you are eating plenty of fruit, veg, beans, lentils etc – you can get all the nutrients you need. I, for one, am not against grains, but each to their own.

          1. Jed Avatar

            Actually animal protein is the best source of protein and perfectly designed for human consumption lol. Our bodies are designed perfectly to digest protein… you are talking nonsense. We evolved because we ate animal protein and evolution favoured cultures who had access to it. Veganism doesn’t even exist in human nature except for artificially created religious reasons and perhaps a tribe or two, who weren’t lucky enough to have access to meat! Meat is natures perfect source of protein and completely ethical although many production practices need to evolve to raise happier animals. Eating ethically raised meat is just as ethical as eating plants, otherwise you could just use the same argument to make eating plants unethical.

          2. Bruce Avatar

            That sound more like a theory and based on personal opinion and perhaps observation. Any facts to back that up?

          3. Rob Avatar

            Why is the bioavailability/absorption of nutrients from animal sources higher than those derived from plant sources then? 100% plant-based diets may work nicely for natural herbivores but we are not in that category. I’d like to see how you’d do in nature, without the benefit of supplements, eating only plant foods versus someone who also includes animal foods.

          4. Ben Avatar

            Have you looked at your teeth. We evolved from that swamp to survive by eating what we could. Meat would have been eaten raw hence our teeth still have the capacity to chew and rip as well as blend. If people wish to be vegetarian that is fine and if it is balanced I think it is really healthy but saying that we should be that way because of design is nonsense. There are very good reasons for not eating meat on a moral basis because of the way animals are treated in factory farming. I stopped eating grains,potatoes and legumes recently and I feel stronger. This scientist has done the same because of her research into longevity
            Please donnt be offendid many try to impose or defend their beliefs and thats why we are always fighting. The lady is talking from her experience and wanting to share but its not the total truth because we are learning all the time. Food companies do not care about people only prifits.

          5. Jay Avatar

            That’s a crock of BS. We evolved to have canine teeth specifically for tearing meat

          6. Hunt Avatar

            and yet, bizarrely, Humans have been around for thousands of years, and have been eating meat since our earliest days. Somehow we’ve managed to survive.

          7. Dan Avatar

            Yes, animal protiens are some of the best protiens because of the amino acid content in meats. Red meat contains creatine which has helped with increasing lean muscle mass. Don’t forget fish is very healthy as well. Salmon is one of those fatty fishes which contain your omega-3s.

          8. Anne Avatar

            I can honestly say that meat is not bad for me. Even my Dr. told me that meat protein was beneficial for me. I have been borderline aneimic since 14 (maybe before but that was my first diagnosis) and even had a blood transfusion after a car accident that my Dr. told me was necessary because my blood count was already so low and the accident made it dangerously low. When I stopped eating wheat and gluten and started eating more fruits, veggies and MEAT my iron levels became fine for the first time in 20 years, my depression is gone and my over all health is way better… so while I am not a Dr I find the personal evidence reveals that for some of us, meat is good…as well as grain free living (and dairy free too)…

          9. Katie Avatar

            Unfortunately a lot of vegans and vegetarians are erroneous in their assumption that our bodies are not meant o digest meat. We have done so since time began just about. And nothing has changed – our bodies have not suddenly evolved to not eat protein in the form of animal protein. I get that vegans and vegetarians have a moral issue – and respect that. However, I also understand that a huge percentage of vegans do start to eat meat again because they have become so unwell on a diet void of animal proteins.

            It is important for us all to do our own research and read a lot of different materials and studies to come to our own conclusion regarding what constitutes a healthy diet. For me it is one devoid of grains and full of vegetables, some fruit and nuts, healthy fats and small amounts of animal protein n the form of mostly chicken, fish and eggs. Bone broths are also a staple in my diet and an excellent form of nutrients and amazingly soothing for the gut & immune system.

            A great place for anyone to start their research is a book called Primal Body. Primal Mind. by Nora Gedgaudas.

          10. Sunnivara Avatar

            Here’s your evidence that, not only are humans designed to eat meat, but they actually MUST eat meat to live: Vitamin B12. Humans must have B12 to stay healthy. And we have to get it from food sources as our bodies cannot manufacture it. The only food sources for B12 are animal products. There are no vegan foods sources that provide any significant amount of B12. People who eat vegan diets will eventually suffer from B12 deficiency unless they take artificial supplements. Considering GNC stores did not exist throughout most of human history, it’s pretty clear humans have always needed to eat animal products to survive, as these foods were their only source of B12.

          11. jake Avatar

            If people like you would take a course in nutrition instead of regurgitating the same old BS the world would be a better place. Humans are omnivores, our entire physiology is designed for foraging on both plant and animal matter. AND, If you believe in a “supreme creator” then you’d also know that he made us to consume animal protein.

          12. Adrienne Avatar

            mmm….what about B12? You can only get B12 from micro organisms found in animal meat/milk/eggs or a supplement…either way you MUST have it to function. This shows we were engineered to eat meat. Maybe not the enormous amount so many American eat each day, but we must to have it to function and I don’t think our ancestors were whipping up Deva Vegan B12 in their cabins.

            Don’t get me wrong, vegan on….especially now, since we have supplements.

        6. Fred Avatar

          According to prof Tim Noakes, who has had great success with his new low-carb diet, carbohydrates (especially simple carbs) are addictive & are responsible for weight gain, poor health & type-2 diabetes.

          On the other hand with a low-carb diet (Paleo) you don’t get the hunger craving for more…

          1. Dan Avatar

            @mama – You get hungry because your body needs sustenance, the onset of hunger just a few hours after your last carb rich meal is because, a) your body stored many of the calories you ate just 3 hours ago in your muffin top waistline and b) because your last meal was an insulin cluster bomb on your system you have no access to the fat hanging round your waistline, because you are in sugar burning mode.

