The Dark Side of Blogging

Katie Wells Avatar

Reading Time: 8 minutes

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The dark side of blogging
Wellness Mama » Blog » Organization » The Dark Side of Blogging

This week something happened that doesn’t happen often. I got mad. Not to say I don’t have bad days, but I rarely get in a pissed-off, mad-at-the-world mood. But this week I did.

Don’t get me wrong- I have days where I wish I kept my cool with my kids, or wish I stayed calm or got more done, but I don’t get truly angry very often.

I also typically try to keep my emotions in check, but today they were most definitely not and my poor husband had to bear the blunt end of my rant/venting session.

What made me mad?

The Dark Side of Blogging

Not my blog specifically (I love you guys, my readers, and I love to write) but the idea of blogging, the profession of blogging and all the things that happen behind the scenes that readers never see or hear about. The things that bloggers get sucked into and are forced to deal & compete with.

To preface, I should explain that the part that made me most angry is the perceived “selling out” of bloggers in various ways. This made me upset because I pride myself in writing ALL my own content, doing all my own research, making sure each article is super high quality and everything I ever link to, suggest or promote are products I personally use and love.

It makes me mad when I see other bloggers not extending their readers the same courtesy.

Here’s the thing…

From the outside, health bloggers often appear to be perfect human beings who cook gourmet meals three times a day, have impeccable style, washboard abs, and an incredible personality. We aren’t (at least not all of those things all the time).

Think about the pictures posted on facebook or instragram. You put your best foot forward. So do bloggers, but many of us are even more “filtered” since we are potentially exposed to and judged by thousands of people each day.

I sincerely hope that no mom ever comes to my blog and feels like she isn’t good enough because it seems like I “do it all” or “am a great mom all the time.” I assure you I’m not. I have laundry baskets full of clothes in my bedroom right now and yesterday’s clothes are still on the floor. We’ve eaten organic hotdogs three times this week because the Wellness Mama Cookbook (and dealing with Amazon) has taken over my life.

I don’t always cook three meals a day. Occasionally, I order Pete’s Paleo or from a local Japanese restaurant out of sheer convenience.

I don’t always make my own detergent and cleaning supplies. Sometimes it’s just easier (and saves time) to buy (natural) products at the store or online.

Sometimes I cry because of comments I receive on my blog or facebook (sometimes happy tears, but usually tears of sadness, hurt, or pain). I’m very much not a perfect mom. Nor a perfect human.

I blog to share things that have made my life easier or better and to hopefully help other moms, but I hope that everything I write encourages and uplifts and never makes another woman feel like she isn’t doing enough or isn’t good enough.

If you’ve ever felt that way- trust me…. you are good enough. You are doing enough. You are a great mom, and one lesson I’ve learned the hard way lately is that your children, your family, need you. Imperfect, wonderful, you.

Back to Blogging Though…

Certain things I’ve seen in the blogging world lately have really upset me because I felt like they crossed that line with their readers. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with bloggers making money. But I do have a problem with:

  • I have a problem with bloggers making money in a non-genuine way at the expense of their readers.
  • I have a problem with incestuous back-room affiliate deals. I have a problem with “I’ll promote your product if you promote mine.”
  • I have a problem when people duplicate my blog exactly for themselves, the design, every post and picture on the site, strip out my affiliate links and add their own, then claim everything as theirs.
  • I have a problem when other sites pull every post and picture of mine to use for themselves… to get more traffic so they can charge more for ads.
  • I have a problem with people copying content (both my content and that of others), stealing ideas and writing in an unauthentic voice solely for the goal of pushing more content out to the search engines. This annoys me because it isn’t about Google. It is about you. The readers. I don’t write for Google, I write for you!
  • I have a problem with the 100+ emails I get a day from people asking me to promote their stuff to my “list” (the people who subscribe to my email newsletter)

I don’t have a “list.” I have readers. I have friends. I have you. And you are the most important part of blogging to me.

And you know what? I’m not the only one who feels this way about the dark side of blogging.

I’m extremely aware, appreciative and grateful every single day for the amazing community that has grown through Wellness Mama. It is so much bigger than me. It is a group. A sisterhood. A family of moms who quite literally have the power to change the world. I don’t take that lightly. It annoys me when I see bloggers in the industry who do.

