Homemade Bath Bomb Recipe (Great DIY Gift!)

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Homemade Bath Bomb Recipe (Great DIY Gift!)

There’s something incredibly relaxing about a warm bath, and this homemade bath bomb recipe makes it even better! There are thousands of bath bomb options available, but it’s easy to make your own with natural ingredients. Kids and adults alike love them and they make a great gift.

While they can cost up to $9 each to buy, you can make a whole batch for just a few dollars!

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe

When I was younger, I loved bath bombs. I’ve avoided them as I’ve gotten older though because store-bought versions often use artificial ingredients, dyes, and fragrances. For a while, I just used bath salts in my bath water when I wanted to unwind, but I missed having a bath bomb.

These homemade bath fizzies are a great solution! They’re made with nourishing sea salt or Epsom salts, alkalizing baking soda, and fizzing citric acid with a nourishing oil base. I’ll add different essential oils or even dried herbs depending on my mood. Peppermint, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oils are a few ideas.

If you need a gift idea for an Easter basket, Mother’s Day, Christmas, or even a birthday, then DIY bath bombs are a great option.

How to Make a Natural Bath Bomb Recipe

Bath bombs only take seconds to make, so it’s important to have the ingredients on hand and measured before you start. Once the water hits the citric acid they start to fizz and you’ll need to work fast. Most of the ingredients are pantry staples in many homes, but make sure you have these on hand:

Baking Soda

The backbone of this recipe is alkalizing baking soda. It complements the acidic citric acid and helps with the fizzing reaction. It’s a frequent ingredient in my detox baths and can even help soothe sunburn.

Citric Acid

You might not have citric acid sitting on your pantry shelf, but you’ll need it for this recipe. Citric acid is what gives us the fizzing reaction that makes bath bombs feel like bathing in champagne.

Corn Starch or Arrowroot

Corn starch provides the silky feel that we all love from bath bombs. I usually use organic cornstarch in this recipe (and my natural deodorant). Arrowroot also works but doesn’t provide quite as silky of a finished product.

Liquid Ingredients

These are all very versatile and you can pick any combination you have on hand. You’ll need some kind of:

  • Oil: Pick a simple oil like olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil. If you’re feeling fancy use sea buckthorn, argan, or apricot oil. You could also create your own blend with several different oils.
  • Salt: Stick to basic sea salt or kick it up a notch with Epsom salt or your favorite salt for this bath bomb recipe.
  • Liquid: Basic water will work, but I also love using organic witch hazel for some extra skin-soothing. Some people find that the bath bombs stick together better with witch hazel.

Scents and Colors

There are so many options here. Use your favorite essential oils, add dried herbs and flowers, or make them scent-free. Some options include:

  • Lavender and Vanilla or Rose and Ylang-Ylang… or just use your imagination!
  • Kids love the fizzy action of bath bombs! I’m pretty cautious with essential oils around young kids so I use kid-safe blends when making them as gifts for my kids.
  • You can even add some natural food coloring to change the color.

The Best Essential Oils for Bath Bombs

While there are a lot of different oils that smell good, not every essential oil is the best option here. Some essential oils are more irritating to… ahem… sensitive tissues. Oils like cinnamon, clove, ginger, and lemongrass are more prone to irritating skin.

The recipe below uses a .5% dilution of essential oils (that’s 1/2 percent, NOT 5 percent), which shouldn’t cause problems for most people. And of course, if you tend to be more sensitive, then dried herbs are a gentler option. Here are some gentle, skin-friendly essential oils that also smell great!

Herbs for Bath Bombs

If you want to add some skin-soothing herbs or dried flowers here are some options. Keep in mind that if the pieces are too large, the bath bombs won’t hold together, so I wouldn’t mix in whole leaves or flowers. These herbs are generally safe, especially in such low amounts, but do your research to see which ones will work for you.

Homemade Bath Bomb Recipe Equipment

These are easy enough to make but for a fancier and more uniform product, it helps to also have:

DIY Bath Bomb Tutorial

Making a homemade bath bomb recipe is a great project for kids to help with. Some DIY beauty recipes (especially homemade soap) require precise measuring and handling harsh chemicals like lye, so they aren’t great to make with children around. These bath bombs are the opposite and make for a fun project to do with kids. They’re simple to make with kid-safe ingredients and are completely versatile. Let the kids think of ways to mix up the scents, colors, and other fun customizations.

