Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to use a menstrual cup for a healthier period
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Periods can be a big problem. But not for the reasons TV commercials try to convince us they are.

Sure, some women have uncomfortable and painful periods (see info on that at the bottom of this post), but there are some other big problems with the “norm” when it comes to periods. Mainly:

Risks of Tampons and Pads

Most feminine hygiene options like pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals and pesticides that aren’t good in general. While unhealthy, they are especially problematic for the delicate and highly vascular area like the vagina. With once a month use for all of a woman’s child-bearing years, the chemical exposure builds up!

There are also health concerns like Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from tampons and any absorbative products.

Unhealthy for the Planet

Health ramifications aside, options like pads and tampons aren’t good for the planet. Each woman will use an estimated 16,000 pads or tampons in her lifetime. These products end up in landfills, taking years and years to break down.

Most also contain plastic, which isn’t good for humans, but is also pretty terrible for the environment too.

Let me guess, right now, you may be thinking that you are just one person and you only contribute a small number of pads or tampons to the landfills.

natural feminine hygiene solutions

But did you know:

Each year, more than 12 BILLION sanitary pads and 7 BILLION tampons are dumped into landfills?

An average woman menstruates for over 40 years, leaving hundreds of pounds of disposable products in landfills.

Natural Period & Tampon Alternatives (That Work Better)

Fortunately, there are some great, organic and green alternatives to toxic, plastic containing disposables now. Most women shell out $5-14 per cycle on disposable products, so these options can save a lot of money over time!

If you haven’t already, consider switching to one of these. Not only are they healthier… but all of these options work better and are more comfortable than traditional pads and tampons. Plus you’ll save money too! A win:win for sure! And if you’re just not a menstrual cup person you can try period underwear. 

Menstrual Cups

It took me a while to try these, but I’m so glad I did! Here’s my review of popular brands:

The Diva Cup

As you may gather from its name, the Diva Cup is a silicone cup that is inserted vaginally and it takes the place of tampons and pads during your period. There are two sizes, one for pre-childbearing years and one for after you’ve had a child (or two or three or six…).

Unlike tampons, there is no danger of Toxic Shock Syndrome with the Diva Cup (or any menstrual cup) and it is completely reusable. It can be boiled to sanitize or washed with drinking water. Many women also report that it is much more comfortable, and most only have to change it every 8-12 hours, which is more convenient.

Luna Cup

The Diva Cup was the original, but there are now dozens of great menstrual cup options. Recently I had to purchase another menstrual cup when I was traveling and forgot to pack my Diva Cup. I got this Luna Cup and I have to say I actually like it a little better than the Diva Cup.

I should also put in my personal plug for menstrual cups in general. I’ll admit, when I first found out about them, I thought they were odd and couldn’t imagine using one. Now, I can’t imagine not using one. I’ve worn them overnight, on international flights, while scuba diving, while hiking 20+ miles, and in many other unusual situations. I have never had a leak or a problem and it has never been uncomfortable. Really.

In fact, since my periods are pretty light, I only have to dump the cup once a day, which is super convenient. In many ways, I don’t even notice being on my period now as I can go from gym to swimming to bed without having to change anything.

The first couple of uses it does take a little getting used to, but after that, it really is easier. Give them a try if you haven’t already!

Tips for Using a Menstrual Cup

How to use a menstrual cup like the diva cupHere’s the cheat sheet I wish I’d had on how to use a menstrual cup without the learning curve:

  1. Fold it first. There are dozens of ways to fold a menstrual cup to make it easier to insert. I squeeze mine in half and then fold it into a “C” shape so it easily pops back open once inserted.
  2. Insert like a tampon. Insert the folded cup like a tampon, angling it to the back of the spine. Make sure it fully unfolds to create a light suction. This suction keeps it from leaking. Check this by running your finger along the side to make sure it has unfolded completely. Pull down slightly if needed to make it more comfortable.
  3. Learn how long. How long you can wear a cup depends on how heavy your cycle is. The good news is that many women find their cycles get lighter and easier when they start using a cup. Like I said, I can wear mine for 24 hours, but the average seems to be about 12.
  4. Remove, clean and reuse. Wash your hands really well and pull down on the stem of the menstrual cup to release it. Once you’ve pulled it down slightly, gently push on one side to release the suction and carefully remove. Empty into the toilet and wash well with warm water before reinserting.
  5. When in doubt, turn inside out. This is a tip I learned from my midwife. If it is uncomfortable or you have trouble with leaks, turn the cup inside out. It works like a charm, and is really comfortable this way. It is slightly harder to remove, so just use your pelvic floor muscles to gently push it down to remove it.

Cloth Menstrual Pads

If a menstrual cup is not your thing, there are also a lot of options for cloth menstrual pads. These are more comfortable than plastic based pads! They have a waterproof liner so they don’t leak through clothes and are washable so they are eco-friendly too.

My favorites are these handmade cloth menstrual pads from a local family-owned business  (they can ship them worldwide!). They’re handmade by busy midwives and are great cloth pads that have lasted me for years and years!