For me, blogging is really about creating a change for our kids. It isn’t about the money (though if that happens, it is great since we have six kids to feed, clothe and put through college one day) but that isn’t the goal. It is about making a healthier future for my children so they have decades and decades of health after college and so I get to live long enough to meet and enjoy my grandchildren.

I like to think/hope that I don’t have the amazing community that has developed here because I’ve written good articles about certain topics, but because I care about you. Because I want an actual (online) relationship with you. Because I care about the future for your kids as much as for my own.

I don’t want to be a “celebrity” from blogging (as some bloggers seem to want). In fact, this would utterly terrify me and get me so far out of my comfort zone I wouldn’t know who I was anymore. My goal isn’t to make millions, it is to HELP millions.

Someone else could copy my writing, copy my posts, copy all my ideas, but it wouldn’t be the same because the passion isn’t there. Because the world doesn’t need another blog post about how to make lip balm or magnesium body butter (which I did invent, btw), but the world needs more passion. It needs more people who care. If that is you- I am forever grateful for you… really! If you are passionate about your own goals, your own life, your own family and their health… you are changing the world more than the bloggers you see making tons of money and looking perfect on Instagram.

Because here is the deal… at the end of the day, it isn’t about me (and I’m super glad it isn’t!). I don’t use my last name. Not because I’m ashamed of it or have something to hide, but because it isn’t important (and because I value privacy for those six small children I mentioned). And because the movement, the “wellness mama idea”, is so much bigger than me.

I’m here because I want to make a change, not become famous.

My Blogging Struggle

It takes an incredible amount of time to make Wellness Mama what it is. Researching for posts. Taking photographs. Writing. Editing. Moderating comments. Social media promotion & communication. Etc.

It costs a lot of money to keep it running. Design & development costs. Hosting. Upgraded servers when traffic grows. Premium plugins. Email service. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The list goes on.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I could implement ads with the click of a button and make much more money that would help support my family and help fund a charity I’ve wanted to start for a long time (to provide sustainable food and clean water worldwide and to help distribute leftover food from farmers markets to soup kitchens, schools and food banks), but I’ve never made the jump because I personally hate ads and feel this would be “selling out.”

I want to make sure I’m always focused on you, but sometimes I don’t know the best way to do this. I make sure I don’t use spammy tactics to try to sell you things you don’t need. I don’t white label products that I didn’t create to make money. I moderate every comment so that the community is an uplifting and healthy environment for you to learn. I prominently display my affiliate policy so that readers are aware of my quality standards, practices, and promotion requirements.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I’m very much imperfect. has grown beyond my greatest goals and expectations. The blog gets a lot of traffic and in turn makes money through some of the products and resources I recommend.

I still feel like a failure because I’m not the perfect mom or the perfect wife. I think we all do. I’ve said it before, but I don’t think any mom goes to bed feeling like she has the whole wife/mother thing under control. I know I don’t. In fact, every day, I stress because of this incredible community that I love so much. Because I don’t always look, act and behave the way a “perfect” mom should. I think we all do.

So- long story short. Thank YOU so much for reading. For putting up with my rant. For caring about your family and the future of our children and our world.

At the end of the day, I don’t give a damn about just having your email address on my list. I want you to actually adopt the healthy changes I write and email about. To put in the time. To make a lasting change for your family. To say that your family’s life has improved because of changes you made. That is what matters to me.

2014 has been a tough year in many ways. The blog has grown. A lot. But I’ve made mistakes. I promoted a course (against my intuition) for someone that wasn’t a good fit… because I was too competitive. I started promoting an essential oils company (against my better judgement) because I thought there was an opportunity to help some friends make money. I self published the original Wellness Mama Cookbook, even though I had numerous offers from traditional publishers for upfront advances. And it’s wreaked havoc on my thyroid condition.

At the same time, 2014 has been an incredibly wonderful and rewarding year and I am grateful for everything this year has brought. I’ve made awesome friends who started as online friends and are now real life friends, like Heather, Genevieve, Emily, and Kelly (go check them out- they are amazing!). People like Sean, Steve & Jordan, Mary, and Christa. I finally found an amazing doctor who has helped me find answers for my thyroid struggles. And I finally finished writing my book!

