15 Humic Acid Uses & Benefits

Katie Wells Avatar

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The benefits of humic acid
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » 15 Humic Acid Uses & Benefits

I’ve written about how I take fulvic acid to aid in digestion and immunity. But did you know that fulvic acid is a subcomponent of something called humic acid?

Like fulvic acid, humic acid contains a wide variety of minerals, including trace minerals. They are similar in molecular structure, but unique in its benefits and chemical makeup.

Where Does Humic Acid Come From?

Fascinatingly, humic acid is the byproduct of an 80 million-year-old geological process. Humification happens when the right combination of organic matter combines with certain geological conditions, such as pressure and temperature. Humates form as ancient seaweed, plants, vegetation, and fruit trees compress over time, leaving us with a mineral-rich humic acid shown to drastically benefit human health.

Humic acids are important because they help make nutrients in the soil available, instead of locked within the soil. How?

It all comes down to oxidation, which gives humic acids a net negative charge. This helps attract positive ions, like calcium and iron, bind to them in what’s called a cation exchange capacity. This process helps aid in root growth and ultimately plant growth, transferring those important micronutrients into bioavailable food.

humic acid katie

Don’t be fooled by the name! Humic acid is not actually acidic but is rather highly alkaline. This is important because the higher the pH values, the more water-soluble it becomes, and therefore more bioavailable to your body.

Why Do We Need Humic Acid?

Humic acid is filled with minerals that are essential for every aspect of your health. Your body needs minerals for things like bone development, heart health, eye health, digestive health, and even mental health. Minerals also work together with other vitamins and enzymes to carry out important chemical reactions in the body.

When something starts to break down in your body, it can almost always be associated with a mineral deficiency.

Why Can’t We Get All Our Minerals From Food?

Ideally, we’d be able to get all our minerals from plant food grown from mineral-rich soil. Unfortunately, large-scale commercial agriculture uses soil-depleting methods and agricultural chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides, which negatively affects the soil pH.

One hundred years ago, farmers made it a priority to maintain soil fertility by using soil amendments, or conditioning the dirt for optimal health. They did this by putting rich compost back into the soil, and rotating crops to let their fields rest and heal in between harvests. When our food production system became commercialized, it was no longer economically feasible for farmers to put back nutrients into the soil on such a large scale. (Although you can in your own home garden!)

As minerals decline in the food supply, health problems inevitably increase. Many heart conditions are associated with deficiencies of minerals like chromium, copper, magnesium, selenium, and potassium.

Thankfully, supplementing with humic acid can help fill in the gaps.

15 Benefits of Humic Acids

Humic acid is filled with essential minerals that your body needs to function at its best. Here are the top 17 reasons your body could benefit from adding it to your shelf of supplements.

1. Prevents Mineral Deficiencies

A deficiency in even a single mineral like magnesium is associated with dozens of conditions and can impact your thyroid, endocrine system, heart, and bones. Humic acid is filled with trace minerals to help your body running smoothly.

2. Alleviates the Common Cold

If you’re feeling sick, humic acid might just be the remedy you need. A 1991 study found that regular doses of humic acid and fulvic acid could help alleviate the symptoms of the common cold quickly and comfortably.

3. Fights Bronchitis

Aside from the common cold, humic acid might be able to help as natural remedy for bronchitis. One comprehensive study found that the use of fulvic and humic acids in chronic bronchitis were even more effective than conventional drug therapies at alleviating symptoms. Best of all, they found it works fast and safely for kids.

4. Gives Plants Minerals From Soil

As I mentioned above, humic and fulvic acids help make nutrients available to plant roots. These acids are abundant in soil organic substances like leonardite, a sedimentation layer near the surface of the earth. When humic acid is present, important minerals and metals become absorbable through cell walls. This process even helps minerals like iron, which is usually not very mobile, transport into the plant.

5. Fights Cancer

Fulvic acid, which is a humus (or in the same family as humic acid), might be able to help aid in cancer treatments. One 2016 study found that fulvic acid seems to kill cancer cells, especially when taken with nitric oxide.

6. Could Improve Thyroid Health

If you struggle with thyroid issues, humic and fulvic acids might be able to help. One 2010 research study on rats found that these acids have a slight hypothyroid effect, which may bode well for those with hyperthyroidism.

7. Protects Against Viruses

Your immune system gets a big boost from humic acid. It helps by gearing up your cell’s defense mechanisms, helping your body more effectively fight viruses like the flu or herpes.

8. Stops the Bleeding in Hemorrhagic Fever

Hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) are serious illnesses caused by viruses like Ebola and yellow fever. Medline Plus notes that there are no effective treatments for this rare viral infections, but one study found that patients with these infections diseases were able to stop the bleeding, restore circulation, remove clots and improve immunity by taking humic extracts.

9. Offers Powerful Electrolytes

Forget coconut water. If you need an electrolyte boost, fulvic acid is the best thing you can do for your body. In fact, one scientific report states that “the concentration of acidic functional groups in fulvic acids is substantially higher than in any other naturally occurring organic polyelectrolyte.” That’s a pretty good reason to kick that Gatorade habit!

