The Dark Side of Blogging

Katie Wells Avatar

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The dark side of blogging
Wellness Mama » Blog » Organization » The Dark Side of Blogging

This week something happened that doesn’t happen often. I got mad. Not to say I don’t have bad days, but I rarely get in a pissed-off, mad-at-the-world mood. But this week I did.

Don’t get me wrong- I have days where I wish I kept my cool with my kids, or wish I stayed calm or got more done, but I don’t get truly angry very often.

I also typically try to keep my emotions in check, but today they were most definitely not and my poor husband had to bear the blunt end of my rant/venting session.

What made me mad?

The Dark Side of Blogging

Not my blog specifically (I love you guys, my readers, and I love to write) but the idea of blogging, the profession of blogging and all the things that happen behind the scenes that readers never see or hear about. The things that bloggers get sucked into and are forced to deal & compete with.

To preface, I should explain that the part that made me most angry is the perceived “selling out” of bloggers in various ways. This made me upset because I pride myself in writing ALL my own content, doing all my own research, making sure each article is super high quality and everything I ever link to, suggest or promote are products I personally use and love.

It makes me mad when I see other bloggers not extending their readers the same courtesy.

Here’s the thing…

From the outside, health bloggers often appear to be perfect human beings who cook gourmet meals three times a day, have impeccable style, washboard abs, and an incredible personality. We aren’t (at least not all of those things all the time).

Think about the pictures posted on facebook or instragram. You put your best foot forward. So do bloggers, but many of us are even more “filtered” since we are potentially exposed to and judged by thousands of people each day.

I sincerely hope that no mom ever comes to my blog and feels like she isn’t good enough because it seems like I “do it all” or “am a great mom all the time.” I assure you I’m not. I have laundry baskets full of clothes in my bedroom right now and yesterday’s clothes are still on the floor. We’ve eaten organic hotdogs three times this week because the Wellness Mama Cookbook (and dealing with Amazon) has taken over my life.

I don’t always cook three meals a day. Occasionally, I order Pete’s Paleo or from a local Japanese restaurant out of sheer convenience.

I don’t always make my own detergent and cleaning supplies. Sometimes it’s just easier (and saves time) to buy (natural) products at the store or online.

Sometimes I cry because of comments I receive on my blog or facebook (sometimes happy tears, but usually tears of sadness, hurt, or pain). I’m very much not a perfect mom. Nor a perfect human.

I blog to share things that have made my life easier or better and to hopefully help other moms, but I hope that everything I write encourages and uplifts and never makes another woman feel like she isn’t doing enough or isn’t good enough.

If you’ve ever felt that way- trust me…. you are good enough. You are doing enough. You are a great mom, and one lesson I’ve learned the hard way lately is that your children, your family, need you. Imperfect, wonderful, you.

Back to Blogging Though…

Certain things I’ve seen in the blogging world lately have really upset me because I felt like they crossed that line with their readers. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with bloggers making money. But I do have a problem with:

  • I have a problem with bloggers making money in a non-genuine way at the expense of their readers.
  • I have a problem with incestuous back-room affiliate deals. I have a problem with “I’ll promote your product if you promote mine.”
  • I have a problem when people duplicate my blog exactly for themselves, the design, every post and picture on the site, strip out my affiliate links and add their own, then claim everything as theirs.
  • I have a problem when other sites pull every post and picture of mine to use for themselves… to get more traffic so they can charge more for ads.
  • I have a problem with people copying content (both my content and that of others), stealing ideas and writing in an unauthentic voice solely for the goal of pushing more content out to the search engines. This annoys me because it isn’t about Google. It is about you. The readers. I don’t write for Google, I write for you!
  • I have a problem with the 100+ emails I get a day from people asking me to promote their stuff to my “list” (the people who subscribe to my email newsletter)

I don’t have a “list.” I have readers. I have friends. I have you. And you are the most important part of blogging to me.