My Pledge to You and a Question

So here is my pledge to you: I’m going to stop trying to be the “perfect” mom on the blog and social media. I’m going to stop stressing about answering every comment and start deleting those that don’t meet my requirements. I’m going to spend more time with family, even if that means I don’t post quite as often. I’m going to only create the most valuable, most helpful things I can and share those. I’m going to stop deleting posts because I feel like they aren’t good enough or might be met with resistance. I’m going to stop censoring my writing to meet the “squeaky clean Wellness Mama image” and let the real me shine through.

Because at the end of the day, I rarely feel like I’m good enough.

I feel inferior because I don’t look like Jennifer Aniston with the patience of June Cleaver and the culinary skills of Julia Childs. I feel imperfect because I don’t have 28 hours a day to get everything done that I want to accomplish.

In the coming weeks:

  • I’m going to be moving away from most “JV promotions” because they just don’t seem genuine to me.
  • I’m going to start creating more ebooks, courses, and products. Things that I enjoy doing and things that I wish I’d had when I started out…
  • I’m going to focus on creating more helpful and useful content for you.
  • I’m going to focus on enjoying my family and having balance and enjoying things more and stressing less.

This crazy world of blogging has led me to wrestle with several internal struggles lately, and rather than try to face them on my own, I figured I’d ask for your advice (it has never failed me before, so no pressure!).

I Want Your Opinion

1. What do you consider “selling out?” If I were to allow advertisers (carefully selected of course) would your opinion of as a trusted resource change?

2. How much of the “real me” do you want to see? Do you want more of the raw, uncensored Katie, or prefer the squeaky clean, “Wellness Mama” image?

3. Do you want me to create more courses, ebooks, and products for you or just recommend others?

4. What type of content and information will be most helpful to you moving forward? How can I best provide simple answers for healthier families for you?


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


759 responses to “The Dark Side of Blogging”

  1. Janessa Avatar


    As so many commenters before me have said, thank you. I found your blog about a year ago and I have to say it is the best one out there for matters of health, wellness, family matters, and well…just about anything. Your passion for your family and for the health of your readers comes through so clearly. As a mom and wife, I really appreciate how your family is incorporated into your writing and your recipes (both food and body).

    Because of you, my family now eats a healthier more well-balanced diet and I am making my own cleaning products, soaps, detergents, and so much more. I am called the “practical hippie” in my Mom’s group now. Always touting homemade bone broth and gummies.
    They think I’m a little nutty, and that’s just fine with me!

    Also, your blog is one of the most visually pleasing out there. Evey thing is organized and searchable. Your color scheme and lay out is well thought out and relevant to the topics at hand. I can’t tell you how many blog’s I have visited because of a FB or Pinterest share only to get there, see a mess of a page and just close it. How the information appears on the page is sometimes just as important as the information itself. You have a very good grasp on that.

    To your questions:
    3. After all of these years your commitment to your core values shines through. I trust that if you decide to allow advertising on your page that it will be tasteful and ascetically sound. I will never hold someone back from being monetarily compensated for their work, and you my dear work very hard.

    2. Real Katie all the way! Be you, we all like you.

    1. I am not a particularly big ebook reader, but I have nothing against it. I did very much enjoy the Wellness Summit so I am excited at the prospect of more courses. One suggestion I have is to create some “how to” videos. Some of your recipes seem very simple…until you are in the middle of it! If you would be willing to re-create some of your lotions, bars, toothpastes, etc. for us it would be so helpful!

    Good luck in making your choices. And remember few things in life are permanent, try it one way, if it works, great! If not, try another way.

  2. Audrey Avatar

    You are amazing! I love your blog and your newsletter and routinely refer to it for questions about my health and my family. I think it is important to be 100% YOU, 100% authentic and congruent with who you are. I would love ecourses and books and products. I also don’t think that carefully selected advertisers would be detrimental to your site, or to mine (or anyone else’s opinion of you or your content). You gotta be you and there will always be haters. Thank you for all of the LOVE you put in and for helping to change the future for our kids!

  3. Ellen Avatar

    1. I think “carefully selected” is the key to advertisements. You need resources to keep the machine running!

    2. Real Katie is best. People relate to genuine qualities, the good and bad.

    3. I love your recipes and value the information you pass on, particularly about things that are good or bad for us. I trust information coming from you because I know that you do research and speak from experience. I am disappointed when I realize others are sharing content that is not original.

