
How to Make Kombucha Tea: Recipe and Tutorial

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to make Kombucha- recipe and tutorial
Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » How to Make Kombucha Tea: Recipe and Tutorial

Kombucha is a fermented sweetened tea that has been around for centuries. It has a tangy and sweet flavor and can be double-fermented with fruit or juice to make a fizzy drink similar to soft drinks.

This ancient beverage has surged in popularity in recent years and is now available in many grocery stores and health food stores. Store-bought kombucha often costs $3-5 a bottle, so making it at home is a great way to save a lot of money.

If you’re a fan of this probiotic and enzyme-rich drink, try brewing it at home for just pennies a cup!

Health Benefits of Kombucha

how to make kombucha easy recipe

Kombucha fans attribute a wide variety of benefits to kombucha and claim that it helps with everything from joint pain to cancer. These claims are largely unproven, as there are very few studies about kombucha, but we do know that it contains a variety of vitamins and beneficial acids.

In fact, it is considered a good source of antioxidants, B-vitamins, probiotics, and glucaric acid.

Kombucha Nutrition Facts

Downsides of Kombucha

Of course, like everything, there is a flip side! Here are some concerns when it comes to kombucha. They’re nothing alarming but good to be aware of especially when choosing a commercial brand.

Too Much Sugar?

Kombucha is brewed from sweetened tea and the recipe contains a cup of sugar per gallon of tea. Understandably, some people worry about the sugar content.

Not to worry…

During the fermentation process, the beneficial colony of bacteria consumes most of the sugar, so it has minimal effect on blood sugar. The sugar is simply the food for these beneficial bacteria and the beneficial acids, enzymes, and probiotics are a result of the fermentation.

Caffeine and Alcohol?

If caffeine is a concern, kombucha can be made with caffeinated or decaf tea, and even with green tea or herbal teas. To protect the culture, it is good to use at least 20% regular black tea though.

Kombucha can contain very small amounts of alcohol, typically around 0.5% or less, which is similar to an over-ripe banana. Some store-bought brands contain more alcohol and are typically sold in a different section of the store and require ID for purchase.

Why Make Raw Kombucha at Home?

As I mentioned, it is significantly less expensive to make kombucha at home. Some store brands are also pasteurized, killing many of the probiotics and enzymes present in raw kombucha.

Here are some of the reasons you may want to consider making kombucha at home:

Great Soda Alternative

While the health claims about kombucha have not been confirmed by western medical research, there is no denying that it is a healthier and lower sugar drink than soda. It has natural carbonation and provides some B-vitamins and beneficial enzymes that aren’t present in soda as well.

Easy to Customize

My favorite part about making kombucha at home is how easy it is to customize and make different flavors. Add grape juice or apple juice for a slightly flavored version. Add some fresh or frozen strawberries for a super carbonated tangy taste. Or even add some raisins and a vanilla bean for a taste similar to a leading soda that starts with Dr. and ends with Pepper!

Save Money

Store-bought kombucha is expensive. Homemade is not. You can make an entire gallon at home for less than the cost of a single bottle in stores. Since you control the brew time and flavors, you’ll probably get a more flavorful and more nutrient-dense brew at home too!

Important Caution

The one potential problem with making kombucha at home is the possibility of a harmful bacteria or mold growing in the fermentation vessel. To avoid these problems, it is important to follow the correct procedures for brewing and to carefully sanitize all equipment before use. Also, starting with a high-quality culture (see the recipe for my recommendation) and plenty of strong starter liquid helps.

That said, I’ve personally made kombucha for over five years and have never had any problems with it!

How to Get a SCOBY

What is a SCOBY- symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast

The kombucha is brewed with a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Yeast and Bacteria) that “eats” the sugars in the sweetened tea and creates an acidic, vitamin and probiotic-rich beverage.

SCOBYs are living and thriving colonies of bacteria and unfortunately, you can’t just pick one up a high quality one at your grocery store. There are several ways to acquire a SCOBY.

  • If you know anyone who already brews kombucha, ask them for an extra SCOBY and they will probably be glad to pass one on. The SCOBY has a “baby” every batch or two and this baby can then be used to brew more kombucha. Just make sure that they include at least one cup of strong starter liquid with each SCOBY. If you plan to continuous brew, you’ll want one cup for each gallon of liquid you will brew.
  • You can order a SCOBY from an online source. Just make sure the source is reputable. Avoid dehydrated SCOBYs that require a long rehydration period and produce a weaker brew. I’ve seen SCOBYs on sites like eBay or Amazon, but prefer a trusted site like my friends and affiliate partners Hannah and Alex from Kombucha Kamp.
  • Grow your own. This may or may not be successful and can be done using a pre-made bottle of kombucha that you can get from a health food store. (This takes several weeks and may not work, so I don’t personally recommend this option)

Courtesy of The Big Book of Kombucha, here is a handy chart for batch and container size:

Batch and Continuous Brew size chart courtesy The Big Book of Kombucha

How to Make Raw Kombucha: Batch Method

Once you have a SCOBY, the actual process of making kombucha is very easy!

