The Dark Side of Blogging

Katie Wells Avatar

Reading Time: 8 minutes

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The dark side of blogging
Wellness Mama » Blog » Organization » The Dark Side of Blogging

This week something happened that doesn’t happen often. I got mad. Not to say I don’t have bad days, but I rarely get in a pissed-off, mad-at-the-world mood. But this week I did.

Don’t get me wrong- I have days where I wish I kept my cool with my kids, or wish I stayed calm or got more done, but I don’t get truly angry very often.

I also typically try to keep my emotions in check, but today they were most definitely not and my poor husband had to bear the blunt end of my rant/venting session.

What made me mad?

The Dark Side of Blogging

Not my blog specifically (I love you guys, my readers, and I love to write) but the idea of blogging, the profession of blogging and all the things that happen behind the scenes that readers never see or hear about. The things that bloggers get sucked into and are forced to deal & compete with.

To preface, I should explain that the part that made me most angry is the perceived “selling out” of bloggers in various ways. This made me upset because I pride myself in writing ALL my own content, doing all my own research, making sure each article is super high quality and everything I ever link to, suggest or promote are products I personally use and love.

It makes me mad when I see other bloggers not extending their readers the same courtesy.

Here’s the thing…

From the outside, health bloggers often appear to be perfect human beings who cook gourmet meals three times a day, have impeccable style, washboard abs, and an incredible personality. We aren’t (at least not all of those things all the time).

Think about the pictures posted on facebook or instragram. You put your best foot forward. So do bloggers, but many of us are even more “filtered” since we are potentially exposed to and judged by thousands of people each day.

I sincerely hope that no mom ever comes to my blog and feels like she isn’t good enough because it seems like I “do it all” or “am a great mom all the time.” I assure you I’m not. I have laundry baskets full of clothes in my bedroom right now and yesterday’s clothes are still on the floor. We’ve eaten organic hotdogs three times this week because the Wellness Mama Cookbook (and dealing with Amazon) has taken over my life.

I don’t always cook three meals a day. Occasionally, I order Pete’s Paleo or from a local Japanese restaurant out of sheer convenience.

I don’t always make my own detergent and cleaning supplies. Sometimes it’s just easier (and saves time) to buy (natural) products at the store or online.

Sometimes I cry because of comments I receive on my blog or facebook (sometimes happy tears, but usually tears of sadness, hurt, or pain). I’m very much not a perfect mom. Nor a perfect human.

I blog to share things that have made my life easier or better and to hopefully help other moms, but I hope that everything I write encourages and uplifts and never makes another woman feel like she isn’t doing enough or isn’t good enough.

If you’ve ever felt that way- trust me…. you are good enough. You are doing enough. You are a great mom, and one lesson I’ve learned the hard way lately is that your children, your family, need you. Imperfect, wonderful, you.

Back to Blogging Though…

Certain things I’ve seen in the blogging world lately have really upset me because I felt like they crossed that line with their readers. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with bloggers making money. But I do have a problem with:

  • I have a problem with bloggers making money in a non-genuine way at the expense of their readers.
  • I have a problem with incestuous back-room affiliate deals. I have a problem with “I’ll promote your product if you promote mine.”
  • I have a problem when people duplicate my blog exactly for themselves, the design, every post and picture on the site, strip out my affiliate links and add their own, then claim everything as theirs.
  • I have a problem when other sites pull every post and picture of mine to use for themselves… to get more traffic so they can charge more for ads.
  • I have a problem with people copying content (both my content and that of others), stealing ideas and writing in an unauthentic voice solely for the goal of pushing more content out to the search engines. This annoys me because it isn’t about Google. It is about you. The readers. I don’t write for Google, I write for you!
  • I have a problem with the 100+ emails I get a day from people asking me to promote their stuff to my “list” (the people who subscribe to my email newsletter)

I don’t have a “list.” I have readers. I have friends. I have you. And you are the most important part of blogging to me.

And you know what? I’m not the only one who feels this way about the dark side of blogging.

I’m extremely aware, appreciative and grateful every single day for the amazing community that has grown through Wellness Mama. It is so much bigger than me. It is a group. A sisterhood. A family of moms who quite literally have the power to change the world. I don’t take that lightly. It annoys me when I see bloggers in the industry who do.

