Spirulina Benefits: 7 Reasons to Try It (& 1 Major Caution)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Spirulina Uses and Benefits
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Spirulina Benefits: 7 Reasons to Try It (& 1 Major Caution)

I don’t like using the term superfood, though it could certainly be applied to Spirulina (and is sometimes used for coconut oil). Surprisingly, you may know this amazing compound by its common name…

Pond scum:

This nutrient rich substance is actually a cyanobacteria and it boasts its fair share of health promoting properties. It is rich in chlorophyll, and like plants, gets its energy from the sun. It does have many benefits, (though contrary to some health claims, I’ve seen no evidence that it cures cancer or HIV).

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina is a natural “algae” (cyanbacteria) powder that is incredibly high in protein and a good source of antioxidants, B-vitamins and other nutrients. When harvested correctly from non-contaminated ponds and bodies of water, it is one of the most potent nutrient sources available.

It is largely made up of protein and essential amino acids, and is typically recommended to vegetarians due to its high natural iron content.

The high concentration of protein and iron also makes it ideal during pregnancy, after surgery, or anytime the immune system needs a boost.

Benefits of Spirulina

Though it does taste like pond scum, Spirulina has some great health-boosting qualities:

1. Most Nutrient Dense Food On the Planet

The concentration of protein and vitamins in Spirulina has led many to classify it as the “most nutrient dense food on the planet.” Compared to other foods gram for gram, it lives up to this reputation and is a great source of:

  • Protein: It is considered a complete source of high-quality protein and is often compared to eggs for the amount of protein per gram. The protein in Spirulina is highly usable and has a net protein utilization rate of between 50-61%
  • Vitamin B1: Also called Thiamin, this vitamin is necessary for the digestion of fats and proteins. It is often taken for increased energy, eye health, brain function and for improving nerve functioning.
  • Iron: Spirulina is a favorite food for vegetarians and vegans because it is one of the best plant sources of iron. Even for those who consume meat, it has a highly absorbable form of iron that is gentle on the digestive system.
  • Calcium: Spirulina is also incredibly high in calcium with over 26 times the calcium in milk.

It also contains (per Tablespoon):

Spirulina nutrition benefits

Spirulina is a great source of other nutrients including (according to Wikipedia): “It contains vitamins B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3(nicotinamide), B-6 (pyridoxine), B-9 (folic acid), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A and vitamin E. It is also a source of potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium,  manganese, phosphorus,  selenium, sodium and zinc. Spirulina contains many pigments which may be beneficial and bioavailable”.

Important Note: Contrary to many claims, Spirulina is not a good source of Vitamin B12 for humans. While it does contain a form of B12, it is pseudovitamin B12 which is not absorbable or effective in humans according to studies.

2. Contains Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) & Omega-3s

Spirulina contains Gamma Linolenic Acid andOmega-3s

Spirulina is 65% protein and amino acids including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA) which has gotten a lot of attention for its anti-inflammatory properties, especially when taken with other quality Omega-3 supplements.

GLA is difficult to find in a food source and normally has to be created by the body. Spirulina is one of the few foods with a natural GLA content.

I suspect that the benefits of GLA in Spirulina are even more than what the studies have found since these studies often use vegetable oils for their GLA source, and the other inflammatory compounds in vegetable oils can interfere with the anti-inflammatory ability.

Besides GLA, Spirulina also contains Omega 3-,6 and 9s and is especially high in Omega-3s.

3. May Help Balance Blood Sugar

Studies show that spirulina may be especially helpful in balancing blood sugar, and may even be as effective as diabetes medication in some instances. Other studies show that it not only lowers blood sugar but may also lower HbA1c, which is a long term marker of blood sugar levels.

4. Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants are powerful substances that protect our cells from damage. Thanks to decades of research, many of us understand the importance of consuming enough antioxidants from natural sources, and spirulina is a great choice.

The antioxidant that makes spirulina unique is called phycocyanin, which is a potent anti-inflammatory.

5. May Help Those with Allergies

Some research has suggested that Spirulina may be helpful for those with allergies and allergic reactions. (source)

This is likely because it reduces inflammation that leads to nasal congestion and other issues. In studies, those who took spirulina noticed a reduction in nasal congestion, itching, and sneezing.

6. Helps Remove Heavy Metals

Spirulina can bind with heavy metals in the body and help remove them.

It is also extremely high in Chlorophyll, which helps remove toxins from the blood and boost the immune system. In fact, one study found that 500 milligrams of spirulina daily combined with zinc supplementation was enough to reduce arsenic toxicity by almost half!

Emerging evidence also suggests that it binds with radioactive isotopes and may be useful for radioactivity exposure or radiation therapy.

7. Muscle and Endurance Benefits

Spirulina is known to increase fat burning during exercise. Its high antioxidant content makes it beneficial in reducing exercise induced oxidation which leads to muscle fatigue and inability to gain muscle.

