Is Fermented Cod Liver Oil Safe or Rancid?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Fermented Cod Liver Oil- Safe or Rancid
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Is Fermented Cod Liver Oil Safe or Rancid?

I’ve written in depth before about the supplements I personally take, which for a long time included fermented cod liver oil.

If you follow many bloggers in the natural health community, you’ve probably seen the recent drama about the potential quality issues with fermented cod liver oil. I delve into this in depth below but the summary of my personal current opinion on the issue is that:

  1. There is conflicting evidence on the safety of fermented cod liver oil (and more recently even on the safety of any omega-3 supplements) that warrant more research.
  2. Health and nutrition continue to become more and more personalized so what works for me is not likely to work for you and vice versa.
  3. I personally am focusing on getting all nutrients from food whenever possible and with rare exception and am sticking to foods like sardines and other low-mercury fish in place of supplements.

It is important to note that this is strictly my personal opinion and is in no way close to medical advice (nor is any information on this website). As always, I encourage you to do your own research and due diligence on any health related decisions.

FCLO Drama…

Fermented Cod Liver Oil is considered a traditional food that has been recommended by the Weston A. Price Foundation and many real food bloggers (including me) for years. It was even the WAPF recommended brand for use in homemade infant formula and many members take it religiously.

On August 21, 2015, Weston A. Price Foundation Vice President Dr. Kaayla Daniel released a 100+ page report detailing the results of independent lab tests that she had on samples of Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil and that alleged major issues with the brand, including rancidity, lower levels of nutrients than were claimed, and sourcing issues.

Dr. Daniel’s report claims that FCLO is not actually fermented, is rancid, putrid, and adulterated with other (cheaper) oils. It also alleges that there are lower levels of fat soluble nutrients in FCLO than claimed and that the oil isn’t even from cod. Serious claims from a well-respected person in the real food community.

Understandably, this has left many people in the real food community reeling and looking for answers. I’ve gotten many emails, comments, and social media messages in the last few days asking what my take on the subject is, and have spent a lot of time researching this myself.

Below is my personal opinion and research on this issue based on the information available right now. I will continue to update this post as more information is revealed.

My hope is that no matter the outcome of further research and study about fermented cod liver oil, the real food community will take this as a lesson in the importance of verifying the quality of supplements and use this as an opportunity to improve the real food movement, rather than to divide the community.

Is Fermented Cod Liver Oil Safe or Rancid?

In short… I don’t know.

Based on the information available from both sides, I don’t think it is possible for anyone (short of Green Pastures, the company producing the fermented cod liver oil in question) to know the answers to all of the questions that many people are asking right now. At the same time, there are some holes in the report from Dr. Daniels and some potential financial ties that have come to light that call her motivation into question.

When our family first started taking fermented cod liver oil years ago, I did a lot of research on the company and on cod liver oil in general (as anyone should do before taking fat soluble vitamins regularly). The only lab reports I was able to find at the time were from Green Pastures and they showed no rancidity in the fermented cod liver oil and verified that FCLO did contain the fat soluble vitamins it was known for.

The recent report from Dr. Daniel calls these tests into question. Her results have the lab company and the party funding the test blurred out, which is somewhat suspect, though I do not think that this necessarily discredits the information in the reports. The report does, however, make some assertions about certain compounds being harmful as a justification for why FCLO is not safe, and some of these claims are not backed by existing science (or are at least controversial).

In the last six months or so, I’ve actually been researching and testing different forms of cod liver oil after readers have inquired about different brands and reported issues they’ve had with FCLO.

My Experience

Our family has seen benefits from taking fermented cod liver oil over the years, including reversal of tooth decay. I’ve also noticed that my skin is naturally more sun tolerant since taking FCLO, probably from the fat soluble vitamins it contains.

At the same time, there is the possibility that the quality of Green Pastures FCLO has changed since I researched it years ago, or that more recent lab testing has been able to reveal problems that were undetectable years ago.

