
Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Bulletproof Coffee Recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)

After a recent Facebook post where I mentioned I put some strange ingredients in my coffee, I’ve gotten a few emails asking for more details …

I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. Basically, I love coffee but my adrenals don’t always love it! Also, since I don’t eat/drink sugar or much pasteurized dairy, it can make for some pretty boring coffee … until now.

Drink the Fat…

Bonus points to anyone who just thought of Ross!

I’d always mixed coconut oil into my coffee or tea to help make sure I consume enough healthy fats, though it always floated on the top and the texture was sometimes rough (especially when I was pregnant … the texture made me so nauseous!). At the suggestion of a friend, I tried a strange twist that has become my new favorite!

Basically, I blend coconut oil and grass-fed organic unsalted butter (yes … butter) into coffee with a dash of vanilla and sometimes a drop of stevia. The blender emulsifies the coconut oil and butter so the texture is more creamy than oily and it is a delicious way to get a boost of beneficial fats. This type of healthy coffee also gives much more extended energy throughout the day without making me jittery.

This is similar to the Bulletproof® coffee recipe recommended and popularized by Dave Asprey, though Dave uses MCT oil in place of the coconut oil. Both have their benefits, but coconut oil has more immune-boosting properties while concentrated MCT oil does more for an immediate energy and brain boost.
A way to supercharge coffee and make it healthy and great for your skin

I also tried his Bulletproof Coffee which is much smoother than regular coffee and which he claims is produced carefully to avoid the presence of mycotoxins: “Most coffee beans are processed by either leaving them in the sun and elements to wither and dry, or by pressing them and letting them ferment (spoil) to remove the outer layer of the bean. Both of these techniques are known to produce significant levels of mycotoxins as they enhance flavor. Upgraded coffee beans are mechanically processed right after picking using only clean cold water. This more expensive process is safer because it dramatically reduces harmful molds or bacteria from impacting your health.”

I’ve also used various other forms of organic coffee with great results.

A way to supercharge coffee and make it healthy and great for your skin

Bulletproof Coffee Recipe

A delicious and creamy coffee that packs a powerful nutritional punch!
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 3 minutes
Calories 148kcal
Author Katie Wells





  • Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Mix on high speed for 20 seconds until frothy. Drink immediately and enjoy all the energy!


Nutrition Facts
Bulletproof Coffee Recipe
Amount Per Serving (1 cup)
Calories 148 Calories from Fat 146
% Daily Value*
Fat 16.2g25%
Saturated Fat 11.8g74%
Cholesterol 31mg10%
Sodium 88mg4%
Carbohydrates 0.1g0%
Sugar 0.1g0%
Protein 0.5g1%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Additional Notes: I take my fermented cod liver oil right before drinking this to give all the fat soluble vitamins some beneficial fats to digest with. If you aren’t regularly taking coconut oil, start with a teaspoon and work up, as too much at once might upset your stomach. Coconut oil often increases metabolism and some people notice feeling warmer or like their heart is racing if they start off too fast.

I’ve also recently started adding collagen powder for extra protein and for hair, skin, and nail support and it works wonderfully!

Do you drink coffee? Put butter in it? Too weird? Weigh in below!

This delicious and easy healthy coffee packs a lot of nutrients and gives you lasting, healthy energy all day long.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    750 responses to “Healthy Coffee Recipe (with Butter!)”

    1. Wendy Avatar

      5 stars
      I tried it for the first time yesterday. I have never been a coffee drinker so I was skeptical. It DID give me more energy – didn’t need a nap yesterday or have mid-day slump so I am trying it again today.

    2. Wynona Avatar

      Isn’t it that caffeine is not recommended for people who has Hypothyroidism?

    3. Abigail Avatar

      Hi! I have been making your salted Carmel latte for two weeks now and really love it, but I have been doing some research on the bulletproof coffee and found something called the rocket fuel latte on the website:healthful pursuit. The website claims that the butter is confusing our brains and lowering blood sugar. So she, instead, recommends hemp seeds and cocoa butter. This has made me very confused. I am not sure if I should put butter in my coffee anymore or not, but I definitely want to try the cocoa butter in my coffee. What do you think about the rocket fuel latte and restricting butter in morning coffee? Thank you!!!