    Katie, you are doing an amazing job and I am so grateful to have your blog as a resource. Like you, I started getting into natural remedies and organic products when I started my family. It is so important to me to do everything I can to make our bodies and living environment healthy and safe, and YOU are helping me to do that. THANK YOU!

  4. Lana Avatar

    You’re the best. The BEST. I’m one of nine kids and I know very well how hectic it can be with five little ones – then on top of that you do this blog and try to live a clean lifestyle?! You’re Wonder Woman!!
    For the record, I honestly would be HAPPY if you were to add one or two ads or continue with affiliate links. If it is stressful for you or you feel it’s unethical then by all means, don’t do it. But seriously, I believe I speak for all your faithful readers when I say that I want to give back to you just the way you’ve been giving to all of us. 🙂

  5. Natasha Avatar

    Hi Katie!

    I absolutely love your website and the quality content that you post! I’m sure you’ll make the right choice for your blog. As you can see by the commemts you’ve received that you are an inspiration and what you do and stand for is very much needed! Thank you for all the time, money and effort you put into your heart’s work. Keep up it up!

  6. Laurie Avatar

    Go for the ads just so what they are advertising doesn’t compromise your beliefs. Everyone needs to make a buck. Also, be yourself. EVERYONE knows no one is perfect, sot he people who try to come across as being perfect are fake!

    Love, love, love your website and all the DIY recipes. Have made many of them.

  7. Jaime Avatar

    Normal and perfect are two words that I have tried to eliminate from my vocabulary. Neither of those words help anyone and they both mean something different to everyone. You are an individual, we all are, and we all should be. You are a smart, funny, well educated individual who has been doing everything you can to help us all. I know I was so happy to find your site. Sometimes it’s difficult to find like-minded individuals to help, share with, and learn things from. I knew there was a better way but I couldn’t find exactly what I felt was “the right way” until I found your site. Granted, I do experiment and change some of your recipes to suit my own family’s needs, but I don’t re-post any altered versions of your work. I don’t blog, I rarely comment. Not much time. I just wanted you to know, that for me you have been a God-send and that you should do whatever makes you happy. Would I turn away if you put up more ads? No. I don’t have to click on them. Would I like more e-courses and books etc.? Sure, when you get to it, if you have time. Don’t overload yourself trying to please everyone. Do you. Family first. Do I want to see more of the real you? I would hope that you would be comfortable in forever being the real you. You do have some really loyal readers out here, myself being one. You are a very important resource to me improving life for myself and my family. Thank You for all that you do!

  8. Steve Lassila Avatar
    Steve Lassila

    I read your blog thing at the bottom of the email kickback I got. You asked for our comments:
    You are going to have a breakdown of some kind. Mental or nervous, don’t know which. You expect to get a weeks worth of work done before you go to bed, a weeks worth of site work done before you go to bed, and a weeks worth of parenting before you go to bed or you feel like a failure. Just do like everyone else and get as much done in a day you can and relax, go to bed and do all you can the next day. That’s all anyone can do. You expect WAAAY to much of yourself…