Organic Menstrual Pads

If the idea of a menstrual cup or cloth pads isn’t your thing, it is possible to find organic disposable tampons or disposable pads so you can at least avoid the chemicals in the conventional versions.

Sea Sponge Tampons

Another great completely natural option is Sea Sponge tampons. They work similarly to a Diva Cup and collect flow. When removed, they can be easily rinsed out a re-used. These are the ones I’ve tried. I personally found them less comfortable than cloth pads or a cup though.

Natural Period Pain Relief

Tylenol and other acetaminophen-based pain relief options are chemically based and emerging research is finding that they are toxic to your mitochondria (you need those little guys!). Luckily, there are a lot of natural options out that, and you can also address the underlying problem and not just mask the pain.

  • Vitex – A fertility aid that also helps ease menstrual cramps by balancing hormones. It is also used by herbalists for increasing fertility, though it should be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily in capsule form or tincture form. For a full explanation of vitex and its benefits, see this post.
  • Red Clover – Another herb that is supportive of menstrual health and function. It has been known to ease endometriosis and PCOS and is helpful for cramps. It should also be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily. I’ve tried this brand.
  • Progesterone Cream – A natural progesterone cream is perhaps the best remedy, long-term for many menstrual problems. I’ve had many clients conceive by adding progesterone to their regimen, and it also helps ease cramps. Many menstrual problems can be caused or exacerbated by too much estrogen in the body, and progesterone helps balance it out. If used, it should only be used in the second half of the cycle (ovulation until start of the period) and applied to the skin of fatty areas of the body like the thighs, buttocks, stomach, breasts and upper arms. I’ve used this brand in the past but recently switched to this one on Dr. Anna Cabeca’s recommendation in this podcast.
  • Magnesium – Taking magnesium regularly may also really help ease cramps (and there are a lot of other benefits to taking magnesium too!) My favorite brand by far is this time-release formula. Read more about magnesium in this post.
  • Homeopathy – Our medical reviewer Dr. Madiha recommends a homeopathic product called Cyclease and uses it herself. If you’re curious, I wrote a whole post about homeopathetic remedies here.

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, an ON/GYN and board certified urogynecologist. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you have any natural tips for dealing with feminine health? Ever used any of the suggestions above? Please let me know below!


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    262 responses to “Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period”

    1. Carolyn Avatar

      You are fascinating! I am constantly awed and thrilled by your posts. A menstrual cup? I never heard of it, but it’s a GREAT idea! Way too much plastic on the planet. Waaaay too much trash in the landfills. For me, cramps weren’t an issue until I was older. I took Evening Primrose Oil 3x a day each day and they totally went away. Amazing stuff, right?

      Side note: My beau and I made your golden milk the other day. #We are hooked!

      Thank you for all you do. I read you with a passion. I can’t wait to learn new things. (Surprisingly, some of these things I do myself and it just provides reinforcement that I’m on the right path.) Thank you. LOVE YOU.

    2. Nichole Avatar

      Thanks for your post. I appreciate any information & tips in this area.
      I started out using Progesterone cream but transitioned to using Young Living Progessence Plus oil. I use it every day, all month long. Works great for me!
      I’m still trying to get the hang of using my menstrual cup. You are the second person that suggests turning it inside out. I’m going to try that next time!

    3. Loy Avatar

      Black cumin seeds oil in capsules works amazing for period cramps or irregularities. Very important you get organic cold pressed though. Those with irregular periods due to thyroid issues, it causes regularity. It has SO many other benefits that it’s a staple for me. I’ve had best luck with Amazing Herbs brand and Life Extension brand.

    4. Kali Avatar

      I have been using diva cup for about 5 years now. It is more comfortable, easy to clean, more hygienic and so much beter for the environment. I cant understand why every woman would not swap to using them

    5. Sharon Avatar

      Been using the Luna cup for at least a year. Love it!!! Wish i found it years ago. I remove mine in the shower. I also use a little progesterone cream as lube, or coconut oil.

    6. Katrina Ramquist-Wesson Avatar
      Katrina Ramquist-Wesson

      I have been using a Luna cup for over a year and will never go back. I bought 2 sizes in a package deal. This is really helpful because I can get by more comfortably with the smaller cup most days while the larger cup is great to have on the first couple of heavy days. Highly recommend! I’m certain it’s already paid for itself without having to buy tampons anymore.

    7. Charlotte Avatar

      That cup is disgusting. Poor women who wears that thing for 12 hours. Seems very unhealthy.

    8. Heidi Avatar

      I LOVE using a cup, but it wasn’t easy (or cheap!) to find one that fit me. It isn’t as easy as
      vaginal birth vs. no vaginal birth. It also relates to how high your cervix is, and the height of the cervix on some women changes during the period (or the month), so they may need more than one size cup.

