Lately I’ve been digging into the research on vibrational frequencies and how they affect our daily lives. I was skeptical at first but I’m starting to realize it’s not a fringe New Age idea but something real and measurable based on science.
Today’s guest Michael Tyrrell is the founder and president (and musician!) behind a company called Wholetones. His whole approach (no pun intended) is all about healing through music.
Healing Through Wholetones
A musician since a young age, Michael Tyrrell kept asking one question: what was wrong with music? Through 20 years of research and a whole lot of prayer, he found the answer: the frequency. He is now convinced of the strong connection between sound frequencies and healing.
Testimonials from all over the world tell Michael how his music doing amazing things, and he’s even made the Top 10 billboard music charts. (Even his composition “Wholetones for Dogs”… most artists never get to say that!)
We’ve been listening to a lot of Wholetones music around the house lately and I personally am loving them. There are 7 CDs in the main set and each one has a focus. There’s music to help motivate, soothe, sleep, or even pray.
Whether it’s to help with PTSD, depression, anxiety, brain healing, hearing loss, trauma recovery, or just to feel more calm, Wholetones may be the key you’ve been looking for to change your health.
In This Episode You’ll Learn
- what makes music beautiful (and a hidden reason we’re drawn to it)
- the frequency of most music we listen to, and why it matters to more than just our ears
- how a tiny adjustment in frequency changes music
- uses for music you probably never thought of… like cleaning up an oil spill!
- how to use Wholetones music to solve everyday problems like procrastination, sibling rivalry, insomnia, and more
- why to tune your musical instruments to 444 instead of 440
- testimonials from people using Wholetones
- a different way to look at the biblical story of creation
- and more!
Resources We Mention
Learn more about Michael Tyrrell and his music at Wholetones.com
- 26: Fasting for Women & Music Therapy
- 94: Low Level Red Light Therapy for Cellular Health and Healing
- 110: How Vibrational Frequencies Affect Our Daily Lives
- The Benefits of Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation)
Do you believe music could change your health? Why or why not? Let me know in a comment below, or leave me a review on iTunes. I read each and every one, and my guests often do too and might answer your questions!
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Child: Welcome to my Mommy’s podcast.
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Katie: Hello and welcome to “The Healthy Moms Podcast.” I’m Katie from wellnessmama.com and today it’s gonna be a super fun episode because it’s a little bit different from our normal just strictly food, nutrition and health episodes.
I am here with Michael Tyrrell, who’s the founder and president of Wholetones, which is a healing frequency music project that helps aid health, creativity, productivity and well-being. It’s also something I’ve been listening to a lot lately and I personally love. Basically after recording seven songs at different frequency levels, Michael, he’s been studying this for 20 years, he released an album called, “Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project,” accompanied by a book by the same name.
Since its release, he’s also released “Wholetones: Life, Love, and Lullabies,” as well as “Wholetones: Calming Music for Dogs,” and all of these have been on the top 10 billboard music charts. Most artists never get to say that. So he’s always been a student of music. He bought his first guitar at age 10. He later studied classical guitar with Joseph Lazaro, I hope I’m not butchering the name, a protege of the grandfather of the classical guitar Andres Segovia. I hope I’m not butchering that one either. Michael, welcome and thanks for being here.
Michael: Hey, it’s an honor. I’m so excited about spending this time with you. I’ve wanted to talk with you for a couple of years now, so this is perfect.
Katie: I can’t wait, because this was something I had actually researched my way into. At some point, looking for music that would be great for sleep and for focus when I was working, and also you mentioned, I think we had some friends in common, but I had had heard of your music, and finally started researching it myself, but I’d love if you could start at the beginning and explain for anyone who doesn’t know what it is, what is Wholetones?
Michael: Well, elementally, Katie, everything including our conversation, the thoughts that are, you know, where our words are derived from, all of those things our frequency, and I think that’s the first takeaway for people is you have to understand that everything has frequency and everything has a resonate frequency, meaning, there’s always sending and receiving going on. So I’m speaking you’re listening, you’re speaking I’m listening.
And elementally God was speaking. In the very first book of the Bible, Genesis, when it says, “And God said, let there be light.” The first thing we have to come to a conclusion to really quick, is that He didn’t create the Sun and the moon and the stars until the fourth day. So this was right off the bat. So something happened, and what happened is so amazing that when God speaks, it fills the entire audio spectrum. Everything that would be sonic or sound-based is suddenly filled with one word from God. So the ultimate response from when God speaks is light, because His voice fills the audio realm, and the next realm past, you know, audio would be light. And so it’s so amazing what He said, “Let there be light.” Our absolute response in creation would be light would appear, but that light was not the sun, the moon and the stars, it was God.
And Wholetones in the same way, all the credit and all the glory goes to God. The discovery of Wholetones is probably 20 years of personal research for me, but it started with a question, Katie, and the question was at a music store, why is our tuner calibrated to 440 hertz, in other words a note A. When you see the note A in the window of your tuner, it also says 440 hertz, and I was fascinated and wondering why that was the chosen tuning center.
So, questions often elicit great answers and sometimes like one question can change the course of your entire life. Nobody could answer my question. And so, knowing from the time I was a child, there was something innately wrong with music as beautiful as it is, and as moving as it is, and as obsessed as I was with it even as a child, I knew there was something wrong with it. And that question, unbeknownst to me, was the beginning of the rabbit’s hole to finding out what was wrong with music and how to make it right.
And to make a long story short for your listeners, a A440 was derived by a man named Joseph Goebbels, who is the right hand to Adolf Hitler and was in charge of propaganda and mind control. He was the minister of mind control, interesting title. And they created this A, the note A, equals 440 hertz for your listeners, that means vibrations per second. As the German radio beat, they would use it in their propaganda on radio to cause an interruption in the circadian rhythm in the human body as well as to cause discord and chaos. So, even as a child my initial feelings of what was wrong with music, suddenly, I’m realizing it’s because of what the tuning center of music is and not the music itself.
