How to Get Real Food at Wholesale Prices with Thrive Market

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Reviews » How to Get Real Food at Wholesale Prices with Thrive Market

I’m super happy to finally get to share about an amazing new company that I’ve been using like crazy lately. In fact, I was so excited about this company that I said “heck yes!” when I was asked to be an advisor (and investor) with them so that I could help them choose products moms and families need most.

Wholesome Food- Wholesale Prices

The company is called Thrive Market and it is a cross between Costco meets Whole Foods online. Think Costco wholesale pricing on Whole Foods quality foods and brands with the convenience of purchasing through Amazon.

Thrive has great prices on a lot of our non-perishable staples and household items. In particular, I’ve bought a lot of our common household goods and foods from them, such as:

Great Prices on Great Products

Thrive Market is the first socially conscious online marketplace offering the world’s best-selling natural and organic products at wholesale prices. For less than $5 a month ($59.95 annually), members can shop 2,500 of the highest quality food, supplements, home, personal care, and beauty products from more than 400 of the best brands on the market, all delivered straight to their doors at 25-50% below retail prices.

This innovative marketplace offers healthy brands like Weleda, Dr. Bronner’s, Spectrum Naturals, Garden of Eatin’, Bob’s Red Mill, Nature’s Path, Eden Foods, Earth’s Best, Seventh Generation, Garden of Life, Jason Naturals and many more!

I did a side by side comparison of many of their products, and not only are they less expensive than the same organic and natural products on Amazon or at my local stores, but they are often cheaper than the conventional alternative. For instance:

  • Natural laundry detergent at the same price (or slightly less) that conventional chemical detergent
  • Organic and chlorine-free diapers and wipes for the same price as Pampers or Huggies
  • Natural floss, toothpaste, deodorant, etc. for less than conventional store bought
  • Coconut aminos for the same price as regular soy sauce
  • Grass fed beef jerky for less than store bought regular beef jerky

In fact, I saved over $72 when I ordered three of our usual monthly products on Thrive compared to Amazon or local stores:

Amazon vs Thrive Market Price Comparison on Gelatin

Thrive only carries non-perishables, so they won’t be a replacement (or a competitor) to local farmers and farmers markets, but they offer a less expensive and socially conscious alternative to non-perishable products often bought online. Our family is now buying many of our non-perishables and household products from them and supporting our local farmers and economy with our produce and meat purchases.

Free Shipping

Thrive Market also offers free shipping on orders over $49 to anywhere in the continental US. I try to order one big order a month and my shipping has always been free by doing this since I always have a bigger order. This is comparable to Amazon, plus Thrive membership is less expensive than Amazon Prime.

Thrive Gives

One of the things that really attracted me to Thrive Market and motivated me to invest in them was their social mission. For every membership purchased, Thrive gives a free membership to a low-income family to help make real food affordable to everyone.

Thrive is also committed to the environment by using recycled packaging and making sure that all of their own packaging is recyclable as well. They also purchase carbon offsets and are completely carbon neutral.

I’ve met the founders and team at Thrive and they are all very excited about the mission of Thrive and making real food more affordable and available, but they also all live and eat this way too.

Trial Membership

I’m not a fan for signing up for things without trying them first (in fact, I waited until I had a friend’s pass to visit Costco before signing up when we used to live near one) and I’m guessing you aren’t either.


Thrive Market is a new company with a big mission. Some popular items may be out of stock temporarily while they deal with minor growing pains. If something you are looking for is out of stock, please check back in a day or two and have a little patience!

Ready to give it a try? Click here to find out more about Thrive Market and try it for free!


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


93 responses to “How to Get Real Food at Wholesale Prices with Thrive Market”

  1. Robynne Catheron Avatar
    Robynne Catheron

    I was so excited to find a site that carries only healthy and safe grocery items, but minutes later, I was surprised and quite disappointed to find that they sell products that claim to be “natural” but aren’t. Were you aware that not everything Thrive sells is organic (healthy) or non-GMO (safe)? I sent them an email regarding a few of those products, but their response was that Thrive didn’t claim to be 100% organic or non-GMO, or even 100% healthy.

    This was about six months to a year ago, but nothing has changed since then. That leads me to believe that either the person who read and answered my email didn’t care enough to forward it to anyone else in the company, or did, and the company didn’t care enough to make any changes, in which case they couldn’t care less about their consumers, only their bottom line.

    Two examples:

    Tom’s of Maine products are not organic and never have been, according to the original owner. He sold the company to Colgate Palmolive.

