Healthy Options for Pregnancy & Prenatal Care

Katie Wells Avatar

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Pregnancy and Prenatal Care Options - What I chose
Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » Healthy Options for Pregnancy & Prenatal Care

I’ve gotten several questions lately about the various tests and procedures that come with pregnancy and birth and what I choose. These are topics that I researched extensively when I was expecting my first and have continued to research throughout my pregnancies, so I have shared my opinions and research below. I’ve also written in depth about my own pregnancy and birth experiences and how I’ve come to my opinions. I am not a doctor or midwife and you should always consult with yours before making any decisions during pregnancy.

Personally, while I often feel that some tests and procedures are not needed, I still consent to some of them to make my doctor/midwife more comfortable and more willing to agree to my non-intervention approach to birth and after care. I think that each option should be carefully researched and weighed by an individual couple after taking in to account their specific circumstances.

Prenatal Vitamins Or Not?

Typically, prenatal vitamins are recommended during pregnancy. While these are certainly beneficial for many people, especially those who aren’t getting adequate nutrition from diet, but I don’t usually take them for several reasons:

  • Most contain synthetic forms of Vitamin A and other vitamins that are not only not beneficial during pregnancy but can also be harmful
  • As I’ve mentioned before, you can’t out supplement a bad diet, and while some high quality vitamins can fill in the gaps from a poor diet, they won’t take the place of it and can give a false sense of health
  • I personally notice that I feel better when I take certain isolated nutrients instead and concentrate on an extremely nutrient rich diet

As I said, this is something that is very individualized, but during pregnancy, I take:

  • Consistant daily magnesium intake before and during pregnancy (this post explains what I used) This is also supposed to help with labor- I’ll let you know!
  • Daily bone broth for the minerals and gelatin
  • 800 micrograms of folate (not folic acid!!! it is synthetic) daily before and during the first trimester (this is the one I take)
  • Lots of probiotics, fermented food, and fermented drinks daily since baby inherits my gut bacteria. This is vital!
  • A very high nutrient diet that I consider non-optional. I mostly follow the Weston A. Price pregnancy diet except that I eat sweet potatoes and squash in place of sprouted grains.

First Visit Blood Tests/ Pap Smear

Though I don’t find much of a need for these personally, I agree to them anyway. I monitor my blood levels and check my Vitamin D levels regularly, so I already know that I am not anemic and after four pregnancies with the same person (my husband), I am also relatively confident that I do not have an STD.

The reason I consent is because I refuse some of the routine after-birth options like antibiotic eye drops and then have proof that I don’t have an STD that could be passed on to baby. (more on that later)

These tests are often unnecessary, but can also reveal important information (like rH problems) and have no downside so I don’t mind them.

Ultrasounds/Dopplers for Heartbeat

There is some controversy about the safety and necessity of ultrasounds and regular checks for baby’s heartbeat with a doppler. This article outlines some of the potential dangers in ultrasounds especially multiple or unnecessary ones. While I opt out of routine ultrasounds or those to check the size of the baby (which are not accurate anyway), I do consent to one 20-week ultrasound in my specific case.

My reason for agreeing is that I had placenta previa with my third that was not caught, despite an ultrasound and I hemorrhaged and could have died at 35 weeks gestation (we are both fine now). Since the risk of placenta previa is slightly higher if you’ve already had it, the risks of one ultrasound are less to me than another potential undiagnosed placenta previa. I would not consent to other ultrasounds to diagnose size, gender, etc.

In non-high risk cases, no ultrasounds may be needed and a mother should carefully research and weigh the options for her pregnancy. Most experienced midwives and doctors are able to feel size, position and movement of the baby without the need for ultrasounds unless there is a specific risk.

Dopplers (the instrument used to hear the baby’s heartbeat) come with their own set of concerns and some doctors prefer not to use them because they do pass on some radiation. As this article explains:

“According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, fetal Dopplers are not intended for over-the-counter use. The radiation used during a Doppler session has the potential to cause harm to the baby. You should only use a Doppler in your doctor’s office or under your doctor’s supervision. If you chose to use one at home, get a prescription from your doctor first. A Doppler should not be used when the number or lengths of sessions are not specified and should only be used when it is medically useful.”

