Is Moringa Really a Superfood?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Is moringa really a superfood
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Is Moringa Really a Superfood?

There is a simple tree known as “the drumstick tree,” or scientifically as Moringa oleifera, which is commonly touted as a superfood since it is rich in nutrients, antioxidants and other beneficial compounds. Unfortunately, there is also a dark side to this small tree that is native to India, and there are some important cautions to know before consuming it.

Here’s why:

What is Moringa?

The Moringa oleifera tree is a small tree that is native to India but that grows in many parts of the world. The entire tree is considered edible and it is known for its long twisted pods, from which it derives its name. “Murungai” means “twisted pod” in the Tamil language. (1)

The Moringa tree has several names in different parts of the world including its common name of “horseradish tree,” since its roots taste similar to horseradish root when raw. In Ayurvedic medicine it is known as shigru and in Spanish it is referred to as Jacinto.

Moringa is beneficial as a food because of its ability to grow in a variety of climates, especially subtropical climates. In fact, Moringa Oleifera grows in virtually all countries where malnutrition is widespread and may be a great part of a comprehensive plan to alleviate malnutrition throughout the world. In fact:

It is believed that the moringa tree originated in northern India and was being used in Indian medicine around 5,000 years ago, and there are also accounts of it being utilized by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians. This tree was, and still is, considered a panacea, and is referred to as the ‘The Wonder Tree’, ‘The Divine Tree’, and ‘The Miracle Tree’ amongst many others. (2)

It is also important to note that there are technically 13 different species of Moringa tree, though for simplicity, I’m referencing the Moringa oleifera tree in this post and using the common name of just “Moringa.”

Potential Benefits of Moringa

The same properties that make Moringa beneficial in fighting malnourishment lead many to believe that this plant is beneficial for everyone. It is well-documented for its nutritive abilities and there are even supplement companies based entirely around the benefits of Moringa, (though it is widely available in many forms including capsules, teas, and other forms at much lower prices).

The leaves are considered the most nutritious part and are most often used in supplements. Since a large part of the population is considered “overfed but undernourished,” Moringa may be a useful tea and supplement for many people, even in the developed world, but it is important to understand the cautions below, especially concerning the roots and stems of this plant.

These are a few of the benefits attributed to Moringa:

1. High in Nutrients

As mentioned, Moringa is a source of antioxidants and some vitamins, including:

  • B-vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc

Perhaps you’ve seen some of the health claims that gram-for-gram, Moringa has more protein than yogurt, more potassium than bananas, more calcium than milk and more Vitamin C than oranges.(3) While this is technically true, it is important to note the distinction that this is “gram for gram,” and not by volume. Since Moringa leaves are relatively lightweight, 100 grams of Moringa leaves would be substantially more volume than 100 grams of an orange.

Consider this: a medium size orange is approximately 130 grams, or 4.5 ounces. Now consider a leafy substance like Moringa leaves. For simplicity, we’ll use a similar leaf, Spinach, for comparison. The FDA estimates that 1 cup of raw spinach is about 30 grams. This means that to get the same “gram for gram” comparison, a person would have to eat 4+ cups of fresh spinach leaves to consume the same number of grams as one orange.

This comparison becomes even more glaring with some of the other nutrients. For instance, it is claimed that “gram for gram” this plant contains two times the protein of yogurt, but 100 grams of yogurt is only about 1/2 cup, while a person would have to consume 3+ cups (or six times as much by volume) fresh leaves to get to 100 grams.

While I’m not discounting the nutrients in this plant, I show this comparison to point out that for those of us eating a balanced diet, Moringa may not be as beneficial as it is to those who are truly malnourished.

Additionally, while it is a good natural source of the nutrients listed above, 1 cup of fresh Moringa leaves provides only 10-20% of the RDA for these nutrients listed above, so a person would have to consume a lot to obtain “superfood” levels of these nutrients. Most Moringa supplements are dried, not fresh, which reduces the amount of certain nutrients and concentrates others.

2. May Reduce Inflammation

Though Moringa isn’t a spectacular source of nutrients for those already consuming a nutrient-dense diet, it may have another benefit that makes it helpful for those in the developed world. The levels of antioxidants present in the leaves may help reduce certain types of inflammation.

