What Are the Safest Cookware Options?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » What Are the Safest Cookware Options?

Oh cookware… it is something most of us use daily but one of the toughest categories to determine safety. And the safest brands have their fair share of convenience problems. In this in-depth post, our team evaluated the top types and brands of cookware and ranked them based on safety and convenience.

The bad news… perfect options don’t exist (yet). The good news… there are a few good brands. This investigation has been a decade-long project and it involved testing many types of cookware that didn’t work (and a few that have) over the years.

Now, let’s get into the weeds!

What to Avoid When Evaluating Cookware

The main issues with traditional bakeware like non-stick and aluminum are that they can leach hormone-disrupting chemicals and heavy metals into food. The research is divided on the newer non-stick options and some of them fall into the “better than before and maybe safe but we don’t know yet” category. There are also recent concerns with lead and other heavy metals in ceramic.

Some of the new-old-fashioned options are a lot better, and are much more fun to cook with once you get the hang of them! That said, there are a few cookware options that I’d recommend always avoiding. These are the types you’ll never find in my kitchen:

Teflon, Non-Stick, PFOA, and PTFE

The original non-stick pans were coated with compounds like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA or C8) or polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). PTFE was developed by DuPont in 1938 and is patented and trademarked by a name you’ll recognize: Teflon.

From a convenience standpoint, Teflon was a game-changer. It made cooking and cleaning so much easier as it grew in popularity. When released, companies marketed this as a non-polar, very stable substance that didn’t react with other chemicals. It was considered completely safe.

Unfortunately, the dark side of these compounds started to emerge.

See the full details on all of the problems with these non-stick coatings in this post, but in short, birds started dying and people experienced “Teflon flu,” a series of symptoms related to exposure to Teflon that had been heated to really high temperatures.

Verdict: Avoid any cookware containing Teflon, PFOA, PTFE, or traditional non-stick.


Our grandmothers often cooked with aluminum cookware. This type of cookware was popular for years as it was lightweight, easy to use, and relatively easy to clean. Aluminum exists naturally in the environment. Traces exist in paints, colorings, household items, light bulbs, glass, baking powder, and many other substances.

We all have some aluminum exposure daily. But recent research shows that aluminum is toxic at certain amounts. Scientists just can’t agree on what that amount is. This post details more, but some studies suggest that aluminum exposure may be linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and neurological problems.

Verdict: I avoid any cookware containing aluminum as there are much better options.

Controversial Cookware: More Research Needed

In response to the data about the dangers of the original non-stick surfaces, many new types of non-stick cookware have emerged. Many consumers also turned to more time-tested surfaces like enameled cast iron. Unfortunately, these two surfaces are still considered controversial until more research is published:

Ceramic Coated Non-Stick

Various types of ceramic coated cookware claim to be non-stick and safer than Teflon. Most use Thermalon, a sand derivative containing silicon dioxide instead of Teflon.

By all accounts, these new ceramic-based compounds do seem to be much safer than the original non-stick surfaces, but we don’t have the time of use or the testing available like we do with other types of cookware. Some companies disclose their third-party testing, which is somewhat reassuring.

Some sources, however, claim that there is a potential concern with heavy metals and nanoparticles. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles are of special concern because they are linked to pre-cancerous lesions in the colon in one report. I was unable to find any studies showing if Thermalon definitively releases titanium dioxide nanoparticles so the verdict is still out.

Types of Ceramic-Coated Non-Stick Cookware:

So many of you have asked about these specific brands:

Verdict: These are all likely much safer than traditional non-stick and get an A+ for convenience. I’m still cautious and awaiting further research but have ordered several brands and am sending them out for testing. If convenience is your main motivation, I’d consider these a much better choice over traditional non-stick cookware.

Porcelain Enamel

This is a broad category to squeeze into a single type of cookware since there are so many different options. These pans are typically cast iron with an enameled ceramic coating of some kind. It gets complicated because this coating can be made in a variety of ways so there is no clear safety data across the category.

Testing shows a wide range of compounds in different brands and some are safe while others aren’t. Recent controversy emerged about the potential of lead and cadmium leaching from even high-end brands like Le Creuset. However, the company published their safety data and testing and showed no trace of lead or cadmium. I own several blue Le Creuset pans made in France and when I tested them they showed no trace of lead or cadmium, which cheaper brands did test very high for lead.

For Le Creuset specifically, some reports indicate that the color of the pan makes a difference and that blue is one of the safer colors so this could be the reason (but I have not verified this yet).

Verdict: Likely still one of the safer options and arguably much safer that PFOA and PTFE. I’m keeping my vintage Le Creuset pans from France but this wouldn’t be my first choice to purchase if I was buying new pans today.