    Kashi cereals are made by Kellogg’s, and are neither organic or non-GMO. Kellogg’s is being sued for this.

    Although I respect and appreciate that you support this company enough to invest in it, the company is more than a little unethical. In this day of “Frankenfoods,” glyphosate and pesticides, artificial ingredients and other cancer-causing chemicals, most of us are trying to provide the highest-quality foods we can find even if we have to pay a little more for them, and even if we have to wade through shady word tricks like the words “natural” and “no artificial ingredients.” Thrive deliberately misleads their consumers into believing they are shopping for products that are healthful and safe for themselves and their families, while not actually promising or guaranteeing anything of the sort.

    As “Wellness Mama,” is this really the type of business you want to risk your own reputation by promoting and investing in?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hi Robynne – thanks for the thoughtful comment. I’ll reach out about this as well. As I’m sure you can understand, there is a lot that goes into growing a company and I’m guessing this is something they haven’t completely worked out yet. I do know that they are coming out with many private label products that do meet the stringent organic/non-GMO criteria and plan to promote these as an alternative to other brands. I also don’t think that there are any perfect options in today’s world, unfortunately. I live in a smaller town where I can’t get many natural products at our local stores, so resources like Thrive let me order these products without breaking the bank. Certainly, they aren’t perfect (there is no such thing as a perfect company, just like there is no such thing as a perfect person), but they are a big improvement on local options. IF I refused to shop somewhere because all of the product they carried weren’t organic, non-GMO and met my other criteria (no flour, no sugar, no soy, no vegetable oil, etc), I would literally have zero options to shop for my family. Even my local farmers market doesn’t meet all of those criteria. I 100% agree with you that we have major problems in our current food system but I personally feel like I should support companies that are making strides toward better options rather than boycotting anything that isn’t perfect. As another example, Burt’s Bees is now owned by a major company and has changed some of their beauty products so I no longer buy those particular products. At the same time, the large scale they now have allows them to carry organic kids clothing that doesn’t break the bank and I happily purchase these options.

  2. Bekki Avatar

    I followed your link to Thrive but the offers you made by following your link are not there?? “Thrive is offering a free one-month trial membership and 20% off a first order to all Wellness Mama readers, plus a chance to win a $500 shopping spree to Thrive Market. Click here to qualify for the discount and enter for the shopping spree.”

    It offers $10.00 off and no information about a shopping spree?? Thanks.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      This is an old post and that discount isn’t still available. I removed the reference to it so there’s no confusion. Thanks for pointing it out!

  3. Karen Ruby Brown Avatar
    Karen Ruby Brown

    I was just shopping for the first time on Thrive and noticed that the icon for “Moms” under “Shop by” is a baby bottle. Not cool! Yes, yes, sometimes bottles are necessary but that’s not the point. I’m a a midwife and a mom and we all know breast is best, I’m hoping they will change this symbol to something new and improved. Maybe a mom cradling a baby? I have submitted a comment on Thrive’s website, but since you mentioned in a previous comment that you are now good friends with Gunnar, perhaps you can also bring this to his attention?

  4. Amy Rodgers Avatar
    Amy Rodgers

    I know this is an old post but I was wondering if anyone stuck with it and is happy with Thrive? I just quickly looked up a few things and seems things are marked up in black to look like you are getting a better deal? Was just the few items I saw or is this the norm? I shop mostly at Whole Foods which can be quite expensive and there avg prices for brand items are much lower then Thrive is making them out to be? What other online stores does everyone like?

    1. Beverly Avatar

      Amy, I know you posted awhile back but see you have not gotten any response. Here is my experience with them:
      I had a trial membership that I tried to cancel last year. I had the trial for almost 30 days, wrote an email saying that we did not use it enough to warrant extending it. I do not check my email very frequently (we live on a farm with spotty internet) but when I checked again what I had was an email offering me a lower price to stay and they went ahead and charged our credit card without me authorizing it. I said I wanted to CANCEL. They should not have assumed that I would accept their offer. Being a homeschooling mommy of a large family I did not have a lot of time to fight it. I figured my time was almost up and today went to their website to try and cancel. I got a page saying my membership was not up until June 2nd. I have sent them an email saying I do NOT want to be charged again. I don’t have the time to babysit the computer to make sure they don’t charge me on June 2nd! There should be a way online to make sure the membership charge does not cycle on June 2nd. I am very frustrated with them and will not be recommending them.