For me, blogging is really about creating a change for our kids. It isn’t about the money (though if that happens, it is great since we have six kids to feed, clothe and put through college one day) but that isn’t the goal. It is about making a healthier future for my children so they have decades and decades of health after college and so I get to live long enough to meet and enjoy my grandchildren.

I like to think/hope that I don’t have the amazing community that has developed here because I’ve written good articles about certain topics, but because I care about you. Because I want an actual (online) relationship with you. Because I care about the future for your kids as much as for my own.

I don’t want to be a “celebrity” from blogging (as some bloggers seem to want). In fact, this would utterly terrify me and get me so far out of my comfort zone I wouldn’t know who I was anymore. My goal isn’t to make millions, it is to HELP millions.

Someone else could copy my writing, copy my posts, copy all my ideas, but it wouldn’t be the same because the passion isn’t there. Because the world doesn’t need another blog post about how to make lip balm or magnesium body butter (which I did invent, btw), but the world needs more passion. It needs more people who care. If that is you- I am forever grateful for you… really! If you are passionate about your own goals, your own life, your own family and their health… you are changing the world more than the bloggers you see making tons of money and looking perfect on Instagram.

Because here is the deal… at the end of the day, it isn’t about me (and I’m super glad it isn’t!). I don’t use my last name. Not because I’m ashamed of it or have something to hide, but because it isn’t important (and because I value privacy for those six small children I mentioned). And because the movement, the “wellness mama idea”, is so much bigger than me.

I’m here because I want to make a change, not become famous.

My Blogging Struggle

It takes an incredible amount of time to make Wellness Mama what it is. Researching for posts. Taking photographs. Writing. Editing. Moderating comments. Social media promotion & communication. Etc.

It costs a lot of money to keep it running. Design & development costs. Hosting. Upgraded servers when traffic grows. Premium plugins. Email service. Etc. Etc. Etc.

The list goes on.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I could implement ads with the click of a button and make much more money that would help support my family and help fund a charity I’ve wanted to start for a long time (to provide sustainable food and clean water worldwide and to help distribute leftover food from farmers markets to soup kitchens, schools and food banks), but I’ve never made the jump because I personally hate ads and feel this would be “selling out.”

I want to make sure I’m always focused on you, but sometimes I don’t know the best way to do this. I make sure I don’t use spammy tactics to try to sell you things you don’t need. I don’t white label products that I didn’t create to make money. I moderate every comment so that the community is an uplifting and healthy environment for you to learn. I prominently display my affiliate policy so that readers are aware of my quality standards, practices, and promotion requirements.

I’ve struggled with the fact that I’m very much imperfect. has grown beyond my greatest goals and expectations. The blog gets a lot of traffic and in turn makes money through some of the products and resources I recommend.

I still feel like a failure because I’m not the perfect mom or the perfect wife. I think we all do. I’ve said it before, but I don’t think any mom goes to bed feeling like she has the whole wife/mother thing under control. I know I don’t. In fact, every day, I stress because of this incredible community that I love so much. Because I don’t always look, act and behave the way a “perfect” mom should. I think we all do.

So- long story short. Thank YOU so much for reading. For putting up with my rant. For caring about your family and the future of our children and our world.

At the end of the day, I don’t give a damn about just having your email address on my list. I want you to actually adopt the healthy changes I write and email about. To put in the time. To make a lasting change for your family. To say that your family’s life has improved because of changes you made. That is what matters to me.

2014 has been a tough year in many ways. The blog has grown. A lot. But I’ve made mistakes. I promoted a course (against my intuition) for someone that wasn’t a good fit… because I was too competitive. I started promoting an essential oils company (against my better judgement) because I thought there was an opportunity to help some friends make money. I self published the original Wellness Mama Cookbook, even though I had numerous offers from traditional publishers for upfront advances. And it’s wreaked havoc on my thyroid condition.

At the same time, 2014 has been an incredibly wonderful and rewarding year and I am grateful for everything this year has brought. I’ve made awesome friends who started as online friends and are now real life friends, like Heather, Genevieve, Emily, and Kelly (go check them out- they are amazing!). People like Sean, Steve & Jordan, Mary, and Christa. I finally found an amazing doctor who has helped me find answers for my thyroid struggles. And I finally finished writing my book!