And you know what? I’m not the only one who feels this way about the dark side of blogging.

I’m extremely aware, appreciative and grateful every single day for the amazing community that has grown through Wellness Mama. It is so much bigger than me. It is a group. A sisterhood. A family of moms who quite literally have the power to change the world. I don’t take that lightly. It annoys me when I see bloggers in the industry who do.

For me, blogging is really about creating a change for our kids. It isn’t about the money (though if that happens, it is great since we have six kids to feed, clothe and put through college one day) but that isn’t the goal. It is about making a healthier future for my children so they have decades and decades of health after college and so I get to live long enough to meet and enjoy my grandchildren.

I like to think/hope that I don’t have the amazing community that has developed here because I’ve written good articles about certain topics, but because I care about you. Because I want an actual (online) relationship with you. Because I care about the future for your kids as much as for my own.

I don’t want to be a “celebrity” from blogging (as some bloggers seem to want). In fact, this would utterly terrify me and get me so far out of my comfort zone I wouldn’t know who I was anymore. My goal isn’t to make millions, it is to HELP millions.

Someone else could copy my writing, copy my posts, copy all my ideas, but it wouldn’t be the same because the passion isn’t there. Because the world doesn’t need another blog post about how to make lip balm or magnesium body butter (which I did invent, btw), but the world needs more passion. It needs more people who care. If that is you- I am forever grateful for you… really! If you are passionate about your own goals, your own life, your own family and their health… you are changing the world more than the bloggers you see making tons of money and looking perfect on Instagram.

Because here is the deal… at the end of the day, it isn’t about me (and I’m super glad it isn’t!). I don’t use my last name. Not because I’m ashamed of it or have something to hide, but because it isn’t important (and because I value privacy for those six small children I mentioned). And because the movement, the “wellness mama idea”, is so much bigger than me.

I’m here because I want to make a change, not become famous.

My Blogging Struggle

It takes an incredible amount of time to make Wellness Mama what it is. Researching for posts. Taking photographs. Writing. Editing. Moderating comments. Social media promotion & communication. Etc.

It costs a lot of money to keep it running. Design & development costs. Hosting. Upgraded servers when traffic grows. Premium plugins. Email service. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The list goes on.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I could implement ads with the click of a button and make much more money that would help support my family and help fund a charity I’ve wanted to start for a long time (to provide sustainable food and clean water worldwide and to help distribute leftover food from farmers markets to soup kitchens, schools and food banks), but I’ve never made the jump because I personally hate ads and feel this would be “selling out.”

I want to make sure I’m always focused on you, but sometimes I don’t know the best way to do this. I make sure I don’t use spammy tactics to try to sell you things you don’t need. I don’t white label products that I didn’t create to make money. I moderate every comment so that the community is an uplifting and healthy environment for you to learn. I prominently display my affiliate policy so that readers are aware of my quality standards, practices, and promotion requirements.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I’m very much imperfect. has grown beyond my greatest goals and expectations. The blog gets a lot of traffic and in turn makes money through some of the products and resources I recommend.

I still feel like a failure because I’m not the perfect mom or the perfect wife. I think we all do. I’ve said it before, but I don’t think any mom goes to bed feeling like she has the whole wife/mother thing under control. I know I don’t. In fact, every day, I stress because of this incredible community that I love so much. Because I don’t always look, act and behave the way a “perfect” mom should. I think we all do.

So- long story short. Thank YOU so much for reading. For putting up with my rant. For caring about your family and the future of our children and our world.

At the end of the day, I don’t give a damn about just having your email address on my list. I want you to actually adopt the healthy changes I write and email about. To put in the time. To make a lasting change for your family. To say that your family’s life has improved because of changes you made. That is what matters to me.