            Coupled with the clear evidence that wheat (and other grains) makes you hungry purely on a brain chemistry level. Not forgetting the dirty little tricks the food industry pulls, such as multi coloured sweets (yep, most people will eat 50% more M&Ms when presented with multi-coloured pieces, compared with single colour) then there’s flavour enhancers, etc. Basically food manufacturers make food to be as addictive as possible.

            Personally I don’t blame people that eat too much when they think the food pyramid is gospel!

        7. Bryon Lape Avatar
          Bryon Lape

          If you are hungry on low carb diet, it usually means you are not getting enough fats with your protein. I had a similar issue and switch to boneless chicken thighs for my no carb meals. I do use chicken breasts with I have carbs.

        8. Ben Avatar

          There is quite a bit being left out from this grain story as you tell it, which is included in Dr. William Davis’s book. But you are absolutely right…but the story is actually worse than you tell it! There is a protein “gliaddin” which is one of two that make up gluten and it is an opioid! This protein is nothing more than a powerful appetite stimulant which the food industry is VERY aware of. So wheat in particular appears in foods it has no business in…funny how that works! Heroin is also an opioid and you don’t just stop craving because you didn’t get your fix today. Food cravings as well will take a while to subside, but I can attest to dropping 12 pounds, going from 38-36 pants, having energy levels that allow me to keep pace with ANYBODY, and this is all in less than 60 days and while I still eat like a very hearty horse. All I did was stop eating grains. As Dr. Davis said, grains are not just bad, they are VERY destructive to the human body. Leave eating grains to animals with the 4 part stomachs…

        9. Jess Avatar

          I’m pretty concerned for you folks. If your hair is falling out, the diet is not safe.

          1. Liz Avatar

            Actually, hair falling out can be an indicator of a “reset” in the body. It is common after a prolonged illness or stress on the body for people to lose hair as an indication they are healing. Rather disturbing, yes, but it does happen. After I had surgery for an autoimmune disease and my body healed, not only did my nails finally grow but 1/2 my straight hair fell out and grew back out in ringlets!

        10. Sheila Avatar

          The reason you get so hungry is that your insulin and blood sugar levels are going up and down like a roller coaster. When your blood sugars come down, it triggers other hormones to tell you to eat more carbs- your blood sugar is getting too low! If you are on this cycle, I strongly urge you to cut way back on your grains and fruits, along with sugars of any kind, as this may be an early warning sign of diabetes to come. Focus on veggies, protein, and fat as the main source of nutrients for a while and then slowly add goodies back in until you find a good balance that works for you.

      2. Linda Avatar

        Americans are so afraid of everything. If all foods are bad, then what the heck are we supposed to eat? For centuries, people have been eating the same type of foods that are now – all of a sudden is considered “bad” for you, but they seem to live longer than folks of today. Steve Jobs was a vegan, but cancer killed him. Actor Michael Clarke Duncan was a vegan, but he died from complications following a severe heart attack. I understand that we should eat healthy, but I just think society is weighing too much into all these bogus studies about that they can’t even prove. I’m so sick of the propaganda that I don’t even know what to eat anymore.

        Heck, to bunk with all the hype. I think I’m gonna have a juicy, fat hamburger for lunch with a side order of fries and chocolate shake!

        1. Karen Avatar

          there is so very much wrong with your “argument” I’ll just start at the beginning and stop when I get too exhausted.

          Americans are so afraid of everything. If all foods are bad, then what the heck are we supposed to eat?

          all foods are not bad, there are plenty of healthy options from nature, in organic and pure form, not processed or corrupted or injected or sprayed with poisonous pesticides etc. which especially includes animals that are poisoned with antibiotics and growth hormones and other creepy evil stuff as well as the genetically modified disgusting fodder they’re fed. I personally don’t think we need to or should eat animals, but that’s not the current point, if you are going to, eat them as any food, from sources that are trustworthy and not tainted by the mainstream.

          For centuries, people have been eating the same type of foods that are now – all of a sudden is considered “bad” for you, but they seem to live longer than folks of today.

          I’m sad you’re not joking considering the insane increase in disease and disorder we have today! cancer, autism, anxiety, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, etc.. hello?? they are all pretty much conditions caused by poisoning and deficiency.

          Steve Jobs was a vegan, but cancer killed him. Actor Michael Clarke Duncan was a vegan, but he died from complications following a severe heart attack.

          Jobs ended up getting “conventional cancer treatment” didn’t he? that is what ended up killing him. also if someone is to be a vegan they need to learn how to feed themselves and make sure their nutrient levels are plentiful in all categories. anyone should actually be doing this as we are all probably deficient in a lot. there are other things besides diet that factor into the livelihood and wellbeing of a person, you know that whole mind body and soul thing.. but the diet can go a very long way and if these men were consuming and not consuming the appropriate things (including consumption in the form of personal care products, household products, etc.) then they would not have died as they had. “Veganism” did not kill them.

          I understand that we should eat healthy, but I just think society is weighing too much into all these bogus studies about that they can’t even prove. I’m so sick of the propaganda that I don’t even know what to eat anymore.

