Why I Don’t Post About My Kids Online

Katie Wells Avatar

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Why I Don't Post About My Kids Online
Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » Why I Don’t Post About My Kids Online

If you’ve read much on this blog, you might have noticed that I don’t post many details about my kids online, other than very general information about how my 4-year-old helped me clean or how one of my kids once spilled activated charcoal all over my kitchen.

I am *hopefully* going to give birth sometime in the near future to baby number 6, and while I will share my birth experience and maybe even a picture of the birth or our baby, I won’t be sharing the name, weight, or even the exact birthdate. There won’t be a cute birth announcement online (even on my personal social media accounts), and I’ll just share our happy news with friends and family via phone, text, or email.

But Why Not Share?

I get a surprising number of questions about the lack of photos and details about my children both in the comments of the blog, and on social media, with some commenters even going so far as to claim that I must not really have children or that I am ashamed of them. My personal favorite is when someone comments that I must be a bitter, single old woman using someone else’s photo to make money online. Hilarious!

The truth is that I am super-proud of my kids and would love to plaster my blog and social media with pictures of them, but I don’t. In fact, I don’t even post about my kids on my own personal social media accounts as this was a decision my husband and I made for our family after a lot of thought and research.

Before I explain, I want to make it very clear that this is a personal decision that my husband and I have made for our family. I am sharing because I have received so many questions about why I don’t post about my kids (and in anticipation of requests to share a photo of new baby). This post is not, in any way, a judgement or a reflection of any other parent’s decisions about posting about their child online, just an explanation of my personal policy on this.

It Isn’t My Right

We live in a unprecedented time in technology and face decisions that our parents didn’t even have the need to consider. None of us (unless you are a lot younger than I am), grew up with our parents having smart phones or posting our pictures on Facebook.

In fact, if you were like me, the closest our pictures came to being “shared” or “liked” when we were kids were when friends and relatives would visit and parents would bring out the ever-dreaded scrapbooks. The physical scrapbooks or “baby book” that had hand-cut printed photos and lovingly worded captions to chronicle our early lives.

They didn’t post these online for everyone to see (because the web wasn’t around yet!) and in a sense we grew up in a safe and protected bubble compared to what our children face today. For me, widespread access to the internet and social media took off while I was in college, so while my first employers could have Googled me, the most they would have found is high school or college graduation announcements or achievements in my adult life.

The same won’t be true for the current generation of children. Future friends, employers and spouses will be able to Google them and potentially find pictures of their birth, or when they were potty training, or baby bath pictures or embarrassing childhood temper tantrums. Those personal childhood moments that we can safely relegate to scrapbooks or photo-albums may be very publicly available for our children.

To me, though I have the responsibility and honor of raising these tiny humans, I don’t “own” them as they are individual human beings who will one day be much more in life than just my adorable baby. While I get to make some really important life decisions for them, like what I feed them for dinner or how they are taught about life and morality, I decided to leave the decision of how and what their online presence would look like to them. And I hope that this is a decision they will make carefully after much thought once they become teenagers or adults.

Here’s the thing… I’m a pretty private person myself and while I share a lot on this blog in hopes of connecting with other moms and helping other families, I’d be pretty upset if someone was sharing pictures of my bad days, or going to the bathroom, or even just personal details without my permission.

I want to afford my children this same respect and don’t feel that I have the right to decide for them what part of their lives become permanently available online.

While we, as moms, are somewhat “the Facebook generation,” a lot of today’s teenagers are choosing social media (like Snap Chat) that offers more privacy and anonymity. I want to consider the fact that my children may one day value online anonymity even more than I do, and they may not have wanted me to post about them on social media or other online forums.

It Can’t Be Un-Done

As a child, I read a story about a woman who often gossiped, and to illustrate how destructive this could be, she was instructed to go to the top of a tower and tear open a feather pillow and scatter the feathers into the wind. She was then to come down from the tower and attempt to collect every single feather.

The moral of the story is that painful words could not be taken back, and that the damage can spread far and wide. I think this same analogy can apply when it comes to the internet.

