DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial

Katie Wells Avatar

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diy makeup from natural ingredients
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial

I’ve written about natural homemade makeup options before, but I wanted to share a specific recipe for homemade blush as I only vaguely touched on this before.

How to make natural blush with herbsCosmetics are a major source of exposure to toxins for many people, and making your own cosmetics and adopting a natural skin care routine for your skin type can go a long way toward reducing this exposure.

DIY Natural Blush Tutorial

Homemade cosmetics are easier than you would expect to make yourself and herbal ingredients are actually good for the skin and don’t expose the body to a bevy of toxins.

Natural Blush Ingredients:

Natural Blush Instructions:

  1. As with any homemade make-up recipe, the amounts vary by person. You’ll have to experiment with quantities of each ingredient to find the shade that works for you. I always start with a base of about 1/2 tsp of arrowroot and darken as needed, testing on my inner arm as I go.
  2. When you get your desired shade, store in a small jar or old makeup shaker and use as needed.

Other Natural Make-up Recipes:

Not a fan of powdered makeup?

You can also make a natural creme blush with this recipe.

If you want to switch to a completely natural makeup routine, you can also check out these tutorials:

Ever made your own makeup? How did it go? Share below!

Homemade natural blush makeup with arrowroot, hibiscus powder and cocoa powder is a natural and beautiful DIY option.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


106 responses to “DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial”

  1. Mandy Patterson Avatar
    Mandy Patterson

    This looks so wonderful! So excited to try making my own natural makeup. While I was looking at the Hibiscus powder, I came across Organic Beet Root Powder that seems to be much more pink. I was just wondering if you might have tried this, or do you think that it would make the blush too pink? Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I have not tried it, but you certainly could. I like a more ruddy color since that is the color I naturally blush, but a pinker blush may work better for you.

  2. Elaine Avatar

    I love your site and all your tips. Do you have a recipe for homemade concealer? It’s the one item I don’t seem to have that is made naturally and I like using organic makeup.

  3. Anastacia Avatar

    I love be ginger powder as a setting powder. It’s been my standard for the years after I turned 50 and per started selling in the fine lines, no matter how organic and natural it was. You should avoid your eyes.

  4. Bonnie Avatar

    You could try combining it with some organic cornstarch instead. I like to use cornstarch for powder on my face because it gets rid of the shine my oily skin has.

  5. Missy Phillips Avatar
    Missy Phillips

    I use a similar recipe using red iron oxide instead of the hibiscus powder. Works great if anyone needs an alternative

  6. Lila Avatar

    I made my own makeup with beet root, arrowroot, cacao powder and cinnamon, but these ingredients triggered a candida attack in me. I am very, very sensitive to candida, and my health is not goodI am looking to replace the beet root powder with something non sweet, but I have no idea what to use. Also, I am looking for a replacement for the cacao powder, since the cacao irritates my skin, but I dont know what to replace it with. Ideally the ingredient is healthier than cacao, and does not irritate.
    The make up I made looked good, but I so very much wish to find make up that works for me, without making me ill. All help is very much appreciated.

    1. salma Avatar

      hibiscus should work fine since its not sweet. and instead of cacao, maybe coffee? but since its darker u will use less of course.. im thinking also sweet potatoe peel, if its dehydrated and then fine powdered.. or dandelion root.. i heard its a substitute for coffee so i am guessing it has an earth-like color.

    2. Yael Avatar

      Thanks Lila for the information. I was planning to make make-up with the ingredients you mention, according to this site’s recipe, but now I hesitate because I also suffer badly from candida. What did you use instead ?

      Wellness Mama – I love your site ! I plan to try your recipes. It is amazing how much toxins there in all bought skin care items.

      1. Dorrie Avatar

        What about Inka which is coffee substitute made of barley ? It’s a medium brown color

    3. Missy Avatar

      Someone here replaced cacao powder with carob powder. Good luck

  7. salma Avatar

    why don’t u use ONLY hibiscus powder?? i have grinded hibiscus into fine powder and intend on using it.. checked online to see if its okay to use on skin cause it tastes so acidic.. but i only found recipes like this one, where they mix other stuff with hibiscus.. why? why not just hibiscus?

      1. salma Avatar

        thank u i tried it and worked fine.. probably cause im brunette and have almost darker complexion.

        1. Sharolyn Avatar

          I had some hibiscus tea and so I ground this up as finely as possible in my mortar and pestle and it worked a treat on it’s own. I have since added a little arrowroot which also works, but I didn’t add cacao as I prefer the rosy pink look on my fair skin over a more tan colour. Thank you Katie!

  8. Erika Avatar

    i wanted to buy arrowroot, but Mountain R H is out. What would be a good alternative solution?
    I am new of everything here, but try to learn as much as I can. I will try to use more natural stuff. I love the good advices. Thank you Wellness Mama.

  9. Angela Avatar

    I never comment on anything on the net but I have to tell you I absolutely love this site!! I just found it and it is wonderful.. Thank you so much!

  10. Michele Burklund Avatar
    Michele Burklund

    A fresh beet can do wonders! I just cut the beet in 1/2 get a little of the juice on my finger and apply it to my cheek bones. The best part is that it looks totally natural!

    xo, Michele

  11. maria Avatar

    I’ve made a blush out of
    1 tsp hibiscus powder (For a pinky tone)
    1/2 tsp turmeric (For a more peachy colour, and it causes acne!)
    1/3 tsp cinnamon (For glow, and it causes redness in skin!)
    and 1/2 tsp arrowroot powder for some smoothness.
    It does work really well!