  9. Ed Avatar

    I truly respect your approach and work ethic. You absolutely help many people through your authenticity and selflessness. I appreciate your pledge to re-set a few boundary lines; it is certainly what every effective leader does, when appropriate.
    You are a mentor to me. Here are 3 points that clarify what I mean:
    First, as I read your posts and follow your resource recommendations for myself (and my wife and 2 teenagers), your authenticity and concern are obvious. We’ve all heard of the law of the harvest… where we reap what we sow. You are reaping the respect and appreciation of hundreds of parents who want to keep making things better for their families. It sounds like that’s why you started your blog in the first place. Congrats… you’re competitive and caring… and you’re winning.
    Second, as I go through the struggles to build my own ecommerce business with a friend while we still have full time jobs, the quality of your work (and the success of your site domain) inspires me to keep my integrity. I’m 1 year into a long journey toward success. I was certainly tempted in my first 4 months to “copy content and sell out” to the easy way. It would reduce the 4:30 a.m. workload that I put myself through before I drive an hour to work. But, we’ve all heard about the chick that dies soon after emerging from the egg shell because a well-meaning person cracked the shell to make it easier for the chick to get out. The lack of the struggle set the stage for the little guy’s doom. We need the hard work. It is what it is. Your hard work has been driven by your desire to inform and help others. As a result, your site is ranked in the top 12,500 on planet earth and you have earned over 3,500 voluntary backlinks. (according to StatsCrop) As as businessman, I have found a mentor to follow.
    Lastly, I appreciate your desire to gather direct feedback from your community. We will build our community with the same strong foundation (on rock… not sand). To answer your questions: 1) I want you to earn advertising revenue to promote products and info that you truly believe in. I will follow those links and benefit from your endorsement. Go for it. 2) Speaking for my imperfect self and at least a few other imperfect but highly effective parents in your community. we want to see a blend of squeaky clean ideal and raw imperfect Katie. How do you feel when you write that particular post? Do you want to set the bar high for yourself or us, or do you want to bring us into a conversation about the struggles and how we’ll get through them as a community? Write how you feel at the moment… it’s authentic and vulnerable… and that’s good. 3) I’ve been following your blog for over a year now, and the only request I feel comfortable making (since you’ve already figured out how to help others and sustain a fast-growing community) is to dive deep into those “crazy busy” days where we need to scramble around to 3 towns to get to a soccer tournament, then a little league game, and then a little cousin’s birthday party. Or, there’s the business travel day, too. These days are common. How do we best prepare for them in advance and “stay on track” for our own health and the health of our whole family?

    Thanks! You’re a valuable mentor. (and we know that you need to say “no” sometimes to your community… that’s a healthy habit)

  10. Lisa M Avatar

    I have to add my two cents…First, I have no problem with you adding ads to your site. After all, it is your site. Bless your heart for sharing yourself with us. You could so simplify your life by abandoning the blog and concentrating on just your precious family but thank you so much for giving us so much of yourself. You have truly changed peoples lives and that is something extraordinary.
    I agree that ads that pertain to this lifestyle would be helpful. It’s kinda difficult at times to implement the suggestions you present. Having advertisers that can provide easy access to the products you use would be great.
    I am amazed at how much of yourself you do share. Your sincerity shines and I think most of us feel like we know you. You are probably harder on yourself than you think any of us are on you. I always come back to your blog. You inspire me to try and do better. I’ve tried to softly implement some of your healthy ideas into my adult childrens’ lives and I often refer to you when they ask me health questions. Whatever of yourself you feel comfortable sharing with us, we’ll take! You are such a wonderful source of information and your honesty and integrity are so refreshing in this world of selfishness and greed.
    Please, please take care of yourself. If blogging a little less often will bring balance and peace to your life then we’ll get by. I’m sure I speak for others when I say that we would rather have a little bit of Katie than none at all. I am currently disabled because I thought I was superwoman when I was younger. Years of burning the candle at both ends and not taking time for myself has left me with three autoimmune disorders and mental health issues. Your blog is giving me hope that I will once again be able to participate in life.
    As far as content offered, whatever gives you joy should be your focus. When you put out quality information that helps you, that helps others too. Personally though, I love your podcasts. You always ask the questions I’m thinking of and your voice and demeanor are pleasant to listen to. I listen to you almost every night. Since I can’t remember things very well, I always seem to discover a new little gem of information every time I listen to a podcast.
    Most of all, I hope you feel the support and admiration of your readers. We appreciate you so much. Please take care of yourself and your family. Lean on us if you need us. This is not just a one-sided relationship. We seem to take so much from you, but if you need us, just let us know. We are here for you too!

  11. Gizelle Avatar

    I just wanted to say I have been reading your content for a while and have often wondered how you do it all! I am a health therapist, freelance writer and researcher so I know what goes into putting together real, useful and original content. it takes enormous amounts of time and effort unless you are merely copying someone else or spewing out garbage. I have developed quite a good ‘bullsh*t detector’ and can generally spot when someone is not coming from a genuine place. I know I can trust what you say and am constantly impressed by the depth of information you offer – for free! So stick to your principles, you are doing an amazing job and hey, a few adverts are not going to put me off. You can’t live on love and fresh air and you deserve to be rewarded for the amazing job you do