As all too many teenagers have learned the hard way, it is not always almost impossible to undo things that have been posted online. Others can take screen shots of pictures so even if they are deleted, a copy will remain. Harsh words can immediately reach hundreds or thousands of people and not be taken back.

In an online world where everything can be cached, archived, and stored in the cloud, we have to assume that anything we post online will be permanently available in some form. This certainly goes for adults too, but I feel that it is even more important with my kids.

As I said above, I don’t feel that it is my right to share about my child’s life online and a large part of the reason is that they won’t be able to undo or un-share the things I’ve posted about them should they desire to do so when they are teenagers or adults. As we are the first generation to really face this transition, I have to wonder how our children will feel about this when they are older. Only time will tell, but for now, those are some feathers I’m trying not to scatter into the wind on behalf of my kids.

Is Over-Sharing Dangerous?

I am sometimes amazed by how much I know about friends and family members who I haven’t actually had a face-to-face conversation with in years. In fact, it is sometimes awkward to run into friends I haven’t seen in years and have trouble making conversation because thanks to Facebook I already know their children’s names, that their dad died last year, and that their neighbors are having marital trouble.

I don’t say this as a judgement in any way and certainly understand the desire to share on social media. In most cases, the over-sharing is completely harmless, but I wonder if in the hands of someone who didn’t have good intentions it would remain so.

For instance, I’ve read many stories of investigators who (in order to show the potential dangers of social media to parents) were able to find everything needed to abduct a child from a parent’s social media account. Thankfully, in the examples I’ve heard, these were police officers making a point and not child predators, but it raises some interesting questions. But if a police officer or investigator can find a child’s name, birthdate and school from a parent’s social media posts, it seems logical that a predator might be able to as well.

Am I being paranoid? Maybe… but maybe not.

Identity theft is another potential concern for me. Think about this… If the details of a child’s life have been shared on social media from birth, a person could potentially find that child’s date and time of birth, eye color, hair color, photos, school location and home address online.

Think about this too… many people use a child’s name or birthdate or some combination as the password for various internet accounts. Many of us have a maiden name on Facebook to be able to find friends. Many of us list our past places of employment and residence in our Facebook “about” section or LinkedIn profile. How many of your security questions to online accounts could someone answer with that information? How many of us have taken online quizzes or filled out those “21 Facts About Me” that just happen to coincide with common answers to security questions.

I personally know people who have had their accounts and lives hacked and suffered for months trying to clean up the damage. They eventually found out that the hackers were able to get in by using publicly available information that they’d posted online to answer security questions and get into their email. From there, the hackers could reset other passwords and gain access to other accounts.

Is that likely? Hopefully not, but I’ve seen first-hand that it is possible. I also know people who have had their child’s personally identifying information stolen and used in tax fraud, credit card applications, or other fraudulent ways.

I know that I definitely err on the side of extreme caution, but I’d rather do this than the alternative, especially when I’m talking about my children.

Online Privacy is a False Security

I have my personal privacy settings on all social media set to the highest settings so someone can’t even find me or view my profiles without already being friends with someone I know. I feel that this offers a false sense of security though, since many people still post sensitive personal information assuming that it is protected by our privacy settings.

At the same time, these settings are changing constantly. Every few months I re-check these settings and sometimes discover that thanks to a recent Facebook update (or any other social media account for that matter), things that I’d previously hidden from view with privacy settings were now publicly available or that it is no longer possible to stay hidden in some searches. I also actually read the privacy policies and realize that we aren’t really as safe as we think we might be.

With the addition of facial recognition software online and in social media, privacy is further blurred. Online algorithms can now suggest that we tag friends in pictures and determine who our closest friends are based on shared photos and status updates. This creeps me out somewhat when it happens to my own photos, but it is definitely something I want to prevent for my children (because again, it can’t be un-done).

In fact:

There’s a more insidious problem, though… Myriad applications, websites, and wearable technologies are relying on face recognition today, and ubiquitous bio-identification is only just getting started. In 2011, a group of hackers built an app that let you scan faces and immediately display their names and basic biographical details, right there on your mobile phone. Already developers have made a working facial recognition API for Google Glass. While Google has forbidden official facial recognition apps, it can’t prevent unofficial apps from launching. There’s huge value in gaining real-time access to view detailed information on the people with whom we interact.

