The Best Under-Counter Water Filter (Review)

Katie Wells Avatar

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The Best under-counter water filter
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » The Best Under-Counter Water Filter (Review)

Our family has had a Berkey water filter for years and we absolutely love it. Before that, we had a basic reverse osmosis water filter, and while I loved that it was getting rid of all fluoride in the water, I never loved the taste or that we had to add minerals to the water to avoid nutrient deficiencies since reverse osmosis removes all minerals from water.

The Berkey with the added fluoride filters was doing the job really well, but I got many questions from readers wanting an under-counter easier option so I decided to research to see if there were any better options. To be clear, we still love the Berkey and I think it is a great all-around water filter.

Why a Water Filter?

As I explained before:

If you are drinking tap water, the answer to that question is 300+ chemicals and pollutants, according to research from the Environmental Working Group. Among these contaminants are:

  • Arsenic—This odorless and tasteless semi-metal element enters drinking water supplies from natural deposits, as well as agricultural and industrial wastes. Human exposure to arsenic can cause both short and long term health effects, including cancer
  • Bacteria—Nasty pathogens from human waste and soil runoff frequently contaminate well and city water, posing a risk for serious illness upon exposure. City water is commonly derived from treated sewage.
  • Chlorine—This free radical disinfectant can quickly damage our hair, skin, and lungs when we bathe or shower. It has also been shown to cause gastric upset upon ingestion and has been linked to malfunction of the liver and immune system with long-term exposure.
  • Chloramines—Now being added to nearly all municipal water districts, they are formed by the combination of chlorine and ammonia. Chloramines are so strong that they tend to dissolve the inside of your pipes and fixtures, releasing contaminants and heavy metals into the water. Chloramines have been linked to anemia, liver, kidney and central nervous system problems, as well as reproduction effects.
  • Fluoride—Many communities receive pretreated, fluoridated water to their homes. Fluoride, known as “The Devils Poison”, has been shown to be less than effective in preventing tooth decay, while possibly contributing to a whole host of health concerns.
  • Gasoline—Easily absorbed into the soil, even a small gas spill or leakage can contaminate ground water sources. Considered a hazardous waste material, consumption has significant adverse effects on the central nervous system.
  • Hardness— Hard water is the result of calcium and magnesium present in the water. These minerals form white scale buildup creating problems for water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, and plumbing systems. This condition creates a lack of lather when using soap and can contribute to dingy laundry.
  • Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfates—Hydrogen sulfide and sulfates occur naturally in rocks and soil and can result from organic material or occur when wells are drilled in shale or sandstone. Although not a significant health risk, these elements can be nuisance. Hydrogen sulfide gives off a rotten egg small and taste and can produce stains on appliances and fixtures. Sulfate can cause water to taste bitter and scale to build up in pipes causing damage to plumbing and appliances.
  • Iron—Iron in water will present red staining on tubs, sinks, showers, faucet fixtures and laundry
  • Iron Bacteria—Iron bacteria can be introduced to well water during drilling, repair or service. If there is a musty, moldy or swampy odor associated with well water, an iron bacteria analysis should be conducted. While iron bacteria does not pose a health risk to humans, it can damage a well system and dramatically impact water quality.
  • Manganese—If you experience problems with brown or black staining of your laundry, this may be due to high concentrations of manganese
  • Nitrates—These hazardous chemicals come from fertilizer runoff, leaking septic tanks, sewage and erosion of natural deposits. Nitrates are converted to nitrites in the body. High levels of nitrites have been shown to be deadly to infants under the age of 6 months, and to cause serious health risks in others.
  • Pesticides and Herbicides—Ground water is often polluted by poorly managed fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides and pesticides. These poisons can easily seep into well water aquifers and municipal water reserves. Exposure has been linked to chronic illness, birth defects and immune system failure.
  • Radon—Radon is a high risk radioactive gas found in drinking water and indoor air. Exposure to radon in drinking water increases cancer risk, particularly lung cancer.