Fermented Cod Liver Oil: The Claims

FCLO is Not Fermented:

There may be some truth to this claim. I’ve talked before about the importance of fermented foods for health, and why the naturally created beneficial bacteria in fermented foods are so important.

The red flag that Daniels explains is that oil cannot ferment. The process of fermentation requires the presence of a carbohydrate as the food for the fermentation process. Many people (including me) assumed that an unnamed carbohydrate was used for the fermentation process but was removed by the process so it was not listed on the ingredients or that the livers themselves were fermented and not the oil (as an oil can’t ferment without another ingredient).

Green Pastures owner Dave Wetzel has been less than transparent about this fermentation process, though supposedly he has brought several WAPF members and high profile bloggers to his facility to see the process and verify its quality. (I have never been to the facility and have no firsthand knowledge of this process, so I have to rely on Dave’s explanation of his process).

This is one area that I hope we see more detail on from Green Pastures and from independent sources in the future. For now, the debate about the process used and what part of the process actually requires fermentation does not necessarily mean that the final product is not high quality, but it does raise some interesting questions to explore.

FCLO is Rancid:

Fats and oils cannot ferment without carbohydrates, so what happens when they are exposed to the conditions of fermentation? In short, they go rancid.

This is the basis for the claims in the new report. The independent lab results from Dr. Daniel show several biomarkers of rancidity in the samples tested (these were not present in the reports I found in my initial research).

In Daniel’s tests, peroxide, free fatty acids and other biomarkers of rancidity were found. I was unable to find clear answers directly from Green Pastures, though I found several older articles and interviews in which Dave states that his product does not contain these biomarkers or that the substances are not harmful. Again, more research is needed from independent sources on this.

Low Levels of Vitamins:

Another claim in the reports is that FCLO contains less fat soluble vitamins than claimed and that the Vitamin D is in the form of D2 and not D3.

The common consensus among medical experts is that D3 is the preferred form, though Green Pastures claims that D2 is equally safe and effective. To be fair, all forms of cod liver oil contain higher levels of D2 and this does not necessarily raise a red flag, but again, more research is needed.

Also, Green Pastures has never made claims, to my knowledge, about the levels of nutrients in their products, carefully explaining that they are a food product and that levels can change.

Not Actually Cod:

The report further claimed that the DNA tests on Green Pastures products showed that the livers used were from Alaskan Polluck, not cod. This seems to be partially an issue of understanding of fish species and families, since:

The Alaska pollock or walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus, formerly Theragra chalcogramma) is a marine fish species of the cod family Gadidae. Alaska pollock is a semipelagic schooling fish widely distributed in the North Pacific with largest concentrations found in the eastern Bering Sea.

After hours of research, I could not find any definitive answer directly from Green Pastures about the origin or species of the fish they use. The closest I could find was Dave’s vague answer from his own FAQs:

Ok, The question arises on the topic of location of the fish. The fish school in the northern, cold waters around the Arctic Ocean. They do not have a nationality and a fish can school for a 1000+ miles in its life. So the relevance of the specific spot the fish is cleaned is not relevant to the discussion, ‘is the fish safe to consume’.

Red Flags from the Report

While Kaayla’s report certainly raises some concerns about FCLO, it also raises some concerns about its own validity. For instance:

  • The labs used for the testing and who paid for the independent testing is not disclosed. This isn’t necessarily a red flag on its own, but given the rumored history of drama within the WAPF organization, I think it deserves further investigation. Given how much heated press this report has generated, I can certainly understand the potential desire of a donor to remain anonymous in the report,  but it does raise a red flag.
  • Though I have no firsthand experience with any of the board members of WAPF, including Sally Fallon or Dr. Daniel, reports of internal drama run rampant in the real food community. In fact, I avoided joining the WAPF for years partially because of these claims. We have not heard an official response from WAPF or Green Pastures yet, and I think that thoroughly evaluating both sides will be an important step for any of us looking to understand the long term validity of these claims.
  • The one funding source that Kaayla mentions in the report, Dr. Ron Schmid ND, has a long and somewhat dramatic history with FCLO. He reportedly took (really large doses- above the recommended amount) of regular cod liver oil and then fermented cod liver oil for decades and attributes them to his severe heart disease. He has also stated publicly that he attributes his miraculous recovery from heart disease with discontinuing taking FCLO. Not exactly an unbiased source. Again, this does not discredit the information, but does raise some additional questions.
  • While Daniels lists sources for many of her claims, she doesn’t list her sources for many of her quotes. In fact, while she says she talked to many experts (including “top university professors, scientists, researchers, lab managers, doctors and other health care practitioners”), these sources are unnamed for many of her more serious allegations. Obviously, these claims would carry much more weight if they were substantiated and sourced.
  • It also raised a red flag for me that Daniel has a call to action for her own services in the report, saying: “Finally, if you think you have health challenges related to FCLO consumption, share your story with friends, colleagues . . . and me. If you think you’ve been harmed, I would like to offer you a FREE mini appointment by phone or face-to- face on Skype. To share your story or to make your appointment, contact me at ***********” I can understand her desire to help others if she truly feels that FCLO is harmful, but a report making these allegations does not seem like the appropriate place to make this offer. Again, not a reason to discredit the report, but a red flag.
  • Emerging information has also revealed some potential political ties from the new organization Dr. Daniels founded after leaving/being forced out of WAPF and the makers of the Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil product she recommends. In other words, the company she recommends as an alternative to FCLO is a sponsor of her new organization so she may have a bias here. Additionally, there is a lot of information floating around about potential conflict within the old organization hierarchy of WAPF that suggests there may be much more to the story on both sides.

The Bottom Line

Based on the available information at this time, it is extremely difficult or impossible to draw a definitive conclusion on the issue of the quality of Green Pastures FCLO or other CLO products. I think that this whole “scandal” is a symptom of a much bigger problem- the mud slinging between competing companies and emerging attacks on both sides of the fence.

The report brings up some serious points and hints at some possible misleading information from Green Pastures over the years. As a mom who has given FCLO to my own family for years and seen good enough results to share my experience with you, I am extremely angry and disappointed in Green Pastures if any of these claims turn out to be true. At the same time, there are some serious holes in the Dr. Daniel’s report and the potential financial ties to the new company bring up more questions.

I think more research and disclosure is needed from both parties, and like I said, I hope that all of us in the real food community will use this as an opportunity to improve, learn more, and get to the truth, and not as an excuse to argue and divide.

At the end of the day, I have to hope and trust until I see evidence to the contrary that both the founders of Green Pastures and Dr. Daniel are interested in health and serving their communities and continue to evaluate any information as objectively as possible.

At the same time, I don’t think either side is unbiased.

Green Pastures, of course, derives a profit from the sale of their FCLO. Dr Daniel has a rumored history of contention with different parties within WAPF and with Green Pastures as well as potential financial ties to the new EVCLO company. Again, none of these are relevant to the validity of the data in the reports or even necessarily to the motivation of either party, but they do provide a possible motivation for slanting information one way or the other.

At the end of the day, things are rarely what they seem on the surface and my guess is that we will continue to find more from both sides of this story.

What Our Family is Doing

As I mentioned, after many reader questions, I have been researching FCLO and alternative cod liver oil sources for months.

Since there is so much conflicting information on the issue right now, please share any information or research you’ve found in the comments below. Has your opinion of FCLO changed as a result of this report?

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


329 responses to “Is Fermented Cod Liver Oil Safe or Rancid?”

