Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Earthing and grounding- how to do it and when not to
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many people report amazing benefits, while critics point out the lack of solid scientific studies supporting this practice.

Let’s delve into the evidence:

What is Earthing or Grounding?

In short, earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to touch soil, sand, water, or a conductive surface that is in contact with the earth.

From a scientific perspective, the idea is that the earth has a mild negative charge to it. Over time, especially in modern life, our bodies build up a positive charge. Direct contact with the earth can even out this positive charge and return the body to a neutral state.

Many people don’t have this contact with the earth anymore, and some experts wonder if this is a contributor to the (many) rising health problems we face today. As a population, we wear rubber shoes and live indoors. In theory, many of us could go years without directly touching the earth at all, even if we’re outside.

Over time, the theory is that this positive charge builds and can lead to health problems.

Earthing Science 101

If you’re interested in the deeper science, Dr. Briffa gives a more detailed explanation:

During the normal processes of metabolism the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’. These compounds appear to be important, at least in part because they have the ability to attack and destroy unwanted things within the body including bacteria and viruses. However, too many free radicals are a bad thing, and have been implicated in chronic disease and well as the very process of aging.

Free radicals are involved in the process known as inflammation, which is part of the healing process. However, low-grade inflammation throughout the body may lead to pain and other problems in the muscles and joints, and is also believed to be a key driving factor in many chronic diseases including heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In short, we want free radicals, but not too many.

Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons’. One way to quell them is to give them electrons, and these can be supplied by nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, and plant substances known as ‘polyphenols’ (found in, among other things, tea, coffee, cocoa and apples). However, substances we eat and drink are not the only way to get electrons into the body: earthing does this too. If the body has a positive charge on it, earthing allows electrons to flow into the body where, in theory, they can neutralize overblown free radical and inflammatory damage.

Carrying a positive charge may well affect the body in lots of different ways, which means that earthing may offer a range of wellbeing benefits.

Benefits of Earthing & Grounding

According to emerging research, earthing may be beneficial in:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Reducing chronic pain
  • Improving Sleep (I can vouch strongly for this!)
  • Increasing Energy (I noticed this also)
  • Lowering stress and promoting calmness by reducing stress hormones.
  • Normalizing biological rhythms including circadian rhythm
  • Normalizing blood pressure and blood flow
  • Relieving muscle tension and headache (I noticed this)
  • Improving menstrual and female hormone symptoms
  • Speeds healing- used in some places to prevent bed sores
  • Reducing jet lag
  • Protecting the body from effects of EMFs
  • Shortening recovery time from injury or athletic activity
  • Reducing  snoring
  • Helping  support adrenal health

Scientific Evidence for Earthing

This is where the controversy begins. Critics claim that there isn’t any evidence to back up this practice and that it could even be dangerous. Proponents cite anecdotal evidence and a few small studies.

So who is right?

There actually are a couple of small scale studies that looked at the affects of earthing or grounding. One study examined 60 people with chronic pain and sleep troubles. Half of the participants slept on a grounded sheet to simulate earthing. The other half slept on a placebo sheet.

The participants who slept grounded reported reduction in chronic pain, respiratory problems, arthritis, apnea and hypertension while the control group did not.

Another much smaller study found (PDF) that earthing reduced blood viscosity, which is a risk factor in heart disease.

There have also been some preliminary studies on the effects of grounding on cortisol levels and inflammation (PDF) and I’m confident that research will continue in this area.

Grounding and Inflammation

What fascinates me most is the testing done in thermographic imaging, which basically shows a heat map of the body. Heat patterns can signal inflammation in the body.

How to Get Healthy While You Sleep

This thermographic image was taken of a woman who complained of stiffness and chronic pain. The first picture was taken before earthing, and the second, after just 30 minutes of earthing.

Unfortunately, all of the studies on earthing are relatively small and poorly run. Hopefully future research will shed some light on the effectiveness (or not) of earthing, but for now, the strongest evidence seems to be anecdotal.

The possibility of grounding or earthing resolving inflammation is exciting, as many chronic diseases cause and stem from inflammation in the body.

My Experience with Earthing

I first encountered the idea of “Grounding” or “Earthing” when I read the book Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever.

The idea that we are meant to connect with the earth regularly made sense. At the same time, I was skeptical that something so simple would be effective. I ran the idea by some electrical engineer friends and a friend who has done research in the biomedical field and they confirmed that there could be a beneficial effect to the body.

