
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipe

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Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea Recipe
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I have used red raspberry leaf for years. It is an amazing multi-purpose and highly-nutritious herb with a delicious taste similar to regular black tea (but without the caffeine).

When pregnant, I start using red raspberry leaf tea as part of my pregnancy blend in late second and third trimester. Though red raspberry leaf tea is often recommended and touted for its ability to increase uterine contractions and shorten labor, its primary benefit might be in its nutritional value.

Why Red Raspberry Leaf Tea During Pregnancy?

Red raspberry leaf tea is most often recommended during pregnancy, and statistically up to 63% of midwives recommend red raspberry leaf to their clients.

The research is somewhat divided about how much red raspberry leaf consumption during pregnancy can benefit a woman in labor, but recent clinical studies have concluded that:

The findings suggest that the raspberry leaf herb can be consumed by women during their pregnancy for the purpose for which it is taken, that is, to shorten labour with no identified side effects for the women or their babies. The findings also suggest ingestion of the drug might decrease the likelihood of pre and post-term gestation. An unexpected finding in this study seems to indicate that women who ingest raspberry leaf might be less likely to receive an artificial rupture of their membranes, or require a caesarean section, forceps or vacuum birth than the women in the control group. (source)

While red raspberry was not found to shorten the first stage of labor, it did shorten the second stage of labor (pushing) by almost ten minutes and reduced the risk of forceps delivery with no adverse effects for mom or baby. (source)

Another study in rats showed that RRL could both strengthen or lessen contraction intensity, but that it did not affect the body’s ability to go into labor or duration. (source)

The important takeaways are that red raspberry leaf did not have any adverse affects for mom or baby in any of the published studies available and it showed a potential positive affect. Though many scientists would not consider a ten minute reduction in second stage labor statistically significant, I know most pregnant women would consider pushing for almost ten minutes less VERY significant (including myself).

Additionally, while it may not have a strong history of medical or clinical use, red raspberry leaf does have a long history of use by many midwives and pregnant women. Many claim that RRL helped improve their labors and recovery, compared to previous labors when they had not used it. This was my personal experience as well, and I always turn to RRL during pregnancy for this reason.

Skeptics might counter that this could be largely the placebo affect, but in the absence of any adverse effects and considering that placebo works a significant percentage of the time, I’d still consider it worth a try.

We will hopefully see continued research about the ways that RRL may or may not act on the uterus or affect the strength of contractions, but the available research indicates that it is at least safe to consume and doesn’t have any adverse effects.

In my opinion, the real benefit of red raspberry leaf is its nutrition content. Demand of nutrients important during pregnancy such as iron, B-vitamins, vitamin C, and magnesium, are especially high in pregnant women in second and third trimesters. All of these nutrients are present in red raspberry leaf. It is also high in anti-inflammatory tannins and can have a soothing affect on the digestive system.

Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea Recipe

Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea Recipe

This delicious red raspberry leaf tea recipe gives a boost in vitamin C and magnesium. It is especially nourishing during pregnancy and is midwife approved!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Author Katie Wells


8 gallons


  • Mix all ingredients together and store in an air-tight container.
  • To brew a cup: Pour 8 ounces of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the tea mixture and let steep for at least 5 minutes before drinking.
  • To brew a gallon: Add ¾ cup tea mixture to a pot with 1 gallon of boiling water. Stir and let steep as it cools. Strain out the herbs and store in a pitcher or glass jar in the refrigerator to consume cold as desired.


Nutrition Facts
Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 0
% Daily Value*
Sodium 7mg0%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Once your herbs are all mixed together, you will have enough to make about 8 gallons of tea.

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Why Add Other Herbs?

Red Raspberry Leaf is very nutritious on its own and can absolutely be consumed alone, but I prefer to add the three additional herbs for their nutritional benefits:


Alfalfa is known as the “Father of all Foods” and is rich in many nutrients including magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, silicon, and trace elements, as well as vitamin E, vitamin C, and vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting. Read about the benefits of alfalfa here.