      This is what their “cancellation portal” says as far as my account:
      It looks like your paid membership doesn’t expire until Jun 2, 2016. Please let us know if there’s anything we can do to assist you.

      1. Beverly Avatar

        **update*** today, after making it very clear to Thrive that I want to cancel my membership, I got this email:
        Hi Bev,
        I’d love to hear more about your experience and why you’re considering ending your membership. More than anything, we’d love to keep you as a member.
        A healthy lifestyle is our number one priority. That’s why we’ve expanded our product offerings beyond foods, but into household products as well as furniture. We’ve even launched our own private label that is exclusively found here and includes coconut oil, tomato sauce, superfoods and flours.
        There’s a ton to miss out on, and I want you to be in the know. I can offer you a pretty nice deal which will lower your rate to $29.95 for the upcoming year. That breaks your cost down to only $2.50 per month. This offer empowers you to take advantage of savings up to 50% off retail, and the hundreds of new products we add each month.
        If for any reason you’re not interested in the reduced price offer, simply reply to this email. In the interim, I’ll update your account to reflect the new offer, just in case it works for you.
        Please let me know if you have specific concerns or questions about our services that I can address for you.
        I’ll be happy to help!


        I just want to CANCEL!

        1. Hanna Avatar

          Hi Beverly – Thank you for your feedback regarding our cancellation process. Because it is important to us that the natural products that we offer are affordable and accessible to all, we may offer an alternative membership option to accommodate a trial member. By no means, do we set out to inconvenience anyone.

          Please call Member Services at (866) 419-2174 Monday-Friday, 9am – 6pm; Saturday, 11am – 8pm Eastern Standard Time, or contact us via our online portal at

  5. Kim Maynard Avatar
    Kim Maynard

    I have been very pleased with Thrive thus far. The social mission is what lead me to become a member.

  6. Jackie Avatar

    Thrivemarket’s shipping and delivery is very long.

    They do not carry the whole line of a brand name.

    They might carry just one or two items of a brand.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      Thrive just added a fulfillment center in Indiana to speed up shipping to the Midwest and East Coast and it should make a huge difference.

  7. Dave cana Avatar

    I’ve been wanting to join for a while now but I simply cannot believe all of the cancellation problems people are having. This isn’t an oversight. Obviously. Seems like a purposeful unethical practice we e seen with other retailers. I’ve read literally hundreds with the same problem. Late orders I expect. Order issues sure but this is a simple fix. That’s why I have raised eyebrows. Sure enough my brother joined. Same thing. Wanted to cancel got he sales pitch. Insisted he wanted to cancel then got the 60 dollar hit. Emails were fruitless. Sorry want nothing to do with an unethical company like this.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hi Dave. Thanks for the honest input. I have only had good experiences with them personally, but I do have a paid membership already. As an advisor to the company, I take these kind of comments very seriously and have passed them on to the CEO directly.I’ve been assured that they are adding a simple cancellation process soon and will definitely update this post once that happens, but I completely understand your hesitancy to try in the meantime. If you want, please have your brother email me (support at the name of this site dot com) and I’ll pass on his email directly too.

    2. Tamara Avatar

      This is not the first I have heard of this and it is soooo sad! No company should be in business when they make it this difficult to cancel. Either they come up with a delivery/shipping speed that is competitve/acceptable or refund the money! Capitalism 101. The best company wins – honest companies, that provide a differentiated service or products at a fair price. And that don’t hold you captive! I would take it up with my credit card company and let them go after the money.

  8. Laura Curtin Avatar
    Laura Curtin

    I tried the 30 day free trial membership to compare it to and while I saved a tiny bit on some items, I noticed the packaging was SO small on many items that it is not cost effective. For example. I had to buy three bottles of syrup to the one size at; all the wasted plastic in those bottles! Another drawback is that I was unable to buy in bulk, which would have saved in packaging and in cost. When I received my order, it seemed like all the boxes, bags, jars and jugs were sized for a tiny child’s kitchen. Finally it took almost 2 weeks to receive the order. I have cancelled my subscription by email and will be ordering from Amazon again. (Hopefully I do not have trouble with cancellation as so many others have experienced!) I can get bulk, larger containers and quick shipping with them. I don’t mind paying a few pennies more to save time, energy and the environment.

  9. Kim Avatar

    I took advantage of a coconut oil offer through Thrive and a 30 day trial membership. We will see. I did check out their prices in comparison to competitors. Some of the competitors seemed to be less inexpensive than Thrive. And the fact they do charge a fee is a little off putting. I do give companies the benefit of the doubt though, esp. brand new, on the rise companies. To each their own and I will see for myself.