10. Bolsters Your Immunity

There are several immune-boosting properties of fulvic and humic acids, all of which help protect against viruses. One study on rats found that supplementing with these acids “resulted in strong humoral immune stimulation.” Another study went even further, finding that humic acids work together to stimulate both the humoral and cellular branches of the immune system. I include it in my list of natural remedies for cold and flu season.

11. Clears Up Skin Conditions

You can also use humic acid externally to help improve certain skin issues. One study analyzed skin quality by dividing participants into different groups, each using different types of soap. After eight weeks, the group that used soap with humic acid noticed a significant improvement in normal skin appearance.

12. Offers Pain Relief

Patients using fulvic/humic acids for other health purposes reported less pain as well as better sleep in several studies.

13. Reduces Free Radicals

A 1995 study found that these ancient substances may reduce the effect of free radicals in the body.

14. Helps Athletes Refuel

Although there are health benefits to sweating, active people that sweat a lot are at a higher risk for losing their body’s minerals. Supplementing with humic acid is a great way for athletes to replenish their minerals, amino acids, enzymes, phytonutrients, and vitamin levels.

15. Improves Memory

It might be particularly useful for older people to supplement with humic acid, especially when memory problems start to arise. One study found that humic acid can help inhibit memory problems in those with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease, as well as help improve other memory impairments.

Bioavailable Sources of Humic Acid

As with any supplement, if it can’t be effectively used by the body, you are just creating expensive urine. I’ve researched four questions to ask when determining the quality of a particular brand:

  1. Is it water-soluble? One way to tell how pure and bioavailable humic and fulvic acids are is to see how well they dissolve with and bind to water. The finer and more concentrated the humic and fulvic acids are, the more bioavailable it will be.
  2. What’s the pH? A high quality source of humic/fulvic acids should be very alkaline, with a pH of at least 10.
  3. What do the labs say? The best quality humic acids are lab-approved. Read through the results and make sure it’s made with organic compounds, it’s non-GMO, and has not come into contact with acid rain, which could affect the soil pH.
  4. Did it come from New Mexico? Antony Haynes, a leading researcher, claims that humic and fulvic acid from New Mexico is the highest quality in the world.

What I Use

I’ve evaluated multiple brands of humic and fulvic acid and found one brand that meets the above criteria. BlackMP Living Powder contains over 77 minerals from pure humic and fulvic acid and is sourced from New Mexico. It also contains soil-based organism probiotics in their spore form and has a pH of 10.

Here’s why I recommend this brand:

  • It is top quality and contains high concentrations of humic and fulvic acid
  • It is sourced from New Mexico
  • They make it with certified organic acids
  • No GMOs
  • No contact with acid rain
  • Contains at least 77 minerals and trace elements
  • Uses a powerful blend of 5 SBO Probiotics in their spore form
  • It has an alkaline pH of 10 when mixed with water
  • It is certified drug-free by the Banned Substance Control Group
  • Uses a proprietary extraction process with no heat or chemicals

Bottom Line on Humic Acid Benefits

It is frustrating that our food supply has declined to the point that we truly can’t get all of our nutrients from diet alone anymore. I’ll be the first to say you can’t out supplement a poor diet, however, supplementing with humic acid products might be able to help us replenish our bodies and help keep mineral deficiencies at bay.

I was able to negotiate a 50% discount for Wellness Mama readers on Black MP. Use the code wellnessmama and click here for your discount.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you take any humic or fulvic acid supplements? Tempted to try?

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


53 responses to “15 Humic Acid Uses & Benefits”

  1. Matt Avatar

    Something important to mention is that it’s important that the humic acid be mechanically extracted opposed to chemically extracted. I don’t see a specification on the product you recommended, and the only source I’ve found that is both organic and mechanically separated is from Crucial Four. I just started taking it, hoping for the best with this supplement.

  2. Mike Avatar

    Hi…Does Fulvic Acid remove heavy metals from the body? Is there any tested evidence anywhere of this happening?

    Thanks for the help 🙂

  3. Ali Avatar

    I just tried the “wellnessmama” coupon code today (10/22/18) and it worked. Thank you so much Katie for all your valuable work on the information you find and provide to us!

  4. Amanda Avatar

    What did you find out about the folic acid vs folate?

    Thank you,


      1. Sam Godbold Avatar
        Sam Godbold

        Hi Katie- I love reading your posts and the great detail and research you put into your topics. From a fellow “nutrition nerd”! I actually take a capsule with Humic and fulvic acid as well as pre/Probiotics. I actually recommend it to all my clients for all the reasons you list above. It’s also been proven to remove 74% of glyphosate from the body of the course of 6 weeks. I’d be happy to share more about it with you (and your community) if you’re interested. Thanks for all your work!

  5. Jerry Avatar

    If the fulmic and umaic acids read very alkaline with a ph of 10 they are not acids which would have a ph of less than 7

    1. RICHARD GOLD Avatar

      Black MP powder container label states: “This product when mixed with filtered water produces a stable pH of 10….” “This powder makes alkaline energy water….” Both statements sound erroneous ! It is difficult to remove toxic substances from water. Example: Nitrates is reduced to nitrite through biological processes involving plants, microbes. Nitrosamines cannot be filtered out of the water. Fulvic Acid enhances the absorbency of these toxic substances. Therefor it is necessary to be careful of the water being used with the Fulvic Acid !