Bath bombs are a great way to relax in the tub after a long day of dealing with kids, cooking, and all the other activities that motherhood entails. If you’ve never tried them, I highly encourage it. It’s one of my favorite things to do at the end of the day.

bath bombs recipe
3.78 from 45 votes

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe

This easy bath bomb recipe features simple, nourishing ingredients for a relaxing bath. Great for kids and adults alike!
Prep Time5 minutes
Active Time5 minutes
Drying time2 days
Total Time2 days 10 minutes
Yield: 23 ounces
Author: Katie Wells



  • In a large mixing bowl, combine all of the dry ingredients (baking soda, citric acid, corn startch, and sea salt) and stir well.
  • In a small bowl combine the carrier oil, vanilla extract, essential oils, and natural dye if using.
  • Slowly add the wet ingredients to the dry mixture and work it together with your hands until its crumbly.
  • Add in the dried flowers or herbs if using.
  • Spritz the witch hazel or water onto the bath bomb mixture, mixing well with your hands to combine. Do this just until the mixture holds together when squeezed without crumbling. It should feel like wet sand. You may need to add slightly more witch hazel if it hasn't achieved this consistency yet.
  • Firmly press the bath bomb mixture into silicone molds, muffin tins, ice cube trays, or bath bomb molds.
  • Gently turn the molds over onto a flat surface to remove the bath bombs and allow to dry for 48 hours, or until hardened.


  • Storage: Keep the bath bombs in an airtight container away from moisture.
  • Shelf Life: About 6 months. 

Non-Toxic Pre-Made Bath Bombs

I finally found some natural bath bombs that use a similar recipe to mine. These are gorgeous and use only natural ingredients. They’re also much bigger than most bath bombs and last longer in a bath. I’ve been sending them as gifts lately and my friends are loving them too!

Bath Bomb Troubleshooting

Although this recipe is easy and doesn’t have a ton of ingredients, they can be a little tricky to make sometimes. The key is to add the right amount of liquid and work quickly when molding.

  • Bath bomb sticks to mold: You may have used too much liquid or didn’t remove them from the mold quickly enough.
  • Bath bombs fall apart: Either too much or too little liquid or they may have been left in the mold too long.
  • Bath bombs cracking when dry: too much moisture in the mix or humidity in the air.
  • Bath bombs sink in the tub: too much moisture or humidity or they haven’t dried long enough.
  • Bath bombs don’t fizz enough: They might not have had enough time to harden, or they weren’t wrapped before storage and they had a reaction with the air.

More Natural Bath Recipes

Ever made your own bath bombs? Do you have any favorite scents or herbs you’d add to these? Share below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


280 responses to “Homemade Bath Bomb Recipe (Great DIY Gift!)”

  1. shelley nolden Avatar
    shelley nolden

    not sure if this is asked already but would adding cream of tartar help preserve it longer? I want to give some as gifts but don’t know if people will use up what I give them in two weeks as recommended.

    Totally love your site. Thank you so much for passing on your wisdom and knowledge to us.

  2. Emily James Avatar
    Emily James

    If I put them in the oven, would they dry faster? Or would that ruin them?

    1. Bella Avatar

      DO NOT attempt to put these in the oven to dry out faster. I did, at ovens Lowest setting (like 200 degrees) and all of the goop was out of molds and grew like crazy, the bottom of the oven was covered 15 minutes after baking/drying. Though mine didn’t activate after initially mixing and packing molds, after warming in attempt to dry out in oven, the coconut oil melted and started the very large reaction. The good part was the mess cleaned out well, and oven smelled nice. I saved the rest, dried it out and called it bath sand. Still smelled nice and was great in the tub, but there was no fizz.
      Tried the recipe again, WITHOUT the oven. Did slightly less liquid, packed molds, let them dry in a few hours took them out of mini muffin tin. These did not rise unlike other attempts, and they were the most fizzy results.