          the propaganda is coming from the sources that you trust. and they are the mainstream ones. You have to seek out and find the trustworthy sources that are suppressed but nevertheless there. a couple of the better ones are
          Dr. Mercola (he as a person in my opinion may be growing in the wrong way, but overall the information and articles he provides on his site is amazing and very reliable)
          bibliotecapledayes is a Spanish and English site that has an enormous database of articles and stuff from other sources and I find that one also while not perfect, to be probably the best source I’ve come across online. It has tons and tons of information about all sorts of things, many that would seem crazy if you’re ignorant about it, but you can find a wealth of health information, and information exposing the mainstream culprits and people behind the poisoning of and profiting off the masses. there’s a search function on the site or things listed by topic, many with tens if not hundreds of links connected. well you’ll have to go there to see what I mean, but it just has tons and tons of information. you could also just google the word bibliotecapleyades + whatever else in google and you can see what biblio sites come up about your subject.
          natural news is a pretty good one too, not as good as the biblio source but it’s also one that the biblio source refers to too. well from the biblio site, at the top of each article it lists the source it came from, so you can find new trustworthy sources that way too. trust me, there are tons of great places where the truth is told. forums too, this Spiritual Forums is a really cool place, with tons of information that can be helpful and over 100 subsections including health and wellness ones.
          Another great source for not eating poisonous foods is a grocery store that sells mostly nonpoisonous stuff. The best one by me is called Outpost but I’m not sure if it’s just local or widespread. There is a decent place available anywhere tho so just look for the one near you and stop supporting the places that are happy to fill up their shelves and stock with poison. Avoid Whole Foods they’re deceptive and lame, Trader Joe’s is better but not as good as Outpost. There’s gotta be a nice local place in most cities I’m sure.. just find it and educate yourself

          Heck, to bunk with all the hype. I think I’m gonna have a juicy, fat hamburger for lunch with a side order of fries and chocolate shake!

          well I hope the hamburger is not made from one of the conventional meat providers who abuse their cows, kick them, push and electrocute them, confine them in tiny areas often with metal against their bodies at all times (especially pigs oh that is extra sad it’s like half their bodies are sticking out of the metal holes in the cage, all the time!), take their babies after they’re born, cut off or burn off their tails and horns, or tie off the tail by tying something super tight around it until it falls off some days later.. then they inject the cows with antibiotics and other horrible pills and growth hormones which make their udder area gigantic, it looks like some of them even almost fall to the ground!! so that you can have more precious milk for your milkshake, when you aren’t eating the cow in your hamburger.. you can imagine yourself consuming the same crap they gave the cow, and you probably do have a distended stomach and compromised gut health too just like the poor cow you’re so cutely jokingly bragging about eating. there’s more worse about meat, but that’s part of what happened to you anyway with attitude and practices like that

          1. Tina Avatar

            Umm…yeah…your a little weird. Eating natural makes sense to me, both animal protein and vegetation. Treat vegetation, animals and people with care, not abuse. Enough said. Keep it simple _ _ _ _ _ _. You fill in the blanks.

          2. Kanga Avatar

            Excellent reply, Karen…thank you for the information sources. Like you said, it’s about educating oneself. What I put in my body is what I get out of it. If I eat junk, guess how I feel… I have enough proof for myself when I eat clean and feel amazing as a result.

          3. Cathi Avatar

            Thank you for the vivid description of how animals are slaughtered. Most impressive. How do you feel about carnivores in the wild, where predators kill and eat other animals…..alive. Lions and tigers eat gazelles on the plain. Wolves kill and eat prey alive, too. Cats, given the opportunity, eat birds and mice. Birds eat worms and bugs…..alive. Snakes, too, eat mice and rats whole and digest them alive. No “pretty pretty’ in Nature.

            So, just where does the ‘touchy feely’ obsession with a kind and gentle kill and devour start and end? Just the large, cutsey, cuddly animals in our modern, sanitized lifestyle environment? No other carnivore in nature worries much about ‘how the other guy feels’. Not from as far back as the dinosaur carnivores. Certainly not on the part of cheetahs and jaguars of today. Sharks or alligators, either. It seems that the only carnivore in the history of planet Earth to let his mind get all worked up about how his hamburger felt when it was slaughtered is Man. And even Man only in the past few decades.

            So after nearly 2 million years (Homo erectus and company), the first carnivore on the planet who worries more about how his lunch feels than on his own health has shown up. Talk about brain washing. I have some great oceanfront property in Wichita, Kansas if any of your are interested.

          4. Beth Avatar

            Jobs ended up getting “conventional cancer treatment” didn’t he? that is what ended up killing him.

            FYI – Steve Jobs had the one type of pancreatic cancer that can be completely cured by surgery. Because he refused surgery for around 9 months, he died. I agree that modern medicine isn’t perfect and I don’t fully believe everything my doctor tells me, but just blankly saying that “conventional cancer treatment” killed him is, well, wrong.

            It’s good that you can think for yourself and it’s great to question things. FYI – not all animals raised for meat are treated unethically. I know this first hand from my job as a vet. I have seen the whole process – from being on farms right through to the slaughterhouse, and well, in my opinion (and I am able to have this opinion because I have seen this with my own eyes) – a lot of what is put out there by PETA (for example, that video on if slaughterhouses had glass walls) is propaganda in itself.

            Everything of that nature is biased. Everyone is pushing their own agenda. Wellness Mama herself is just pushing her own agenda. I’m not condemning you for being vegan – that’s wonderful that you have made that choice. But I promise you, in my country, meat is raised very, very ethically. It’s all grass fed, for example. I don’t know about America – I think you have feedlots with grain fed cows who don’t get to walk around – and to be honest I think that is cruel. But not ALL meat is raised unethically – you just have to find the meat that IS raised ethically, if you want to eat meat. So judging all people who eat meat – which you are clearly doing – just makes you seem very biased and judgemental.

            I agree that people are not eating as healthily as they should. But nothing is as black and white as many comments on this blog are making it. Nothing is inherently good or bad. Everything in moderation.

            The vague comments not backed up by any evidence whatsoever by Wellness mama? Sorry, but I am ignoring those. Of course people are being diagnosed with more diseases these days! That’s because modern medicine has been able to piece together symptoms and create names for them. Diagnostic tools are also getting better all of the time so we are seeing increased rates of certain diseases because we are getting better at diagnosing them. This is a huge confounding variable that cannot be ignored in said association between grain consumption and rate of disease. Anyone with any shred of knowledge of human epidemiology would not make a statement such as that one.