    Thank you, Katie, for putting together this lovely blog filled with natural health info. I look forward to trying out some of your food recipes!

  10. ernest Avatar

    I’ve seen a lot of hyping about Thrive lately, and I think people aren’t doing the due diligence and presenting the full picture here. Like Amazon Prime and club memberships, it’s more complex then simply comparing cost of products in one store to the other. With Thrive, not only do you have to add in the cost of membership like Costco, but you also have to factor in the cost of shipping. And what they don’t tell you, is that in order for Thrive to become a value proposition for any customer, they need to order a fair amount of stuff on a regular basis. And then, this increases shipping costs because of weight. These are factors that they don’t bring into cost comparisons. It irks me when I see thought leaders and influencers in these various communities that they’re using for their marketing that don’t tell the whole story. It’s pretty irresponsible.

    Also, I’m not exactly sure exactly what their guard rails for curation are. It seems like they have all sorts of brands and products in their store, like Green and Black’s, which is owned by Kraft Foods. I saw one blogger Diana Rodgers recently that claimed that this was the first online socially responsible store, which is a joke if you consider this brand (Green and Blacks) alone. How can you be socially responsible if you’re selling a product owned by a global CPG company with numerous supply-chain and sourcing issues, not to mention waste, ingredient/nutrition profile, sustainability issues etc. Classic example of blogger ignorance. There are actually online stores out there that take these things into consideration, but she must just not be aware, or else she’s an affiliate beneficiary of them.

    On a closing note, what supposedly makes Thrive socially responsible is that they donate a membership to someone economically “in need”. I think this is ironic and a little bit laughable, considering that most people that fall into this demographic are not going to be able to shop for the foods on this site to begin with(they’re still relatively expensive). And this is what people in the social impact area call “philanthropy as the runoff of the broken system” i.e. corporate donation of something post profit. The truly socially responsible model is to build considerations for supply chain ethics, sourcing and sustainability into your model—something that we might suppose that Thrive does not do.

    Suggest pushing, probing, doing due diligence, and apply critical thinking. Too bad that’s not in demand much these days

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hi Ernest… thanks for the thoughtful comment. You make some good points, but I wanted to share an email I recently sent to my email list about my personal motivation for sharing about Thrive…

      I’ve gotten more than a few questions about Thrive Market and why I’ve promoted it so much lately, so I wanted to be completely transparent and give you all the inside details…
      My first and only goal in creating has always been to create healthier families and a healthier future for our kids. I’ve always strived to provide the best information on my blog and to only share those items that I personally use and and love.

      Last summer, a friend contacted me to help develop the product list for a new company that would offer natural products at wholesale prices online. (Think Whole Foods quality with the pricing of Costco and the convenience of Amazon.) They wanted me, as a mom, to help them decide which products moms want and need the most for their families. (You can see some of the ones I picked here)

      I worked with Gunnar (now a close friend) on this last summer and eventually decided to invest a small amount of our own money into Thrive Market.

      I’ve been asked several times of late if I am getting paid to promote Thrive and why I keep talking about them so much.

      The truth is that while I invested and I *might* make some money if Thrive ever sells or goes public, I’ve never been paid to email or share their products, and to date, I have not received a cent from Thrive.

      The reason I talk about them so much (and a handful of other small companies) is that I believe in them.

      For many years, my family struggled financially. Even now, we still stick to a budget, and I know firsthand as a mom how tough it can be to eat healthy when limited financially.

      Thrive makes this process easier for my family, and I love their social mission of offering free memberships to families in need.

      Sure, they aren’t perfect (is any company?). Sometimes items are out of stock, and sometimes they promote on social media more than I’d like… but they are a startup and these are growing pains for any small but growing company.

      At the end of the day, I share information about Thrive (and many other companies I promote) because I love what they’re doing and think that we need more companies like this working to make real food affordable for families AND living out a social mission.

      I apologize to any of you who are tired of me talking about Thrive or linking to them… if you aren’t interested, feel free to ignore the links and posts, but I sincerely hope that Thrive will be as valuable a resource to you as it has been for me.

      Our family orders many of our non-perishable food items from Thrive several times a month. They recently opened a moms and babies section, so I’m also using it to purchase affordable baby gifts for all of my friends who are pregnant.