Safest Cookware Options

Now for the mostly good! There are some brands that have good options but unfortunately, I’ve yet to find a perfect option (though I’m working on research to develop one!) In general, if you aren’t using old-school non-stick or cooking at super high temperatures, you can probably feel ok about your cookware options. If you’re in the market for new cookware or want to upgrade what you currently use, consider the pros and cons of these options.

Here are my favorite bakeware/cookware options of the safe ones currently available:

Safe Ceramic Non-Stick

I recently found a new brand of ceramic coated non-stick cookware that is versatile and works great. It uses a PTFE and PFAS free coating that is tested to be safe for your family and that works wonderfully. Called The Always Pan, it is designed to replace a 16-piece cookware set and comes with a steamer basket. I find myself using this pan at least once a day. It’s also dishwasher safe and super easy to clean. One thing to note: this pan is aluminum but is completely coated in the safe non-stick so as long as it is taken care of and not scratched, it is tested not to leach aluminum.

Verdict: This pan gets an A+ for convenience and versatility. I’m keeping an eye on safety data, but the testing I’ve seen indicates that Our Place is a safe non-stick.

Safe Ceramic Cookware and Bakeware

There is one brand of ceramic surface cookware that is tested to be safe and free from heavy metals and nano-particles. It’s called X-trema Cookware and they score big points for safety. Unfortunately, they lose points for convenience as they are entirely ceramic and can easily break.

They are, however, the most inert cookware I’ve found and they don’t leach anything into food according to the tests I’ve seen. Xtrema publishes their testing and safety data and is very transparent on this issue. Another plus, this is the absolute easiest option to clean, as you can use steel wool or scrubbing pads without scraping the surface. They have a non-scratch cooking surface, heat evenly, and hold in flavors in foods and are technically dishwasher, oven, microwave, and stove safe.

Like I said, the major downside is that they can break if you (or kids *ahem* drop them while being taken care of by extended family *ahem*). Also, learning to cook on full ceramic can be tricky, but with a few tips to get started it’s something worth learning!

My favorites are the 10-inch skillet (which I use multiple times a day), and the 3.5 quart Saucepan, which I use to cook soups, heat foods, and even bake in.

Verdict: Top of the line for safety based on current data but not at the top of the class for convenience. If safety is your main priority, they are worth a try. I have many of their pieces in my kitchen though I have broken a few over the years. If you want to try them, you can get a 15% discount on any order with the code WELLNESS if you use this link. (That is an affiliate link, so if you decide to purchase through that link, or any other link on the site, I may receive a small commission to help support running the blog. Many thanks!)

Cast Iron Cookware

Funny though it sounds, I am glad I listened to my great-grandmother-in-law and my dad (who was a boy scout) when they told me to cook with cast iron. At first, I was worried because it sounded complicated to season and clean cast iron and without using abrasive soaps, etc. Now that I’m used to it, I love cast iron and the added benefit of the extra iron in our diets. I mainly use it for cooking meats and for pan frying in coconut oil or avocado oil (I have a large skillet that perpetually holds about an inch of coconut oil or tallow for frying… talk about good seasoning!).

As long as you don’t scrub it with soap and a brillo pad, a good cast iron skillet can be an excellent mostly non-stick surface to cook on for years to come, as it cooks evenly and with good flavor. The one downside is that it isn’t good to cook tomato products with as the acid interacts with the pH of the pan and creates an off-flavor. Cast iron is great because it can be used in the oven or on the stovetop (or on a campfire!) or all of the above.

My favorite cast iron piece is my large skillet (like this one), which is great for frying, cooking meats, and even oven-cooking. A smaller skillet is great for eggs and oven omelets and I love my dutch oven with skillet top as it does double duty and cooks a mean roast in the oven or cobbler on the campfire. A grill pan is also great for meats, especially in the winter when it’s too cold to grill… although perhaps with all the talk of cold therapy lately, I should just suck it up and grill in the cold. 🙂

Just make sure you season your cast iron well before using it, so that food won’t stick and it will cook better.

Verdict: A time-tested solution that cooks well if you take care of it. Can have issues with certain acidic foods and not great for anyone with high iron but a natural option.

Regular Stoneware

More for baking than cooking on the stove, stoneware is a great alternative to aluminum baking sheets or roasting pans. There are also muffin tins, bread (not grain!) pans, and many other stoneware pieces.

These can be tricky to clean but give amazing flavor to food and cook very evenly. You won’t want to use soap, as the stone absorbs the flavor, but a properly cared for stoneware piece can last a lifetime!

My favorites: The basic stoneware baking sheet (large) which I use to grill veggies, bake healthy cookies, and re-heat food.