  1. Andreas Avatar

    Hello community,

    Just want to give a quick and short answer, that everybody understands: oils cannot ferment!! It is the (cod) liver that is fermented. Fermentation only works with the presence of carbohydrates. In the liver there is glycogen (a form of glucose=carbohydrate) and those glycogen stores in the liver are what ferments.

    official response (and more information) from WAPF to the report by Dr. Daniel:

  2. Char Avatar

    I have been looking for a post like this… I just ordered GP’s FCLO. I took two capsules last night and one tonight. I have been experiencing brain fog, tiredness, irritability and a slight headache. I slept like a log last night and had a strange dream about a rat infestation. I always tough out detox, so I’m not sure if I should stop taking this, or keep on going to see if it goes away. I’ve suspected that I could have histamine tolerance problems, but I tried a low histamine diet without any improvement. I don’t know what to think about these odd symptoms…

  3. Joel Avatar

    I only have my experience to go by, and it has been favorable. I feel my teeth have been in better condition in recent years since I’ve started taking it.

    Regarding the taste, I order the “infused coconut oil” form, where the FCLO is blended in banana-carob flavored coconut oil, and I find it pleasant.

  4. Anna Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama

    Thanks for taking the time to break this down for us. I’m keen to hear when there are any further updates.

    I’m always such an advocate for taking natural options, and I feel like this type of thing just provides fodder for the naysayers. And it also leaves me feeling distrustful and cynical. What’s next? Are we going to find out that our other favourite organic / natural / grass fed / whatever products are dodgy??

    1. Justin R Avatar

      I think this underlines the importance of being informed consumers. I think something like 70% organic food comes from a handful of companies. I’d imagine it is very difficult to answer to a board of directors and still do things the way that you like. I am a bit jaded, but my feeling is that most large companies will take whatever shortcuts we allow. Ideally we’d see/talk to the people in charge of feeding us. I haven’t done this myself, but it might be worth feeling out more companies by asking questions of there customer support departments.

  5. Shay Avatar

    Well I finally broke down and bought FCLO after reading so many rave reviews about it. Not even a week later the Dr. Daniels report comes out on it….ugh. So today I called Green Pastures to request a return on the FCLO….they didn’t ask me one question as to why. The lady simply stated, “I will give you a full refund on your order, and you can keep the product as a free gift from us”. I said, “thank you very much”. Either they know their product is legit and great and trust that I will consume it and love it, or they know they are guilty of selling a fraudulent item. I just appreciated the zero hassle from the company that speaks volumes to me.

    1. LAURA Avatar

      i bought it about a week ago too. it literally arrived a day after the report came out. i bought mine from Radiant life though. 🙁 i will try calling and is if they can refund me.

  6. Meg Avatar

    Thank you so much, Wellness Mama, for the well balanced information. I wasn’t aware of the new report from Dr Daniels and I’ve been taking FCLO/BO blend religiously for two years and also giving it to my toddler son. I’m not sure what to think yet. . .but I’ve not had any adverse affects to the oil and enjoy taking it. I’m now pregnant and will finish up my newly opened bottle and then decide what to do. I feel as though it is a staple of my healthy diet and one that I’m not quite ready to stop yet.

  7. Anita Avatar

    I think Weston Price said something about cod liver oil in small amounts being very beneficial and in large doses being poison, so the guy in your article that took large amounts and then blamed his heart disease on it may have been correct. While I do think it’s important to maintain and expect high standards and quality from the supplements you take, I feel Dr. Daniels did a disservice to Green pastures and their customers by doing this report that seems to be very antagonistic and lacking any objectivity. The way she throws around words like rancidity and fermentation without any knowledgable clarification seems to only be there to create negative emotion in the reader. I think it’s unfair and very wrong of a person in her position to have behaved in such a way. I honestly don’t know if at least some of the accusations may be correct. But even if they are not, Green Pastures will probably suffer as a result. I agree that the health food/whole food/eating healthier whatever we are group of people should ban together for. Better products and services rather than trying to decide which is definitely what Dr Daniels has done. I think she should be removed from her position at the Weston Price foundation because of it.