Could any of us have predicted when we were growing up what our digital lives would look like today? I certainly couldn’t have.

We truly have no idea what the future of technology holds for our children or what it will look like a decade from now. I’m personally trying to guard their future privacy (and right to decide their own online sharing) in the only way I know how- by keeping their information offline until they decide they want it there.

The Reality of Online Judgement

We’ve probably all seen the heartbreaking stories of kids who were incessantly bullied online. Some of these children have even been driven to suicide by this online bullying (including a girl who killed herself after being shamed online by her father). Statistics show that kids use social media metrics as a real-life measure of their likability and worth as a person. This can certainly have its consequences and is a cautionary tale for us as parents, but many experts think that the same thing is happening (on perhaps a more subtle level) with adults too.

While most parents once reported being secure and relatively not-stressed about their parenting decisions, many parents now call parenting “stressful” and “complicated.”

One possible explanation experts give? That we are constantly being judged by our online parenting choices, since social media has become an un-official second opinion. I’m not just talking about the heated debates that rage on controversial topics where parents blatantly call each other names and claim that CPS should take their children away for their poor choices. I’m talking about the more subtle comments on day-to-day posts, the number of “likes” (or lack thereof) and the more passive aggressive feedback that makes many of us feel the need to constantly showcase our good parenting moments online.

Why do we feel the need to wish our children (even ones who aren’t on social media) a happy birthday or congratulate them on a sports win? Especially considering that our kids are often either too young to read these posts (and not on social media yet) or old enough to be embarrassed and annoyed that we are tagging them at all?

Could it be that we crave the likes, comments and positive feedback?

I get it. Parenting is hard and positive feedback is helpful. I definitely bounce ideas off of friends or ask for advice in person. I just try really hard not to use my kids as a means for social affirmation.

On the flip side, even as an adult and parent, I know the pain of online judgement and how hard it can be to face that daily. We hear the news stories about teenagers and online bullying, but the same thing happens daily among adults. I don’t post much on personal social media but from my years of blogging, I am very aware of just how hurtful and hateful people can be on the internet (and how amazing most people are!).

I have gotten actual hate mail from people simply because they disagreed with my food choices, my outfit in a picture, or the fact that I avoid iodine with my thyroid problem. I’ve actually had someone email me that they hope I “choke on a piece of meat and die and then catch fire in a fur coat” because I posted this recipe. Seriously.

Other People Probably Don’t Care

With all the above reasons that online information can be potentially mis-used, I feel it is important to touch on a much more likely option that my younger (unmarried with no kids) brother often reminds me of.

Most people just don’t care about seeing pictures of my kids (or dog, or house, or anything else) every ten minutes on social media. That isn’t to say it is a reason not to share these things, but it is a running joke of sorts about how the Facebook news feed is just for pictures of people’s babies, cats and dogs.

Harsh though it may be, none of these people really care that much about our kids or pets. They certainly don’t care as much as we do. Of course, there are grandparents and family members who absolutely do and who love to see hourly updates of our kids, and I’m definitely not saying we shouldn’t share them.

I just *personally* prefer to share the pictures and cute things my kids say with their grandparents and aunts and uncles via text or email rather than with the whole world via social media or my blog. My parents love seeing pictures and videos of when a grandchild learns to walk, or read, or anything else really. They love videos of my kids belting out a favorite song and I share it with them. The rest of the internet doesn’t really care (and it’s none of their business), so I don’t share it.

You Just Never Know

I know many things in this post seem alarmist and I don’t mean it that way, but I do think that you never truly know the potential consequences until they happen. Something may be a very low risk, but if you are the one it happens to, the statistics don’t matter.

A few years ago, I hemorrhaged and had an emergency c-section from an undetected placenta previa at 35-weeks gestation. I’d had an ultrasound and regular prenatal care. I’d been checked multiple times. I had none of the risk factors. Do you know what the odds are of an un-detected complete previa at 35-weeks with my risk factors? Really, really low. Unfortunately, that statistic did little to help when I was bleeding. Not to be dramatic, but just to illustrate that statistics are only helpful if you are in the “safe” percentage.