  6. Kelly Avatar

    I have a question about lead absorption by Humic acid. A patient of mine purchased allergy research group’s humic acid which is the kind Anthony recommended before, and there is a warning on the bottle that says humic acid binds heavily to lead and there could be lead in the supplement so take at own risk. Has anyone else seen this warning? I’m not sure what to tell her. Open to any suggestions, thanks.

  7. Tanisha Avatar

    Hi Katie!
    Do you know how this compares to adding liquid trace minerals to water (which is what I currently do)? What are some of the benefits that you have seen since you’ve been taking this product? I struggle with toxic thyroid nodules so am curious if this would benefit me.

    BTW – love your blog…big fan…it has really helped me a lot with my own health issues and getting my family healthy. Thank you!

  8. Jeanne Avatar

    Wellness Mama, I really appreciate all the hard work you put into these posts. I’ve been concerned about trace minerals for several years. I’ve been using Dead Sea and Pink Himalayan salts exclusively and have seen positive health changes. Do you know how the Fulvic and Humic acids compare to those natural salts?


    1. Emily Avatar

      I’m wondering the same thing. I also have heard of trace mineral drops. How are these different than Fulvic and Humic acids?

  9. Tina Avatar

    from Wikipedia: Humic and fulvic acids, when present in treated drinking water, can react with the chemicals used in the chlorination process to form disinfection byproducts such as dihaloacetonitriles, which are toxic to humans.

    1. Eddie Avatar

      The solution to the problem of chlorination is a water treatment systems. You do NOT want to drink chlorinated water. Get a good dechlorinating filtration system, preferably an RO system with a remineralizing post-filter (or add your own minerals.)

      1. Deeana Logan Avatar
        Deeana Logan

        What dosage do you give to your children? I have a 5 and a 13 yr. old.

      2. Alexis DeJonge Avatar
        Alexis DeJonge

        Hi Katie,
        I have hypothyroidism and I know you mentioned you had it at one point as well. Wondering if this is safe to take or will it make hypothyroidism worse? The article mentioned it was tested on rats and made them slightly hypo.

  10. Melissa Avatar

    Katie, can you tell me what vitamins/minerals & probiotics you & your family use as well with these each day. Thanks so much.

    1. Anna Avatar

      I’m keen to hear other replies to this, as I’ve been taking it for nearly 2 months and feel no different.

  11. Lauren Avatar

    Quick question regarding the phytoplankton suppliment. After reading all the nutrients it supplies your body, I found that it listed folic acid. Isn’t that something we don’t want to put in our bodies, especially with the mthfr mutation. I thought we were more geared towards folate. Do you have concerns with this?

    1. Melissa Avatar

      Folic acid is the supplemental form of folate. It is very important. Especially in pregnancy & breast feeding.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Checked with them on this and it is a labeling issue. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate that is often used in supplements and that many people are not capable of methylating or absorbing. Folate is important (not folic acid- there is a difference)… I checked with Activation and they list folic acid as the form of folate because it is more familiar to most people. I’m getting documentation on this and will post it soon.

        1. Lauren Avatar

          Thanks so much. I have tried to cut most of the products with folic acid out of my diet and switched suppliments as well. I am very interested in this product as well as the other you have listed (already do magnesium baths and oil). Curious though, what do you think about dessicated liver as a suppliment as well?

      2. Carol L Avatar

        Some people have a “mutation” called mthfr, which prevents them form properly absorbing folate (folic acid), found in almost ALL vitamin B complex offerings. They must get a specific type of the vitamin, specific for mthfr genetic individuals. We DO take the vitamin, but it must be specifically formulated for the mthfr gene.

      3. Joseph Avatar

        Folic Acid is a man-made poison to those of us with the MTHFR genetic mutation. We must use the activated form of folate–5-Methyltetrahydofolate and other similar variations. Stay away from folic acid. Folic acid is canned to most wheat products.

  12. Kayla Avatar

    Thanks, Katie. I read your blog all the time. I really appreciate you doing such extensive research. Keep up the amazing work.

  13. danni Avatar

    Can this be used during pregnancy? I have ordered a one month supply as I have my doubts about prenatals. I am now seeing conflicting reports if it is safe to use or not. Some say its ok and others say it isn’t.

  14. Anna Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama

    I’ve been using the BlackMP powder for well over a month now (I used your discount code from a previous post, thanks!!), but even after reducing the dosage to 1/4 of the tiny spoon provided I’m still feeling detox-like symptoms, in particular brain fog and intense tiredness. Should I ‘push on’ or is it possible that this powder just doesn’t agree with me?

    In case it matters, I’m on a clean diet (I’ve been AIP for over 2 years).


  15. Melissa Avatar

    If I were to use this daily. Would I still need other minerals/vitamins & probiotics? Can you tell me exactly what you & your family take daily?

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