    2. Shannon Bachorick Avatar
      Shannon Bachorick

      I have dried mine in the oven with just the light on.

  3. Katy Avatar

    I was excited about this project but it really is impossible to keep these things from expanding by the minute. I had to sit there and push them down constantly which prevents them from drying. Giving up:(

    1. Nicole Avatar

      Do NOT overfill the molds!

      I cut the recipe in half. This helped a lot with the massive expansion. I just removed all of the extra junk that was oozing everywhere and set it aside. I let the part I set aside dry. I have a few misshapen lumps. I just used those for myself. I’m not too concerned about how they look. I gave the portions that stayed in the molds as gifts.

      I also think that the molds I got were too deep. I think now that a candy mold might be better than a soap mold. They might dry faster. I had to let mine set for three days as opposed to two. And now that I look at the photos I do think my mold is a lot thicker than what Katie is using.

      I hope this helps! It seems like a lot of people were having issues with them growing out of control.

    2. Tasha Avatar

      Don’t give up. It’s an art that requires practice. First, I don’t use witch hazel or water… I found my bombs to crack from it. I use rubbing alcohol 91% or more. The smell evaporates right off. You are adding too much liquid to your dry ingredients. Put it in a spray bottle and spritz one to two sprays at a time, then check your mix. That is your only problem. I have mastered the art of using only additives for moisture (olive, almond, coconut oils etc. EO’s) so I have no liquid in mine at all. KEEP PRACTICING and once you have YOUR recipe down you will love this activity!

      1. PAM PUFFER Avatar
        PAM PUFFER


        So you think the witch hazel is causing cracking? I ask this because I am having the same issue. They turn out great with no expansion issues and I remove them from the mold immediately without any issues. I place them on a terry cloth towel with wax paper on it to dry overnight and then they have racks in themy the next day.

  4. Christine Broderick Avatar
    Christine Broderick

    My 6.5year old daughter and I have made these as gifts for Christmas from her. Turned out great! We used a gingerbread mold since they’re going to be Christmas Gifts from her. We did encounter some expending but I am wondering if we were putting to much in the molds, Making a second batch and going to try putting less in at first and see how we make out. For the first batch I just kept on it for a few hours pushing them back into the mold as they expended and eventually the expending slowed down and I was able to leave them over night with out worries. Ours took about 48hrs to fully dry before removing them from the molds.
    Thanks for all the great ideas Wellness Mama!!

  5. Kathryn Avatar

    Can I use these with my little ones? I have a 2 year old. Would it be safe to use in his bath?

  6. Lisa Avatar

    I plan to use a 6 star ceramic mold I found at Michaels. Would 1 star be too much per bath?

    1. Katherine Avatar

      Nope combatting the same problem now! I just gave up and used them to clean my toilets 🙂

      1. christi Avatar

        add the citric acid last, then mist with witch hazel. Her amounts of liquid are quite high. I only use about a teaspoon melted coconut oil, plus eo/fragrance, and a few squirts of witch hazel.

  7. Trelisa Avatar

    Would you still recommend using the vitamin c before you add the bath fizzies or is the salts enough in this case for chemicals such as chlorine?

  8. Magda Avatar

    How do I get the bombs to dry? Twice now they seemed to be drying ok and then foamed overnight. I kept them in the moulds. How soon should they be taken out of the moulds? The humidity was at 40% both days, so I don’t think it could have caused them to activate…

    1. Melissa Avatar

      You have to take them out of the molds within 15 minutes or so or they won’t dry properly.

      1. Carmen Avatar

        Actually I left mine in the molds for 48 hours, no expanding at all and they were dry (and worked very well)… Don’t add too much liquid! And don’t forget to add literally 6 drops at a time!

  9. Becca Avatar

    Before I try to make my own bath salts, I would like to ask a question about some bath salts that I already bought awhile ago. Is Village Naturals Therapy bath salt natural and organic? Or does it contain any harmful chemicals? I have about 5 containers of it, but I don’t want to use it if it’s truly harmful. I couldn’t really understand some of the ingredients, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions, without more information. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

  10. Angela Avatar

    I would love to make these as favors for my baby shower. I plan on using my mini muffin tins but what would you grease them with? Would coconut oil be a good choice?