Sure, the *fictional* story that circulated about the mom who posts a picture of her daughter on the first day of kindergarten on her Facebook profile only to have it stolen by a sex trafficker who now knows where her daughter is that day and goes on to abduct her and sell her into the sex trafficking industry is far-fetched and extremist. At the same time, how many of us have posted bath or beach photos of our children nude or almost nude that could end up in the hands of someone we wouldn’t want to see them.

The statistics are small and many stores like the one above are drastic and alarmist. I typically try very hard NOT to be over-protective of my children. They know how to safely use kitchen knives. They play in our backyard without me following 10-feet behind them. When we camp, they take short hikes around the woods without us. They build fires and carve sticks when we camp. Heck, I even let them make the decision to eat “un-healthy” food that I wouldn’t choose for them so they learn about making good choices and accessing risk in real-time. I don’t consider myself over-protective in the least when it comes to these things because they relate to real life skills.

I don’t consider being on social media an essential life skill and have yet to think of a single important life lesson my children miss out on by not being chronicled from birth online. Yes, the real risk of actual harm to a child from being shared online is small, but I also don’t see the benefit of over-sharing. To me, this is one area where I can easily protect my children without them missing out on anything important, so I choose to do that.

We also know that much online data, especially that shared on social media or that can be indexed by search engines, is stored in data repositories and can be archived indefinitely. We don’t (and can’t) know how this information may be used in the future and if we can ever remove it.

I’m not Anti-Social Media

I feel it is important to clarify that this decision does not stem from a dislike or fear of social media at all. In fact, I was on Myspace and have had a Facebook account since 2005, when it was only for college students who had a .edu email address. I still use many personal social media accounts to keep in touch with close friends and family, and for blogging.

I think social media is an amazing tool, when used correctly. At the same time (and perhaps because I’ve been using it for over a decade), I’ve seen some of the negative and unfortunate things that can happen when young children are allowed to share too much online too soon.

I won’t keep my kids off social media forever as I’m not opposed to their using it when they are older and responsible enough. I just don’t personally want to put them on there until they can make the decision themselves since I want to help them form a good sense of judgement and responsibility before giving them a tool like social media to use.

Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the central reason I don’t post pictures, names or information about my children online can be summed up in this way: I am not my children and I don’t feel that I have the right.

My children are individuals and I feel that they have the right to this privacy. They may currently depend on me to provide and protect their basic needs and rights, but one day they will be autonomous adults who may not have wanted their childhood chronicled in such a public way. I had the safety of a childhood that wasn’t publicly chronicled and I want to offer the same to my own children.

Don’t get me wrong… I take all. the. pictures. And make all the scrapbooks. They’ll have a detailed photo record of their childhood if they want it… it just won’t be online.

I also feel that there is a balance, even for me. I share pictures of them doing activities on social media, I just don’t show their faces or use their names. I talk about them in a general way. If you want to, you could find more pictures of my daughters’ hair than you’d ever care to see. I’m not perfect with this policy and I did share some pictures early-on in my parenting days (that have been mostly removed now). I just try really hard to afford my kids some online privacy, especially while being a “mama-blogger.”

I know I am in the minority in my decision, as 97% of U.S. moms who use Facebook report that they post pictures of their children online. I also know that just sharing my opinion is likely to open me up to some of the same criticism and online judgement I always hope to avoid, but since I have received so many genuine questions about this, I wanted to share my perspective.

Again, I’m sharing my own research and opinion on this matter and the post is titled “Why *I* Don’t Talk About *My* Kids Online” and not “Why YOU Shouldn’t Talk About Your Kids Online.” I don’t mean for this post to be controversial, though I suspect that it might be. I don’t mean this post as a judgement of any other mom… we all deal with that enough!

If you disagree with my stance on this issue, I’d love to hear about it and talk with you in the comments. All I ask is that we all keep it respectful and talk in a way that all of our children will be proud of.

Do you share about your kids online? How and why did you make this decision? Please weigh in below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


251 responses to “Why I Don’t Post About My Kids Online”

  1. Poppi Avatar

    Loved this!!!
    Who cares what people who are judgmental in their disagreement day, you’ve just helped me ain’t in my choice to let my child (to be born this month) make its own social media presence, when it’s ready. And live a free and privet life, like I got to as a kid, until then.