Under-Counter Water Filter

Again, we love our Berkey, but I had gotten so many questions about under-counter water filters that I wanted to find the best option to recommend to readers (and family). I wanted an option that would:

  • Remove fluoride, chlorine, chloramine and other contaminants with at least 99% effectiveness
  • Did not strip all minerals from the water or that added them back in
  • Was not astronomically expensive and that did not require replacing filters too often
  • That provided water for our whole family at a low daily cost (under $0.50 per day for our whole family)

I found many filters that did parts of this but had trouble finding any that did all of it. One day, while shopping at my go-to real-food store online (Radiant Life Catalog) I clicked on their 14-Stage Water Filter just on a whim and started reading.

Imagine my surprise (and how dumb I felt) when I found that one of my favorite companies already made a water filter that met all of my specifications and more. I actually got the chance to talk to their main water expert and I quizzed him incessantly about how the filter worked, the percentage of contaminants it removed and filter life, and was even more impressed.

RO + Minerals + Carbon + UV + More

The Radiant Life Under-Counter 14-Stage filter is the only water filter of its kind and the only one that filters and remineralizes so completely. With this filter, water goes through all of these stages:

Stage 1 – Five Micron Pre-Filter
Stage 2 – Internal Coconut Shell Carbon Filter
Stage 3 – Reverse Osmosis Membrane (Purifier #1)
Stage 4 – Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier #2)
Stage 5 – Mixed Bed De-Ionization Purifier (Purifier #3)
Stages 6 & 7 – Homeopathic Restructuring – Erasing Memory, Molecule Coherence
Stage 8 – Holding Tank – standard tank holds about 3 gallons of pure water. Other tanks are available.
Stage 9 – Ultraviolet Light – 14 Watt
Stage 10 – Reprogramming – Adding Natural Mineral Properties
Stages 11-12 – Far-Infrared Reprogramming
Stage 13 – Coconut Shell Carbon Post-Filtration
Stage 14 – Alka-Min (Alkalizing, Ionic Remineralization)

It removes fluoride, lead, chlorine, MTBE, chromium-6, nitrates, pesticides, pharmaceutical residues, water-borne illness and more.

Is this a normal Reverse Osmosis system?

I wondered what separated the RL system from other reverse osmosis systems on the market. Most of them remove fluoride, chlorine, etc at high rates, but the Radiant Life System is unique:

There are several key things that make the 14-Stage system unique. First, it incorporates three purifiers (reverse osmosis and two deionization purifying stages) to form the foundation of the system, which ensures 99.999% purification when new, only falling to 99.9% over time. Almost all other reverse osmosis-based systems use just one purifier and thus may start at 95% purification, but after a year that figure will often be as low as 80%. This is just one of the things that water dealers won’t tell you.

The unique pre- and post-filters offer additional filtration (two of these filters are unique in the industry) and also include a stainless steel and quartz UV light for added protection against bacteria and pathogens. These first seven stages are designed to remove all toxins in your water, no matter if you even know what they are!

The reason that we had initially moved away from a Reverse Osmosis filter is that while it removed almost all contaminants, it also removed many minerals and there was some evidence that drinking demineralized water could actually cause problems for the body long term.

The RL system removed this problem as well by adding minerals back into the water in the proportions that the body needed and even going so far as to add post-filtering infrared programming to essentially make the water “alive” again.

Where to Get?

Radiant Life is the only place I’ve ever found that offered this comprehensive of a water filter. We recently installed their 14-stage filter under our kitchen sink, and I’ve loved the convenience of it. Again, I still think the Berkey is a great option, but I wanted to test an under-the-counter option for readers who had asked and I couldn’t be more pleased.

It took about an hour to install and now we have clean water on-demand from a spigot at our sink. My only complaint with the Berkey was the constant hassle of refilling, and our 14-stage filter removes that hassle.