My Pledge to You and a Question

So here is my pledge to you: I’m going to stop trying to be the “perfect” mom on the blog and social media. I’m going to stop stressing about answering every comment and start deleting those that don’t meet my requirements. I’m going to spend more time with family, even if that means I don’t post quite as often. I’m going to only create the most valuable, most helpful things I can and share those. I’m going to stop deleting posts because I feel like they aren’t good enough or might be met with resistance. I’m going to stop censoring my writing to meet the “squeaky clean Wellness Mama image” and let the real me shine through.

Because at the end of the day, I rarely feel like I’m good enough.

I feel inferior because I don’t look like Jennifer Aniston with the patience of June Cleaver and the culinary skills of Julia Childs. I feel imperfect because I don’t have 28 hours a day to get everything done that I want to accomplish.

In the coming weeks:

  • I’m going to be moving away from most “JV promotions” because they just don’t seem genuine to me.
  • I’m going to start creating more ebooks, courses, and products. Things that I enjoy doing and things that I wish I’d had when I started out…
  • I’m going to focus on creating more helpful and useful content for you.
  • I’m going to focus on enjoying my family and having balance and enjoying things more and stressing less.

This crazy world of blogging has led me to wrestle with several internal struggles lately, and rather than try to face them on my own, I figured I’d ask for your advice (it has never failed me before, so no pressure!).

I Want Your Opinion

1. What do you consider “selling out?” If I were to allow advertisers (carefully selected of course) would your opinion of as a trusted resource change?

2. How much of the “real me” do you want to see? Do you want more of the raw, uncensored Katie, or prefer the squeaky clean, “Wellness Mama” image?

3. Do you want me to create more courses, ebooks, and products for you or just recommend others?

4. What type of content and information will be most helpful to you moving forward? How can I best provide simple answers for healthier families for you?


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


759 responses to “The Dark Side of Blogging”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    Katie, I hope you are crying tears of joy as you read all the wonderful posts people have posted about you. My sister-in-law and I were just talking this morning about how we love to go to your site! You have so many wonderful posts and are so very knowledgeable! It is hard as you go to people’s blogs and feel like they are perfect and have all the time in the world to cook, bake, make their own lotion, soap, etc and still have time to be the perfect parent. I would love to see more if the real you! Keep up the awesome work, and if you do decide to use adds, I am sure people would go to them and utilize them as long as it is a trusted source:)

  2. Monika Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    thanks a lot for sharing all your great ideas – products – experience. To your questions – more adds as far as they are not popping up every couple seconds or anytime you want to scroll down/up and are about the topic I do not mind and since I think you would not do the adds the way I described above and will choose the promoted products/companies carefully, I will be glad to see them. Stay as raw yourself as you can.
    I really like your blog since it is so simple and gives so many good advices and tips.

    Stay yourself!!!

  3. Kenda Avatar


    I am a scientist at heart. All the world and my life is an experiment. I test things (including myself) and what is not valueable or purposeful is thrown out. I research, I compare, I do. I streamline, file, and exact information that is readily applicable to my life. Your emails and website have been invaluable to me. Yes, there have been others along the way, and I am grateful also for their help, but you have lasted. I have used more of your ideas and tools because they are simple, straightforward and good. I need to hear from someone who has HASHIMOTOS and KIDS!!! After diet experimentation for 7 years. The AIR diet was the one that got rid of most of my inflammation in the form of chest pain and overall inflammation in my cells and gut so that I could absorb the things my body needs. I give you props for that, cause I HAD TRIED ALOT! and like you had a LONG wait for a Dx. Thank you Katie. I know it is isnt easy. I am a FIRM believer that HONESTY is the best policy. And YOU being YOU is they way you were hand crafted and designed to be. Neither of those are the easier choice. BUT it is my vote. I love your product research and your recommendations. It saves me time and money wasted on poor products. I also enjoy the network of people I meet on your site. Thank You again Katie. If I had a mailing address, I would send you a Christmas Card 😉

  4. Ashley Avatar

    Hi Katie, I just wrote about how Fluoride in water can cause eczema, I had found from your article on getting the chemicals out as well as other sources I sited that vitamin C can neutralize the water. There’s definitely a grey area when you learn things from multiple sources and you replicate it in your own way in order to share it with your audience.

    When I write I like to include your articles, recipes, etc. But I always make sure to link to your site and give you the courtesy when necessary.

    As a graphic designer for NHC, I’ve had multiple infographics stolen. Either the entire thing ripped off, no credit whatsoever. Just the colors were changed. For example, you can Google What Toxic Chemicals is your body absorbing and look at the image search. It will show you my same infographic multiple times but slighty changed or not even changed at all.

