Liquid Hand Soap Recipe

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Homemade Liquid Hand Soap
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Liquid Hand Soap Recipe

We go through a lot of hand soap. A lot. From the diaper changes to the “mom come wipe me”s, there is much hand washing in our house.

Ever the DIYer, I’ve been making foaming hand soap for years, and we still use it daily. The only downside of foaming hand soap is that you need a special foaming pump and these eventually wear out (though this one has been going strong for over a year at our house).

Liquid Hand Soap…

I got enough questions about if this would work as a liquid hand soap that I decided to create a recipe specifically for liquid hand soap. This uses the same idea as my homemade laundry detergent of grating a natural bar soap and melting in water to form a natural gel.

This is not only cost effective (a $3 to $4 bar of premium natural soap will make up to a gallon of soap), but simple and more natural than regular soap.

Is it Antibacterial?

As I mentioned before, I avoid antibacterial handsoaps and other products because of their potential to create resistant bacteria and microbiome changes. Plain soap and water have proven as effective as antibacterial soaps without the risk (source) and this natural version is a simple and cost effective natural soap.

What You’ll Need

What You Need:

What to Do:

  1. Place the bar soap and water into a small saucepan.
  2. Turn on medium heat and stir constantly until soap has dissolved into the water.
  3. Let cool completely and add the essential oils if using. Pour into the container you plan to use.
  4. It will take about 24 hours to completely “gel” but it will not be quite as thick as regular hand soap. You can add more grated bar soap to create a thicker soap but it will be more difficult to pump and will not get hands any more clean, so I stick with this.
  5. After 24 hours, shake well to make sure it has gelled completely and use as normal.

What type of hand soap do you use? Ever made your own?


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    110 responses to “Liquid Hand Soap Recipe”

    1. Liz Avatar

      I use liquid Castille soap, distilled water and essential oils in a foaming soap pump. Does that work the same as your recipe?

    2. emilia Avatar

      would this work for shampoo? ive made my own soap, and was wondering how to make shampoo…


    3. Brittany Avatar

      We actually just use plain old dawn ultra dish soap for hand washing. I also use dawn (a few drops) diluted with water in a spray bottle for an all purpose surface cleaner and glass cleaner. Works great, is cheap and easy.

    4. Rico Avatar

      I bought a bar of homemade oatmeal soap I’d love to use with this method for a bodywash, could I mix organic brown sugar with the shavings and melt it in with the soap? I feel like the smell would be heavenly but I wouldn’t to add any risk of contamination due to the sugar

    5. Amy Avatar

      Call me crazy, but I just used my Salad Shooter to grate 2 bars of soap for a large batch I just made of this soap. It worked great!

    6. Fatima Avatar

      Got big slimy snot mess. Used exactly the same bar of soap you used. Distilled water and same brand glycerin. What went wrong? Really hoping you have a way to fix this. Would love for this to work.

    7. Linda Avatar

      I’m trying to find out if harmful bacteria or mold will grow in the things I make homemade whether it’s lotion, liquid soap or laundry detergent. Please advise, thanks!!

      1. Savannah Avatar

        I have never had a problem with bacteria overgrowth or mold in any of my homemade laundry detergent or salve. Store everything in cool, dry locations, in clean containers, and use clean hands/scoops/utensils if reaching into the containers. As long as you are frequently using your products, and not leaving them to sit, they should last just fine. 🙂

    8. Sarah Avatar

      I found mine did the opposite, just a hard mass that I can’t get out of the bottle once it cooled… 🙁 what can I add to soften its consistency?

    9. Kat Avatar

      I tried this with Kirks Castille soap and it did not gel. Now I just have soapy water. I will attempt the foaming dispenser anyway, but do you know what went wrong?

    10. Kristin Avatar

      I find that adding a tablespoon or 2 of olive oil in addition to water helps not clog the pump up.

    11. Barbara Charles Avatar
      Barbara Charles

      Hi Wellness Mama,

      Hope you are well. This is a wonderful post. Simple and easy and healthy. Love it! I also wanted to let you know that I mentioned your article in an article I’ve done this week. I’m with you on green living, particularly anti-bacterial soaps. This is a great replacement.

      Thank you.
      Barbara Charles

    12. Joshua Curry Avatar
      Joshua Curry

      I use a melt and pour hemp soap. I’m about to try this with my glycerin based soap and add cannabis oil.
      (50 states legal)
      Cannabis is naturally antibacterial, antifungal, and antimicrobial so, this page has me making everything I need to have a clean, green, life!

    13. Nicole Avatar

      Hoe long will this stay usable? can you add vitamin e oil to extend the shelf life and how long would it extend it by? Thanks!

    14. Emily Avatar

      Thanks for all of your tips, recipes, and citing your sources! I’ve read many ‘natural’ blogs with some hard to believe claims, and of course they have no sources. It just makes you so much more credible and makes me want to use your blog much more!! Keep on keepin’ on!!

    15. lynda mac Avatar
      lynda mac

      My soap did not gel either. I used my home made soap one oz. To one qt water, heated till melted and wated 24 hours…still looks like water. Help, please

    16. Stephanie Avatar

      Any suggestions for homemade dish soap (not dish washer-just plain old dish soap). I’ve tried using Bronner’s but it definately doesn’t do the trick. Thank you

    17. Lynn Avatar

      Josie and Kristy,

      I tried dissolving my bar soap 1 month back before I chanced upon this blog. Mine didn’t gel too. I only used 1oz soap to 500ml water.

      Hope wellness mama can give us some input.

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