Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Are you getting enough Vitamin D?
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

It seems like there’s much better awareness these days about the importance of vitamin D. However, the tide of public opinion is yet to shift on the importance of sunlight in this equation. While scientists debate the topic, perhaps we can reach a conclusion with some good old-fashioned logic.

A quick stroll around any Walgreens shows the trend these days to lather on sunscreen to protect against damage from the sun. Sunscreen under your make-up, sunscreen in your make-up, sunscreen for baby, sunscreen for those who are sweating, sunscreen with added tanner… the list goes on!

This would all be well and good, except it isn’t working! Our overuse of sunscreen hasn’t stopped skin cancer at all. (It is actually increasing.) On top of that, people are getting the most dangerous types of skin cancer in places the sun never even touches.

Something here just doesn’t add up…

First, let’s break down what role the sun plays in our biochemistry, and why it is important in the first place.

How We Make Vitamin D From the Sun

For years and years (basically all of human history until the last few hundred years) humans obtained vitamin D from the sun in varied amounts based on proximity to the equator. Obtaining it from food wasn’t really a feasible option, since most foods didn’t have any mentionable level of vitamin D.

So, we all remember from elementary science class that organisms like plants and algae use sunlight for photosynthesis to create oxygen and other important by-products. Sunlight doesn’t work quite the same way for us, but is still just as important. When we are exposed to ultraviolet-B light from the sun or artificial sources, our bodies create vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol photochemically in our skin.

Food sources like fatty fish, eggs, and meat also provide D3. However, once vitamin D enters the body, it is then transported through the bloodstream to the liver where it is converted into the prohormone calcidiol. Calcidiol is then converted by the kidneys or organisms in the immune system into calatinol. Calatinol circulates as a hormone and regulates mineral concentration in the blood (including calcium).

All of this has much to do with the function of major body functions: the neuromuscular and immune systems as well as gene proliferation. This is the reason for the link between deficiency and cancers.

Why Are We Vitamin D Deficient?

There are a couple of reasons why many so many people today experience chronic vitamin D deficiency.

Skin Pigmentation

People who got the most sun exposure because they lived in hot areas of the world developed excess melanin (a darker skin pigment) to block burning while lighter skinned people could produce vitamin D (and a sunburn) a lot more quickly. This system worked really well when in the time when people lived in the same basic area their whole lives, but now a light-skinned person like me could go live in Ecuador or a naturally dark skinned person could move to Moscow.

For this reason, people with lighter skin need less sun exposure to get their vitamin D, while those with darker skin need much more sun to get the same amount.

If you are fortunate enough to be able to get your vitamin D from the sun, your body will tell you how much you need and when you have enough (hello, sunburn). The goal is to get adequate sun and not ever burn. For light skinned people this may be only 15-30 minutes, but darker skinned people may need two hours or more!

More Time Indoors

With all the comforts of modern living (and working so we can earn that living!), our generation spends a lot of time indoors. The most credible statistic I could find comes from an EPA- funded study in the 90s that studied 10 regions over the contiguous United States. They found when it’s all said and done we spend about 90% of our time indoors… and all that time indoors has more downsides for our health than just the lack of vitamin D.

Use of Sunscreen/Lack of Sun

If we do happen to get outdoors, better lather on the sunscreen, right? Not so fast! The chemicals in sunscreen have been linked to cancer themselves (hmmm, could that be the reason for the increasing skin cancer rates?). Chemicals in sunscreens are also found to create free radicals in the body and produce an estrogenic effect (man boobs anyone?).

So how ever do we protect ourselves from over-exposure to the sun? After realizing that most people aren’t getting enough to begin with, the logical answer once you have gotten your sun exposure for the day… get out of the sun! Find some shade, wear some clothes, but get out of the sun. If you are at the beach or on an adventure race, consider a natural sunscreen or a pure zinc oxide formula.

Low Magnesium/Vitamin K

Thanks to modern farming practices that result in poor soil quality, much of our food contains lower levels of magnesium. As a result many of us are deficient in magnesium as well as vitamin D. Magnesium and also vitamin K help activate it in the liver and kidneys, so without enough of these the body may not metabolize the vitamin D you take.

