8 Benefits of Sardines (& How to Make Them Taste Great)

Katie Wells Avatar

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8 Benefits of Sardines and How to Make Them Taste Great
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Let me guess, you are one of two kinds of people when it comes to sardines:

  1. You love them and eat them regularly
  2. Or you can’t stand them and don’t even know why you are reading a post about them.

Statistically, it’s likely you are in the latter group, as 73% of people claim to dislike sardines. But give me 5 minutes and I might convince you to try them… and maybe even love them enough to bulk order them each month like I do!

Here’s why:

Why I Eat Sardines (& You Should Too)

Sardines are often called the healthiest fish and they are certainly one of the most budget-friendly. In fact, I order sustainably caught canned sardines and we consume them regularly. Some experts call them a natural multivitamin and they are one of the few truly healthy canned portable foods.

But I get it…

Sardines have a strong smell and a stronger taste. And they are weird and scary because they have bones and skin and you don’t want to try them. I get it, but here’s why you should anyway:

Health Benefits of Sardines

Sardines are a tiny fish with a very big nutrient profile! In fact, very few other foods pack the same amount of nutrients per ounce. Liver comes pretty close, but it is often more dreaded than the humble sardine.

Real food is often more expensive than processed foods, but sardines are a notable exception. Canned sardines are one of the few super-healthy, budget-friendly portable “fast foods” out there. They also don’t carry the same mercury risk as bigger fish do.

Here are eight reasons you should learn to love sardines:

Source of Omega-3

Omega-3s benefit the body in many ways and are well-studied for their importance in the body. One can of sardines contains over half of the recommended daily dose of omega-3. Sardines provide both EPA and DHA fats, which are beneficial for the brain, heart, and to reduce inflammation.

Many people consume large amounts of high omega-6 oils like vegetable oil and margarine. This may disturb the balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats in the body and lead to a variety of problems. Experts claim that DHA and EPA are the most easily usable forms of omega-3 for the body and consuming these from foods like sardines and other fatty fish can help correct this ratio.

Various studies show the importance of consuming enough omega-3 to keep cholesterol levels in healthy ranges, for heart health, to support the brain and for optimal fertility and hormone balance.

Super Source of Selenium

Experts like Chris Kresser and Dr. Paul Jaminet explain the importance of selenium for thyroid and adrenal health. One theory is that too much iodine (found in processed foods) without enough selenium may be hard on the thyroid and adrenals. Selenium is also needed for glutathione production in the body.

Selenium and iodine are synergistic and occur together in most naturally occurring sources, including sardines. In fact, one can of sardines contains almost the entire RDA (recommended daily allowance) of selenium and a smaller amount of iodine. This may help the body obtain a proper balance of selenium and iodine.

Personally, I’ve found that consuming rich food sources of selenium (like sardines and brazil nuts) and omega-3s has reduced my thyroid symptoms.

Bioavailable Calcium & Phosphorus

Sardines (even canned ones) are great because they are one of the few animal foods that we still consume all of, including the bones and skin. While this makes some people squeamish, these “odd bits” of the fish have important vitamins and minerals, including a great dose of calcium from the bones. One can contains about 1/3 of the recommended daily amount of calcium in a highly absorbable form.

More and more people are having reactions to dairy, and consuming fish with bones is one of the ways to get enough calcium without consuming dairy. With some studies finding some scary results of supplementing with calcium, sardines are a safe food-based way to get enough.

Phosphorus is an important mineral for bone and tooth health as well and difficult to find in food sources. Sardines are one of the best natural food sources, which is why they are often recommended for healthy skin, teeth, and bones.

Vitamin D Boost

The vast majority of us are vitamin D deficient. And this number is even more drastic if we consider the optimal levels of vitamin D and not just the minimum! It is one of the reasons that experts are calling for a change to the recommendation to avoid the sun! Some have even gone so far as to claim that we have a sun deficiency and that widespread vitamin D deficiency is contributing to various cancers and health problems.

One can of sardines contains almost half of the daily recommended amount of vitamin D.

High in Protein

Sardines are a great protein choice. One 3-ounce can provides 23 grams of protein and a big dose of vitamins. These tiny fish are considered a very “efficient food” since they contain a very high amount of vitamins, protein and omega-3 for the amount of calories they contain.

Low in Mercury and Other Metals

Heavy metal contamination is an understandable concern with consuming fish. Especially in the wake of recent contamination, many people are concerned about eating fish. Thankfully, sardines are considered one of the safest fish to consume due to their small size.

Sardines eat plankton and are at the bottom of the ocean food chain. This means that they contain much less mercury and other heavy metals than larger fish such as tuna.


