Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits

Did you know you’ve probably pulled, stomped or sprayed a natural superfood that grows in your backyard? Dandelion is mostly known as a backyard weed, but it has amazing nutrient qualities and health promoting properties.

All the parts of the plant can be used in various ways though the roots and leaves are the most commonly used as herbs. Who knew that this plant with puffy flowers that grant childhood wishes could offer so much benefit?

Dandelion Root and Leaves

Dandelion is a source of a variety of nutrients and the leaves and root contain Vitamins (like A,C, K and B-vitamins) as well as minerals (including magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium and choline). The various parts of the plant have a long history of use as an herbal remedy, and every documented population in areas where it grows naturally has used it medicinally.

It also serves as an abundant natural food source, as all parts of the plant can be eaten. The root is often roasted and used in teas or consumed whole. The leaves make a great addition to salads or other dishes requiring greens and the flowers (while still yellow), can be eaten raw, cooked or even made into wine!

Traditional cultures have used dandelion to support digestive and hormone health and it was often consumed to support lactation or to help remedy issues like urinary tract infections.

Benefits of Dandelion

According to the How To Herb Book, this backyard superfood is beneficial in many ways, including:

Liver Support and Detoxification

Dandelion has been used for years by various cultures to support healthy liver function and natural detoxification in the body. Though it hasn’t been well studied, many people with hepatitis turn to it to help support the liver. The University of Maryland Medical Center notes that:

In the past, roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow. In Europe, dandelion was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea.

Female Health and Hormone Balance

Due to its high levels of various nutrients and potential ability to help support the body’s natural detoxification systems, dandelion is often used by those with hormone imbalance, urinary infection and recurrent mastitis. Though not well studied, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence from women who have used it to help remedy recurring UTIs or other infections.

Clearer Skin

Due to its natural magnesium and zinc content and its potential ability to support detoxification, dandelion is also know as being good for the skin. It can be used topically in applications like tinctures and poultices and many people also take it in capsule or tea form to help support healthy skin.

Good Source of Nutrients

Dandelion is a great source of many important vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and nutritive salts, which may help support blood health and increase iron absorption. I personally often add dried leaves to teas for a nutrient boost or use dandelion root in place of coffee.

Blood Sugar Balance

The University of Maryland Medical Center also reports that:

Preliminary animal studies suggest that dandelion may help normalize blood sugar levels and lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL (good) cholesterol in diabetic mice. Researchers need to see if dandelion will work in people. A few animal studies also suggest that dandelion might help fight inflammation.

Uses of Dandelion Root and Leaves

Perhaps we wouldn’t be so quick to remove this “backyard weed” if we were more familiar with the myriad of uses it has. The entire dandelion plant can be used and if you have a safe (non-sprayed) source in your yard or community, you can consider harvesting it yourself.

Here are some of the ways to use dandelion:

Coffee Substitute

Dandelion root is tougher and more hardy than the leaf and is often used in decoctions and tinctures for this reason. The powder is often added in coffee substitutes (my favorite is Dandy Blend). The root is considered a natural diuretic and is sometimes used for this purpose.


Dandelion root and leaf are often listed as the ingredients of  teas and poultices for abscesses and sores, especially on the breast and in female health remedies as they can help support lactation and remedy urinary issues.

According to Mountain Rose Herbs:

Chopped dandelion root can be combined with myrrh to make a poultice for boils and abscesses, with honeysuckle flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat boils and abscesses, with skullcap and/or chrysanthemum flowers to make a tea to be drunk to treat sore eyes, or with heal-all to treat hard phlegm in bronchitis. Can also be administered in capsule or extract form for convenience.

Dandelion Tea

The flower can be used to make tea and even to make some types of wine. The leaves and root can also be used in teas, though they have a stronger taste and are often combined with other synergistic herbs for flavor and increased nutrient absorption.

Salads and Greens

The leaves can be consumed fresh on a salad or in recipes as well as substituted for greens like kale and collards in recipes or cooking. The antioxidant rich leaves are the most diuretic part of the plant so while they can be consumed regularly, it is important to maintain hydration too.