So I set about the task of trying to find some nomically, just some form of musical tuning that would be beneficial to the human body on a cellular level. And that’s where the whole story started, and I discovered this through a clandestine meeting in Israel at a coffee house. I walked into a coffee house and there was a young man playing keyboard in there and just instrumentally, and I recognized what he was playing as worship music, but the problem was that the coffeehouse was an Altar Orthodox Hasidism, I mean, it was a Hasidic coffeehouse, meaning they are not too pro-Jesus there.
But he was playing instrumental songs, so they were none the wiser, and I thought it was funny, and he was giggling and staring at me, which was awkward. And during his break, he came over to the table and said, “I need to talk to you.” He said, “I know you’re a believer.” And I said, “I am.” I said, “What’s your name?” He said, “My name’s David.” And I just started laughing. And he said, “God this morning told me I was going to meet the man I was supposed to turn all of my research over to that I’ve taken it as far as it can go.” And that was this young man and what his research was, was translating some of the songs of David.
And after a couple hours at that coffee house, I ended up with two different sets of transcripts. One was a typical musical notation, the other was avant garde notation. And I left Israel with the beginning of what is now known as Wholetones. So that’s a good start.
Katie: Wow. That’s funny, because, when I was researching it, it reminded me of that line in the Leonard Cohen song that I heard, “There was a secret chord that David played and it pleased the Lord.” And how ironic that your research came from someone named David. So I’d love to hear a little…Okay, so you have to be patient with me. I grew up playing piano, but I am not super well-versed in anything beyond that. So you got this music from this man named David. What is the difference? The normal music that are 440, or whatever you said, what makes music different? And how do you actually change it to get it to a different frequency?
Michael: Fabulous question. So here is one thing that most people are not aware of, Katie, is that first of all, there never was a standardized tuning. So if you and I were to travel to Venezuela today, and I took my tuner that I purchased at Guitar Center in Florida with me, I could tune to my tuner and the band that’s from Venezuela could tune to their tuner and guess what? We’d be in harmonic. We’d be completely out of tune with each other. Thus we come to the quick understanding that there never was a standardized tuning, and that was Joseph Goebbels’ nefarious idea during wartime which makes it more fascinating is he wanted to, in a unilateral-type sense, bring a standard tuning to the whole world which would introduce chaos to the whole world.
It’s mind boggling, but most countries basically blew him off and didn’t take, you know, they didn’t buy into it. The only countries that did, unfortunately, were the U.S.A. and Canada. So with that being said, yes, in our country and several other countries A, the note A, equals 440 Hertz is what most songs are recorded in, and thus most of what we hear and a good portion of our iTunes, you know, top 100 probably are. The difference like, as you know, with the health and wellness world, you know, a little change in a formulation can often make the difference between a good product and a great product.
In the same way with music, or to develop it even more with frequency, it’s such a precise bandwidth that if a note had 440 hertz or vibrations, if I was to change that just four cents higher to 444, that change could be the difference as far as a human jogger from your head to your toes.
So, you know, when we were younger we listened to…some of us that are older, listened to FM radio or had some sort of analog tuner, a radio tuner albeit in a car or at home, and as long as that tuner dial was on your favorite station, you have glorious stereo and all your favorite songs. The moment your elbow or the cat nails that knob just a little bit, you go from signal to noise. And that’s what your listeners need to know about frequency. It’s so precise, that if you change 440 to 440.1, it changes how that frequency affects the body.
And so, after a bunch of research and a story that’s probably way too long for today, I discovered that 444, I believe was what David used in the tuning of his kinnor. He didn’t play a harp, he played a kinnor, which is a smaller ten-string instrument that was not polyphonic, meaning not chordal, but melodic. Each note was tuned for a melody not two-form chords.
So I believe that like what you said about Leonard Cohen song, which is one of my favorites, at that 444 tuning may just be the missing link to what can make music beautiful from that which is in-harmonic. So somebody asked me this, “Your music, it’s so beautiful.” And I said, “But what you have to realize is it’s the frequency that’s the medicine. The music is just the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down.” The frequency underlayment of whole tones is therapeutic and it works. And only 10% of it depends on your ability to hear, 90% is purely experience on a cellular level, thus I have a girl that wants to take Wholetones to the deaf community, because we had a meeting together, she kept contacting me and actually met with me when we did a Wholetones live concert, and she told me that she never knew why deaf people loved music until she found Wholetones, because she hears it in her body, and it blew my mind.
So, yeah, there’s a big difference in four cents of tuning just like it would be if you were to change the calibration of your favorite radio station, or change the frequency of your microwave. You could go from boiling water to simmering water to, you know, heating it up so much that you can’t even open the door. It all depends on what you’re punching in as the numbers.
Katie: Got it. That’s starting to make sense. This kind of to me lines up with…I’ve been doing a lot of research on the different wavelengths of light, and how like red light therapy and obviously infrared and near infrared, how those affect the body in different ways on a cellular level and how even certain just wavelengths of red light that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to do a lot, they can affect your mitochondria and change collagen production in your body. So, I’m starting to really understand how things that we previously thought that didn’t exist because we couldn’t “see them” or measure their effects in the same way, how they can affect us on a cellular level, which is part of what attracted me to this, because I feel like it’s kind of an extension of that, that I’m starting to learn and understand.
So someone with an untrained ear like me who doesn’t have an extensive background in music, would they be able to actually hear the difference between the different frequencies? Or is it more of like an underlying cellular thing that the body would feel, but you wouldn’t necessarily be able to just pinpoint the difference by your ear?
Michael: That’s also a great question. I think like anything else, the same thing is the same and whether we use frequency work with a laser probe or another modality or whether we offer somebody like you could, like if you want to say panaceta, since we love Ian, his products, so you could ask somebody, “Hey, did that work for you?” And they could say, “No.” And another person said, “Immediately.” So I would say the same thing holds true with Wholetones. There’s people that immediately sense the difference.