Moringa has been found to contain Flavonoids, such as quercetin, as well as beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and Chlorogenic acid. Quercetin is sometimes used as a natural antihistamine for its ability to stabilize histamine production in the body. Chlorogenic acid is also found (in higher amounts) in coffee and has been found to have a balancing effect on blood sugar in some lab trials. (4)

As blood sugar imbalances have been linked to diabetes, inflammation and other problems, balancing blood sugar may be an important step for reducing inflammation.


In one study, 30 women took seven grams of moringa leaf powder every day for three months. This reduced fasting blood sugar levels by 13.5% (5).

Additionally, a small study in six diabetic patients found that adding 50 grams of Moringa leaves to a meal reduced the rise in blood sugar by 21% (6).

I personally wouldn’t use Moringa just for its blood sugar balancing abilities, as quite a bit must be consumed regularly to see the benefits, but for some people it may be helpful as part of an overall diet and lifestyle plan (though certainly check with a doctor or specialist to make sure it is safe and won’t interact with any medications before taking it).

3. Positive Effects on Cholesterol

Moringa has also been studied for its ability to reduce cholesterol levels in human trials. This may be significant with the emerging research discounting the effectiveness and safety of Statin drugs. From Chris Kresser:

  1. Statin drugs do not reduce the risk of death in 95% of the population, including healthy men with no pre-existing heart disease, women of any age, and the elderly.
  2. Statin drugs do reduce mortality for young and middle-aged men with pre-existing heart disease, but the benefit is small and not without significant adverse effects, risks and costs.
  3. Aspirin works just as well as statins do for preventing heart disease, and is 20 times more cost effective.(7)

Many foods that help reduce inflammation in the body may also have positive effect on blood cholesterol levels and eating a diet high in antioxidant rich foods and vegetables and low in sugar may also be beneficial, but Moringa seems to be especially beneficial in human and animal studies. (source)

4. Help for Breastfeeding Mothers

Another often-cited use for Moringa is to help increase milk supply in breastfeeding mothers. In fact, certain supplement companies regularly recommend their Moringa-based supplements as a prenatal vitamin and during breastfeeding (although see please see the cautions below before taking this supplement if you are a woman of childbearing age!).

The only scientific backing I could find for the use of Moringa as a galactogogue (to increase milk supply) is in an old study from the Philippines that looked at the use of this plant for mothers with pre-term babies in the first three days of breastfeeding only, and found:

In women during postpartum days 3-5 (after giving birth to preterm infants), supplementation of 250mg moringa oleifera leaf extract twice daily appears to increase milk production in a time dependent manner on the first day of supplementation (31% increase over placebo) as well as the second (48%) and third (165%) day. (8)

Though there are some anecdotal accounts of women using Moringa to increase milk supply, I couldn’t find enough research to back this up, and perhaps any increase in milk supply would just be due to increase nutrient consumption, which is important during breastfeeding. Hopefully more data on Moringa will be available soon!

5. Possible Arsenic Protection

Though it hasn’t been studied in humans, there is some evidence (from studies on rats and mice) that certain compounds in the leaves of the Moringa plant may be protective against arsenic poisoning.

Observational studies indicate that long-term exposure to arsenic may increase the risk of cancer and heart disease (9, 10).

Several studies of mice and rats show that the leaves and seeds of Moringa oleiferamay protect against some effects of arsenic toxicity (11, 12, 13).These studies are promising, but it is not yet known whether this also applies to humans.

6. Natural Energy Booster

This is one benefit of Moringa that definitely seems to have a large amount of anecdotal evidence and this may be due to the amino acid profile of this plant. Many people in online forums and discussion boards claim that they have seen a noticeable increase in energy levels from taking Moringa, though I found relatively little science to back this up and “energy levels” are one of the most difficult factors to measure objectively. (14)

Simply consuming more vitamins, minerals and amino acids may lead to an increase in energy in many people, so it would be difficult to know if this benefit is specific to Moringa or just a result of consuming more nutrients in general.

Cautions about Moringa

Like many herbs and plants used as remedies, certain parts of the plant are beneficial while others can be harmful in some way. This is true with elderberries, which are excellent at helping boost the immune system, but whose leave and stems should be avoided because of the natural Cyanogenic glycoside content, which is toxic to humans.

The leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree are generally considered to be safe and edible, but there is some controversy regarding the roots and stems and their potentially harmful effects, especially in women. These parts of the plant may not only act as a contraceptive (both temporary or permanent) but may also lead to miscarriage and other problems. (15)

There is research showing a potentially immunosuppressive and cytotoxic effect of the seeds of the plant, and extracts or supplements that contain the roots, seeds and stems should be avoided for this reason until more research is done. (16)

Additionally, the leaves of the plant have been shown to have a mildly laxative effect and may cause digestive disturbances in some people.

Some sources recommend avoiding Moringa entirely as the nutrients it contains can be easily obtained from other sources and a well-balanced diet.

How to Use Moringa

Moringa seems to be most potent when fresh, and since the tree readily grows in most climates, it is possible to cultivate the plant for use as an herbal remedy. Dr. Mercola reports that he has done this but doesn’t recommend it because the leaves are very small and time consuming to harvest. (17)

It is also available in many forms like dried leaves and capsules, though due to its possible effects on hormones and cholesterol, it is important to check with a doctor or specialist before using.

Bottom Line

There are definitely some potential benefits to Moringa, especially in countries where malnourishment is widespread, but it isn’t as exceptional of a nutrient source as it is often claimed to be and there may be much better sources of these important nutrients for those who live in the developed world.

Additionally, the potentially negative effects on hormones and fertility warrant caution and are the reason I avoid using this plant, at least until more research is done.

This article was medically reviewed by Jessica Meyers, MPAP, PA-C, RH(AHG), who specializes in herbal protocols and functional medicine. You can also find Jessica on Instagram. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you ever used Moringa? What was your experience?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


120 responses to “Is Moringa Really a Superfood?”

  1. Susan Avatar

    The company I purchase my Moringa from has state-of-the-art NSF Certified facilities in all of its operations. Shade drying preserves, and in some cases increases the nutritional value of Moringa Oleifera. I am taking absolutely no risk when I purchase from this company. You can not lump all companies together as you are attempting to do. This company is the furthest thing from low-tech that you can find.

  2. Susan Avatar

    There are many sources of Moringa and it sounds like the Moringa you have tried is not the best quality. You want to make sure it is Moringa Oleifera, grown in the Himalayans and shade dried.

    1. Justin M. Avatar
      Justin M.

      I make a point to avoid the shade dried Moringa powders. The company that had the salmonella outbreak from Moringa (google it, I don’t want to call them out here) believes the virus came from either the shade drying process which exposes the Moringa to nearby microorganisms or the well-water used was contaminated. When you’re dealing with a “shade dried” product from a 3rd world country, whether it’s India/Himalayas, China, or Africa — you’re talking about a pretty low-tech operation.

      Considering I also give Moringa to my daughter — it’s just not worth the risk.

  3. Belladonita Avatar

    I’d like to use moringa, but every time i have a ton of diarreah. Why isn’t anyone else talking about that? Just all the good things, it’s only a teaspoon, I eat very well, juice smoothies a lot strong nutritional profile food, why do I get the runs so bad it has even seeped badly while I was asleep. Any thoughts.

    1. Justin M Avatar
      Justin M

      Hi Belladonita,

      You may want to try a different brand of Moringa and throw out your old one. A lot of times diarrhea is caused by bacteria that your body is trying to get rid of. Moringa powder from China, India, & Africa is especially prone to this as it’s often times produced in not so sanitary conditions using pretty antiquated technology. I was reading some reviews on amazon and some people got it pretty bad, heh. There was actually an FDA recall for one brand because of a salmonella outbreak confirmed to caused by Moringa. It’s also why you should make sure your Moringa is in a tub or something that is airtight, the ziploc bags are too easy to leave leaks and openings that can cause bacteria to build up really quickly. Bacteria loves Moringa. But I too love moringa 🙂 I’ve been taking it for years and I can’t say enough good things about it. Just find a quality source and stay away from the Multi-Level Marketing companies.

  4. Daren Avatar

    The first caution I would make about Moringa is HIGH IRON content. It’s advertised as useful for “tired blood”. Deadly iron hides inside your muscles and, although this is an oversimplification, it’s the iron that’s harming/killing you during a heart attack. Men are more vulnerable but women catch up after menopause. This is why men; and women after menopause, should donate blood at least twice a year; to rid the body of excess iron. You cannot detect iron in blood serum; you must check ferritin levels. I would not take Moringa. As Wellness Mama said, it is better to find your nutrients elsewhere.