  12. Anna Avatar

    I found your blog about a year ago when a youtube blogger Kassie CloudyApples referenced you for the marshmallow recipe. I cannot overstate how happy I am that this happened and it was THE biggest shift in my journey and understanding of natural self-care, better diet choices and health in general. I read other bloggers, but you’re *by far* my most trusted source. Even my boyfriend, who is very skeptical of most opinions and always searches for more “proof” (we’re both like that, the “side effect” of doing doctorate studies :)), reads your articles and loves your writing style. I do not know what else to say to emphasize how much I appreciate your opinion and tremendous work that you do. Please do not be afraid of coming across as “selling out”. I honestly do not care how many ads I am going to see on your page. I can always tell when a person is genuine (through writing style, topics they choose, the self-imaging etc.), and I most certainly assure you that you are much trusted and loved. One of the things that I’ve been doing lately was to visit your blog and click on affiliate link to amazon right before I’m planning on purchasing something from amazon, just to give back this little something for the invaluable information that I get through your blog. Like I mentioned before, I love your writing style as it is, but if “less polished” format is easier and less time consuming for you, that’ll work same great. Thanks much again, Katie! Please know your work is highly appreciated and valued 🙂

  13. Hettie Avatar

    Hi Katie

    I am a grandmama from Cape Town, South Africa. Came across your blog a year ago, love it, changed my family’s eating, drinking, rubbing and scrubbing etc habits and pin your good stuff on my pinterest often, for my own references…I have seen some posts repinned by others.

    I like what you stand for…so my penny’s worth of thoughts…I think you will be able to make a “clean” business of whatever you choose to do with your blog…and if you take a wrong turn somewhere, it is fine, you will be able to choose the right direction again…the whole world deals with choices everyday.

    As a businesswoman, writing my own paycheck and have to deal with ads, customers etc… the choice between “business and personal” is not always that clear – but in the end – if my choices balance fairly between value, money and satisfaction, I like to live another day.

    Oh and why do we have to take life so seriously…goodness it is so short, have fun! (says the grandma!)

    Have a wonderful day and do your thing honey…lots of us like and support it!

  14. Beth Avatar

    Thank you for your honest post! I will not go in to all of the positives that you bring to my health & well being but know that they are many. I am a Registered Nurse & I don’t have a family (yet) but I value all of the time you dedicate to your posts and all the research it must require. I find that your information is SOLID & reliable.
    I wouldn’t mind some advertising (it’s up to me to click it or not) and I trust that you will research before allowing the source on your website.

    I do look to you for product selection (I bought my squatty potty because of a post you wrote!)

    I do like all of the recipes, homemade products, tips & tricks. All in all, I would say keep up the great work!

    Your REAL supporters understand that you are human with all the joys & challenges that presents.

  15. Janie Avatar

    Katy, I found this post really touching. Thanks for being so real and honest. I HAVE sometimes been that mom that thinks how does Katy do it all…and so well! I’ve even found myself looking at my toy-zone wreckage of a living room and thinking, ‘I only have one kid, Katy has 5 and I can’t keep up the house work while she does x, y, AND z!’ This is NOT your fault, obviously, but I want to thank you for reminding us that you’re human and we all are.

    I love your blog and find myself mentioning it to friends so often I fear they might think I’m obsessed! So keep up the good work and follow your heart. I’d be very happy with you showing ‘the real you’ as often as suits you.

    Regarding advertising, I love that your blog is ad-free, but I’m used to ignoring ads from gmail, facebook, etc. I feel like you deserve compensation for the service you provide and ads could help do that.

    And lastly, THANK YOU!!

  16. Donna Avatar

    I raised four boys as a single mom….and am now an empty-nester. I subscribe to several blogs but enjoy yours because you support the healthy principles of the WAP Foundation and I do love your DIY stuff. I have never thought you came across as someone who had it all together. I would not mind your use of ads, and congratulations on your cookbook!!! All that said, I must say that I do not know how you and so many other moms with young children have time to do the things you do. I can relate to the energy and drive to do more and be more……….but I want to encourage you to not get too busy, not too “out there” and miss this small window of time that you have with your children, loving and training them, creating an oasis for your husband and family. Sooner than you think, they will be gone…………..and you will have all the time you want…. to blog and write and help millions. Please don’t take this as criticism. I think I just understand now, more than I did years ago, how important our job is as mothers………….keepers at home.