Is Vitamin D Really That Important?

In short: yes! Study after study shows the importance of vitamin D. Deficiencies are linked to problems like:

  • Cancer – Vitamin D plays a big role in cancer prevention and treatment. In fact, research is now estimating that 75% of cancers can be prevented by adequate consumption of vitamin D.
  • Low Calcium Levels – Vitamin D controls calcium and phosphate levels in the blood and contributes to bone growth and bone strength. That’s because it regulates the absorption and transport of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus needed for bone mineralization.
  • Weakened Immune System – Ever heard of those “t-cells” that protect your body against bacteria and disease? Vitamin D is crucial in their creation and function. Ultimately, this vital nutrient can help keep illnesses at bay.
  • Inflammation – Lack of vitamin D can cause inflammation in the body, then again, so can grain consumption. Have joint pain, soreness, or inflammation? Cut the grains and hit the beach!
  • Poor Hormone Health – Vitamin D regulates vital components of hormones and neurotransmitters like serotonin. It also helps control cell growth, and can help lower insulin resistance.

Other things to remember:

  • Vitamin D helps calcium absorption, but make sure you are getting the calcium from diet or supplements.
  • Not getting enough vitamin D is strongly linked to autoimmune disease.
  • Deficiency of magnesium can inhibit vitamin D function, so make sure you get that too!
  • Eat proteins and fats.
  • Eat limited grains.
  • Jump into sun exposure slowly if you aren’t used to it, though many people who switch to a no-grain, no polyunsaturated, or hydrogenated oil diet notice a much higher resistance to the sun.

How Much Vitamin D Do We Need?

Vitamin D is much more than just a simple nutrient.

In fact, Vitamin D is absolutely essential. This is especially true for moms, since it is a hormonal precursor. So many women face hormone problems like PCOS, infertility and depression. I venture to say that vitamin D deficiency is a huge part of the puzzle.

Many studies link deficiency of vitamin D to increased incidence of diseases. Ironically, while vitamin D is readily available for free if produced from sun exposure (at least part of the year in most parts of the world), people are surprisingly deficient in it these days. I believe this has everything to do with how much more time we spend indoors (and how we avoid or block the sun when we are outdoors).

how much vitamin d do i need to take for weight loss and health

These days, health experts propose that vitamin D deficiency is the most rampant and dangerous vitamin deficiency. The amount of vitamin D a person should take varies by person, and a blood test is the only certain way to tell if you are getting the right dose orally (the body regulates this quite well if you are getting it from the sun). You want to get your 25(OH)D levels tested and aim for getting them between 50 and 70.

Experts are now estimating that most people need at least 10 times the suggested RDA (400 IU) of supplemental vitamin D to accomplish this.

Should I Take a Vitamin D Supplement?

What then, is the best way to get this all-important vitamin, the sun or a supplement?

No matter how vitamin D is obtained, it ends up in the exact same form once it hits the liver (as long as the oral form is D3). While I would personally suggest getting vitamin D from the sun if possible because of the other benefits of sun exposure, the most important thing is to just get vitamin D. If sun exposure is not possible or not feasible, supplementing orally is necessary.

How to Get Enough Vitamin D

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you get enough vitamin D? Plan on getting more? Share below!

Vitamin D- Are You Getting Enough
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


105 responses to “Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?”

  1. Tania Avatar

    I have not tried to give my 1.5 year old fclo yet… But am planning on it. BUT I was wondering how you other moms do it? My 4 year old takes it fine… And occasionally I have to give her a couple chocolate chips to keep her mental association to it positive. But I am certainly not going to give the baby chocolate.

    How do you do it?

