Natural DIY Hairspray Recipe

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DIY hair spray
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Natural DIY Hairspray Recipe

Conventional hair spray is one of the worst offenders when it comes to toxins in beauty products. It typically has aerosol, PFAS, VOCs and more. More companies are making safe alternatives, but I’ve discovered a way to make my own. This DIY hair spray is simple and really works!

This natural alternative is easy to make, less expensive, and healthier for hair. And it’s always more fun when I get to make my own beauty products. You use just a few ingredients, like alcohol, white sugar, and essential oils to make your own hair spray. While I don’t recommend eating white sugar, it does have it’s uses!

If you use hair spray, try this natural alternative… your health and the environment will thank you! If you’re looking for something more texturizing and volumizing, check out this sea spray instead.

Don’t want to make it? Here’s an organic hairspray with clean ingredients that also works well.

DIY Hair Spray Ingredients

We’ve already covered what we don’t want to see in our hair spray cans, but what about DIY hair spray? Sugar is what gives this hair spray it’s holding power and it helps preserve the liquid a little. Some DIY recipes call for a few teaspoons of sugar, but I find I get the best hold with 2 Tablespoons.

The next ingredient up is alcohol. This decreases the drying time and also helps the hair spray last a little longer. I prefer to use spiced rum for it’s scent, but any 80-proof (or higher) alcohol will work. Just be sure it doesn’t have added sweeteners or flavors. Rubbing alcohol may also work but I haven’t tried it.

And the simplest ingredient is water. Be sure to use filtered or distilled water, as tap water introduces too much bacteria. Some people replace some of the regular water in the recipe with rose water for a lovely scent and added hair benefits.

Adding Essential Oils

Essential oils have some great benefits for the scalp and ultimately healthy hair. Rosemary essential oil and lavender oil are known to help with hair loss. Peppermint feels refreshing and uplifting to the mood. Cedarwood essential oil has a woodsy scent and is also great for hair growth. You can read more about different essential oils for hair here.

DIY hair spray
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DIY Hair Spray Recipe

This natural homemade hair spray recipe features simple ingredients with a long lasting hold. Customize the hold and scent with your favorite essential oils!
Active Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Author: Katie Wells


  • 1.5 cups distilled water (or filtered water)
  • 2 TBSP white sugar (dark ones don’t work)
  • 1 TBSP 80 proof or higher alcohol (like vodka. I prefer spiced rum for the scent)
  • 10-15 drops essential oils (see above for ideas)


  • Boil water and dissolve the sugar in it.
  • Allow the sugar water to cool to room temperature, then add the alcohol and essential oils.
  • Store in spray bottle and use like you would use regular hair spray.


  • Adjust the sugar up or down for more or less stiffness/hold (more sugar=stronger hold) but don’t add too much or hair will feel sticky.
  • I’ve had some luck combining this with the salt from my beach waves spray for a texturizing spray. I reduced the sugar by half and added half of the magnesium.
  • This hair spray recipe does not have a preservative so it will last for a few weeks in the fridge. I’ve found it has a longer shelf life if it’s in an airtight container. Be sure to toss it if it starts to smell or look off.

How to Use the Homemade Hairspray Recipe

Natural hair spray has much cleaner ingredients but it can work a little differently than conventional versions. While I’ve found it does hold my hair well, it usually works best to apply lightly. Spraying too much at once can make hair feel hard or sticky. Try applying a layer, let it dry, then reapply if needed.

If you have curly hair or frizzy hair, then hair spray can help tame the frizz and give curls more definition. A light spray with DIY hair spray can also help hold your hairstyle in place after you’ve used heat tools. Experts are divided on the safety of using hair spray before heat styling tools. While they’re debating about conventional hair sprays, sugar and alcohol are both flammable. So it’s likely best to save DIY hair spray for after you’ve used the curling iron.

Shelf Life

Since this product does have a water base and doesn’t have a true preservative, it won’t last forever. I find that it does last for a few weeks when kept in the fridge. If you don’t use hair spray very often, then you can also cut the recipe in half.

Not a hairspray user? Here are some other nourishing hair care recipes. No need to buy expensive (or questionable) hair products!

Do you make DIY hair products? Which ones are your favorite to make or use? Leave a comment and let us know!

Hairspray usually contains a plethora of harmful ingredients, but this simple and inexpensive homemade version is healthier for hair and for the environment.


