Are You Low on Magnesium?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Magnesium Benefits and Uses
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The answer is likely “Yes” that you are deficient in Magnesium.

Magnesium is the eighth most abundant mineral on earth, and the third most abundant in sea water. More importantly, it is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and it is necessary in over 300 reactions within the body.

Magnesium isn’t just abundant in the body, but vitally important too. As this article explains:

Every single cell in the human body demands adequate magnesium to function, or it will perish. Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, well functioning detoxification pathways and much more depend upon cellular magnesium sufficiency. Soft tissue containing the highest concentrations of magnesium in the body include the brain and the heart—two organs that produce a large amount of electrical activity, and which can be especially vulnerable to magnesium insufficiency.

Proper magnesium ratios are important for the body to correctly use calcium in the cells. Even a small deficiency can lead to a dangerous calcium imbalance and lead to problems like calcification and cell death. This manifests itself with symptoms like heart trouble, migraine headaches, muscle cramps and premenstrual cramping.

Where Has All The Magnesium Gone?

Unfortunately, most modern farming processes tax the soil, depleting it of its natural magnesium. On top of that, many hybrids are selectively bred to survive low levels of magnesium and most conventional fertilizers use nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, and do nothing to replenish magnesium levels.

Water was once a good source of magnesium, but now:

Fluoride in drinking water binds with magnesium, creating a nearly insoluble mineral compound that ends up deposited in the bones, where its brittleness increases the risk of fractures. Water, in fact, could be an excellent source of magnesium—if it comes from deep wells that have magnesium at their source, or from mineral-rich glacial runoff. Urban sources of drinking water are usually from surface water, such as rivers and streams, which are low in magnesium. Even many bottled mineral waters are quite low in magnesium, or have a very high concentration of calcium, or both.

These additional dietary factors can also deplete magnesium:

  • Consumption of caffeine
  • Consumption of sugar (It takes 28 molecules of magnesium to metabolize a single glucose molecule! source)
  • Consumption of processed food
  • Consumption of alcohol
  • Consumption of produce from depleted soil
  • Consumption of foods high in phytic acid

Additionally, drugs like birth control pills, hypertension medicine, diuretics, insulin, and certain antibiotics (among others) deplete magnesium levels. Sweating often from exercise or other causes can also deplete magnesium.

What Does Magnesium Do?

Magnesium is necessary for hundreds of functions within the body, but is especially important for:

  • Gives rigidity AND flexibility to your bones (more important than Calcium in many cases)
  • Increases bioavailability of calcium
  • Regulates and normalizes blood pressure
  • Prevents and reverses kidney stone formation
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Helps prevent congestive heart failure
  • Eases muscle cramps and spasms
  • Lowers serum cholesterol levels and triglycerides
  • Decreases insulin resistance
  • Can prevent atherosclerosis and stroke
  • End cluster and migraine headaches
  • Enhances circulation
  • Relieves fibromyalgia and chronic pain
  • Treats asthma and emphysema
  • Helps make proteins
  • Encourages proper elimination
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • Proper Vitamin D absorption
  • protection from radiation
  • To aid weight loss
  • Lessen or remove ADD or ADHD in children
  • in proper digestion of carbohydrates
  • emerging evidence is showing a preventative role in many cancers
  • (source)

Even though magnesium deficiency is rarely addressed in medical settings, the National Institutes of Health website states that:

Some observational surveys have associated higher blood levels of magnesium with lower risk of coronary heart disease [50-51]. In addition, some dietary surveys have suggested that a higher magnesium intake may reduce the risk of having a stroke [52]. There is also evidence that low body stores of magnesium increase the risk of abnormal heart rhythms, which may increase the risk of complications after a heart attack [4]. These studies suggest that consuming recommended amounts of magnesium may be beneficial to the cardiovascular system.

Are You Low in Magnesium?

As I said above, the answer is likely ‘yes’ in today’s world, as over 80% of tested adults are. Unfortunately, blood tests are relatively ineffective in gauging magnesium levels as less than 1% of magnesium is in the blood.

Low magnesium levels are often diagnosed by symptoms alone, and the following symptoms can point to low magnesium levels:

  • Inability to sleep or insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Mental disturbances
  • Anxiety, depression or restlessness
  • Muscle soreness or spasms
  • Infertility or PMS
  • High levels of stress
  • Headaches
  • Heart “flutters” or palpitations
  • Fatigue or unusual tiredness
  • Coldness in extremities
  • Fuzzy brain or difficulty concentrating
  • Allergies and sensitivities
  • Lack of appetite
  • Back pain
  • Body odor
  • Bad short term memory
  • Poor coordination
  • Insulin resistance
  • Carbohydrate cravings
  • Constipation
  • Frequent cavities or poor dental health
  • Gut disorders
  • Kidney stones
  • Thyroid problems

If you have more than one of the above symptoms and especially if you have more than five, it is highly likely that you could benefit from magnesium supplementation.

How To Get Enough Magnesium

Unfortunately, magnesium is often not well absorbed by the digestive tract, and is even more difficult to absorb if you are deficient or are low in vitamin D, have poor gut bacteria or suffer from a number of other conditions.