    4. Ally Avatar

      I gave my teenager daughter the bulletproof coffee with the dandy blend, but she’s not a huge fan of coffee so she wasn’t too fond of this. Would she still be getting the same nutrients and fat if I put the butter, coconut oil, and MCT oil in a smoothie?

    5. Rachel Avatar

      5 stars
      I love it and have been drinking my coffee this way for a while now. (A year or so?) Sometimes it’s a mocha day and it gets raw cocoa powder, too. 🙂

      Question: How do you travel and still get your yummy coffee? I’m having a hard time with the idea of toting along my hand mixer, coconut oil, farmer’s market butter, and cinnamon…and the containers to made said yummy mixture. Can it be made and then refrigerated and not separate?? I’ve just been doing without when away from home, but would rather not!

      1. Ben Avatar

        A lot of folks have this challenge, including me! I started by pre-mixing my choice of butter/ghee, coconut oil and powdered goats milk in a mason jar, then spooning some into a tightly-sealed water bottle or thermos with hot coffee and shaking for 30-60 seconds.

        I didn’t really like the mess of a mason jar in my travel bag though, so I created a product called fatCoffee which is packaged in individual serving pouches (which are very hard to break open accidentally – believe me, I’ve tried.)

        You can find fatCoffee on Amazon if you want to check it out: https://www.amazon.com/fatCoffee-Organic-Grass-Fed-packets-Vanilla/dp/B01A2RTHMW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=ll1&tag=wellnessmama-20&linkId=f15c74184583d8ac86110ea235c80a8a&language=en_US

        1. Janene Avatar

          5 stars
          Darn!! Wish i had known about your product earlier… I am leaving for a two week trip soon and am really struggling with how to get my fatty coffee there…. 🙁 🙁 I would have bought your fatCoffee for sure!

          1. Ben Avatar

            5 stars
            Hi Janene!

            Bummer! Well, check out Amazon. We are mostly sold out (that keeps happening!), but the 4-packs are still available. If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber you can get free 2-day delivery, and in many places you can get Same- or Next-Day delivery if you spend $35 or more, I think.

    6. Katharine Avatar

      Tried it.
      Can. Not. Swallow. Sorry.
      I’ll take my butter all over and under my eggs and my coffee hot and black on the side. <3

      1. Cliff Avatar

        Just to be certain, you did put it all in a blender or other whipping method in order to ensure emulsification right? I can imagine it’d be pretty gross if the butter and coffee weren’t blended.

    7. Alex Avatar

      5 stars
      Wow. I really appreciate this post. Thank you! (Love references and good research!) I have Hashimotos – low thyroid – and as I whined to my doctor years ago about giving up coffee, he actually told me to drink a cup a day!

    8. Traci B Avatar
      Traci B

      Wow one of the longest threads I have ever Seen! Thanks for the live video on Facebook. This creamy coffee is better than dairy! I’m a convert. (I still don’t like having to get my Vitamix dirty, though). I usually use heavy cream with two drops of Sweet Leaf Stevia. Today I added one scoop of collagen peptides, coconut oil, butter and stevia. It was amazing!

    9. Lisa Avatar

      5 stars
      I enjoyed this blog and have tried the coffee and its great! Thank You!!!!! 🙂

    10. Shana Avatar

      5 stars
      Just tried coffe- From my trip to Puerto Rico this past march- with a tbsp coconut from Dr. Bronner, cinnamon and vanilla extract! Super! Thanks!!! Sharing is caring! Will add butter next time I get butter!

    11. See Avatar

      4 stars
      Wow Love the community of voices here. I infuse my herbs in coconut oil before using it in the blend. SO Good, just mix tumeric, cardamom, and a bit of cinnamon in melted coconut oil, let it cool and sit for a few days (the longer the better) and then use it in the recipe. YUM!

    12. Julia Avatar

      5 stars
      Love the recipe , had my first cup this morning and it will be my new go to coffee in the morning. I was just wondering why you use stevia over xylitol? Would changing that help with the process?

    13. Noor Avatar

      Thank you for sharing this technique. I will be sure to try it in tomorrow’s morning coffee and add it to my kids smoothie and hope they too will like it. I’ve got a son with ADHD and would appreciate if you can include some remedies and recipes that are suitable for him to help manage his case. He has up to 8 tantrums a day and isnt on medicine at the moment. He is on a normal diet, but during the last few weeks, ive incorporated some superfoods into his diet.

