Chlorella Benefits & Uses (and When It Can Be Dangerous)

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Is Chlorella a Superfood
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Chlorella Benefits & Uses (and When It Can Be Dangerous)

I’ve raved about Spirulina before and shared how I use it, but Spiulina’s cousin Chlorella is a powerhouse as well.

What is Chlorella?

Like Spirulina, it is a freshwater algae with a host of benefits. Unlike spirulina, it is a single-celled fresh water algae (spirulina is multi-cell). It is also one of the oldest known species on the planet and that has the unique ability to reproduce 8 times a day, making it a sustainable nutrient source.

Chlorella has a very hard outer shell, making it almost completely indigestible to humans, so supplemental forms undergo a special process that cracks this outer shell for enhanced digestibility.

It is one of the most-used supplements in Japan (where most of the world’s supply is produced).

Chlorella Nutrition Facts:

Many sources list this nutrient dense algae as one of the most nutrient dense foods in the world, claiming that:

A 1-ounce (3 tbsp) serving of chlorella contains:

  • Protein—16g
  • Vitamin A—287% RDA
  • Vitamin B2—71% RDA
  • Vitamin B3—33% RDA
  • Iron—202% RDA
  • Magnesium—22% >RDA
  • Zinc—133% RDA

While this is true, it would not be cost effective to consume this much daily and doing so might lead to unwanted side effects. Sources that cite that it is more nutrient dense gram for gram than other greens like broccoli and kale are technically correct. It is just much less expensive and more realistic to consume these amounts of broccoli and other greens.

Additionally, since this algae has to undergo a specialized treatment to break down its cellular walls to make it digestible to humans, it is typically more costly than other sources of these nutrients.

It certainly can be beneficial, but it isn’t going to replace a salad or other greens in your daily life.

Chlorella Benefits

Though it may not be a realistic source of nutrients due to its high cost, there may still be some reasons to take this micro-algae.


Chlorella is a source of Chlorophyll, Protein, Iron, Magnesium, and amino acids, but it is primarily known as a detoxifying supplement. Its tiny size and unique properties make it able to bind to heavy metals and unwanted chemicals in the body.

There is some debate about its safety for detoxification, however, as it may remove heavy metals but not bind strongly enough to remove them. This means it may actually increase the heavy metal levels moving around in the body.

It is often used by those undergoing chemotherapy or radiation to help reduce the body’s chemical load, and it is said to support the body’s liver and detoxification pathways without stripping beneficial minerals from the body.

The most studied use for Chlorella in detoxification is in taking small amounts over time to help avoid heavy metal build up in the body. This study showed that it may have a protective effect for mice exposed to lead and other heavy metals.

Important: Anyone who has been exposed to any type of heavy metal should work with a doctor or practitioner who specializes in removal. Removing metals too quickly or with the wrong substances can actually make things worse!

Immune Support

WebMD lists that Chlorella is used to boost the immune system, to aid digestive problems, to increase good bacteria in the digestive system, and for ulcers.

A double-blind placebo study found that regular use increases natural killer cell activity and early inflammatory response. The study reported:

These results may suggest a beneficial immunostimulatory effect of short-term Chlorella supplementation which enhances the NK cell activity and produces interferon-? and interleukin-12 as well as interleukin-1?, the Th-1 cell-induced cytokines in healthy people.

It is important to note that the study only looked at short-term effects and that we don’t know the long-term immune implications. Also, as it does affect the immune system, those with any type of immune problem or autoimmune disease should work with a doctor when taking this or any other immune-stimulating substance.

There is anecdotal evidence that it may help reduce hypertension and cholesterol, increase energy, to reduce asthma attacks and PMS and for relief for those with fibromyalgia.