Notes: Make sure all ingredients, materials, and your hands are clean. If you already ferment other things (kefir, sauerkraut, pickles, beer, etc.) in your kitchen, make sure all the jars are at least a few feet apart to prevent cross-contamination of the cultures.

Equipment & Ingredients Needed

  • A gallon size glass jar (or other suitable brew vessel) – One gallon is the standard size but you can brew smaller or larger. Make sure it’s really clean! I like to rinse with white vinegar to make sure.
  • Brewed sweetened tea (ratio: 1 cup of sugar per gallon of tea) – I love this tea blend that is specifically created for brewing kombucha, but regular black tea works too.
  • A SCOBY – and 1 cup of liquid from a previous batch of kombucha for each gallon of sweetened tea
  • Fermentation coverlike the ones here or a coffee filter or thin cloth and a rubber band

If you’ve mastered the regular batch method, you may also consider the continuous brew method, which can brew larger amounts much more quickly.

How to Make Continuous Brew Kombucha

For years I had been brewing with the batch system for making kombucha at home, and while I still really like that method, I’ve found that the continuous brew method is an easier alternative that removes a step. As the names suggest, the batch method is where kombucha is brewed in batches and re-started with each batch by using the SCOBY “baby” and some of the liquid from the previous batch.

The continuous brew kombucha method involves removing only some of the liquid each time and replacing with the same amount of fresh brewed sweetened tea. This yields a fresher brew (in my opinion), helps it brew faster (good when there are 6 people consuming it each day) and takes up less room on the counter. This article from the Weston A. Price foundation talks about the benefits of continuous brew:

Continuous Brew Benefits include:

  • There is less risk of mold and other contamination since once it is established, the liquid maintains a far more acidic environment. This means it is more hostile to outside invaders because of smaller amounts of free sugar and a greater population of good bacteria and yeast.
  • Less overall work to produce more overall volume as some can be removed and more tea added without reducing the pH as much. It can also brew much more quickly depending on the kombucha/new tea ratio.
  • More consistent supply of kombucha (a few bottles every day or every few days rather than having a large batch all at once).
  • A broader array of bacteria and other beneficial compounds in the final product.

How to Setup a Continuous Brew System

The main difference in the methods is that continuous brew uses a container with a spigot so some of the brewed kombucha can be removed without disturbing the rest of the brew. The most important thing you will need for this method is a continuous brew vessel.

Look for a vessel that can hold 1-5 gallons. It should be made of a safe material like glass, stoneware, porcelain, or wood.

It will also need to have a spigot near the bottom so that kombucha can be removed without disturbing the SCOBY or the rest of the brew. Make sure to test the spigot for leaks before using.

A continuous brew vessel should also have a breathable cover so air can escape. It should cover the entire top of the vessel and be sealed tightly so that insects can’t get in. Some vessels come with a cover, but a clean towel or coffee filter and a rubber band work well too.

There are a variety of high quality continuous brew vessels available here.

Continuous Brew Kombucha Instructions

Follow these easy printable instructions for continuous brew:

carbonated kombucha how to make kombucha soda

Continuous Brew Kombucha Recipe

A great way to brew kombucha so you have a continuous supply without the need to constantly re-make and clean containers.
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Author Katie Wells




  • Prepare the sweet tea. I use 2 tablespoons of loose tea, 2 family size tea bags, or 8-10 small bags per gallon of water. Add 1 cup of regular sugar per gallon. Do not use raw honey!
  • Let tea cool to room temperature and make sure that it is really cool! This step is very important as too hot of tea can kill your SCOBY.
  • Once the tea is completely cool, add the SCOBY and the correct amount of starter liquid.
  • Cover the jar with the coffee filter or cloth and rubber band tightly (flies love this stuff!).
  • Put the jar in a warm corner of the kitchen where it is at least a few feet away from any other fermenting products. Around 75-85°F is best. If your kitchen is cold, you may need a heating mat.
  • Let sit to ferment for around 7-21 days, though the length of time may vary depending on your temperature and batch size. You can taste test the kombucha to see if it is done. It should taste tart, but still very slightly sweet also.
  • At this point, kombucha is ready for a second ferment. If you aren’t doing the second ferment, just pour the kombucha into another jar or jars with airtight lids and seal until ready to drink.
  • For continuous brew, we dispense in to several quart size mason jars with plastic storage caps (don't use metal!), leaving about 20% of the room on top.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

If you want a fizzy and flavored final product like the kind in stores, you’ll also want to do a second ferment:

How to Do a Second Ferment (How to Make Soda!)