      1. noyemie Avatar

        How many large 8 cm sphere bath bombs does the recipe make?
        I look forward to trying these out.
        many thanks

  11. Lindsey Avatar

    I had some major problems while making these and I’m trying to figure out what happened! First these expanded so intensely I lost probably half the batch. They were growing by the minute and if I didn’t push them down every half hour they would overflow out of the molds. After two days and several overflows I tried taking them out of the molds and they fell apart. I’m waiting to use one still and hoping they even fizz. Any suggestions on what could have gone wrong? I followed measurements and ingredients exactly. Thanks so much. They smell amazing so I’m going to use the crumbles myself instead of giving as gifts.

    1. Julie Avatar

      This is happining to me as well I keep pushing it down and it just seems to be making it crumbly did you ever find out cause I am thinking to wet but I followed the recipe to a T maybe next time I will add the witch hazel last 🙂

    2. Susan Schoenbeck Avatar
      Susan Schoenbeck

      Mine will just not stop expanding and I forgot them this am and they are on the table around the containers!!

      1. kristy Avatar

        Put the water and or witch hazel in a spray bottle and sprayed in a little at a time. spray a little then mix..spray a little then mix. Just until you can squeeze some in your hand and it clumps.

    3. christi Avatar

      Try adding the citric acid last, then spray lightly with the witch hazel. Nice trick I learned to keep the acid from reacting. Also i only use about a teaspoon of melted coconut oil, plus the oils/fragrance. I add a touch of mica for color. Then Add the acid last, then mist with the witch hazel, and only a few squirts. Her amount of liquid is way too high for these.

    4. Kelly Avatar

      I had this problem today too. Almost all the material oozed out and I couldnt keep the molds closed. I will try adding the liquid little by little but also wonder if altitude has anything do with it. Normally in baking we have to half the leavening agents but I didnt for this. Does the amount of baking soda at high altitude make any difference in something like this?

    5. Renee Avatar

      Migh be too much liquid? I just tried these for the first time tonight…I accidentally doubled the Epsom salts so I went ahead and doubled all the dry ingredients. Then I took 3 bowls (still plenty of dry mix left!) and put a cup of mix in each bowl. Then I used 2 tsp with hazel, 2 tsp coconut oil, and 15 drops essential oil. VERY SLOWLY added the oil mix and kept mixing by hand till I was out of oil mix. Then packed into bombs! I did add a little extra witch hazel to my first two bowls but the third i didn’t and they are so far holding up the best!

      1. Lora washburn Avatar
        Lora washburn

        I’ve made three batches so far and the recipe has worked beautifully for me. I made a hand shaped mini one with a little left over mix and it held together and fizzed like crazy in the water. I made my first 2 batches plain with no color or additives. The last batch I made using some color and added dried lavendar. I’m really excited about this last batch as I am making them for gifts.

  12. Kathy Avatar

    My favorite oils to use are lemongrass and lavender. They smell amazing together! You feel relaxed but not sleepy like some EO’s make you feel. That’s also my favorite scent when I make goat milk soap. Everyone raves about it, even my teenage boys who think I’m crazy for making everything I can naturally and trying to make our home non toxic.
    Of course there are other blends I like and use for different purposes, this just happens to be my favorite.

        1. paula Zettel Avatar
          paula Zettel

          I tried 10 lavender and 10 lemongrass. Next time I will do less–a bit too strong

    1. Miranda Avatar

      Kathy, would you be willing to share your soap recipe? I haven’t tried goat’s milk yet. Still looking for that perfect recipe.

  13. Sarah Waters Avatar
    Sarah Waters

    I just pressed my fizzies into molds. I hope they turn out well, I used coconut oil instead of olive oil, witch hazel and water. I also doubled the quantity of vanilla extract and added it to my epsom salt beforehand to let the moisture evaporate off, I did this a couple of days ago in preparation. So far my fizzies have not reacted at all and smell really good. I’m going to wait the whole 48 hours before popping them out of the molds and then it will be testing time.