Musicians notice one thing, Katie, right away, that their instruments…It’s almost like their instruments were created for this tuning, because it’s balanced. Like, when I did all my sessions for the Wholetones projects, I gotta tell you, I tuned my guitar once, and I played most of the day. Usually I’m tuning every song, so that 444 tuning, you know, stabilized the tinsel strength of the guitar. People say the same thing about the piano. What’s fascinating is people say when they sing with that A equals 444 as their center tuning note vocally, that they don’t go hoarse at all, and they can sing all night. So I find that fascinating. So I would say that it varies on the person’s sensitivity to frequencies. Some people pick it up, and some people they don’t get it at first and then they go, “All I know is I don’t really hear a difference, but I feel better.”
Katie: Interesting. So what are some of the effects that you…or what are some of the things you found in your 20 years of studying on this as far as like how it was impacting people and their body on a cellular level?
Michael: Well, the first one I can say was a couple of things that were just experimental, that…again, whenever you do this, you’re always learning. You’re always learning more every telecast, every broadcast, everything that you study, everything that you try try at home, you’re learning what works, what doesn’t work. So for me it started out as elementally, believe it or not, is waking up one morning and feel like God told me to go put my headstock in this lady’s stomach, which was the strangest thing God ever asked me to do. “Hey, go put your guitar headstock on this lady’s stomach and start playing the guitar.” I was so embarrassed, I got to be honest man. But I did it. I put my headstock in this lady’s stomach and I started playing, and started playing, and started playing, and it was during a church service in Ohio, and, you know, I thought, “Okay, I guess, you know, I’ll never know what that was about.”
Well, two weeks later, I got a call from the pastor and said, “Believe it or not, that lady you picked out in the crowd had Crohn’s disease, and she just went and had all of her testing done and had a new scan, and she doesn’t have Crohn’s anymore.” And that’s when I started going, “Wait a minute here. There might just be something to this whole idea of resonance, because that’s how things have always been.” You know, you hear these people with near-death experiences, you know, believers and nonbelievers that, you know, that have died clinically, or Dr. Eben Alexander, for example, and they come back and they say, “Nobody communicated with words in heaven. It was all like frequencies. The plants exuded it, people exuded it.”
And then when you think about something as elemental as what I said earlier, I said, “And God said.” I mean, do we really think that God said in perfect King’s English, “Let there be light.” We know that He didn’t, but if He filled the sonic spectrum of sound, that means every frequency was excited by one word that He spoke. Now, that is more like the realm of divinity to me. When God speaks to you, everything else around you hears it. We just don’t know like you said, rocks cry out. Your watch is screaming right now, you just can’t hear it, because a quartz is what keeps, you know, the movement in your watch operating precisely.
We just have, kind of, disassociated ourselves from what we can’t touch, taste, smell or see, but in quantum physics, it’s the opposite. In quantum physics, like the Newtonian physics says, if it goes up it must come down. In quantum physics if it goes up it can stay there if it wants to. And that’s I think where we’re coming to is an understanding that not only is God, who we worshiped much bigger, like David said, “Come magnify the Lord with me.” He’s much bigger than we give Him credit for. We’re comfortable with God only if we can, you know, truncate Him and put Him in a in a box where we can feel all the sides, but the moment that we break the box, then we begin to get to the vestibule of where this is going with what’s happened with Wholetones.
God is simply speaking life into a generation. The Bible says that life and death is in the power of the tongue, the vibratory organ that lives between our gums, and it has the ability to create amazing things, and it has the ability to destroy. And my life’s work has been about creating frequencies that are embedded underneath organically, I’ll say, too. I can tell you some day how I do that, but embedded underneath music, so that when people listen to music, then their body is not only being healed, but in some ways re-calibrated to a sound that they probably…who knows, but we do know that I am very, very confident that that’s the tuning that David used for the worship that God prescribed for the Israelites.
Katie: That’s fascinating. And so you mentioned earlier that only a few countries adopted this frequency. So, are there countries where the music will be less harmful or less confusing? Like things coming out of Europe, will those be different in some way?
Michael: Absolutely. Some countries, Katie, tuned to 432 which is a bit lower, and it was a frequency discovered by Sauveur but then a guy named Ernst Child Ny later on realized it had some sematic principles which for your listeners means that when you play those frequencies it will create geometric shapes with particulates matter on a pipe plate, either metal shavings or wood, meaning it has the ability to vibrate at a balance level enough to create geometric shapes every time.
Wholetones will also do this. Four thirty-two is great and a lot of countries use it. Four thirty-two works very well with the body as well. There’s other countries that are playing in 444. Leningrad for example, the big news is that three years ago the Boston Pops Symphony here in the US converted their tuning to 444, so I highly recommend them. Talk about a healing night, going to hear the Boston Pops Symphony and they’re tuned to 444. It doesn’t get much better than that. So to answer your question, there are several different tunings spread out between the nations. Germany is in the 440s, but not 440, like 441 some places, some places in, you know, Venice in Italy, the fact they said back in the day that some of the composers wrote things for violins and they raised their frequency tuning to 450, and that the necks of some of the violins were snapping.
Some people tune a lot higher than other countries, some people tune lower. Most people import music from Canada, United States, whatever where 440 is the tuning center. But by and large, over the nations, it’s kind of a hodgepodge of different frequencies. On the last U2 album, there was two songs, that one was in and out of 444 which is 528, and another one was 444. So I find it interesting that some bands are starting to dabble with the Solfeggio frequencies as well.
Katie: That is really interesting. So I know that, because I have your Wholetones set, and I know that there’s like, I think, if I’m remembering correctly seven different frequencies, or seven different songs with different frequencies. Can you kind of bring those down?