    1. Justin M Avatar
      Justin M

      It would be incredibly difficult to get any kind of Iron Overload from taking Moringa because it is a vegetable source of iron and its also very high in calcium. This leads to a much lower, safer absorbtion of iron compared to say red meat which is the real culprit of iron overload.

  5. Menaka Bharathi Avatar
    Menaka Bharathi

    You have made a wonderful description of the various health benefits of Moringa. I am a producer of organic superfoods and someone told me about the wonderful things you have written here. I can very much see a soul mate in you. all the best

  6. Dexter Jones Avatar
    Dexter Jones

    Obviously you have not taken Moringa or maybe you’ve taken a minor form of Moringa. When you take the real stuff you will find that it does exactly what it says it will do and thousands can testify to it. I am one that has been taking it almost a year now and have seen incredible results. I know others that have taken moringa for eight months or more and have seen things happen from no longer having Dementia, Aches and Pains, Swelling, Bloating, High Blood Pressure, Weight Loss, Aphrodisiac, Depression, Fibromyalgia, etc… It works and many will tesitfy, MAMA, you are wrong in your analysis about MORINGA! Many need this product and unfortunately some will never try it because they believe what you said, HOW SAD!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Unfortunately most people promoting it are MLM peddlers selling an overpriced product whose quality is circumspect at best, as the science doesn’t back up their claims. The placebo effect is a very real thing…

  7. Joanne Murphy Avatar
    Joanne Murphy

    Thanks for the article on Moringa. I found the info on the “gram for gram” comparison to be particularly helpful. I take powdered Moringa from a company (Zija) for over 3 years now and find it very beneficial.

      1. Susan Ruck Avatar
        Susan Ruck

        The sugar that ZIJA adds to its products is minimal. They add 3.5g of sugar comprised of Pure Cane Sugar and stevia to their Supermix and .5g to their Smartmix. In return you get over 90 essential elements, vitamins and minerals.

      2. Kevin DeLaune Avatar
        Kevin DeLaune

        The sugar is a very SMALL amount, and it’s pure cane sugar. It helps to open up the cells for better nutrient absorption. No, I do not actively sell for Zija, but do regularly take their moringa products. I have found them to have the most beneficial and potent form of Moringa, than any other product. Look into them, the miracles people have experienced from taking their Moringa is astounding

      3. Gia Avatar

        What brands would you recommend or what should I look for when purchasing? There are so many out there at various prices.

  8. Elizabeth Avatar

    I been using the moringa, feel great no more pain and headaches. It has been one week trying it. My energy is better than before. First I researched it before I took it in form tea and reviewed on comments. It does wonders in health issues.

  9. Liz O'Malley Avatar
    Liz O’Malley

    I bought moringa aduna Powder from Holland and Barrett. I took it for a few days but I had chest infection at the time and I suffer from asthma. I researched this moringa before I bought it and was convinced it would be advantageous to me. Now I am afraid to take it in case it will make me ill. I did go into the health shop when I was bad and they told me to keep taking it. I take flaxseed a d have been doing for the last three years so why am I so afraid of Moringa?

  10. Mike R Avatar

    Tried moringa leave powder. Hard to dissolve in anything. Tastes again to finely ground dirt. I had not read your article, unfortunately before buying. When I sat down to actually consider the amount of moringa powder I would have to consume to equal the nutrients in common food, I realized that it was not worthwhile. Yes, I was suckered by the nutrition claims.

    1. Abbi Avatar

      You WERE SUCKERED BY THE HYPE. The fact remains that you don’t need a whole lot… a little goes a long way. I won’t tell you about the use of fresh leaves the delicious way, for that is not acceptable in thispart of the world. But as for the powdered leaves, simpli mix 2 heaped teaspoons of it in 6 oz. of water at night, & incorporate that in your first drink (smoothie) of the day. You don’t need to take it all day or severaltimes a day.

      1. Michele Avatar

        Start with a small dose. I started out with a teaspoon in my morning smoothie. Any more than that and I got terrible headaches. Try that for 2 weeks, then gradually add a little more, maybe even 1/8-1/4 teaspoon more. A little goes a long way. Also good in yogurt; (Yes, it is gritty!) It’s absolutely incredible the energy I get from it!