Important Notes:

It is important to check with a doctor before taking this or any herb, especially in large amounts or if taking any other medicine or supplement or if pregnant or nursing. Though it is generally considered safe, those allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, or iodine may not be able to consume it.

Anyone who gathers dandelion from wild sources (like the backyard) should make sure that the area has not been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides and that it does not come from an area where pets may have eliminated.

Dandelion - a backyard herb with many benefits

Ever used dandelion? How did you use it? Share below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    110 responses to “Dandelion Root: A Backyard Herb with Many Benefits”

    1. Kristen Avatar

      Great post! About three weeks ago I began drinking 1 cup of dandelion root tea mixed with 1 tablespoon of collagen powder daily to help with mood and hormone balance, with the added benefit of helping to clear breakouts and improve my skin’s texture and elasticity. I’m beginning to see and feel the results already. I also find that dandelion tea supports my digestive health.

    2. melinda Avatar

      I’ve put a turf builder on my lawn, would that affect the dandelions I have?

    3. Kim Brown Avatar
      Kim Brown

      I grew up eating sauteed dandelion leaves with garlic and oil. The Italian’s eat these often. Can’t wait for the snow to melt and the dandelions to grow. Planning to harvest all I can from my 5 acres.

    4. Leslie Avatar

      I regularly use all parts in our green smoothies, even dehydrating them for winter use. I cultivate them in my garden and our honey bees visit the flowers. If I feel a need, I will just pick some leaves and munch on them. An herbologist said you crave the bitter and we don’t get enough. That is why we like chocolate and beer, the bitter properties. I will just pick some leaves and munch on them. It “feels” healthier than whole head of lettuce!

    5. Mercedes Avatar

      Dandelion Wine! It’s delicious! Grew up with it in the house and still love the smell and taste. Use the recipe in Euell Gibbions’ book “Stalking the Wild Asparagus”. It is made with the flowers. Brew in spring, drink by Christmas.

      1. Tom Avatar

        I was given a bottle of Dandelion Wine many years ago. It was very smooth, and tasted great!
        I am wondering, if you have the recipe, if you wouldn’t mind sharing it with me.


    6. Mari Avatar

      After years of seeing dandelion plants as insignificant weeds and paying no attention to them, some articles like yours have popped into my readings. I finally decided giving them a chance. Last week, while walking around with my little daughter, we collected some puffed flowers and planted the seeds in our tiny apartment garden. Let’s see how they turn out!

    7. linda Avatar

      Roasted dandelion root, crushed to a powder, makes a wonderful caffeine free alternative to filter coffee.

    8. Anita Avatar

      When I was a little girl I’d go with my grandma to gather polk leaves from the mountainside. We lived in Virginia. We’d pick dandelions from the yard and grandma would wash the leaves really well. She’d cook up some ham or bacon, maybe fry some chicken. Pick some green onions and tomatoes from her garden and add the leaves to the cut up vegetables in the bowl. The hot grease left from the bacon, ham or chicken is what she’d pour over the ingredients and she’d add some vinegar and mix it all up. That was our salad for supper. With a pan of biscuits or cornbread, the ham or bacon, fried chicken and that salad, we had a feast!

      If I wasn’t on blood thinners, I’d plan on picking some of those tender young dandelion greens and fix a salad just like that. But I cannot have dark green veggies because of the Vitamin K that it has. And I love all those dark greens; spinach; beet tops, dark green leaf lettuce, etc. Now I can’t have them. You all enjoy them for me! Thank you for the article as it was very interesting reading. Have a great day everyone.

    9. Linda Avatar

      Also, dandelions provide a much needed early spring food for the bees when other food is scarce. And we lose up to 90% of our food without bees! Let the beautiful flowers grow!

    10. Amya Avatar

      I heard some where that the milk from the stems on dandelions could help with acne and was wondering how might I get the milk out and does it actually work

    11. Bernard Warner Avatar
      Bernard Warner

      I have a friend that is living with diabetes and are showing, many of the signs that are reported to be healed by dandelion usages .