Michael: Well, sure. Yeah, absolutely. The original Wholetones, which is the…it’s kind of cool because there’s the aurora borealis on the front cover, it’s the “Healing Frequency Music Project.” There’s seven. The first one is 396 hertz. That is also the one, that since I know we’re going there, that is used for the healing, soothing music for dogs, pets. I won’t say just dogs, but for pets, because it works and all living things. But that particular frequency is interesting, because it kind of interrupts a very important place in a lot of people’s lives that keeps them from being healed, which is called the shame and guilt grid.
A lot of times, Katie, people don’t feel worthy to receive healing from God, for whatever reason. They’re not good enough, they’ve done terrible things in their lives, they’re not good people, yada, yada, yada. Or, in the case of the man that suffered for 38 years at the pool of Bethesda he said, “I had nobody to put me in the water.” But Jesus answer to him was, “Do you wanna be healed or not?” Which I think is beautiful. So that is the question, do you want to be healed or not? If the problem with being healed is you don’t feel worthy 396 hertz helps people feel worthy to receive, and that’s a big deal. That’s why I use it as the opening frequency, and that’s why I call it the “Open Door”.
The next one is 417 hertz called “Desert Soldier.” A lot of people have said that that has a ability to help them not procrastinate, get more work done. We have many, many testimonials from CEOs from large corporations in the United States that play this in their offices during the day to create, copy and to…basically, they say that it inspires them and causes them to be more creative, and they pump up more work in one day than they used to get done it done in a week.
Five hundred and twenty eight hertz, is there’s a lot of studies. Your listeners can go to Google and just Google 528 hertz, and you’ll find some great research from a man in Canada, who is a physicist, who used 528 and a lot of amplitude on a boat to clear a bunch of the water in the Gulf that was laden with oil deposits from an oil spill. He cleared water simply by using frequency, pretty mind boggling stuff. There’s 444, which is what I call the “Key of David,” or basically it’s kind of the cotter pin to the entire frequency series. It’s the center point in the tuning center of all my music.
Six thirty nine hertz is called “The Bridge,” and this is a behavioral component that is being used in schools and at home like, you know, with your kids. If you have two kids and they’re fighting. And you just realize that, number one, you don’t have the energy to go in there and deal with the drama of taking the toy out of the one’s hand and giving it to the other, and then watch the other one come apart. You just go and put this one on, and you don’t have to say anything, and walk away. In five minutes, you’ll see that they’re totally quiet. The other one has the toy and they’re playing quietly again. It was an amazing component of the…”The Bridge” is called “The Bridge” for a reason. It’s great to play when there’s problems. If husband and wife are having a tornado argument and they can’t seem to get closure on it, put the music on, sit down for five minutes close your eyes. And next thing you know, you’ll suddenly mysteriously find a way to solve the issue.
Finally, “The Great Awakening” is 741 hertz. And this one really kind of introduces the listener to the fact that there’s something much bigger in the world than them. And that introduction will be followed up with the last frequency or the highest frequency which is 852, it’s called “The Majestic” for a reason. The main component of that is, basically, the exposure of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and God as..and the Holy Spirit as being the most important thing in the world. And then suddenly we realize that there’s a vacuum, and there’s only one way to fill that vacuum. And so, “The Majestic” was like the celebration of the entire being of God, and like you mentioned earlier, about light, you know, if you think about, you know, He’s the Father of lights, amazing statement. God is the Father of Lights.
The second thing is amazing that my father’s voice is the sound of many waters. There’s only one place in the world that fills the sonic spectrum of sound in nature and guess where it is, at the base of Niagara Falls. So many waters, many frequencies, the fullness of the audio spectrum, one sound from God’s mouth fills everything, that’s how awesome He is. And then when He fills everything we can hear the obvious response to that is light, and that’s why I created another product that your listeners can find. I think you have a URL. I don’t know where we would send them today.
Katie: There’s a link on the show notes or wellnessmama.com/go/wholetones, you also find it there.
Michael: Oh, good. And there’s a product called Chroma, and since you are mentioning light, and if you don’t have it I wanna make sure you get it this week. It turns your living room into basically a chromatherapy spa. You have not only the music of Wholetones playing in high rez, but you also have light. The corresponding harmonics of light that goes with each of the songs, and so you’re getting bathed in, you know, chromatherapy full spectrum light, and each of the pertinent colors to each of the frequencies you’re listening to, and it’s not just a screen of color, they’re video from nature. It’s pretty powerful.
A guy named Jordan Rubin, who’s a friend of mine that had a Garden of Life for years and now has Get Real Nutrition, has been using chroma for two years in his indoor growing facilities out in California to grow his mycobacterium and his herbs indoors. And he uses it because we know that talking to plants helps, but that could be because of an exchange of carbon dioxide. However, he’s finding amazing results by simply using chroma and playing it on television sets in his indoor growing facilities, pretty amazing stuff.
Katie: That’s really interesting. And I’m just making notes, I’m thinking like “The Bridge,” that’s a good one to play on family holidays when you got tension with the in-laws or teams like these could have a lot of uses. For me personally, I just…like I got them to help with sleep, and to help the kids sleep. And that was the first thing I noticed, but I know like there are many people listening who are a little skeptical thinking like, “How can music actually do this?” And what shocked me, because I’m a researcher, and I research everything to the nth degree, and try to find all the things wrong with it, to talk myself out of buying things, and I was shocked. Like, you guys have like hundreds of five-star reviews from people who, I mean, recovering from accidents and depression and anxiety, and that’s what really made me first take notice, it was like, “Wow, there’s like hundreds of people who have stories about this.” So, talk about like some of the facts you’ve seen and people who have really integrated this.
Michael: Well, sure. One of the things that’s really neat that you just mentioned was, can it change the atmosphere, you know, in a charged family situation? When I created “Wholetones Christmas: Volume one.” These same frequencies are in Christmas music, and I didn’t…I mean, it’s not like…everyone went, “Oh, my God. How do you come up with this?” Well, sometimes it’s just…It’s subtraction. It’s just following what God tells you to do and then you go, “Oh, OMG, G, oh, my God, God, that was really awesome. I didn’t think about that.”