    Thank you very much for taking the time to write your langthy post.

  2. Michelle Fonseca Avatar
    Michelle Fonseca

    One of the first things my husband and I told our parents when we announced we were pregnant was absolutely no pictures of the baby on facebook or any other social media platform. It was for the exact reasons you cited in your article – which is ironic because I stumbled across your article after I became pregnant. I always believed in the right of the individual. I am not my child and they will have to make decisions for themselves when they are of the appropriate age and it is not my job to do things that can potentially put them at risk or a disadvantage. Posting embarrassing pictures (or any pictures, in my opinion) of your child on facebook is honestly something that idiot mark zuckerberg should look to ban. He wants to make a difference and do something positive? Lets start with eliminating pictures of infants and children under 18 on social media.

  3. Renee Avatar

    Who benefits from posting a picture of your child online? Not your child, surely. Then is it really a good decision?

  4. Christina Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! It was thought provoking and I definitely am going to think twice before continuing to add things online about my kids! I barely post online at all as it is but even the once every few months I do it has me rethinking things!!

  5. Rachelle Avatar

    You make all really great points. But there is one point not addressed that concerns me a great deal. I want to get off of social media but i stay on it and use it as a diary to record our life. I became a motherless daughter at 5, at that time my dad qent on to isolate, neglect then abandon me in the years to come. I have no extended family. Going thru this life with no connection to a past, no roots, nothing has been hard to say the least. I wish.i had moments recorded of my mother and i to look back on but i dont. I keep posting to facebook thinking if i met an early demise then hopefully some day they can find all the facebook records to look back on and see how much they were loved. Ive tried different apps for thia purpose but in the end it feels like only facebook is big enough to still be going in 50 years. Any hard copy media eventually becomes inaccessible and picture copies can be damaged or lost.

    So if not for facebook, where could i keep a sustainable records for my children to access in the absence of extended family support to keep memories safe and availble? [This is a genuine and sincere question i continue to seek an answer to.]

    1. Michelle Fonseca Avatar
      Michelle Fonseca

      You could purchase an external hard disk drive and back up all your photographs to that, or you can use something like Carbonite which does an automatic backup of your PC everyday if you so choose it. There is no reason to use social media platforms to record your family history. Not to mention if you take a picture with your phone and then your phone craps out, how are you then going to gain access to your pictures? If you have hard copies and actual photographs, those will last multiple generations. Social Media is a lazy way of doing things, I would stay away from it if you are truly and honestly concerned about preserving your family history.

      1. Rachelle Avatar

        Thank you for the Carbonite term, I will look into it.
        But really there is no reason to call anyone’s actions “lazy.” Personally it is a slap in the face. You have no idea what it is to be in my shoes, how every single day is an uphill battle for me simply because of a fate i did not choose. What seems lazy to you, might just be the only way someone else sees possibility.

        Try having to build a life where you have to form the foundation, make the bricks, mix the cement, learn how to align everything, and lay every brick by brick—imagine just how long a life takes to build. Then couple a high ACE score from childhood trauma that leaves you exhausted every single day. Do that then talk to me about what is lazy.

  6. Mollie Avatar

    Cannot agree more with this post! My children are not my property and their childhood is not my digital property although I am so privileged to be able to witness it. 🙂

    I also think it’s worth mentioning that the world of tech is RAPIDLY changing with more and more of a push towards biometrics instead of typed passwords. Cornea scanners have been hacked using just pictures of the true user. This is one example, we don’t know what other invasive technology is coming our way that those with harmful intent will be able to break into using data we so willing share not only about ourselves but about our kids. Yikes! The world is not always going to be the way it is now.

  7. Molly Avatar

    Thank you for this! I am a new mama and have been leaning toward this decision of keeping my baby off social media. This article put all my reasons in one place! I can’t believe you’ve had such ugly things written to you… what’s wrong with people? Anyway, thanks again! I am going to bring this up with my husband tonight.

