Black Walnut Hull Herb Profile

Katie Wells Avatar

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Black Walnut Herb- Good for digestion - parasite removal- hair dye
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Black Walnut Hull Herb Profile

Black Walnut Hull or Juglans Nigra is, just as it sounds, the hull of the black walnut tree. The Black Walnut tree grows in the eastern US and parts of Canada, and while easy to grow, it is not plentiful.

What is Black Walnut?

Black Walnut has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. It has been used throughout history for treatment of intestinal problems, snakebites, open wounds, ulcers, scurvy, and as one of the most effective laxatives available. Because of its dark color, the outer hull is also used as a dye and was used in brown hair dye until the early 1900s. It is a good source of beta-carotene, acids, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, tannin, B-vitamins, and vitamin C.

Today, the hulls are used to help with many conditions. It is known to be a gentle and effective laxative. Black walnut is known as an effective anti-viral and is used to fix warts, which are caused by viruses. Black walnut is an anti-fungus and has been used to fight herpes, cold sores, athlete’s foot, and Candida. It has been used as an antiseptic to combat illness like sexually transmitted infections and malaria and can be used to treat acne.

How it is Used

According to Scientific Labs:

  • “Black Walnut Hull may help to lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol levels and is believed to burn up toxins and fatty materials while balancing blood sugar levels.
  • The tannins in Black Walnut Hull (and leaves) possess an astringent quality that is thought to shrink the sweat glands and reduce excessive sweating. The herb is said to help control menorrhagia, the excessive loss of blood during periods. It is also used to control diarrhea.
  • Black Walnut Hull is considered a tonic that aids digestion and the intestinal system. It helps to relieve colic, heartburn and flatulence. As a cholagogue, it stimulates the flow of bile into the intestines and is thought to ease bilious colic and pain in the spleen.”

Perhaps Black Walnut’s most well-known property is its ability to fight intestinal parasites. It is a well documented vermifuge that is effective at helping the body rid itself of parasites. As a laxative, it expels parasites as part of its cleansing of the body and the high tannin and juglone content is thought to oxygenate the blood and kill parasites. Black walnut is effective against pinworm, ringworm, tapeworm, and other intestinal parasites.

From Mountain Rose Herbs:

Black walnut hulls contain juglone, a chemical that is antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and a fungicide. As a skin wash, black walnut hulls are used to treat ringworm and yeast infections of the skin. Taken internally, black walnut hulls are used to treat intestinal worms.

Where to Buy Black Walnut Hull

If you own property where the tree is growing, you could harvest it yourself (always check with an herbalist to make sure it’s the correct tree and can be consumed), but If you’re like me and don’t have any of them in your yard, you can purchase it here.

Black walnut hulls are safe for occasional use of up to 2 weeks at a time, but black walnut heartwood is not. Avoid herbal remedies which contain heartwood.

Black walnut is an extremely potent remedy that should be used under the care of a holistic health professional. Should not be used during pregnancy or illness. Consult your doctor if you have any condition that is severe or lasts longer than a few days.

Ever used black walnut hull? Want to try it out? Share below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    186 responses to “Black Walnut Hull Herb Profile”

    1. Genevieve Avatar

      I’ve been taking it on two weeks and off two or three and I find it works great!!! I feel very refreshed and not lethargic

    2. Terri Carroll Avatar
      Terri Carroll

      Hello, I am confused about some of the information that I have been finding about black walnut hulls. I bought an extract from Mountain Rose Herbs to do a parasitic cleanse with the new moon to the full moon, but I am concerned because I have valvular heart disease, and I’m not sure if I can take it at all, or in small doses. I’ve read that it has promise with being positive for heart conditions, but that’s not why I’m taking it. I only planned to take it for the 3 weeks of the waxing and waning of the moon, but I see you suggest using it for only 2 weeks. The bottle says for no more than 6 weeks, so I’m confused. Should I not take it? Can I use it externally for something to salvage the purchase? Thank you!

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        There are some variations on how herbs can be used depending on the person and the herbal preparation. It’s best to consult with a natural health practitioner who can give you personalized advice based on your situation and health concerns.

    3. David Avatar

      Love this article on black walnut hull powder. I need a book that tells you how to use it.

    4. Latease Wardell Avatar
      Latease Wardell

      I am enjoying all the comments and answers. Thank you all for sharing your experiences. I have black walnut trees. I am learning their value and making there treasures for us with parasites and pinworms. I must not be taking enough of it. Scared to overdo it. No doctors are educated in the show me era any longer. I brought in the pin worm got half a prescription and several came out of my baby girl. The tests OVA stool are inadaquate. Its been a year and I have come a long way. Tinture homemade, baking soda, and Epsom salt atopical and soaks. Parabroom parasite cleanse and gut detox. Helps diet such as beets for eniema, light therapy and I alternate the rubbing alchol 91%. iodine, neosporin, tea tree, black walnut, baking soda, and Epsom salt on the cysts, thus very painful. If you know of a holistic doctor near Dayton please let me know. I am scared for my precious 2 year old. I read their little hearts give out under 2years old. I have never left USA. Got infected from 3 stores who must share the same bakery ingredients: Walmart. Fresh and Thyme, and Marcs in Beaver Creek Fairborn area.

