Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Homemade baby balm recipe with all natural ingredients
Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was given literally 11 bottles of baby lotion by friends and relatives. The smell reminded me of my own childhood and I loved that it was a lotion specially formulated for baby. I figured all of the ingredients must be natural and safe since it was for babies after all… and then I actually read the ingredients.

What’s in Baby Lotion?

I wondered why things like propylene glycol, parabens, artificial fragrances, synthetic waxes, and petroleum-based oils were considered safe for children. Turns out, they aren’t considered safe for children and the products I’d been given had a hazard rating of 5-6 on the EWG website and had “moderate risk of allergies and immunotoxicity as well as reproductive and developmental toxins.

I definitely wasn’t going to put that on my baby, so I started looking for natural options. I found some great ones, but also found out that most of them were pretty expensive.

Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe

I decided to try to make my own from all natural, food safe ingredients and this ended up being less expensive for me anyway since I had many of these ingredients on hand for my homemade lotion bars and other homemade beauty products.

Choosing Natural Ingredients

Instead of propylene glycol, parabens and synthetic ingredients, I wanted to find all-natural ingredients to put on my baby’s skin and I wanted them to even be safe enough to eat!

I decided to use:

I loved that this recipe is completely oil-based with shelf stable ingredients. Since no liquid is added, it has an indefinite shelf life and will last for months or years. It takes a few minutes to absorb in to skin and only a tiny bit is needed. I’ve had friends say that this was incredibly helpful for eczema and skin problems as well.

Baby Balm Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup cocoa butter (or 32 cocoa butter wafers)
  • 1/4 cup shea butter
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon castor oil
  • Essential oils of choice. I used 15 drops each of Frankincense, Myrrh, Chamomile and Rose.

Baby Balm Instructions

  1. Heat all ingredients (except essential oils) in a double boiler or in a glass jar or bowl over a small pan of boiling water.
  2. Stir carefully until melted.
  3. Remove from heat and add essential oils if using.
  4. Pour in to a glass jar for storage.
  5. Use a small amount as needed for baby’s skin (or adult skin)

What did you use on your little ones? Ever made your own? Share below!
This natural homemade baby balm combines skin nourishing cocoa butter, shea butter, olive oil and castor oil with essential oils for a baby safe lotion.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    138 responses to “Homemade Baby Balm Skin Cream Recipe”

    1. Ela K Avatar

      Katie, I also LOVE the jar! Where can I get me some?
      The balm is great too.

    2. Soraya Avatar

      What a beautiful idea. I imagine its hard being a natural mama when everybody is giving free things for the baby. Like those lotions. I think I would have a hard time trying to convince people NOT to give me certain things when I have my baby. Like junk plastic toys and all kinds of disposable products. But anyway, ill cross that bridge when i get to it 🙂 Making your own products is very simple and so rewarding. Love your website, been visiting it for years. Keep up the amazing work!

    3. Laura Avatar

      I LOVE this cream, but mine turned out a little grainy. Any ideas as to why thatay have happened?

      1. Gail T. Avatar

        I’ve read that to keep shea butter from going grainy, once melted, keep it over low heat for 20 minutes.

    4. Megan Avatar

      Would it work to double the Shea butter and leave out the cocoa butter? I don’t have any on hand and would like to make this soon. Thanks!

    5. Michelle Avatar

      I made this for the first time 2 nights ago and it never set up, so I re-melted last night and added another 1/4 cup of cocoa butter and another 1/4 cup of shea butter, to try to get it to firm up and it is still liquid with solid pieces throughout. Is there any hope? I have read somewhere that you can add borax to things to help them set up, but I have psoriasis, so that is not an option as it would irritate my skin. Thanks for any suggestions.

      1. Melissa Avatar

        Try putting it in the fridge. That always works for me, then it’s a good consistency at room temp afterwards.

    6. Courtney Avatar

      Love this! I could get stuck on your blog for hours! (And I do) I’m excited to try this!!

    7. Nicole Avatar

      I am looking for glass cosmetic jars like the one you have in the picture. Please send me a link on where to buy. Thank you!

    8. Sonja Avatar

      Can you tell me how long it keeps?
      And THANK YOU for providing such great recipes and informations(!).

    9. Marsha Avatar

      Please disregard my previous question. The balm has solidified….I just wasn’t patient enough 🙂

      1. Rebekah Avatar

        Thanks for sharing! I was wondering why my balm was still liquid as well and wondered if I needed to add beeswax. I’ll wait a few more hours to see what happens.

    10. Marsha Avatar

      Hi, there! I just tried this today. After 2 hours, it’s still liquid. The only change I made was a few drops of vitamin E oil instead of castor oil. What did I do wrong? Can it be fixed?

      1. Emmanuelle Bussieres Avatar
        Emmanuelle Bussieres

        Me too… still liquid. Is there missing beeswax in the recipe?

    11. Rebecca Rigney Avatar
      Rebecca Rigney

      Hey Katie
      I tried making the balm for my 1 month old niece – but it just goes totally solid, and needs a spoon to be removed from the jar, I have more ingredients to make another batch, have you any tips on how to keep it semi soft (not rock hard)?


      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        You can actually re-melt if you want. I like that it is thicker like that since it makes it easier not to apply too much but adding more of any liquid oil (olive, almond, jajoba, etc) will help make it thinner…

      2. Yuliya Avatar

        I make pretty much the same kind of butter, but I whip it. After all the oils melt together i bring them to room temperature and whip them with the hand mixer, you might want to put some ice under the pot to speed up the whipping. Whip it to the consistency of whipped cream. Then it’s much easier to use. It’s like velvety smooth body butter. Hope it helps.

    12. Andrea Avatar

      This looks wonderful! Can’t wait to try. Thanks again, for sharing such awesome recipes with us! 🙂

    13. Terry Avatar

      Can’t wait to make and try this on my older son. He has chafing problems, (special needs child) and I hate to use nasty commercial creams on him. I’m thinking this will work well because it is all natural oils.

    14. megan Avatar

      This is so perfect!!! I have been looking for a recipe to use instead of store bought baby lotion, I’ve been using Coconut oil for my sons sore little butt, but it’s so thin! This looks nice and thick and creamy. Thanks for posting!

      1. Tabata Avatar

        She has a great nappy rash cream recipe with beeswax. In 1 and a half year there was never a rash that that it couldn’t heal in a day!

    15. linda Avatar

      Was your choice of essential oils based solely on scent preference, or skin benefits they provide?

    16. Jen Avatar

      So what’s the big difference between this and your baby rash cream? I’ve been making your other one, with the infused flowers, for years, and I’m absolutely in love with it. Just curious if I need to switch to this one? Thanks!

    17. Katie H Avatar

      My son has a nut allergy and has to avoid shea butter. Do you have a recommendation for a sub that is but allergy friendly? He can’t do coconut oil either due to his allergy. Thanks so much!

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