How to Detox Your Armpits

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How to detox your armpits, and why you should
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So, in case the title didn’t give it away, today’s post is on an interesting topic, but hear me out before judging!

I get a lot of questions from people who try my homemade deodorant and have issues with rashes or odor or excessive sweat. I’ve found that magnesium spray deodorant can be a good alternative, but wanted to find a way to help those who were still having trouble.

After much experimentation, research, and help from a few brave friends, I found an unusual solution that works really well!

Detoxifying Armpits: Yes, It’s a Thing

It occurred to me as I sat researching the sebaceous glands one night with a bentonite clay face mask on that perhaps my face mask was the answer to the armpit question as well.

After all, I’d used bentonite clay to detox my hair before (and use it in my shampoo now) and in natural detox baths and it worked incredibly well… perhaps it would speed up the adjustment period to natural deodorant as well.

Why detox your armpits at all? Why not just keep using regular deodorant and avoid the whole problem? Glad you asked…

Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain a variety of chemicals and additives. It takes something unnatural to block the body’s natural ability to sweat, and the chemical list in some deodorants is impressive:

  • Aluminum– Some evidence links aluminum to cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Phthalates– Endocrine disruptors often also found in plastic that can cause hormone imbalance and even infertility (especially in men)
  • Propylene glycol– Common name: antifreeze. It is a hotly debated additive in personal care products but the Environmental Working Group reports that it carries a moderate risk of immunotoxicity and allergies
  • Formaldehyde-  A known carcinogen… guess it kills the germs though
  • Parabens- Another hormone disruptor and parabens have been found in biopsied tissue with breast cancer
  • Antibacterial Substances- I talked about these before but they are endocrine disruptors and can negatively affect the immune system

Why is this a big deal? Ever gotten sick and had a lump in your neck or armpit? That is a lymph node and they are a major part of your immune system. Putting endocrine disruption chemicals directly on top of them is a great way to screw up your hormones and suppress immune function.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and what touches our skin can easily enter our bloodstream. With skyrocketing rates of breast cancer, it would seem prudent to avoid these chemicals until further research is done.

A great advantage to doing an armpit detox, besides that it helps speed up the natural deodorant adjustment period, is that it might help pull some of these chemicals out of the skin and tissue of the armpits. This can be especially helpful after years of conventional deodorant use.How to detox your armpits- and why you should

Does Armpit Detoxification Work?

I tried it personally and had several friends who hadn’t yet made the switch to natural deodorant try it as well and then switch. Here are the results:

  • We all noticed less odor, even without wearing any deodorant afterward
  • Nobody who tried the detox noticed a rash when using the natural deodorant
  • All but one person said they noticed less sweat
  • Everyone said they would recommend it to a friend

Completely un-scientific trial but practically applicable and the results seem promising!

How to Detox Your Arm Pits

Don’t you love when something is so easy that it almost doesn’t need instructions?

You might already have the ingredients on hand. You’ll just need bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and water.

How to detox your armpits, and why you should

Detoxifying Armpit Clay Mask Recipe

Reset your armpits to their natural working order with this simple clay mask.
Author Katie Wells






  • Mix all of the ingredients in a glass bowl (do not use metal!) with a wooden or non-metal spoon until about the consistency of sour cream.
  • Spread in an even layer over the armpits and allow to sit for 5-20 minutes. I suggest starting slowly and working up to a longer period of time once you see how your body adjust. If it hurts at all, remove immediately.
  • This may cause some redness as it will increase blood flow to the area, but it will go away quickly.
  • Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth.
  • Repeat daily or as needed until underarm odor goes away and natural deodorant is non-irritating.


I’ve found that I don’t even need the baking soda in my natural deodorant after doing this.

Additional Armpit Tricks to Try

If you are still struggling with odor or have itching or lumps in your armpits, consider dry brushing, which is said to help improve lymph circulation.

Also, make sure to drink a lot of water any time you stimulate lymph flow (dry brushing, massage, detox, etc) to help flush the body and avoid getting dehydrated.

Transitioning to Natural Deodorant

After detoxifying, keep armpits functioning properly by letting them sweat! I know this isn’t the most socially acceptable (or the most pleasant at times), but I find that I experience less sweat the longer I use a natural approach.

DIY Armpit Care

If you have some coconut oil, shea butter, and a few essential oils on hand, you can probably make your own natural deodorant! It costs a lot less than natural deodorant in the store and works just as well. I’ve been experimenting with recipes for years and perfected a few different kinds:

I make up several jars (or bars) at a time since they keep for up to a year or more. That way I always have some on hand. These are great too for teens who are just starting out on the journey!