Have you ever noticed that you sleep better on a beach vacation after walking in the sand or being in the ocean? One theory for that: the sand and ocean water are both naturally conductive materials and both help ground the body and remove excess positive electrons.

To test the theory personally, I decided to make an effort to ground myself outside often and even use an earthing sheet while sleeping.

I was certainly skeptical at first but figured I had nothing to lose by trying to electrically ground myself. I made a point to walk barefoot outside each day and purchased an earthing sheet to use while I was sleeping, as this is the body’s peak repair time.

My Grounding Results

To my surprise, I noticed the first night I used the earthing mat that I fell asleep much easier and had no trouble falling back asleep after waking up to nurse the baby. Of course, one night of results could have easily been placebo.

After sleeping great for about a month, one night I was tossing and turning and couldn’t fall asleep for a couple of hours. The next morning, I realized that the earthing sheet had disconnected!

Blood tests confirmed that my cortisol levels also improved over a period of six months while using an earthing sheet and making an effort to spend time outside barefoot.

From what I’ve read, reactions to earthing/grounding can vary drastically. Some people will notice a difference immediately while others take a few days or weeks. Others won’t feel any changes but measures of cortisol levels will show improvement. In general, it seems that the more inflammation one has, the more of a difference may be noticed from grounding.

I’m not the only one…

Many on the Tour de France, supposedly including Lance Armstrong used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on this endurance race. Various Olympic swimmers, runners, and triathletes have reported using Earthing and various professional athletes have used Earthing methods as well.

Well known doctor and natural health proponent Dr. Mercola has reportedly been using an earthing mat for years and even Dr. Oz has gotten on board recently!

How to Try Grounding/Earthing

Obviously, walking outside barefoot is the easiest and cheapest way to ground yourself or practice earthing. If you are close to an ocean or swimmable natural body of water, this is another great way.

To work, the skin must be in direct contact with rock, dirt or water. The beach/ocean is possibly the best place as not only are sand and salt water extremely conductive, but salt water is also very high in magnesium. Perhaps this is why many people seem to sleep better on vacation at the beach!

Earthing Indoors

Those who can’t or don’t want to spend time outdoors can accomplish some of the same results indoors. There are various products to make indoor grounding easy:

  • An earthing mat can be used under your arms or feet while on a computer to reduce the amount of EMFs you are exposed to. It is also easy to bring when traveling.
  • A half size earthing sheet can be used on any bed size.

Personally, I try to use an earthing mat while on my computer (it is under my desk) and an earthing sheet on our bed. I’ve definitely noticed positive changes since beginning this routine.

The Basic Concept of Earthing Is This:

The grounding mat (or sheet) is an amazing invention that allows you to do earthing while you’re inside a building. It just plugs in to the grounding wire port of a normal 3-prong outlet or a grounding rod (US and Canada only). The earth’s natural electrons flow right up through the ground wire and onto the mat, even if you’re in a high rise. The mat comes with an outlet tester you plug in to see if the outlet is configured correctly.

When NOT To try Earthing/Grounding

I recently talked to EMF expert Dr. Libby Darnell of. Revived Living about EMFs and grounding. You can listen to her interview on the podcast here, but she explained one serious caution about earthing that many people don’t consider: ground current.

Basically she explained that if there is a strong ground current it is actually possible that attempting to ground or earth oneself could be problematic and create more problems. In theory, this is most problematic in really large cities and over wires run in the ground. Her podcast episode will talk about how to test for this in your area.

Earthing: Bottom Line

Like I said, this is a controversial topic with a lot of additional research still needed. That said, in most cases (when there isn’t a strong ground current), it is free to go outside and spend some time barefoot. Spending time barefoot has many benefits, so there isn’t really a downside.

It is also relatively simple to try earthing and track results to see if it helps:

  1. Spend a lot of time in contact with the earth or using something like an grounding sheet
  2. Use a sleep app to track sleep patterns and see if sleep improves with earthing
  3. Also keep track of things like joint pain, headaches, etc and see if those improve over time with earthing

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ann Shippy, who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a certified Functional Medicine physician with a thriving practice in Austin, Texas. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Ever tried earthing or grounding? Think it’s crazy? Weigh in below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


344 responses to “Earthing & Grounding: Legit or Hype? (How to & When Not To)”

  1. Proberta Gerber Avatar
    Proberta Gerber

    “WELLNESS Mama” is advertising people eat KELLOGS FROSTED FLAKES!?!?!?!!?

    Take me off your membership list please.

