Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep (Even If You’re a Mom!)

Katie Wells Avatar

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Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep -Even If You're a Mom
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep (Even If You’re a Mom!)

It is common sense that we all need adequate sleep. Yet, statistics show again and again that we just aren’t getting it. For some, (including me) the idea of ever getting a solid night of uninterrupted sleep again may sound wonderful, but unrealistic. My excuse is the constant presence of a child under 18 months in my house but for many others it is insomnia, sleep disturbances, or simply not enough time.

I get it…it is hard to get decent sleep as a mom. A perfect 8 hours of blissful sleep may not work out with really little ones… but there are some things we can do, even as moms, to get better sleep.

Sleep Matters… More Than Diet or Exercise!

Sleep is a hormone dependent process, and with all the variables in our lives that can affect proper hormone balance (foods, toxins, artificial light, etc) it makes sense that many people struggle with sleep. This is also why times when hormones change often have a negative effect on sleep (menopause, puberty, pregnancy, etc)

While mainstream thinking might recommend a pharmaceutical option to help deal with sleep issues, artificially augmenting the hormone system to induce sleep isn’t without its problems (just check out the side-effects and warnings list!) and can have an impact on other hormone functions as well.

Often, lack of quality sleep stems from one or more lifestyle causes, and it is important to address these underlying issues as they can impact more than just sleep.

The Problem

Lack of sleep = Stress on the body = weight gain, premature aging, hair loss, hormone imbalances, infertility, and lowered immune function.

Hormone problems that cause sleep disturbances don’t just begin at bedtime, and they can’t be fixed by just addressing them at this time. Ever noticed that animals don’t have trouble sleeping and waking when they are supposed to? They don’t toss and turn to fall asleep and they don’t need pills to help them do so (speaking about outdoor animals… I don’t have any, but indoor animals could potentially have some of the same struggles that humans do).

Proper sleep hormone production (melatonin) depends on proper hormone function during waking hours (serotonin and others). As the endocrine system is a complete system, hormone imbalances (PCOS, Endometriosis, etc) can often lead to poor sleep and vice versa.

Stress hormones can have a tremendous impact on the sleep cycle as well, and it is a two-way street. Lack of sleep elevates stress hormones, and stress hormones can cause sleep problems.

What Happens When You Don’t Sleep?

Sleep is important for optimal health in so many ways. In fact, sleep is the one similarity across the animal kingdom. The amount of sleep needed varies greatly by species, but all animals (humans included) need sleep. Lab rats started dying after only a few days of being kept awake.

Sleep is important for almost every aspect of health:

  • Physical Health: The body repairs tissue, including heart and blood vessels during sleep. Long term poor sleep is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.
  • Obesity: Lack of sleep alone can also make you fat. One study found with each hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese went up.
  • Hormone Health: Sleep helps maintain the balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don’t get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you’re well-rested.
  • Insulin: Sleep impacts how your body handles insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which can lead to many serious problems.
  • Growth & Fertility: Deep sleep triggers the hormone cascade responsible for growth in children and teens. Do you kids tend to get growing pains at night? This could be why! This hormone also boosts muscle mass and helps repair cells and tissues in children, teens, and adults.
  • Learning & Memory: Sleep helps the brain commit new information to memory through a process called memory consolidation. In studies, people who’d slept after learning a task did better on tests later.

Understanding Sleep Cycles

Of course, not all sleep is created equal. There are several stages of sleep that the body cycles through during the night:

  1. N1-This is the stage when you feel half asleep and still have some awareness of your surroundings. This is also the stage where you involuntarily jerk or kick.
  2. N2-Slightly deeper stage of sleep. You actually spend about half of your sleeping hours in this stage.
  3. N3– Deep slow sleep where your core temperature has dropped and your melatonin production is going strong. N3 cycles you into the most “productive” of the sleep cycles…
  4. REM– Rapid Eye Movement sleep is when most dreaming occurs. In REM, muscles completely relax and the mind and body regenerate at an amazing rate. Only about a quarter of your daily sleep is in REM but it is vitally important.

Research shows that the best sleep happens on a consistent schedule. This is because your circadian rhythm remains constant and your hormone production is optimal. The most beneficial hours of sleep are between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., though most adults miss about half of this.

Start By Optimizing Sleep While You Are Awake

To optimize sleep during the night, one must also optimize factors during waking hours including food, supplements and exposure to light/outdoors.

Getting a quality night of sleep actually begins when you wake at the beginning of the day and there are many factors that can have a dramatic impact on sleep length and quality.