      I hope this spreads some light on why I’m promoting Thrive so heavily and I hope you can understand where I am coming from.

      1. ernest Avatar

        That’s all fine, Katie, but you didn’t address my issues. In fact, you mainly highlighted the potential for conflict of interest as a blogger who stands to benefit from Thrive’s ultimate buyout, which is inevitable, and likely what they promised their multitude of “blogger investors,” instead of an affiliate relationship. And I don’t have a qualm with this strategy, unless these blogger investors are not providing the whole story.

        As I said, the costs are better in some cases, but not to the degree that some have stated when all things are taken into account(membership, shipping, and volume/frequency requirements). Also, the social mission is questionable for the reason I stated. The reality is that those in economic need cannot afford to shop here, in general, much less, to the degree required to make it worth their while. So a free membership is really just a convenient social mission prop. Why don’t they at least give some net income to charity(not that I agree with that approach, either.)

        1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

          If you’ve read my blog in the past, I hope that you have seen my commitment to integrity and quality. I never recommend products that I don’t use myself (and have purchased myself). I don’t accept free products for review and I am very careful to disclose any affiliate relationships so that I am always honest and transparent with my readers. I don’t appreciate the insinuation that I haven’t been fully honest or told the whole story in my promotion of Thrive. Like other products or companies I link to, I do so because I truly feel that it is a good resource. Of course, you are free to disagree and not shop there (or read my blog), but my recommendation is because I genuinely think Thrive is a good company and order from them often.

          For me, the prices are most definitely cheaper than I can get locally and in most cases, cheaper than Amazon as well. Shipping is free on most orders and there are no ordering requirements. I understand that those in economic need may have trouble shopping at Thrive (or any other store offering organic/natural products because they are more expensive, but they make many things like natural laundry detergent, many snack foods, etc available at the same price or less than big box store prices.

          Most of those in economic need shop at places like Wal Mart- who are constantly in the press for not paying employees a living wage, bad work conditions, lying about organic produce and being completely profit-focused. Their social mission is is to maximize profits at all costs, and off the backs of the most economically needy. You may not agree with Thrive’s social mission, but at least they have one. I think that the goal of making real food available and affordable to everyone is an important one, and one I think about often. That said, it certainly isn’t an easy one when you are comparing natural products to conventional products that are highly subsidized by the government and other industries. Again- I don’t think Thrive is a perfect solution, but at least they are working to make strides in this important area.

          At the end of the day, if you don’t like Thrive- don’t shop there. If you disagree with my blog, feel free to find another that you prefer to read.

      2. Anthony J Hladik Avatar
        Anthony J Hladik

        “My first and only goal in creating has always been to create healthier families and a healthier future for our kids.” Bull!

        It’s blatantly obvious that one of your top goals is to make money, period. Not at all transparent like you claimed to be.

        It’s all fine and well for people to make money at something that they enjoy doing, in fact it’s awesome, but don’t repeatedly blatantly lie. Thanks I’m out!

        Ps. I thought about investing in Thrive but after reading this I think it’s a bad idea and it probably won’t last.

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar

          Anthony, I can certainly understand your concerns with Thrive and I’m sorry that you think one of my top goals is to make money. As I said, I have not received a cent from Thrive at this point, and have shared my experience honestly. There are many, many things that I could choose to do on this blog (like offer ads, or do sponsored posts, or receive free high-priced products) that I choose NOT to do because my focus really is helping other moms and offering the best information and experience for them. I’m happy to have a civil discussion about Thrive (or anything else, really), but when you accuse me of lying when I’ve gone out of my way to disclose and tell the truth about my experience, and accuse me of caring only about money when I’ve turned down at least 75% of the income I could make from blogging, you are no longer welcome here and I’d encourage you to find another blog to read.

  11. Sarah Avatar

    I received a very quick response to my complaint once I posted it to Thrive’s Facebook page. Maybe try that if you can’t get in touch with them via email.


  12. Henley Avatar

    Same here. I subscribed to the Thrive Market’s free membership trial. Good concepts but not enough product choices, things I like were always sold out, order took longer than I expected to arrived. I have since sent out 3 emails trying to cancel my membership but no response, online chat was always offline, and no one was ever available to take my calls. I’ll be more frustrated if they charge my card when the trial is over.