    1. M. J. Avatar

      The Court of Public Opinion is not always fair and balanced–you are correct that GP (and its retail partners) will undoubtedly suffer substantially from the way this whole matter was handled from the start regardless of the outcome. Like Katie, I think there’s some culpability on three sides: GP for not adequately answering all questions, WAP for not being proactive and thus waiting too long to address Dr. Daniels’ allegations, and Dr. Daniels for approaching the matter in a way more worthy of The National Enquirer.

  8. robyn Avatar

    hi, what about Nordic Naturals. They are reputed to have high standards of manufacturing.

  9. Ivy Avatar

    Very interesting article! It will be good to hear more about FCLO. I was taking FCLO and had great benefits from it- it seemed to help my eyes and the best part was I had so much energy! Then I started to feel nauseated and could tell when I would take FCLO that it wasn’t making me feel so well. I had my vitamin A levels tested and they were too high! I was taking more than the recommended dose and the multi vitamin I take also contains vitamin A (in both forms). So I have stopped taking it for the time being. But what I am curious about is that if you supposedly have a natural vitamin A source how easy is it to overdose on vitamin A? Or can you only overdose on synthetic vitamin A? Or is it when you don’t have enough vitamin D present that you can overdose on fat soluble vitamin A (I thought I read something about that in the cure tooth decay book by ramiel nagel)? Or can you overdose on any fat soluble vitamin (since they store in the fat (?))? Anyways I did think FCLO did help me until I got too much vitamin A. I just resumed taking the fish oil my chiro sells (w/o the vitamin A). It will definitely be interesting to see what other news will be released about Gp’s FCLO.

  10. Anna N Avatar

    There is a great alternative – Rosita Cod Liver Oil that is raw and not fermented. Dr. Beverly Meyer has a great podcast with the founder of Rosita.

  11. Christianna Avatar

    Very well written, Katie. I am excited to hear what becomes of this. Personally, my family completely stopped taking FCLO 6 years ago. I have met Dave personally and I have been to his facility. I have no scientific evidence for or against him. (Other than the fact that he was, indeed, vague while we were touring his facility in 2008. My Dad is a chemist/microbiologist and was asking touch questions. We both left a little confused at his lack of wanting to share.) All I know is, the FCLO NEVER worked for me and my family. We were constantly burping it, unable to swallow it at times, but marched on taking it in the name of health. Finally, after over a year of getting sick on it and trying every different flavor and way to get it down, I took the advice of my doctor and went back to a non-fermented cod liver oil. My kids started begging for it once we stopped the FCLO! To this very day, they remind me everyday that it’s time to take their cod liver oil. We have tried a few brands, but through muscle testing and also just watching them and listening to them, we decided on the Standard Process brand. I have no idea if it’s the best, but we know it works for us. Out of my 4 kids, my 3rd has had cavities in not-so-ordinary places that showed up when she was 18 months, still nursing, on a totally GAPS diet. We successfully healed both cavities by giving her the Standard Process CLO everyday with a tested amount of Bio Dent for her specifically. We also gave her bone broth most days and just kept her sugar intake to fruits and honey. We did NOT strictly follow the “tooth decay” protocol by Ramiel, but pretty close. Within 6 months, she was healed. To this day, they look great and our dentist can’t even believe that’s what we did.
    Once again, I am very interested to see where this goes. Thank you for your insightful, and non-judgmental blog post. It’s one of the reasons you are the VERY FEW blogging momma’s I still follow. 🙂

    1. LAURA Avatar

      I’m curious as to what Bio-Dent is?? I’m trying to heal my cavities and ordered FCLO about a week ago before i knew about these accusations against GP. ;/
      I’m taking Vitamin D, i was going to take FCLO, and using a remineralizing toothpase. I am going to start making bone broth as well.