Foods to Improve Sleep Naturally

Just as foods can impact health in other areas, foods can contribute to good or bad sleep. To help improve your chances of quality sleep, these are the best foods to consume:

  • Healthy Fats– such as coconut oil, organic and pasture raised meats, eggs, avocado and butter all help provide your body with the necessary building blocks to manufacture sleep hormones.
  • High Antioxidant Foods– Also important for hormone production and removal of toxins that can impede sleep. Focus on vegetables, high nutrient fruits, and herbal or green teas (green tea early in the day only).
  • Quality Proteins, especially at dinner: For best sleep, it is better to stop eating at least 4 hours before bedtime, and preferably by 6pm every night. Your evening meal should include proteins, vegetables and healthy fats. Eating enough protein at this meal will help prepare the body to enter the sleep cycle.


  • Sugars: Sugars and carbohydrates, especially at night, can cause a blood sugar spike and crash that will lead to difficulty falling or staying asleep. Many people crave carbohydrates (chocolate, anyone?) in the evening, which is a sign of an underlying hormone problem to begin with but eating carbohydrates late at night can cause problems falling asleep or lead to waking in the middle of the night when blood sugar levels drop.
  • Grains– I’ve written before about the negative effect grains can have on health, and if you have an intolerance to grains, this can cause physical stress in your body, which alters the hormone cycle and can impede sleep.
  • Vegetable OilsNo one should ever eat them anyway, but I have a theory that just as these artificial fats can cause problems in new skin formation (skin cancer) they can cause problems in the hormone cycle, as hormones need (saturated) fats for production and giving the body the wrong building blocks for hormones can wreak havoc with hormone production.

Supplements to Improve Sleep Naturally

Sadly, it is often difficult to get enough nutrients from foods as our soil is depleted and foods are picked before ripe so they can be shipped around the world. Especially if you struggle from a health challenge or sleep problem, it is often helpful to supplement some key nutrients, at least in the short term, as you build your body back up.

  • Quality Omega-3s- I’ve found that taking a quality Omega-3 (this is the one I take) at lunch time seems to improve my sleep, especially over time.
  • Magnesium– Many people are deficient in Magnesium and this particular deficiency can have a big impact on sleep quality. Some people find that just adding a product like Natural Calm about 30 minutes before bedtime can really improve sleep.
  • Gelatin– Many of us eat a disproportionate amount of animal muscle meat compared to bone broths, organ meats and marrow. If you aren’t a fan of consuming liver daily, drinking natural gelatin (from grassfed sources) can help balance your intake. Consumption of only muscle meats, which are higher in stress hormones, can cause problems in the sleep cycle. Personally, I often drink a cup of chamomile or herbal tea with a tablespoon of gelatin dissolved in it each night a couple hours before bed.
  • If you have a solid diet and are already taking the things above, specific sleep related herbs might help your fall asleep. Try my sleep tincture, or some chamomile or catnip to help with relaxation.

A Daily Routine for Better Sleep

A daily (and nightly) routine can make a big difference in how easily you fall and stay asleep. You’ll have to experiment to find out what works best for you but here are some helpful suggestions:

  • Wake up and go to bed at the same time, even on weekends to keep your hormone cycle regular.
  • Eat a high protein/high fat snack a few hours before bed (7pm or earlier) or consume a lot at dinner.
  • Avoid caffeine after 1 pm.
  • Install F.lux  (it is free) on all computers and devices to reduce blue light and help you sleep better (it is also easier on the eyes!)
  • Drink enough water during the day and stop drinking about 2 hours before bed so you don’t have to wake up to use the bathroom.
  • Take a soothing salt bath about an hour before bed with some relaxing music or a great book.
  • Dry Brush a few hours before bed– Dry brushing is supposed to help with cellulite but I noticed that the gentle lymphatic movement also helped my sleep. I used these brushes to gently brush my skin according to the instructions.
  • Get at least 30 minutes of sunlight each day (even if you aren’t trying to get your vitamin D). The exposure to the wide-spectrum light during the day boosts serotonin levels, which will help improve melatonin levels at night
  • Avoid artificial light as much as possible after the sun goes down.
  • Pray, meditate or find a way to reduce stress.
  • Give yourself a massage before bed to release stress and help relax (Personally, I love this for home-massage)
  • Stretch before bed to relax muscles.