I’ve had midwives with differing opinions on this and I prefer to avoid dopplers for the most part. I will sometimes consent to one very quick check for a heartbeat to satisfy the midwives at a first appointment, but then once it is possible (3rd-4th appointment usually) I ask them to use a fetoscope instead. Most doctors and midwives have a fetoscope and are able to do this if asked.

In labor, I will consent to doppler checks to monitor baby occasionally if it removes the need for constant monitoring and being tethered to my bed (oh the joys of v-bacs!)

Urine Tests

I consent to urine tests when indicated my my midwife/doc because they are non-invasive and test for sugars or ketones in the urine which can both be signs of problems, especially when paired with other symptoms like blood pressure changes, rapid weight gain, headache, etc.

If a urine test revealed a problem, I would seek additional testing (blood or otherwise) to confirm before consenting to any treatment.

Blood Pressure Checks

Another non-invasive test that I agree to as high blood pressure in pregnancy can be very dangerous and it would be better to find an elevated blood pressure as soon as possible and attempt to treat naturally if possible, or to get medical treatment to avoid a pre-term delivery if needed. High blood pressure, especially paired with other symptoms, can signal preeclamsia, a very dangerous condition.

Internal Exams

I completely refuse internal exams (cervix checks) and only consent during labor when I feel the urge to push (mainly to pacify the midwife, not for me). There is really no information that an internal exam can reveal that is useful or relevant in prenatal care before labor. It is a chance for external bacteria to enter the vaginal area and baby’s size, position, etc. can be determined with an external exam.

Many women like to know how far dilated they are at the end of pregnancy in hopes of knowing when they will go in to labor. Unfortunately, this is a notoriously inaccurate test for when labor will begin. I personally know women who were not dilated and effaced at all and delivered less than 24 hours later, as well as women who walked around at 3-4 cm for weeks.

Without a specific need, I always refuse internal exams… plus, it makes prenatal appointments easier and faster to not have to disrobe at every appointment.

Glucose Test

I do not consent to the normal glucose screening test that involves drinking 50 grams of a glucose solution for several reasons. First, there is no situation during pregnancy in which I would ever consume that much sugar/carbohydrates in one sitting, so the test is not accurate for me. There is a risk of false positive, which leads to another, longer test.

That being said, I do think it is important to make sure I don’t have blood sugar issues or gestational diabetes, as they can both cause complications. Instead, I monitor my blood sugar over a period of a week at two separate times during pregnancy and record it for my doc/midwife to check. I take my blood glucose levels four times a day and record. This article explains more on what the normal levels should be, but basically:

  • Fasting blood glucose (first thing in the morning) of 86 or lower
  • 1 hour after eating= 140 or lower
  • 2 hours after eating= 120 or lower
  • 3 hours after eating= back to fasting level

There can be some variation in this, but the majority of my readings should be in these ranges. I do this at 28 weeks and 33 weeks (my preference) to make sure my levels are good. Another reason I prefer this is that it is a more comprehensive view of glucose tolerance and I even get to see what foods cause higher spikes for me personally and which don’t affect it as much at all. I’ve also found through this testing that adding 1 tablespoon of coconut oil before each meal helps my glucose reactions improve and get back to baseline more quickly, so I would use this if I ever needed to control my levels.

Many doctors may not be familiar with this and I have had to suggest it to a doctor before and let him research it before he agreed to it. With anything I do that goes against the norm, I make sure to present it in a friendly and firm way and show that I’ve done my research and explain why I feel it is a better option. This is one thing I’d encourage you to research for yourself if you consider it, and talk to your doc/midwife about the best option for you.

Personally, I use this monitor and these strips because they are inexpensive and readily available, but any reliable monitor would work.