Where to Buy Deodorant

I’ve also found my favorite brands to buy over the years (because life gets busy!). Here are our favorites:

  • Wellnesse Mineral Deodorant – Part of my personal care line, we created our natural deodorant off of my tried and true DIY recipe. We formulated it with those in mind who are sensitive to baking soda and it has rave reviews from both men and women.
  • Crunchy Betty’s Kokomo Cream – This deodorant has been a great standby for years. It smells lightly tropical and reminds me of vacation and the beach!
  • Schmidt’s (any scent, but this one is great) – goes on smooth, and slightly more affordable than other natural options

That’s it! Enjoy your new stink-free armpits!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ann Shippy, who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a certified Functional Medicine physician with a thriving practice in Austin, Texas. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Your turn. Ready to try an armpit detox? Think it’s too weird? Share below!

Find out how to detox your armpits and why you'd want to. Deodorant often contains chemicals like parabens, propylene glycol and other harmful chemicals.


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    691 responses to “How to Detox Your Armpits”

    1. Anna Avatar

      It’s too bad the hype for bentonite clay is all pure hype. There’s currently no scientific research to back up the health benefit claims anyone has made over bentonite clay.

    2. Ruchi Avatar

      Hi. Can I wear natural deo when I’m detoxing or should I stop it for sometime?

    3. Rachel Avatar

      Hi! Is this safe to do while breastfeeding?
      (My armpits are SO irritated!)

    4. Betsy W Avatar

      I spent a lot of time reading comments to make sure no one asked and I didnt see any comments on whether morrocan red clay would work. I must have clicked on the wrong thing when ordering from Amazon. Looking forward to detoxing. Thanks.

    5. Sarah Avatar

      Can you make this ahead of time? Or does it have to be used right away? Thinking of making a big batch and putting it in a tube so it’s easy to grab before I hop in the shower!

    6. Wanda Avatar

      I’ve been reading a lot recently about natural deodorants, & I’m keen to make the switch, however, I’m a little confused. Doesn’t bentonite clay contain aluminium, the very thing most people who are moving to natural deodorants, are trying to avoid?

    7. Natalie Avatar

      Wellness Mama- will the detox mixture keep in the refrigerator for a few days or do you have to make a fresh batch every day? Thx!

      1. Pam Avatar

        I have stored leftovers in an airtight container and used the next day. I loses some potency but was still effective.

    8. Edward D Stoner Avatar
      Edward D Stoner

      I switched to Certain Dri deo two days ago and the chemical burn, swelling, itchy, large rash is so painful. Xo I’m soK my feet in bent clay and epsom salts and will be doing the pits tomorrow when they heal some more.

    9. Amanda Avatar

      What do you think it is that causes the itching and redness with the natural deodorant? This is happening with me all of a sudden and was so timely to read this post!

      1. Patra Avatar

        There has to be something in the ingredients that you’re allergic to in the combination. The deodorant I buy at my health food store doesn’t cause me to itch, but I have bought others that were less than desirable causing me to smell worst, and to itch like crazy. I’m using one by Aubrey now that seems to work without any side effects. I learned my lesson a long time ago, and it’s why I don’t buy anything online that I’m going to wear like deodorant, makeup, or personal items that can’t be returned to a store locally because returning any item could be a hassle or nonexistent. That’s why I always opt for buying it locally so that if by chance I react to it I can easily return it. For which I have returned some items when I found them to be too harsh for my sensitive skin.

    10. Julia Avatar

      Glad to see this. I have an armpit/odor question. My 11 year old has extreme BO. She started having terrible BO at 10 if not before. If she showers and does not use deoderant within an hour the has BO. It even doesn’t last if she is very active or hot. I have a 13 year old boy and younger children. My 13 has little to no BO. I feel so sorry for her. They shower twice a week in the winter which I think is adequate, do you? Of course, more often if necessary and more during the summer. We eat a very clean diet. She drinks magnesium at night often to help with leg cramps and it helps her sleep. She is a slim girl and does not seem to overly sweat. Is this cleanse something that might help her or is there more that I can do?

    11. Rachel Avatar

      Would this detox recipe work on your feet also? Since your feet have so many pores on them it could possibly draw out huge amounts of toxins that way.

    12. Stacey A Dolan Avatar
      Stacey A Dolan

      I would love to find a super moisturizing mask for my feet…does anyone have any suggestions?

    13. Chelsea Avatar

      Do you think that French green clay would be s suitable substitute to the bentonite clay?

    14. Janet Avatar

      Do you believe the type of clay will make a difference? I have an unused Dherbs Clay Mask container that contains Bentonite clay but also some other clays as well as MSM sulfur and sea salt. I’m wondering if I should use this or just get some plain Bentonite clay. (I have tried to ditch antiperspirants before and aborted due to the rashing, so this is a real issue for me, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your method will help!)

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