Just as with water kefir, using fruit juice can make kombucha carbonated and slightly sweeter, which is often more appealing to kids. It is an easy second step too!

  1. kombucha soda drink recipeGet another very clean gallon sized jar or 5 quart sized glass jars (I prefer this).
  2. Pour 1 quart of juice of your choice into the big jar or divide between smaller jars, filling each jar about 1/5 full.
  3. Pour the finished kombucha into the smaller jars until about 1 inch from the top. Make sure to leave about ½ cup brewed kombucha in the jar with the SCOBY.
  4. Once the kombucha is poured off, pour the SCOBY and remaining juice into a clean bowl.
  5. Repeat the steps above for the first fermentation to start another batch.
  6. Tightly cap the smaller jars with the fruit juice added and leave at room temperature for another 2-7 days until carbonated to your taste.
  7. Refrigerate before drinking or pour over ice.
  8. Enjoy!

My Favorite Flavor Add-ins:

  • minced ginger root and blueberries
  • ½ organic lemon (quartered) and ½ tsp grated ginger (tastes like Sprite)
  • minced ginger root and citrus
  • ¼ cup fresh or frozen berries
  • mango
  • prunes and vanilla (Dr. Pepper/cream soda type taste)
How to Make Kombucha - Picture Tutorial

Ever brewed kombucha or other fermented drink? What’s your favorite? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


411 responses to “How to Make Kombucha Tea: Recipe and Tutorial”

  1. Ophelia Goring Avatar
    Ophelia Goring

    Thank you for all the blog and responses. Very informative. I’m interested of starting my own Kombucha brew. I will have to ask you though regarding the 2nd batch, I thought you have to put a cup of starter from the first brew and put the scoby back in on the new sweet tea. One person commented that you don’t put the scoby on the 2nd batch? So how is the kombucha brewed if that’s the case? Have I misunderstood the comment made? Also after 6-7 days do you just leave the scoby in your brewing jar when you put the brew in the fridge? At what point should the scoby be out? and how long can it stay in its container in the fridge? I live here in Richmond BC. Would you have any information where I could get an activated scoby rather than a dried one? Fiona said she can share one scoby from her supplies, will you be able to let her know that I need one please? Thank you very much.

  2. Ann Avatar

    I would like to know the reason why pineapple should not be used.I have been brewing kombucha for 1 year now,and used fresh pressed pineapple and blueberry juice mixed with freshly grated org ginger (i keep it in the fridge for 2 days prior making the kombucha so the juice gets all the ginger’s goodness).I would like to say that the pineapple is amazing and all of my friends’s favorite.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Glad you’ve had good results with it. When I’ve tried it, it created stringy and nasty pieces in the kombucha and I’ve heard of others having this issue as well…

      1. Ann Avatar

        No stringy things in mine.Also, the pineapple is more fizzy than the others I’ve tried (orange,concorde grape,blueberry and black cherry).I always use ginger though.I have been doing it for 1 year now and the pineapple is the only one that I never changed.

  3. Eva Avatar

    5 stars
    Hi Katie! Recently decided to incorporate Kombucha into our lives after reading your posts. Got a scoby and just did my first batch. But when I offered my brother my first baby scoby he researched further and pointed me to this https://orawellness.com/why-we-dont-drink-kombucha/ discussing the high amount of fluoride and sometimes aluminium in tea leaves. I would appreciate it if you could share your view on this as I am sure you have come across it before me. I thought of purchasing organic quality teas but is that enough to get the benefits of kombucha without the high fluoride or aluminium? Thanks!

  4. Peggy Avatar

    Hi , You know , I think that this “Organic” thing is a big rip off !!! You are not the only
    person that said they use plain white sugar in their kombucha and it turns out just fine .
    Have you checked out the prices on the different types of raw organic sugars that are
    out there ?? The prices of organic sugar would eat up what ever savings you hoped to
    get from making your own kombucha . I was talking to an Asian producer one day and
    he told me that a particular product he was selling was organic but he could not put that
    word on the package without having to pay a large fee for doing that . He said that the
    word “Organic” costs money .