Optional Screening During Pregnancy

There are various optional screenings that can be done during pregnancy. This article explains the usual ones:

  • “Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). Tests the tissue around the baby to see if he has a genetic condition, like Down syndrome. The test usually is done between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. Your provider may want you to have CVS if you’re older than 35, if genetic problems run in your family, or if your first-trimester screening shows that your baby is at increased risk for birth defects.
  • Cystic fibrosis (CF) carrier screening. Tests to see if you have the gene that causes CF. CF is a disease that affects breathing and digestion. If you and your partner have the gene, you can pass CF to your baby. You and your partner can have this test any time during pregnancy.
  • First-trimester screening. Tests your blood to see if your baby is at risk for some birth defects, like Down syndrome and heart defects. You get an ultrasound as part of this test. The test usually is done at 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Maternal blood screening. Tests your blood to see if your baby is at risk for some birth defects, like Down syndrome and heart defects. The test is done at 15 to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Amniocentesis. Also called amnio. Tests the amniotic fluid from around your baby to see if he has a genetic condition, like Down syndrome. The test usually is done at 15 to20 weeks of pregnancy. Your provider may want you to have an amnio for the same reasons as for CVS.”

I refuse all of these tests. They all have some risk of a false positive, which can cause needless worry for the parents and they provide information which is really irrelevant to me. As one reader put it, one must consider “what you would do with the information.”

Finding out that my baby had any of these problems would not affect my decisions about my pregnancy and I would certainly never consider not continuing the pregnancy, so this is simply not information I need to know and since it could cause needless worry… I skip it.

Group B Strep

Pregnant women are generally screened for Group B Strep or GBS at 25-37 weeks gestation. It can be a life threatening infection if a baby contracts it from a mother during birth, so it is certainly best to avoid GBS, and the usual method is a GBS test and antibiotics during labor if necessary. There is some controversy over if GBS testing actually improves outcomes in GBS cases, and even more controversy over if routine use of antibiotics for all those with GBS is necessary.

The bacteria is naturally present in some women and it can come and go in the gut/vaginal bacteria. In my opinion, the best bet is to optimize good bacteria and work to avoid GBS and a positive GBS test as this makes labor much easier (IV antibiotics = stuck in bed on an IV). I highly encourage all women to do research on this topic before the appointment that tests for GBS.

If you do test positive for GBS, I highly encourage researching the options in depth. Antibiotics are the usual treatment, but as more information emerges on the importance of gut bacteria and how baby inherits it from mom, antibiotics can have a much longer impact than just during the birth and days after. There is even information linking antibiotic use in labor and in baby’s early days to higher rates of allergies and asthma, which makes sense under the gut bacteria theory.

This article explains ways to avoid GBS and treat it naturally should this be an issue. I proactively consume a lot of probiotics and use them vaginally during pregnancy to optimize my gut bacteria that I am passing on, even if GBS is not a concern.

Kick Counts

Many thanks to a brave reader for stressing the importance of checking kick counts, especially if baby is moving less or if there is concern! Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy,  this is an easy and non-invasive way to double check the baby is doing well.

Basically, you just want to ensure that you feel some type of fetal movement within a 2-hour stretch. This doesn’t mean that you have to be constantly kicking, but just that at some point during the day you check to make sure you are feeling movement. A decline in fetal movement can indicate fetal distress or a cord wrapped around the neck and this information can be life saving for baby if found early enough.

This article explains how to do kick counts.

The bottom line…

Whatever a couple decided on pregnancy and prenatal care options, I think it is very important to research individually and not agree to or refuse any test without researching both sides first. While it can be hard to go against the norm, especially under pressure from a doctor, we (as mothers) must remember that ultimately we have the responsibility for our pregnancies, our health and our babies. We have the right to refuse or consent to any procedures and we certainly have the right to make an informed decision! In future posts I’ll be covering specific conditions of pregnancy and my preference on birth options/interventions.

Interested in a more natural pregnancy?