    It does make me upset too, and I hope you aren’t referring to NHC when you went on your rant. Because we talk about you in our posts all the time, linking up so people can check you out. We respect your site and your words and appreciate that there are people like you who spread the healthy word. Just like we want to do.

    When it comes to my creative content getting ripped off, I humble myself and have the same thought as you – At least we’re helping a lot of people.

  5. Megan Avatar

    Katie! I just want to say that your website is a fantastic source of information and pretty much the first place I look to when I have questions. That said- if you were to have ads- I would actually appreciate it! As someone who purchases a lot of products online, I would value an easier way to both get the products I’m going to buy anyways and make sure you get a compensation for the recommendation.

    Keep up the quality work and also enjoy yourself in the process. As a mom, I think we give our children a beautiful gift when they witness us doing the work that we love.

    Congratulations on the book!

  6. Katie Avatar

    Wow, thanks for sharing from your heart!
    After what you just wrote I would completely trust that if you decide to go with a few ads that they would be completely appropriate, and not viewed as “selling out”, but go with your gut. If YOU feel like you’re “selling out”, then don’t do it.
    I greatly appreciate and respect bloggers who are real, honest, even raw at times. That is life! Let’s not fake it and pretend we’re all ok, that’s why we are surrounded by people but still lonely and have few deep relationships. We ALL need to be more real. Vulnerability does run the risk of getting hurt, but it’s the only way to experience love and true friendship.
    As far as additional content, like ebooks and such, I’m sure we (your readers) would love it, but again, follow your gut. Don’t sacrifice time with your family for us, they are so much more important (but I know you already know that!) 🙂
    Thanks so much for all that you do and for your heart and passion. I pray that God will bless you and your precious family.

  7. Tracy Avatar

    Katie – wow thank you so much for all the work and research you do behind the scenes!

    I honestly would like to see more of the real you though. We can all go to numerous websites to see the “perfect mom/wife/woman” portrayed and while these places may make us want to strive to be better they also make us doubt ourselves; similar to all those photo shopped pictures out there of the “perfect” body.

    I just want you to know a few things that I, and I hope many others would agree with:

    1) Blogging should NOT be volunteer work. You have a job and a responsibility to yourself, your husband, your extended family and most importantly to your kids. You must make them priority.

    When your time has ended on this earth (hopefully many many many many years from now!), many will wonder where the WellnessMama has gone but it will be a passing thought. Another website will come along and you and your advise, while it may have touched many and changed many lives, it will only be just that “internet relationship” you mentioned. We are not your family and so when striving for that balance ask yourself “on my death bed am I going to say I wish I had put more time into WellnessMama?” or will you be content with the life you have lived and the family that surrounds you?

    2) Its NOT SELLING OUT if it is a product that you yourself support and believe in; regardless if you are getting money to advertise or otherwise support it. As long as you know that in your heart you are supporting it because you believe in it and have researched it. As long as the monetary gain NEVER factors into your decision making than we trust you and you can trust yourself. Do not feel guilty for trying to carve a life of balance for you and your family.

    3) Lastly – many of us our visual learners – I would LOVE to see more videos on how you make things, more courses and just all around healthy living stuff. Basically just more of the wonderful things you are already doing but perhaps with the addition of more videos. If you are camera shy the video can zoom onto your hands while you are making stuff instead of your face 😀

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Thanks Tracy…
      1- excellent point
      2- I agree- I could only ever promote things I personally use & love and I think that is a good litmus test (If i wouldn’t promote it for free, I should never promote it for money)
      3- Working on this! I am definitely camera shy though

  8. Nancy Avatar

    Just discovered you lately….and am grateful for all the wonderful content.

    And what a plus that you have such integrity.

    You deserve to be rewarded for all your effort. There’s only two ways for that to happen. Your readers pay you directly or advertisers pay you in the hopes that it will increase their sales.

    Your standards and ideals appear to be in line with Good Housekeeping Magazine. I;d encourage you to be picky like they are and ensure that your advertisers meet the Wellness Mama Seal of Approval.

  9. Mary Avatar

    Thank you for the heartfelt post on the dark side of blogging. I am relatively new to the blogging world and through links and online seminars have began following quite a few bloggers in the ongoing quest for health. But lately I’ve become a bit uncomfortable with all the repeat posts and the “buy” this product that I am seeing. I’m seeing the same thing “pushed” by several of the same people, people who I initially believed to really want to help. This makes me unsure of their true motive. I have no problem with people making money, but do it honestly. I’ve been thinking about “unfollowing” some people for that very reason.