            Back in “paleo times” people still had diseases – but they just died of “natural causes” or they just died – they didn’t get diagnosed with something. I think the main thing that gets me about this article is that people, right now, are living longer than they ever have before. Yes, we have more disease. But in addition to better diagnosing disease, the simple fact that we are living longer is creating more disease. We didn’t evolve to live as long as we are living now. Cancer is actually a disease of ageing, seen more commonly in older mammals. Not always, of course, nothing is ever black and white. But with an increase in age, you see an increase in cancer. Similarly, atherosclerosis – it’s not really an issue for animals like it is in humans. They don’t live long enough for the plaques to build up in their arteries.

            I do agree that we are also seeing an increase in obesity related disease (e.g. insulin resistance, diabetes) though, regardless of diagnostic bias. But this isn’t because of grains.

            Attributing grains to the current rise in obesity is far too black and white. We are eating far more refined sugar than we used to – this in itself is having a huge impact on current obesity trends. We are also eating far too many processed foods, and foods that secretly contain sugar. There is sugar in basically everything processed these days. Half of the time you don’t even know you are consuming it.

            Blogs like this make me sad, because some people will read this and genuinely believe what it says, word for word, despite the lack of any kind of evidence to back it up. People have lived on various diets with varying results – some people tout the Mediterranean diet as being healthy (because it has been associated with longevity), others will say eating a Japanese diet is the way to go, because Japanese people live the longest. Others will swear by a raw diet, saying that it will do all of these amazing things, like single-handedly cure cancer. Others will say “no, go vegan, animal products are incredibly bad for us”. Some other groups will say “paleo all of the way, that’s how we evolved to eat”.

            The truth? Who knows. It’s confusing and stressful for those of us who want to try to stay healthy and disease free. My advice: cutting out grains completely is not the answer to staying free of disease. You could live on a “perfect” diet (whatever that is) and just have unfortunate genes. Or you could get hit by a bus tomorrow.

            So just be a little less black and white. If you want to eat meat, then eat meat, just eat lean meat and eat it in moderation (because certain countries eat way too much, and those countries have higher rates of bowel cancer). If you want to be a vegan, than be a vegan, but make sure you get enough calcium, iron and B12 from other sources (you need to be more diligent with getting enough nutrients on this diet but it is most definitely attainable).

            Work out what your body can handle. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. I am lactose intolerant so I don’t drink milk. I am not gluten free (despite it being one of the latest food terms associated with health) because I do not react to it and do not have coeliacs. But I consume it in moderation. Eat tons of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. Everyone agrees that those are good.

            If you are having gut problems, try a low FODMAP diet – this is a new diet designed for people with symptoms of IBS. I have done this diet and from it have managed to work out the foods that I am intolerant to. I now avoid those foods and have ZERO IBS symptoms, despite eating gluten.

            Look into your omega 3:omega 6 ratio – this is important and most people eat far too much omega 6. Salmon is a great source of omega 3. A vegetarian sources of omega 3 is flaxseed oil.

            Don’t just cut out grains because this one blog tells you to. If you really care about your diet, see a nutritionist, who actually has nutrition training based on science. Whole grains, consumed in moderation, are generally considered to be a safe part of a healthy, balanced diet. If you only ate whole grains, that would not be good. They are also not created equal. If you are worried about phytic acid blocking absorption of other minerals in the gut, then eat the whole grains at a different time to consuming other foods (it is only when you eat whole grains with other foods that nutrient blockages can occur).

            Furthermore, there are actually ways to decrease phytic acid content in how you prepare your whole grains. They are not all created equal either. If you are vegan, then quinoa will give you all of the essential amino acids that you need, so not eating that just because of the fact that this person on this blog has told you that it’s bad because it’s a whole grain could be more detrimental to you than cutting it out completely.

            Also note that nuts contain high levels of phytic acid, so Wellness Mama might want to consider not eating those either (despite all of their benefits!)

            So, everything in moderation, lots of fruits and veges, eat whole grains, or don’t eat whole grains (at the end of the day it’s your decision – I eat whole grains in moderation – brown rice, quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat and I prepare them in such a way that the content of phytic acid is diminished)….. and exercise!

            There is no point in living a long life if you’re unhappy. And potatoes are not bad! If you just ate potatoes, then that would be bad. Also, frying them or eating them as chips isn’t exactly healthy. But steamed potatoes? Again, moderation. Despite what some of these people pushing a paleo agenda tell you, we still need carbs. Just in moderation. Moderation is key.

            And don’t forget the power of the mind. Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol is immunosuppressive. We did not evolve to cope with the high levels of stress that we face in the modern world – we did live under stress but it was generally for short periods of time; when faced with predation we would have a “flight or fight” response – which would increase cortisol, but only for a short period of time. Modern stress = prolonged increased cortisol = weight gain and other problems.

            Find a way to destress – tai chi, yoga, mindfulness. There is definitely a connection between psychology (i.e. how you think about things) and disease that medical professionals often overlook.

            Try not to stress too much about this stuff. And make your own decisions. Don’t blindly believe others, but don’t judge them either. Question everything. Question me 🙂

            Modern doctors often are too quick to just prescribe pills. If you just live a balanced life (moderation being key), keep stress levels down, exercise, then this is a good recipe for longevity. There is no silver bullet and sometimes you just get unlucky.

            Oh, and don’t smoke.

          5. Rosemary Avatar

            I just want to say that I absolutely love Beth’s comment!
            Is there a way to get in touch with others on here? I’d so much like to send her a message if possible.
            Thanks a million everyone for sharing your thoughts.

          6. Joe Avatar

            Einstein was a vegetarian… Everyone is different… In all the comments I’ve read everywhere not one mentions how it all started and what was the cause. I for one some medicinals were the cause whose side effects were mild diarrhea. Since then I’ve had it great. Surely I stopped taking them.