    Thank you.

  2. Ashlie Avatar

    I work for a company who creates grounding products, and thanks to this simple customer service gig, I have personally heard hundreds of anecdotes of healing from everything from insomnia, chronic pain, miraculous terminal cancer recovery (including my own sister), Lyme, even autism. WE NEED SO MUCH MORE RESEARCH!!
    I’d like to include that as much as I’d love to believe we humans are powerful enough to generate enough electricity to overpower the whole earth’s ground energy and create a ‘ground current’ in large cities, we aren’t. Quite the contrary, in these large cities it is most important to be grounded as it creates a faraday cage effect in your body to protect it from the excess positive charge.
    Also worth considering is that the limited grounding research that has been done has been at universities in large cities- and every single study that has been conducted thus far has shown grounding to be of benefit for the body- clear down to the most recent one just a couple months ago showing improved vagal tone in NICU babies while surviving inside their incubators in the hospital- a highly electrical environment.
    There is nothing but benefit to be gained by connecting to Mother Earth. Trust your intuition, folks!
    THANK YOU THANK YOU, Wellness Mama for this powerful and necessary post.

  3. Lea Avatar

    I know I feel better if I get out barefoot once or twice a day! Nobody had to tell me that, as a kid I noticed. Now as a busy mom of 6, when I feel more fatigued than usual, a barefoot walk before it’s too hot or and/or after dinner makes a big difference after a day or two, then I crave it! We have 7 acres in the country so it’s easy for me, but highly recommend especially for moms!

  4. Stella Avatar

    This post reminded me of something I heard while living in Tahiti. The native Tahitians and other islanders believed that you MUST go to the beach and swim in the ocean as soon as you return from a long trip. I don’t know the reasoning behind this belief, but I wonder if it stems in grounding! And here I was thinking that they were just being silly and lazy…

  5. Wendy Avatar

    Earthing does work for me – restless legs used to keep me awake at night, go outside and stand on the grass – preferably a wet/damp patch. If its too cold, try taking a two litre jug of warm tap water and pouring onto “your spot” Ten minutes by myself outside at night is actually really peaceful too! Bingo! no more restless legs and I’m asleep in minutes. I also try walking on wet cement, wet grass, or just sitting on those steps at lunch time when I have the time, can’t speak for anyone else, but the benefit is such that I am happy to put those feet outside on a really cold and frozen night!

  6. Cheryl Savage Avatar
    Cheryl Savage


    I wondered if anyone could tell me how to use the mat while sleeping. I prefer that to a sheet. It seems more durable. Do you just make sure there is foot contact?

    Thanks. Great article.

  7. Amy Escobar Avatar
    Amy Escobar

    Can some please weigh in on whether or not sleeping on a japanese style futon on the floor is beneficial at all? Our mattress is cotton and wool, and goes directly onto our floor. We do have a very short crawlspace under the house.

  8. Mike Reisner Avatar
    Mike Reisner

    Scientifically and electrically speaking, this article is complete nonsense. From start to finish. Walking barefoot likely confers many physical and emotional benefits that contribute to a sense of well-being, but the notion that a “grounding mat” will move electrons from the earth to one’s body is a complete confabulation and patently false. To begin with, when one IS properly grounded, as many electrical workers are, the electrons move in the other direction.

  9. Denise Avatar

    I have just begun my earthing / grounding journey 2 weeks ago!!! I can’t say enough about it. I am chronic pain free, headache free, stress free, loosing weight unexpectedly…….for the first time in my life! People think I’m nuts for sure. I don’t care 😉

  10. Dorenda Snieder Avatar
    Dorenda Snieder

    For everyone out there who doesn’t want to spend tens of dollars on a grounding device: it’s really easy to make something yourself really cheaply from a piece of wire and some other parts, depending on your design. Just google “DIY grounding device” or so to get some ideas… For example, I used a piece of speaker cable, an old sock, a piece of wire, 2 alligator clips and a resistor to make a “device” that I put around my arm and connect to an outlet in the wall. Really easy.

  11. Wendy P Avatar

    Hello, I am looking at replacing the floors in my home. I was curious if anyone knows if you can ground inside with any particular flooring product laid “floating” on top of wood floors (not solid, but the engineered wood) that sit on top of a concrete slab? I’m guessing not, but I have found some wood floors with no (added) VOC, no (added) formaldehyde with either a natural wax or vitamin E finish, that I thought might possibly work for grounding, as it’s my understanding, that natural products allow for grounding. BUT, I’m thinking they still have to be more “connected” to the earth. Curious if anyone has any ideas or research on the topic?