  8. Ashley Avatar

    thank you for this! seriously I never thought about this before and I have posted a lot. I am so glad you wrote this and will be following this example! thank you 🙂

  9. Heather Perkins Avatar
    Heather Perkins

    Hi There! First time-commentor here. I honestly never considered this until I read this just now. I have been following you for DIY recipes for a little while now and LOVE your stuff. I just wanted to let you know how refreshing this post was and encouraging to me. I don’t have any littles of my own, but my husband and I are hoping so soon! I forwarded this entry to him to read. It is eye-opening and authentic and honestly a bit alarming that these are things we must consider. I never imagined in my childhood that I would ever have to consider these things for my children. I am not sure where we stand yet on this, but I will say this, you made me pause and consider not only the information I will choose to share or not of my kids, but also of my own usage. For this I am grateful ! I look forward to keeping up with your posts and thank you for your transparency. Your family is blessed to have you!

  10. Tara Avatar

    Perfectly said. I agree 100% Thank you for saying this and having such wonderful sense!

  11. Erin Avatar

    Spot on! I have the same policy regarding my kids. Just sad that you even have to defend your decision. Keep up the good work.

  12. Laura Avatar

    I am a 2005 facebook-er too! and I could have written this myself. Such uncharted territory, and we’re in the process of figuring this out. I’m curious how you handle family who post photos? We occasionally share photos in a “secret” Facebook group (considering removing that altogether) and a private app. And we have a firm rule that no photos be posted anywhere without our express permission, but occasionally family members will ask. What’s your approach here? What about friends and pictures at public events/ parties?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      All of our family knows our policy and honestly it’s never really an issue, we don’t get asked that much. Of course, there will always be things out of our control (like you mentioned at public events or parties), but we just do the best we can.

  13. Deanna Miller Avatar
    Deanna Miller

    I completely agree with you. Thank you for sharing. I’m a mom of 3 girls and want to share my love for them with the world. I had to ask myself what kind of message is that going to send (by posting them on social media) and my husband and I came to the same conclusion after discussion. It feels great to see the support from other mommas, a bit of validation is never a bad thing. 🙂

  14. Katie P. Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful view! My husband and I are expecting our first baby and have been giving much consideration to the question of posting baby pics, etc on our facebook accounts. This is so reassuring to read and know that we’re not being unreasonable if we decide not to post family details. We’re planning to extend the “no baby pics on social media” request to our friends and family that may babysit, and being able to share your article with them with make things easier to explain.
    Thanks again!
    ~Katie P.

  15. Cassie Avatar

    I do disagree for myself. I believe just having Internet is putting yourself out there. Someone with enough computer skills could figure out who you are and where you live simply by looking up your Ip address. So you aren’t truly protecting your identity unless you have no Internet whatsoever. I don’t hold with worrying over anything. God helps me to discern if something I post is too private or inappropriate. But God commands all his children to have no fear and not to worry, so if I decided not to have an account or post pics solely based on fear or worry than I would be committing a sin against God. I had no fear or worry in my heart when my youngest went in for heart surgery, so I can’t allow myself to indulge in that over a few words or pictures on facebook. I have no judgements. All I can do is give advice to those who profess to be Christian; let God be your guide.

  16. GAURAV GULATI Avatar

    Excellent topic and a very well done post, Katie. At 34y old and a daddy to an awesome 4y old daughter, I cannot agree more with everything you’ve noted. That’s exactly how I administer her online presence. I’ve been a visitor to your blog every now and then, but this post really hit too close to home and how I perceive Social Media and its impact on everyone’s lives (esp our kids). Hence, I find myself leaving my first comment on your awesome blog!

    I’ve been an IT Professional for over 14 years now and did my bachelors degree in Computer Science as well. I also am inherently curious about the Goods and Evils of technology .. esp Internet. Social Media has done a tremendous job in bringing people closer.. however, it has opened a new Pandora’s box at the same time.

    I see way too many people sharing way too much on FB etc and it hurts to see even more wen they go overboard with sharing all of their Kids’ lives. It just amazes me how much of the world doesn’t have a clue how they might be ruining the lives of their kids, without their permission or knowing!! I can’t even imagine the affects of the current state of sharing will have on their family’s future relationships!!

