Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)

Chronic pain is, unfortunately, all too common. From sitting at work, to carrying heavy objects (or toddlers!), to pregnancy, our bodies can get out of alignment. This (combined with a weak core) often leads to lower back pain. Inversion therapy with an inversion table or other inversion tools can help relieve back pain and has many other health benefits too.

What Is Inversion Therapy?

Gravity can cause vertebrae to compress, contributing to back pain and poor circulation. Inversion therapy is when a person’s feet are positioned above their head in order to reverse the effects that gravity has on the body.

As early as 3000 BC, yogis have used inversion to rebalance the body and improve system functions. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, also used inversion to help his patients. In the last half-century, inversion has been used to help patients with back pain and other gravity-related ailments.

Benefits of Inversion Therapy

Whether or not inversion therapy is really beneficial is under some scrutiny in the medical community.

The 2017 clinical guidelines from the American College of Physicians (ACP) state that there is little quality evidence to support the use of inversion over other therapies (though it’s not harmful to most healthy adults).

On the other hand, the clinical evidence that is available, along with the anecdotal evidence of practitioners and patients who have seen benefits (and my own experience), makes me think there must be something to inversion therapy.

Here are some of the ways that inversion can benefit the body:

Improved Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system is vital to the health of the body, especially the immune system. Gravity and muscle contractions move lymph fluid through the body, sweeping away toxins and bacteria. Because many of us sit at desks all day (I’m guilty too!), there are fewer muscle contractions to move lymph fluid through the body. That means the only force that is moving lymph fluid is gravity and the lymph fluid stays in the lower part of the body.

Inversion helps move the lymph fluid through the body by using gravity in reverse. Instead of gravity moving lymph fluid to the feet, it moves it away from the feet and toward the upper body. Then, when you are no longer inverted, gravity helps move lymph fluid again.

Inversion can also improve circulation. A study published in Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation found that inversion reduced muscle tension which can improve circulation and lymph movement.

Reduced Back Pain

Reduced muscle tension is a benefit in its own right, but it can also be helpful in reducing stress and pain. The late Dr. John E. Sarno of the New York Institute for Rehabilitation Medicine believed that most pain was rooted in psychological stresses. He believed that tension in muscles (due to stress) can trap waste and cause pain.

Many studies also show that inversion therapy can reduce back pain. A 2010 study that found decompression of the disc reduced back pain in patients.

Beyond just relieving pain, correcting spinal alignment helps protect nerve function, soft tissue health, and even brain health, health (see this podcast for more on that).

Improved Disc Health

As mentioned above, inversion helps increase the space between vertebral discs. This allows the discs to rehydrate and increase in nutrients. It also helps increase the shock absorption ability of the discs.

Gravity compresses the discs, making them less healthy (and even reduces your height!). When we lay down to sleep at night, the compression is reduced and we regain our height and disc health (unless there are misalignments that prevent this from happening). Inversion is another way to help regain the space between discs.

Reduce Nerve and Joint Pain

The space between the vertebral discs is where nerves live. When the discs are compressed, we can experience pain, pinched nerves, or sciatica. Increasing disc health helps avoid pinched nerves and the pain they cause. Additionally, improving disc health and the space between them can be beneficial in reducing pain from sciatica. In one study, using inversion reduced the need for surgery in 70 percent of patients with sciatic pain. In comparison, only 20 percent of patients found relief in the control group.

Realign the Spine

Many of us have misalignments from daily activities like sitting at a desk, sports, pregnancy, and carrying heavy objects. A misalignment is where a vertebra is out of place and the bone structure is no longer supporting the weight of the body. Soft tissues like ligaments and muscles have to pick up the slack.

Once a vertebra is out of alignment it can be held out of alignment by the muscles and ligaments around it. In this case, even laying down doesn’t reduce compression entirely. But inversion can reduce compression to zero, even when there is a misalignment. A study by Dr. Alf Nachemson found that inversion allowed discs to move back to their proper locations.

Inversion also improves flexibility. A 2013 study found that inversion improved lumbar (low back) flexibility and muscle strength. Both of these help keep the back in alignment.

Turn a Breech Baby

Inversion was one technique my midwife recommended to try and turn my breech baby. The idea is that you give baby a chance to pop back out of the pelvis and turn over. Of course, if you are worried about baby being breech you should only try this per your midwife’s or doctor’s orders. If you aren’t 100% sure baby is breech, inversion could actually cause a breech baby!