  5. Stephanie Avatar

    I had a piece of ginger in my tea, but I forgot to put it in the fridge. Now i have a scoby growing around it. Is this safe to start a new continuous flow of kombucha?

    1. Fiona Avatar

      Absolutely safe…nothing to do with the ginger….just a new scoby forming – as they do.

  6. Jeni Avatar

    I just finished my first ever jar of kombucha. I removed the scoby with some of the liquid. It had a thin baby on top but I wanted to let it grow some more so I kept it attached to the mother. When I put them into the sweet tea to start another brew they sunk half way down. They came back to the top but now the baby is on bottom with the mother on top. Will this harm the new baby scoby? I didn’t know if I should intervene or leave it be.

  7. roxy Avatar

    5 stars
    Someone gave me a Scoby in a ziploc, I believe it comes with some starter tea. I have had in the fridge for about 2 weeks. Is it still ok to use?

  8. Nadia Avatar

    I started a new kombucha about four days ago, and I’m afraid I forgot to add the started kombucha/vinegar. Can I add it today w/o killing my kombucha?

  9. james Avatar

    Alcohol content of Kombucha – does anybody know? Does it increase over time? I’ve seen a store version of raw kombucha at 0.5% – what about home made stuff – how do I keep it low; however, insure I’m getting plenty of the beneficial bacteria? Thanks!

  10. james Avatar

    On the beneficial bacteria – is there a difference between week 1 and week 3? If so – is there a big difference? Do they continue to increase in amounts over time? Or do they max out no matter how long you wait? I’m looking to ensure I get the most amount and willing to wait for it as needed. Any ideas?

  11. Fiona Avatar

    And remember this person wants you to buy their product instead of making your own. Honestly, I think if you’re careful and clean, I agree with Katie, there should be absolutely no problem.

  12. Jeni Avatar

    I just received my SCOBY from kombucha lamp a few days ago. I was getting ready to start brewing. Today, while at a local health food store, I was strongly discouraged from home brew kombucha. The store worker (appeared to be management) told me that several people became very ill after drinking home brewed kombucha. She went on to say it was a fad many years ago that was stopped due to illness. So now, instead of being excited, I’m a little scared. Any thoughts or suggestions so I don’t poison myself?

      1. Jeni Avatar

        Thanks so much. The link gave me the information I needed to feel I could do this safely. I’ve ordered pH testing strips and a temp strip. I hope to start my brewing soon. Love your blog and all the wonderful ideas you share.

  13. Chris Avatar

    I have a scoby that has been in the refrigerator for about a month in its original kombucha. Is it still alive and can I start a new batch of kombucha? Should I use some of the old liquid in the new batch if I do?

    1. Chris Avatar

      I am not an expert here but I have been brewing for a little while and had some trials and errors that I learned from and did ALOT of research, my kombucha is fantastic now and I am really mastering it, my goal!
      I read many places that you could refrigerate your scoby, but one place(Kombucha Kamp) says DO NOT and gives a lot of back up information why not to. I do not refrigerate my scobys so what I would suggest and anyone else may jump in here is to make a small batch of tea and kind of try to wake it up. I would use fresh kombucha starter, but that is me, as I have always ran out to get GT’s Original to use as a starter when I screwed up my batch and used it to grow my beautiful scoby. Anyway Make a quart of tea and put part of the bottle of Gts in it (keep the rest for your next batch incase) and brew it for awhile and see what happens to the tea. Ferment it as long as you think, even if it turned to vinegar you know it is working then use that as starter and start over again to see if it will wake up. I myself wouldn’t drink it until I made a couple of batches with that scoby first. Good luck

  14. Martine Avatar

    Hi 🙂 I have a question regarding my scoby that has been dormant for a few weeks… Can I use the fermented tea that it’s sitting in in my new batch of sweet tea?

    Thank you!

  15. Chris Avatar

    I have a question, I have been brewing Kombucha now for a month and a half, my scoby is beautiful and healthy, kind of large. I have been brewing using the same fermented Kombucha tea inside my 2 gal container as my starter. I was keeping about two cups in there and added my new batch of tea and sugar. About one cup sugar per gallon of tea (in filtered water). My Kombucha sits in a quiet place in our basement. It has been fermenting within 2 to 3 days and when it is like 3 days it tastes like Kombucha but kinda of no flavor, bland. I save it by second fermenting with candied ginger or blueberries/strawberries or ginger syrup and it is fizzy and great after another two days. But why does it ferment so fast, should I add more sugar for taste or start over with maybe GT’s original as a starter instead? This last batch I left only a cup of starter/less than usual and still two days later it is tart, yet no sweetness at all. I can’t understand why it is fermenting so fast? My first batches tasted great without second fermenting.. Anyone understand if I may be doing something wrong? Thank you and love your site, I use all your information here and i appreciate all you do for us! Chris D

