How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo

I’ve made natural alternatives for body wash, dry shampoo, and other hair care products, but homemade shampoo was by far the toughest. After lots of (failed) experiments, I finally came up with a recipe for DIY moisturizing homemade shampoo. It uses natural ingredients and leaves my hair feeling soft and silky!

DIY Shampoo

I wanted to get away from store-bought shampoos that were full of unhealthy preservatives, synthetic chemicals, and artificial fragrances. Many commercial shampoos just aren’t that great for your hair and scalp.

I tried the “no-poo” method, which has great results for some, but did not work on me at all (and I have some terrible Christmas pictures to prove it!). If you have coarse hair that’s normal to dry, this method may be great for you! I have baby-fine more oily hair and it didn’t work for me.

If you’re not familiar with no-poo, it usually involves rubbing baking soda water onto the scalp as a shampoo alternative. Many people follow it up with an acv rinse (apple cider vinegar rinse) and maybe some coconut oil on hair ends as a conditioner. Some people find it works great, while others report an itchy scalp, hair loss, and gunky build-up in the hair follicles. Over time it can also strip the natural oils from hair.

Don’t Want to Make It?

When I’m traveling or don’t have time to make my own, I’ve used a few organic shampoos that worked really well. My faves are:

  • Wellnesse Shampoo – I co-founded this company and helped formulate the recipes. It uses ingredients that are not only non-toxic but have proven health benefits. There’s even an option for curly hair!
  • Morrocco Method Raw and Natural Organic Shampoo – this doesn’t lather like normal shampoo but it’s been amazing on my hair and has helped strengthen it over time.

A Different Homemade Shampoo

I missed the foaming aspect of shampoo (I know… the “foam” in regular shampoo is made from synthetic chemicals and detergents…).

natural homemade healthy coconut shampoo kid approved

My first time making homemade shampoo I tried plain liquid castile soap, which left me with frizzy hair and a mess of tangles. Then I tried a bunch of homemade recipes that didn’t work well at all. Finally, with the inspiration of a natural coconut milk (scented) shampoo that I love, I finally found a recipe I’m happy with and that doesn’t leave my hair tangled, oily, or both.

It works on kid’s hair too. That’s a picture of my daughter’s newly washed hair (though it isn’t tear-free, so watch the eyes!). It suds somewhat like conventional shampoo and you can customize it to your needs.

It’s such an easy natural shampoo recipe that I can’t believe it took me this long to think of it…

The secret ingredient: Coconut Milk!

What You’ll Need for Homemade Shampoo

  • Coconut milk – The coconut milk helps soften and adds natural oils. (UPDATE: a couple of readers mentioned that the canned stuff did not work well for them, but homemade coconut milk worked great… Depending on your hair type, homemade may be better for you).
  • Liquid castile Soap (like Dr. Bronners)
  • Essential Oils of choice (I’ve used peppermint, lavender, rosemary, and orange or combinations of those). Or you can skip them for an unscented version.
  • Carrier oil – If your hair is more dry you can add a hair nourishing oil. I usually use olive oil, but castor oil, avocado oil, or jojoba oil also work well. Castor oil also helps with hair growth.

Other homemade shampoos call for ingredients like raw honey, vitamin E, aloe vera gel, or glycerin. Feel free to experiment until you find what works for your hair! Another wonderful and cost-effective option is to make shampoo bars (like bar soap for your hair).

Essential Oils for Hair

Adding a few drops of essential oils adds more than just a nice scent. They can also improve scalp and hair health to help thicken hair, prevent breakage, and combat dandruff. Here are a few different options and what they do. I’ve written more extensively on essential oils for hair here.

  • Tea tree oil – Useful for dandruff and itchy scalp. Also treats head lice!
  • Rosemary – Reduces scalp itchiness and flakes, restores hair’s natural oil balance, and can help prevent split ends.
  • Lavender – Studies show it increases the number of hair follicles for better hair growth.
  • Peppermint – Increases hair growth, thickness, and length and deepens hair follicles for stronger hair.
homemade shampoo
4.20 from 35 votes

Natural Homemade Shampoo

This homemade natural shampoo smells great, works well, and lathers!
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Yield: 4 ounces
Author: Katie Wells




  • Combine all the ingredients in a bottle or jar. Pump soap dispensers and even foaming dispensers work well for this. If you use a foaming dispenser you may need to add ¼ cup of distilled water.
  • Shake well to mix.
  • Shake before each use and massage through the scalp.
  • Store your shampoo in the fridge after each use.