The new filter was a big jump for us and something that we saved for and considered for a long time. We actually also got the whole-house filter for shower water since I am so sensitive to fluoride and chlorine in shower water with my thyroid condition and I’ll be sharing about our experience with this soon.

Unfortunately, good water filters are an up-front investment but the daily cost is $0.30-$0.40 a day, which is definitely manageable over time. The RL filter also has a built-in water testing kit so that you only replace the filters when needed, saving additional time and money.

The Best Option?

Like I said, Berkey is a cheaper option and I think it is still a great filter, but if you are looking for the next step up or want an under-counter option that won’t take up counter space, the 14-stage filter is my new go-to favorite by far!

I love that Radiant Life is a family owned-company and I’ve had the chance to visit with the family who owns it at several conferences. The Radiant Life family cares so deeply about real food and natural living, and they are all very knowledgeable about water, air and food quality. They are also just genuinely good people who care about the future of our children, and the environment.

Though the 14-stage filter wasn’t inexpensive, I feel like it is a great deal for what it does and I love that we supported a family-owned US based company.

If you’re still trying to decide what the best water filter is for your family, they offer consultations with their team of water experts and can help guide you to the best option for your family.

I’d love to know…what water filter do you use? What do you want in a water filter?


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


152 responses to “The Best Under-Counter Water Filter (Review)”

  1. Michael Avatar

    My only question is about the RL storage tank. The RL website refers to “butyl rubber bladder”, which is similar to other RO systems. When I research butyl rubber it seems to be produced by Exxon Mobil Chemical. This is my concern. I called RL and their team said they would call me back with feedback weeks ago, but never did. I am onboard with their great water process, but then storing that water in a chemical rubber bladder I need more information on.

    When I research butyl rubber more there are references to toxicity and metals as well, therefore I must be missing something.

    Link to RL PDF –

    From your strong relationship with RL, could you please try getting insights for us? I am happy to purchase through the affiliate link as soon as possible because I think it is a fair model for providing valuable content. We just have young kids with sensitivities and want to ensure I know what we are providing them.

    Thanks very much.

    1. Ann Avatar

      This was my only hesitation in purchasing as well. Has an update been posted about the materials used to store and transport the water to spigot after filtration? Thanks!

  2. Laura Avatar

    You mention removing arsenic as a reason to have a filtration system but it doesn’t appear like this system filters arsenic, at least I can find any information on the site about it. Can you clarify/confirm? Thanks!

  3. Loren Harvey Avatar
    Loren Harvey

    Hello my name is Loren, I am doing some water research for my class and it has to do with the town I live in. The water at my house and several neighbors etc often comes out yellow. In February the city distributed letters to the residents making them aware of water violations. The problem is that our town uses chlorine to disinfect the water and it is reacting causing harmful byproducts called THM which can lead to cancer and various complications at high consumption. I also think that when the water is distributed in the town plumbing that some of the rust or things contaminates the water after it has been “cleaned.” So, I was wondering if you think the city could provide filters such as these for our homes and that would improve the quality of life?

  4. Wendy Avatar

    Does anyone know of or have used a Kangen Water filtration system? I heard they were the best, but super expensive.

  5. Stephanie Avatar

    Has the whole house water system review been posted? Thanks

  6. Sarah Robson Avatar
    Sarah Robson

    Hi- so what would be the upshot of this, for a $3-500 system wanting flouride removal? What would be a recommendation?

  7. Rachel Avatar

    Just wanted to let you know our experience with the company Radiant Life…

    Overall I would never recommend this company or their products to anyone. More than anything was the way they treat their customers, their products are so-so, but customer service is terrible. I hope they below helps prevent someone from making the same mistake our family made.
    · Nice looking website, easy to navigate and order

    · Instillation is not included, it’s up to you as the consumer to find and pay

    · No field technical service and they won’t send anyone out for evaluation nor do they contract with any local companies to physically evaluate the system if anything is wrong. The only option is to call their 1-800 number or send an e-mail and wait for a response, which can take weeks

    · Extremely unresponsive to customers. We started a claim/complaint in Dec and did not receive resolution until the following April. We also had to answer several of the same questions over that period of time, indicating they do not keep customer files even though most correspondence was via e-mail.