How to “Do” Inversion

There are a few ways to use inversion therapy. Here are some of the ways you can reap some or all of the benefits of inversion:

  • Inversion boots – Also known as gravity boots, these attach to a bar (often in a doorway) and allow you to invert. You strap your feet in and then hang upside down. However, you must be strong enough to lower yourself and lift yourself back up. It’s also best practice to have a partner nearby even if you are strong enough to lower yourself. We used these before getting our inversion table.
  • Inversion yoga – Inversion positions like headstand can give you many of the benefits of inversion therapy. However, like the inversion boots, you must be relatively strong to use this technique. I’ve been teaching myself to do a handstand using this headstand table.
  • Lying on the floor with feet on a couch – This technique is not a full inversion but it can give you some of the benefits of inversion by raising the legs above the heart to move fluid out of legs. It’s easy to do for most people too.
  • Lying on the floor with feet up against the wall – While not a true inversion, this can provide some of the benefits of inversion therapy. It’s a little more difficult than putting your feet on a couch but is still relatively easy to do (and doesn’t require any equipment).
  • Fitness ball – You can use a fitness or peanut ball to get some of the benefits of inversion therapy. Sit on the fitness ball and roll your hips forward. Lay back on the ball (and roll if needed) until your head is lower than your hips.
  • Inversion table – My husband used to have trouble with back pain so we have and use this Teeter inversion table which is easy to use and FDA approved. This tool allows you to fully invert even if you’re not strong enough to lower and lift yourself. It can also be used without a partner and gives you the full benefit of inversion. I prefer the inversion table because it is safest for most people and provides the full benefit of inversion.

While there aren’t any studies to support this claim, I have personally found that I sleep better after a session with the inversion table.

Inversion Precautions

While inversion is safe for most healthy people, there are a few exceptions.

  • Inversion raises the pulse and blood pressure so it’s not appropriate for those with heart issues.
  • Glaucoma patients should not use inversion because inversion can cause pressure in the eyes.
  • Inversion may not be safe for children or pregnant women. (Just the thought of being on an inversion table pregnant makes me cringe!)
  • It also can cause headaches and blurred vision in some people.

Every person is different, so it’s always best to talk with your healthcare provider about whether inversion would be helpful to you or if you should avoid it.

Is an Inversion Table Worth It?

If you have chronic back pain and already pay for chiropractic care, physical therapy, or even medication, an inversion table may be a better investment (and has benefits for things other than back pain too!).

I always feel great after using my inversion table and feel like it helps improve my health. I also think there is good science to support its use (even if those studies are small or need more research). Because inversion is harmless for most healthy adults, it’s worth a try!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you tried inversion with an inversion table? What was your experience?

  1. Qaseem, A., Wilt, T. J., McLean, R. M., & Forciea, M. A. (2017, April 04). Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline From the American College of Physicians. Retrieved from
  2. Nosse, L. J. (1978, August). Inverted spinal traction. Retrieved from
  3. Conner-simons, A. (2017, June 24). Dr. John Sarno, 93, Dies; Best-Selling Author Tied Pain to Anxieties. Retrieved from
  4. Apfel, C. C., Cakmakkaya, O. S., Martin, W., Richmond, C., Macario, A., George, E., . . . Pergolizzi, J. V. (2010, July 08). Restoration of disk height through non-surgical spinal decompression is associated with decreased discogenic low back pain: A retrospective cohort study. Retrieved from
  5. Teeter. (2018, August 24). Inversion Table Benefits | FDA Registered Inversion Tables. Retrieved from
  6. Prasad, K. S., Gregson, B. A., Hargreaves, G., Byrnes, T., Winburn, P., & Mendelow, A. D. (n.d.). Inversion therapy in patients with pure single level lumbar discogenic disease: A pilot randomized trial. Retrieved from
  7. Intravital Dynamic Pressure Measurements in Lumbar Discs. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  8. The effect of inversion traction on pain sensation, lumbar flexibility and trunk muscles strength in patients with chronic low back pain. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  9. Heng, M. K., Bai, J. X., Talian, N. J., Vincent, W. J., Reese, S. S., Shaw, S., & Holland, G. J. (1992, January). Changes in cardiovascular function during inversion. Retrieved from
  10. Weinreb, R. N., Cook, J., & Friberg, T. R. (1984, December 15). Effect of inverted body position on intraocular pressure. Retrieved from
  11. Gianakopoulos, G., Waylonis, G. W., Grant, P. A., Tottle, D. O., & Blazek, J. V. (1985, February). Inversion devices: Their role in producing lumbar distraction. Retrieved from

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


17 responses to “Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home)”

  1. Katie Bulmer Avatar
    Katie Bulmer

    I’m a yoga instructor and have also seen and heard anecdotal evidence it reverses the signs of aging. Makes sense as we reverse gravity. Great post!