  • If you use a foaming dispenser, it also makes a great shaving cream.
  • The shelf life of this shampoo is about one week when stored in the fridge.

Troubleshooting Tips

How well this shampoo works depends on your hair type and also your water. Some people with really hard water find it doesn’t combat the extra minerals in their water very well.

Which coconut milk you use can make a difference too. Some have noted that canned coconut milk did not work for them, but homemade did. Keep in mind that homemade coconut milk has a shorter shelf life than canned though.

If you find your hair is really greasy and unmanageable after using this, try doubling the castile soap so it’s 2 parts soap to 1 part coconut milk.

Natural Hair Conditioner

Now that you have a natural shampoo, what about conditioner? Since the coconut oil (and optional carrier oil) are already moisturizing you may not need to use any conditioner. Here are a few different options if you want to try them though!

  • A chamomile tea rinse at the end of each shower (leave in hair!) will produce smooth, silky hair and naturally lighter hair over time.
  • Some people find a 50:50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and water used as a rinse helps get hair cleaner and increases shine. You could also put it in a spray bottle for easier application.
  • This homemade conditioner recipe features hair-nourishing oils, glycerin, and essential oils.

But… Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day!

I can’t leave out one of my biggest healthy hair discoveries. Hair is happiest when you don’t wash it every day! Read this post to find out why the experts say how you wash your hair matters just as much as what you wash it with!

Ever made your own shampoo? Gone “no-poo?” How’d it go? Share below!

This homemade shampoo is all natural and has four ingredients (or less depending on hair type) that cleans hair naturally without stripping natural oils.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


1,209 responses to “How to Make Natural Homemade Shampoo”

  1. Irene Goodell Avatar
    Irene Goodell

    I find I still have to use hair conditioner with my coarse thick hair and the hard water here. I guess I work on my search for a natural hair conditioner. 🙁

  2. Nicole Humphries Avatar
    Nicole Humphries

    Hi! I really want to try this! Do you use coconut milk in the carton from the cold section? Thanks!

  3. Sophie Avatar

    I have baby fine hair too. I’ve tried your recipe above and it was good but a whole raw egg works even better. Whole egg, beaten and massaged into the scalp after hair is wet. I don’t actively bring it to my hair-ends because they have less oil to wash out than my roots but it indirectly goes there anyway. Wash out with cold or barely warm water (otherwise it will cook into your hair). Gives you super duper clean and voluminous hair. I usually spritz with diluted lemon juice (about 2 tablespoons to a quarter cup of water) with a few drops of essential oils to preserve, to my damp hair afterwards for extra detangling and to make it smell yummy.

  4. Kate Wenger Avatar
    Kate Wenger

    I’ve been using this mix as shampoo for some time now, and about two weeks ago decided to whip up a separate batch to use as my face and body wash. For my “wash” mix, I used tea tree oil as the essential oil. I suffer from adult acne and am open to trying pretty much anything since, so far, no OTC products have even come close to reducing my breakouts. I was amazed to see that after just 2 weeks, my face had completely cleared up (and I mean COMPLETELY). The wash was the only thing I was using. I hadn’t applied any creams or oitments during that time. My skin has never felt or looked so amazing!! I’d highly recommend this to anyone suffering from face or body acne!! Thanks for inspiring me to try new things 🙂

  5. Shay Feathers Avatar
    Shay Feathers

    Just made this shampoo recipie and was very excided at the turnout. I was delighted to have lovely smells with the lemongrass and mint oils I added and it even lathered just as you described! I even made my own homemade coconut milk via one of your instructions but (being dumb and excited) didn’t measure the coconut and dumped the whole small bag (prob around 14oz) in the blender and proceeded in creating the coconut milk/water. Then made the shampoo with all ingredients suggested my hair has come out very thick and icky feeling- very different when I’m used to those nasty chemical laden shampoos! I’m def wanting to go natural but cannot deal with this funkyness. Do you think this is from not measuring the coconut properly? 😛 What would your suggestion be from here?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It is probably from too much coconut… there might also be an adjustment period for your hair…