So you put a Christmas album together and what was happening was, it was recorded in August in Texas, and it was like 100 degrees on the sidewalk, you could have cooked an egg on the sidewalk, but we got Christmas inside the studio, and there was so much joy, but I didn’t realize, Katie, that when everybody would start playing this at Christmas, and everybody’s got an uncle Harold, and all he wants to talk about is politics and polarize everybody at the dinner table and cause, you know, bedlam and chaos.
And all of a sudden, I’m finding out that I’m getting these massive testimonies that, “This changed the whole atmosphere of our home. Nobody was out of sorts, nobody got into arguments. Our whole family experience was great.” And I was like, “How cool? They were listening to Christmas music. They never even knew what hit them.” That’s what makes it so exciting. But, yeah, like you said now, we’re in 162 nations, which only God could do something like that. The testimonials, I think somebody said that total, there’s over 100,000 now, which is kind of hard to believe it’s like a like a digital revival online.
Like here’s just, I’ll read you just a couple that came in this week. “I’ve had anxiety disorder, PTSD anxiety, a major depression issues my whole life and Wholetones has been the best thing to help me through it.” “I recently had brain surgery.” My goodness. “And I was the calmest I’ve ever been before, during and after. It helps every minute of my day now, except when my teenage son keeps saying, ‘When are you gonna play real music?’” This is as real as it gets. Truly, authentic and life-changing, can’t thank you guys enough.
There’s just one. Another one, “I have listened to these samples…” So, this is the cool thing, some people listen to the samples and just had a healing experiences from listening to these little samples that we offer free on the website as an introduction. “I’ve listened to these samples and they are divine. I am going to buy them. I have previously bought Wholetones and they are wonderful. I am an aroma therapist and I’m going to play these when I do massage on my clients. Just given my youngest daughter a facial and massage, and she had a really stressful day at work, she thought they were great, too. Keep doing what you’re doing, Michael, and thank you and your team for giving us divine music. May God bless you dearly.”
I can go on as this one is talking about the Christmas one. My favorite ones, though, are the animal ones because, you know, the thought that I was creating music in my mind was, I was creating music for God. I was creating worship as far as I was concerned, and then I found out that that music was helping people, but when I found out it was helping dogs and cats, I lost it, because I have such a soft spot in my heart for the innocence of dogs and cats and animals, and innocent ones. And finding like, first of all, with our own dog who’s a rescue that she was petrified of, you know, everything from fireworks on the 4th of July to lightning and thunder.
And one day, I left the music on. I forgot to turn it off, and it just came apart out here where we live, just a big storm. And we came home and there was…usually she’d run to the door and be all ridged back and freaked out, and she was asleep on her bed. And I just thought it was a fluke. So we started doing it, we found out that this music keeps her completely, you know, oblivious to what’s happening outside the house. She locks into it and falls asleep.
So this lady writes, Sherri writes, “I’ve seen a free trial offer on Facebook for the dog healing music. My son and I do animal rescue and we also go with those animals to adoption events. We use the dog music to calm the animals right as we see them and are trying to catch, trap or rescue them. We also use your dog music as we transport them from place to place. We also use your music at the adoption events to teach future pet adopters how to relieve stress and promote well-being for all the dogs we work with. We also use it to train the dogs as they listen and stay calmer. I also use the music for my own rescue dogs and rescue cats for health maintenance, stress and anxiety. Our animals ask for it to be turned on and relax every time it’s on. We leave it on when we leave to help our pets with separation anxiety.
My son is also autistic and sleeps to the music, and also he has two service pets. It calms his brain and body just as it does the animals. My boyfriend is a soldier and came back with PTSD. He’s now listening to your music and getting help with his anxiety and fear. I was a dancer by trade. I’m holistic and living, through the years of traveling, meeting holistic healers, helping other parents with autism and diabetes children, I’ve learned of healing tones and have used several of them when my son was born. None of them were successful until now. I use Wholetones products, period. This combination of tones and sound are much better than what I’ve used before and they can offer animals and special needs kids, and adults, and people in general all the help they need. It’s amazing.”
So, that’s just a little sample of the thousands of things, and I wake up in the morning with a Kleenex box and a cup of coffee, because some of them are so outrageous. It’s hard to keep my composure, you know.
Katie: Wow.
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Katie: So one question I have in the back of my head, too…You have to pardon my lack of understanding on this, but, so these are special frequencies of music. Do they work on every device? Like, if someone’s gonna play it on an existing device, will they play? Are they correct on those? Or do you need some kind of special equipment to actually hear them?
Michael: Great. Absolutely not. They work on any device, and what’s really funny is that, like I mentioned to you earlier even…I had one lady, who I can’t mention their name on the broadcast, but she’s a nurse from Tampa, Florida. And she went on to the Wholetones website just to listen to their free samples. And she wasn’t like, you know, some people you could tell they’re a little bit, you know, they’re a little woo, woo, but this lady was straight up doctor, you know, and she called me and she said, “I just wanna let you know something. I listened to your frequencies.” She sounded like she was mad. “I listened to your frequency samples online.” I said, “Yeah.” And she goes, “I’ve had rheumatoid arthritis for 10 years.” I said, “Yep, that’s incurable.” She goes, “I know. I’m a nurse.” I said, “Okay.” She’s like, “Well, I was tested last week after listening to your 417 twice.” I said, “Yap.” She goes, “My rheumatoid arthritis is gone, sir. I don’t have any pain in my body and I just wanted to call to thank you.”
Like non-emotional, but I was sitting there crying. I said, “Wait a minute, so you don’t have any pain in your hands at all?” “None. It’s gone.” I was like, “Okay.” Well, she didn’t buy my stuff. She went listened to a sample. So the samples work, you can obviously use it on your tablet, on your iPhone, on your computer, on your television. It doesn’t take any special equipment whatsoever.