    Feel free to accept ads. I know how to ignor them and I will ignor them unless there is something different that sparks my imagination.

    Stay true to yourself. You don’t have to be squeaky clean for me. I would much rather you say it like it is than say something you think I want to hear.

    I can’t for the life of me imagine doing what you do, nor would I ever want to but good luck to you and thank you for doing it.

  10. Jaclyn Avatar

    I also have hashimoto’s and the information and resources you have provided has helped me greatly in my life. I have the deepest respect for people that are real and authentic and stepping out and showing your true self today is something your should be proud of! Although I “only” have 2 girls of my own I grew up in a family farm with 5 kids and I know how hard my mom worked! With your new cookbook just release don’t forget to take time to reflect and enjoy your huge accomplishment which will also give your body some extra rejuvenation time. Have the best day!

  11. Christine Avatar

    This is a refreshing blog entry 🙂
    3) Add ads. I’m shocked that you haven’t already. I’ll even pledge to click on them from time to time to help you out. You should be compensated for the service you provide, and if it’s as easy as enduring a few ads and clicking on them occasionally, that’s a no-brainer to me.
    2) Be you – it’s part of what makes your blog great and we’d really love to see more of that along with all the great work you do on research and stuff. It might help a bit; to be quite frank, I sometimes thing you’re a bit over-the-top on the perfection end and it’s good to hear (read) that you struggle to balance real life with ideals as well.
    3) (lol) I’m quite sure that most of the products you put out there will be well-received. Knock yourself out – or not as it suits your schedule.

    I’m among your quieter fans, promoting your site by sending people your way when they ask me questions about aspects of my lifestyle, because you have a very clear, well-considered article that includes links to scientific studies and resources on just about every topic that people ask about. I think you rock 🙂

  12. Jo Oliver Avatar

    Don’t know why others are unkind. You do a marvelous job and I enjoy all you send.
    1- Advertisers- I trust you to do what is right and you do a great job there
    2- Squeaky clean VS the truth from you/the real you? no contest, truth is the best
    3- create more books, etc. VS being with family? family won’t always be there
    You are a great woman to share your gifts with us. I thank you for all you have taught this ole bird. You are doing just fine. If someone complains about what you do, it is probably jealousy- because they can’t do what you do so naturally. Keep up the good work. hugs and GOD Bless you and yours

  13. Daniela Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    You are perfect the way you are with all your imperfections. People usually see what they want to see, just don’t worry about it. Follow your passion because it really shows!!!! The Wellness Mama breaths and lives you, it shows your love and passion and that’s the reason people love reading your blogs! I’ve been subscribed to your blog for some time now and I love it! As a matter of fact you’ve been on my mind for some time now as I wanted to reach out to you ( but I didn’t as my family duties took over). But not to promote me, I want to help to promote you.
    I’m in the same shoes as you; mom of 3 small kids, full time corporate job, and a passion – magazine for women with a mission to help women to change their lives. Showing them how to tap into their inner power and use it to change their lives. I’ve been publishing the magazine from my home, I don’t even have office, just a laptop on our dining table…I do it few hours a night…or weekends…instead of scrubbing floors, doing laundry or playing with kids. Sometime I feel like I’m not a good mom because of it, but when I see the response the magazine has, and how positively it affects women’s lives …I just can’t stop (so I dream about hiring a cleaning lady one day :)….we are not perfect Katie, we are trying to help, because so many people need a help these days! And we are doing it for our kids too, to create a better, more healthier world. Don’t give up and PLEASE do not feel bad, the dishes will be there, the laundry too…but you are making a difference!!!
    Yes, people think it’s easy, but it’s not; it’s a hard work and there are costs attached too! You need to be awarded for your time and effort and that’s how it is supposed to be. So please continue doing what you are doing, because you are making a difference!
    I’m not going to put a link to my magazine here as I don’t want to use your blog for promotion. But for some time now I’ve been wanting to contact you and offer you a part of contributing author in health/home section. I would be honored to publish your articles, your home-made products and promote your blog that way. It’s aligned with my mission of making a positive change in women’s lives.
    I’m really sorry for the plagiarism you noticed, you certainly do not deserve it. You deserve the recognition for our work because you are doing such a great job!!!!
    Sending you a lot of love. If you want let’s get in touch, if not now, perhaps in the future.
    Hugs and kisses, stay strong!!!