          7. Bert Avatar

            Just another opinion. Common sense reveals what is and what is not good for your body.

      3. Tony Avatar

        So far, this is the most logical and truthful statement ive read on this blog. I could be grainy intolerant myself so this article (and others like it) could be personally beneficial but I will also repeat Jed’s caution that ‘not eating grains’ is highly unlikely to be the silver bullet that Katie has proposed it to be. I applaud the detail and research that Katie seems to have done for this article, but it’s so heavily tainted by the bias that existed prior to the article being written that it’s lost much of it’s potential value. Not a living soul on our planet would disagree that a diet consisting primarily of organic produce is highly beneficial. Unbiased, intelligent people can also readily come to a verdict on meat consumption I’m sure. Reduce foods/drink that are directly implicated with cancer. If we all did these ABC’s it follows that health problems for us first-worlders would plummet. But these indirect implications of grains with cancer, infertility & Schizophrenia is simply sensationalised finger pointing. You also simply can’t reasonably link grain to obesity either. We (yes I do include myself) first-world fatsos are simply over eating, wholesale – plus we also have the bonus of fantastic nutritional overload outlets that we can conveniently drive through on a regular basis. So let’s all take a calm-down pill. Then take a reality-check pill. Filter out the hype (that makes for tasty reading) and try to take a logical view on these serious problems. Katie, you do some nice work and it’s entertaining enough but you should be more careful about what you are feeding to the hungry & gullible masses.

        1. Alexander Avatar

          I cannot agree more.
          Whatever illness/disease state one could link to grains/carbohydrates could also be linked to proteins and fats.
          The body is much more complex than “grain causes inflammation, linking it to disease states, mental illness, and obesity.”
          And when I say much more complex, that’s an understatement.

          Before going on, I do also appreciate the amount of research put into this blog post, as I myself once thought the same way.

          However, this article claims only recently have the majority of the population been eating grain products, I highly beg to differ on this matter.

          Furthermore, diets such as gluten free or the paleo diet which eliminate grain completely are without a doubt highly unnecessary unless an individual is in fact allergic to gluten.

          One of the major notions and basis arguing that gluten is bad for you because it crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds and activates opioid receptors (oh those receptors that bad drugs like morphene bind), resulting in temporary feelings of well-being but eventual depletion of these receptors, and thus further health problems down the line.
          This is an absurdity in my opinion. Why? because receptors are there for a reason, they are meant to be activated.
          If your argument is that humans before our time didn’t live off grains, and that this is a completely new revolution, why then are we born with these receptors? Why would we carry on a genetic trait that is useless? It’s a whole lot of energy put into something we “don’t need,” and if you know anything about science you would at least ponder upon that instead of jumping on a no-grain bandwagon.

          Grains/carbohydrates get stored as fat? no one is denying that, but so do proteins and fats.
          The main reason why one would lose weight if they cut carbs/grains from their diet is because they are significantly decreasing the amount of food they eat. To think that you can compensate what you eat carb-wise with proteins and fats is very very difficult.

          Alzheimer’s and dementia caused by grain induced inflammation? These disease states are by far not that simple. It would mean that one would be cured by adopting a no-grain/carb diet.
          Alzheimer’s and other neurological disorders are much more complex than that, they involve aggregation (clumping together) of improperly folded proteins within cells, resulting in dysfunctional neuronal cells. This “inflammation” is not caused by carbohydrates. Research is important here, because the culprit seems to be genetics, not grains. Medication needs to be found that allows these cells to become metabolically normal, to be able to prevent protein aggregation and improve cellular clean-up.

          While I highly appreciate the zeal and amount of research put into this no-grain mindset that seems to be becoming very popular, I would not recommend anything other than a balanced diet of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (including grains). And don’t forget exercise 🙂

          I am a BSc biomedical science student (almost a graduate).

          1. Linda Avatar

            I don’t care if you have a BSc in biomedical science STUDENT. I’m more than likely a lot older than you. I’ve been around for all the Government Diet FADS. No-Fat FAD – which made people sick. High grain (11 or more serving) FAD which did nothing but make people fat an increase diabetes and some how the medical society can figure out. I’ve been around when wheat bread became a FAD and more people are sick. I never had an intolerance to processed carbs, grains, etc., until now. When I was in my 20s people still cooked food. There wasn’t the amount of processed food we have now – then. I now have issues with the very foods that didn’t bother me. There is some truth to what she says. I just came back from another country and ate freely – nothing upset my health. With 1 day of returning to the states, I’m sick again. So there is something to this. And the article hard sources. So stop believing everything that is taught in college and have an open mind. Just because you are in a “science field” doesn’t mean you have to believe in it all. My co-worker’s wife is a gastro doctor She quit main stream medicine because of scientific proof that a lot of our foods are poisoned. P.S. The part of the article on the poison Round-up is a fact.

          2. Laurie Avatar

            Linda and Alexander, you both bring out good points and I agree with the analysis and experience. Most diseases are from lack of nutrients, caused by improper cooking methods and additives and processing from corporations making our food for us. Wheat was never the problem. It’s been a lost art in making it from the whole grain at home. If you knead your own flour (however method you choose to use, machine or by hand) this converts the gluten to be bioavailable to our bodies.
            Like Linda, I was raised in the ways where you prepared your own food, and nature provides so many things that the sky’s the limit. Keep it simple and understand how to handle, prepare and cook food and health will follow. There is still so much about the body we don’t know so it’s best to work with a natural order and allow your body to do what it does without your thinking for it. Go with what experience and reliable history has worked for many years. Sadly, the advent of many sicknesses go hand in hand when mom went to work and corporate America decided to make our meals for us.
            And we can heal if we stop listening to the contradictions, lack of experience and knowledge from the propaganda and misinformed field of science. Maybe they should cook and eat right before telling us our health and disease, which in turn leads us to trust doctors who only know how to prescribe meds instead of showing us the pathings to health. Doctors like I had growing up no longer exist, asking: so how do you sleep? What do you eat? Are you drinking water? What’s going on in your life? Were important obvious questions to illness. The prescriptiona were to eat real food and/or take a temporary suppliment.