Katie: Okay. That’s good to know. Another question I wonder…because I know a lot of the people listening are moms, and a lot of us have, like I have children learning piano and guitar and lots of different instruments, so you mentioned you tune instruments to this, and this is where my understanding ends, but can we do this with our instruments at home, too, for our children take when they’re playing instruments?
Michael: Yes, we can. And the good news is that, when people purchase this Wholetones set, these, you know, seven healing tones, the original tones, it comes with a hardcover book, as well as a digital download. They can download directly to their devices, but here’s the cool thing, Katie, on the back of the book, there’s a nuts and bolts chapter on 14 and it’s basically “How to Use Wholetones” and there’s a whole chapter in there for my musical friends. It’s super, super simple. In fact, on a Sunday, I can go in to a church service on Sunday, I work with the churches worship team and within an hour I can have everybody tuned to this frequency and become totally comfortable using it.
So, here’s the takeaway. So, if you have someone that has an acoustic piano, they will have to have a piano tuner come and simply raise their tuning four cents, they’ll know what that means if it’s a, you know, a typical good piano tuner. You’ll say, “Hey, I need to tune to 444 instead of 440.” It’s not a problem and it does not have any kind of negative issue with the sound border, or the strings at all.
Secondarily, especially for a guitar player, there are several very inexpensive tuners on the market now. Listen closely, you wanna find a tuner that has a button called “calibrate.” And so what that does is it lets you change the digital calibration of the tuning right there in the window. The one I suggest, it’s a very inexpensive, I think on Amazon it’s like all of $11 maybe, very nice. It’s called the chord CA30 is one. Or there’s also a chord CA10. Either one of those has a calibration button. So it will come from the factory. As soon as you turn it on it will say, “A” and then it will say “440.” All you have to do is go to the arrow and click it up four times until it says 444 and tune your guitar like normal, tune your other instruments like normal, and that’s all you got to do. You just gotta make sure that everybody is tuned to 444 or it won’t sound very good.
Katie: Okay. And again, with my lack of my understanding on some of the deeper concepts of music, but then you can still play sheet music, any normal sheet music and it’ll still work. Like, there’s no, like, lost in translation there?
Michael: Absolutely. The good thing is it basically, just think of it like this, okay? Just think in the virtual world. Everything you’re playing, like if you’re playing G chord, for example, it’s still going to be what you’re playing on the paper. The only thing that’s shifting is your tuning of that instrument. That’s it. So you play everything as written. All of your music, you’ve just changed the tuning of your instrument which changes the frequency, but you still play along with the sheet music, the notation is irrelevant, because you’ve already changed your instruments, see what I’m saying? It’s after the fact. The music’s the same, all my tablature, whenever I put stuff out for people to play, they’re playing the same sheet music only at the top I make sure, you know, calibrate instrument to 444 hertz, nothing changes.
Katie: Okay, that makes sense now. And also I wanted to ask, is there any maximum effective dose of this? Like, I bought the CD set, and then also got the digital downloads, so what I’ve been doing is playing the digital ones on my phone at night on airplane mode. I always tell people, “Put your phone on airplane mode if it’s in your room,” and then playing the CDs in my kids’ rooms, but do people who do that listen all night? Is there a minimum or maximum you should listen to it for the best effect?
Michael: I can’t believe the questions you’re asking me. Nobody asks me questions that are like this perfect, because I wanted to go there, and we’re going to. The first thing that you have to realize is, we also have one that’s called “Life, Love and Lullabies,” which is the music behind “Wholetones to Sleep.” So I have music that does not have drums in it or any kind of transience stuff that would wake someone up. That’s another project that’s out there, too, just for your listeners. So if they only want something to help them sleep at night through the night and play all night, that one’s called, “Life Love and Lullabies,” or we have a digital music player called “Wholetones to Sleep,” which they can all see on the website.
But to answer your question… Well, first of all, you’re not gonna reach saturation as far as effectiveness, but just like, you know, you all have products that you talk about that are…especially cleansing products, Katie, I’ve noticed especially products that are pretty aggressive cleansing, a lot of times people say, “Great product, but I had flu-like symptoms and a headache.” Well, you know I know that’s Herxheimer response, but we don’t think about music as possessing that same issue, but it actually can. And let me tell you a funny story real quick, and then I’ll tell you what your listeners can do about it.
So when “Wholetones” first came out, I got so many wonderful responses from people, but I kept getting this one like control group of people that kept saying, “Hey, every time I listen to 520 hertz, I get…” They were women. “I get irritable and I get grumpy and bitchy to my husband. What’s wrong with me?” You know, and so I thought, “Oh, my God. Why would this frequency be affect…” I mean, I knew that as far as on a physiological level, its main focus has to do a lot with the reproductive organs of the female and different parts of…and then all of a sudden, one day, I was just playing in the morning and I went, “Oh, my god. I need to find out the ages of these women.”
Sure enough it was all between 46 and like 55 and I asked them that question that most guys would never tread, area where they wouldn’t tread I said, “Are you pre, mid, or post-menopausal?” Everyone of them said menopausal, menopausal, menopausal. And I thought, “Bingo.” And I asked them how many times they were listening, and so we just leave all the music on all of the time. And I realized that just like a cleansing response or, you know, or a Herxheimer or when there’s a cleansing crisis, we automatically think about the, you know, the ingredients of whatever cleanse as opposed to ,we asked to have to break it down again. Each ingredient has its own frequency, which is in turn causing that beautiful thing we know as a Herxheimer response, which means it’s working.
So when I told that to the women they were like, “Oh, my God. What should we do?” And I said listen to the other ones that aren’t affecting you, but that particular frequency, I don’t want you to listen to more than three times a week. Like one time three days, until you’re comfortable, until you can start listening to it and it doesn’t have that emotional effect where you wanna choke your husband out.”