2014 has been a tough year in many ways. The blog has grown. A lot. But I’ve made mistakes. I promoted a course (against my intuition) for someone that wasn’t a good fit… because I was too competitive. I started promoting an essential oils company (against my better judgement) because I thought there was an opportunity to help some friends make money. I self published the original Wellness Mama Cookbook, even though I had numerous offers from traditional publishers for upfront advances. And it’s wreaked havoc on my thyroid condition.

At the same time, 2014 has been an incredibly wonderful and rewarding year and I am grateful for everything this year has brought. I’ve made awesome friends who started as online friends and are now real life friends, like Heather, Genevieve, Emily, and Kelly (go check them out- they are amazing!). People like Sean, Steve & Jordan, Mary, and Christa. I finally found an amazing doctor who has helped me find answers for my thyroid struggles. And I finally finished writing my book!

My Pledge to You and a Question

So here is my pledge to you: I’m going to stop trying to be the “perfect” mom on the blog and social media. I’m going to stop stressing about answering every comment and start deleting those that don’t meet my requirements. I’m going to spend more time with family, even if that means I don’t post quite as often. I’m going to only create the most valuable, most helpful things I can and share those. I’m going to stop deleting posts because I feel like they aren’t good enough or might be met with resistance. I’m going to stop censoring my writing to meet the “squeaky clean Wellness Mama image” and let the real me shine through.

Because at the end of the day, I rarely feel like I’m good enough.

I feel inferior because I don’t look like Jennifer Aniston with the patience of June Cleaver and the culinary skills of Julia Childs. I feel imperfect because I don’t have 28 hours a day to get everything done that I want to accomplish.

In the coming weeks:

  • I’m going to be moving away from most “JV promotions” because they just don’t seem genuine to me.
  • I’m going to start creating more ebooks, courses, and products. Things that I enjoy doing and things that I wish I’d had when I started out…
  • I’m going to focus on creating more helpful and useful content for you.
  • I’m going to focus on enjoying my family and having balance and enjoying things more and stressing less.

This crazy world of blogging has led me to wrestle with several internal struggles lately, and rather than try to face them on my own, I figured I’d ask for your advice (it has never failed me before, so no pressure!).

I Want Your Opinion

1. What do you consider “selling out?” If I were to allow advertisers (carefully selected of course) would your opinion of as a trusted resource change?

2. How much of the “real me” do you want to see? Do you want more of the raw, uncensored Katie, or prefer the squeaky clean, “Wellness Mama” image?

3. Do you want me to create more courses, ebooks, and products for you or just recommend others?

4. What type of content and information will be most helpful to you moving forward? How can I best provide simple answers for healthier families for you?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


759 responses to “The Dark Side of Blogging”

  1. Denise Avatar

    Katie, I LOVE you! You were my first (health/nutrition blog), and you have opened my eyes to a whole new world. My teenage children laugh at me now when I tell them we are going to make laundry soap or air freshener or hairspray, or some other product they think only works if they pay big bucks for it at a store. Hopefully, after the laughter dies down and they see me actually doing it, some of it will stick with them as they move into adulthood. I so wish that I had known some of the stuff you are teaching me when I was younger!!! As far as your blog — you do what you need to do. I would love to see that you are “human” because “perfect” is pretty hard for us mere mortals to live up to. Learning from mistakes, ours OR yours, is much more effective. Speaking of the other bloggers who use your words and your ideas without giving credit, I wish you woud name names so that your loyal followers can actively boycott the sites of those with so little integrity and creativity of their own!

    Keep doing what you are doing — so many of us can’t live without you now!! <3

  2. Brittany Avatar

    I’m very thankful for you and your heart! Your passion for health and helping others is very evident. Thank you for this very raw, very real post! You’ve helped me and my family become healthier…what a gift that is! So thank you for your heart. I’m so sorry others can be so rude and heartless. They have no idea what it takes to create and share the things you do…who needs those people?! Focus on us others that love you for you and love the passion you share and allow us to translate that into our own lives. We adore you–focus on those people, because THAT is the “why” and the “who” you are doing it for!! I love that you are just going to delete the others…they aren’t worth your precious and dedicated time. Keep up the good work Katie! We are in your corner!