    Another question … She is allergic to dairy/ butter. So, would giving her fclo with enough pastured pork lard in her diet be almost as good as the high vitamin butter oil? ( I guess in terms of providing K2)

  2. Leigh Avatar

    I’m really intrigued by the idea that sunscreen may be detrimental to your health by depleting vitamin D levels. I have very sensitive skin but am trying to reduce synthetic nasties in my system by following some of your principles. I have linked to this in my blog – hope that’s ok! Please keep posting your wise words 🙂

  3. Megan Avatar

    This is more a question than a comment: Thought I read on your website once that one should take Vitamin D at night, but can’t find any reference to that now. Am I mistaken?

  4. Alexandra Avatar

    Don’t forget the Vitamin K2! I’ve been reading that D3 is all but useless without it and that K2 helps direct calcium to where it should go.

  5. Marv een Avatar

    Have you ever heard of sun gazing? I would love to know your thoughts on this, it’s not really about vitamin d but is a practise that some believe can heal us if not physically then spiritually.

  6. Caitlin Avatar

    Is there any good supplement I could give an infant? How young can babies ingest clo

    1. Heather Cowie Avatar
      Heather Cowie

      I started giving mine clo at about 1 1/2 to 2 years old. Before that they can get that good stuff through breastmilk.

  7. Alixis Avatar

    Thank you for this post.
    I have been suspicious about sunscreen for a number of years now – since I read that the ones that do not contain zinc oxide contain chemicals that can actually CAUSE cancer when they are exposed to the sun. Basically, if it does not provide a thick, white physical barrier and goes on clear, it could be containing these chemicals.
    My kids have not used sunscreen in about 4 years since that time, and have never been burned. We use physical barriers (long sleeved clothing etc) and they come inside after I feel they have had enough sun.

    And despite living in Canada, when my Vit D levels were checked at the beginning of this summer, they were fine even without me taking any supplements!
    While dietary sources of Vit D are not all that good, if you are eating grass-fed beef and pastured pork, and you consume the fat (which we do), you will be ingesting some vitamin D in the fat as it is a fat soluable vitamin. And as stated in the article we also consume fermented codliver oil.
    No doubt all that helps with our vitamin D levels.

  8. Pam Avatar

    Please everyone, also inform yourself about the importance of including Vitamin K2 with your vitamin D. Without K2, calcium can be distributed to the wrong places, such as your arteries. Please do your research on this and decide for yourselves, but this is becoming more and more common knowledge. There are many supplements available now which have D and K2 in combination. There are a few superior food sources of K2, but they don’t seem to be foods that we eat all that commonly, such as brie cheese and natto.

  9. Brenda Timpson Avatar
    Brenda Timpson

    Hi, I’m a red head and when I am out in even moderate sunshine I burn as soon as 10 minutes. Does this mean I have “filled up” on the Vid-D my body needs at that time? I live in the high deserts of Utah.

  10. Isavella Vassilakis Avatar
    Isavella Vassilakis

    What is your opinion on the aging effects of the sun? I have Mediterranean olive skin and never burn, but I’d like to look youthful for as long as possible!

  11. simone Avatar

    hi there…love your blog! was wanting to supplement my 3 and 5 year old over the winter months {live in dreary UK!} and wondering what you would suggest re:the dosage? I read on the mercola website 2500 IU for 5 year olds, but not so sure with the younger one…am assuming the liquid D3 would be the way to go with young children? thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The general recommendation is 1000 IU at least per 25 pounds of body weight…

  12. Brooke Avatar

    Love this!! I have been against using traditional sunscreen for years and am finally putting all of the pieces together to explain to others. So thank you for sharing this info and for your wealth of information, love, and enlightenment provided via this website!

  13. Kristinfriesen Avatar

    Are all vitamin D supplements the same, or is there something specific to look for or a brand/type that you recommend?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Look for Vitamin D 3 with no added ingredients . Fermented Cod LIver Oil is also a great choice.

  14. Brandy Avatar

    I see that many people are as confused as I am. I read that Vit D could help with auto immune dieses, So I started taking suppliments because I could not handle being outside in the humidity. And Later I found out that the awful symptoms (iritability, nausea, headaches, flu like symptoms) I had been having for several months could of been due to TOO much Vit D. And sure enough within 30 days of cutting back on the Vit D I was back to normal.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I definitely suggest blood tests for this, if you are able. Though most people are deficient, it is possible to get too much, and it certainly can have health consequences at that point too! Glad you are feeling better now!