Sure enough, two or three weeks later, I’m the best friend of this control group because all of their hot flashes started going away, their hormones started balancing, the ones that were working with bio-identical hormones were having a much easier transition after implantation. It’s just really amazing to me that, again, I’m learning, I’m not a scientist, Katie. I’m just a composer, an engineer and an inventor. I just suddenly realized that my customers are telling me what’s going on for the most part, and that particular frequency which is called, “Transformation,” funny name, when people are going to the change of life that they listen to it too much, there is the possibility that they might have a little cleansing crisis, and need to back off that a little.
And that’s what I suggest for all your listeners. If you find a frequency that’s affecting you in any way, irritable, or you feel like you’re sweating more, the good news is bingo, you found one that’s reacting to an area that needs a little bit of work. The second thing is you need to back off listening to that one and major on the other ones for a little while.
Katie: That is so interesting, and again, it highlights which I still had trouble believing for a long time the fact that things just like light and sound can have such a big impact on the body. It’s amazing and I know, like, my listeners are pretty familiar with the idea that like blue light, for instance, can disrupt your circadian rhythm, even though it’s not even like really penetrating cells specifically, but how that can affect your melatonin production and your cortisol production.
So, I think like we’ve been talking about this is kind of an extension of the same idea, understanding how these things…it’s easy to write them off, because we can’t see the effects, but understanding that on a cellular level is really fascinating. And I know there’s some research on this as well. I’ll make sure I link to some of that in the shows notes. But like I said, I was a skeptic for a while, and so, I know that people may still have a lot of questions. We may have to do a follow up episode, but would you kind of give us an idea of where you would recommend someone starting, especially if they’re maybe still a little skeptical of this. Where’s a good first step for them to find out more?
Michael: Well, again, everybody says, “Go to the Google.” You know, I always recommend that people can Google. I think another thing that people have to realize is just because sometimes there’s a terminology that is a little bit foreign to us, that, you know, or some Christians might say, “Well, he’s talking about vibrational frequency, so it’s new age.” No, not at all. It is an elemental, scientific part of how things operate. Where there’s no frequency, there’s nothing. There’s not a thought in your head, there’s not a word in your mouth, there’s no ability to…I mean, what I found fascinating is that the Beach Boys in the 60s came out with a song called “Good Vibrations” that explained probably 60% of it. It’s really how things work. It works not only on a hearing level, but on an energetic level. You know, “She’s sending me good vibrations.” So she’s sending something out that has intention. I’m receiving it as an intention, and I’m excited about it. So that’s in essence how things actually work.
I’m so excited to be talking with you today and sharing what God, you know, had me create with your listeners, but I’m excited on a myriad of different levels. I’m excited because of your heart and what you do, and the reason that you’re skeptical is the reason why not only are you successful, but you’re trusted is because you don’t just hock stuff, you know, for the sake of making money off of it, or anything, you tell people what works. And that’s been the same with me as my listeners love me because I’m just bone honest with them, and I won’t even talk about something on Friday that I’m not…or my wife and I aren’t already using and have been using for a long time that we absolutely know that works.
So the big takeaway from this is, if you want to know war about frequency, the first place you could start would be just by Googling the word and getting past a lot of the esoteric and some of the silly stuff. But you can tell by the website right away if it’s cheesy.
Secondly, I want you to study a guide that there’s no question about, his name is Pythagoras, and he’s known as probably the greatest mathematical mind in the world, but what your listeners may not know is that his main focus was music, and that he gave all of the glory to God. And he was a stoic Grecian and Plato is one of his disciples. Nevertheless, he gave all the glory to God and he saw everything as music, and he actually created his own instrument called the monochord, and one side of it was a couch and the other side was was strings that were in a particular drone and when people that…the Pythagorians when they would, you know, feel sick or feel stressed out, he would have them lay on the couch and he would play the strings underneath on the other side of the thing and the whole thing would resonate and they’d get up after 45 minutes and feel great. So this is ancient stuff. This isn’t like, you know, something new. It’s something very,very, very old.
Like I said, we can trace it all the way back to the very beginning of the “Book of Genesis” where God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. It’s an elemental part of us. It’s a part of the conversation, and I’m sure that, again, once we leave this place and we end up, you know, in the presence of God I’m sure that all of this will become much clearer, but everything is frequency and everything has a resonant frequency.
Katie: That makes sense. And, like I said, I was skeptical at first that I even ordered this. I’ve been listening to this stuff for months. At first I was like, “Well, I’m just not gonna say anything on the blog about it, because people might think it’s not…but once I started studying it, like my opinion changed and you mentioned Pythagoras, and I know like most of us that’s gonna immediately bring to mind like A squared plus B squared equals C squared. That’s so drilled, because it’s part of the mainstream math curriculum. So that’s helpful to understand that there are…that the roots of this are very well-rooted in science and even mathematics which is really cool.
Michael: Yeah, music is all about math. I mean, if your listeners that love math, if you just wanna have a little bit of fun, and whether you have my book or not, there’s a whole chapter on this in the book too, and it’s just a whole lot of fun, because you sit there and just kind of go, “Oh, my God.” But the reason the frequencies work is because they’re all mathematically harmonic. They all integrate with each other, and everything works off the principle of three, six and nine. And one of my favorite people that probably ever lived in the world and hopefully, I’ll get to meet them one day is Nikola Tesla. And he said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the three, the six and nine, then you would have a key to the universe.” I’m telling you now, I have thousands of frequencies that have amazing response to the cellular level of the human body. I’ll be releasing…I mean, I’ve got enough stuff, you know, I’ll be releasing this stuff until I’m fertilizer.