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    95 responses to “Natural DIY Hairspray Recipe”

    1. Rena Avatar

      Is there a hairspray recipe that’s good for heat-styled hair? I tried spraying this on right after curling with a curling iron, but it basically just felt like I was spraying water on my hair and the curls fell out in minutes.

    2. Lenny Avatar

      CAN YOU DO A mixture of 1 tbsp. Of sugar and 1tbsp.salt to the water/essential oil alcohol mixture?

    3. Wilhelmina Avatar

      I must say the idea having sugar in my doesn’t appeal me. What I use for my curly hair is aloe vera gel mixed with rosewater, but that is more like a gel and is perfect for curly hair to make it less frizzy.

    4. kelly Avatar

      It works BUT makes everything around where you are spraying super sticky ( including flooring) & the worse thing ( & the reason I won’t ever use it again): if you go outside with this in your hair, it attracts bugs like crazy!!!

    5. Jen Avatar

      Weighed my hair down and felt very sticky. any recommendation to lighten it up?

    6. Rachel Rivera Avatar
      Rachel Rivera

      Hi! I know with store bought hairspray, you can also use it as a makeup setting spray. Do you know if this homade hairspray would work as a makeup setting spray as well?

    7. Jaime Avatar

      Hi, I love your blog. I’ve made this hair spray 2x and I really like it. When I came to check the post today so I could make it again, I see the recipe calls for 1/5 cups water. I don’t remember using only one-fifth of a cup of water – that seems like very little, not to mention an unusual measurement! Is that a mistake?

    8. Jasmine Avatar

      If you have this in your hair, would it damage it if you applied heat? Or should you just do the heat part before?

    9. Ellie Avatar

      I love this hairspray! Great for a wedding up-do… I have another wedding next weekend that’s outside- would the bugs attack me with the sugar in the recipe???

    10. Sullivan Avatar

      I had to comment on this Hairspray because I have been using a similar recipe I found and I see people are having issues with this one. I recommend following the directions below rather than using as a normal hairspray. I have had success with this easy recipe and would like to share it:
      1/2 Cup Water (not tap, of course)
      2 Teaspoons White Sugar
      2 Tablespoons Witch Hazel (one mixed with alcohol like from Mt. Rose Herbs)
      6-8 drops essential oil (optional)
      Heat water to a boil and then turn off heat source
      Add sugar and stir until dissolved
      Add witch hazel and essential oil after cooling
      Pour into fine mist bottle
      STRONGER? Add more sugar WEAKER? Add less sugar

      Shake well before each use!

      Spray, wait 30 seconds to dry, then spray again as needed
      I recommend spray lightly and not close at first so the water doesn’t weigh hair down

    11. Roxy Avatar

      I don’t always use hairspray but I need hairspray when I put my hair in a poney tail and go outside. With that in mind I would be afraid of attracting bees and other bugs because of the sugar.

    12. Isis Avatar

      I was a little put down by all the negative reviews but I tried it anyway. Thank you so much! Turned out great, this will be a recipe I will use frequently in the future, its perfect!

      1. nancy Avatar

        What kind of hair do you have?Mine is thin, natural color and straight.

    13. Krista Avatar

      When I went to get my alcohol for the hairspray I make, the lady told me that ever clear would be best for hairspray because it’s small particles and will dry quickly…….I also use a cut up lemon or orange instead of sugar, but same idea.

    14. Stephanie Avatar

      Yay! This looks amazing! I love what hairspray does, but hate what it’s doing to my hair! It always feels like i’m stopping my hair from breathing when I apply it.

      So i’m looking forward to this natural hairspray, quick question though, with white sugar being one of the ingrediets, will it not attracts insects? Thanks :).

    15. Donna Avatar

      Hi, I too have to tell you how much I love your site. I have learned so much thanks to all of your hard work.
      Can you give a recipe for combining with beach waves spray and hair spray? I would so appreciate it, and so excited to try it out. Especially now, thanks to you, because my hair is healthier than its ever been.


    16. Heather A. Avatar
      Heather A.

      I just made this recipe this morning! I am pleasantly surprised at the hairspray’s ability to hold! I did a brushed-out pin-curl hair do and it seems to be holding very well. I do have to admit it is very sticky, even when dry an hour later. So long as you don’t plan on touching or letting anyone else touch your hair all day, this recipe is great! I gave 4 stars instead of 5 because of the sticky quality.

    17. Hailey Avatar

      Can I use Jack Daniels (thats the only alc we have in then house) for the alcohol portion? It would be for my husband, since I rarely use hair spray.

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