Sign up for the world’s first pregnancy week-to-week series from a *natural* perspective! Created by my friend Genevieve from Mama Natural, the series shows you what’s up with baby, mama, and more each week. You’ll discover natural remedies for various pregnancy symptoms and prepare for your best and most natural birth!
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I’d love for you to weigh in! What other pregnancy testing is there? What do you refuse or consent to and why? Share below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


195 responses to “Healthy Options for Pregnancy & Prenatal Care”

  1. Lizzy Avatar

    Hi! I’m from the Netherlands, where natural (home) birth is very common. For our regular check ups we only visit our midwife (only if there is some risk we go to a gyn.) She checks our weight, blood pressure and measures the growth of the baby externally. We do 2 ultrasounds and blood tests, and the other test (glucose, pap smear etc. ) only when we suspect something. That’s it! So I agree a lot of tests are unnecessary!

    I’ve spend part of my pregnancies in Ukraine, its completely different there, they test everything… (the gyn. even took a picture of my uterus). This is my 3rd pregnancy and I’m refusing to do any more of those tests. I had 5 ultrasounds in my first pregnancy, I regret that now! I think I’ll refuse the 30 week ultrasound this time, since it is not really necessary. Thank you for this info!

  2. Daniela Avatar

    I am allergic to dairy and am working on rebuilding my gut to hopefully reverse the effects that dairy has on me. I noticed the diet you follow has a lot of dairy in it. Is there a diet I can follow without dairy that you’d recommend??


  3. Syndi Ecker Avatar
    Syndi Ecker

    Hi, I absolutely love following your post. My 30 year old daughter is just starting her sixth month of her first pregnancy. She is a nurse practitioner with relatively conventional beliefs. She has been experiencing a lot of feet problems and today when I saw her, her feet were swollen as well as her legs. Do you have any suggestions for a home made recipe to help with this condition? Thank you for all your contributions!!

  4. Whitney Avatar

    What are some articles you’d recommend reading on doing the alternative glucose testing, the way you do it? I’ve never opted out and have never tested positive for gestational diabetes, but they always want to test because BMI is slightly higher than the recommended and I’ve had “larger” babies. I really want to opt out this time and I think my doctor would be fine with it I would just like some backing before bringing it up. Thanks!

  5. Debbie Avatar

    My daughter is expecting our 1st grandchild. Today she asked me if I’ve had the whooping cough vaccine. I asked her if she was ok. She let me know her DR. said she will have ot get the DTP vaccine & anyone who is near the baby must have had it within a certain # of years! I was going to be the baby’s caretaker while my daughter works. I am vaccine wise ( as of about 15 years ago) sadly, I had my children get their vaccines or at least most of them before I became aware. I can’t allow myself or any of the rest of my family to be vaccinated again! I have thyroid disease & even if I didn’t, I don’t want those vaccines in our bodies. I can’t make the decision for my daughter or her husband, but , ugggh, she feels so strongly about those words from her Dr.! I am outraged by the medical field!

  6. Angela R. Avatar
    Angela R.

    Katie, I’d really appreciate a bit of additional information about the ultrasound that you decided to have. I am currently 15 weeks pregnant with my first baby and am planning a homebirth. My midwife does not require that I get an ultrasound, but did recommend one to check for things like placenta previa that may make me decide I’d rather deliver in a hospital. At this point I’m pretty on the fence about whether or not to get an ultrasound since my understanding is that there’s not an overwhelming likelihood that they would correctly identify a condition like placenta previa. I’m planning to discuss this more with my midwife at my next visit before making my decision. How did you go about getting an ultrasound where they only checked for placenta previa and didn’t go through all the typical measurements? Were there any other things that you decided to check for when you got an ultrasound? Did you do anything differently with subsequent ultrasounds after your placenta previa was not identified by ultrasound in your earlier pregnancy?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      After having the undiagnosed PP in the past, I now always opt for one ultrasound and make them show me the placenta. Fortunately, I found an awesome and very experienced ultrasound tech near us who can check for PP and do all measurements in literally 5 minutes (about 1/5 of the time of previous ultrasounds I’ve had) and I felt that the benefit of this (checking for PP and other conditions) outweighed the risks. So, to answer your question- the main thing I do differently now is make them show me the placenta and identify its size, location, etc on the form very clearly.