  12. Justin R Avatar
    Justin R

    Chris Masterjohn has an interesting take here:

    It does seem like many of the claims against FCLO are incorrect and that Dr. Daniel is biased. As such, I would hesitate to lash out at Green Pastures due to quality issues based on this report. It is easy to quash companies by making false accusations that are difficult to defend. If the tone in the report had been more even/scientific I would be less concerned. When I read a book/article that is biased, I do my best to take the conclusions with a grain of salt. The report certainly seems to fall into this category.

    I do think Green Pastures should be more open and that is something that should affect future purchases. But to attack the quality based on a questionable/biased report could put a good product out of business, removing a viable alternative from the market.

    I dislike regulation. I believe we should be good customers and make our own decisions. I am capable of coming to my own conclusions and dislike others choosing what is safe for me. Especially since our regulatory record is less than desirable.

    I think in this particular case there isn’t enough evidence for either proving or condemning the safety/benefit of this or any particular fish oil supplement. The best we can do as consumers is read pubmed references on fish oil and make inferences on what makes a particularly good brand of fish oil.
    Having a transparent product would definitely make me feel more at ease with Green Pastures and I hope that Green Pastures takes this into account in the future.

    At this point I am concerned with mercury in fresh fish, rancidity in unfermented oil, and histamines from fermented fish oil. I will probably stick with fresh fish, but if my histamine problem resolves I will reconsider FCLO.

    1. Diana Avatar

      I was just about to post this link! Worth reading.

      I shall be continuing to take my FCLO and giving it to my family. The results we’ve had speak for themselves.

      Read as much as you can and make your own decisions. I’d avoid reader comments – which is funny as I’m posting one! 🙂

  13. Elisa Avatar

    Did you get the rebuttal email from Green Pasture?

    For me, it always comes down to trust. Do I trust this company?
    I still do. It makes no sense for me that the FCLO is rancid. Wouldn’t we all get belly aches? It definitely helps with reversing cavities.

    Who is this lady with the labs and what is her motive? Is she with the “big shots”, trying to shut down a good company?

    I guess we’ll just wait and see. I hope Green Pasture still has integrity. We’re going to finish our 3 bottles of FCLO and then maybe wait to buy some more.

  14. Abu Sumayah Avatar
    Abu Sumayah

    Clearly there is a lot of doubt at present, in regards to the quality of this particular product. As for “the Naughty Nutritionist” then I really wouldn’t trust the lady as far as I could throw her. The reason being, she wrote some material in critique of ketogenic diets that was extremely biased and full of unsubstantiated and claims that were extremely weak to say the least.

    From what I understand, among the main reasons of consuming cod liver oil is to get vitamin A in its bio-available form as well as vitamin D and omega 3s, Cool. For vitamin A: eat liver, For vitamin D: get sunlight. For omega 3s: eat more seafood. Personally, I think fish is not recommended enough by paleo authors. The 1 pound (453 g) recommendation of Jaminet is not enough in my view. I eat twice this amount, as well as a good serving of shellfish once a week.

    Paleo advocates will go on and on about how fish has polyunsaturated fats that aren’t stable yet many promote fish oil! Fish has co-factors like IODINE that prevent the fats from oxidizing but many don’t know that. Why? Because they look at studies that research omegas 3’s in isolation.

    If you eat real seafood you won’t need to worry about fish oil supplements. Simple as that. I’d rather eat real seafood from the ocean than a dodgy oil from a lab.

  15. Judy Avatar

    Just started taking a bottle as I have 3 cavities under crowns. One can be fixed and i will have to pull the other two as can’t afford new crowns. I was hoping that the Fermented Cod Liver Oil would fix these. Has anyone ever gotten rid of cavities in their teeth.

    1. Elisa Avatar

      Definitely works for cavities, IMO. Used it for my little kids. Takes time, but works.