How to Improve Your Sleep Environment

Your sleep environment is also extremely important for sleep quality. Artificial light, warm temperatures, sudden noises, and EMFs can all effect sleep quality, but these things are almost always fixable. Again, you’ll have to experiment to figure out what works best for you, but in general, here are some tips:

  • Remove ALL artificial light, including the light on your alarm clock, TV light, phone, etc. I use blackout curtains. because we have artificial light outside, and cover my clock light with a towel. Our kids don’t have night lights, and they typically sleep very well.
  • Keep the temperature around 65-68 degrees and always below 70 degrees. I use a Chili Pad to help keep our bed cooler for better sleep.
  • Try some white noise like sounds of rain, ocean or our kids’ favorite, Gregorian Chant (though if any of them ever decide to become a cloistered religious, they will have trouble… chant always puts them to sleep!).
  • Trade out your jolting buzzing alarm clock for a gentle sunlight alarm clock that will wake you up much more gently. I don’t know about you, but my dread of the sound of the alarm clock sound always caused me to wake up a few times in the early morning in anticipation of it.
  • Try an earthing sheet. I am still experimenting with this one, but there is some evidence that sleeping on a grounding mat reduces your exposure to EMFs and improves sleep quality. While I have noticed a big difference on myself, I don’t know how much is mental, so I’m experimenting with having the kids sleep on it without them knowing what it does. The book Earthing explains more of the theory behind this method. According to the book, you can also create the same effect by spending time barefoot outside on dirt, grass or rocks daily for at least 30 minutes (If you garden barefoot in the middle of the day, you’ll get three benefits in one! Exercise, Vitamin D and the negative electrons from the earth).
  • Choose natural/organic bedding materials. Just as important as an organic mattress are the sheets, pillowcases, and other bedding materials you’re laying on while sleeping.
  • Sleep Mask – If you find that any light impacts your ability to fall (or stay) asleep, try a sleep mask!
  • Get a DreamPad pillow and attached smartphone app to help balance the brain during sleep and improve sleep quality.

Just Sleep!

I implore you… please make time to get enough sleep. It is tremendously important for your health and it doesn’t cost anything!

If you can’t afford supplements or organic food or don’t have time to workout, at least make sleep a priority!

I understand how tough it can be, especially with kids when those precious hours at night are sometimes the only time a couple gets alone, but in the long run, the extra hours of sleep will equal happier, more patient parents and hopefully many more years of time together.

I also know how tough it can be to sleep with nursing babies, and my personal solution is to have baby in our room/bed so I don’t have to completely wake up to nurse. There is also some evidence that the hormone prolactin, which is released during breastfeeding, is at an all-time high at night. Prolactin makes moms feel relaxed and sleepy, so it may actually help enhance her sleep patterns over bottle feeding.

Do you have trouble sleeping? What is your sleep routine like? Any good tips? Share below!

Improve sleep naturally without drugs by optimizing diet, supplements, exercise and sleep environment.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


106 responses to “Natural Ways to Get Better Sleep (Even If You’re a Mom!)”

  1. molly Avatar

    good advice! I have done and follow most all of these recs. My issue is probably along the lines of hormonal imbalance. My cortisol level shoots up too early, I wake up to go the bathroom and then I have to go multiple times after that, the urgency continues until the morning. I currently see a functional medicine NP and we are working on it but I thought I’d ask if you have any suggestions on keeping cortisol levels low.

  2. Susan Avatar

    Even better get a sleep study to rule out sleep apnoea. As a dentist
    I used to just hand out night guards but now I always rule out sleep apnoea then make an appropriate appliance for that then retest that the sleep apnoea is under control.

  3. Nechama Avatar

    Hi katie, perfect time for this post I’m trying to focus on getting more sleep… A few questions:
    Do you wear your orange glasses all night around the house or just while on the computer?
    Do you have any solutions for children (age 4) who wake up every night either to come to parents bed or crying? (sometimes complaining of leg pains)
    My nephew sleeps with a sound machine and is now addicted and cannot sleep without it. I’m afraid to use it on my kids for this reason. Do you have this experience?
    Thanks for your amazing blog. I love it.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I wear then after dark around the house, even when not on the computer.
      Child sleep is tougher. It helped ours when we hung blackout curtains and got a sound machine, but we also just had to spend about two weeks being consistent with returning them to bed as soon as they woke up and not allowing them in ours before they got into the habit. Magnesium spray helped the growing pains.
      We haven’t had this experience with sound machines, but I know some parents who have this problem.

    2. Lexie Smith Avatar
      Lexie Smith

      I your child persists with complaints of pain that is unexplainable, have him evaluated by a geneticist. I complained of weird pains my whole childhood and everyone wrote it off as growing pains but an earlier diagnosis might have saved a great deal of damage to my body. There’s no way anyone could have known but my mom felt so guilty about it that I had to leave a comment.