      2. Dexter Jones Avatar
        Dexter Jones

        You don’t need 2 heaping teaspoons to start out with, that is too much for starters. I have been on 1- teaspoons for about a year. I also know people that have been using 1 teaspoon for over 7 months and are getting great benefits with just 1 teaspoon. I would say don’t exceed 2 teaspoons a day.

  11. Arthur Avatar

    I love Moringa I grow it in my back yard. it boost my energy to the roof lower my sugars levels.Thanks God for give us this super food.I tried kefir too daily for more than 5 years and good bye to stomach and flu sickness other superfood.

  12. Dexter Avatar

    I think you have been unfair in your description of Moringa and it’s uses. From your statement you will make someone that is uneducated about Moringa not to try this amazing superfood. I know people that uses Moringa and the benefits they have received are truly amazing, from Arthritis relief, high blood pressure, weight loss, an abundance of energy, digestive problems and much more.

    I would say don’t listen to all this hype that is in this article about Moringa, try it for yourself and you be the judge. There are thousands of testimonies of this product and articles in abundance that talks about the blessedness and benefits of using Moringa daily. Here you have one mostly negative report but yet there are thousands of positive reports. Who do you believe one or thousands? Don’t be swayed by something that will be great for your overall health and energy by this one article. Do your own research!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Over half of my post was dedicated to the benefits of Moringa, and it can be helpful for some people, as I stated. That doesn’t mean it is beneficial for everyone, and there may be some contraindications. There are also foods that are just as nutritious. For those who don’t have any contraindications, it certainly can be beneficial, but I would also suggest getting it from an organic bulk source and not from one of the MLM companies (as many of the products contain questionable ingredients like sugar).

      1. Justin Avatar

        100% this. I run a moringa powder website and it’s popular social media profiles in my spare time. My biggest job has been tamping DOWN the MLM (that’s multi-level marketers) hype. My view is pretty much in line with yours WellnessMama, great overall superfood, but be a smart shopper and consumer about it!

  13. Sakhile Avatar

    I have tried moringa twice. For me it causes gag reflex and the last time I tried it I got really bad heartburn and nausea and only found relief after I threw up. For me, I would rather avoid it and get my nutrition elsewhere.

    1. Abbi Avatar

      try using the fresh leaves like the people of the lands use,the lands to which moringa is a native tree. We saute the leaves, the flowers, & put the fruit in our soups. That sure beats the capsules &powders hollow, prevents overdosins & bad taste, & is simply cheap & delicious. Use the fresh leaves as a part of the greans. Of coourse you can also get the benefits of morinsga by eating those animals that feed on the moringa leaves

  14. Rena Avatar

    Can someone direct me to a trustworthy place to buy Moringa capsules?

    1. Abbi Avatar

      You can buy the leaf powder by itself all over the town. It is in ALL health food stores, Indian stores, the neighborhood Spanish stores… & of course, on line. I prefer that over the outrageously priced capsules.

  15. Marie Avatar

    I lived in Thailand for 8 years, and saw first hand what a valuable resource this tree can be. Perennial vegetables are a food security must for sustanance farmers. While living in Thailand, we grew Moringa, and enjoyed it as a vegetable. I do believe that it has a lot of health benefits, but so do many other vegetables. People are just anxious for a “cure-all” and the vitamin and herb companies are eager to provide one.

  16. Sean Avatar

    I live in south florida and have started 3 moringa trees from seed a they grow very easily, but they hate cold weather. I use the fresh leaves instead of buying a supplement. I never knew about the stems being bad to use but since i self harvest. I can be certain i am only using the leaves.

  17. Paul Becker Avatar
    Paul Becker

    put fresh branches on the kitchen counter and let sit overnight. the next day lay some fabric on the counter next to your leaves, pick the branch up by it’s largest stem and shake it over the fabric sheet. you’ll have an empty branch in your hand in about 5 seconds. you can de-leaf a pound of moringa in about 10 minutes. beats the heck out of stripping each stem by hand, and little-to-no pesky stems to pick out.

  18. Victoria Avatar

    Thank you for the information. Geez, I was taking extra if I couldn’t get to lunch. 🙁

  19. Olivia Avatar

    Yay, Moringa! Like all the other comments it seems, I also Absolutely LOVE Moringa. I make a blueberry+cranberry smoothie that will blow your socks off and have you doing yoga in your kitchen, I guarantee it 🙂 I suppose I could get a lot of the same nutrients by eating leafy greens with every meal throughout the day, but I love the big, concentrated boost the Moringa powder gives me in the morning. I’ve read about the roots being potentially toxic, but the leaves are safe. I read the Peace Corps is having great success with giving 25 grams to malnourished kids, my smoothie only has about 5 grams.