            And yes, I’ve been making my own breads with only grains that I grind, no white powder or gluten. Delicious, soft, easily digested end products where even intolant, sick, allergic people heal from. Yes. It was part of a detoxing process and the results were always health and not getting sick.

            All the scientific words, studies, data can’t hold a candle to the reality of experience. I’m tired of science and media speaking like they know something when they have only a partial picture of a sick society that hasn’t got a clue about real foods.

        2. Ali Rafatjah Avatar
          Ali Rafatjah

          I really wanted to believe in Katie. I do believe that she has good intentions, however I’m beginning to become disallusioned by her, and her blog. I don’t know much about grains and whether or not they’re bad for you, etc. However, I do know that she seems to endorse Dr. Mercola, as well as Dr. Oz. And she also believes and seems to endorse Earthing. All of these have been listed on Quackwatch. Having had said that I should also state that I did try (and am continuing with) Magnesium Supplementation (an idea that I got from her site) and it really has seemed to make a major difference in my health. It’s a shame that she doesn’t list any citations with her site, as to where she comes up with her ideas. In the end it would only make her site much stronger.

        3. Sarah Avatar

          Alexander put it perfectly! I had replied to a post about Nutrition during Pregnancy and my thoughts on grains as a graduate with a BS in Food and Nutrition. Perhaps Katie has grains confused with diary!

 Should dairy be recommended as part of a healthy vegetarian diet? Counterpoint.

          This is one of many articles that suggests that “Osteoporotic bone fracture rates are highest in countries that consume the most dairy, calcium, and animal protein” and dairy consumption “may contribute to the risk of prostate and ovarian cancers, autoimmune diseases, and some childhood ailments.”

          However, interestingly enough, this is also an example that many of the foods we eat that are considered “healthy” have both harmful and beneficial components. It is up to the eater to do the research and make a valid decision for him/herself; just like Katie did!

        4. robyn Avatar

          just a couple of comments to you-my grandmother was diagnosed with schizophrenia when my mom was very young-she was in and out of mental institutes for several years and was never right. After she was placed in a elderly care home she was diagnosed celiac (celiac is linked to this mental disease). My aunt has had a lot of trouble with gluten problems and i know i am intolerant. I have been able to maintain my weight overall and feel better generally since I gave up grains. when i cheat with breads and sugars i feel awful. I don’t think you’re being fair to Katie-there is a lot of research out there as to what she says about dietary concerns. I would also say that those of us who overeat do so on “junk foodie” high carbs. I don’t think I know an overeater who eats healthfully. Sugar (which all grains and flours convert to in the body after digestion) lights up the same part of the brain as does cocaine! So overeaters are being “told” by neuroreceptors in the brain and now the disbiotic gut what to eat-more sugary laden refined carbs! overeating is not completely the fault of the eater (not completely 🙂 )

          No offense intended here -just my own experience and knowledge having lived it out and seen it around me.

      4. Marcel Avatar

        This is something that I have experimented with some time and let me tell you it works.Without eating wheat and gluten and all those other bad stuff I feel SO MUCH BETTER!I FEEL AMAZING! It really works I guarantee. When I walk around I don’t feel the heaviness.Every person should try it and so the super results.

      5. Terrye Godown Avatar
        Terrye Godown

        Just wondering about ‘sprouted grain’ bread. I don’t eat other breads or baked goods anymore but every other day I have a slice of Ezekiel bread with organic peanut butter on it, just so I have some fats to dissolve the Co Q10 I take. Are sprouted grains, eaten now and then, still harmful?

      6. Ben Avatar

        When it is time to fatten up the cow with the four part stomach, what do they feed them? GRAINS? See any relation here. There are stories of even livestock having digestive disruption due to the grain load (like colic) and the farmers can’t contaminate the meat harvest to help the animal out so they just go into the field and slaughter them then and there. So grains are not easily digested for the livestock either. And while we eat grains in a somewhat different form and presentation do you think the pizza dough which you toss and stretch and pull and pry and then it returns to shape like rubber…is that something that we have been blessed with in nature to consume? BTW…Yes, there are many know attributes to what starts cancer…the problems become catching them early and then eradicating them. Many of the diseases are greatly influenced by inflammation which grains seem to play a big part in. And the evidence…studies by the score over many decades with even some anecdotal evidence from the days of the Roman Empire. So ponder that evidence over your next bagel or plate of pasta!

      7. Holly Avatar

        Katie, any ideas or resources you can give me? We don’t eat grains anyway but my 11 month old’s weight is going really slowly and she is tiny compared to her rice cake, breadstick loving friends. I give her potatoes with butter a lot but you added them to the list! I don’t think we can go without potatoes. She hates sweet potatoes and they give her a bad tummy. Stuck!! I resorted to buying buckwheat and polenta the other day and now I feel guilty!

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar

          Avocados are filled with lots of healthy fats that may help, as are egg yolks. If she can tolerate these, they may help. Squash is good too. And don’t feel guilty… we all want our children to thrive 🙂

        2. Roxy Avatar

          You are experimenting on your child. If you have concerns about a child’s welfare, see a doctor who can consider their symptoms. An internet blogger is irresponsible not to recommend that you do so. Avocadoes are awesome, but there may be underlying reasons for a child that young failing to thrive. The average paleolithic person died in the thirties. Modern paleo is an experiment under the guise of what people have done ‘for thousands of years’. If you want your child to be healthy, make the most of the fact that we have modern medicine – where infant mortality is not 30% and reduced by 90% in 60 years.

          wellnessmama – you live the way you want, but failing to recommend a person who clearly has a child who needs medical attention to get the child seen by a doctor – and recommending that they feed the child avocadoes and squash is irresponsible.