  13. Breann Avatar

    Katie, I see that you ordered Green Pastures FCLO. I wanted to, but it was always out of stock. I finally e-mailed customer service and got this response…

    There was a miscommunication with the vendor when we initially started selling Green Pasture products. The vendor has decided that they will not allow us to sell their products at the discount prices we originally listed on our site. In order to compromise, we initially switched to selling Green Pasture products in packs of two instead of individual units. We had reached an agreement with the vendor to keep our discounted pricing by selling the product in packs of two, but they later had a change of heart and asked that we only carry their products at full price.

    Bummer 🙁

  14. Ashley Avatar

    How does Thrive Market compare to Vitacost? I usually purchase my non-perishable items from VitaCost, but not sure what benefits Thrive Market has over Vitacost to make that switch.


    1. Roxanne Avatar

      I am in the process of making my first order on my trial membership. I also usually buy a lot of my supplements, vitamins, hair care products, ect at Vitacost. I am saving $25.65 on my first order on items that I purchase on a regular basis from Vitacost. I’m excited about that, however, Thrive also does not carry several other items I regularly order and seems to be out of stock on several things. It’s a toss up, I’d like to be able to monitor the availability and the amount of new products they bring in for a few months before I purchase a membership. Vitacost has always been my go-to online store because they have always been the cheapest, but it seems recently they have been raising their prices so not sure yet what I’m going to do.

  15. Melony Thomas Avatar
    Melony Thomas

    I bought a few things last month from Thrive Market. I am not impressed at all. First, I ordered 4 items, only received 3 (the 4th one apparently went out of stock as soon as I put it in my cart), Second, it took 4 days to charge my card, took a really long time to get the actual order. Finally, I have been trying to speak with someone about cancelling my trial membership and haven’t had any luck contacting a real person. Wonder how long it will take for them to actually call me back, cancel the trial membership and not charge my card at all.

    1. Ash Avatar

      I agree completely. I was lucky enough to snag two bottles of the butter oil/cod liver oil blend last month, but it appears they will no longer carry them anyway. They are consistently out of stock of the few things I would regularly buy, so I am canceling my trial membership. Trouble is, the chat is always offline, the e-mail takes “24 to 48 hours to respond” and no one is there to take your call. I understand they are a fairly small and new company, but you would think they would work out some kinks before partnering with someone as well-known as Wellness Mama as they should have expected large amounts of traffic to their site. I love the concept of Thrive Market, but they need to fix these issues before they can expect to have me as a member! I will be utterly irritated if they charge my credit card tomorrow!

  16. Jackie Nigro Avatar
    Jackie Nigro

    I was so excited to learn about Thrive Market. I filled my cart and was sadly disappointed to realize that they don’t ship to Alaska. I don’t understand this because people in Alaska rely on businesses that will ship to us. Very tough because getting almond flour is not easy. Costco had it from Honeyville and now they don’t list it anymore. And if you order Honeyville on Amazon, they also won’t send it to Alaska. Hellooooo, Alaska is a state. Bummed.

  17. Katie Avatar

    I just heard about this from your podcast a few weeks ago. I signed up yesterday and spent all afternoon marking my favorites and putting in my first order. I am so excited about this online market. This will make grocery shopping with the little ones much easier since I’ll only have to go to the store for cold and fresh items now. Thank you so much for sharing this information. I shared it all over my blog too. I am so excited to spread the word about this.

  18. Cori Avatar

    I do not see the savings for the FCLO/butter blend as Katie says. I currently pay $49/jar at another online store. If I am able to get it for around $32/jar like she said in an email, the membership would be worth it for me!

  19. Sobela Avatar

    Thank u so much for posting this. ^_^
    I’ve been wanting to leave amazon for a LONG time lol.
    They just don’t treat their buyers as well as they should plus they don’t let their buyers tell others about bad sellers at all.
    I could go on all day about all the things amazon and there bad sellers put me throw.
    But I will stop at I’m done with amazon and just thank u so much I will check this out.

  20. Linda Avatar

    I absolutely love the concept of Thrive and am so pleased Katie is involved. I have placed 2 orders and have a 3rd in the works. (I always check prices against Amazon’s.) I would have purchased more than I did, but, as others have noted, many items were out of stock. I have had some of issues with the website itself and being charged for items that didn’t ship because they were out of stock by the time my order shipped. BUT, I have to say, the customer service has been stellar. Best. Ever. That being said, I am on the fence about paying for a membership after my trial membership is over. I live in the boonies and order pretty much everything online (except produce). I need to be able to count on product availability and products actually shipping. I may wait for awhile to purchase a membership and see how things shake out. Hopefully Thrive works out the kinks. I definitely wish them the best.

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