  16. johnna Avatar

    Wellness Mama, thank you for this article. It’s funny. Everyone keeps making a point of “fermenting” oils, and whether or not this is possible. When I read the name Fermented Cod Liver Oil (FCLO), I have always taken it to mean that the oil is NOT what is fermented, but rather, the cod livers themselves. Now that is definitely possible. I assumed that the fermented cod livers were then diffused or somehow emulsified into a carrier oil. I am likely using all the incorrect terminology, but my point is, I believed the word fermented was an adjective for the cod livers and not the oil.

    This week Chris Kesser also came out with his take on Dr. Daniels’ report. Like you, Wellness Mama, he saw the need for more transparency and research overall, but did not believe that the report indicated definitively the FCLO was rancid. I think there was something like 2 out of 5 labs indicating bio-markers for rancidity (sorry if I have the exact stats incorrect here; I do not have his article or the Daniels report in front of me). If some of the FCLO samples were indeed rancid and there was something inherently wrong with the production process, it seems to me ALL of the samples would have had bio-markers pointing strongly towards rancidity, but they did not.

    I am not a WAPF member, nor do I have any particular skin in this game other than I care very deeply about feeding my family and myself the highest quality real foods and supplements (when necessary) that I can. I have taken the FCLO on a daily basis for years, and my heart, teeth, and bones are in excellent shape. I see no need to change now based on the Daniels report.

    The one thing that has raised cause for suspicion in my mind is that your article and Kesser’s link to the Rosita brand of EVCLO. He did mention below his article that he gets a small compensation for any sales made by following his link. You did not do so, at least not anywhere that I saw. You are generally good about noting such things in the face of full disclosure, so perhaps you are not acting as an affiliate for that particular product at this time. If you are, however, benefiting from the sales of that product, that is no less objectionable to me than Dr. Daniel’s making the hue and cry for her services at the end of an alleged scientific report was to you. I find it questionable to link to another product for your your own financial gain when discussing the subject of this report and possible rancidity. Not saying you don’t have the right to do it and that you should never do it, but I am saying there is a better time and place — perhaps a whole new blog entry on EVCLO. Just my opinion.

    Again, thank you for your hard work and thoughtful contributions to the real food community.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Thanks for the in-depth comment. I agree that I’ve also seen great results from FCLO in the past and am not convinced that it is not safe to take. I assumed the same about the “fermentation” process and think there is more to the story on both sides, and I hope that more information does come out on this in the coming weeks and months.
      As for affiliate links… great question and I’m happy to clarify. I’ve recommended FCLO with affiliate links (to Radiant Life) in the past, and now have those links pointing to the EVCLO until there is more clarification on FCLO, at which point I will re-evaluate. My affiliate disclosure that I link to at the top of every post lists Radiant Life as one of the companies I believe in and shop from myself, and thus sometimes link to with affiliate links. This is not something I’ve ever tried to hide, and I’d recommend these products with or without affiliate links. the link above is an affiliate link, which I felt comfortable using since I was just stating what I am taking for now, and I was not making a recommendation either way. If I don’t link to a product, I often get dozens of questions asking where I got it, so it is easier just to link. That being said, I do think a post specifically on EVCLO is a great idea and am working on that.
      Thanks for the comment and feedback.

      1. johnna Avatar

        Thank you for your reply, and I owe you an apology. I honestly did not see the link and disclosure at the top of the page, so my faith is, once again, fully restored in Wellness Mama!

        Keep up the good work, and I look forward to your future post on EVCLO.

  17. Adrienne Avatar

    Hey folks,
    I purchased 4 bottles of FLCO/BO one month ago. I have been researching for years and had finally come to a point where we had the finances. Having said that, with this recent info, I decided to return my bottles before the 30 day unopened point and purchase again in the future when I feel more confident again. When I called Friday afternoon, I spoke with a customer service rep named Genie. She said to keep the product as a free gift and they would refund my purchase in full. She made clear they are confident in their product and feel they will come out on top of these allegations. I am still not going to take them right now, but to anyone who has purchased them within the last few months, I would def call and see what they offer financially.
    Hope that helps some of the financial burden at least!

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