      1. kathy tackeberry Avatar
        kathy tackeberry

        I use silicone cupcake pans as molds. The candy ones work great to make cute little molds as well.

      2. Ann Avatar

        Look for soap molds on E-bay. They will take a while to arrive, but they are inexpensive and work well.

    1. Kelley Avatar

      I left mine in the molds for 48 hours and then could not get them out. Pried them apart with a screw driver and they broke in half and would not come out. How did it work for you? I am considering leaving in for an hour and then taking out… Read another comment about how someone took them out almost immediately and then let them dry. ???

      1. Tabatha Avatar

        If you pack them to hard they won’t come out I found that out with my batch yesterday lol

    2. Nicol Avatar

      Can not get my creations out of the metal molds. Used olive oil before placing ingredients in the molds but the only thing that happened was when opening the molds they broke in half. Even tried to use a knife to scrap out of the molds but they are stuck!

  14. Michelle Brutto-Manfre Avatar
    Michelle Brutto-Manfre

    Just made these and they smell wonderful. I was curious if breathing in the citric acid can cause harm during pregnancy. I don’t know what came over me but took a big whiff after I added the wet mixture to the dry and it really tingled my nose. I am such a paranoid pregnant lady 🙂

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It shouldn’t hurt, but I’d avoid it if possible…

    2. Shannon Bachorick Avatar
      Shannon Bachorick

      Essential oils should not be used in the first trimester, and not all are safe in pregnancy (Citrus and peppermint are fine though).

      1. Kaycee wilson Avatar
        Kaycee wilson

        I would avoid mint. Family two of win my nan was in old work houses. Anyway if any of the women became pregnant they would be given them pure peppermint, to abort in first trimester!
        I don’t think it’s commonly known if you not had somebody live through it themselves.

        Apart from that I find it to be my favourite smell and intend to use it myself in my next batch of soap (just started yesterday (Tuesday) but Unfortuantly I never discovered this page and use melt and pour styles soaps via YouTube.
        Tbh I bought so many bath bomb ingredients coz YouTube was so contradicting with how t make them. I didn’t want to leave anything out for my first attempt. Now I jist going to follow this page instead . It’s clear instructions and full of explanations of what ingredients are and why they used or/and alternative options.
        It’s brilliant.

  15. Jill Sanchioni Avatar
    Jill Sanchioni

    This sounds great! Is there a reason it has to be used in 2 weeks? If not using water will it keep longer?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I just haven’t kept them without using them for longer than that, so I can’t personally vouch that they last longer and didn’t want to give false info (though I am testing to see how long they last) I do know that the citric acid will lose its fizziness eventually…

      1. Lyn Avatar

        Because not much can grow in such a salty environment, any issue is likely caused by the bath-bombs picking up moisture from the air. Storing them in an air-tight jar (canning jar) or zip-lock bag with either silica beads (available at craft stores for drying flowers) or rice will extend the ‘life’ of the fizziness.

        Note that if you have a septic system rather than being connected to city sewer, don’t use these too often. Too much salt in a septic tank may kill the bacteria that process the stuff that drains into the tank causing failure. A new septic leach field is very expensive!

  16. Rebecca Avatar

    Hi! I’m new here and love your site!

    A couple of quick questions about this awesome project:

    Where did you get the wonderful flower molds that you used?

    Also, why should these be used within 2 weeks? Shouldn’t they have a longer shelf life? Or is it that they will just keep expanding?


    1. Peg O'Brien Avatar
      Peg O’Brien

      I have that mold too. I got it at Amazon. It’s the Freshware Mini Rose.

      1. Rebecca Avatar


        Now if I could just get some info about the shelf life! The ingredient list doesn’t seem that it would only have a 2 week shelf life. Maybe if you use water instead of witch hazel, but other than that….

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          They will last indefinitely, but will lose some fizzing ability after time. Since I”ve only managed to keep them two weeks without using them up, this is as long as I can vouch for the shelf life personally…

          1. Kanika Avatar

            Hi Katie,

            Hope you are doing fine,
            I have 2 queries here:
            (a) wanted to know if bath bombs are safe for eyes. In my country mostly people take bath with bucket and mug But not in tub. So the water used on the rest of the body would be used for face also.
            (b) why do we use epsom salt at all? and if it is not used then what challenge we would face?
            Please share your insight for this.

