4 Unusual Ways to Boost Oral Health

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » 4 Unusual Ways to Boost Oral Health

I’ve always been somewhat fascinated with the methods available to naturally boost oral health.

I remember asking my orthodontist why my teeth were crooked to begin with when getting braces. Of course, his answer: simply genetic. Just like my dentist told me that teeth couldn’t heal and that sugar was causing cavities.

As I researched my way into a real food diet, a lot of things started making a lot more sense, but the idea that dental health was sheerly genetic and the presence of sugar on the outside of the teeth causing cavities didn’t make sense at all. Then, I read Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel (much cheaper on Kindle if you have it) and Dr. Price’s Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and things feel in to place.

Like the rest of our body, our teeth and oral health systems are a living, changing environment that is, but just treating from the outside alone (brushing and flossing), won’t fix oral problems unless you address the inside too, though these are still very important.

How to Boost Oral Health

Optimal oral health comes with supporting the body and mouth from the inside and outside at the same time. I saw tremendous changes once I realized this. My teeth were whiter, my gum puffiness went away, and my dentist even commented that cavities were getting better and my plaque was gone!

There were several things that were vital for me to boost oral health for myself and my family members:

1. Change in Diet

What you eat can boost oral health as much (or more) than brushing or flossing.

Here’s why…

Teeth are in constant state of remineralization as the saliva in the mouth provides minerals to the teeth and the cells in the teeth use these minerals to strengthen themselves.

I first started researching this after reading Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel and Dr. Price’s Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Both books delve into the work of Dr. Weston A Price, a dentist who studied the oral health of people in cultures around the world.

He found that certain tribes that never brushed or flossed had virtually no cavities or tooth decay, and everyone had perfectly straight teeth and wide jaw lines. His research showed that several factors contributed to this incredible oral health in certain populations, mainly:

  • The presence of enough fat soluble vitamins in the diet
  • Low levels of phytic acid in the diet
  • Enough minerals in the diet

I talked about this in depth in this post about how I reversed my own cavities and this one about how to have healthy teeth from the inside out.

I followed the advice in Cure Tooth Decay and made some changes to my diet, mainly:

Diet to Help Heal Cavities and Improve Oral Health

  1. I drastically cut foods that contained high amounts of phytic acid (grains, beans, etc). I already wasn’t eating grains or beans, but I also cut or limited nuts.
  2. Limited foods containing even natural sugars or starches– I limited fruit and even starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes and focused on mineral rich vegetables, bone broths, meats and healthy fats.
  3. Ate a LOT of healthy fats. I added extra of coconut oil to my diet each day, and used only pastured, cultured butter.
  4. I made an effort to consume a lot of homemade bone broth for its added minerals.

To recap: No grains, beans or nuts and limited fruits and starches. Lots of vegetables, protein, LOTS of healthy fats and bone broth.

2. Adding Supplements:

Supplements to Help Heal Cavities and Improve Oral Health

To help the body remineralize cavities, it is sometimes necessary to increase mineral levels with supplements. Many foods are grown in nutrient-depleted soil, so supplements help fill those nutritional gaps. These are the supplements I typically recommend for improved oral health and dental healing:

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil and Butter Blend   This is one of the main supplements recommended by Dr. Price from his research and recommended in Cure Tooth Decay. Only the fermented Cod Liver Oil has the optimal combination of nutrients and is high i Vitamins A, D and K.
  • Vitamin D This was the other main supplement that Dr. Price and the Drs. Mellanby found was extremely supportive of dental healing. The study found that cavities healed when vitamin D was optimized — even if diet wasn’t changed. Of course, the best results occurred when diet was optimized alongside Vitamin D. As a result, I spend time in the sun *gasp* around noon everyday, and take Fermented Cod Liver Oil. That way, I don’t need to supplement with extra Vitamin D.
  • Coconut Oil– I take an additional 1/4-1/2 cup a day of coconut oil in a smoothie or melted in tea each day. We get ours from Tropical Traditions, but you can find it many places…. just look for organic, virgin and unrefined coconut oil. My favorite right now is to blend it into coffee to emulsify it with a dash of vanilla.
  • Others: I also take Magnesium, Gelatin, and Vitamin C daily, though these aren’t as vital to tooth healing.

3. Balancing Hormones

Hormones can have a dramatic effect on oral health as they can control the acid/alkaline balance in the mouth and how well the body can heal or fight disease. Many of us have symptoms of hormone imbalance and things like optimizing sleep, stress, diet, and fitness can make a big difference in hormone health and oral health.

4. Change In Oral Health Products

how to whiten teeth naturally with charcoalMany conventional toothpastes and mouth products contain chemicals and artificial ingredients that can do more harm than good! Ever read the label on a regular tube of toothpaste? There is a list of cautions and warnings as even a small mouthful of toothpaste can kill a small child… not something I want sitting on my counter with teething toddlers running around!

The good news is that switching to natural toothpaste (like my Wellnesse brand whitening and charcoal toothpastes!) is often easier than switching diet, exercise or (*ahem*) getting enough sleep.

I’ve been making my own remineralizing toothpaste for years, and been using it in conjunction with OraWellness Products. In that time, I have had no new cavities, and several areas that the dentist was waiting to fill at my next appointment weren’t there when I went back! It also used to take them a long time to scrape down my teeth at each appointment, and now it literally takes a couple of minutes at most.

I’ve also been whitening my teeth naturally, though my method sparked a lot of controversy on Pinterest!

Here’s my full oral health routine that I used when I was actively trying to remineralize my teeth.