      I was on my SEVENTH cup, when I decided to try the Keeper I had bought for my squeamish teen. It was sized for somebody who had never had a vaginal birth (5 of my kids were vaginal births). It was THE CUP for me. Having said that, I also have SUPER HEAVY periods, and the capacity on that one is not much–so during my 2nd “Niagara Falls” day, for half the day I have to stay near a toilet and change it about every 20 minutes to prevent leakage.

      There are FB groups for helping you find your perfect cup, and some sell used ones (sounds unsanitary, but they are boiled, and it isn’t everybody’s idea of a good bet because the pricing isn’t always very cheap for used, either). I am no longer on FB so cannot direct you to my favorite group (some also cater to transgenders, and are a bit blunt. Others freely talk about their sex lives. Find the group that fits your comfort level). If it hadn’t been for the encouragement on one group in particular, I would have given up and not found what works for me.

    9. Julie Avatar

      Great information! I have been using a diva cup for years and love it. I learned about vitex during a missed miscarriage. After that was over, I started using vitex and maca…not only did I conceive again easily, but in the meantime, my migraines disappeared as did my acne. Once pregnant, my midwives approved using both thru the 3rd trimester to keep my progesterone levels up…which it did beautifully!

    10. Adriana Avatar

      How does Red Clover help PCOS? My 18 daughter has been diagnosed with this. I am not in favor of the Big Pharmacy meds the Dr wants her to use . Love your blog

    11. Devorah Shulman Avatar
      Devorah Shulman

      I’m now past the age of having to worry about this, but I did once try a meunstral cup, and it just didn’t work. It was uncomfortable and leaked. I contacted the company (don’t remember which one now), and was told that with retroverted uterus the angle wouldn’t be right. I we that there at more options now, so I guess it would just be trial and error.

    12. Tanya S Avatar
      Tanya S

      Great post! I love the detailed info which covers many questions! I’ve considered the diva cup off and on for many months now. I’ve read that letting the blood flow out is helpful for cleansing the body and to help prevent “back flow”…do you feel the cup would cause such a problem? Also…I am having a hard time grasping putting this in after rinsing…wouldnt the water cause a risk of bacteria growth?

    13. Kesha Avatar

      Thanks for this post. I discovered the Diva cup 5 years ago and regret that it was not the first thing I used. I have an unusually heavy flow and this is a saving grace — super tampons last 45 min at the beginning of my cycle. With Diva cup I can go 4-6 hours. Game changer. And, a healthier option for me and the planet.

      Run and get one!!

    14. Taylor P Avatar
      Taylor P

      Have you heard of THINX? It’s underwear that absorbs your period and then you just wash in your washer – lasts about 2 years with regular wash. They have different styles that hold different amounts (2 tampons worth, 1 tampon worth, 1/2 tampons worth for lighter days). I’ve been thinking about buying these for awhile now!

    15. Callie Avatar

      I use the femmecycle. I was worried the diva cup wouldn’t work for my low cervix. I love it. Never going back.

    16. Jill Avatar

      What do I wash the diva cup with once my cycle is over? I don’t want to buy the special soap diva cup sells.

      1. Ann-Marie Avatar

        I wash my Sckoon cup with regular soap and water then soak in about 50-50 peroxide water solution and then air dry for storage until my next cycle. Mine was starting to stain and after soaking in the peroxide solution it looks like new again, no staining anymore!

    17. Lisa Avatar

      Just a bit of info; I’ve tried the Diva Cup, and the Sea Sponges. The cup and sponge both messy to deal with in public restrooms. Also for wome with heavy flows and clotting better plan to check every hour. Also info for the disposable napkins try several. I have been loyal to a great brand, but since moving to Arizona the heat and body sweat cause glue to adhere to panties and take way too much work to remove. Natual is the best option which ever you choose.

    18. Sara Avatar

      I hated tampons and pads. I used to dread starting my moon cycle, between the crazy intense cramping, feeling disgusting, and having to deal with the mess. So one of my bosses turned me on to disposable soft cups, which I used for about 6 months with cloth pads after learning about the disposable paper products, their effect on the environment, the human body and the wallet. before. With just changing over to soft cups I had zero cramps, nada, zilch NONE. Dealing with the cups was so much easier and it didn’t dry me out down there, and it wasn’t painful at all inserting or removing after I got the hang of it. I even ordered a lunette cup (diva cup), but I only got to use it once before I got pregnant lol. But I liked it even better than the soft cups, and since its reusable and isn’t disposable I felt better about my waste level.

    19. Marsh Avatar

      I will never go back to tampons after the lena cup and the diva cup. I don’t have cramps anymore, I don’t have to worry about smuggling my purse into the bathroom stalls or discreetly stuffing tampons and wipes into my pants pockets. For me, the cups have only been uncomfortable when I put them in wrong, otherwise, I don’t even know it’s there.
      Using the cup has made such a difference for me that I will never go back to tampons or pads.

    20. Jessy Avatar

      Regarding menstrual cup, there are actually a lot of reusable menstrual cups right now in the market aside from the diva cup. This includes a Eva cup by antigen, lunette, ruby cup and many more. These cups are one of the top 5 reusable period cups right now.

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