On top of that, most foods are depleted of their natural magnesium levels and the water supply is lacking also. For this reason, I often use topical magnesium supplementation for our family.

There are several ways to supplement, and a mixture of more than one type of magnesium supplementation seems to be most effective. It is important to start slow and work up, as high doses will not be completely absorbed at first and most will be wasted.

Oral Magnesium Supplements

Leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp, and especially nettle are good dietary sources of magnesium, though if you have a deficiency, it will be difficult to raise your levels enough through diet alone. There is also evidence that over half of all magnesium taken internally is not used and leaves the body as waste. I take this timed release formula and B-vitamins and folate for better absorption. (I like it so much I reached out to them and they offered a 10% discount for Wellness Mama readers with the code wellness10.) Another great magnesium option is from BiOptimizers.

Transdermal Magnesium Supplements

Unlike internal doses of magnesium, topical magnesium does not have to pass through the digestive system and kidneys and can more quickly enter the blood and tissues of the body.

I now cycle a quality magnesium supplement like the one above with topical magnesium spray. I find topical to be the most effective (and cost effective!). You can make your own magnesium spray using this recipe or can try these hand-crafted jars of Magnesium Lotion as well.

Healthy Magnesium Levels: Bonus Benefit!

In fact, I was suffering from low vitamin D for years despite spending regular time in the sun and taking supplemental D3 at the suggestion of my doctor. Magnesium is needed for proper vitamin D absorption and it wasn’t until I increased my use of magnesium on my skin that my vitamin D levels finally went up.

If you’d like to learn more about the importance of magnesium and its various actions in the body, I’d suggest the book The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean as well as listen to my short podcast episode on magnesium.

Do you take magnesium? Have you noticed any benefit? Share below!

Magnesium deficiency can lead to health problems. Find out the best source of magnesium and how to optimize your magnesium levels.

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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    437 responses to “Are You Low on Magnesium?”

    1. Emily Avatar

      Epsom salt baths are recommended by Dr. Christanne Northrup as a good source of magnesium.  I have found a bath with a cup of epsom salt or a foot soak can be effective. 🙂

      1. Cristina Avatar

        Totally agree! With a young one, I find drinking the Natural Calm to be the best way I get magnesium since I can chase my toddler and drink it before bed.

    2. Shawna Avatar

      I started to take the Natural Calm a few weeks ago and after a few days my arms started to itch (as I increased the dose) is that normal? I stopped taking it thinking I was having an allergic reaction. Not sure what to do now…any suggestions?

      1. Trina Avatar

        This is exact same thing is happening to me – and I’m super tired as well. Is this normal? I started with a minimal dose and gradually increased it.

          1. Tina Avatar

            I also seem to have a rash on my lower legs, wondering if its due to the natural calm. Tried the mg oil and it itched so bad!

            1. Wellness Mama Avatar
              Wellness Mama

              It seems to make some sense. I notice that the oil only bothers me if I’ve eaten junk lately…

    3. Amy Stadler Avatar
      Amy Stadler

      Before I started taking magnesium I had headaches and/or migraines 5-6 days a week.  Since I started I have only had one headache! yay! This is awesome since I hate taking medication.  My doctor had me on Imitrex for my migraines and half the time it didn’t even work! The side effects scared me so I would usually just suffer through the pain but now I don’t have to! Thanks so much for all the info you provide and for sharing your knowledge so others can benefit too!!

    4. Colleen Avatar

      Hi, Thanks for this post. So here’s a funny thing… I’ve experienced chronic/seasonal (I know… weird, but true) follifulitis for more than ten years now.  Red spots on my arms and near a surgery scar on my leg and it’s staph. The infection subsided a bit when I went gluten free three years ago, but this spring it’s back (we’ve had pretty nice weather here in the PNW, so perhaps this is b/c of allergens?).  Long story short, I’ve tried everything I can think of to address this problem, but nothing helped– until this last week when I read that some people have had success applying MILK of MAGNESIA directly to the problem areas.  I had some left over from my gluten days, so I tried it.  Lo and behold, of all the things in the world, good ol’ Phillips Milk of Magnesia is working.  It seems to keep the inflammation down and it’s the staph creates the inflammation pockets.   My theory is that the magnesium is changing the surface of my skin (pH? like with epsom baths) in such a way that it’s inhospitable to staph.  I’ve also gathered that magnesium somehow binds tissue cells together such that staph cannot easily slip between two or more.  The existing spots are shrinking quickly– while usually they stay “active” for weeks.  My only concern (aside from the unflattering milky white residue) is a bleaching additive Phillips uses to as a preservative, so I think I’ll try this transdermal magnesium– seems like it could be a worthwhile investment.

        1. Patricia Leggette Avatar
          Patricia Leggette

          I have a couple questions for you. First, my husband weighs about 240 pounds, how much should he take ? Second question, he also has hep c, is their any benefit taking magnesium for this disease?

          Thank You,
          Patty Leggette

    5. Kelly Goffigan Avatar
      Kelly Goffigan

      Have you heard of a magnesium deficiency causing restless leg syndrome?  I have suffered from it for severals years now, and I know it is aggravated by alcohol, sugar, and caffeine (all things that deplete magnesium, hmm…).  I am considering trying the magnesium oil to lessen my symptoms.  

