How to Make Laundry Soap (Liquid or Powder Recipe)

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Liquid or Powder Natural Laundry Detergent
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » How to Make Laundry Soap (Liquid or Powder Recipe)

Making your own natural, homemade laundry detergent is one of the easiest parts of a transition to natural living. This natural laundry soap recipe a great way to save money on laundry detergent and is incredibly easy to make. This homemade laundry detergent post is an updated version of this recipe that addresses high efficiency washers and borax safety.

Why Switch to Natural Laundry Soap?

Conventional laundry detergent is loaded with chemicals like sulfates, fragrances, phenols and more. Many brands contain things like petroleum distillates, which are linked to cancer and lung disease. Fragrances in these detergents are made of a mix of harmful chemicals. (This is also why I make my own linen spray.)

Luckily, making your own laundry soap is an easy and fast process! You only need three basic ingredients to make either a powdered or liquid laundry soap:

DIY Laundry Soap Ingredients

  • Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer Brand available at most stores)Borax Powder
  • Borax (20 Mule Team Borax available at most grocery stores)
  • Bar Soap (Dr. Bronner’s,  Ivory, or other natural, unscented bar soap)

Washing Soda and Borax should be available at your local grocery store on the laundry aisle. Natural bar soaps are in the health, beauty, or organic sections of the store, or online. You can also add a couple tablespoons of baking soda to help freshen clothes.

Wonder What’s in These Ingredients?

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral made up of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. It is an ingredient in most of the natural soaps available now (Seventh Generation, etc.) but it is much more inexpensive to make yourself. There are some concerns about the safety of Borax, but here’s why I feel comfortable using it, especially for laundry.

Washing Soda

Washing Soda, sometimes called sodium carbonate or soda ash, is made from common salt and limestone or found as natural deposits. If you can’t find this locally, you can make your own from plain baking soda with this tutorial. Here are some other great household uses for washing soda.

Dr. Bronner’s soaps are fair trade and made with vegetable castile soap and pure organic oils.

Liquid or Powder Natural Laundry Detergent
4.13 from 64 votes

Natural Laundry Soap Recipe

This homemade laundry detergent recipe is easy and very inexpensive to make, plus you avoid the chemicals of conventional detergents.
Prep Time15 minutes
Total Time15 minutes
Yield: 2.5 cups
Author: Katie Wells


  • 1 bar soap (such as Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Bar Soap or homemade coconut oil soap)
  • 1 cup washing soda
  • 1 cup borax


  • Grate the bar of soap or chop it in a food processor until finely ground.
  • In a large bowl, mix together the grated soap, washing soda, and borax.
  • Store in a sealed container.
  • To use: add 2 tablespoons to ¼ cup of soap per load of laundry.


See below for instructions on making a liquid version of this laundry soap.
Homemade liquid laundry soap recipe

How to Make Liquid Laundry Soap

  1. Grate one bar of soap with cheese grater or food processor.
  2. Put grated soap in pan with 2 quarts water and gradually heat, stirring constantly until soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Put 4.5 gallons of really hot tap water in a 5-gallon bucket (available for free in bakeries at grocery stores, just ask them) and stir in 2 cups of borax and 2 cups of Washing Soda until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour soap mixture from pan into 5-gallon bucket. Stir well.
  5. Cover and leave overnight.
  6. Shake or stir until smooth and pour into gallon jugs or other containers.
  7. Use 1/2 to 1 cup per load.

These recipes are also a great way to save money on laundry. By my calculations, I am saving over half on my laundry bill by switching

A Note About Soap vs. Detergent

All Natural Laundry Soap Recipes - two ways

As mentioned above, there is chemically a difference between soap and detergent. The advantage of conventional laundry detergents is that they are formulated to work specifically in washing machine environments. Many soaps are designed for skin and are not as strong. Some sources suggest that over time, natural soaps can leave buildup in washers.

I’ve found that while this recipe works well for me, it isn’t suitable for all water types and washer types. If you’ve used natural laundry soap and experienced clothes getting dingy, this may be the reason.

I’ve found one natural detergent that works brilliantly and can be used alone or in combination with homemade laundry soaps like this one. I often add 2-3 Tablespoons of Dr. Bronners Sal Suds per load as a natural detergent. Sal Suds gets out tough stains and odors and is still a natural product (though technically a detergent/surfactant and not a soap).

Don’t Want to Make it?

Homemade Natural Effective Laundry Soap Recipe

We usually make our own detergent, but for times when we are traveling or I haven’t had time to make it, I’ve found a few good brands of eco friendly laundry detergent that actually work (all received an “A” by the Environmental Working Group):

  • My Green Fills Laundry Detergent – Just a warning… after you try this laundry soap, you may be ruined for DIY forever. This is the best smelling non-toxic laundry detergent I’ve tried and it works well on tough stains and dirt. Similar to my favorite all-purpose cleaner, a huge bonus is their eco-friendly approach. The detergent comes concentrated in a small refill packet (hence the name) which you add to warm water in the provided bottle. Super smart!
  • 2 tablespoons Sal Suds + 1/4 cup Baking Soda or Washing Soda (highly effective and super simple!)
  • Ecover Zero Laundry Detergent– Works well, relatively cost effective and low/no risk of developmental or reproductive toxicity and cancer according to the EWG.
  • Emma Eco Me Detergent – Also rated well by the EWG and cleans up to 64  loads for $12. Good scents.
  • Planet Natural Detergent –  Relatively eco-friendly and cost effective at $9 for 32 loads.