In fact studies found that it:

health benefits of spirulina powder

Cautions on Spirulina

Those with phenylketonuria (PKU) should consult with a doctor before taking, as it does contain that amino acid. Those on any type of anti-coagulation medicine should consult with a doctor before beginning (or stopping) taking Spirulina. Some people with autoimmune disease do not do well with this supplement. If you are pregnant, nursing or have any medical condition, check with your doctor first as it is often not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

Downsides of Spirulina

As I mentioned above, this beneficial algae is gram for gram one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. It is also probably one of the most expensive when compared gram for gram. Many articles about its benefits focus show the nutrition data per ounce. The problem is that one ounce contains about 28 grams and is MUCH higher than normal (or safe) daily intake would be.

It costs up to 30x as much as dairy or meat protein per gram and is not a viable primary protein source for this reason.

Is Spirulina the Same as Chlorella?

Short answer: No, but they share some similarities.

Both are types of algae but there are some key differences:

  • Structure: Chlorella is a single-cell algae with a nucleus, while Spirulina is a multi-celled plant with no nucleus. For this reason, chlorella is much smaller and acts differently in the body.
  • Color: Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, a blue-green type of algae, while Chlorella is a green algae.
  • Amount of Nucleic Acids: Both are a good source of nucleic acids, though Chlorella has almost twice as much per gram. Nucleic acids are important factors for DNA and RNA in the body.
  • Digestibility: Chlorella has to go through a process to break its cell walls before it is bioavailable and usable by the body.
  • Chlorophyll Content: Chlorella is higher in Chlorophyll, with almost double the amount.
  • Iron, Protein and GLA: Chlorella is not a great source of Iron, protein and beneficial Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA).
  • Heavy Metals: Chlorella has unique properties in its cell walls that make it bind to heavy metals and other contaminants

How to Take Spirulina (& What I Use)

I use a couple of different sources of spirulina that all checked out when I did my research.

  • Spirulina Powder – The least expensive but has a a strong flavor
  • Spirulina Capsule – Small, portable tablets called “EnergyBits.” Very easy to take and no unpleasant taste. Use the code “wellnessmama” at this link for 20% off.

For more on why spirulina and chorella are so beneficial for health, check out this Wellness Mama podcast interview with EnergyBits creator Catharine Arnston.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Ever tried spirulina? What did you think of the taste? Will you try it now? Share below!

Spirulina is a superfood plant source of protein, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Benefits include fighting anemia, good for blood and heart and more!
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


471 responses to “Spirulina Benefits: 7 Reasons to Try It (& 1 Major Caution)”

  1. Lindsey Avatar

    Hi, I would like to know if Spirulina is safe duirng pregnancy/breastfeeding. The beginning of the article says yes, but it says no at the end. I am currently breastfeeding on a no dairy/red meat/poultry diet and would like to try it for all its benefits. Thanks!

  2. Donna Avatar

    Katie, listened to podcast yesterday with the guest who was promoting EnergyBits – and read this post of yours. Do you feel the brand in this post Natrex Pure Hawaiian powder is comparable in quality – or is Energy Bits superior? Thanks for info…

  3. Ali Avatar

    Hey Katie!!
    Just wanted to say nice article and very informative, but just wanted to point out a little error. Spirulina comes from cyanobacteria you are right, but it is not an algae. I know it can be a bit confusing because if you look it up it says that it is blue-green algae, but its actually a bit of a misnomer. Here’s an excerpt from a UC Berkeley website on these amazing organisms
    “Because they are photosynthetic and aquatic, cyanobacteria are often called “blue-green algae”. This name is convenient for talking about organisms in the water that make their own food, but does not reflect any relationship between the cyanobacteria and other organisms called algae.”
    So technically they are not algae but bacteria, which is not a bad thing! When it comes to cyanobacteria, millions and millions of years ago when they first came around the air would have been toxic to us and just about all other life, but these guys helped clean that up by getting rid of the toxins and making tons and tons of oxygen for us to breathe! On top of that a lot of people believe that some cyanobacteria joined with these other organisms, made food for them, and slowly became a part of their cells. We now know these organisms as plants so you have cyanobacteria to thank for that as well!
    But anyways I don’t want to bore you with a science lesson, just wanted to say a little correction on these amazing organisms!

  4. Allana Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    I was surprised to see the recommended daily amount to be so high. Do you have any knowledge on taking less? I’m wondering if I were to only take 1-2 tablets per day, would I still be reaping the benefits?

    Thank you for your amazing work. I never miss a podcast!

    With great appreciation,

  5. Junaita Avatar

    I was diagnosed of Typhoid and blood infection after consuming Spirulina. I it seems to be very dangerous for health.

  6. Janice Avatar

    I began adding 1 tbs of spirulina to my morning smoothies a week ago and I did not notice any major difference in the taste / I do not have a hard time swallowing it as the taste of that, spinach, ground flax seed and my rice powder are basically camouflaged by the fruit / give it a try and I am sure you will not feel disappointed / between that and the hearty salad that I eat for 2 meals, I am quite full and satisfied and have had amazing colon cleansing / I AM DEFINITELY A FAN!!!

  7. Sue vail Avatar

    I was very tempted by your article to buy this as I am in the market for this type of product, however, after reading the ingridents specially that it contains vegetable magnesium stearate, I decided to pass. Thank you for the article thought.