With the rise of farmed fish and overfishing, sustainability is also a problem. Thankfully, sardines are considered one of the most sustainable fish available. They are still abundant in the oceans and don’t show the same signs of deletion that many species are experiencing.

Personally, I make sure to stick to sustainably caught seafood and sardines.

Budget Friendly

Real food costs more than the subsidized processed foods on grocery store shelves. Sardines are one of the few amazing nutrient-dense foods that won’t break the bank. I’ve been ordering sustainably caught wild sardines for just a little over $2 a can (from here) and we use them all the time. They can also substitute for canned tuna in almost every recipe, and it’s healthier and cheaper! Win!

How to Choose Good Sardines

If you’re convinced enough about the benefits to give them a try, make sure to find a high-quality source. If you’re new to the taste, I recommend starting with canned sardines in olive oil instead of water. The oil seems to help improve the taste for many people.

Most grocery stores carry canned sardines on the same aisle with tuna and other canned fish. I typically order them in bulk once a month since they’re cheaper than the ones our local store carries and specify that they’re from a sustainable source.

Ways to Eat Sardines (Without Gagging)

So, you have some sardines. You know they are healthy. Yet, that sardine tin stares back at you like a menacing foe! The most common way to consume them is on saltine crackers. If you avoid grains like I do, or just aren’t a fan of the refined flour, there are many other delicious ways to eat them. They are a little bit of an acquired taste, but you can learn to love them. Promise!

If you’re having a hard time learning to actually *like* them, try these ideas:

  • Straight out of the can with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice
  • On healthier crackers with a little bit of cheese
  • On a Caesar salad with homemade or avocado oil Caesar dressing
  • Mashed into half of an avocado with a squeeze of fresh lemon
  • In place of tuna in “tuna salad” with homemade mayo (or this avocado oil mayo), mustard, and pickles
  • With cottage cheese and hot sauce
  • Fisherman’s eggs- bake sardines with onions, eggs, and spices
  • Scrambled into eggs and topped with hollandaise sauce
  • Mix canned sardines with some chopped red onions and olives
  • Served with a side of lemon garlic aioli

Sardine Cautions

As one of the lowest contamination sources of seafood, sardines don’t carry the same risk many fish do. Recent recommendations even list them as a safe food for pregnant women when consumed 1-2 times per week. They’re also high in purines, so those with gout or other disorders should check with a doctor before consuming.

Bottom Line: Sardines Are Good for You!

Congrats if you made it this far! Did I convince you to give sardines a try?

These nutrient-packed little fish are one of the most budget-friendly real foods. They taste delicious when prepared correctly and your body will love the nutrient boost. Take a deep breath and give them a try. You may even learn to love them!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Robert Galamaga, who is a board-certified internal medicine physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

Do you like sardines? Will you try them?

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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


99 responses to “8 Benefits of Sardines (& How to Make Them Taste Great)”

  1. Marge Avatar

    Eating the most delicious salad now:
    finely chopped red cabbage
    2 persian cukes small chop
    finely chopped onion
    sunflower seeds
    1 can chopped wild-caught in water no salt sardines from Trader Joe
    DIY vinaigrette
    If only I had a ripe avocado. Sliced hard-boiled egg would be a great addition, too

  2. Jan Avatar

    Love sardines with mustard right out of the can. Had some on crackers just today.

    1. Marian Avatar

      My Dad would take a can of Sardines for Lunch to work with mustard and crackers it seemed like every day….

  3. Jordan Avatar

    I made it this far! But I’m also one of the 27% that loves sardines so I was really just reading until I found the recipes lol can’t wait to try substituting sardines in tuna salad!! That sounds excellent! Thanks!

  4. Steve Avatar

    Quoting nutrients is nice, but can you put in references to full vitamin/mineral/macro nutritional values ?
    A lot of us use food trackers and this would help to see RDA achivments

  5. Shannon Avatar

    I ate my first tin of sardines a few weeks ago. I was pretty terrified as I lifted a fork full up to my mouth and, with great trepidation, took a bite. I was expecting a sharp, overwhelming, offensive flavor. What I tasted was…. a lot like tuna fish! What had I ever been afraid of?! Sardines get a bad rap as “an acquired taste.” The taste is fine – like tuna, but better. What really freaks me out is the skin, bones, and the fact that their little bodies are packed together in a can.

    1. Dawn Avatar

      Ok, this is me…terrified but wanting to take the plunge for their many health benefits. Thanks for pointing this out…makes me braver. Want to try today. But yeah, don’t like the little bodies packed in the can. 🙁

  6. Diana Hahn Avatar
    Diana Hahn

    My doctor told me to eat bone-in sardines every day for the calcium since she also recommended I avoid dairy and gluten because of my Hashimotos problem. Is every day too often?