  14. Sherill Avatar

    Katie – I am the mom of a mom with a 2-year-old. She (my daughter) put me onto your blog. I very much appreciate what you are doing, and I applaud your desire to take care of yourself and your family in the middle of all this. We don’t want you to burn out!
    What I most want from your blog is recipes for how to make personal care products and links to where I can buy the ingredients. It matters to me that you trust the quality of the ingredients that you recommend.
    I got your cookbook and love it. Thank you for all the time and energy you spent birthing that baby!

  15. Claire Avatar

    I actually really appreciate it when bloggers have thoughtful ads on the side. This is often where I go for unusual Christmas/birthday present ideas, especially since I mostly follow Catholic bloggers who have at least some religious art/gift type ads. It points me in the direction of legitimate business and as long as it’s not the annoying pop-ups, it’s not distracting.

    One thing I’ve seen other bloggers do is to have a monthly “affiliate” post where they highlight who their ad affiliates are and any new products or special deals they might have going on this month. I also like it when they introduce a new affiliate in a post so that I’m not just wondering what this product is on their sidebar.

  16. Gina Avatar

    I have found your site only recently. I wished I would have found you a long time ago. But I found you as a result of of recent struggles with my thyroid. I feel like no one is listening to me and reading your posts have made me feel like there is someone else that has been there and understands where I am. I homeschool my four children and I struggle with “being good enough” but because of my health those thoughts have intensified. I like hearing the “raw” stories because I like hearing that you made it to the other side. I Love, love love the recipes. Because I trust the material you present, I also trust the material that you advertise. Thank you for the time you put in on writing relatable information. Thank you for all the research. Your site has become one of go-to sites when I have a question or concern. I really appreciate you and who you are.

  17. Angie Avatar

    I run a small organic, family farm. I do so because I love it, but also because my children have severe, life threatening allergies to many many foods and environmental toxins. I deal with food allergies, environmental allergies, asthma in my family and autoimmunity in myself (thyroid). I grow/raise what I can to keep my family happy, healthy and safe but I only recently decided to step away from the conventional health system and for months have been voraciously learning as much as I can and changing our lives for the better. This involves diet, nutrition, holistic health, making my own…everything…. and CONSTANT learning. Summits, seminars, blogs, books, articles, research on and on and on. You have been a part of that, although I never comment (I never do ANYwhere) but I think perhaps it’s the moms like me you most need to hear from. The imperfect, frazzled, quiet, desperate to make life better for their own kids, moms out there who benefit from all you do and never take the time to say something to you about it. Not that I think we mean to be dismissive, but after all…we have that laundry on the floor too ya know. 😉 So, I first want to say, thank you. Thank you for caring the way you do, for having the generous spirit that you do, to not only learn what you do for the sake of your own family, but for sharing with us all, and going through all the stress and blog drama you do for the sake of it. I think you are amazing for having the fortitude to do so. I want you to know it IS worth it. You ARE helping people. There are thousands of moms like me, who’s lives you change for the better in the work that you do. Now, mom to mom…you’re being too hard on yourself girl! It sucks that the blog has been a source of stress and you feel like you’ve made some bad decisions regarding affiliations. But it truly seems like you have a good head on your shoulders and trust me, we see that. If these “alliances” are the wrong fit, ditch ’em. This is still your blog, your space, and you call the shots. We’ll still be here, trust me. So do what makes it easier for you. Take a hiatus if need be, put up some ads if it helps you. Write less if it makes you a happier person and a better mama. Do what you need to, to keep the joy in what you do alive. Many of us who come here to read you, will be here, and will completely understand. It’s your voice that draws us in to begin with, not the bells and whistles. And no one can steal that from you. Now, as to your questions. 1. I would consider it selling out if every single post was written by someone else and/or every post was about selling something. “Here’s something you desperately NEED in your life to be healthy….oh and btw…I happen to have this cure on sale for 29.95 for one day only” And I don’t ever see you going there. As to ads, I trust your judgement. You seem to have a pretty high standard for yourself, your family and what you would offer up to us. I trust that. If there’s something I’m not fond of, I will just ignore it anyway. 😉 2. I don’t need a squeaky clean image, so be as raw and comfortable as you would like. I don’t aspire to be you, I don’t need some fake iconic image to emulate. I need strongly researched and well presented information and ideas on how to take care of the ones I love and myself. 3. I think you are already doing an amazing job of providing content. If you have the time, ambition, inclination to provide more, please do. As to content, again, for me, I trust your judgement. I think your path to discovering your own health needs and that of your children is something that many moms are also following. You just happen to be ahead of many of us on that road. So think about what you needed when you first started out, the things that you wish you would have known back then…and share. Share any pertinent information you learn that helps you now, any new research and the like. Healthy recipes and ideas. Basically more of the same. Again, thank you for all you do, you really are helping many people in their own journey and I hope you can feel the blessings in that daily. 🙂