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Let me know how it works! I’ve heard this connection and have wondered that also…

        1. Nik Avatar

          I had restless leg syndrome durring my last trimester of pregnancy. I took Magnesium and it absolutely helped plus I slept better.

      2. Amy Avatar

        It’s helped my RLS quite a bit. I spray it on my feet and calves at bedtime & rarely have a problem.

      3. Erika Avatar

        I had horrible leg cramping with my first pregnancy. Now that I use midwives for prenatal care, they always have me supplement with calcium/magnesium, and have had NOT ONE cramp in my last 4 pregnancies. If I ever get a little restless leg syndrome, I go get out a magnesium pill, and it is gone in 15 minutes. Love it!

      4. Jamila Knopp Avatar
        Jamila Knopp

        Yes, I think though. Magnesium makes my restless legs settle.

      5. lisa Avatar

        Hi. You may have dealt with your restless leg syndrome years ago, but in case you still have it: my husband was suffering from restless leg syndrome. He was diagnosed with a severe iron deficiency. Nobody thought the restless leg had anything to do with that, but since his iron deficiency has been being successfully treated (years of iron infusions monthly–he will always need them, apparently) he has not had so much as a twitch in his legs.

      6. Darla Avatar

        I had restless legs for a long time and a friend recommended trace minerals and I haven’t had them since.

      7. Amy Avatar

        I take magnesium for restless leg. It is amazing! I was taking a prescription drug because it was so bad.but it had lots of side effects. Someone at work suggested magnesium and I can’t believe the difference!

    6. Sara Avatar

      Do you use all three methods at the same time? Where should you start or with how much?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I use small doses of all three, but some people do better with just the oil at first. I’d start with the recommended dose of one and then add the others in slowly.

    7. Danielle Avatar

      Maybe I’m insanely sensitive but I just got the oil and the calm today. The oil burned- not tingled and left red dots. Should I dilute it?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Yeah, try diluting in coconut oil if you have it, or lotion if you don’t. From what I understand, the more deficient you are, the more it will be uncomfortable in the beginning. Mine was uncomfortable enough to be annoying when I first started using it, but now it doesn’t bother me at all…

    8. Rebecca McGrath Avatar
      Rebecca McGrath

      Wow those are a lot of symptoms and I have a lot. If I am magnesium deficient then I bet my husband and son are. Now my question is my son is 4 1/2 yrs. old how should I treat him for this? How much should I use? I would just be afraid of giving him too much.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        You could just add very small doses of the liquid to his drinks (a drop or two) and add some epsom salts to his baths, and that should work to slowly bring his levels up.

    9. jean Avatar

      I have another symptom to add.  I had taken Inderol (a beta blocker) for 20 years because of shaky hands which had been diagnosed as a Voluntary Tremor.  After starting on Magnesium and upped my dose over time I am completely off the drug and only get shaky if I drink full caffeinated coffee, which makes sense from what you say about caffeine depleting it.  My heart palpitations are gone too!  
      This is a great article and I can really relate to it.  Thanks!   

      1. Natalie Avatar

        Hi Wjeaner,
        I have been struggling for over 4 years with, weakness, shaking, trembling in myhands on and off, mental fogginess, etc, what dosage of magnesium do you take? Also how long before you actually noticed a difference? I am at my wits end. I have been poked, prodded, X-Rayed, etc and everything comes backnormal. This is affecting my blood pressure a lot during the day as it goes very low and I am disabled by this when it happens.
        Thank you for the info

    10. Jill Avatar

      I ordered the oil and the ionic supplement you recommended.

      The ionic supplement gives me a horribly sore throat. Why does this happen?


      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        How much water are you diluting it in? There’s a chance it is too concentrated, or that you need it so much that it is creating the same burn/tingle that the oil does on the skin when you first start taking it. Maybe try diluting it more or start with a smaller dose…

        1. Jill Avatar

          Ummm… I’m not diluting it. In just taking a dropperful and swallowing it. Haha oops!

          I’ll try dilution. Thanks!

    11. Eleanor Baron Avatar
      Eleanor Baron

      Thanks for the info about transdermal magnesium. I’ve been taking a magnesium supplement (high absorbtive, chelated), recommended by my naturopath, but know that absorption can be a problem. Even so, I feel much better when I’m taking it. Also, thanks for your very informative site. Good stuff!

    12. Elizabeth Kvammen Avatar
      Elizabeth Kvammen

      hi 🙂 what about young children and supplementation? would it be advisable or not to use the spray on their skin? from the reviews it seems to cause some soreness. thanks 🙂

        1. Laura Avatar

          I purchased the Kids Natural Calm liquid and my son hates it…it smells terrible and does not taste good. Is that the kind you give your kids? and if not, can you tell me which version you use?

          1. Sharon O'Neill Avatar
            Sharon O’Neill

            Hi Laura! I am an adult woman and not sure if a young person should take Natural Calm adult dose BUT I just bought it in a Raspberry/lemon flavour and it tastes good!!! I bought it at a Kardish store. It is quite costly but you can control the amount of powder you need AND you can drink it as a hot beverage before bedtime:) I am discovering though not to take it during the day as it makes you very tired. They say that at first it will happen and because you do have low magnesium. I hope this helps? Take care. Sharon

          2. Leslie Avatar

            Just switch from solgar to natural calm and I cannot deny that natural calm has really got things moving. However I find the artificial raspberry and lemon flavor horrid!