    · Conditioner touts of being able to condition (eliminate the effect of scale, not soften) water up to 45 grains of hardness, our water was around 18 grains and there was no evidence or reducing or eliminating the effect of scale. The company also states the media within the conditioner has a “5 year media performance warranty”. They did send a new set of media after several attempts to convince them that the system we had was not functioning properly…new media did not work either

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Rachel, I am so sorry you had a negative experience with them and will definitely pass on these concerns to the company, though I’m glad it sounds like it is working now. We were able to install it relatively easily, and I have also had friends who had plumbers install for a reasonable price. If you can offer more specifics about the problem you experienced, I will make sure to research that more in depth and add any necessary information to the post, as well as bring up the specific concerns with the company. Thanks for reading!

      1. John Cali Avatar
        John Cali

        Hello, is Wellness Mama, or the Wellness Mama website, at all affiliated with Radiant Life Company? Has Wellness Mama received money, gifts, or discounts from Radiant Life to promote their product?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar

          I am an affiliate for Radiant Life (my full affiliate disclosure is here and I receive a small commission from Radiant Life if someone purchases a product through my link. I’ve used their products long before I ever promoted them or become an affiliate and would recommend them with or without an affiliate program. I have not received discounts, gifts or other compensation, nor have I ever written a sponsored post for them or any other company. I also purchase any products I review and only consider linking to them if I truly love them. Based on your previous comments, I love that you are so passionate about making sure water filters are high quality, I am too. On the topic of disclosure, I’m curious if you have any association with a water filter company or have a background in water sciences, as all of your comments have been about water filters and you aren’t exactly my normal audience…..

  8. Elizabeth Jones Avatar
    Elizabeth Jones

    We have an Alexa Pure water filter system that my mother in law purchased it. We weren’t sure about it working because it failed a TDS test. Is this normal and does this filter seem to be the same as a Berkey system?

  9. Nicki Berndt Avatar
    Nicki Berndt

    Hi Katie,

    Your post is very interesting. I have just started researching purification filtration systems for my home; I will be very interested in your upcoming post about the Radiant Life filtration system for the whole house. I understand there will be an investment, but I can’t imagine a better investment than getting clean water in my home. I have been purchasing 21/2 gal. glass containers of distilled water from Mountain Valley, but it is very expensive, and i would like to be able to cook with the filtered water and also shower in it. Please give me any advise you might have.


  10. John Avatar

    How many gallons of water does the Radiant Life filter waste for every gallon of treated water produced?

    I’ve seen other RO systems claim to waste 3 to 5 gallons of for every gallon of clean water produced under ideal conditions. Actual waste will vary with pressure and temperature. I measured my parent’s RO filter water waste rate by placing the drain hose into a bucket. It was over 10 gallons wasted per gallon of clean water produced (3x what the manufacturer’s estimate).

    1. Angie Avatar

      That’s obscene! I would also like to know. Their site also doesn’t state GPD or GPM, just tank capacity. Is it super slow to refill?

    2. John Avatar

      It wastes “about” 2.5 gallons for every gallon of clean water produced according to the FAQ section on the manufacterure’s product webpage. A waste ratio of 2.5:1 (wasted water to clean water produced) is lower than most systems, however, I’ll believe it when I see it. It would not surprise me at all if actual results are more like 5:1 or higher, as other systems can be way off.

      Water inlet pressure and water temperature will cause the waste ratio to vary. Higher pressure = lower waster. The only RO systems I’ve seen with lower advertised waste ratios are the iSpring with pump (2:1 waste ratio) and the iSpring commercial tankless (1:1 waste ratio). The iSpring with a pump increases the pressure which increases the efficiency of the system.