The point is though, is that unless it can mathematically add up to a three, a six, or nine and adhere to the scan of Pythagoras, it is an in-harmonic musical form and thus it can be used. And so if you think about 440, it’s a really easy one, four plus four is eight. That’s the end of the equation. Every one of mine when you add them up, when you look through this today, guys, you’re gonna find out from 396 to 852, all of them add up to 9643, and it makes all the difference.
Katie: That’s so interesting. And obviously I said all the links will be in the show notes, or at that link wellnessmama.com/go/wholetones. But we mentioned you have like the seven original set of seven, and then there’s the lullabies one, which is the one my kids listen to at night. I didn’t know you had a Christmas one, but I’d love you to talk about what’s next.
Michael: Wooo. Well, I haven’t really shared it with anybody. There’s actually four things that I’m working on right now, but I think it’s safe to tell you, because I think somehow we’re family. I had a concept, and it’s come to fruition pretty simple, but I think the next project will probably be called “Box”, and it’s going to be purely the human voice creating the underlayment frequencies plus all of the melodic structure in all of the music will be all the human voice, which I think might have an effect that’s beyond anything I’ve been able to imagine what happens when it’s a pure organic human voice, because the frequencies that we carry, you talk about organic, there’s nothing more organic than a voice.
You know, when I do voice analysis with people, there’s a great, great, great, I can’t mention the name online of course, but there’s a great program that’s a voice analysis program, and all I have to do is have you speak to a microphone for 30 seconds, you know, your name, where you live, whatever. And the computer will tell you basically everything you’ve ever dealt with what you’re dealing with, vitamin, mineral deficiencies, it will tell you when you had mononucleosis when you were 13 years old, absolutely brilliant. And it’s amazing to me how that’s what we are.
If you cut down a tree and you look at the growth ring, you could tell a whole lot about a tree by its growth rings. You could tell a whole lot about a person just by the frequency of their voice. For example, like, as you and I got to know each other better, and if we do more interviews and hang out, you’ll get used to my crazy voice. And then if my voice sounds different to you over the phone, your first response might be, “Are you feeling okay today, Michael? Are you going through something?” Well, why did you ask me that question? Because you heard a disturbance in the voice. You heard a disturbance in the frequency of my voice that you’d become accustomed to, right?
And so, all of these things, I think this might help your listeners more than anything else. Frequency, again, is thought. Isn’t it interesting how many chemicals start pouring into your body and how you start to sweat and get nervous as soon as you see two blue lights going around in your rear view mirror and a cop pulls you over on the…You know, first of all, if I can’t talk my way out of this it’s gonna cost me some money. But that immediate, you know, fight or flight mode kicks in your adrenals, and then all of a sudden you’re dumping all this poison in your system and your stomach gets sick.
The same thing happens when somebody says, you know, something hurtful that stays with you or your children their whole lives, or somebody says something as simple as, “I love you.” And when it’s real, it hits you just as hard and you go, “Oh, my God. I’m loved.” People underestimate the power of frequency. You would never like think that when you say I love you to your child and kiss them on their forehead at night that you are giving them frequency, but you are. And as we have unpack that then it becomes very natural. But for me, it’s been that way for a long time but for other people are just kind of waking up into the understanding of frequency in our everyday life.
Katie: That’s interesting. I’m excited for the human voice one, because for a long time ever since I was little I’ve loved like the Gregorian chant or the chant coming out of like the monasteries in Europe where it’s just all the human voice, but to me that is like…almost gives me chills that’s so beautiful, so I love that you’re gonna do an all-human voice album. That would be amazing.
Michael: I’m beyond excited about it. You know, it’s gonna take a lot of planning. I’ve already done that all the groundwork where I’m gonna record it and all, but it’s just a lot of people moving a whole Azuza choir and different people that I wanna use on the project that…but that’s what I’m going for. It’s the same thing for me. I walked into a monastery in Conyers, Georgia one year, Katie, for a silent retreat, and there was some monks that were singing and I couldn’t stop crying. And I suddenly realized that there was a massive component, not to mention that the main reason is, which I haven’t told your listeners, is all of these tones originally came from what we know as solfeggio tones, which is just a nice Italian way of called sight singing.
And these were passed along for generations from fathers to sons, but they were just non-instrumentation and non-polyphony. It was all acapella singing. And that’s kind of where all of this stuff really started with people singing, healing into the body, or in the case of the Pythagoras creating a bed that had strings on it for people to lay on and to be ministered to. So the human voice is the most organic form of frequency down the planet. And, again, it all goes back to, “And God said.” Pretty interesting. I have a lot of excitement about this one.
Katie: That is really interesting, and I have a feeling we might have to do a round two one day, because I think there’s gonna be a lot of questions. I know for me this is something I’m still trying to wrap my head around, so I’m guessing others might have the same experience, but then the links to the research and to the products that we talked about are gonna be in the show notes, but any parting words you wanna leave with the listeners and anything about your work and your music?
Michael: First of all, you know, you think about this, again, for your Christian listeners, you know, and initially being a minister for 30 plus years, you know, when all of a sudden, you feel God wants you to share something like this with the world. The initial thing you want is are people gonna think I fell off the reservation, is this woo woo weird stuff? And then you find out what obedience does. It’s greater than sacrifice and you start seeing, like I said, thousands of people that are being touched in their bodies, and, you know, with emotional..The first time you hug a soldier that comes back from three tours in Iraq, and and he’s listened to your music and he’s been restored to normal life, and restored to his family, it makes all of it worthwhile. So I guess what I wanna say is thanks for giving it a try. If you’re still skeptical about it, I would go to the website, listen to the free samples and read through the testimony so people just like you and I think you’ll probably feel a lot more comfortable.
Katie: Awesome. Thank you for your time. It’s definitely such a fascinating subject, and like I said, we might have to do round two one day.
Michael: You just let me know. I’m here, so I’d love to talk to you any time you wanna talk to me.
Katie: Awesome. And thanks to all of you for listening, and I will see you next time on “The Healthy Moms Podcast.”
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