    Also, Anne Bell, I am sorry to hear of your symptoms. I am very sensitive to chemicals, smells, certain clothing, etc., getting rashes, light headed and dizzy, but not to the extent that you describe. Have you perchance tried therapeutic essential oils? I have been amazed at the benefits they can provide. The oils and knowledge of an acupuncturist trained in TCM, have helped me GREATLY!

    Thank you,

    1. Martin Zucker Avatar
      Martin Zucker

      Hi Wendy
      You can’t ground yourself on wood. It’s not conductive. You would have to build your floor, say a stone floor as an example, directly on the concrete slab that is directly on the Earth.

  12. Kelly Avatar

    This is good research but a cleverly disguised clickbait article. I counted 7 times a link to a $200 “kit”. If you are really trying to get readers to understand, yes good stats are helpful. However, 7 times linking to a high price point kit for newcomers isn’t the way to go. It’s sales pure and simple. That is sad because I loved the article but now wonder what the true motivation of the article is. To me it’s to sell a high price point earthing kit. “The best one I found” is link number 7. New readers can’t afford $200 with no assurance of success. That’s a lot of money. I did on my own google earthing mats and there are a lot out there for way less than a $200 price point. Low entry point and then bring them back with more stuff.

  13. Megan Avatar

    I am watching tv, sitting on my couch with a copper wire resting on my legs. The wire reaches outside to the earth. I feel better, less stressed and tired than usual. This may be a cheap way for people to try earthing.

  14. Jen Lambert Avatar
    Jen Lambert

    I bought the earthing starter kit about 6 months ago. I had been battling sciatica and then a pulled muscle in my leg which caused my hip to go out of wack (for 6 +months). I’m a very active person, so this about killed me! I’d gone to acupuncture and massage and yoga – these helped some but I still couldn’t shake the pain which was preventing me from being able to improve my mobility by pushing myself further with my yoga stretching. I was a bit of a skeptic but was willing to try anything natural to get back to normal at this point! I bought the starter kit that came with a half sheet and earthing pad back in April – great for portability! I slept on it the first night after receiving it. The next morning I went about my normal routine and didn’t even think about it until later in the day – I realized that I was walking with much more ease! My pain had subsided a lot! Also looking back I was able to stretch further while doing yoga! I’ve been using the sheet for around 8 months and my mobility is totally back to normal! I’m back to walking a 4 minute mile vs barely being able to hobble! I recently went on a cruise, did a little research – found that the sheet MIGHT work on the ship – no such luck. After 2 nights sleeping without my sheet I was pretty sore! Luckily we had a stop that day and I was able to earth naturally on a beach and I felt better after another 2 days without being able to earth, I wound up sore and sick. When I got home I went straight to bed and earthed for the most part of that day. I was back to 99% when I woke up the next morning! Earthing definitely works for me! I hope it can work for you! Go out, get barefoot on a beach or grass if you can!! I highly recommend the mat and sheet if you can’t!

  15. Anne Avatar

    I certainly think that there is ample theory and research to show that earthing is a viable and beneficial practice.
    I have a few questions. In a world in which we are surrounded by chemicals and man-made materials, WHY would anyone choose to sleep on top of a rubber mat??? Before doing any research, I purchased one from Dr. Mercola’s website; it arrived and smelled so strongly of petroleum that I had to leave it outside for three days. Unfortunately, when I brought it back in it still smelled so strongly that I ended up with a migraine. It went back immediately and I gave up on the idea altogether.

    I have severe chronic pain, and after spending years as a guinea pig within the modern medical world, I am interested in anything that can help me without harsh chemicals and side effects. I’d like to give this another shot, but still have reservations as to the chemicals used in the processing and making of the mats or wires within the sheets themselves. Are there any independent certifying bodies that can assure the consumer that the mats are not pure petroleum, as Dr. Mercola’s was, or that the “silver” threads are actually made from silver? And so on and so forth.

    Speaking of the silver threads that are supposedly used for conductivity, if the threads used are picked specifically because they are fantastic conductors, why would we apply any electrical current or EMF to these highly conductive materials? Why would I place a computer on top of a mat full of highly conductive threads – how can I be sure that the EMF or electrical current from the computer is pulled out towards the ground, and not intensified by these highly conductive materials sitting on top of my body?