  3. Amanda Avatar

    I want to start by telling you how much I LOVE your blog. When I became pregnant with my first son, I started looking into more natural ways of living, and I found your post for cloth wipe spray. I was immediately hooked! I don’t expect you to be perfect because it just doesn’t exist. I am a firm believer that the only perfect person gave His life for me to live, and I cannot attain that perfection. I will still keep you in my “supermom” file, along with a friend of mine who just seems to do everything and more. I love the truth and research you offer on your blog. 1) As far as advertisements go, I don’t pay much attention to the ads on most blogs. Ideally you could find ads that support the truth and message you’re trying to send to your readers. We all understand the difference a little bit of extra income could make! I would still come to your blog often and still think of you as a trustworthy source. 2) Honestly, I find comfort in moms who aren’t afraid to show us their vulnerability and imperfections, because no mom is perfect. I like knowing that even my “supermoms” don’t have everything all together all the time. I constantly feel like I don’t do enough or am not enough, but seeing that every mom struggles with these inner battles calms my spirit and encourages me to just be happy with trying my best. Again, I will still consider you a trustworthy source even if you are raw and uncensored. 3) I am one that needs to be explicitly shown how to do things. When I took on the more “crunchy” lifestyle, I did a TON of research because, first, I wanted to be knowledgeable (especially when explaining to my skeptical husband why we need to use cloth paper towels or make our own laundry detergent) but, second, I wanted to make sure I did it exactly right. I know I would benefit from courses or ebooks. I like making my own products; knowing exactly what is in what I’m putting in and on my body. I know making my own skincare has made a huge difference – I rarely wear makeup anymore because my skin looks better than it ever has! I would benefit from knowing how to make my own products. I also like knowing the latest research on nutrition. My mom and sister recently did “Whole 30” and were telling me beans and legumes were bad, which was contrary to what I had read (and I had prided myself on being the “healthy” one of the family.) The first thing I read was a post you wrote about exactly what they were saying, so I figured it must be true because I value your opinion/knowledge/research! To conclude, you are doing such an amazing job! I had the idea of blogging, but don’t know that I could be as dedicated as you are. I have gained so much as a mother from your blog and can’t wait to see what’s in store for Wellness Mama in the coming months! Keep up the AMAZING work. 😀

  4. Barbara Keen Avatar
    Barbara Keen

    Precious Katie, (Wellness Mama)

    Be yourself!!! It is quite refreshing to have a role model who is real!! The people who are copying you could likely be sued, but I doubt it would be worth the cost.

    People sense what is real and what is not. Let God handle them. I am 71 years old, and every time I asked God to take care of things, He took longer than I would have liked, but did a much better job than anything I could have done. When I forgave, I was free. The thief never is!!! They are in a prison of their own making. (the worst kind)

    You have wonderful motives for writing this blog. I have enjoyed it so much!!

    I applaud so much your decision to spend more time with family! You will never be sorry for that.

    Ads are not my favorite thing, but I respect the persons using them UNLESS they use them as personal recommendations, then make money from me. If it is just an ad, keep them to a reasonable number. Just don’t say you use it and love it unless you truly do. (I beleve this would be your stance, anyway.)

    I would be glad to know that you could do the charity work your heart longs to do.

    (Could they be lumped in one place?)

    All of this, (my first post) to say, be yourself. Be true to your beliefs. Go with your gut feeling and don’t worry about the few who are going to find fault with everything.

    Remember that we care about you, and your family loves and needs you even more than we do.

    With Love,

    Barbara N.

  5. Lindsey H. Avatar
    Lindsey H.

    Katie thank you for your commitment to helping families become healthier every single day! You are such and inspiration to me and your example has helped me better the lives of my family in so many ways. I want you to know that i’m inspired daily from your example and want you to always do what you feel is right for your family and the readers no matter what the path. I have no problem with adds that are true products we would use in our daily healthier lives. Thank you for being you and showing that we all are human! I just received your cookbook and can’t wait to get started cooking!!! Bone broth is up first!