  11. Geretta Avatar

    Has you or any of your followers used the Natural Action Technologies water filters. I have had a friend who uses the portable one at home for all of her drinkable and cooking needs. She and her husband have said their animals if given a choice between tap water and the water gone through the system. The animals will not touch tap water. We live in small community, but our water is treated with chlorine. I don’t like the smell of swimming pool when you shower or wash dishes. This is a filter you do not have to replace. Although expensive to start seems very affordable with that fact and ease installation. Please if anyone or yourself have looked into to this. Please comment! Thank you Geretta

  12. Bethany Chalk Avatar
    Bethany Chalk

    I have been searching for an affordable way to filter the water for my birthing tub without much luck. Please if you have any advice on that it would greatly appreciated.

  13. Deb Avatar

    I would love to have a system that removes fluoride and other nasties. Unfortunately, my budget only covers a Brita Pitcher.

    1. Michelle Avatar

      I got an AlkaViva elita CT-700 for about $300. It removes fluoride and pharmaceuticals. It is cheaper than most because it is above counter and it is not electric – works on water pressure. The replacement filters are a little over $100 and last for 700 gallons. The only problem I have had with it is the display that counts down how much water- it doesn’t work anymore. I think it got wet one too many times and that was that.

  14. Ted Avatar

    Best filter if you are rich lol I mean who pays $1500+ for a water filter? Absurd and outrageous

  15. Brian Avatar

    Have any of these reduction claims been tested by a third party lab? Or certified by any organization other than the people that make these? These are some hefty promises that people want to hear, I hope it passes health and safety standards for drinking water treatment units.

    1. Synthi Rosado Avatar
      Synthi Rosado

      This is what I am wondering too. I’ve sent an email to RL & Berkey.

      1. Angie Avatar

        I’m interested in a high-quality water purification system but can’t seem to find any factual analyses of this Radiant Life system. How does it really compare to these iSpring systems, for instance, at removing chemicals and particulates? Is there third-party verification of the RL system? How do I know that buying this filter actually means I’ll be getting cleaner water than the following systems? I am on municipal water so it’s already filtered, softened, and chlorinated/fluoridated. I’ve done hours of reading today and I can’t find any significant difference between these systems (which are also multi-filter and RO, with alkaline remineralization added back in) and the RL system, except the drastic difference in price. The FAQ on the RL site is not very specific and only lists general “we’re better than those other systems!” claims. This isn’t helpful.

  16. Lauren Avatar

    Anyone know of a shower filter that removes fluoride? Also we are renting a house right now so does anyone know of a system that could filter the water of the whole house without having to take appliances apart? thanks 🙂

  17. Blanca Avatar

    We have a berkey and want to buy the whole house filter. We cannot afford to have the 14 stage, so I am thinking of buying the whole house and keep saving for the kitchen filter and meanwhile use the berkey for drinking and cooking. I will appreciate any advice.

  18. Blanca Avatar

    Hi Katie, how do you compare the 14 stage water filtration with the berkey? I want a whole house filter and already have a berkey. We cannot afford to have the whole house plus the 14 stage filter, so I come to the conclusion of buying the whole house filter and keep saving to buy the 14 stage latter meanwhile keep using the berkey for drinking and cooking. Before I do this, I need help if you could. Thank you Katie for you time. Blessings!!!

  19. Dana Avatar

    I read above that you were working on a whole house system review. I can’t find it can yqou direct me to it?

  20. Tammy Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I am thinking of buying the Radiant Life 14 Stage filter. Are you still happy with it?

      1. Laura Avatar

        Hi Katie, Thanks for this post! I don’t know if you mentioned it anywhere, but it would be helpful for those who can’t afford any water purification to know that by just adding Vit. C, you can remove chlorine from water. To give an idea of how much Vit. C is needed: One 1000mg Vit.C capsule’s worth is enough to remove the chlorine from a bathtub’s amount of water, so just a smidgen is needed for a pitcher. 🙂

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