      1. Steve N Avatar
        Steve N

        5 stars
        A ton of research shows that Ketogenic diets help a lot as well as removing gluten in many cases. I’m not a big fan of all the people going gluten free because it’s fashionable these days but the research I’ve read shows their a link in a lot of people when ADHD and other social disorders. I first learned about it in the book grain brain which was written by a neurologist, then I followed up on a lot of the studies he cited.

    14. Jessica H. Avatar
      Jessica H.

      5 stars
      My only comment would be you should add an email share button to your articles so I can send it that way as well! Other than that love your articles and can’t wait to try this recipe out!

        1. Odessa Avatar

          5 stars
          Hello Wellness Mama, I love this coffee recipe and it is easier on my stomach. Originally I used Ghee instead of butter which yielded an oily drink. Someone in the conversation said Ghee makes the coffee oily and that the fat in the butter helps the emulsion. Now I use Ghee and a slither of butter to help the emulsification. It worked. I’m playing around with some of the other recommendations in the conversations. I’d like to know where you purchase your butter. The link in your recipe goes to a website for coconut oil. Am I the only one having this problem?

    15. Lisa Avatar

      Can I use just coconut oil? Or do I need the butter too? Thank you!

        1. Lisa Avatar

          Thank you for your reply! Do you know if it would still be beneficial to solely use coconut oil? Thank you’

          1. Steve Avatar

            5 stars
            The biggest health benefits are from the butter. Look into the long list of benefits from vitamin K2. It’s not an easy one to get otherwise and must be grass fed / pastured. Everything from scrubbing your arteries clean to links to lessening cancer risks. AND it makes your coffee awesome.

    16. Chris Avatar

      5 stars
      Wow, this one is popular. I noticed you have a teaspoon of coconut oil, I actually add a tablespoon. I try to eat 3 per day. At least I get this 1 if I don’t get any more, I’m good!

      My $.02

    17. Mike McDonald Avatar
      Mike McDonald

      Something to keep in mind guys and gals when you are having these “fatty” coffees you are consuming at coffee with over 200 calories (some recipes much more) in all coming from saturated fats. With little to no vitamins and minerals in it, personally I would rather eat a meal and eat real food then drink a high calorie “fatty” coffee. But if you are adding this to your daily diet watch your calories or you will be putting on pounds in no time.

      With recent technological advances we have been able to link diets high in saturated fats to diminished anabolic signaling response to insulin induced by intramuscular lipid accumulation inside the cells which leads to type 2 diabetes. (do your research before drinking something like this daily)

      I do think there are be some good benefits to coconut oil even if I am more likely to use on my skin then ingest it, but I would definitely stay away from the butter.


      1. Steve N Avatar
        Steve N

        5 stars
        Since changing my diet to 70% of my calories coming from fat I’ve lost over 100lbs, lowered my BP from Stage 2 hypertension to low normal, and lowered my Cholesterol from high to below average. I also sleep better, my seborrheic dermatitis that kept my face red and head flaking is also gone. There myth of high fat diets and blood cholesterol being tied together has been busted many times over in the last couple decades by reputable medical studies. Your running on VERY outdated info.

    18. Janene Avatar

      You can just use MCT oil instead…same good fat benefits, but you just won’t have the yummy coconut taste 🙂

    19. joanna miller Avatar
      joanna miller

      I’ve been hearing great things about coconut oil, my husband has tried it, and really loves it… but I’m allergic to coconut. Is there an alternative that is still effective at energy boosting?

      1. Ben Avatar


        Depending on what it is in coconut oil that you’re allergic to, MCT might be ok; it’s a derivative of coconut and/or palm kernel oil – it is difficult to determine from the ingredients on any one bottle which was used to make the MCT oil. But if you have doubts, then you’ll probably want to avoid both MCT oil and Bulletproof “Brain Octane” oil, which is a more refined version of coconut oil.

        Butter – particularly grass-fed butter – is another good option, as is ghee made from grass-fed butter (which will have all the goodness of butter, without any of the milk proteins that many people are also sensitive to.)

        1. joanna miller Avatar
          joanna miller

          …well its the coconut I’m allergic to, so MCT oil is out. Sounds like its butter / ghee for me.

          Thanks for the tips

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