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Thanks Angie! I have so much respect for you and others who run small farms. You are making such a valuable contribution to your children, to society and to the environment. I can’t even imagine how much work it requires and kudos to you for your dedication in that. Thanks for the kind words 🙂

  18. Mandi Avatar

    I really appreciated this post…. I’ll try to answer your questions:

    If you allowed advertisers, my opinion of you/your site would not diminish. I’ve followed your blog for a long time (at least since 2011, but maybe earlier), and the care to take with your articles, recipes, and research is very clear to me, even if my opinion or interpretation is slightly different. I feel like I KNOW you would be selective, and would only allow advertisers that had the same healthy philosophy as you. (On the other hand, I also hardly pay attention to advertisements on websites…)

    Over the time that I’ve followed your blog, I feel like I have seen your understanding on things grow. Not like your viewpoints have changed really, but you are continuously learning and, to me, that shows in your articles. I think thats shows some “realness”. But I think most people like to see the raw, real side of the bloggers we follow. Not that your articles have ever made me really feel like a failure (I appreciate your tone), but it’s kind of makes me feel… justified? Like I’m normal? Like I have backup? when I see other people who care so much about health and wellness and learning and family, but don’t get it perfect 100% of the time. Personally, I would rather have more, less-polished posts from you than fewer “perfect” posts, if that makes sense.

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you were talking about the passion shining through the info. Do what you feel passionate about, and your “real” readers will love it.

    Overall, this post was inspirational for me. I’m working on a blog venture myself (not sharing details because it’s not ready for the public 🙂 ) and the research I’ve done on actually making money blogging (although that’s not my goal) or even just getting your blog out there to readers is daunting! I just hope that when I am ready to publish my stuff, the care I’ve taken to research and write and edit shines through the way it does here. 🙂

  19. Ellen O'Neil Avatar
    Ellen O’Neil

    Thank you so much for this post and for all of your posts. I am just starting to grow my blog and trying to figure out how to make money ethically from it. I really appreciate your words and your thoughts about how you will not sell out. Your work is really admirable.

  20. shannon Avatar

    Hi there, Katie Wellness Mama.

    Wow, thanks for asking! I can see how ads wouldn’t fit on a fledgling blog that has a grass-roots vibe. But I can also see how your growing readership is changing the way you need to operate. There’s nothing noble about being weak and vulnerable to business sharks. My wish for you is that you take these new steps guilt-free, with all your wisdom and integrity. You’ve put yourself out there as an effective grass-roots leader, and now you are shifting up into a different scale, with the same humble goals. It’s an opportunity to practice and promote something new: the ethical (big) business model. Your mission seems made for that; why shouldn’t you amplify your business and make a profit while doing something ethical? There’s so much to keep moms feeling small and powerless and guilty if we shine too much or make money “off other people” — it’s cultural, religious, lots of stuff. But you can serve more people if you go bigger and more efficient. You can show more moms how to be as big and glorious and imperfect as they are and still be wise and clever and business-like. I’m inspired by you!

    Also, I find affiliate posts more bothersome than well-chosen ads, because the affiliate links always seem contrived and make me doubt your integrity. As in, are you just saying you use this so you can make a dime? Ads are straight-up; we all know they’re ads. Also, I strongly feel, personally, that I WANT you to make more money doing what you’re doing. I really do wish for that. Strongly. (Wow, and I’m supposed to be a lefty bleeding heart to boot!! LOL)

    I don’t really want you to post this, but I do want you to read it. Thanks for everything you’ve given here. I wish there was some way to deal with the content-thieves who are pirating your blog and selling it off as their own. Please let me/us know if there is something we can do as readers.

    Good luck, Katie!

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