DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial

Katie Wells Avatar

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diy makeup from natural ingredients
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial

I’ve written about natural homemade makeup options before, but I wanted to share a specific recipe for homemade blush as I only vaguely touched on this before.

How to make natural blush with herbsCosmetics are a major source of exposure to toxins for many people, and making your own cosmetics and adopting a natural skin care routine for your skin type can go a long way toward reducing this exposure.

DIY Natural Blush Tutorial

Homemade cosmetics are easier than you would expect to make yourself and herbal ingredients are actually good for the skin and don’t expose the body to a bevy of toxins.

Natural Blush Ingredients:

Natural Blush Instructions:

  1. As with any homemade make-up recipe, the amounts vary by person. You’ll have to experiment with quantities of each ingredient to find the shade that works for you. I always start with a base of about 1/2 tsp of arrowroot and darken as needed, testing on my inner arm as I go.
  2. When you get your desired shade, store in a small jar or old makeup shaker and use as needed.

Other Natural Make-up Recipes:

Not a fan of powdered makeup?

You can also make a natural creme blush with this recipe.

If you want to switch to a completely natural makeup routine, you can also check out these tutorials:

Ever made your own makeup? How did it go? Share below!

Homemade natural blush makeup with arrowroot, hibiscus powder and cocoa powder is a natural and beautiful DIY option.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    108 responses to “DIY Natural Blush Make-up Tutorial”

    1. Sarah Avatar

      How can I make this stick to my face? It doesn’t stay on for me. Thanks!

    2. Loni Oliver Avatar
      Loni Oliver

      Could the arrowroot powder be swapped for oat flour? That would be beneficial to the skin. Also, with my coloring, this blush would be too cool and too red. So, I’m thinking green or Matcha tea would be a beneficial ingredient to tone down the red and possibly add some turmeric to make it more yellow.

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        The arrowroot is a super fine powder that helps the blush stick to the skin. Oat flour would likely be too coarse. And let us know if you experiment with the matcha or turmeric!

    3. Courtney Avatar

      Hi! I know you sometimes offer a non-DIY option in other recipes. I use JO Custom Cosmetics and LOVE the results. Thanks for the work you put into writing well-informed, easy-to-read posts. I’ll be making all of your DIY cleaning product recipes (dish soap, air freshener, hand sanitizer) this week!

    4. Janessa Avatar

      Here’s where you can get the exact Hibiscus powder for just a little cheaper elsewhere 🙂

    5. Nancy Avatar

      I like to use a peachy color blush in summer & a pinkish color in winter. Haven’t tried this recipe yet but I will.

    6. C Gonzales Avatar
      C Gonzales

      Do you know if the toxins from potential pesticides will leech to any level of the skin?

    7. Sylvie Avatar

      Hello, thank you for your awesome recepies. I have thouble with this one though. The blush doesn’t stick to ma skin at all… What could I do wrong? Or is it my skin?

      Thnaks for your answer.

    8. Lacey Avatar

      Hey wellness mama! Would it work to use just the hibiscus powder as a blush? Will it “stick”? Thank you!

    9. Sarah Avatar

      Just made a batch of the powder blush – LOVE! I’m so happy with how simple, affordable and free of the junk this is! Definitely a fan!

    10. Andrea Hill Avatar
      Andrea Hill

      To: Katie – Wellness Mama,
      I have idea about homemade all-natural rainbow highlighter cosmetics. I saw other online that rainbow highlighters are expensive. I want try all natural. Example: natural purple color like comes from natural purple flowers that natural purple flower powder and hibiscus flower powder (natural red colors) and natural colors orange, yellow, blue & more from flowers powder too with natural clay powder or gold mica dust or natural shimmer into colors to making each colors are rainbow that put into empty old pressed powder container then brushing rainbow on cheek that looks beautiful rainbow on cheeks!

      Why not try homemade rainbow highlighter? I just idea about homemade natural rainbow highlighters. I love all natural makeup is best!

      Thank you, Andrea Hill

    11. Julia Avatar

      how to get different coloured blushes from the above base recipe?

    12. Marionette Daily Avatar
      Marionette Daily

      Is there any way I can make this recipe more shimmery without mica powder?I have children and I do not want them to get in my makeup with mica powder and become at risk.

    13. Jan Avatar

      Hello Katie,
      Thank u 4 all the helpful suggestions & recipes. I do have a question. I used rose hips powder along w/mica, since that is what I had on hand, but it just seems to ball up together & fall off. What did I mess up?
      I’d appreciate any assistance.

    14. Gloria Acosta Avatar
      Gloria Acosta

      Can you add vitamin E to this blush, would that ruin it, since its liquid from a capsule? Thanks!

    15. Marion Avatar

      Hi thank you for your good website and the good recipes.
      But please, stop refering to amazon website! it’s so contradictory with the great intentions and energy of your website!!
      see you

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Amazon is the most convenient way to shop. Most of the products I recommend can be bought elsewhere, but for busy moms who don’t have time to go to multiple websites, create accounts, then purchase a single products, it’s much more helpful to link to where the products can all be purchased in the same location. The products are the same, the only difference is the marketplace where they are purchased. If you don’t want to shop there, feel free to buy them somewhere else 🙂

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