  20. Mark Avatar

    Love that Moringa is getting some more attention! I’m disappointed that potential harmful effects of eating large qty’s of roots or stems or seeds was cast as a concern when Moringa leaves are what people generally consume.

    Imagine refraining from eating apples because consuming the seeds is harmful. I don’t know if eating the stems and roots from apple trees is dangerous or not but the information is irrelevant to bring up when discussing eating the apples themselves. Likewise, when eating Moringa leaves, this potential is an irrelevant detail and tend to confuse the issue while casting the tree in a negative light.

    The above article states: “Important: some sources claim that the leaves have this effect as well, and I personally avoid Moringa for this reason until further research emerges.”

    It would be useful to site the source(s) for this statement. In the grand scheme they would be outliers in a sea of Reputable journal Articles Praising the Benefits of using Moringa for personal health!

    Moringa after all is just a food NOT a supplement but an incredible food!

    I noticed only one article was cited for Moringa increasing milk production. There seemed to be a desire for more reference material to support this use of Moringa. Everyone’s body is unique and therefore may respond differently to any food, medicine, or supplement in which it is introduced.. I wanted to share an article I wrote just this year about Moringa Increasing Milk Production. I have Multiple references in the article which makes a stronger case for using it! If you are interested further research from sited multiple resources…. google: “increase milk supply a healthy leaf”. The article I wrote should be the top result in google. I did not link it here as I did not know if it would be grouped as spam.

    For some background, I have planted thousands of Moringa trees and eat it daily while living in the USA. It is in-fact easy to harvest and I encourage people to grow their own trees if the location has a condusive climate.

    With — are you sitting down — 5 children recently six years old and under, I have had my fair share of nights with very little sleep. After a few weeks with very little sleep, I use to end up getting sick–sore throats, even strep throat, the flu, etc. My body would be worn out and my immune system compromised. My body became an easy target for sickness. Then something changed: I heard about Moringa!

    I have been taking Moringa, fresh and powdered, for 1.5 years now. During that time I have seen a huge difference in both my energy levels and the performance of my immune system! I feel like my immune system is always functioning at a high level even when I am getting very little sleep. It’s been absolutely fantastic and made a big difference in my everyday life. Just to clarify–I am not advocating substituting Moringa for adequate sleep! But… when you can’t help it, Moringa can surely make a difference! It sure is A Healthy Leaf!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Glad to hear that you’ve had great results. The reason I mentioned the toxicity of the roots/stems is that some supplements do use these parts of the plant and it is important to find a leaf-only supplement.

      1. Mark Reese Avatar
        Mark Reese

        That makes good sense. Another factor to keep in mind is that there is quite a range of quality in Moringa products available. It is very important for people to be educated on what to look for in good quality Moringa. Since Moringa is not a native plant of North America (although it has now been introduced here in the hotter climates–and can even be grown as an annual in other areas (i.e. Wisconsin)), most people in the US don’t know how Moringa is supposed to look, taste, or smell.

        Imagine if you had never heard or seen of a tomato before. It’s winter, you’re in Michigan and you’re at an all you can eat buffet. Someone suggests you put some tomato wedges on your salad. Having never had a tomato before you don’t realize that real tomatoes can actually taste incredibly good and totally different from the nutrient robbed, cardboard like, “tomato” you just ate.

        Similarly, a brownish-green Moringa powder for instance, or any color other than a vibrant green, indicates the leaves have been exposed to sunlight or oxygen in the air for too long during the drying process. The result is a partially oxidized final product that has compromised some of its nutritional value.

        Anyway, thanks again for sharing about Moringa!

      2. Goldie Avatar

        Thank you for your comment. I recently tried Moringa and I have had a bad reaction twice using it in powder form from a well known health super market. The mild laxative effect turned into a major laxative effect and have been trying to find the correct dosage. I added 10g to my smoothie and a couple hours later I was compromised. It doesn’t seem to be expired and says USDA organic seal on the package. I’m sad because I wanted to use this for its iron benefits, but can’t do it if this continues to happen.

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