    13. Gissel Orellana Avatar
      Gissel Orellana

      I love this article, well every single one you post. I have some of these symptoms and I can’t wait to try the magnesium… I have terrible brain fog, body odor, stress, headaches ugh the list goes on. Again thank you!

    14. Karyn Avatar

      What do you think of supplementation at the end of pregnancy? I have heard that it helps a lot with afterbirth pains, since it relaxes the uterus. But I’m wondering if one must wait until after labor – would it actually relax the uterus so much that it would not be as efficient during contractions?

      1. Rebekka Hennecke Avatar
        Rebekka Hennecke

        I took 1000mg daily of magnesium all through my pregnancy (I have a tendency to muscle cramps so I always take it), and none of my HC providers ever said anything to it. BUT: my water broke without contractions and I had to be induced, major failure to progress, fever and antibiotics, monitoring, interventions and finally 37 hours later my daughter was born by vacuum extraction. It sounds way worse than it actually was, though. I doubt the magnesium was the reason but from what you say it might have been a compounding factor? YMMV.

        1. Cathy Yearwood Avatar
          Cathy Yearwood

          I had a similar childbirth experience, and at the time I was not taking magnesium, only the prenatal supplements they gave me. I wouldn’t think mag supplements would do that.

      2. Barbara Avatar

        I am in the 3rd trimester and complained to my midwife of charlie horses in the legs as well as an over-abundance in Braxton-Hicks. She recommended the Natural Calm magnesium supplement b/c it’s so difficult to get enough nutrients through food when you are hugely pregnant and can only ingest about 1/2c. of food at one sitting. It has been an amazing difference!

        1. Barbara Avatar

          I forgot to tell you that she said that labor is going to be strong enough to get the baby out because the hormones during labor increase as needed. That’s why contractions start slow and far apart and get stronger and closer together. Your body communicates what’s necessary to do the job.

      3. Karyn Avatar

        Thanks for the feedback, Rebekka and Babs5 – I too get the muscle cramps so I might try the supplementation. And I wouldn’t mind if my contractions slowed down a smidge as mine come fast and furious once they start!

      4. Karyn Avatar

        Thanks for the feedback, Rebekka and Babs5 – I too get the muscle cramps so I might try the supplementation. And I wouldn’t mind if my contractions slowed down a smidge as mine come fast and furious once they start!

      5. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I’ve wondered about this too, but low magnesium can lead to birth complications so I’ve always taken it during pregnancy for that reason.

        1. Sarah Avatar

          When I was hospitalised with pre term labour and high BP intravenous magnesium was used to STOP the contractions. It worked well too and when they decided he was cooked enough and stopped it labour started again with a few hours. Three hours later my son was born without any help.

        2. Kali Higgins Avatar
          Kali Higgins

          What form of magnesium did you take and did you change your dosage throughout your pregnancy?

    15. Joey Avatar

      Also, I’ve been wondering … do bone broths contain magnesium?  Would there be enough to even consider it a dietary source?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Bone broth does contain magnesium, but it also contains enough calcium that it won’t help much if your ratios are messed up, since you’ll be getting so much calcium with it. Bone broths are nutritionally great though, just not the best source of magnesium

      2. Patricia Avatar

        Pumpkin seeds are a good source of magnesium and dark chocolate the 70=80% type, magnesium also needs co-factors to be absorbed well like B6 and Zinc and Boron, always works better if you can do it with food because food always has the useful co-factors in, bit like aspirin and willow, aspirin can cause bleeding problems but not willow because it has other stuff that works with the aspirin base it contains.

        1. liz Avatar

          But both seeds and cocoa beans contain phytic acid, that binds the minerals so the body does not absorb them..

    16. Venessa Avatar

      this might sound crazy..but if the soil is depleted of magnesium , as is the water..what are the supplements made of? Where do the manufacturers of the supplements get their ingredient from? Just a question…..

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Yes…I will actually add that to the post. It takes a long time of regular baths to get levels up, but is a great addition to supplements!

      2. Jan Avatar

        Check out books and web info fro dr. Mark sircus Epsom salts are not the right kind of magnesium – he recommends magnesium citrate combined with bicarbonate of soda and Himalayan pink salt in a foot bath – there’s loads of info out there – good luck!

    17. Cathy Avatar

      I’ve heard a lot of good about magnesium glycinate…any thoughts?  I’ve typically used Solaray’s blend of magnesium citrate and asparotate (sp?) and also Nature Calm.  The last few months I had gotten away from taking it and have had horrible body odor…just started again a few weeks ago…will be interested to see if that improves.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        That for is fine, though if you have trouble absorbing, it may be easier to use the skin oil, which will be absorbed better.

        1. Marissa Burghdorf Avatar
          Marissa Burghdorf

          Hi, thank you for this article! I have been suffering with everyone of these symptoms and doctors had no answers for me. I just started using the oil. How much would you recommend and where would you recommend putting it?

          Thank you!!