  7. Keri Avatar

    Thank you for the very informative a article. I love Bio Kult probiotics. I have a question about the Cod Liver Oil. According to this post, it looks like you took Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver oil and you monitored your vitamin D levels. Did you ever have low vitamin D during pregnancy in the past while taking GP FCLO? (I only ask because of the recent controversy. I am still taking GP FCLO and I am trying to get pregnant. I am going to get my Vitamin D levels tested soon). Thanks!!

  8. Tanya Avatar

    Hello 😉 Just wondering why the probiotics only during the first trimester vs. throughout your pregnancy? Or do you just take a high dosage at the beginning? Thanks!!! We are start on our next baby soon. Shhhh. We haven’t told family. Hahaha.

  9. Meena Avatar

    I’m wondering if you have an article that address this or could provide any information on preventing recurrent miscarriages. ( I have read your article on “How To Get Pregnant Naturally” and follow a lot of those steps and have been able to conceive). I am currently pregnant and sadly, am losing this one as well. Two miscarriages in 5 months, hcg levels started to decline between 5 and 6 weeks with both. We have two young children (under the age of 6 , healthy vaginal births. I’m careful about what I put in and around my body (food and chemicals, lotions, perfumes) and take probiotics, cod liver oil and other strong quality vitamins. Everything is fine anatomically speaking. My prolactin levels were high prior to getting pregnant, which prevented ovulation until I took medication to bring that down. The prolactin levels increased after my first child and never went down. I got pregnant with my second child while prolactin was still pretty high, which was a surprise.
    Any suggestions you may have which will help me be able to carry a baby to term again, I would be unbelievably thankful for!

    1. Liz Avatar

      could it he a clotting or immune system problem? Google Allen Beer immuological endocrinology

  10. Shauna Avatar

    Hey! I was wondering. Have you ever ingested kombucha while pregnant? I’ve been drinking it randomly when I feel like I should. The non caffeine ones made with tea other than black or green. Do you think its safe? I do but I just wanna know your opinion.

    Thanks for your article and comment section by the way, I’ve been pressured to have a tdap shot as well and I don’t feel like its necessary especially since I’ve had one before maybe five years ago. I’d think the antibody would be present but I guess they can’t test for that, which is silly because they can test for rubella but why not pertussis. Anyways, thanks again!

  11. Cara Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    I’m researching the vast info on the Vitamin K shot at birth. We are for sure declining the Hep B, but the Vitamin K seems somewhat necessary. What has your experience been with this? Did your kids receive the shot, or did you supplement orally after they were born. Thank you (I feel I have had a diet with good Vitamin K, but I want my baby to be safe)

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I personally supplemented orally and made sure my levels were high through diet and supplements before birth, but this is a very personal decision and I’d definitely do a lot of research on it before making a decision. Also- If I’d had births that involved any type of trauma to the baby, I may have reconsidered.

  12. Jill Anderson Avatar
    Jill Anderson

    hi im in my 3rd trimester of my 3rd pregnancy, and I’ve always drank red raspberry leaf tea towards the end 3 times a day to help strengthen the uterus and also was wondering what your opinion on taking evening primrose oil was for softening the cervix to help labor be more efficient? Thank you

  13. Anna Avatar

    Wish I had stuck up for myself with this pregnancy! I was on a standard american (basically high sugar/high carb) diet with my son. I gained 48 pounds with him, and passed the glucola with flying colors. This time our diet is somewhere between primal and wapf, definately a lot lower carb than last time. I’ve been exercing 5 days a week and feeling great the majority of my pregnancy. I initially tried to fight the glucose tolerance test but caved and did it anyway. It turns out I failed the 1 hour test with a 144 and no one caught it until 11 weeks after I took it. am with a different practise now that is allowing me to using a glucometer at home rather than do the 3 hour test. So far, I have learned there is nothing wrong with me. I wish I had done this in the beginning. Thank you for the glucometer suggestion, much cheaper than what my midwife suggested.