    1. Donna Avatar

      Turmeric is used to treat acne in combination with healing clays. If it is breaking you out, you are likely allergic/sensitive to it. Try another yellow herb like goldenseal. I have never tried this, but I know it stains my fingers like crazy. It is used for rashes and wounds.

    2. Simi Avatar

      I’m not sure what kind of turmeric you’re using in India we use turmeric to get rid of acne, as it has anti bacterial properties

  12. Sarah Avatar

    I just ordered hibiscus powder and alkanet root powder – both say on the package that it can cause birth defects. Does anyone know the safety of using these on your skin?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I”d check with a doc for sure but I feel comfortably using them externally…

    2. Donna Avatar

      Just buy a fresh beet, dehydrate in your oven on the lowest heat until it turns into a hard chip, and I do mean hard. It should click when you bang it on a counter top. You then dip a bit of the beet chip into water (I like lavender water to cover the beet smell, but you can use any scented water, or even an herbal tea that has skin benefits) to wet, and wipe it gently on your cheeks (also your lips if you want). If it’s too dark, just blend it a bit. You won’t have to worry this way about any birth problems.You can carry a chip in your purse too for lip stain, it’s portable which is fun. I know you can’t apply alkanet to broken skin, but I think the issue with birth defect comes more from ingesting these two herbs.

      1. Aubrie Avatar

        I looooove using beet juice as a blush. I just use a slice of organic beet, rub the juice on my cheeks and blend it. It stays all day, doesn’t move, and gives a lovely glow. It’s great as a lip stain too. I would like to try dehydrating them too though. 🙂

        1. Ponce Avatar

          I would think it being a beet and it does stain…does it stain your face. I mean is it harder to remove when cleansing.

  13. Valerie Avatar

    I am allergic to caffiene. So the cocoa powder in mine got substituted with carob powder. It worked well and I think the carob without the cinnamon would be good for the women out there with cool skin tones.

  14. Stacy Smith Avatar
    Stacy Smith

    I’m learning how to make my own lipstick today. I want to learn how to make this too, and foundation makeup.

  15. Madison Scofield Avatar
    Madison Scofield

    Have you ever used the hibiscus from mountain rose herbs or is the one from amazon better?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’ve used both I just stuck the one from MRH in my blender to powder even more finely first…

  16. Stephanie Avatar

    I like blushes with a little glimmer to them. I feel like it hides a multitude of errors and is easier to apply. Does anyone know about cosmetic grade mica powder sold on amazon for example and if this would be a safe item to add to this recipe?

    1. Sarah Whaley Avatar
      Sarah Whaley

      mica is bad for your lungs from long term inhalation : be careful!

      1. Ashley Avatar

        I’ve been trying to find more information about this. All I’ve found so far is that there is a risk of over exposure to mine workers inhaling the dusk particles for 8 hours a day straight, not the general public. Do you have anymore information?

        1. Stacey B Avatar
          Stacey B

          It will cause irritation to your lungs if you inhale it while working it at home, so you will find yourself coughing with an uncomfortable throat, but it shouldn’t cause any long term affects if you’re only using it in small quantities for you own use. But still be cautious with it.

  17. hilda Avatar

    Lovely! I sometimes just dab my blush brush into some cocoa powder and apply, which works surprisingly well. For eyeliner, I just use activated charcoal that I apply with a wet eyeliner brush. That stays on all day and looks just as good as any commercial eyeliner I’ve ever used.

    1. Missy Avatar

      I did the exact same thing to make eyeliner & it worked beautifully! Then I made a mascara with moisturizer! It’s amazing!

    2. Fitz Avatar

      Thanks so much for sharing your experience with. You can also visit the bulk-aisle of your fave health food retailer, if you’re interested in minimizing costs [during experimental stages] … ?

  18. Sandy Avatar

    The natural makeup I have tried (arrowroot, cocoa powder, cinnamon) tends to “sink” into my pores and leaves me looking polka-dotted after an hour or so. Any thoughts on preventing this?

    1. Marlene Martins Avatar
      Marlene Martins

      I tried that one too and I didn’t like it so much. I always feel the powder in my skin and it is still far away from the “original” one =/ But, when I don’t have the “original”, this one made of arrowroot, cocoa powder and cinnamon is good, and it smells nice =) Now I let my boyfriend lick my cheeks without problems xD I think the problem with mine is just the cinnamon, the particles are bigger than the other powders, just a little bit but enough to feel them. Maybe I’ll try another brand of cinnamon next time.

      1. Alisha Avatar

        Hiya, best thing to use use is a coffee grinder, blitz for about 1 min and then wait 1 min for the dust to settle before opening.

    2. Samantha Avatar

      I’ve read that cinnamon can also be a bit of an irritant to skin, you might want to try cloves instead??

    3. Ruth Avatar

      I leave the cinnamon out and just use arrowroot and carob powder. Works great!

    4. Christie Avatar

      Sandy did you ever find a solution for this? I am having the same issue with the powder settling into my pores and looking “dirty” especially with the cocoa powder. I’d love to figure out a way to make it work!

      1. Loni Oliver Avatar
        Loni Oliver

        Use a primer. Milk of magnesia works well over the T-zone if you have enlarged pores there.

  19. Alicia Taylor Avatar
    Alicia Taylor

    Would beet root powder work instead of hibiscus?? I have that on hand 🙂

    1. Lacey Welschmeyer Avatar
      Lacey Welschmeyer

      I have made blush with beet root powder. It was a bit gritty, but it did work!

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