Difference Between Chlorella and Spirulina

Though they look, smell and even taste similar, there are few key differences:

  • Structure: Both are types of algae, but Chlorella is a true single-cell algae with a nucleus, while Spirulina is a multi-celled plant with no distinctive nucleus. For this reason, spirulina is much larger than chlorella.
  • Color: Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, a blue-green type of algae, while Chlorella is a green algae.
  • Amount of Nucleic Acids: Both are a good source of nucleic acids, though Chlorella has almost twice as much as Spirulina. Nucleic acids are important factors for DNA and RNA in the body.
  • Digestibility: Spirulina can be consumed easily after harvest while Chlorella has to go through a process to break its cell walls before the body can use it.
  • Chlorophyll Content: Chlorella is higher in Chlorophyll, with almost double the amount.
  • Iron, Protein and GLA: Spirulina is higher in Iron, protein and beneficial Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA).
  • Heavy Metals: Chlorella has unique properties in its cell walls that make it bind to heavy metals and other contaminants (spirulina does not have this same benefit).


Though generally considered safe, Chlorella comes with some cautions and warnings. It can contain moderate levels of iodine, so those with iodine sensitive thyroid conditions or iodine allergies should avoid it. Those with auto-immune disease should consult with a doctor first as it can increase immune function and may make these conditions worse. There are also concerns for neurotoxicity with long-term or high dose use due to manganese bioaccumulation.

Sources are divided on safety during pregnancy, so pregnant and nursing women should talk to their individual doctors and midwives to evaluate if these supplements would be safe or beneficial for them.

Additionally it can cause a detoxifying effect in some people, and those sensitive to certain types of mold should avoid it as well. Due to its high Vitamin K content, it will increase clotting, so those with clotting disorder should avoid it as well. A great source of iron, it should be used in moderation by men and post-menopausal women.

Finding Quality Chlorella

It is important to find a quality Chlorella supplement as low-quality supplements may contain mercury or not have a cracked cell wall, making them useless to the body. Due to the detoxifying effect, it is also important to start slowly and consult a doctor before using if any health condition is present.

Personally, I have used these brands with good results:

  • Recovery Bits: Made from 100% organically grown, Non-GMO chlorella, an algae containing 40 nutrients, antioxidants and chlorophyll. Use code “wellnessmama” for 20% off.
  • Chlorella Powder: Good quality powder, but the taste can be tough for some people.
  • Capsules: High quality, from Japan.
  • Chlorella/Spirulina Blend Tablets: High quality blend and good value.

This article was medically reviewed by Jessica Meyers, MPAP, PA-C, RH(AHG), who specializes in herbal protocols and functional medicine. You can also find Jessica on Instagram. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.
Ever used Chlorella? What was your experience?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


67 responses to “Chlorella Benefits & Uses (and When It Can Be Dangerous)”

  1. Ava Avatar

    Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing! I’m wondering why people with mold sensitivity should avoid Chlorella? I’m trying to detox from mold and thought Chlorella might help. But maybe I’ll stick to Spirulina.
    Thanks so much!

  2. Melody Avatar

    Doctors don’t know anything about natural supplements, stop quit suggesting that. Medical dr. Are useless when it comes to true health

  3. Robin Avatar

    Katie wellness mama, I would like to get your opinion on some supplements I’m taking. They are called “your super” and I take their super greens which has chlorella and spirulina and now I’m wondering if it’s safe. Can you please let me know your thoughts on those products.

    Thanks, Robin

  4. Markus Avatar

    Great article! What should be the maximum dose per day? Thank you very much!

  5. glenda Avatar

    very dangerous mostly from japan ,major radiation
    mold allergys,iodine allergys
    very unsafe

  6. Regina Cramer Avatar
    Regina Cramer

    Daughter has breast implants.
    Can she start Chlorella .
    Thank You.

  7. Carla Curry Avatar
    Carla Curry

    Carmen, you were detoxing. I’ve experienced almost identical side effects. You are correct in that you should increase slowly. Oftentimes, it gets worse before it gets better.