      I am bless to be reading all the comment’s on the useages of dondelion .

      Thank you all for teaching and empowering me how to stay health by eating dandelion plant

    12. Essi Avatar

      I never like to be without dandelion wine which tastes wonderful and makes a lovely winter cordial with a beautiful color and great taste–like drinking summer sun! Right now, I’m drinking an infusion of dandelion, oat straw, and hibiscus to level a labile blood pressure. I have 2 large cups of this each day. In the summer, it’s good cold. I also take 2 teaspoons of good quality cocoa each day, which I blend into the 2 cups of coffee I allow myself each morning. The dandelion is a mild diuretic; the oat straw and hibiscus help strengthen blood vessels. All this is working really well, BUT, people, don’t take chances with your blood pressure. I take and record my BP and weight every day and am monitored by a physician every 4 months. I’ve made several diet tweaks and have increased exercise to take off a few extra pounds. High BP responds to weight loss very well and I’ve had a normal BP for the past 3 months on this regimen, and feel great.

    13. Gloria Avatar

      i would really like to know the effects that dandelion root/leafs would have on cancer. can you please email me the information. I would appreciate any information that you can give me. i especially want to know what if any affect it would have on cervical cancer.

      1. linda Avatar

        Check out Windsor Botanical Therapeutics Inc and the work they are doing. It cam out of an enquiry by a Canadian oncologist after she noticed a number of patients drinking dandelion tea went into remission after refusing further chemo. Compounds in the dandelion encourage apoptosis of the cancer cell without effecting healthy cells – unlike conventional medicines.

    14. Laura Avatar

      In the summer we have loads of dandelions in the yard. How do I harvest it? Just pick and wash? So I need to clean it with anything or soak it? If I want to make it into tea, do I dry it upside down?

    15. Becky Kelly Avatar
      Becky Kelly

      My Whole Foods doesn’t carry the dried root but did have the extract. The tea recipe I have calls for 1 Tbsp of dried root; any idea how much extract would equal the tbsp of dried?

    16. jahida Avatar

      How to make tea with dandelion roots and leaves>?

      How much quantity for a cup?

      Shall we boil or just put in boiled water?

      Can we prepare it for several days? if yes , then how much days
      Thanks in advance and Best Regards

    17. asare Avatar

      I am interested in taking the dandelon but i dont know how to preparr it.is thereajy way out apart from eating it raw.

    18. Peggy Avatar

      Hi, I’ve been wanting to try dandelion tea but I’ve read that the leaf and root have different benifets and I need them all. Where can I get a tea that has both the leaf and root or can I put one tea bag of each in the same cup?

      1. Ahmad Avatar

        Traditional Medicinals tea brand has a Organic Dandelion Leaf and Root Tea. They have it at Whole Foods.

      1. linda Avatar

        Although an excellent cleanser for clearing the body of toxins dandelion isn’t really a treatment for asthma and anyone particularly sensitive to allergies might want to beware the pollen. However there are a number of herbs that you can use to prepare calming teas in addition to the thyme already mentioned including marjoram, chamomile, nettle and lavender.

    19. Cecilia Avatar

      Hi! I’m trying to blend my own detox tea, i always see dandelion leaf in most of the ingredients…but I’ve not been so lucky to find it, is there a substitute leaf for dandelion?? I’ve bought lemongrass, Sencha Green Tea, Lotus Leaf, Yerba Mate, Hawthorn Berries, Cassia chips, Nettle Leaf, Burdock Root, Fennel Seed,Gymnema Sylvester, Celery Seed, Organic Goji Berries, Organic Maqui Berries and moringa leaf, all i need is dandelion leaf…I’m not sure if i can leave this one out due to already having so many great herbs to blend, but it seems like dandelion leaf its an important ingredient as well….what would you recommend? ? And are all of these herbs safe to blend in equal parts?? Thanks! I love your post btw! ?

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