  4. Hiba Jamil Avatar
    Hiba Jamil

    GABA and 5HTP are great sleep supplements! Thorne is a good brand.

  5. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    Hello Wellness Momma, I LOVE LOVE the your articles! Thank you for alll you do.
    Would you have available your Sleepy Time Tincture for sale? I have nerve damage in my back/neck from surgeries gone horribly wrong!
    I’m desperate for sleep. The pain is severe, and I don’t have the energy to find all the ingredients, or to make it. Please consider.
    Thank you very much for your help.

  6. Jill Avatar

    My son was the same way. Same exact situation as you—scared to go to sleep, he would also wake up. We ended up doing a salt lamp that has a dimmable switch. It’s not perfect, but we’re *all* sleeping better. And, we told him we are “phasing in” the new lamp. When I told him about the salt, where it came from, etc., he thought it was so cool. So we started with closet light remaining on with door cracked and new lamp. Next step, lamp on, closet light on, but door shut. Then closet light off. Then dimmed salt lamp, then dimmed again after a week or several days. He still uses it a couple years later, but I’m ok with it. We also walk him through some deep breathing when needed and nights when I sense he’s wound up or anxious–into a salt bath he goes! Good luck and God bless. Hope this helps you a little bit 😉

  7. Jill Avatar

    Having that late of a sunset must be very challenging!! We have blackout curtains in every bedroom. It has helped all of us (me, husband, 3 boys) tremendously.. Here on the East Coast during summer, they often try to get out of bedtime by saying, “Why do we have to settle and read!! The sun is still out!!” If you can’t find panels/curtains that you like that are affordable, you can also purchase blackout fabric from a craft or fabric store by the yard and attach it what you currently own. My mother did this for me when me children were very young and we would visit and stay the night (she only has thin, white blinds). Best of luck to you and happy sleeping.

  8. Laura Avatar

    I’ve seen a lot of people comment about shut work. I’ve always been a night person, even as a baby I’m told. After college when a regular job was needed,I never could adjust to falling asleep at a “reasonable” time and I was always exhausted. I decided not to fight it and swapped, purposefully, to a night job. I’ve never been happier or felt better as I almost never set an alarm anymore and just wake up when my body wants too.

    There are some things I do to help prevent waking up artificially thpugh. I run an air purifier and ceiling fan all year long for white noise to cover up the sounds of life outdoors. This is really the biggest help. I also make sure that the a.c. is on if it might get warm in the day. Heating up due to the outside temps rising can be a big deal. The most important thing though is not to fight it on other days by trying to have a “normal” sleep schedule. Keep those hours regular

  9. Kate Wilson Avatar
    Kate Wilson

    Hi Katie, as always love the information you share, however little confused reading this article as I am sure in other posts you have promoted carbs at night rather than in the morning?

  10. Leslie Avatar

    Thank you for your suggestion of trying Gregorian Chant. My autistic boy loves it at night! And I had forgotten how much I loved this genre of music when I learned about it in my music class in college. Great suggestion! 🙂

  11. Carmen Avatar

    Hi, is there enough of magnesium I would need in a muti-vitamin or should I take extra? How much magnesium do I need? I been suffering from chronic insomnia for years and I’m now in premonopause and it’s getting worse. I’m feeling so exhausted and my body hurts so bad. I got a complete blood work to check my hormones because of the hot flashes, anxiety, and so many other symptoms and the blood work came back abnormal. I’ve been giving all types of sleep medications and nothing helps. I hate not being able to sleep. I can fall asleep, is staying asleep that’s the problem. Any info that can help, please I will greatly appreciated it.

      1. Jessica Avatar

        Hi, Carmen,
        may I suggest you Google Dr. Jacob Teitlebaum? He is truly excellent on both sleep problems / chronic fatigue, and pain (obviously these are often interconnected). He is has a solid ‘western’ medical training, but is also very much up on all good things naturopathic, and is one of those doctors who really understands how best to combine the two approaches without going overboard in either direction. He has a lovely sense of humour, and you can book a telephone consultation with him if you wish. (You sound as though you are really struggling, so I would recommend that you find his contact information on the Internet and make an appointment as soon as you are able. I have not consulted with him personally, but I have followed several of the excellent suggestions published in his books and articles, and found them both very helpful and reassuring.
        God bless, and all the best of luck in your search for help.