    EVERYTHING you noted in this post is the bare minimum education EVERYONE needs to get. Once they’re educated, it’s their choice how they make their choices (you can bring a horse to the pond, but not make ’em drink!)

    On a related note, when my daughter was born, I even went 1-step ahead and created an e-mail address for my daughter with her FirstLastname@.com on some popular domains. So, when she grows up, she can thank me for that ++ I keep sending her e-mails about everyday journals, words of wisdom, anything else that I wanna tell her etc I also use it as my hack for having a “grown-up” conversation with her… LoL

    I don’t share anything on FB or other social media of her, however, I have long found it challenging to share our memories with the extended families in India and other loved ones around the world – some want text, some Moments, e-mails, messengers etc etc … to a point that it became painful.

    I do use Google photos to automatically backup all my memories and auto-curate them – which is AWESOME, btw. And I recently bought Google Pixel XL – so, Google Photos gives you Unlimited Storage and in Original resolution.

    Having said that, I would be really interest to know –

    What do you do to Privately Share your family memories, Organize them, Protect from disasters, Preserve them over your lifetime and beyond?
    …any Apps you use etc ..I get that you do scrapbooks etc … and WHAT would be your Ideal solution looks like… say if you can just make it happen magically.

    I understand that you might not even see this comment or find time to respond … which is OK! I just wanted to share my thoughts with you and everyone else. I welcome other who run into my comment to share their thoughts on my question as well please.

    Keep up the great work, Katie.


      1. GAURAV GULATI Avatar

        Hey!! Thanks for your prompt response. I actually used to backup my memories to Dropbox …. Until I exhausted the 2GB free and refused to pay $100/year rent on my memories. That’s when Picasa (now Google Photos) came to the rescue and since then, I’ve never looked back for automatic backups etc.

        + The private sharing required most everyone to have Dropbox … And temp sharing was easier via email/messenger/text

        ++ Organization is a mess in Dropbox … And I think you feel that pain. Cuz the speed with which I take pictures, videos, journals, audio etc of my daughter, she’s gonna end up with TBs of memories by the time she grows up …LoL

        +++ How do we add meaning and purpose to tons of photos etc we take … Like the way we care about those few scrapbooks of our childhood.

        ++++ How do we preserve these memoires that matter, of the people that matter .. Over our lifetime and beyond??

        What about the stories and legacies of our parents and grandparents?

        When I come to think of it all …. It’s a big mess and it seems like people have come to accept FB as a way of life … Without even realizing that everything on fb is out of their control and not to mention that it kills the original resolution.

        There are some apps that help (lifecake, efamily, 23snaps, forever, notably etc)… But nothing that I found that really solves the problem 360 and nothing that truly connects our family and loved ones.


        Btw, We also try to do yearly photo books … Shutterfly and Photobook America. It is just awesome to do that.

        1. GAURAV GULATI Avatar

          and yeah – I forgot to mention the time when my external HDD crashed for no reason when my daughter was 2.5y old. I’m glad I had made copies across 2 laptops 🙂

  17. Syren Avatar

    I was very lucky to grow up in a home where, although Internet has been a very strong presence in my life, I was not allowed to have any social media accounts. I think that social media is a great way to stay connected, but I don’t use it, even now that I have the ability, since NOTHING is completely private online, and I would like to make connections in real life, not over the internet.

  18. Jordan Avatar

    I’ve recently started a blog and have been really struggling with this subject. I whole heartedly agree with your article so I’ve been trying to find creative ways to post pictures without actually having my son in them. (Ex. A picture of us reading a book together from behind so you can’t see his face or a picture of my mess of a living room with him blurred to the side). Do you ever get creative with your pictures so your kids are “in them” without actually being in them?

  19. Hannah Avatar

    Thanks so much for writing this article… I found it while googling “I choose not to put photos of my children online”.
    I have a 10 week old baby and have chosen not put photos of her on social media… for a number of reasons.
    I have had a couple of friends post photos of her and had to ask them to take them down (they did not ask in the first place)… then they ask me why!
    It’s very hard to explain to some people my choices and this article really helped me become stronger to give my answer… They don’t understand, nor should I have to explain my actions!
    Thanks so much & congrats on being a mumma of 5! X

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