Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

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Homemade baby balm recipe with all natural ingredients
Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was given literally 11 bottles of baby lotion by friends and relatives. The smell reminded me of my own childhood and I loved that it was a lotion specially formulated for baby. I figured all of the ingredients must be natural and safe since it was for babies after all… and then I actually read the ingredients.

What’s in Baby Lotion?

I wondered why things like propylene glycol, parabens, artificial fragrances, synthetic waxes, and petroleum-based oils were considered safe for children. Turns out, they aren’t considered safe for children and the products I’d been given had a hazard rating of 5-6 on the EWG website and had “moderate risk of allergies and immunotoxicity as well as reproductive and developmental toxins.

I definitely wasn’t going to put that on my baby, so I started looking for natural options. I found some great ones, but also found out that most of them were pretty expensive.

Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

I decided to try to make my own from all natural, food safe ingredients and this ended up being less expensive for me anyway since I had many of these ingredients on hand for my homemade lotion bars and other homemade beauty products.

Choosing Natural Ingredients

Instead of propylene glycol, parabens and synthetic ingredients, I wanted to find all-natural ingredients to put on my baby’s skin and I wanted them to even be safe enough to eat!

I decided to use:

I loved that this recipe is completely oil-based with shelf stable ingredients. Since no liquid is added, it has an indefinite shelf life and will last for months or years. It takes a few minutes to absorb in to skin and only a tiny bit is needed. I’ve had friends say that this was incredibly helpful for eczema and skin problems as well.

Baby Balm Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup cocoa butter (or 32 cocoa butter wafers)
  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon castor oil
  • Essential oils of choice. I used 15 drops each of Frankincense, Myrrh, Chamomile and Rose.

Baby Balm Instructions

  1. Heat all ingredients (except essential oils) in a double boiler or in a glass jar or bowl over a small pan of boiling water.
  2. Stir carefully until melted.
  3. Remove from heat and add essential oils if using.
  4. Pour in to a glass jar for storage.
  5. Use a small amount as needed for baby’s skin (or adult skin)

What did you use on your little ones? Ever made your own? Share below!
This natural homemade baby balm combines skin nourishing cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil and castor oil with essential oils for a baby safe lotion.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    138 responses to “Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe”

    1. Akita Avatar

      Hi! Are raw cocoa and shea butters safe to use on newborns? Most things I see are recommended only for babies over 6 months and I have a 4 week old with peeling skin.

    2. Jenn Avatar

      Mine never solidified! Is this ok? I added a bit extra cocoa butter because this was a hard ingredient to measure but it never hardened. I’m not sure it’s as effective as a liquid. Could I fix it somehow like buy adding beeswax? Thanks in advance!

    3. Cj Avatar

      How do you get it to harden, I followed the directions to a t and it stayed more stay liquid

    4. Suvarna Avatar

      Hi.. I made this baby balm recipe half an hour before. It is still liquid in state.. Do I need to refrigerate it?? Thanks in advance and sharing this wonderful and simple recipe for to be mom’s like me…

    5. Jodi Avatar

      Curious about the myrrh essential oil, when I looked it up it says it’s not safe for children. Is it ok in this balm/lotion form?

    6. Christina Avatar

      Thanks for the recipe. Im going to give it a try. Do you by chance know what the amount of cocoa and shea is by weight in ounces? If not do you grate the shea to get an accurate measurement?

      1. jody Avatar

        When I measure I just use a regular metal 1/4 cup measuring cup. I just fill it trying to get about 1/4 cup but I never worry if it’s exact and I’ve never had an issue. If you are adding beeswax to any recipe hovever, you will need to be pretty accurate. This recipe is super easy.

    7. Jody Avatar

      I just made this with a couple tweaks. I used 1/4 cup cocoa butter, a combination of shea butter and mango butter to equal 1/4 cup (maybe a bit more than 1/4 cup), 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 1/2 tbsp almond oil, 1 tbsp vit E oil, then added Young Livings gentle baby essential oil. Once everything was mixed I placed in fridge for about 30 minutes or until I see the liquid starting to become cloudy. I then take it out of the fridge and beat with my hand mixer for about 3 minutes. Return to fridge for 5 minutes and then beat again for a minute. You will have a nice soft fluffy cream that looks like whipping cream. I add the essential oils just before beating so they are not heated. Result smells like a baby! Works for me every time.