      2. Debra Avatar

        I have not had a migraine in 15 months since I started taking magnesium glycinate. I suffered from severe migraines for over 16 years; five to six days a week with SEVERE headaches. Nothing helped – prescription medications or OTC – nothing helped. In recent years, I have resorted to drinking three to four caffeinated sodas a day (I wasn’t a soda drinker before at all) and taking three to four doses of motrin a day to get only a slight bit of relief. Someone told me about magnesium but that didn’t seem to help either. However, I was taking the wrong kind of magnesium. Fifteen months ago, I read that you have to take magnesium glycinate. I tried it and have been completely migraine free for FIFTEEN MONTHS! I still can’t get over it. I feel like I have been set free! I take two 200mg tablets for a total of 400mg a day. I feel like a new person! I have not had any motrin or prescription migraine medication in fifteen months.
        I now know of four other people who have also started taking magnesium glycinate and it has stopped their migraines as well.

        1. Elle Avatar

          I have terrible migraines, I have to try this. Thanks for your post.

          1. Teressa Avatar

            Four years ago I suddenly began having debilitating migraines. After many trips to many different doctors(without good results), a homeopathic practitioner told me to try a gluten-free diet. I did. I haven’t had another migraine. Just food for thought.

        2. Monique Avatar

          I have been taking magnesium glycinate to help with migraines. Only 300 mg for 3 months, 500 mg a month, now I’m going to up it to 600 mg. I read anywhere from 500 to 1,000 mg is needed for treatment levels. It has helped back not hurt while sleeping and my palpatations and anxiety have lessened. I wish 400 mg would have made a dent in my migraines! Lucky for you.

      3. Karen L Branch Avatar
        Karen L Branch

        I finally found a magnesium that is easily absorbed without the side effects of sitting on the toilet all day long. It is Monomagnesium Malate made by MgBright. It is the only one that really helps me and I am so relieved.

    18. Sarah Gibby Avatar
      Sarah Gibby

      My sister suffers from almost everyone of these symptoms. She is being tested for everything under the sun. Is there a way to test for magnesium deficiency?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        There isn’t a reliable way to test because so little of your body’s magnesium is in the blood. Most are in the bones and organs, and it is difficult to get a good measure through a blood test. Symptoms are usually used to diagnose, and since the body will just flush out any extra, it won’t hurt to try taking it for a month or two and see if symptoms improve.

        1. Carrie B Avatar
          Carrie B

          Hi Wellness Mama!

          Glad to see you spreading awareness for magnesium deficiency! I directed my pregnant niece to your site. Just wanted to add here that a Magnesium RBC test is the best available test to measure intracellular levels of magnesium(other than a hair tissue mineral analysis – HTMA). Most doctors do not know what this test is…they always think you are talking about serum magnesium. If your doctor does not know what this is…it can be ordered via There are a few other online sites as well.

          1. jake Avatar

            The body stores only 0.05% of its Mg in red blood cells, so a Mg RBC test is just as unhelpful as a Mg blood serum test, except to spot cases of life-threatening Mg. deficiency. You need a genuine intracellular Mg. test, such as the EXATest. The test examines a swab from inside your cheek, using Analytical Scanning Electron Microscopy, (ASEM,) and an Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis, (EXA,) to make a genuine determination of the intracellular contents of Mg AND Potassium, the other intracellular electrolyte.

            Unfortunately, the vendor sends the kit to healthcare professionals only, so you need to work with one who, at the least, will humor you.

        2. James Avatar

          Hi Wellness Mama !!!!!!!!!

          There IS a test for magnesium deficiency !!!!!!!!
          Go to………


      2. nelle Avatar

        you should get her tested for Lyme disease, which depletes the magnesium in your body and causes multiple symptoms that are not explainable, including everything on this magnesium depletion list. Lyme spirochetes cause magnesium deficiency in most people with Lyme disease

      3. Laura Avatar

        There are various ways to test Mg deficiency. The urine tests can be a bit tricky because Mg levels fluctuates throughout the day but you can try the Magnesium serum test. Please note this is not the most accurate test. Mg blood levels stand at 1%, When Mg levels drop in the blood, the body will find a way to replenish this even if it means drawing Mg from the bones/cells. In the UK the NHS believes that MG serum levels between 0.6- 1% is normal. On the other hand, Mg deficiency is quite widespread and to this end some physicians are of the opinion that an Mg serum reading of less than 0.9% is a sign of deficiency. My daughter had two tests done and she had a reading of 0.78% and 0.81% I then followed this up with an RBC Mg test (an intracellular test to gauge the level of Mg in her cells) and this came back with a reading of 2.13 which is on the lower end. More of this below.

        b) Alternatively, you can test for Mg deficiency using a sublingual epithelial test or a RBC Mg test The former requires taking cell samples from underneath the tongue, whilst the latter is a blood test. Both tests will check for Mg WITHIN the celLs (intracellular). These tests are more accurate than the Mg serum test in that they look to ascertain Mg levels within our cell tissues.

        My daughter recently had an RBC test done, Whilst waiting for the results I put her on 750 mg of Mg supplements. I was waiting to see if her stomach would run ( a sure sign of excess Mg). Her stomach remained fined.