Verdict: Considered non-toxic based on current data.

Glass and Corningware

Corningware especially has a lot of nostalgic value to me, since I remember seeing it in both my grandparent’s houses and using it in my parent’s home growing up. It’s not as versatile and is mainly used for baking, but it is inexpensive (comparatively) and is low on the leach-poisons-into-my-food scale.

My favorites: This set of Corningware which I’ve used (and broken) extensively and my beloved Pyrex Storage set which I use a lot since I avoid plastic and everything in my fridge is stored in this or mason jars.. so classy! 🙂 I also use my Pyrex Bowls with Lids a lot! If you’re registering for your kitchen, I’d put a lot of Pyrex and Corningware on it! (and Corelle dishes… those things don’t break easily… my kids have tried!)

For stovetop cooking, glass cookware is available but carries the same risks of breaking as ceramic and is more expensive.

Verdict: Considered safe based on current data.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is also a good option, though there are some concerns with nickel and chromium leaching. This seems to increase with long cook times, cooking something acidic (like tomato products), or high-temperature cooking.

This isn’t my first choice for cookware but I do think it is a decent option and is widely available and relatively inexpensive. In stainless steel, look for the number 18 and see what comes after it. For instance, you might see 18/0, 18/8 or 18/10. The first number (18) represents chromium and the second represents nickel in stainless steel alloy. So the lower the second number, the better. Nickel-free cookware like this set are available now.

I do have a couple of stainless pieces in my kitchen. My most used stainless items are these large roasting sheets that we use daily for roasting meats, veggies and almost everything else… I also have these stainless steel bowls and I use them daily and love them.

The Whole Set

If you’re looking to buy a whole set of cookware instead of mixing and matching different pots and pans, I recommend the Caraway brand. They’re made with earth-friendly ceramic and are completely free of harmful chemicals. The stackable set includes a frying pan, saucepan, Dutch oven and sauté pan, plus organization tools like a pan rack and a lid holder. It makes it so much easier than trying to stack up random cookware that doesn’t fit together!

What Is the Best Cookware?

The bottom line is that it absolutely depends! No options get perfect scores for safety, convenience, and functionality. If you’re like me and cook three times a day, you’ll probably need a combination.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Lauren Jefferis, board-certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

What cookware do you use in your kitchen? Weigh in below!

My highest rated cookware and bakeware that is eco-friendly and won't leach chemicals in to food. In order of preference, X-trema, cast iron, enameled cast iron/stoneware, and glass.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


551 responses to “What Are the Safest Cookware Options?”

  1. Desiree Avatar

    I would like to inform you of a recent change in Le Creuset cookware. About 10 years ago they very sneakily starting coating their products with Silverstone. This stuffed called Silverstone is a type of Teflon. I read this on the internet and thought it was a lie. I adore their products and really trusted this company. Many people have said if they leave older Le Creuset products in the rain they will rust after time but newer ones will not from the coating. I wasn’t going to rust my cookware so I called the company. THEY DO COAT PRODUCTS FROM 2001 WITH SILVERSTONE. I could have cried. The woman talked herself in circles when she realized how upset I was. ALL NEW PRODUCTS FROM 2004 ARE COATED. We all should just buy cheap Teflon coated because it’s all the same thing. This is a great little article about it http://www.vega-licious.com/vegalicious-blog/
    please do not think I’m rude. I have really recommended their products for a long time and feel heartbroken to learn of their shadiness. Do your research and be safe. My daughter has an immune disorder so I am very selective with my food and cookware choices. I want to throw these pans at their heads for being so misleading. They had a great fan base and put a dangerous product under a different name in their products.

    Also I had 2 products both purchased around 2006. I had older ones I gave to my mother and got new ones. Both sat outside for some time after I learned of this. Neither rusted. They got thrown away because quite frankly I can’t give these to a person knowing they are coated in a dangerous chemical.

    1. Greg Avatar

      Desiree, what do you use then? I just learned my daughter has an autoimmune disease too. Before this, we’d already made huge diet and cookware changes. I like enamelware (I believe our bread pans are from Crow Canyon, or something like that.) We also have stainless steel pots (begins with a C. I can’t remember since my husband ordered them).

  2. Nica Avatar

    Hi can i ask what you use for a stock pot? i make bone broth at least once a week in a 12Qt stainless steel. any other suggestions? I dont like to use a slow cooker because when i was pregnant anything cooked in one tasted like metal to me and it put me off.

  3. Colin Avatar

    Hi you tried de buyer element B? How is it compared with Ceramcor?