  6. Julie Avatar

    As I skimmed through this article I began crying. How horrible that some people are stealing your hard work and reprinting your articles as their own–criminals! Katie, you always come off as genuine and honest and I trust your well written articles because I know they are thoroughly researched and that you are sincerely trying to promote the health of our families. I love all of your pledges and definitely want to see the real you; by being true to yourself, you will be true to your family and to us. Hey, maybe without the squeaky image, your posts will be less likely to be pilfered? Many times I have marveled at how you do it all, and know that most of us would struggle to do half of what you do well.

  7. Taryn Kae Wilson Avatar
    Taryn Kae Wilson

    Hi Katie,
    I really appreciate your blog and all you do. As a blogger, I know it’s an incredible amount of work behind the scenes. I also appreciate your honesty! A lot.

    I don’t blog for the money either. I started a blog (in which my only readers were my husband and my mom) because I enjoyed writing and sharing there so much and I’ve continued blogging over the years for the same reason. I also hope to inspire others and share what I’ve learned in the hopes it will be of some help. And sometimes I probably hold back a bit because putting yourself out there for all that judgement can be hard.

    As I’ve switched to a different platform, my costs have gone up and I also spend a lot of time each day on blog work. So I understand the need to bring in some income from blogging and also understand wanting to do it in a way that feels genuine and true. I personally wouldn’t have a problem with seeing ads in your sidebar. If they are things you want to promote, then others can benefit from finding out about them too.

    Thanks for being so honest and sharing so much. I appreciate the information you put out there!!


  8. Joanne Avatar

    Hi Katie! My husband and I found you a few years ago. We love getting your Sunday email with all your top posts and then following the links around your blog. We have your app and have used several of the recipes. I love to listen to your podcast while I’m working in the kitchen and have enjoyed your interviews on some of the recent internet summits. Our kids are both on their own and getting married, but we still are learning so much from you. I wish you were around when we were raising our family! We come to your blog because you are authentic and we can trust what you post. We are in the process of trimming our in box because of the explosion of internet resources in the real food and healthy living area and are keeping only those who we trust and who add value to our lives and you are in that category for us. Trust us when we say the time with your precious children will fly by, make your own family your first priority. Don’t forget your husband, keep your marriage strong. Stay true to yourself and live life with no regrets. We have appreciated your honesty and apologies through the highs and lows of this past year, good for you for trying new things, failing, and being honest about what you have learned through the process. We’ll be here on the journey with you learning right along side. Wish we could have a “do over” on so many things with our kids, guess that’s where our faith has to take over. Remember there is only One who was perfect, we can only put our hand in His until we meet Him face to face and give it all we’ve got until then. We are looking forward to what you will share this week and in the future. Keep up the great work and thank you for all you have already taught us.

    Ps. I really appreciated your post on how our bread is not the bread of Bible days. It really helped me make that first leap to gluten free before I was even diagnosed with my Hashimoto’s and all the subsequent books and podcasts about wheat and grains were available. Thanks again Katie!

  9. Josh Avatar


    My wife and I have been following you for about a year now. Your post have helped us beyond belief. I feel that how you have your site currently with links to the products that you use are extremely beneficial to trying to regain out health. It isnt easy to find these resources and products. We love your voice and the help you provide. Thank you for everything you do and provide.

  10. Judy Witt Avatar

    I have followed you for long enough to trust and believe in your judgment. I know the things you post are only those that are healthy and safe.

    I say go for the ads as I know you will only choose those that are the best products for us all. I must admit I don’t like flashing ads but do what you need to do to help you and your family. I raised four kids and my youngest is a diabetic. The challenges of having a child with an incurable illness are hard to deal with. I am now the care giver for my mother who is in the middle stages of dementia. I have used many recipes for personal products from your site and they have all been wonderful. I make healthy gummies for my grandkids.