          1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

            Wow… I don’t know how that person’s post made it clear that her child “needs medical attention” and as I am not a doctor, I am not in a position to give any medical advice. She asked about foods, and I responded about foods. I assumed, from her comment, that she already is under the care of a doctor and thus knows that her child is underweight. Just because her child does not weigh as much as other children who eat differently does not necessarily signify a medical problem. OF course, she should see a qualified health practitioner (as is stated in my disclaimer on every page), but as she didn’t give any specific stats on her child’s weight, and even if she had, I’m not qualified to give medical advice, I did not do so.

          2. Sonia Avatar

            I am offended by your unfair & pretty uninformed comment, Roxy! It seems you work for, or have some vested interest in modern American “health” care system. Yes, infant mortality may be down, but obesity, cancers, diseases & overall unhealthiness is WAY up! Natural, God-given foods are the BEST way to feed ANYONE, especially children!! Traveling outside of this country & seeing how they eat will prove it in many instances!

      8. Meg Avatar

        Agreed, those are huge claims, and the same big claims have been made at some point in time over almost every other food group. There are always “proven scientific facts” to back them up. Then new studies come out, “proving” previous studies wrong. The science of nutrition is constantly evolving, if you read peer reviewed journals written by doctors and scientists (not bloggers), there are hundreds of conflicting studies. Clearly there is not a single solution to health.

        I can appreciate that a particular style of eating may work for you, but we are all tolerate foods differently. You may thrive on a grain-free diet, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s gospel. The ONLY thing that is achieved by posting such extreme ideas, is confusion in the areas of nutrition and health.

      9. Simona Avatar

        Hi. Im very intested in following a better and healthier lifestyle. I have been getting allergies over the last few months an dnoticed it when I eat a wholesome wheat btread. I understand about not eating grains and possibly legumes. Now my question is, If I Sprout the legumes is it possible to eat them or can I sprout and cook them too?
        Please respond.
        Thank you,
        Simona Michel

      10. Guy Avatar

        Thank you! It’s so frustrating… I keep preaching that the grain thing is a myth, and its in fact very detrimental to the body and I believe is a reason fro several disease, at least in part.

        I have a complicated condition but after making 2 years of food and symptoms logging, I realised the whole grain breakfast i was having at certain times was the culprit.

        Processed Grains don’t affect me as much as whole grain but it’s still sub par.

        Unfortunately, I cannot eliminate these foods from my diet because I have several meat/Fruit related restrictions and I can barely eat any meals at all anymore. All of which involve bread or pasta.

        The other issue is that limiting diet can have detrimental mental ramifications, which are a concern to me.

      11. Angela Avatar

        Hi Wellness Mama! I loved your article on detoxing safely and it lead me here. My question to you is my blood sugar tends to drop easily. How can I prevent that if I eliminate all grains and sugars? Please let me know. I am currently doing a Diatomaceous earth detox. I have been taking 1 tsp in water 1st thing in the am for about a month. I have been mildly nauseous, and having heart palpitations pretty regularly which i never have! You say it can make the process more comfortable to eliminate grains and sugars. Please help with any suggestions of how to keep blood sugar at healthy levels while doing so. THANK YOU! You are an inspiration!


    1. Lizzie Avatar

      Who Believes Grains Are Bad For You?

      On one hand, there are well-respected and knowledgeable PhDs, medical doctors and dietitians who believe that grain consumption is detrimental to health. In researching the anti-grain argument on the web, however, it became very clear that many of the websites bashing grains were personal blogs and group web pages run by people with little to no scientific background or training. This doesn’t discredit them automatically, but brings up an interesting point. I found that scientific support of their conclusions was either lacking, or taken from bits and pieces of different research papers (mostly out of context) and combining it with theory.

      Who Believes Grains Are Healthy?

      This group of people was made up mostly of physicians, epidemiologists (people who study the patterns, causes and effects of health and disease conditions in defined populations) and researchers. Cites and sources espousing the benefits of grains include the Mayo Clinic, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, National Institutes of Health, and the Harvard School of Public Health. Their stance is backed by large volumes of peer-reviewed literature, including huge review studies examining thousands and thousands of people. Could all of these establishments be misguided or part of a larger conspiracy as the anti-grainers would have you believe?

      It is not out of the realm of possibility, and certainly it is possible that the research doesn’t tell the whole story. Take fat, for example. Until relatively recently, the traditional medical establishment viewed dietary fat as the cause a host of diseases and encouraged people to essentially avoid it at all costs.

      This turned out to be inaccurate, so it is important to look at the bigger picture and take all research with a grain of salt.

      1. Janice Avatar

        Safely eating fat is not a recent discover. Dr. Atkins said this years ago. Also, the Zone Diet and South Beach Diet also say you can eat fat; just the right kind and in moderation.

        In addition, doctors know virtually NOTHING about nutrition. In some medical schools currently it’s not even a requirement in class curriculum.

      1. Viv Avatar

        And Oats is not full of gluten. . And there is no proof gluten harms people only some. with sensitivity . There is no reason why a kid should not have a bowl of oatmeal.
        Oatmeal is a whole grain, and can lower your risk for several diseases, including high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. and heart disease . Plyus adds fiber.

      2. Viv Avatar

        First off I should thank you for allowing opposing comments on your blog. The Palio folks do not for the most part. I suggest you for your sake and your kids do other research than to listen to the anti grain movement. Sure you can eat other foods but hard to get enough nutrients and calories from them. Tons of fruit = sugar . There are many benefits we are learning from certain properties found in grains. I suggest reading about oats, a grain that does not have gluten in it.

      3. Anna Kremer Avatar
        Anna Kremer

        The other side of the coin: Grains are good for humans.