  2. Sean Avatar

    Oscillate up 30 seconds, down 30 seconds. Continue. I do about 20 minutes up and down. Flows the lymphatic system and circulates waste and nutrition from and to, especially the spine. I like to try to time mine with nutrient rich blood.

  3. Tab Avatar

    I’m very much glad to find this article and I am totally inspired by your work and got some great ideas 🙂 Thanks and keep sharing !!

  4. Jo Avatar

    Yikes, that sounds bad. Have you tried a neck traction device? Saved my life.

  5. J Avatar

    I’ve found my inversion table to be pretty uncomfortable. Plus, I can’t do anything else while I’m on it. I have found a pretty cool way to help with my spinal stenosis and do other stuff at the same time though. A neck traction device has done wonders. You look kinda silly wearing it, but just pump it up and relax for 20 minutes. I can be on my phone and check emails and stuff at the same time too.

  6. Charlotte Avatar

    It’s amazing how many of these things that you write articles on have been taught by parents or grandparents to do just because it’s good for you or will make you feel better. Feet up on the couch or up the wall is one that I have done auntomatically because it just feels good. Proves we have to listen to our instincts more!! Great article again Katie. Thank you!

  7. Lisa Avatar

    Inversion caused Vitreous Degeneration in my eyes, and did very little to help with my back pain.

  8. Sheila Avatar

    I have one and love it. I have spinal stenosis, and inversion does help with the associated nerve pain. It tends to make my sinuses feel a little full, so I only do about 5 minutes at a time, but even that is a big help.

  9. Kenneth F Avatar
    Kenneth F

    I like my inversion table as well. a 10 to 20 minute session feels great. But I do use it for longer periods. Once after cleaning up from work the wife wants to go to the mall. She plans to clean up first and add make up , so I think I will hang up while she gets herself put together. She wakes me up telling me that myself or the dog is snoring. An hour has passed. I felt like I had an eight hour sleep. I now set a timer as I find I can easily fall asleep while inverted.

  10. cheryl Avatar

    I didn’t see the “how to” part of this article………….Benefits of Inversion Therapy (& How to Do It at Home) particularly the use of an inversion table.


  11. Georgia Holden Avatar
    Georgia Holden

    I’ve had neck issues for years including 2 bulging discs and a pinched nerve. Several years ago I had one disc removed and the vertebrae fused. Once I was fully recovered, my surgeon suggested an inversion table to help open up the spacing in my neck and prevent compacting of the discs further. He recommended not more than 5 minutes at a time. I couldn’t believe how good I felt after doing this for just one week. More than just for pain relief, but for over all body health, I am a true believer in inversion!

  12. lynne warren Avatar
    lynne warren

    I started aerial yoga (and now teach it) due to back issues (stenosis/arthritis). I had an inversion chair (I was told a table/boots can cause issues with knees and hips) and it helped some but the aerial hammock really keeps me aligned and the release of my spine is incredible. My back is strong enough now to allow me to do landscaping and lift heavy things. I feel happier, taller, and healthier. It’s also fun so I don’t dread going to class and it’s even more rewarding to see my students get stronger and feel better as well.

  13. Donna Morgan Avatar
    Donna Morgan

    To be fully upside down is extremely uncomfortable for me. With a inversion table, you can “hover” at any angle that’s comfortable. Then progress a little each day.

  14. Anita Avatar

    A word of caution to those who have had vision correction surgery and wanting to use an inversion table – seek the approval of your eye care professional before using. My husband had vision correction (PRK) seven years ago and just recently began using an inversion table. He noticed a change in his vision in one eye and followed up with his eye doctor. He developed a cataract in that eye. His eye doctor advised him that people who have had vision correction surgery should avoid using inversion tables. You live and you learn…

  15. Kathy Webster Avatar
    Kathy Webster

    I bought an Inversion Chair 10 yrs ago for Canadian $50 – ridiculously cheap. With this, your knees are bent to 90 degrees, as are your hips. Then you tilt back, so your hips/butt slide off the chair a bit as your upper body gets lowered. You’re held in by a seatbelt, and your ankles are secured. You do not end up totally inverted. I tilt extremely slowly because I’m prone to vertigo. I get good upper spine stretch, but I think full inversion would give me the lower back stretch I really need.

  16. Lori Avatar

    How long do you invert each time on your inversion board? I bought one for sciatica but have not been able to invert or longer than 3 or 4 minutes at a time. It’s very uncomfortable on my eyes though I don’t have glaucoma. Not sure if such a short period of time really helps anything.

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