    8. Denisa Avatar

      Hi Wellness Mama. I was wondering, why you’ve changed the company you recommend for essential oils?
      Is Mountain Rose Herbs company worse quality than the Plant Therapy?

      Thank you!

    9. Bernice Avatar

      Hello, thanks for the post. So I wanna ask if I can use lavender oil in the place of the essential oils listed to add to my baby’s lotion?

    10. ANNie Avatar

      Hi there! Love your blog 🙂
      So i made this recipe yesterday, followed to the letter and its still liquid after overnight…i know this was asked a few times, but i’m puzzled because i’ve made many balms and salves and this recipe consists of a majority of ingredients that are solid at room temperature, therefore it SHOULD solidify. I put one pot in the freezer to give right away to a friend, but now i’m thinking it probably liquified afterwards. Thoughts? I’m kind of lazy to remelt it but i might just do that…and add a tad of beeswax or more cocoa butter.

    11. Jody Avatar

      I your photo above, it shows a fluffy white result; like whipping cream. I know that this can only be obtained if the mixture is beaten with a hand mixer for a few minutes. You didn’t mention that in your recipe so this result will not give that fluffy result.

    12. Cerena Avatar

      OMG i love this article. I make my own body butter, hair butter just all over butter and i am having my 3rd lil munchkin. I DO NOT LIKE baby lotion or baby oil. they are very drying to the skin. This article just gave me life to create my own. I normally just use Shea butter, coconut oil, castor oil, lavender or peppermint oil, but i know the peppermint can be too strong for a young baby. I have to try the rose oil. Do you have any other scented oils in mind??

    13. Anna Avatar

      Hi Katie, I’m time infusing olive oil with chamomile, marshmallow and calendula for the nipple balm, I’ve made quite a lot of the oil, can I use it in the recipe please? Thanks 🙂

    14. Banke Avatar

      my home made recipe for baby balm consists of shea butter, coconut oil and a drop or two of eucalyptus oil. I melt in a jar over hot water. it usually solidifies after a couple of hours. I also make use of this balm to fight off cold when the weather is cold.

    15. Uma Avatar

      Hi my balm is still liquid after 2 hours frm makin it. Plz advise on tis. Tq

    16. Addy Avatar

      I get so overwhelmed by our day to day choices sometimes. I want my family to be healthy and happy. Naturally. So instead of trying to make al of these changes at once I decided to do a few at a time so I can learn, not be overwhelmed and accumulate a stash of natural products that I can use in multiple ways. I’m looking forward to testing this on my daughter, we have a son due in September. So grateful for your knowledge and blog!

    17. Anna Avatar

      Is this cloth diaper safe please?
      And would you omit e.o altogether, or just use chamomile for a new born? Thanks

    18. Samantha Avatar

      I am currently pregnant with my first child and really love all the recipes you have for natural care. In this recipe you said you use Chamomile for its soothing properties, I really don’t like the smell of chamomile is there another oil you would recommend in place of it? Again I have fallen in love with your blog and really appreciate all that you share. Thank you!

    19. mary Avatar

      I just made this with Lavender and Lemon eucalyptus oils and it stinks horribly. I think it’s the shea butter mostly. Can anyone suggest another combination of oils that I can put on my daughter after tubs. I”m a clear beginner when it comes to essential oils. What combination might work for a 5 yr old at bed time that smells good/soothing and masks the shea butter smell? Thanks for any ideas.

      1. Kayleigh Avatar

        I mixed mine with rose and lavender, about 15 drops each. It masked the Shae butter smell, but you can smell the cocoa butter a tiny bit. It ended up smelling like rose, lavender, and a hint of chocolate!

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