    I enjoy your blog very much and truly appreciate all of your research. I know it is very time consuming. I will say I like the “raw” Katie. I am so glad you decided to write this blog and show us what you go through to keep us so informed. I will continue to follow you no matter what you decide to do.

    I must admit I haven’t used any of your courses yet and haven’t bought your cookbook although I am seriously considering it. So, you should still offer these things as so many people will benefit from them. You have taught us so much regarding grains and things like not using antibacterial soap. I wish my hubby would believe how bad it is but he just laughs at me.

    Keep up the good work. We all believe and trust your judgment.

  11. Leslie Avatar

    Katie, I am new to this community but love what you say to everyone. I am probably one of your oldest followers. You are honest and can’t be responsible for those who ‘use you.’ We know the difference.
    I also appreciate the fact that you are human just like I am. It is too difficult going through life and seeking an unattainable perfection. We all do our best!

    Thank You!

  12. Kristine Avatar

    Oh Katie if you only knew how appreciated you are by me -a total stranger. You have no idea how much I look forward to your posts. I have tried many of your recipes (and have laughed as they didn’t turn out nearly as perfect as your pictures!) but nevertheless they worked. You have helped me through your various links, to connect to many of the health summits and thankfully and very greatfully I owe my own journey back to health because of what you are doing. I trust your judgment on the products you advocate and if you get a percentage for promoting them that’s great. You are totally honest and that is so hard to find nowadays. Be raw, listen to your own intuition, and as others have commented be true to you. You will never regret that and we will love you even more. Just know WellnessMama is a trusted site and I have mentioned your site to many many friends of mine. Keep doing what you’re doing and thank you so much for it!

  13. Kelly Avatar


    I’ve always interpreted you and your blog to be genuine and coming from a good place. I hate to hear that you are dealing with these struggles and I want to recognize the goodness that you have spread… Thank you! I have a deep respect for the fact that you put so much time into your blog, yet don’t receive a paycheck from an employer, because you in essence ARE your own employer. Some days I wonder how you actually do it all! So with that:

    1. I don’t think you are selling out by promoting items that you actually use in your home. Even items that you have used then stopped and researched well and enjoy but can’t use due to your own financial limitations or reasons. When you promote items though that you have only trialed for a short period, having never before used, or even use for a short time then stop, then I think that is walking a finer line and picking that argument apart might take more time. But it sounds like you may have made decisions to promote in the past and have perhaps had second thoughts. We are all human! And the fact that you recognize that publically says huge things.

    2. YES! I’d love to see a blog about the real you! People naturally compare… it’s a human trait and a side effect of blogging perfect pictures and situations, at no fault of your own. I love the idea of blogging about – not just the best but the in between stuff too.

    3. Be true to yourself. If you want to blog about ecourses and such, then go for it! Especially if this is an avenue that might help you out financially. After all you have a family to support!

    I’ve received my copy of your cookbook. I am so excited to have it! You have drastically improved our family’s way of living, that I am happy to help support your mission in return with that purchase. The recipes look delicious. I’ll be making the Chicken Broccoli Casserole today in fact.

    You are in inspiration Katie!
    Thank you for sharing everything that you do!

  14. Mandie Avatar

    I’m all for the raw you! You have a fantastic site with so many beautifully polished articles, but now with your strong community of readers, maybe it’s time to let more “you” shine through. As far as the ads, I wouldn’t mind them one bit! If it helps support my favorite wellness blog (and the well-being of the author), I’m all for it. The only thing you might want to keep in mind is how incredibly easy it is to read and use your articles from a mobile phone and sometimes ads can load incorrectly and mess with the structure of the page. I trust that you would know what you’re doing with them though. 🙂 You’re awesome, Katie, thank you so much for your efforts and honesty with your readers. As you said, there really aren’t that many genuine online personalities in the world and we all greatly appreciate your integrity.