        The results came back and it was established that her intracellular Mg levels were 2.13 nmol/l, Normal range is 2.08 and 3. My GP said that her Mg levels were normal yet when you look at the reading that is on the low side. Suffice to say I put her on Mg supplements. She has severe eczema and in the last 5 months she’s been on a cocktail of Vitamin D, Mg, Zn, B6, Vitamin D and evening primrose oil with good results.

        If your sister is unable to conduct any of these tests, I suggest she start taking Mg supplements (preferably Mg glycinate) about 500 mg a day. Try for 3 days and if her stomach is fine, she should push it up to 800 Mg a day. 800 mg should help her obtain her daily intake and build up her reserves.

        1. Bat-Sheva Avatar

          Hi, there is something else you can try to help with eczema, it could be autoimmune related. My daughter suffered from it until I balanced her immune system and it went all away. I gave her sterols & sterolins (look for a product called Moducare, it is very important, it helps to balance your T-cells i.e. TH1 & TH2. It is a plant extract and normally in green leafy plants but you have to take in a whole lot to just get enough. Heat and cold destroys sterols and sterolins), and immune supporting vitamins like magnesium, zinc, selenium, omega 3, probiotics, vit D. You do not need to over do on vitamins to try and get results. Make sure you understand what the daily dosage is for a child her age otherwise you could end up with other problems. Make sure her ferritin and fe-iron is normal when giving magnesium, I think it depends which form you give. I heard that Mag Citrate can mess around with it. I use Magnesium Taurate, I was told it is good for cells and can pass through the blood brain barrier. My kids had iron problems, but when I gave it to my son and had a blood test done, his ferritin was back up to 20 from 12, his Fe-iron dropped from over 130 down to 110.

    19. Honora Avatar

      Dr. Davis recently suggested magnesium malate capsules.  What do you think of this supplementation?  What about chelated? 

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Both of those forms are good as well, but some people may have trouble absorbing them internally if they have intestinal issues, so the skin oil is helpful for those people.

        1. Glam Avatar

          Where do you put the oil? on your legs where the charly horses are? hands? body? and when do you use it? at night before bed? first thing in the morning??? Thanks.

            1. Darko Avatar

              There is a hyperlink in the article above. You can get Magnesium Bath Flakes there. Very effective.

          1. Drea Avatar

            I absolutely love using the oil in the bath (2 ounces) before bed.

        2. Kerri Avatar

          When I use the oil It gets white dry powder left on my skin that gets everywhere. Is this normal?

        3. Alyssa Avatar

          When is the best time to take the magnesium. I see it makes you tired so would before bed be good? On the back of natural calm it says spread it out over the day does that matter?

            1. Nanda Avatar

              Why not take it with calcium? My magnesium supplement also has calcium in it.

              Also, I’ve been taking it around 8:30pm and I sleep like a baby, but it also makes me tired all day long. Is that normal?

            2. Susan H Avatar

              Magnesium and calcium have opposite effects on muscles. Calcium should be taken in the morning, magnesium at night.

            3. Chuck Avatar

              taking magnesium at night has a paradoxical effect on me–I can fall asleep but I am up within 2 or 3 hours and cannot get back to sleep for another 2 hours. If I take magnesium in the morning I have no problem sleeping and if I do wake up in the middle of the night can fall asleep relatively quickly.

        4. Pierce Watkins Avatar
          Pierce Watkins

          Hey Wellness Mama, I love reading everything you wright about. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I’ve made some change to my diet with your help, i now use coconut oil for everything. I’m also considering getting off grains (which i’d always thought was super good for you, like nuts i love) I’m doing this to help with my Teeth problems. So i’m strictly doing your diet which make’s more scenes then other. The Magnesium part has lost me lost tho I thought Celtic Salt was a source of magnesium, but was never mentioned and how much of this is good to consume? I have a deep well in the Mountain’s with neighbor’s, does this mean there’s magnesium in my water? If there is one thing i don’t want to do in this diet, is to take supplements. What did those people 100s n 1,000’s of years age when there were no supplements, while staying healthy.

          1. sally Avatar

            The food was not processed years ago, the farming methods didn’t deplete the soil of minerals, water wasn’t processed and fluoridated, milk wasnt processed, and so on and on…….
            If you read those people who have studied indigenous tribes they have a healthy jaw development and very few suffer dental caries. The whole skeleton of the human is healthy and so too the organs. These people live with nature they don’t try to dominate and control it. They eat food which is available to them, i.e. Eskimos and maoris have an entirely different diet to each other and to most other tribes and cultures; their diet sees them thrive however, if they change their diet and introduce a Western diet their health deteriorates and they suffer the same diseases as the rest of us in the West.

          2. sally Avatar

            Celtic/sea salt contains many different molecules including minerals including magnesium and Iodine. It is similar to blood in this respect; all living creatures came from the sea originally. Humans developed from the first living creatures which managed to develop out of water, (sea) but as a result of our origins we have retained a massive link with the sea and this is just one.
            Natural salt which has not been processed in anyway and no additional ingredients are safe and enhance our health when used appropriately. processed ‘table salt’ maligns the name salt since it is simply sodium chloride, no minerals etc. In an attempt to make this awful product more appealing they introduced additional Iodine but none of the additions or the sodium chloride are natural products and are not natural to our bodies and for this reason ‘Table Salt’ will cause disorder and disease.
            If you sniff table ‘salt’ and then celtic/sea salt you can smell the wonderful natural smell of the natural product.