          2. Sarah Avatar

            Hi I don’t think the bath bombs are safe for eyes and it’s only meant for the tub not a bucket and mug. Epsom salts is just for relaxing I’ve seen many other recipes without Epsom salts just type in homemade bath bombs without Epsom salts and you should find a lot of recipes

      1. louanne Avatar

        I’m just learning how to make bath products, and enjoy your recipes. I have a loved one thats has an allergy to citrus. She even breaks out with fresh citrus fruits. She realized this when she was going to school for massage therapy. Is there an alternative to using citrus acid in the recipes?

          1. Karen Avatar

            Look for epson salts with other oils added. Like Mint or other scents she likes.

        1. kristy Avatar

          From what I have read, you can use half the amount of cream of tartar instead of citrus acid. Hope this helps.

        2. J D Provence Avatar
          J D Provence

          You might consider using other fruit acids. Malic acid, comes form apples. Glycolic acid from sugar cane, tartaric acid from grapes. I don’t know enough about the bath fizzies to know whether or not any of the other fruit acids would work, but might be worth trying.

        1. Emily Avatar

          I am right there with you, Claudia. I love this website too, and I’m only twelve!

          1. Sophie Avatar

            Same I’m 13 and looking for a better alternative than Lush’s bath bombs, they leave my skin feeling weird.

    1. Peggy Avatar

      I have not been able to find a bath soap recipe on this sight, am I missing it?

  17. lotzy Avatar

    I add lavender (of course), vetiver and orange e.o. in my fizzies. My daughter has autism and the Epsom salt baths and e.o.s make her calm. The orange isn’t necessarily calming but it’s her favorite!

    1. Jessica Avatar

      Don’t be too worried about the official aromatherapy uses of certain oils. There are some rules of thumb but science shows us that a lot of the claimed aromatherapy benefits are just not necessarily true. Instead, aroma is linked to memory, so if the smell of orange reminds your child of happy, relaxed times, then it will have a relaxing effect on her. For me as an Australian, the smell of volatile oils like citrus and eucalyptus reminds me of hot summer days when the oils start to evaporate from the leaves so it’s a much more relaxing scent than it might be for someone who didn’t have those childhood experiences. 🙂

      1. Nicole Avatar

        Ooh interesting. Thanks for sharing. A sweet orange is one of my favorites. It litterally makes my mouth water. Ha!

      2. Amanda Avatar

        Wow?!You need to read Robert Tesserand’s Book-Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals. There absolutely is scientific data that proves that the chemical makeup of Essential Oils affect the human body in different ways. I would by get into specifics but please know that Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils are two completely different things. Essential oils are very concentrated and powerful, certain ones can cause miscarriages in pregnant women and sone can slow the respiratory system in children. Yes it is true that smells in general can bring back good or bad memories and feelings but do not for one second think that Essential Oils are just for Aromatherapy.

    2. Claudia Avatar

      Can you leave the fizzy in the container for like 20mins than take it out and leave it to dry?? If not please tell me alternatives instead of leaving it for 24 hours. Btw they are about egg size,I’m making than as gifts for tomorrow!! If u have an answer please tell me ASAP!!!!!

      1. Nicole Avatar

        No. Unfortunately you cannot. They need a long time to dry. The larger you make them the more time they will need.

        1. Shannon Bachorick Avatar
          Shannon Bachorick

          I have put mine in the oven with just the light on to dry them out a little faster without losing all the aroma.

      2. Tasha Avatar

        I remove mine from my mold immediately and leave them to dry on parchment. After a couple of hours, I package them and store them. Be careful of humidity and moisture in the air, it can cause your bombs to explode (react early). Have fun!

      3. Emily Avatar

        Yes! I take mine out right after pressing them together, and then I let them dry overnight.

        1. Alessa Avatar

          Where do you leave them to dry? After how long do you package them?

3.78 from 45 votes (45 ratings without comment)

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