    2. Kim Avatar


      Just wanted to comment on your symptoms from vitamin D usage. I was having the same symptoms and than read that vitamin d should be only supplemented if your magnesium is up to par…and that the symptoms I was having were due to the fact that vitamin d was using up my magnesium which was already low. Everyone is different but I thought I would mention this so you can have RBC magnesium test to see if you need more magnesium than vitamin d supplement.

  15. Danielle garcia Avatar
    Danielle garcia

    I recently checked my vitamin d, 25-hydroxy level. It is 23.9 ng/mL and my magnesium was low ish 1.8 mg/dL. My doctor prescribed ergocalciferol vit d 50,000 unit to take once a week. Said it was fine while breastfeeding… But I’m scared of overdosing the baby trough my milk? Is this possible?

    1. Elena Richmond Avatar
      Elena Richmond

      I know this is a super old question, but I wanted to add – there has been research that shows that Vit D supplementation in a large dose 1x/week or every few days is actually absorbed better by the body than regular (daily) smaller doses. I’m trying to find a link to this study which is often quoted, but not having much luck. Hopefully someone else can find it and share it here.

    2. tamarque Avatar

      Your supplement needs to be the VIT D3, not the D2 which is synthetic, not well absorbed and, like all synthetics, are the source of problems.

  16. Amber Avatar

    Could the high use of tanning beds also play a role in rising skin cancer rates?

  17. jean Avatar

    Hi wellness mama,
    everything you wrote is what i’ve been hearing on other forums as well. vitamin d is crucial to our health. 
    here’s my story. my teen daughter has been slathered in sunscreen since she was a baby. (we lived in florida) I thought i was doing the “right thing”. imagine our horror this past summer, when 2 basal cell cancers were discovered on her. i was devastated. this has prompted me to seek out health in many forms for myself and our whole family. her vit. d levels were tested and they are indeed, low. (20?) 
    so now what? I’ve bought natural, mineral based sunscreens for her and she has avoided the sun like the plague. I know a small bit of sun is healthy but we just can’t risk it.
    do i keep her out of the sun at all costs? wear natural sunscreen daily or not? 
    her dr.’s say use sunscreen . and they don’t even CARE if its natural or not! They told us to take 1-2,000 iu of vitamin d a day which i don’t think is sufficient. I’m really lost and just want to make my baby healthy and safe! 
    thoughts? comments? appreciated!

    1. Joergen Agardtson Avatar
      Joergen Agardtson

      I was reading that flouride is interfering with the production of melantonine. My own experience tells me that is so. I have been sailing a summer with no sunscreen and on my last trip to Uganda I didn`t use any either, this was unpossible for me before. I am blond and got very little pigmentation.

    2. Janet Avatar

      I’ve had a lot less skin cancer problems since I gave up sun screen, keep my vit D levels ~60, wear a hat and cover up if I’m beginning to burn, and stay out too long. I also eat more veggies, which probably helps my magnesium level, but I supplement that as well.

  18. patty Avatar

    not so fast— just because you think you got enough sun does not mean you got enough Vitamain D for the day. I lived in Calif and got a lot of sun (no sun screen) and took 2,000 IU of D each day and my levels were too low. I now take 5,000 a day and get a lot of sun each day (no sun screen) and now my levels are at 50).

    1. Malori Avatar

      Good point, there is a genetic polymorphism (the VDR gene) that can cause some people to not synthesize/convert Vitamin D very well from sun exposure. Both my husband and I have it and have to supplement for life most likely. I also have a little bit darker skin (Filipino and eastern European descent) so that makes it even harder for me to get enough.

  19. Amber Avatar

    Hi! I just found your blog and I love it! I have a 2-year old and a 4-month old and was told to give them oral Vitamin D. We live in Texas, so we are definitely in abundance of sun! I really liked this article and think I will stick to natural, limited sun exposure over the oral recommendation.

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