          3. Katie Avatar

            Hundreds and thousands of years ago people were living into their 40s and 50s. Pretty sure you’re better off with some supplements than following their example.

            1. Sally Avatar

              ofcourse, people thousands of years ago were dying from infectious diseases, dysentry, trauma/injury, etc., rather than an unhealthy diet, indeed they are likely to have lived healthy lives regarding food and unlikely to have suffered from overeating, our bodys would also have been in tune with nature too.

        5. Emily Avatar

          I take natural calm and have made magnesium oil with ancient minerals flakes in the past. Do you know if my skin could absorb the magnesium if i dissolve the natural calm in water and apply with a spray bottle?

          1. Trudie Avatar

            Natural Calm contains Magnesium Citrate (“highly absorbable” I think the copy stated)… I only noticed it relieved slight constipation, a plus. Didn’t notice any sleep enhancing going on.

            Epsom Salts and Magnesium Flakes both are magnesium salts, but the flakes are Magnesium Chloride, Epsom is magnesium sulfate (I think!). Wellness Mama is my go-to for this kind of info, and if I understood her (and others) right, the flakes are superior over Epsom Salts for balancing your levels transdermally. To answer your question about using the Natural Calm as a spray, I think it couldn’t hurt to try it, but my gut tells me it wouldn’t absorb in the same way. And since it’s formulated to take in a drink, I would use that product that way only, but that’s just me. The fact that the natural calm is pretty spendy would also discourage me(!) but it is probably worth a try. I guess how you feel physically after a while of doing it is how to tell if it works. Good luck!

        6. Karen Branch Avatar
          Karen Branch

          I had the worst leg cramps imaginable and tried many forms of magnesium..Then I tried Magnesium Malate by MgBright…I started on a high dose and the late night leg cramps began to stop but i also had some neuropothy in my feet and was thinking i had some horrible disease. I read many of the reviews for the MgBright Magnesium and found that one woman was taking prilosec for indigestion and was taking the magnesium to help with the side effect…I was taking prilosec so i looked up the side effects… of the was depletes the body of magnesium….Now my symptoms are gone…I am down to taking a low dose of the magnesium now and still no horrible night time leg cramping…I tried all the other forms of magnesium with a small amt of help but nothing worked as good as the Mag Malate good luck it was a miracle for me

          1. KIMBERLY BRANHAM Avatar


            1. Jess Slavich Avatar
              Jess Slavich

              Keep your head up, don’t worry. Look into birch tea, homemade natural and burdoch root. I am on a journey to get off my medications and things like Epsom salt are truly miraculous. Coconut oil, and apples in lemon are helping the tingly in my fingers go away. Lets switch to holistic remedies together, Good Fortune, God Bless!

            2. Pam Avatar

              Kimberly, Have a friend that has reversed several symptoms of her type 1 d. and is not on any “medications” but does take several holistic remedies and uses the insulin pump. She has seen this doctor….here’s his blog: I’ve seen him regarding my thyroid but it is not a one time visit thing…you do have to go back several times especially if not eating foods that are encouraging your body’s system to work properly. Also, it is best to get off dairy and grains. I’m not a doctor these are only suggestions.

            3. Joyce Montague Avatar
              Joyce Montague

              If you really want to help your diabetes, take Gymnema Sylvestre. Take at least 1 a day for at least 5 days to be sure you have no problems with it(I strongly doubt it will cause any). Then take at least 3 a day. I have no doubt this will also help your neuropathy.

            4. Madeline Avatar

              I would ask your doctor for the right amount. That way you are sure that you are on an effective dose that won’t react with any of your other medications.

        7. Tanya Nelson Avatar
          Tanya Nelson

          Hello just found out my magnesium and vitamin B12 is boarder line low got the liquid B12 and the calm magnesium. My anxiety has been out the roof for for weeks now will you think I will see a difference in taking these two things? I took a teaspoon of the calm magnesium early bUT it did not help?

          1. Tim Avatar

            Tanya – try upping your dosage by a lot. I tried the recommended dosage of Natural Calm and it did nothing for me. Now I take a spoonful (yes, a real spoonful in the morning) and 2 at night. It’s finally curing my insomnia issues. I would keep upping your dosage until you notice that you’re #2 bowel movements become watery, then back it off a bit.

            1. Della Ann Humphrey Avatar
              Della Ann Humphrey

              You have just given me hope! Been taking a small amount of Calm right before bed, fall asleep, wide awake in three hours. Will start to follow your suggestion and regimen. Thank you!

        8. Carolyn Avatar

          Mama, I am currently taking magnesium capsules from a company called MgBright that are made to not cause bowel problems and it is true – I take 6 a day for severe cramps and spasms in my legs. But I sometimes still get the cramps and spasms. If I wanted to use the spray magnesium, would I have to stop the capsules?
          Would that mean too much magnesium if I continued to take both? I would appreciate your opinion or suggestion. I would much prefer a topical rather than an internal product as long as it works. Thank you.