    Can anyone point me to a company that explains how the grounding channels work – how they ensure that the electrical charge from a computer, or the “negative” charge from an inflamed body will flow out to the ground and be grounded, versus intensifying into my body? Are these silver threads set up in such a way that one strand flows outwards to the ground, and another flows from the ground to the area you come in contact with?

    Furthermore, what is the source of these silver threads? Are they mined and destroying the environment? What chemicals are used in the processing of the silver into such thin threads?
    What materials are used for the non-rubber mats and sheets? Cotton? Non-organic cotton is considered the dirtiest crop in the world, as it is absolutely soaked in pesticides, and is also one of the top 4 GMO crops worldwide. Is the cotton bleached? This is a massive environmental problem and hazard. If we are counseled to not use conventional feminine products because of the chemical soup that is cotton, why should we buy chemical soup cotton laced with “silver” threads of unknown origin?

    It’s already been mentioned enough that the scientific terminology used to describe the earthing process needs to be updated. In addition, however, I think it is worth noting that the words “positive” and “negative” have moral/ethical/emotional definitions or connotations, depending on their usage. Electrons have a NEGATIVE CHARGE and protons have a positive charge. In this instance, the “negative” and “positive” CHARGES do not imply negative or positive value judgements. A negative electron could just as easily have a more positive effect on the body than a positively charged proton.

    1. David Avatar

      I would go with the cotton and silver threads and not overthink it, you do as good as you can. Or you can always build a mud hut and sleep on the dirt floor to be really sustainable, nothing wrong with that.

      1. Anne Bell Avatar

        I so wish I had the luxury to do either of those things.

        Being severely ill with a neurological disease that is caused and worsened by chemical exposure makes it so that I have to be probing. I have to research the chemicals and materials in products that I use.

        I thought questoning the ingredients and health potentials of products we all use or don’t yet know about is the point of sites like these, and why WellnessMama writes the articles she does!

        I mentioned the mat I first purchased through Mercola’s site; it is made by the same company recommended here that makes the cotton/silver sheets and mats. In fact, it seems that every website selling any earthing products uses this same company.

        So I have to wonder – how can I trust that a company that makes one mat from petroleum-based rubber and who knows what other chemicals, will have ethical and non-toxic standards for their other similar products?

        I have had a horrifically severe, complex migraine every second of every day for 3.5yrs. It has never gone away. Other than Drs appts and hospital stays, I haven’t left my dark living room in 2yrs. I can barely walk on my own anymore due to extreme dizziness and crazy visual aura disturbances. I spend most days in more pain than I previously thought possible to endure for even a moment.

        I don’t say all this to be dramatic or illicit sympathy, just to make it clearer why I asked all those questions. I know it was a lot to ask.

        I was perfectly healthy and active before waking up with this disease one day 3.5yrs ago. My whole word changed in an instant. I wish more than anything I could go back to my previous life.

        Not overthinking it or living in a dirt hut really aren’t options for me anymore, nor are they kind or helpful suggestions.

        1. David Avatar

          I understand that you suffer but I couldn’t have known all that so don’t say I’m not kind, I tried to help you make a decition, and as I said, there is nothing at all wrong with living in a mud hut if you would have liked the idea, it is just unusual in the western world and unpractical in a cold climate.

          I also tried to send you a link to a health talk video from a chiropracor I found when trying to find answers to my own problems and he has a much broader view and knowledge base than most people on what causes problems in people and the solutions to the cause instead of just treating symptoms.
          For some reason though ,wellness mama didn’t allow that, i hope she understand that I am just trying to help you and allow it this time.

        2. David Avatar

          Another Idea is a copper speaker cabel that you put in the ground and then you tie the other end to your leg or arm if you can tolerate that.

      2. Elizabeth Avatar

        Perhaps you do not mean to be insulting but claiming she is “overthinking it” when she has stated specific thing she’s concerned about is a bit patronizing. Just because these are not things you are concerned about does not mean anyone else who is is being irrational.