Said to be anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, and good for digestion, nettle is another power-packed herb.

Dandelion Leaf:

Dandelion is also high in many vitamins and minerals and is also said to be good for the blood. It may have a normalizing effect on blood pressure and help with digestion and urinary heath (all beneficial during pregnancy).

Ever taken red raspberry leaf tea? How did you use it?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


86 responses to “Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Recipe”

  1. Raquel Avatar

    Hi! I was wondering how much tea should I have a day? We are trying an IUI in a couple of months and would like to give it as much of a chance as possible! (I am sorry in advance if this info is somewhere on this page)

  2. Teri Avatar

    My 9-YO daughter was diagnosed with ADD and I’m always trying to find natural ways to help her. RRT might be an option I’ve overlooked because it’s packed with a lot of those vitamins and minerals that are suggested for helping with ADD symptoms (iron, b vitamins , vitamin c and magnesium).

  3. Krista Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I’m wondering how many cups of this tea you drink per day? I just mixed up a batch, with the addition of Rooibos tea (I saw the info on Rooibos in another of your posts!).
    Thank you! I love your website!!!

  4. Brittany Avatar

    Hi Katie, I have followed your blog for awhile now. I really strive to male sure my family is healthy and with all that you share it makes it so easy. My question is this: are you aware of cholestasis of pregnancy? I have had it with all three of my pregnancies and was told by my doctor that “I had to be done having babies.” This was heartbreaking for me as I would like to have at least one more. So I’m determined to find a way to heal and make it possible to have another. Was wondering if you had any thoughts on cholestasis and what I could do to heal my liver and gallbladder?

    1. Jenna Avatar

      A class of herbs called ‘alteratives’ are effective at purifying the blood and promoting bile flow. Milk thistle is one of these and is especially good at strengthening, protecting and detoxifying the liver and, improving a sluggish gallbladder. Doing a liver cleanse may help heal and restore your liver function. While it is not safe to do a cleanse when pregnant and breastfeeding another alterative product called Liquid Chlorophyll is safe to consume and is effective at purifying the blood, which is a type of cleanse that is safe to do while pregnant. It is actually highly recommended when p/b because it helps to reduce the load on your liver as your body has an added burden of trying to deal with the baby’s wastes as well.

  5. Pam Avatar

    HI!!! I was wanting to get the seeking health vitamins you recommend (I am 7 months pregnant and still nursing my 2 year old) but I see the milk thistle in there…I”ve read controversy things on it….how do you feel about it…did you use that vitamin for all of your pregnancies? I am currently taking Rainbow light ones (not that great I know but I was on a budget lol)….So now time for new ones and I am considering that one you suggest or Zahler (the two a day I have taken many times and love)…..but feel like I need more ???? Thanks for your response!!!

  6. Kells Bryant Avatar
    Kells Bryant

    How many weeks into the second trimester should I begin drinking RRT? It would be nice now that we’re in the winter months. Where do you find organic dried loose tea leaves?

      1. Amber Avatar

        They have been sold out of their tea for some time now….anywhere else you recommend getting it from?

  7. Andi Avatar

    I believe RRL tea significantly helped progress my second labor! My first child came after a very long induced labor and 2.5 hours of pushing, but my second came 3.5 hours from the 1st contraction and in 3 pushes. What a difference!! I didn’t know about the tea until my second pregnancy and then drank 2 cups daily starting at 36 weeks. I’m a believer and will definitely be drinking my tea with any future pregnancies that we are blessed with!