What is your biggest oral health challenge and what steps are you taking to overcome it? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


143 responses to “4 Unusual Ways to Boost Oral Health”

  1. Veronica Avatar

    I have some gum recession.  I have been using the Orawellness brushing blend for the last couple of months and love it!  I would like my teeth to be a little bit whiter….

  2. jozlyn Avatar

    I just started looking into more ways to be healthy and came across your site, im lovin it. I cant wait to change the way i clean, my house, children, laundrey and more!

  3. Revecca Panopoulos-Anthony Avatar
    Revecca Panopoulos-Anthony

    just ordered my charcoal tablets. my teeth have lost their whiteness other than that they are fine. 

  4. Debi Luckhurst Avatar
    Debi Luckhurst

    My biggest challenge is transitioning our family of 6 away from commercial oral products.  Many cavities and root canals later… we are trying out homemade septic system safe oral hygiene recipes.  Thanks for being part of that.

  5. Tammy Avatar

    My biggest challenge is receding gums, not sure how to heal those. Thanks for the give away

  6. Kasey Avatar

    This sounds great. I have easily yellowing teeth and we have a 2.5 yr old…and woudl love to start him out on the right path. Thanks for the opportunity!

  7. GinaPatterson Avatar

    I HATE going to the dentist. I have a 22-year-old crown that needs to be checked and I don’t want to go because they’re going to go off on me for not coming in for so long. And so I wait…

  8. Rhea Avatar

    I made your remineralizing tooth powder about 4-5 weeks ago. The results have been phenomenal ! No more bad breath. My pearly whites ARE pearly white. I have since made another batch & am now the tooth powder evangelist…I carry small samples in my purse & give them out to friends & family (as I bare my teeth showing them the results)! Your site has been quite an inspiration for myself & my family. I’m learning so much. Thank you!

  9. Jenny Avatar

    I am changing my diet. I have been vegetarian 15 years and my teeth are degenerating.

  10. Kerstin Avatar

    I recently broke a corner of a molar (most of the tooth is actually a filling).  I had the dentist round off the edges – except for 2 small twinges over the past 3 months, it hasn’t hurt, and I would love to keep it that way instead of having to get a root canal and crown to replace the tooth.

    I also (on the other side, where they told me I should chew more to relieve the pressure on the broken tooth) have an EXTREMELY sensitive tooth (it’s actually gotten worse over the past 6 weeks) – and I am working on reducing the sensitivity.  I had already switched to a non-flouride toothpaste, and have been 99% grain free (occasional indulgences) for the past 2 years – I am working on reducing the sugar intake (it seems to be my drug of choice) and am about to try the Remineralizing toothpaste listed here, as well as your brushing blend…anything to reduce the sensitivity!

    Thanks for the article, and tossing my fingers that all this works!

  11. Shelly Avatar

    Serious crooked teeth. I always thought it was genetic….should have known there was more to it!

  12. reb Avatar

    my biggest challenge has definitely been trying to find a toothpaste that doesn’t have a bunch of junk in it.

  13. Amy Avatar

    My biggest challenge is cavities, I have just started the weston price diet and can’t wait to see improvement in my health and teeth!

  14. Susan Avatar

    Biggest challenge is deciding what to do with older amalgam fillings already in my mouth. Will have to check the Oral Wellness site for some advice.

  15. Sarah L Avatar
    Sarah L

    My teeth are not as white as I would like. I had my first cavity after my second son was born and had it filled. I have improved my diet greatly since then and hope to never have another cavity. I already use OraWellness Brushing Blend and love it!

  16. Rebecca Avatar

    I have receeding gums and already have had to have one gum graft. Looking around OraWellness’ site, I see that can be reversed by using their brushing blend. I don’t HAVE to get another gum graft like the dentist suggested! Would love to be able to give it a try!

  17. Paula Avatar

    Receding gums!  Will all of these changes help?  I just bought a new Sonic Care toothbrush.  Should I return it?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Hopefully OraWellness will weigh in on this too, but from my own experience, all commercial toothbrushes are very harsh, especially the electric ones. I’d say the orawellness and the dietary changes would make a big difference though. Susan dealt with that, so she might have more specifics.

  18. Tammy Avatar

    My biggest challenge is cavities – I’m in the process of finishing 10 fillings with a biological dentist. Most of these were from years ago, though. I’m hoping changing my diet to paleo-ish (totally gluten free) will stop new ones from forming. I’ll definitely look into OraWellness!

  19. Mitchell Avatar

    I’m trying so hard to switch my family to an all natural lifestyle..but at times it can be rough.  I had no idea that toothpaste was going to be SO HARD for my family to give up.  I have tried homemade toothpastes (with coconut oil, baking soda etc) and it just doesn’t seem to get teeth as clean as I thought it would. And my homemade toothpaste didn’t seem to do much for my husbands bad breath either.   After reading Wellness Mama’s blog about OraWellness..I’m very excited about it..and very much would love to try it for my family and I!  Thank you so much for the good information!

  20. Harmonynicole Avatar

    I have really sensitive teeth(mostly to cold) which has only really developed over the last couple of years. And it just keeps getting worse so i’m really looking at ways to reduce that without using sensitive-toothpaste (which only slightly helps anyway)

    1. Laura Avatar

      Do you use flouride? I don’t know why but I had sensitive teeth and as soon as I stopped using flouride the sensitivity went away. This was the only lifestyle change at the time so flouride is the only explanation I can think of. Worth a try anyway.

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