  14. Sally Wade Avatar
    Sally Wade

    I’m always amazed when I hear people don’t have diagnostic testing (for chromosomal abnormality) as it is so crucial for picking up on the 2 fatal abnormalities (Patau and Edward’s). I myself discovered, through diagnostic testing and then CVS, that my baby had Patau syndrome and so had no other option than to terminate. If I hadn’t the baby would have either died before birth or within a couple of weeks of birth. There is so much wrong with those babies that I would personally have found it horrifying and cruel to deliver that baby and then watch it struggle and die. Please consider this when you make your decision ladies!

  15. Andrea Harp Avatar
    Andrea Harp

    Hi wellness mama!!! I need your help! My midwife advised me that I need to switch from Natural Thyroid 1/2 grain to Synthroid because the natural from doesn’t cross the placenta. I am extremely cautious to take Syntrhoid as I do not take anything synthetic whatsoever. I know you have had thyroid issues in your past and was wondering what you did/took during your pregnancy.

    Thank you!!! I hope you are well 🙂

  16. Carol Avatar

    Hello! 🙂 this is a late post but wanted to ask you abou GB test, I took I at 35 weeks and am now 39 weeks and just found out that the test came out positive… Is it too late to start on a probiotic? I really do not want to take antibiotics through an IV during labor, I am going to for a natural birth. Thank you! Love all ur information! Thank u for sharing! 🙂

  17. CR Avatar

    Part of the reason they want to test for down syndrome and other birth defects is because babies often act different during labor if they have certain birth defects. It helps your doctor be prepared and aware of the needs a baby with a birth defect has, helping to reduce death during delivery.

  18. Stephanie Avatar

    Hi, Katie!

    This is rather last minute, but I have my first visit tomorrow, and I’m dreading the pap smear. In my online research, I’ve read that pap smears do not cause miscarriages or any other problems; however, many women say that they miscarried shortly after getting one. As someone who is generally skeptical of widespread medical practices, I’m not sure who/what to believe. So, I’m wondering if I could have some more of your thoughts about pap smears. Why do you allow them? Are there any risks associated with them at all (I’ve heard rumors of infection, miscarriage, etc.)? If I’m uncomfortable with it, should I just say “no”, or is it not worth the conflict? We aren’t planning to announce our pregnancy until week 12, so I feel like there’s no one I can ask for advice! Any words of wisdom?

    Thanks so much,

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d ask yourself what you would do if you found an abnormal result from a pap. If you would refuse treatment until after baby is born, perhaps it would be better to wait. I personally never felt comfortable getting a pap during pregnancy and just got them between pregnancies instead, but was comfortable with this because I knew I was low risk. Definitely do your own research and talk to your doc. And congrats!

      1. Stephanie Avatar

        Thanks so much for your reply, Katie! I really appreciate it and value your opinion. I think we’ll pass on the pap smear, but I will discuss it with my midwife as you suggest. Thanks again!

  19. Kelsey Avatar

    Hi Katie, I am wondering at what stage in your pregnancy do you monitor your blood sugar? You said you do it for a week at a time two separate times. How far along were you when you did this? Thank you!

      1. Kelsey Avatar

        Thank you, Katie! I am 14 weeks (with my 3rd). Just ordered the device and strips you suggested. Will test as soon as it arrives. I am so happy to have this alternative method. Thanks again.

  20. Haley Avatar

    Thank you so much for the post. It is my first pregnancy after 2 1/2 years of trying! I am so nervous about something going wrong after all it took to get to this point. I really appreciate you insight on all of these tests. I do have one question. I do have a question about a pap smear. I have heard that it can cause bleeding and I feel like I would rather not do it. Do you really think it’s safe? I don’t want to refuse it just because I’m overreacting.

    Thanks for any feedback you have!

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