  8. Chris Schneider Avatar
    Chris Schneider

    helps my stomach move along better. i am bipolar and i tend to to get very constipated from my meds. i juice with carrots, apples, ginger, and 1 teaspoon of the green stuff i got at the local healthfood store. tastes pretty foul. but its worth it.

  9. Samantha Avatar

    Hi. I was just curious why you say that people with autoimmune disease do not do well with it.

    1. Paul Fotis Avatar
      Paul Fotis

      My understanding is that, being an immune system booster, Spirulina can increase immune activity. And since, in people with autoimmune disorders, increased immune activity can “turn on you” and become self-destructive… well, you get the point. Ditto with Chlorella.

  10. Marie Avatar

    Great content! However, i noticed that the Spirulina that you recommended is not organic… Its non-gmo, which does not mean organic.

  11. Sharon Avatar

    Just an FYI: The link to spirulina *capsules* takes you to Thrive Market’s Hawaiian Spirulina … in *powder* form. Otherwise, thanks for a quite informative blog. Much appreciated.

  12. Roger Pelizzari Avatar
    Roger Pelizzari

    RE: Spirulina
    Vegetable sourced B12 does not work, because it is only an analog. An analog is a substance that blocks the uptake of true B-12. The result being, your body’s need for the nutrient actually increases.

    Seaweeds and other sea-veggies contain the analog forms of B12. Unlike “human active” B12 the analog form is not absorbable and actually bonds to receptor sites preventing further B12 absorption.

  13. Doug Avatar

    Here is a Heavy metal analysis in 25 different commercial Spirulina products for human consumption. It includes most of the brands we can buy. If the results are to be believed. The Austrailian brand TAAU are by far the cleanest. I just ordered some and waiting for it to arrive.

    Also I read about the Hawaiian brand Nutrex which is sold on Amazon. I looked it up on fakespot.com and the reviews are not really to be believed as it only scored a C on truthfullness.

  14. Mark W Wheeler Avatar
    Mark W Wheeler

    I eat my spirulina in plain unsweetened homemade raw milk yogurt with a combination of different fruit. If you’re vegan then you would obviously use non-dairy yogurt. Give it a try, its amazingly delicious.

  15. Mary Avatar

    Thank you for this post as always a very informative account. I have auto immune disease and unfortunately discovered only too late that yes auto immune disease and spirulina do not mix well. I experienced high levels of anxiety for no reason whatsoever. I would wake up shaking. I began to lose feeling in my extremities during the day. Tingling especially in my fingers. Itching. Feeling Dizzy. Pain in joints. I was taking 6 tablets a day even though the recommended was 10 on the bottle and I bought it from a large health food shop in the UK so hopefully a reputable source. I only discovered through my own research (after having visited a spinal surgeon and neurologist -completely useless!!) that it was the spirulina causing all of the symptoms so have stopped it and the symptoms have gradually reduced. Apparently with auto immune disease we cannot metabolise an amino acid that it is rich in hence causes the symptoms. It’s a shame really because it did improve my immune system (which was why I was taking it!!) it did help with my fungal nail infection. Made my hair and nails grow at a rapid rate. So kind of annoyed I can’t take it!! But to avoid irreversible damage to my nervous system, probably best not. Thank you for the post best one I have seen on the net about it.

  16. Jenna Avatar

    Thanks for all you do. I, a member of your community, sincerely appreciate the work. The article you referenced about the use of spirulina with zinc for removal of arsenic from the body, records the amount of spirulina taken as two 250 mg doses taken daily or 500 mg daily. You mistakenly recorded it as 5 grams or 5000 mg. Perhaps you later rectified your statement. There were too many comments to read through each one. However, I did not want to fail to bring it to your attention and that of your readership, in case someone did not read carefully and applied that instruction to themselves.
    To your continued success. Jae

  17. Vani Avatar

    I like spirulina now that I found a recipe that’s comparable to my taste buds. LOL and I do appreciate you putting sources at the end of your article. Good job!

  18. Barb Swisher Avatar
    Barb Swisher

    I started talking Spirulina powder last December, 1 tsp daily in the morning. At the same time I mix in 1 TBSP Wheat Grass. I wash 1 vitamin C, 1 aspirin, and 1 trace mineral vitamin down with my green concoction. I then chase this with about 1/2 cup flax seed milk. I do have an autoimmune disease – one which has Raynaud’s as a component. Although winter isn’t full on, I’m hoping that my Raynauds has been positively affected by my regime – preliminarily speaking it does seem to be – ‘better’, however the jury is still out. I don’t plan to stop any time soon. I am also a vegan which led me to my choice of Spirulina as a B12 supplement. So it did make me utter a ‘huh’ when you said that it was not a good source of vitamin B12. Well the good news is my B12 is not suffering at all according to blood work taken recently. I’m definitely googling ‘pseudovitamin’ tonight. O good! Something to research! 😀 Alright thanks for the interesting article. Yours Truly, Barb

  19. Walter Avatar

    Hi: I have been taking spirulina off and on for about 50 years. In this article you didn’t mention taking it in fruit juice, which is the way I consume it. Does fruit juice take away from it’s effectiveness? I use organic Apple juice.

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