    5. Marie Avatar

      Anybody had success with black walnut tincture and warts on kids? Topically? Internally?

    6. Sam Avatar

      I have had a visible parasite in my right eye for about 15 years. I could see it any time I was looking into a microscope during uni and I can see it under certain lighting conditions. We dealt with parasites in lab and I also had two puppies under my care that vomited piles and piles of worms the first couple days they were with us. I am nursing a 1 year old who is mostly eating food but is still having milk to fall asleep. I’m okay with drying up but does anyone know if there is a problem otherwise? Would it be safe to take the tincture internally while breastfeeding?

    7. Layla Avatar


      I know this is years later but I’m gonna ask anyways. I’m 35 and in the last 2 1/2 years I’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, anxiety, low vitamin D and ADHD as well as Gilbert syndrome. I tried 4 months of eating selenium rich foods, probiotics and I’ve always eating healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies. When I went back my TSH numbers were higher. So I reluctantly took the levothyroxine and cytomel. My numbers are now great with just the low doses I’m on. The coldness in my hands went away and I feel better. However I’ve always been an avid student of apothecary. I’d love to get off all medicine, however I don’t want to just stop abruptly. So will black walnut hull mess with my absorption of my thyroid and ADHD medicine? Or interact with it negatively?

      1. Sylvia Housner Avatar
        Sylvia Housner

        Read ALL the comments. Many of your questions are addressed.

    8. diana Avatar

      black walnut??and other parasites?? i need to know which ones i have lyme

    9. Adrian D Avatar
      Adrian D

      When talking about “black walnut hull” is this the same “green walnut hull” and “green black walnut hull”? Thank you.

      1. D Tischer Avatar
        D Tischer

        Yes, it’s from the black walnut tree, but the medicine is made when the hulls of the walnut are green, which is why the names are used interchangeably. The best tinctures will actually look green, meaning whoever made them put the hulls into the alcohol (or whatever solvent they used to extract the medicine from the hulls) very quickly, and the hulls didn’t get the chance to oxidize due to being exposed to oxygen for much time at all. The hulls turn brown (oxidize) much quicker than apple slices do… almost immediately. If you work quickly enough, the hulls are put into the alcohol right away, and the green medicine is made due to having very little oxidation.

    10. Eddie Avatar

      I am interested in finding out if the green leaves of the black walnut tree can be added to mixed vegetable drinks made in a blender? What are the health benefits? Suggested recipes? Thank you.

    11. Rhonda Avatar

      My dog Gypsy was diagnosed with the worst case of heartworms the vet had ever seen and the vet wanted to kill her.
      Gypsy was a rescue dog. She was coughing, couldn’t eat and her stomach swelled up due to massive heartworm infection
      We took her home to figure out how to save her life, as the vet was not interested in saving Gypsy.
      This is an old southern technique used in the past by naturally trained veterinarians to kill heartworms in dogs.
      Heartworms have always been rampant in the south, and walnuts are in massive supply in the south.

      Black Walnut pill twice a day for 5 days. Skip 2 days then repeat. After a month and some improvement, lower dose to one Black Walnut a day for 5 days, skip 2 then repeat. Continue to give for the rest of dogs life. Can also be used as a preventive measure to keep your dog from ever getting Heartworms in the first place. Same dose.

      Also for smaller dogs….. I have been trying to find something for smaller dogs. I have 2 10lbs dogs. I’m not sure about giving them a whole black walnut pill so I found a liquid black walnut. I’m sure you can get liquid black walnut anywhere but since I have used this company Nzymes before for my dog Bandit.. …
      I decided to try their black walnut liquid. It’s called BlackLeaf Tincture for Pets. A few drops a day will last a long time. Just wanted to share what I’m using. You can use any black walnut liquid.

    12. Teri-Lynn Avatar

      Hello! I enjoyed your article, but have issue with something-ringworm. Ringworm isn’t a parasite; it’s a fungus, of the same as jock itch and athlete’s foot. In my line of work, as a CPDT-KA, BC & dealing with animals of all kinds, believe me, ringworm and many other fungi are found on out dogs, cats, horses, cattle, etc. It is especially common in cats, especially those with a damaged immune system, & they can become like a “carrier”-the fungus dies off, but lives on dead felled hairs,& gets carried to other animals& people. The naturaloil of black walnuts is especially toxic to horses and dogs, as well.

      1. Sylvia Housner Avatar
        Sylvia Housner

        Black walnut tincture is anti-fungal. I use black walnut hull powder to deworm my dogs and livestock, people use the tincture, usually. I haven’t seen anything about black walnut oil here.

    13. Jeanna Avatar

      can i use this on my dog as a bath, his hair comes and goes and he has sores and very itchy skin?

    14. Dianna Avatar

      Used black walnut tincture my husband made to get rid of cystic acne and it worked.

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