  15. Faith A Avatar

    I cannot begin to properly express how much I LOVE your site. I found you over a year ago by a friend on facebook. I constantly make lotion and I am so glad you turned me on to Mountain Rose Herbs. I’ve just recently decided to make kombucha, it’s currently brewing. I have made magnesium oil and am going to make the magnesium lotion soon! I think you are doing a super fantastic job considering you have a husband and 5 kids. Kudos to you Katie, you sound like superwoman to me 🙂 In answer to your questions, I think ads would be great if they were things relevant to your site and things we’d want to buy. I love when you post links so I can use the products you trust. I value your opinion and feel as though you scrutinize things closely, I like that! I wish I had more money I’d but more stuff from Mountain Rose herbs, they’re fantastic. I’m also not sure how to make sure when you promote something from Amazon that you’re getting the credit for it. If that was easily displayed that would be extremely helpful. As for you being yourself with all your imperfections I say that’s all of us, it’s ok to be human and let it shine through. I think more women will respond. Just make sure your editing is good, my one pet peeve, lol. Which you do a good job of now! I love what Sarah said in response to courses, ebooks and the like. For me I prefer to just come to your site, I’m not a huge fan of online reading, I’m old school, I like print. But I understand in today’s world this is so much easier. I’m not a big fan of courses, but it’s partly because I don’t have a long attention span at the computer. But I still think lots of other people will benefit. I’m sure a few other people have said this but I’ll reiterate it, your kids are only young once, enjoy it while you can!!! Keep up the amazing work Katie and thank you for everything!!

  16. Christine Avatar

    Katie, I’ve gotten so much out of your website, thank you so much for all your hard work. I love reading your posts. I know you’ve done the research, I trust your choices, and I really want to know about companies you love…and ads are the way to do it! At the end of the day, you have a business, so please don’t worry about “selling out” if you run ads. It’s great that you’re purpose is to help your readers, but if you’re struggling with expenses, your site won’t be around to help me :). Go ahead, make some extra money with ads, if you want. You deserve it!

  17. Robin Lester Avatar
    Robin Lester

    I am probably not your target group. I am a retired women who is waiting and hoping for grandchildren and their future. I am on a fixed income and have health issues. I can’t afford to “buy out” many things. I find your recipes very helpful. In fact.,having to worry about my global footprint, expense, and my health, the information you supply is essential to the quality of my life.
    Having age and experience on you I do have some advise. First of all: just know that all, anyone, can do is do what they can do with the time (and unfortunately the money) that they have. You are real and you are “doing good”. Thank you for that. The second part of my advise is the most important part. Don’t sacrifice too much of your time to doing good for someone you can’t embrace. Your children are growing and you will miss out on too much. You won’t be able to get the missed things back. You brought them into the world. They are your( and our) future. So even if your readers miss out a recipe or two. We are not your responsibility or your true joy. Thank you and best wishes.

  18. Mary Avatar

    Karie, Youe blog is wonderful and readers can tell the amount of time and effort you put into each post. None of us is perfect and I learned many years ago that while others don’t seem to mind, we ourselves, do. However, with age I have learned it’s okay not to be perfect, just knowing that removes a lot of stress.

    My children are long gone from the nest and I did the best with what I knew while I was raising them. Today I realize my knowledge was sadly lacking. However, I forgave myself and am now trying to change the world my husband and I live in, so we can improve our health and as an example to those children now in their middle 40’s. My hope is my grandkids will see me and change what they can for themselves and their families.

    You asked 3 questions and my answer to you is; BE TRUE TO YOURSELF! I dislike sights with large numbers of advertisers because the content seems to become less important however, I would not quit coming to your sight for the information I need if they were present. I love e-courses because I can learn at my convenience but they can be time consuming for the preparer and other things may be more important at this stage of your life. Just be true to yourself, you are doing a wonderful job and we appreciate you for it.