    2. Martin Zucker Avatar
      Martin Zucker

      Hi Anne
      Sorry for this tardy reply. I hope you’ll see it.
      As co-author of the Earthing book, I have heard pretty much every variation on a theme, and one thing is for sure, and that is people with chemical sensitivity have many difficulties and challenges in life.
      Over the years, we have developed a theory that many people with chemical sensitivities and who may be electro-sensitive as well, may be dealing primarily with an adrenal problem. The adrenals are weakened because of a background of stress. The adrenal glands produce the stress hormones adrenaline and coritsol, both of which have much influence on the body. Earthing can be of great help for such people, however, they may also want to consult with an alternative-oriented doctor familiar with the adrenals and adrenal fatigue.
      Rubber mats were developed as a natural grounding aid. They are no petroleum based. They are rubber-based, but because of the strong odor they had to be discontinued. Instead, a leatherette type material, containing conductive carbon, was substituted. This has proven to be acceptable to most people, although some with chemical sensitivities may still have an issue.
      The silver fibers used in the sheets and some other Earthing products are highly conductive. They transfer the energy (electrons) from the Earth into body when you make bare skin contact, and you immediately equalize with the electric potential of the Earth. The electrons diffuse throughout the body and reduce inflammation and improve blood flow, among other benefits.
      I hope this is helpful information.
      Best wishes
      Martin Zucker

  16. Nia Avatar

    I was thinking of getting one of the Earthing sheets until recently. I have Chronic Fatigue Symdrome and went to the beach and lay on the sand for 1 1/2 hrs. I came home feeling very tired and have remained so for days. I have slept hrs longer but physically have not got out of bed. For any of you science folk out there can you explain if I got “earthed” in a big way. I am very sensitive to lots of things. Yes I have been feeling very relaxed.

  17. Daniela Avatar

    Thank you SO SO much for this (controversial) article. I want to start out by saying I am always in constant pin, my entire body. I sleep in the basement of a relatively huge house right next to the electrical box. Bigger the house more electric it uses… Anyway since living here with constant pain, I notice my knees jerk involuntarily, also when I unplug an outlet I will feel a release. I’ve noticed this for awhile now so I unplug all outlets when Im in a lot of pain and I will suddenly feel better, like a release. I walk outside and I feel better.

    AND I NEVER KNEW WHY!!! We have a pool and I often lay on the ground with my feet dangling in and I felt SOO GOOD when I did this “grounded”, all pain gone. I should add that I am pretty young like 27. so the pain, inflammation stopped right away. I thought it was the pool but now I know its being connected to the ground!!

    Also my Husky, as much of a heavy coat that she has Has laying on the HOT ground the other day, I got worried and when I called her she popped her head up, tongue out, smiling (u know how dogs smile) and plopped her head back down again. When I read this article all of these thoughts came to mind and I’ve come to the conclusion that I believe it,

    So last night in as much pain as I was in I decided to go outside for a walk around my subdivision at 3 am and “ground myself, I’ll admit I must have looked like a nut laying in the middle of the road looking up at the moon(again subdivision), but IT FELT AMAZING! SOOO GOOD, all the built up energy in me was released! I felt the pain leave my body it was amazing. I then layed on my driveway for about 15 mins or so and prayed. I felt even better!

    As soon as I got inside I felt sleepy and light for the first time, I fell asleep, deeply didn’t wake up or toss in turn all night I had the most vivid, nice dream ,usually have bad dreams and am in pain), woke up today and feel rested, and 75% LESS PAIN then yesterday!!!!!!! AMAZINGGGGGGG I am always in such paain I can hardly type. THANK U for this article!!!

  18. Sue Avatar

    I didn’t read through every comment but many. Just wondered if a hot tub with salt based solution (eg. aquafinesse) would work as well?

  19. Derek Avatar

    Hello I am electrically sensitive yrs ago started sleeping on a grounding sheet did feel pretty good then moved in with parents temporarily where they moved in adult community I felt lousy there right away it is way over populated houses very close together all underground wiring could not understand why though I felt so lousy as soon as I drove into the community felt like something from twilight zone no cell towers close by plus it was as soon as I drove into the community i felt lousy . Then read an article on how in overpopulated areas with underground utilities the elecric company cut corners and overload the underground grids instead of making new substations and grids they just turn the power way up and alot escapes which would make sense why I would feel lousy in that community also read by Dr Milham that utility company’s let the extra run off in the ground instead of running it through cables back to the utility company so my question is in overpopulated areas such as here could it be counterproductive to use a grounding sheet ?

    Thanks for any reply

    1. Martin Zucker Avatar
      Martin Zucker

      Hi Derek
      Just saw your comment from 2015.
      People getting wonderful results from Earthing include those who live in “overpopulated” areas. Re utility companies: they are preventing from doing what you describe, that is, using the Earth for electricity returns, unless there is some significant reason for doing so. The places primarily where such practices occur are undeveloped areas such as in Africa and even rural Australia.

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