  4. Amanda Goodwin Avatar
    Amanda Goodwin

    Excellent! I’m making my registry and am trying to keep everything on it safe. It would be SO cool if you listed the safest products that should be on any registry. I do have a question for you – I’m having a hard time finding baking sheets that seem “safe.” Even the non, nonstick ones are still metals that could leak chemicals. I’m registering at Kohls & Macys. Also, how can I make sure our plates/bowls dining set is safe? Thank you so so much!

      1. Wendy Avatar

        Emerson Creek Pottery and Hartstone Pottery both have safe bake ware. One has unglazed ceramic, and the other is stoneware. They are both made in USA and lead free. Their dishes are very expensive, but, their bake ware is reasonably priced and very safe.

  5. Sherry Avatar

    My favorite pan to use is a 14″ cast iron wok, it’s really heavy and not just for stir fry. I also have a almost every size cast iron skillet I got from my mom and grandmother. Mom also made me buy a set of Saladmaster Stainless Steel cookware when I was 16 and now (42 years later) I still have every piece and use it all the time. Love your cite and use it too all the time.

  6. lana Avatar

    Now I am reading that titanium is the only truly safe cookware. Ceramic is said to leach high levels of toxins. What are we to believe?

    1. Martini Avatar

      Healthy cookie sheets? Just use natural parchment paper on whatever you already have in the kitchen. I prefer the insulated aluminum to minimize burned bottoms with parchment paper.

  7. Linda Avatar

    I noticed at the end you mentioned Correll dish ware. I use these for my kids. But I worry serving heated food in them due to possible leaching of yuckiness. What are your thoughts on the dishware?!

  8. Dominique Avatar

    I’m just curious-why not cook with glass sauce pots and frying pans..they are out there!

  9. Archie Avatar

    Katie, am I screwed for life?! I just began my journey of safe cooking with healthy cookware, and I grew up eating food cooked on the “bad” cookware, like Teflon, aluminum, etc. I worry it’s too late for my body? Has the damage been done, or if I begin cooking and baking using safe materials, can I still live healthily? Freaking out some… had no idea about all the dangers, just used what was easiest!!

    1. Archie Avatar

      PS, I’m 23. Can I rid my body of the chemicals leeched into my system if I begin using healthy tools now?

    2. Terry Avatar

      Google “chelation” and “remove heavy metals” there are vegetables and herbs that detoxify and remove metals from the body. Just do your research. Hope that helps.

  10. Annyo Avatar

    I am in the process of eliminating plastic stores for glass, earthen and cast iron. Thank you for the advice! ^_^

  11. Stanley Kumar Avatar
    Stanley Kumar

    I use my pure clay cookware for nearly everything and I love it. I got it from MEC pure clay cookware & it is 100% natural and preserves the nutrients inside the pot by locking steam. It can be used on the stove top as well as in the oven. In my opinion this is the safest and the healthiest cookware.

  12. Malissa C. Avatar
    Malissa C.

    Has anyone researched or used Mercola Healthy Chef Ceramic Cookware? I know Xtrema ceramic cookware has been recommended, but I simply can’t afford it right now. Are there any ceramic coated cookware brands that are non-leaching and BPA, BSA, PTFE, PFOA, cadmium free? Thanks for letting me pick your brains 🙂

  13. Tracy Avatar

    I really wish they would come out with a cast iron doughnut pan or something 😛 It would be heavy but worth it 🙂

  14. sarah p Avatar

    Hi Katie thank you for your blog and all the info. I’m wondering if you can suggest any non-toxic dinnerware? Thank you

  15. Angie Newhouse Avatar
    Angie Newhouse

    Cast iron is my go to and now my husband’s when he discovered my cast iron works so much better than his wok! Also I use Farberware stainless steel. I haven’t heard anything negative about it but I’m far from well schooled on this subject. Love your blog and DIY recipes!

  16. Debbie G Avatar

    I have two cast iron skillets that I have “inherited” that have been apparently washed in soap as everything sticks to them. Is there any way to “re-season” them?

    1. Clara Avatar

      Re-seasoning is fairly easy with patience. They can be washed with soap, but I prefer a soft Brillo pad. Only use them if something has stuck to them. Soap and water does not hurt cast iron. Dishwashers will. After cleaning, swab with Pam or cooking oil, put in oven at 350 deg. for about two hours.
      It is important to make sure to clean the outside bottoms of the skillets. This is where the build up really builds up. After cleaning, only wash them if frying something, and always swab with Pam before storing. Just for breads, they can be wiped out and stored.

  17. Abby Avatar

    We have the xtrema ceramic cookware and we hate it 🙁 I’ve given it a fair chance but it is horrible! I am trying to figure out my next steps.

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