        Points that stood out to me:
        Phytic acid is digestible by humans
        Phytic acid is good for humans
        Grains are good for humans if freshly ground
        Unsprouted grains provide nutrients that sprouted grains do not
        Sprouted grains provide nutrients that unsprouted grains do not

        And here is one explaining why gluten is good for the 99.25% of humans who aren’t allergic to it:

        I’m interested to know what you think of these two articles.

    2. Rhett Avatar

      I know of this sadly many dont listen they want to take a medication to offset the effects like heartburn, acid indigestion, acne, etc there is no magical pill you have to stop poisoning yourself. I gave up grains a few years ago i dont have anymore symptoms, My cholesterol dropped no high blood pressure etc. I eat mostly meats and vegetables , and fruits. When you experiment on yourself you will see the changes, my doctor encourages not eating grains as we have seen the lie which we were all told back in the early 80s about grains finally coming to what it is now.

    3. Peggy Avatar

      I heard Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist talk on Wheat Belly on public tv.
      I had accidently found out years ago that wheat was not good for me by reading Eat Right For Your Blood Type, and I stopped eating it for a while and got rid of a problem that 3 doctors couldn’t figure out in over 9 years.
      But gradually started eating it again, until it was a big part of my diet.
      Not too long ago I discovered that I had rheumatoid arthritis and did a lot or research on the problem. Part of it said that your body is attacking itself. I thought that was a dumb thing for a body to do, so I thought, “There has to be some other reason” So I started researching.

      With the r.a. my knees have been swollen for quite some time, my fingers are starting to cause pain and change direction. I’ve been rubbing Medi Paws on the aches which has been amazing and the pain disappears in seconds. But this was not curing the problem.

      Finally after hearing Dr. Davis I thought, “Why not give that a try, it won’t hurt anything and I know it solved my other problem” So I’ve been grain free for almost 1 and a half months.

      My knees have gone down to normal size!!! I forgot what they used to look like.
      I have more energy throughout the day, I have lost the craving to eat constantly, I can almost forget to eat. Dr. Davis was right, wheat causes a wheat and sugar addiction. I was constantly fighting not to eat sugar, now I can take it or leave it.

      I’ve gone down from a seemingly 7 month pregnant fat belly to a 2 month fat belly, and I’ve lost 2 inches off my waist.

      I’ve been on tons of diets over the years and this is the easiest yet. I don’t have to fight cravings all the time, this is so hard to believe. But I LOVE IT!

      I intend to stay off wheat for the rest of my life. I proved it’s worth for myself.

      1. Teresa Avatar

        Good job! I read “Wheat Belly” a few weeks ago. I intend to read “Grain Brain” very soon.

      2. Genny Avatar

        The people making negative post on here really need to do some research. I also saw Dr. Davis on PBS and heard this from other doctors as well. First off I want to say I am so glad I seen it. I had edema in my ankles, I had a fat face like I was on prednisone, and was having to take my mother’s lasix pills to keep from going into heart failure. I told my doctor about this and was given a low dose diuretic (water pill) this did not help and when my hormones changed during my monthly cycle the swelling was worse. I stopped eating sugar and salt but still had the swelling. Then I stopped eating breads/oatmeal/pasta and noticed I did not have as much swelling but I was still eating brown rice. I saw that program and stopped eating grains, whole or other wise. The Doctor said that 20 years ago grain was genetically altered for mass production and this changed the properties of it. I noticed now that even skinny people have small pot bellies. I figured it had to be something in our food. I don’t have the fat face anymore, my ankles are almost back to normal, I can see spaces inbetween my fingers, and I DON’T FEEL LIKE I HAVE TO EAT ANYTHING, I MEAN I AM NOT HUNGRY AT ALL!!! This has been after only 3 days with grain products. I am hoping I don’t cave in and eat something but if I keep feeling like this it will be a big motivator not to cave in. Almost every symptom Dr. Davis named I had depression, blotting, problems with my bowel elimination, hair falling out (I lost much of my eyebrows and have bald patches in my head), low sex drive, and low energy. I do have the withdrawal which he said would happen and this just makes you feel sick. Oh and my left knee stopped hurting when I walk down stairs. I wish these manufactuers stop messing with our food so they can make more money.

    4. Linda Avatar

      Katie, I love your website. So user friendly and full of good information. How wonderful you’ve done this for your young family! And how wonderful I get to benefit from all your research. I want to go gluten and grain free (not an easy transition) and found it really helps and is about the only way at my age to lose weight (66). My question is, according to nourishing traditions, and I believe on your site as well, soaking wheat grains to make sourdough bread is okay? What is your opinion. I’ve read so many things and can’t remember if you do that for your family or your take on that. Could you address that, please?

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        I think sprouting and fermenting like with sourdough bread is definitely the best option for those who can handle properly prepared grains. If I eat grains, I do make sure they are properly prepared but personally feel much better off wheat/grains completely.

        1. Raphael Avatar

          I’m considering going grain free for a while. What would be the best rice alternative for a steamed veggie dinner? Lentils? I’m new to this and currently feel a bit overwhelmed after reading the article and many of the comments.

    5. Jessica Avatar

      My daughter was sick in 2013. Hospitalized twice. Doctors didn’t know what was making her sick. Tried the brat diet. Nothing. So for that whole year she was sick,diarrhea, throwing up,fatigue,pale. In the beginning of 2014 as very good friend of mine told me to put her on a gluten free diet. I did just that and to my surprise it worked. In the matter of a week she was beginning to feel better and at two weeks she looked and felt better. She was checked by a specialist. But she was negative on the celiac or gluten because she had been gluten free for a whole year. She had no gluten in her body. I of course owe my daughter’s life to my friend. What would have become of my daughter if she would have never told me. I’m very thankful. Reading your post about grains is so true. I agree 100% . Thank you

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