      2. Samantha Avatar

        is calcium magnesium okay to take? will it do the same thing as just magnesium

        1. Sally Avatar

          Hi Calcium and magnesium are antagonists so it is best to take them separately. Take calcium at least two hours in advance of taking magnesium and take magnesium immediately before going to bed if its an oral supplement.
          Calcium and magnesium intake should be in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 at the very least. However, our western diet is often high in calcium and low in magnesium. when an imbalance between these two minerals specific problems occur such as heart flutters, even fibrillation. So long as you are getting calcium in your diet it is best to avoid taking additional supplements but rather it is appropriate to take magnesium for the reasons highlighted in the article above.
          <1% calcium should be found outside of bones, ( the mineral pantry in the body,) and around 50% of magnesium should be found outside of the bones. If you imagine magnesium as the headmaster and calcium an unruly schoolboy, order is kept when there is a headmaster but if the headmaster is sick chaos will result due to the dominance of the unruly school boy, calcium. In this case there will be more calcium found outside of the bones and less magnesium found anywhere in the body including outside of and within the bones.
          When adequate magnesium is available the small amount of calcium outside the bones remains extracellular, (outside the cells in the fluid surrounding the cells. At regular and timely intervals magnesium will allow calcium into the cell, whereby an electrical charge is made and then magnesium ensures calcium goes back outside the cell. You can see how important this is for good heart and brain cell function.
          When there is inadequate amounts of magnesium calcium will go in and out the cell at will in a disorderly manner and some calcium will stay inside the cells. The result is chaotic electrical charges which are weaker land disorderly.

            1. sally Avatar

              Hi, Yes absolutely, you should be taking magnesium at night just before you go to bed. However, if for any reason you are prescribed calcium by the Dr then that should be taken at least 2 hours before the magnesium.

        2. Sally Avatar

          Hi Calcium and magnesium are antagonists so it is best to take them separately. Take calcium at least two hours in advance of taking magnesium and take magnesium immediately before going to bed if its an oral supplement.
          Calcium and magnesium intake should be in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 at the very least. However, our western diet is often high in calcium and low in magnesium. when an imbalance between these two minerals specific problems occur such as heart flutters/ fibrillation. So long as you are getting calcium in your diet it is best to avoid taking additional calcium supplements but rather it is appropriate to take magnesium for the reasons highlighted in the article above.
          Do not take process salt this is particularly bad for you and doesn’t contain lots of minerals; but use a natural salt such as rock salt or sea salt which does contain minerals including magnesium.
          All life on earth came from the sea and we are still very attached to the sea such as our blood is similar in nutrient and magnesium make up to sea water and provides natural iodine. we all need plentiful iodine for our thyroid but also for gonads including breast tissue. bigger breasted women require greater amounts of iodine.
          <1% calcium should be found outside of bones, ( the mineral pantry in the body,) and around 50% of magnesium should be found outside of the bones. If you imagine magnesium as the headmaster and calcium an unruly schoolboy, order is kept when the headmaster is available to keep order but if the headmaster(magnesium) is in short supply and no where to be seen then chaos will result due to the dominance of the unruly school boy, calcium. In this case there will be more calcium found outside of the bones and less magnesium found anywhere in the body, the brain, heart and adrenal glands must have adequate supplies of magnesium as well as every other cell in the body.
          When adequate magnesium is available the small amount of calcium outside the bones remains extracellular, (outside the cells in the fluid surrounding the cells). At regular rhythmic and timely intervals magnesium will allow calcium into the cell, whereby an single strong electrical charge is made and then magnesium ensures calcium goes back outside the cell. You can see how important this is for good heart and brain cell function.
          When there is inadequate amounts of magnesium calcium will go in and out the cell at will in a disorderly manner and some calcium will stay inside the cells causing hardening and malfunction. The result is chaotic weak multiple electrical charges.

          1. Alison Ball Avatar
            Alison Ball

            Thanks for responding. The supplement I take at night is cal mag zinc in one. A friend suggested it a coue of years ago. Since you suggest taking calcium two hours before magnesium I should obviously buy them separately right?

            1. josie waters Avatar
              josie waters

              I have a problam with gut it seens anyting i eat just lodges ther very uncomfortable i find it hard to breed with it sometimes Especial potatoes sausages stuff like that would magnesium deficiency be good to take for it i tink i might have a problem with my gallbladder even galstonescan you help me in any way please

      3. Laura Avatar

        I take at least 1000 mg of chelated magnesium citrate a day.
        Magnesium oxide in any multi-vitamin is a poor way to get your daily requirement.
        Be sure to take calcium citrate not calcium carbonate and Vitamin D.

        Epson salt baths are very helpful.

        1. sally Avatar

          Most people don’t need to take additional calcium; unless you have a medical condition which requires it.
          I assume you are advocating taking vitamin D as many of us in the western world require additional vitamin D.
          Do watch your blood pressure with Epsom salt baths; some people report a rise in Blood pressure..

          1. Jan Avatar

            I believe you shouldn’t take extra vit d it messes around with the mineral balance in the body – taking a balanced absorbable mineral supplement should help your vit d levels plus daylight its absorbed mostly through the eyes- do some research.

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