  17. Gina Avatar

    Wow, I think you’re doing fine. I didn’t realize I wasn’t seeing the real you. I think we’re all a little like diamonds — and we need a certain amount of pressure to make us so. So… but diamonds don’t become diamonds by putting pressure on themselves. The pressure is put on them. And the beautifulest of and genuineness of diamonds do have “flaws,” so yeah — be real. Let’s be real. If you want to make a post and later delete it, so what. I do that all the time. It’s okay.

    Listen, diamonds, once they’re cut have many facets to them. Don’t we all have many sides to ourselves and personalities? Are we not constantly growing as we acquire new knowledge?

    Personally, I don’t come here all that often, but when I do I could lose and entire day because your stuff is really cool. I have taken baths in epsom salt and used vitamin C powder to neutralize the chlorine/chloramine (although I can’t really figure out why my bath water is still so freaking blue). I’ve learned a lot from you and while I haven’t implemented everything, it’s gonna take a while to make the transformation.

    By the way, a chiropractor here in Southern California (Huntington Beach) mentioned you in one of his talks about health and beauty. I just found him the other day on YouTube (he thinks you’re amazing, and that’s saying a lot coming from him because he’s pretty cool and down to earth himself). Anyway, I’m cool with whatever you decide to do, and you’ll definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. Times are tough, and you do have little ones to care for, so think of them but take care of yourself, because they’ll see what you do with your time and mimic it in their own lives. DEFINITELY spend time with your children because you’ll never get that time back but you’ll always have the ability to grow your site. I think you’re a smashing success.

    I’m sure we’re all humbled by your generosity and willingness to “share the wealth” so to speak. Do what you feel comfortable with and make changes as you see fit and you acquire new knowledge. But don’t put pressure on yourself. That’s what we’re here for. hehe

  18. Soumiya Avatar

    How much of the “real me” do you want to see? Do you want more of the raw, uncensored Katie, or prefer the squeaky clean, “Wellness Mama” image?

    Of course, I prefer the raw uncensored Katie. I don’t like or follow blogs of people who pretend their lives are perfect.

  19. Kim Avatar

    First and foremost, take care of yourself and family’

    I have often wondered how you do it all and I find it comforting we are all in the same boat. It’s very hard to get everything done. We are told to prioritize..that in itself is hard because we want it all and it’s hard to stop unless “all that” is done where we want it to be. All that we want to accomplish grows each day, as you know.

    I thoroughly enjoy our blog and it is by far the best. I initially subscribed to some others as well. I can say they lost their credibility because, at the end , they wanted to sell me something. The reason I want to go natural is to stay away from more product or a pill to take. What I mean is one claimed I could cure digestion problems , if I purchsed this bottle of capsules for only 69.95 a month. I want to learn to do that myself and make my own remedies. (I’m not interested in some sort of seaweed from Norway) Your blog has taught me very useful ways and recipes to create a healthier and natural lifestyle using ingedients that are accessible and affordable.

    Keep up the good work you do. but please take care of yourself most of all!

  20. Alison Avatar

    Wow! I just literally continuous scrolled for 5 straight minutes on my phone to get to the bottom to write my comment. Do you see how much love and support you have from your readers? We love you and we appreciate every single second you put into doing this blog that has helped so many of us live better, healthier lives. You are amazing!

    To answer your questions:
    1. Selling out is not about how much money you make. It’s about whether or not you stay true to what you believe in, what you’re values are and how you feel about things. It’s about being true to you. You have a living to make and a family to take care of. I don’t care if you put up ads. The only thing it’ll do is help me find more did to live healthier. I trust you and your decision of what you’d feel comfortable advertising. I know you would never steer us in a direction that you yourself wouldn’t take. Make that money!
    2. I’d hope you would always show us the real you. Those of us who love you and truely appreciate everything you do for us and how much you have helped us better our own lives would never judge you. Real is always better.
    3. Ebooks and courses and such would be so helpful.

    This is your blog and you need to be who you are. This blog needs to be what you want it to be. I found you several years ago when I first started my own journey. You are still one of the few that I go to every single day after I realized so I can and can’t trust and who has the most original content. You come up with fresh ideas and keep it excited and not monotonous. It’s funny, the few other blogs I follow, you mention above. I trust you and them like I’d trust my friends. Probably more so since none of my friends follow the same healthy, natural way of living that I’ve come to live by.

    Be you! Do what you need to live your life how you want to live it. This is your blog……your just kind enough to share it with all of us!

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