    At the age of 69, I am living with type 2 diabetes and thyroid problems. My 73 year old husband, of nearly 50 years, is living with MS and has since he was 30. I don’t mention the other health issues purported to come with old age, creeky joints, arthritis, sore muscles and changing eye sight because they dim in comparison to our major problems. Many of the things we are doing to improve our present life are due to your instructions and information. I make lotions for pain, magnesium oil for spasms, all my own makeup for the natural ingredients. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!

    I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, not afraid to learn new things, and not afraid to move past problems if there seems to be no solution. In the grand scheme of things nothing in this life is that important except family, friends and love of both. You keep your values in line, the rest will take care of itself.

  19. Cheryl Avatar

    This is the first time posting on a blog.

    I love reading and passing your wonderful work on to others that can use the information. This is my Sunday morning leisure reading time. It brings back memories of raising my four children back in the 80’s, all natural, homeschooling, no immunizations….

    Follow your intuition, which you seem to be in touch with, and thank you for the reminder of deleting the negative and using our time here for the greater good.

    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your dedication to making a huge difference in the world.

  20. Annie Avatar

    Sweet Katie please read through all of my comments, though they’re long 😉 Thank you for being so open about your thoughts and feelings related to your blog. Most importantly THANK YOU for being YOU. You have no idea how much you have helped me change my health, and also the health of my family. I feel so empowered by everything I read, and I also feel strength that I can do it too (even if its not always easy).

    My general advice for you is to first number your annoyances/concerns. What is the biggest problem you have? Then, tackle them one by one. For example, if mean people posting comments is really draining you the most, then deal with that FIRST. Tackle them one by one. Because you have prioritized them, you feel the greater amount of peace by doing it this way and will have continued energy to move down your list and deal with more. Overall, we can feel trapped, stuck or even helpless. Those are the times when we need to take that power back and making a list really helps me.

    Now onto my responses. As a little background for you, my sister is a big-time blogger. Enough so, that it remains her full-time job. I have watched her evolve, change and lose her sense of self. I have seen the ugly comments. I have seen her tears. I have seen her house a disaster before the perfect picture was posted. I have seen her create events ahead of time. I have seen her free, very pricey garb from advertisers. This wasn’t overnight, it happened slowly over the past six years. All I can say is don’t try too hard. Let things happen that are supposed to happen. Those that aren’t supposed to happen, well, stop them. ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR BEGINNINGS. Always stay true to those feelings, reasons and motivations that got you here in the first place.

    Relating to advertising, ask yourself: “IF I wouldn’t make ANY money from the company would I STILL support them, mention them, etc?” That is the true test. Follow your answer and gut. Money weaves a tricky web that thread by thread, gets stronger and stronger until you forget who you are. Perhaps you decide how far you will go to promote something FIRST, before opportunity presents itself. Otherwise, you may fall prey to something you later regret.

    Next the mean comments. As someone once said, “those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter.” I realize this is easier said than done, but for what its worth those negative people need help because they are unhappy themselves. As an idea, can you have someone else do a preview filter, looking for the mean, hater-type comments? Really, you don’t need to see those! If someone else was able to delete, then you could at least have the positive ones to filter through. I like the comments, but if its causing you lots of pain maybe just eliminate those for awhile.

    Lastly, Katie you are beautiful. I value that you are a balance of the clean and the messy. I think you have a realness about your blog that is what is attracting people. You are a very beautiful person that is genuine, honest and caring. Remember that you will have support if you are happy. Hopefully my advice might be helpful. Just remember above all else, WE ALL LOVE YOU! 🙂

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Thanks so much Annie. Really great points. I think what you said is so key : “IF I wouldn’t make ANY money from the company would I STILL support them, mention them, etc?” That is the true test. Follow your answer and gut” I definitely wouldn’t ever promote something if it violated that 🙂

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