  8. May Harvey Avatar
    May Harvey

    I purchased a 2 month supply of Chlorella and used one whole month’s dose. When I finished this my nightmare began. I have metal implants in both my feet – broken ankles. My feet suddenly broke out in bleeding very painful sores they looked as if somebody had stabbed my feet – these sores continued for 6 weeks night and day – I came close to wanting to end my life. I was putting Manuka honey on my feet and I had to bandage them many times every day. After 6 weeks the bleeding stopped and my feet started to excrete what I think was lymph fluid – I was rushed to a hospital where they washed my feet and advised to put Vaseline on them, I also had a visiting nurse come to my home and clean and bandage my feet for 4 months. After all of that, the skin on my feet peels whenever I happen to eat or drink a substance that detoxifies heavy metal. I must mention that I have MCSS which means that I can never use or ingest any chemicals also I have to clean my house out of any chemicals. MCSS means Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Syndrome. By the way, I had a hair analysis shortly after this and yes, the results for heavy metals were very good – chlorella does work -if it does not kill you as in my case

  9. Alexandra Avatar

    I have used it with cilantro to help my autistic son recover his speech. What I read 10 years ago was that cilantro loosens metals and chlorella helps clean them out. Every time we gave him more he’d improve a lot. Also he is 16 and hasn’t had a vaccine since he was 2. He was 4 when we started this and 2 weeks after starting he started trying to talk again. B12 has helped improve his speech further.

  10. Amanda Avatar

    Would you please update this post to include information on the effects of blue-green algae? According to WebMD“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), pemphigus vulgaris (a skin condition), and others: Blue-green algae might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it’s best to avoid using blue-green algae.” Also, I can attest after drinking GTs Kombucha Multi-Green (which includes blue-green algae), twice, that blue-green algae can cause: vomiting, inflammation, and intense abdominal pain. Please help spread the word that blue-green algae can make autuimmune disease sufferers sicker. Thank you.

  11. Mary P Avatar

    I have been taking Spirulina and Chorella now for a couple of weeks. I purchased a higher quality brand called Energybits. I get a little nauseous after taking them but goes away after 30 minutes. I take the Chorella right before bed….I have better BM in the morning. I am hoping that it is ridding my body of nasty toxins. I fly every week, so I’m trying to protect my body from the radiation and toxic jet fuel that we ingest every time we are on an airplane. Overall, I feel more energy and my skin looks great! I broke out right away but now my skin looks amazing!!! That’s a big plus. I will continue to take them along with NAC.

  12. Carmen Frenkel Avatar
    Carmen Frenkel

    Constipation has been a constant for the last several years and more recently became very bad. After mold poisoning from our home, I developed severe rashes, allergies and initially severe upper-respiratory infections. Thyroid function has been poor and due to my immune system taking a big hit from the poisoning and I can’t take thyroid medication (I read Chlorella affects thyroid) or female hormones without feeling badly. In trying Chlorella I was thrilled to find my constipation disappeared, however I became very tired during the late afternoon and could not sleep at night (though I could sleep some during the day). I stopped three weeks back and sleep returned – so the the constipation, rashes and itching. No way to find a N/D or doctor who knows anything. They will take your money (a lot of it) and not be able to help. Would like to try again. The container does say “increase slowly” I did go up pretty fast by two daily. (Bottle says to get to 20 tabs) Does anyone think increasing more slowly will eliminate the side effects? Would really appreciate having something positive to go it. So good to find this site. Thank you for reading. Carmen

  13. Kristin Avatar

    Why should postmenopausal women be careful taking Chlorella? Is it due to the iodine content?

  14. Sandy Avatar

    If you have had Ciguatera -would Chlorella not be a good idea to ingest?

  15. Sierra Avatar

    I take about two tablespoons of powder mixed with organic juice. The taste really isn’t bad at all. I do have to be careful that I don’t overdo it though, cause it can cause feelings of nausea which I attribute to detoxing. I give a smaller dose to my children as well. It’s helped us kick the flu that has been hanging around way too long.
    I also have digestive issues and it’s helped a lot there as well.
    I bought mine in powder form of off amazon from bulk supplements.

  16. shane Avatar

    Hi, I have just registered and am seeking an answer about Chlorella Extract – hope someone can help me

    I have been using Chlorella Powder and have changed over to Chlorella Extract or to what I believe is EXTRACT –

    The problem is, in Physical Appearance the Chlorella Powder looks and feels just like the Chlorella Extract I buy. –

    How can I tell the difference between the two? – Is there a difference in appearance colour? – should the extract be of a different physical nature? – How can I tell if I am getting the – “Real Deal”- Many Thanks – ta

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