    1. Chris Avatar

      I found out you need to clean out some of the brown stringy yeast on your scoby and that collects on the bottom of your jug if you continuous brew. That can make your Kombucha imbalanced which left mine tasting bland/odd and fermenting too fast. I separated my scoby, cleaned him off and cleaned my jug, made a new batch of sweet tea and used GT’s original for starter instead of my odd tasting tea, put back in my clean and thinner scoby and now my brew is tasting great! It has been 5 days and should be ready in a couple of days. So, if anyone runs into this problem where your Kombucha begins to taste odd and ferments too fast in a normal climate environment, this could be the solution, it was for me..

      1. Fiona Avatar

        I think this is a very valuable and useful comment so thanks Chris. Strangely, I have always felt my scoby was a ‘she’, though.

        1. Chris Avatar

          Thank you…Hee hee, yes, ‘ he.’ It worked. Hope it works for others too. I truely believe this was the cause of the imbalance, my tea tastes just like it should(to me) now. I did this to another batch of green tea i was brewing that did the same thing, though this time I used the starter tea from its batch & seems to be fine. So i recommend cleaning your he or she scoby from time to time. 😉

  16. Fiona Avatar

    No boiling water baths …this is not a canning process. Just add a lid to make it fizzy. Don’t seal it in case it explodes. It won’t spoil…you’d probably drink it first anyway. Its no longer really tea by now – its a fizzy, slightly alcoholic, fermented drink.

  17. brittany Avatar

    To bottle the Kombucha do you go thru the ”canning” process? (add full containers to boiling water for 10 minutes, remove and lid seals)

    Or do you add the lids and it seals itself to last?
    If you don’t go thru the ”canning” process then how long will your bottled tea last? refrigerated?

    1. Emma Avatar

      4 stars
      FYI the whole story:

      My starter batch was in very warm weather and is VERY acidic – basically vinegar.

      A friend who has been making kombucha for years told me to add about 15 blueberries mashed to the bottom of my 34 oz bottles, then fill about 1/4 full with the acidic kombucha, then brew fresh sweet tea and fill the rest of the way. I filled to where the neck of the bottle begins to narrow.

      at 7 days, like I said, the berries had not lost their color entirely and it didn’t look very bubbly, half the bottles had the berries floating on top and some evidence of fizziness. the other half they were still sitting on the bottom, so I left them another week.

      My friend told me he has left kombucha like this for months at a time with no explosions.

      My possible theories are:

      1. bad quality bottles (ordered ikea brand my friend uses online, now, to use instead of the Bormioli Rocco ones I used first – one or two reviews on amazon reported kombucha breaking them, too! )

      2. filled bottles too full. will stop before the narrow end next time, to allow for more gas.

      3. the combination of sweet tea’s sugar AND fructose from the fruit was overkill and caused too much activity.

      Trying to decide if next time:

      – I should just put the starter 50/50 with sweet tea and let it ferment out more sugar on its own, THEN add fruit


      – Don’t add more sweet tea, just add fruit.

      4. left too long, but judging by other’s reviews this should not be a factor.

      Help troubleshooting appreciated! don’t want more explosions…!

  18. Emma Avatar

    4 stars
    So I made my first batch… 8 liters.

    4/8 of my bottles just exploded and shattered glass everywhere after 2 weeks of second ferment – whoops.

    I guess I should check them daily? I put mashed blueberries in and at 8 days they hadn’t lost all their color, so I let them keep fermenting.

    How should I judge when I should put them in the fridge to stop fermenting/exploding? I have swingtop bottles so I can open to check?

    I like to get as much sugar out as possible, as I’m on a very low carb diet.


  19. Dana Avatar

    I’ve posted this comment on the 17th (not sure you read it). You need to be careful if using teas that contain oils. Here is what I posted:

    Cultures for Health advises that it is best to use teas that do NOT contain any oils, such as Orange Spice Tea or Earl Grey, as these oils may encourage mold growth. They say it is best to use a variety of black or plain green teas (Oolong or English Breakfast), again, any that don’t contain oils. Not sure if your ginger tea contains oils. If you’re wanting a gingery flavor, you can always flavor your kombucha with fresh ginger at the end, once your brew is done—BEFORE putting it into the refrigerator. You can always search Youtube on “how to flavor kombucha” (Cultures for Health also has a video on “how to flavor kombucha”). Hope this helps.

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