    1. Tina Avatar

      Start confessing the promises of God out loud…at the end of the day after diet, exersize etc it’s the one thing that makes you whole again…..Ie. “Greater is He (God) who is living in me that He that is the world” (satan) …another; “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” …there are thousands of others to build your faith up and give you the strength & deliverance that you are seeking. God bless you.

  12. Stephen Avatar

    That’s interesting about the fats you mentioned– fermented CLO, coconut oil, etc. I have added them to my diet, but not with the purpose of improving my sleep. I’m curious if you think they’ve played a major role in your sleep improvement or not? Regarding your nutritional suggestions, do you think it matters what time or day, or just the fact that you’re consuming them?

  13. elizabeth Avatar

    i’d love to know if anyone wears a nightguard to bed (for avoiding grinding or clinching teeth at night).
    i have one from the dentist, but it’s SO hard that i feel like i’m grinding down my front teeth! go figure. and then i bought a $20 one at Kroger and made it to fit my teeth (boiling it to soften it etc)
    anyway, i got that thing in my mouth and it (tastes and) smells like a shower curtain. so then i’m thinking. YEAH, now i can absorb plastic toxins through my mouth all night…
    anyone know what i can do or buy? (i know that grinding teeth is usually a gut issue… i’m working on that too 🙂 thanks, e

    1. Kay Schroeder Avatar
      Kay Schroeder

      Serenity by doTERRA essential oil as. I apply it to the junction of the jaw (in front of ear) and along bottom jawline or wherever it hurts. It’s a blend so no carrier oil is needed.

  14. Bob Dupont Avatar
    Bob Dupont

    Surely you don’t mean vegetable oils are artificial fats. Perhaps you need to change under “foods to avoid” “vegetable fats” to “modified fats” or “Hydrogenated fats”. Coconut oil is a vegetable fat… It could confuse people.
    Also what about herbs ?

    Thanks for your blog though. Never knew coconut oil could help.

  15. Odysseia Avatar

    Exercise is NOT always the best thing for insomnia….Anyone with weak adrenals sould avoid exercising intensely especially during evening hours as it will only worsen insomnia. The adrenals cannot handle such load. Also, consuming coconut oil before bedtime will give you such an energy boost, that you will be climbing the walls..

  16. John Hittler Avatar
    John Hittler

    Great article–practical and actionable! One additional suggestion I have found that works well is to end my day–the very last thing–with an expression of the three people, events, or blessings for which I was most grateful.

    Putting the mind in the frame of gratitude, especially as the last conscious thought process, puts the body in the right frame of mind to close out the day. Even if the day was tough, the process works, as everyone still has their “top 3” list in the face of challenges.

    All the best!

  17. Abhishek Avatar

    Hi, My Wife is experiencing lesser days of her periods post pregnancy. we have a 2 year old kid. few days back she consulted a doctor and got the feedback that post pregnancy, due to lesser amount sex (we normally have it once in a week or sometimes once in 15 days), a women start facing a problem of slow development of hormones in the body which results in imbalance in periods.

    please suggest should, if this is the reason of imbalance in her periods or there can be other reason as well. and what are the ways to improve it.


  18. Nicole Avatar

    Hello all, I am a life long insomniac as well. Tea with geletin (thanks Wellness mama) has helped me sleep better on many occasions although I still suffer some nights. Especially if I get a little off track. Magnesium works great too, but it gives me loose stool to pretty bad diarrhea every time. I wish I could take it! Anyone have any advice on this? Would the Calm supplement be a better option?

    1. amy Avatar

      3-Magnesium L-Threonate does not upset my bowels where other forms of magnesium do.
      500mg at lunch and 500mg at dinner…has helped my sleeping problems a lot!
      I got mine at

    2. Jeni Avatar

      I take 500 mg mag gluconate (windmill brand) twice daily for migraine prevention. Doesn’t upset bowels at all. Hard to source though. Only one pharmacy in my city carries it…

  19. Paula Avatar

    Hey i am insomniac from teenage time..some yrs it had gone but recently since 5-7mnths it’s going on again..i m taking alzolam .5 bt dnt want to take it..i want some natural remedies..plzz help..i feel like mad..though i hv depressn n anxiety also…i stay awake the whole day..24 hrs..nt even feel dizziness at all..

  20. mark Avatar

    I could not sleep properly at night. We have a huge number of mosquitoes in our place. These will not let sleep properly in the night. Another issue is the temperature is improper in My room. These problems wake up me in the middle of the night. I am taking proper food and doing enough exercise everyday. But still i cannot sleep properly in the night. Exposure to sunlight is the main problem for me because our schools run from morning to evening. So i want you to solve these issues and help me.

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