  8. Telma Avatar

    Love the tea. I used to use it all the time whenever I had menstrual cramps. It’s the natural midol. It works miracles.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Honestly I find the tea tastes great without a sweetener (and generally avoid sweeteners when I can anyway) but I don’t think it would remove any benefits…

  9. Anna Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I take an infusion steeped overnight of nettles, oatstraw, alfalfa, red ras leaf, red clover, and a pinch of peppermint. I take the RRL and the red clover for fertility, the rest because I crave them (weird, but when I was a kid I wanted to eat the horses’ oats and alfalfa cubes). I think I might (might!) be pregnant — do you think this is safe to continue drinking (about 2 cups a day)? I ask with the understanding you are not a doctor (but you do have 5 children and write this fantastic blog) so no worries.
    Appreciate what you do for us all,

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d check with a doc or midwife to be sure. My midwife was ok with RRL throughout pregnancy, but some are much more cautious… Congrats on your pregnancy if you are expecting 🙂

  10. Beth Avatar

    Would this tea be good for after the childbearing years? I’m finished menstruating, but do have hot flashes off and on.
    Thank you!

  11. Anna Avatar

    Does Dandelion Tea act as a blood thinner?
    Then should I stop drinking it once the birth approaches??

  12. Julia Avatar

    I am pregnant and just started my third trimester, so I would really love to try this recipe, but alas! MRH is all out of red raspberry leaf! Does anyone know of a place I could get my hands on red raspberry leaf of similar quality, or perhaps a ready-made tea that is similar to this recipe?

  13. Alex Avatar

    I’ve never been pregnant, but I drink red raspberry leaf tea the two weeks prior to my period. It REALLY helps my cramps (I have endometriosis, so the cramps can be tremendous). I read somewhere that it acts as a xenoestrogen (it mimics estrogen in the system), which is why it helps mitigate symptoms of PMS which are caused by the sudden drop in estrogen as the body prepares for its menses. Does anyone know more about this? I’m concerned I have estrogen dominance, so I’m trying to avoid xenoestrogens. I love red raspberry leaf – would hate to give it up!

    1. Jenna Avatar

      Plant based estrogens are called phytoestrogens and have a protective effect against xeno-estrogens (chemical/synthetic based estrogens) as they occupy estrogen receptor sites, like a blank key, which blocks harmful xeno estrogens from taking hold in the receptor sites. If you have estrogen dominance then consuming plant based or phytoestrogens would be very beneficial for you.

  14. Jillian Avatar

    Red Raspberry Leaf tea along with the other herbs are borderline magic. I drank 3-4 cups of the tea every day during my third trimester while pregnant with my second child. I didn’t drink it with my first. I do believe the tea helped tone my uterus and enable my contractions be more effective. With my first child my labor was 10 hrs long including 1 he of pushing. My second labor was 4 hrs and pushed for 8 minutes. I labored entirely at home because I didn’t realize how far along I was. By the time I left the house to go to the hospital I was ready to push and feared giving birth in the parking lot.

    Long story short, RRL for pregnancy is awesome.

  15. May Avatar

    I had seven children, and my longest labor was six hours. Twice I barely made it to the hospital. I never drank raspberry tea or any other tea.

  16. Olivia Avatar

    I haven’t had kids yet, but I drink RRL tea sometimes right before I start and then the day I start my period and it helps a ton with cramps. I haven’t had to take anything for pain in months because of it.

  17. Corinne Avatar

    Please explain what this means:
    The findings also suggest ingestion of the drug might decrease the likelihood of pre and post-term gestation.

    Does that mean pre-term labor? Gestation means conception and pregnancy, so what does post-term gestation mean?

    My unborn daughter is almost 34 weeks old so if this is safe, I will start drinking it soon. I drank RRL starting in 2011 or early 2012 after a naturopath told me about it, and after drinking it consistently for a few months, my periods came back! I’ve drank it during periods fairly consistently and it might have helped me have not-so-heavy periods with very little cramping.

    I asked about it at the beginning of this pregnancy and was advised against it. I don’t remember the reasoning very well, but I think someone said that if I was taking it to help with periods, it wouldn’t be good during pregnancy. I will ask around and keep considering it, though, especially since I hope to give birth in a little more than a month. Thanks!

  18. Anna Humberstone Avatar
    Anna Humberstone

    Hi, what tea do you drink in the first and early second trimester please? It’s autumn in the UK and getting chilly, it would be great to drink a hot tea that was caffeine free and safe for early pregnancy. Thanks! 🙂

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