  6. Jessica Avatar

    You might already have answered this, but what is the cost of homemade shampoo vs. store bought? Is it cost-efficient? Love the sound of this recipe. I went shampoo-free for a few months but missed the lovely scents. This sounds like it would work for me! Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’d have to calculate, but when I use homemade coconut milk it is literally pennies per wash…

  7. Raquel Aparicio Avatar
    Raquel Aparicio

    I love this. I have very dry frizzy hair. Its a little more tangled when i first come out of the shower but as soon as it dries what a difference. Seriously everytime i use it he frizz level gets lower. NExt time i try making my own coconut milk too.

  8. Stephanie Tucker Avatar
    Stephanie Tucker

    I have been trying to go all natural with products and finally decided to give this a try. The first batch I made I used coconut milk that was in a carton, Dr. Bronner’s citrus castille soap and Vit E oil and almond oil because I usually have to use a ton of conditioner to comb through my hair. That left my hair very greasy and it stuck together in clumps. I then tried it with homemade coconut milk and omitted the almond oil, it was better but still greasy/oily and clumping. I just tried this same homemade coconut milk concoction but then rinsed with a baking soda/water mix and then ACV/water mix and it is much better but still has a slight greasiness to it, but much less clumping. Do I just need to give it more time? My hair is a dirty blonde, long, fine, and gets oily – I usually have to wash it at least every other day, daily if I’m not just pulling it up. It is frizzy when I blow dry it, and wavy when I let it air dry. It is also very porous- I have colored it for years and it always sucks the color right up. It has been about 4-5 months since I last colored it and I am trying to let it grow out to it’s natural color, so there’s about 2 inches on top that are my natural and the rest is old coloring. Any ideas on what else I can try?

  9. Lottie Chaney Avatar
    Lottie Chaney

    I’ve tried numerous commercial natural shampoo’s and trying the no-poo method but nothing seemed to work! Bicarb and water paste made my hair really dry and tangly and most natural shampoo’s have SLS (derived from coconut oil – but this is deceiving as its still the same carginogen as the synthetic one). I found your recipe and i have to say, its AMAZING! I have naturally wavy/curly hair, and this literally tamed my locks and made them defined, no frizz. Im really happy ive finally found a natural shampoo that i can make in 2 seconds which makes my hair look and feel great! Thanks 😀 x

  10. Beverly Horner Avatar
    Beverly Horner

    I have fine, straight, oily hair, even at age 57. About a month ago I made this shampoo with homemade coconut milk, baby liquid Castille soap, and essential oil. Do you use the thick cream part of the milk too? I have had my hair continue to be oily and with a strange feel to it…like I lathered it with hand lotion. Any suggestions? I’m nearly done with the bottle I made.
    Thank you.

  11. Krystal Garber Avatar
    Krystal Garber

    Hello everyone. My name is Krystal and I am new to this site. My oldest son has server eczema and it seems everything he uses makes him “break out”. Right now our biggest problem is shampoo. He is 13 and starting puberty and his hair has become unmanageable if you all remember those crazy days of puberty. I have tried one brand of all natural shampoo but that still made his skin break out. I cant afford to keep buying stuff that he will not be able to use because my family is struggling with being occasionally homeless. Does anyone one here have eczema or other skin conditions that has tried this recipe I also wonder if I need to use essential oil or if it will make him break out? Any help Please!

  12. Irene Tiger Avatar
    Irene Tiger

    I’ve never made my own shampoo, but I am currently no’poo and I”m lovin’ it! My hair looks great and feels so much thicker now that it isn’t weighed down by all those yucky sillicones. Even though my hair is thin and greasy, I’ve gotten past the “grease gate” rather quickly. i wash it almost every day with just plain water and once or twice a week with baking soda followed by apple cider vinegar. To combat the grease when it does arise, I brush on cocoa powder with a powder brush on my roots.

  13. stacy k Avatar
    stacy k

    I made this recipe, and a friend and I tried it. It smells really nice and felt nice on the hair but it is a liquid. Is there any way to thicken the shampoo? Maybe more coconut milk? I really don’t know. Thanks!!