  7. Ivana Avatar

    I love sardines and your post about them is great! I just had a can of sardines this morning for breakfast with avocado, toasted whole rye bread, and onion 🙂 I sometimes eat them with baked potato and avocado and it is an awesome combination!

  8. Michelle Avatar

    I grew up eating tinned sardines on buttered toast with tomato sauce.

  9. Becky Avatar

    I started eating sardines after starting the AIP diet over two years ago. I could eat them for a while but later I couldn’t stand them anymore. They made me feel sick. Then I found skinless and boneless sardines! I eat them almost every week.

  10. Kirsten Avatar

    Ok, this is going to sound really weird but I just can’t stand the taste of anything fishy. Since I know sardines are good for me my only solution is to put them in the blender with a little water and blend for 30 seconds then CHUG with my nose plugged. Down they go! Sorry to all you sardine lovers, this probably seems like a waste. My advise…make sure you feed these to your kids so they don’t end up drinking sardine smoothies like me as adults, LOL. 🙂

    1. Kay Avatar

      Lol, I do something like this too! I just chew the sardines, have my glass of water with me, take in a gulp and swallow! I used to eat a certain brand for lunch everyday, the usual way, with crackers. Out of nowhere that started to disgust me but I wasn’t going to give up on my precious sardines- they helped to clear up and beautify my skin. So….chew and gulp was my new solution!!!

  11. Katrina Avatar

    My three kids love sardines, and so do I. Everyone else in my family thinks we are weird. We eat them with a bunch of fresh lime juice and some olive or avocado oil. I usually put mine on a bed of lettuce. My kids devour them and I’m happy knowing they’re getting all that good nutrition! We regularly eat them with lunch.

  12. Kim Avatar

    Healthy for dogs too. I found a brand that is sodium free and packed in water. Skinless too (I have a picky dog that loves these but hates the skin-on version).

  13. Anna Avatar

    I like sardines! They are good for lunch: First put some lettuce in a bowl with little olive oil and seasoning. (I like Herbamare). Then top with a fried egg and sardines!

  14. Edith Avatar

    I eat sardines since I was a kid. My favourite way of eating them is white or black bread (or any bread of your choice) with butter, then I put sardines on top and a few slices of cucumber on top of sardines. Absolutely delicious! And so fresh, great for summer. 🙂

  15. Carol L Avatar
    Carol L

    Thank you for this article, and thanks to all of the readers comments, too. I did NOT grow up eating sardines or liver, and HATE both. I have about 20 cans of them in my disaster items, only because I know they are full of protein and good for you, but never, until now, had ANY idea how to eat them without gagging! I’m going to get out a can or two and try some of these ideas. THANK YOU!
    I’d buy sardines in jars if I could find them. Here, they seem to only come in cans. I only buy tuna in jars, and NEVER from the Pacific, as mentioned: Fukushima

  16. Gwyn Avatar

    I love them smashed onto a healthiy cracker add finely diced onions and vinegar! Yum!

  17. Julie Avatar

    Yeah ! Finally something that I love that is good for ya ! My dad used to stand in the kitchen and eat a can of sardines w/his cold beer every Saturday afternoon when he got home from work. From the time I was about 6 yrs old he would share them with me. I love them – just did’t know they were good for you. He didn’t either I’m sure. Thanks for the information. It’s been a while since I have bought any but that will change tomorrow !! I love your tips – THANKS !!

  18. Gabi Avatar

    I grew up on sardines and I’m feeding it to my children as well. One of the ways we eat it that may work well for beginners is mixed with butter put on bread (even better on toast!). We stay away from the ones in canola or soybean oil and get the ones in olive oil. I also refer them with skin and bones rather than “naked.” Quick and healthy meal straight out of the can with some bread on the side which can be used at the end to mop up the yummy oily bits.

  19. Claudia Avatar

    Hi!! I’m a follower of yours from sometime now 🙂 I’m Portuguese, so I do love sardines (we all do, I think), fresh and grilled… now in this time of year, there’s a Holiday where everyday goes out to the streets all day and night and everybody eats grilled sardines, so the smell invades the town (Lisbon and Oporto) 😀 we love the smell 😀 It used to be considered the fish of the poor in the 19th century and before…!
    I don’t eat as much as I used to, just because of the un-practical side of grilling in an outside griller (too much smoke and smell to do inside apartments, and really only tasteful if made in a real fire) but you made me rethink that 🙂
    I think people in Portugal used to cnsume it much more but one of the reasons consume has lowered a bit is precisely the increasing percentage of people living in appartments, without those outside grills… just isn’t the same thing… 🙂

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