Obviously, the most frugal option is to make your own, but these natural alternatives are a good choice if you aren’t able to make your own or don’t want to.

Have you tried making your own laundry detergent? What ingredients did you use?

This homemade laundry detergent recipe is easy and very inexpensive to make, plus you avoid the chemicals of conventional detergents.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


898 responses to “How to Make Laundry Soap (Liquid or Powder Recipe)”

  1. Amanda Avatar

    Hi there. I’d like to try this recipe, but I was wondering if it would be safe for my clothes. I wear t-shirts with screen printing on them, and I don’t want to find out the hard way that this would destroy them all. :O Does anyone here have expirience with this detergent and screen printed clothing? Anything you could let me know would be appreciated! 🙂

  2. Sydne Avatar

    I got cut off haha, just wanted to add, thank you! I just found your blog and have downloaded the app it seems like it will be super helpful. Rock on, wellness mama (:

  3. Sydne Avatar

    I saw that you said ita okay to use liquid castile soap, how much is equivalent to what is in a bar? Also, that it may not treat stains as well, would baking soda, vinegar, or something else up the stain fighting power? If so, what, how much, and whem do I ad it?

  4. Lucy Carter Avatar
    Lucy Carter

    So I noticed that nobody really answered the question about how much dr. Bronners liquid soap to add if using the liquid instead of bar. I went on dr.bronners website and found out the volume of actual soap ratio and you need (12.18oz) 1 1/2 cup of liquid soap to equal 1 bar of soap. The ingredients are pretty much the same for liquid and bar except the water content. Hope this helps

  5. Erika Avatar

    what is the size of the bar of soap? I made this before with someone else’s recipe and it turned into a solid!

  6. Tierney Johnson Avatar
    Tierney Johnson

    I’m sorry if this is a repeat but did you use this on your cloth diapers and did you ever have any issues with them not getting clean enough? I was using something similar but my diapers were just not getting clean… they smelled like ammonia and I knew I needed to change it up. I am using what I fondly/not so fondly refer to as “Toxic Tide” (aka Tide) at this point but at least my diapers are clean and don’t reek of ammonia as soon as my son pees in them! I still use something similar to this recipe for our clothes since I am not washing poop and pee out of them. It was hard to cave and use Tide but I try really hard to keep the rest of our lives non-toxic so I figure it’s ok 🙂

    1. Jacklyn Siegrist Avatar
      Jacklyn Siegrist

      Have you tried Meyer’s? It’s all natural and cleans as well as tide. It is about the same price per load than tide (slightly cheaper where I live). Walmart does not carry it, but TOPS stores do. (who wants to shop at walmart anyways?)

      1. Tierney Johnson Avatar
        Tierney Johnson

        I have not tried Mrs. Meyer’s… though I would consider it. I’d just have to check the ingredients! I think the reason Tide works well is because it has a LOT of water softeners and detergents in it. I was using Charlie’s Soap which if I understand correctly is (like most “cloth diaper safe” detergents) more like a bunch of boosters, similar to homemade. I kept reading that smelly diapers are not normal and means that they aren’t getting clean… they were also giving my son a rash. I was having to bleach them very frequently, but since switching to Tide so far they have not had any ammonia smell and I’m so happy about that 🙂 Also no more bleach, which I avoid whenever possible!

  7. Karen Avatar

    If you use Ivory Bar soap, if you put it in the microwave it will expand and grow into a giant blob (seriously, it will fill your microwave). It turns to instant powder when you mash it. Much easier than grating a bar of soap.

  8. Tad Avatar

    Hey thanks for posting! I was curios though…you had said to use unscented bar soap as the 3rd ingredient. Would it not be a good idea to use natural scented bar soap? thank you!

  9. Jose Montiel Avatar
    Jose Montiel

    Hi I tried this and I think I may have done something wrong cause after a few days its still pretty watery. How can I save the batch I made and make it thicker. Or is it suppose to be watery?

  10. Fjóla Björk Eggertsdóttir Avatar
    Fjóla Björk Eggertsdóttir

    Hi 🙂 I live in Iceland were we have a lot of weather changes sometimes in the same day. Also no or little sun for ca. 4 months ( I really wanted to use your hairdye idea ) Any way… because of these constant weather changes and the heat/cold constantly changing as well, I have to use a lot more fabric softener than I care to admit 🙁 otherwise I cant tough anything because og static electricity (hope I am writing that correctly). Do you know of something more natural that would work as well as the fabric softener?

    1. Belle Avatar

      You may want to try using dryer balls when you dry your clothes in your dryer.

  11. jenny Avatar

    I’ve been using your liquid recipe for over a year and am still on my first boxes of borax and suds. Can’t imagine how much money I’ve saved! I add a scent with Gain scent boosters that makes it smell awesome too. Thanks for your website 🙂

  12. Faith Ann Triplett Avatar
    Faith Ann Triplett

    we have he washer so the liquid was almost working but would block or not let the soap thru like it was clogged so next step is trying powder and then putting it in the drum with teh clothes

  13. Mikanori Avatar

    I was wondering if it was okay to use any type bar of soap or does it have to be something ‘all natural’?

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