  14. inoo Avatar

    Hi, first of all thanks so much for sharing your recipes, your site is my guide to natural living!
    Can I add tea tree or peppermint essential oil to this shampoo, i am in my first trimester and I have a really flaky scalp.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I personally avoid peppermint oil during pregnancy and nursing

  15. Charity Watson Dunlap Avatar
    Charity Watson Dunlap

    I am curious to try this shampoo. I have tried a shampoo bar before, but it left my hair extremely frizzy. I have long, fine but thick, curly, somewhat oily hair. I am hesitant to invest in the ingredients I don’t have if it’s not going to work. Since it’s long and highlighted, I do have a hard time conditioning it. I usually only wash my hair every 3 days. Thoughts on keeping my longer hair from frizzing?

  16. Ava Piekarski Avatar
    Ava Piekarski

    I’ve been doing the No-Poo thing for about a month, and I love it. I really enjoy the simplicity of it, and I only make a weeks worth at any time, so I can change the scent to fit my moods! I was skeptical, but i’m hooked! For particularly dirty days, i’ll make a scented paste with baking soda and about 5 drops of essential oil and massage the scalp and roots prior to the rest of the regime. (i like sandalwood, but mints are nice and tingly and refreshing…) If you have dandruff issues, try adding tea-tree oil to the scrub, and increasing the honey amount in the vinegar rinse. =) has some good pointers and feedback.

  17. Michelle Avatar

    Not to sound stupid here, but what is the no poo method? You never wash your hair?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Washing with baking soda/vinegar at different times and in different amounts instead of a soap 🙂

      1. Michelle Avatar

        Kind of a scary thought to me, but I am willing to try it. I currently use natural shampoo from Vita Cost. I have tried Desert Essence Coconut Shampoo and Avalon Organics Thickening Shampoo. I used to have thick hair but after cancer and chemo my hair is thin. Do you think the “no-poo” method would give me more body and re-thicken my hair? I have not had much luck with the shampoos I have tried and would really like to have nice hair again 🙁

    2. Sandy Avatar

      No poo! Wash hair with baking soda or just use conditioner.

  18. Taleena Ratliff Avatar
    Taleena Ratliff

    I will definitely be trying this. I went with the no-poo option, which I have heard has a lag time where your head will slow down oil production, well, mine didn’t slow down. After a month, I went out and bought shampoo at Walmart. Yep…. Then I tried to make some from various online recipes that always made my hair super greasy, worse than before I had washed it. No go there as well. My hair is baby fine as well and tangles extremely easily. I spend 20+ minutes combing and brushing it each day, and it’s not super long. I will try this and report the result. I have to pick up more Dr. B’s but have the coconut milk in my cabinet. I don’t like the canned coconut milk for anything else that I have used it with, so it’s just been sitting there. Hopefully this will work well. What are your preferred containers, I’m thinking old shampoo bottle and somehow labeling the date I make it to make sure it doesn’t spoil. How do you avoid the coconut milk spoiling?

  19. Jennifer Frederick Avatar
    Jennifer Frederick

    I learned that Vitamin E has gluten in it and I have a gluten allergy. Is there something else I can use for the shampoo and the lotion bars?

    1. Jennifer Frederick Avatar
      Jennifer Frederick

      Also, my hair is fine, tangles easy and gets oily if not washed daily. Do I need to even add the Vitamin E? And do you know if it would be better to used the canned coconut milk or homemade?
      Thanks again!

    2. Sandy M Avatar

      What about vegetable derived glycerin or aloe Vera juice? I’d think you would want something to help close the hair cuticle during washing and to help retain moisture for your hair.

  20. Dakan G Avatar
    Dakan G

    I love this blog and have been using this recipe with excellent results for my dry scalp. I prefer fresh rosemary and peppermint essential oil. I also have a chamomile/rosemary/jojoba mix for once a week. It’s helped my hair so much since I quit shampoo/conditioning!

    I use Dr. Bronners for soap and make my own toothpaste, but now I am very interested in cutting out the last of the bad products, deodorant. Do you have recipe’s or advice on how to no-deodorant?

    1. Jackiei Avatar

      For natural Deodorant, I use 50% of alkaline or distilled water and 50% of Apple Cider Vinegar with mother, transfer in a small spray bottle and spray your under harmpits with it, I have been using it for 6 mos and love it.

4.20 from 35 votes (11 ratings without comment)

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